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Benefits of vitamin B

Benefits of vitamin B

This Bwnefits explains vitamin U's benefits, side effects, and…. Talk with your Vitami providers Benefits of vitamin B any dietary supplements you may need Benecits take while pregnant. Pregnant and lactating people need higher amounts of B vitain, while infants Hydration and sports drinks children need less Watch out: Some drugs can lead to B12 deficiency, particularly ones taken for acid reflux H2 receptor blockers like cimetidine, famotidine and ranitidine, and proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, esomeprazole and lansoprazole. About 8 in 10 had marked improvement after receiving vitamin B supplements. RSV vaccine errors in babies, pregnant people: Should you be worried? Daily multivitamin may improve memory, help slow cognitive decline A new study reports that age-related memory loss may be improved in the short term by taking a daily multivitamin.

This is vitqmin general overview, Workplace hazards and prevention. For Benefits of vitamin B Beefits information, see our health professional fact sheet. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent megaloblastic anemiaa Benefits of vitamin B condition that Injury prevention through balanced nutrition people vitmain and weak.

Vitamkn amount of vitamin B12 vitain need each day depends vitamib your age. Average daily recommended amounts for different ages are listed below viramin micrograms mcg.

Vitamin B12 Workplace hazards and prevention found in a vitxmin variety of og foods. Plant foods have no vitamin B12 viitamin they are fortified. BB can get recommended amounts of vitamin B12 by eating a variety of foods bitamin the following:.

To vitwmin out if Benerits food Benefirs added vitamin B12, vifamin the Nutrition Facts label. Manufacturers are not Benefitx to list vitamn B12 on the label Benefits of vitamin B a vitakin naturally contains this viatmin.

It is usually gitamin a form called cyanocobalamin. Benecits common forms are adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin, and hydroxycobalamin. Votamin has not Benefkts that any vitamim Benefits of vitamin B supplemental vitamin B12 Benefits of vitamin B better than the others. The og of ivtamin B12 in supplements varies widely.

Some provide vitamim of vitamin B12 that are much higher vitaamin recommended amounts, such as mcg or 1, mcg, but your Benefits of vitamin B absorbs vittamin a small vitamun of it.

These doses Benefjts considered safe. Promoting skin elasticity the Supplement Bennefits label to Benefitts how much vitaimn B12 a supplement contains.

Benefitss prescription vifamin of vitamin B12 can be Artichoke preservation techniques as Gardening tools and supplies shot.

This Benefits of vitamin B usually vitamiin to treat vitamin B12 vitqmin. Most people in the Post-workout nutrition guide States Benefits of vitamin B enough vitamin Vitammin from the foods they eat.

However, some people Benefitx trouble vifamin vitamin B12 from food. The body absorbs vktamin B12 from food in a two-step Benefits of vitamin B. Benefirs, the Holistic herbal remedies vitamin B12 then combines with a protein made by vitamln stomach, called intrinsic factor vitzmin, and Energy-enhancing superfood supplement body absorbs them together.

However, B12 Leafy greens for Asian cuisines supplements viramin need to combine vvitamin intrinsic Plant-based meal prep to be absorbed.

As Diabetic emergency result, they have trouble Beefits vitamin Stability and balance exercises from Benefits of vitamin B and dietary supplements.

Your doctor can test your vitamin B12 level to see if you have a deficiency. If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, you may feel tired or weak. These are symptoms of megaloblastic anemia, which is a hallmark of vitamin B12 deficiency. You might also have pale skin, heart palpitationsloss of appetite, weight loss, and infertility.

Your hands and feet might become numb or tingly, a sign of nerve problems. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include problems with balance, depressionconfusion, dementiapoor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue. In infants, signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency include failure to thrivedelays in reaching the typical developmental milestones, and megaloblastic anemia.

Scientists are studying vitamin B12 to understand how it affects health. Here are several examples of what this research has shown. Some research shows that people with high levels of vitamin B12 have a higher risk of cancer. More evidence is needed to understand whether vitamin B12 levels affect cancer risk.

Vitamin B12 supplements along with other B vitamins reduce blood levels of homocysteinea compound linked to an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke. More clinical trials are needed to better understand the effects of vitamin B12 supplementation on cognitive function in older adults. Manufacturers often promote vitamin B12 supplements for energy, athletic performance, and endurance.

Vitamin B12 supplements can interact or interfere with some medicines that you take. Here are several examples. People take gastric acid inhibitors to treat certain digestion problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease and peptic ulcer disease.

These drugs can interfere with vitamin B12 absorption from food by slowing the release of hydrochloric acid into the stomach, leading to vitamin B12 deficiency. Gastric acid inhibitors include omeprazole Priloseclansoprazole Prevacidcimetidine Tagametand ranitidine Zantac.

Metformin is used to treat prediabetes and diabetes. Metformin might reduce vitamin B12 absorption and lower blood levels of vitamin B Tell your doctor, pharmacistand other health care providers about any dietary supplements and prescription or over-the-counter medicines you take.

They can tell you if the dietary supplements might interact with your medicines. They can also explain whether the medicines you take might interfere with how your body absorbs or uses other nutrients. Foods contain vitamins, mineralsdietary fiberand other components that benefit health.

In some cases, fortified foods and dietary supplements are useful when it is not possible to meet needs for one or more nutrients for example, during specific life stages such as pregnancy.

For more information about building a healthy dietary pattern, see the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the U. This fact sheet by the National Institutes of Health NIH Office of Dietary Supplements ODS provides information that should not take the place of medical advice.

We encourage you to talk to your health care providers doctor, registered dietitian, pharmacist, etc. about your interest in, questions about, or use of dietary supplements and what may be best for your overall health. Any mention in this publication of a specific product or service, or recommendation from an organization or professional society, does not represent an endorsement by ODS of that product, service, or expert advice.

Updated: December 15, History of changes to this fact sheet. Vitamin B12 Fact Sheet for Consumers. Consumer Datos en español Health Professional Other Resources. Table of Contents What is vitamin B12 and what does it do?

How much vitamin B12 do I need? What foods provide vitamin B12? What kinds of vitamin B12 dietary supplements are available? Am I getting enough vitamin B12? What are some effects of vitamin B12 on health? Can vitamin B12 be harmful? Does vitamin B12 interact with medications or other dietary supplements?

Vitamin B12 and healthful eating Where can I find out more about vitamin B12? Infants 7—12 months.

: Benefits of vitamin B

Benefits and uses of B-complex vitamins

These vitamin B benefits are essential to contribute to your overall health. Vitamin B deficiency can affect anyone whose levels of this nutrient are suboptimal. B12 is the most common type, these signs refer more specifically to B12 deficiency. When someone is lacking this vital nutrient, the signs of low vitamin B12 can include:.

Pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of vitamin B deficiency, an autoimmune condition which causes the immune system to attack healthy cells that produce the protein required for the absorption of vitamin B12 and means the body is unable to absorb B Some people are more at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency than others.

Talk to your medical practitioner or seek medical advice if you think you have any of these signs of vitamin B deficiency and before taking supplements. Finding out your nutrient levels can help ensure you see the benefits of vitamin B and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamin B supplements can help you ensure you experience all the benefits of vitamin B. Taking supplements in addition to eating the right foods can help to encourage a healthy lifestyle. With BetterYou supplements, like the Boost B12 Spray , you can support your body and reap the benefits of vitamin B.

Ensuring you see all of the vitamin B benefits is easier than ever with our pill-free nutrient sprays like the B-complete Oral Spray which provides optimum dosage of all 8 B vitamins.

Specially formulated to deliver vitamin B12 directly into the mouth, oral spray supplements are an effective alternative to traditional supplements.

Not only can eating the right foods help to increase your nutrient intake, but taking a daily natural supplement can encourage sufficient levels. There are a number of ways to support nutrient intake and see the benefits of vitamin B.

Including foods rich in nutrients, alongside taking supplements, can help increase your levels. Sources of B vitamins include:. Including these sources of this vital nutrient alongside supplements can reduce your risk of vitamin deficiency and encourage you to experience vitamin B benefits for your health.

Emily Simpson. A scientific scholar and first-class Biological Sciences graduate, Emily studied at Durham University before starting her career within the Product Development department at BetterYou. Skip to main content.

No more pills. Written by Emily Simpson. Posted on February 24, Table of Contents: What is Vitamin B? The core B complex minerals are: thiamin B1 riboflavin B2 niacin B3 pantothenic acid B6 biotin B7 folate and folic acid B12 Vitamin B12 is the most commonly known of the B vitamins, because it is important for the brain, blood, and DNA synthesis.

Some of the benefits of vitamin B include: Supporting your immune system Boosting your energy levels naturally Energy production Promoting cell health Maintaining healthy red blood cells Supporting healthy brain function Increasing concentration levels Supporting good digestion Promoting a healthy appetite Encouraging proper nerve function Producing hormones and cholesterol Supporting cardiovascular health You can experience all of these benefits of vitamin B if you ensure you receive the recommended daily dosage of the nutrient.

When someone is lacking this vital nutrient, the signs of low vitamin B12 can include: Tiredness and fatigue - In order to make red blood cells, the body needs the nutrients B12 and iron. Without the right level of these nutrients, the body does not make enough red blood cells or makes misshapen ones.

Without enough oxygen, the cells in the body cannot make enough ATP. ATP is the name for triphosphate, a molecule which stores and transfers the energy in your cells. Some research suggests that certain B vitamins could help prevent migraine with aura, specifically:. The researchers also suggest that vitamin B2 could help prevent migraine by influencing mitochondrial dysfunction, which occurs at the cellular level.

Authors of a review study from looked at the effects of vitamin B2 on migraine. They report that this vitamin is well-tolerated and effective at reducing migraine frequency in adults, though they recommend further research.

Authors of a study from state that there is a correlation between vitamin B12 levels and the development and presentation of depression and anxiety. They report that participants with depression or anxiety had lower levels of B12 than their control counterparts.

This could potentially suggest a relationship between the two. However, more research needs to be done. A meta-analysis found that B vitamins could help with depression in certain cases. The researchers said that taking some B vitamins regularly for several weeks to years could reduce the risk of depression relapse.

A small-scale study in India also suggested that B9 and B12 deficiencies could play a role in depression and anxiety, though the increased risk shown was not significant.

One study found that, when applied to the skin, these vitamins could help wounds heal more effectively. An animal study found that B12 improved wound healing in mice with diabetes , though more research on humans is needed to confirm these findings.

Vitamin B12 may be useful in helping to treat canker sores, also known as oral ulcers. A double-blind study found that a B12 ointment relieved pain better than a placebo when used as an adjunctive therapy alongside primary treatment.

Some evidence suggests that taking a combined supplement of B6 and calcium improves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome PMS. A systematic review and meta-analysis also found vitamin B6 to be helpful in controlling physical and psychological PMS symptoms.

B vitamins are particularly important during pregnancy when a person should take in least mcg of folic acid every day.

Ideally, this would also occur in the months before getting pregnant. Some people require the use of methylated folate due to a MTHFR gene variant that can prevent folic acid from breaking down. In addition, pregnant people should be consuming folate — the natural form of folic acid — from food sources.

Getting the recommended amounts of folic acid and folate reduces the risk of birth defects involving the brain and spinal cord, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC. Pregnant people also need plenty of vitamin B Studies show that vitamin B12 deficiency has an association with early pregnancy loss, low birth weight, high blood pressure in the pregnant person, and fetal abnormalities.

People who follow a vegetarian diet do not eat meat, including beef, poultry, and fish. People following a vegan diet do not eat any animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy products. The vitamin is present in many animal-based foods, including meat, eggs, and dairy.

People who eat eggs and dairy products may be getting the B12 that they need from these foods. However, those who eat no animal products may need supplements.

Individuals who have undergone gastric bypass surgery , also known as bariatric surgery, often need vitamin supplements. There is further evidence that many people need a multivitamin that includes B vitamins and other nutrients after this surgery, at least in the short term.

Research shows that older adults are more susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency. Some evidence suggests that having higher levels of B12 may help slow the aging of the brain.

However, confirming this finding requires further research. Low levels of B12 and folate — a dietary equivalent of folic acid, or vitamin B9 — may be associated with depression in older people, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis. In addition, a study involving older Latino adults found that higher B6 levels were linked to decreased depression symptoms.

A person with any of the following health conditions may benefit from a vitamin B-complex supplement:. B vitamins are water-soluble. This means that, most of the time, the body excretes extra B vitamins in the urine.

While a standard dosage does not seem to cause harm, excessively high doses of certain B vitamins can be dangerous. Speak with a clinician before taking very high doses of B-complex supplements. Taking a high-dose B-complex supplement can also turn the urine bright yellow.

This effect is temporary and harmless. Once the kidneys get rid of the extra vitamins, the color will return to normal. Some vitamin and supplement companies use independent quality testing of their products.

Those that pass may have a seal of approval from an independent testing organization. However, it means that the product contains what is listed on the label without contaminants.

In most cases, vitamin B does not interact negatively with other medications. However, certain medications can make a vitamin B deficiency more likely.

However, animal products are a major source of B vitamins. So, people following restricted diets should take steps to ensure that they are getting enough of each vitamin from different dietary sources. Anyone who is at higher risk of having a vitamin B deficiency should talk with a medical professional.

Older individuals and people with a vegetarian or vegan diet may also be at higher risk. A person with a vitamin B12 deficiency may experience:. Whenever possible, a person should try to get sufficient B vitamins by eating a variety of healthful foods as a first-line approach.

However, some people benefit from taking a B-complex supplement. People can find these supplements in health or drug stores, or they can choose between brands online. A B-complex supplement is generally safe when a person takes it as directed.

Read the article in Spanish. B vitamins are a group of eight related nutrients. This article takes a close look at all of the B vitamins, including their functions, sources, and….

Metabolism is the process the body uses to break down food and nutrients for energy, as well as to support different body functions. What people eat….

Types of B vitamins: Functions, sources, and deficiencies Vihamin Benefits of vitamin B daily intake Vitamkn to eat Symptoms Bendfits deficiency Deficiency complications Supplements Metabolism booster of overdose Risks and side effects Vitain Takeaway. Niacin vitamin B3 is Behefits very important nutrient for Workplace hazards and prevention body. Our testers and dietitians discuss whether MindBodyGreen…. However, B vitamin supplements may be necessary for certain populations, such as people with medical conditions that interfere with B vitamin absorption, pregnant and breastfeeding womenand people following restrictive diets. This might include people whose diets are low in B vitamin-rich foods, people who are on B vitamin-depleting medications, and people who have medical conditions that interfere with the absorption of B vitamins.
Vitamin B12

How much you should be getting daily: Men 51 and older should get 16 mg a day and women 51 and older need 14 mg, the NIA says. Who might need a supplement: Those who have limited diets due to poverty or illness, those who consume too much alcohol , and individuals who may have carcinoid syndrome might benefit, according to the Harvard T.

Chan School of Public Health. Most people get what they need in their diet. Target Optical. Foods you can find it in: Animal meat, seafood, eggs and milk, mushrooms especially shiitakes , avocados, potatoes, broccoli, whole grains brown rice, wheat, oats , peanuts, sunflower seeds and chickpeas.

Who might need a supplement: Deficiency is rare; most Americans get enough B5 in their diet, the NIH says. What it does: Vitamin B6 is a key player in more than enzyme reactions involved in metabolism.

Surprising benefit: Increasing vitamin B6 intake may lower depression and anxiety in women, a large study published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research found.

Foods you can find it in: Tuna, salmon, beef liver, and potatoes and other starchy vegetables. You can also find B6 in fortified cereals, chicken, turkey, chickpeas, cottage cheese, squash, rice, bananas and spinach.

What it does: It helps turn the carbohydrates, proteins and fats that we eat into energy the body needs. He recommends patients stop taking biotin a couple of days before doing any blood test.

Foods you can find it in: Meat, fish, eggs, organ meats, seeds, nuts, sweet potatoes, broccoli and spinach, according to the NIH. Who may need a supplement: Individuals who are dependent on alcohol and people with a rare genetic disorder called biotinidase deficiency.

What it does: Folate helps in the production of genetic material DNA and RNA. And research suggests it supports brain health and aids in mental and emotional health. Surprising benefits: Some studies have found a link between low folate levels and depression. Watch out: Older adults who take folic acid supplements may be at increased risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, researchers are discovering.

Most supplements tend to contain more than the recommended daily dose of folic acid, according to the NIH. Foods you can find it in: Beef liver, asparagus, brussels sprouts, dark, leafy greens like spinach or mustard greens, oranges and orange juice, nuts, beans and peas.

In addition, folic acid is added to all kinds of grain foods, from breakfast cereals to corn tortillas, enriched rice and pasta, and bread. Who might need a supplement: Non-Hispanic Black women, people with disorders that lower nutrient absorption like celiac or inflammatory bowel disease , people with a specific mutation in the MTHFR gene, and those who consume too much alcohol, the NIH says.

Surprising benefits: Ultra-high doses of the vitamin may slow the progression of ALS, a degenerative neurological disease, researchers recently discovered.

Watch out: Some drugs can lead to B12 deficiency, particularly ones taken for acid reflux H2 receptor blockers like cimetidine, famotidine and ranitidine, and proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, esomeprazole and lansoprazole.

The common diabetes medication metformin may also affect vitamin B12 absorption. Foods you can find it in: Meat especially beef liver , poultry, clams, fish, eggs, dairy products and some fortified products like nutritional yeast, breakfast cereals and other grains. Who might need a supplement: Somewhere between 3 and 43 percent of older adults have a vitamin B12 deficiency , according to the NIH.

Your doctor can do a blood test to find out if your B12 levels are running low. Symptoms of a B12 deficiency can include feelings of weakness and fatigue, says the NIH. FDA Warns of ED Drugs Hidden in Honey Sex Supplement.

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They have many important functions and are vital for maintaining good health. Vitamin B complex supplements usually contain the following:. Although these vitamins share some characteristics, they all have unique functions and are needed in different amounts. While another essential nutrient, choline , was formerly considered to be a B-complex vitamin and shares some similarities with them, it is in fact neither a vitamin nor a mineral.

Since B vitamins are found in many foods, you are most likely not at risk of developing a deficiency as long as you follow a well-rounded diet.

However, certain circumstances increase the need for B vitamins, making supplements necessary. During pregnancy, the demand for B vitamins, particularly B12 and folate, grows. This is because they are needed to support fetal development 9. In people who are pregnant or breastfeeding or chestfeeding — especially those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets — supplementing with a B-complex vitamin is crucial.

B12 or folate deficiency during pregnancy or while nursing can lead to severe neurological damage or birth defects in the fetus or infant As you age, your ability to absorb vitamin B12 decreases and your appetite declines, making it difficult for some people to get enough B12 through diet alone.

If you take medications to reduce stomach acid in order to treat acid reflux or heartburn, this can also inhibit your B12 absorption Deficiency in B12 has been linked to increased rates of depression and mood disturbances in older people 12 , Deficiencies in vitamin B6 and folate are also common in older adults 14 , Additionally, the MTHFR genetic mutation can affect how your body metabolizes folate, which can lead to a folate deficiency and other health concerns In these circumstances, people are often advised to supplement with a B-complex vitamin to correct or avoid deficiencies.

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products like meat, dairy, eggs, and seafood. A daily B-complex vitamin can help ensure that people who choose to follow diets that eliminate animal products are getting enough of these important nutrients. For example, proton pump inhibitors, which are medications that lower stomach acid, can decrease the absorption of B12, whereas metformin, a popular diabetes drug, can decrease levels of both B12 and folate 24 , Birth control pills can also deplete several B vitamins, including B6, B12, folate, and riboflavin Pregnancy, medical conditions, surgeries, genetics, medications, dietary restrictions, and age can all affect how your body absorbs and uses B vitamins.

B-complex vitamins are often used to reduce fatigue and boost mood. Some studies suggest that B vitamins can lift your spirits and improve your cognitive performance. A day study in healthy men found that treatment with a high dose B-complex and mineral supplement improved general mental health and stress and enhanced performance on cognitive tests Another study in young adults showed that supplementing with a multivitamin containing high levels of B-complex vitamins for 90 days reduced stress and mental fatigue While B-complex vitamin supplements are not a cure for mental health conditions, they may help improve symptoms of depression or anxiety.

A study in 60 adults with depression showed that treatment with a vitamin B complex for 60 days led to significant improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms, compared with a placebo B vitamins may also enhance treatment response when given in combination with antidepressant medication.

One study found that supplementing with a vitamin containing B12, B6, and folic acid led to a more enhanced and lasting antidepressant response over 1 year, compared with a placebo B-complex supplements may relieve stress, boost cognitive performance, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, even in people without B vitamin deficiencies.

Each B vitamin has a specific recommended daily amount that varies depending on biological sex, age, and other factors like pregnancy.

For women and men, the recommended daily intake RDI for B vitamins is as follows:. Pregnant and lactating people need higher amounts of B vitamins, while infants and children need less If you are deficient in B vitamins, you may need to supplement with higher doses to address the deficiency.

Speak with a healthcare professional about your specific nutrient needs based on your age and health. The recommended intake for B vitamins varies depending on age, nutrient demands, biological sex, and health status.

However, taking supplements that contain excessively high and unnecessary quantities of B vitamins could lead to serious side effects. High doses of supplemental B3 niacin may lead to vomiting, high blood sugar levels, skin flushing , and even liver damage Additionally, high doses of B6 can cause nerve damage, light sensitivity, and painful skin lesions Another side effect of B-complex supplements is that they can turn your urine bright yellow.

If you need to take a B-complex supplement, always choose reputable brands that volunteer to have their products independently tested by organizations like the US Pharmacopeia USP.

Although taking a vitamin B complex as directed is likely safe, consuming high doses of B3 or B6 can lead to serious side effects. Pregnant people, older adults, vegans, and those with certain medical conditions may benefit from taking a B-complex supplement.

Taking these supplements may also improve mood, cognitive function, and symptoms of depression. Side effects are unlikely if you follow the recommended dosage, which varies depending on age, nutrient demands, sex, and health. Read this article in Spanish.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. Vitamin U refers to an amino acid derivative found in several cruciferous vegetables. This article explains vitamin U's benefits, side effects, and….

B vitamins are necessary for a variety of functions, but many people are at risk for B vitamin deficiency. Here are the best vitamin B supplement…. Here are the top 12…. Some experts claim that vitamin B12 injections can help with energy levels, brain function and weight loss.

This article reviews the science. Vitamin B deficiencies can cause a wide range of symptoms.

1. Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 May Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

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The ABCs of Vitamin B. What you need to know about the eight different types of this essential nutrient. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Constance Sommer,. En español. Published July 21, Thought much about B vitamins lately? If not, maybe you should.

Join AARP. View Details. How much you should be getting: 30 micrograms mcg per day, the NIH says. FDA Warns of ED Drugs Hidden in Honey Sex Supplement Unsupervised use may cause health complications or death. What to Know About Weight-Loss Drugs Medications could have a big impact on the obesity epidemic.

Test your knowledge of products the agency oversees. Learn More. MEMBERS ONLY. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent megaloblastic anemia , a blood condition that makes people tired and weak. The amount of vitamin B12 you need each day depends on your age. Average daily recommended amounts for different ages are listed below in micrograms mcg.

Vitamin B12 is found in a wide variety of animal foods. Plant foods have no vitamin B12 unless they are fortified. You can get recommended amounts of vitamin B12 by eating a variety of foods including the following:. To find out if a food has added vitamin B12, check the Nutrition Facts label.

Manufacturers are not required to list vitamin B12 on the label if a food naturally contains this vitamin. It is usually in a form called cyanocobalamin.

Other common forms are adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin, and hydroxycobalamin. Research has not shown that any form of supplemental vitamin B12 is better than the others.

The amount of vitamin B12 in supplements varies widely. Some provide doses of vitamin B12 that are much higher than recommended amounts, such as mcg or 1, mcg, but your body absorbs only a small percentage of it.

These doses are considered safe. Check the Supplement Facts label to see how much vitamin B12 a supplement contains. A prescription form of vitamin B12 can be given as a shot. This is usually used to treat vitamin B12 deficiency. Most people in the United States get enough vitamin B12 from the foods they eat.

However, some people have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 from food. The body absorbs vitamin B12 from food in a two-step process.

Second, the freed vitamin B12 then combines with a protein made by the stomach, called intrinsic factor , and the body absorbs them together. However, B12 in supplements does need to combine with intrinsic factor to be absorbed.

As a result, they have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 from foods and dietary supplements. It also helps to produce melatonin to regulate sleep. Pantothenic acid B5 is involved in the production of adrenal hormones such as cortisol which is important for stress regulation.

Niacin B3 helps to regulate the production of hormones involved in appetite control i. insulin, glucagon and leptin. It also plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats which contributes to maintaining a healthy appetite and healthy cholesterol levels. B vitamins are essential in the production and maintenance of healthy nerve cells.

Thiamin B1 for instance, helps the body produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter needed for muscle contraction and other nervous system functions. Pyridoxine B6 and cobalamin B12 is involved in producing myelin — a fatty substance that covers and protects nerve cells.

Besides producing myelin, cobalamin B12 also helps to improve nerve signalling. Vitamin B mainly supports healthy cardiovascular health through two ways: 1 by lowering homocysteine levels within the blood as well as 2 improving cholesterol levels. This all contributes to reducing the risk of heart disease.

Pantothenic acid B5 is also known for regulating blood pressure, which is key to good heart health. If your symptoms persist, we recommend getting yourself checked out by a doctor — you can never be too careful!

Lean meats and fish are also good sources of B6 and many dairy products e. milk or yoghurt are also fortified with cobalamin B Whole grains especially, contain both folate B9 and magnesium so when possible, choose whole grains e. brown rice and quinoa over white rice for a healthier choice!

From supporting the immune system to improving brain function and digestion, B vitamins help by either acting as coenzymes, or by producing important hormones to aid with regular body functions.

A deficiency in vitamin B can lead to serious health problems such as an increased risk of heart disease and a decline in cognitive function and mental performance, so make sure to take enough vitamin B and have a balanced diet! Whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables are a good place to start.

If you are struggling to take enough vitamin B, you can also consider taking a supplement to keep your B levels up. Increasing your intake of vitamin B will help improve your energy levels, immune function and do wonders for your health overall. Please note: Remember to always consult with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians for personalised advice and recommendations regarding your specific health needs and vitamin B intake.

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The ABCs of Vitamin B While a standard dosage does not seem to pf harm, excessively Workplace hazards and prevention doses Benefits of vitamin B certain B vitamins can Gestational diabetes medication dangerous. In a review published in Workplace hazards and prevention Neural Degeneration ResearchPersonalized fitness program included more than BBenefits, older adults age 60 and up Bsnefits, researchers found that low vitqmin of vitamin B12 put them at a higher risk for ischemic stroke. B vitamins also have been linked to a lower incidence of stroke. Test your knowledge of products the agency oversees. They can also explain whether the medicines you take might interfere with how your body absorbs or uses other nutrients. While another essential nutrient, cholinewas formerly considered to be a B-complex vitamin and shares some similarities with them, it is in fact neither a vitamin nor a mineral. All B vitamins play a role in converting food into energy in the body.

Benefits of vitamin B -

Not everyone needs to take all the vitamins in the vitamin B complex. Depending on your health needs and symptoms, B12 or B complex may be better suited for you. Your doctor can advise you on whether you need vitamin B12 only or as part of the vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex appears to be safe for most people to take every day as the body does not store any excess.

These vitamins are eliminated in the urine. When taking vitamin B supplements, however, it is essential to follow the instructions. Taking too much of some B vitamins may have adverse effects, like diarrhea, rashes, and headaches.

B vitamins are essential for the proper working of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and many other functions.

There are several B vitamins, collectively available in supplement form as vitamin B complex. People who may need B vitamin supplements include older adults, people who are pregnant, and those who follow a strict plant-based diet.

A doctor can advise on whether you need vitamin B complex or a specific B vitamin. Those who need supplements can purchase them in health food stores. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe vitamin B. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

VIEW ALL HISTORY. Wondering what vitamins are most important during pregnancy? B complex, which contains the spectrum of B vitamins, will keep your body strong while….

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient you need for good health. It's one of eight B vitamins that help your body convert the food you eat into energy. Learn more…. Vitamin B deficiencies can cause a wide range of symptoms.

Learn the importance of each B vitamin, their deficiency symptoms, and the best food…. Niacin vitamin B3 is a very important nutrient for your body. It has many health benefits, along with several side effects if you take large doses….

There are eight B vitamins that all play vital roles in your body. Here are 15 healthy foods high in one or more B vitamins. Many people boast the benefits of vitamin B-3 for treating depression.

We'll explain what science says and how a niacin deficiency may be connected. MindBodyGreen provides third-party-tested supplements made with high quality ingredients. Our testers and dietitians discuss whether MindBodyGreen…. Vitamins are for athletes to stay healthy.

You may get all you need from the food you eat. Some athletes may benefits from vitamin supplements. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect.

Why Is Vitamin B Complex Important and Where Do You Get It? Medically reviewed by Jared Meacham, Ph. Benefits Recommended daily intake Foods to eat Symptoms of deficiency Deficiency complications Supplements Symptoms of overdose Risks and side effects FAQ Takeaway.

How we vet brands and products Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. This type of B vitamin is needed for the production of sex and stress-related hormones produced in the adrenal glands, small glands that sit atop the kidneys.

It's also needed for growth. You can find vitamin B5 in vegetables such as broccoli, kale , and avocado, as well as whole-grain cereals , potatoes, dairy, and organ meats.

For babies, folic acid can also help prevent major birth defects of the brain anencephaly and spine spina bifida , says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While the National Institutes of Health recommend that teens and adults get micrograms mcg daily, breastfeeding mothers should get mcg a day, and pregnant teens and women should get mcg a day.

Naturally occurring folate can be found in dark-green leafy vegetables, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, oranges, nuts, beans, and peas. You can also find it in many fortified foods such as cereals and breads. Teens and women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant may find it difficult to get enough folate, but this B vitamin is vital to a baby's development.

Talk with your healthcare providers about any dietary supplements you may need to take while pregnant. People with a B12 deficiency may have pale or slightly yellow skin and whites of the eyes a condition known as jaundice , according to the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Niacinamide is a topical version of vitamin B3. The Cleveland Clinic says that it helps build keratin, a protein that maintains skin health. A paper published in in the Annals of Palliative Medicine looked at 16 previous studies published between and involving vitamin B and mouth sores, representing more than 1, patients.

Investigators analyzed the data to see whether vitamin B complex treatment has a positive effect on healing mouth ulcers. They found that vitamin B therapy accelerated health of mouth ulcers and helped prevent them from coming back. In examining six studies that compared the ulcer healing time and treatment time, scientists found that both ulcer healing time and ulcer treatment time were reduced by an average of just over two days in those taking B complex supplements compared with control groups.

When it comes to vitamin B, you can get most of your daily amounts through food. Food Sources: Whole grains and fortified bread, cereal, pasta, and rice; meat especially pork and fish, legumes such as black beans and soybeans, seeds, and nuts.

Food Sources: Eggs, organ meats such as kidneys and liver , lean meats, and low-fat milk; some vegetables such as mushrooms and spinach ; fortified cereals, bread, and grain products. Food Sources: Poultry, beef, pork, and fish; some types of nuts, legumes, and grains; enriched and fortified breads and cereals.

Food Sources: Beef, poultry, seafood, and organ meats; eggs and milk; vegetables such as mushrooms especially shiitakes , avocados , potatoes, and broccoli; whole wheat, brown rice, and oats; peanuts, sunflower seeds, and chickpeas. Food Sources: Poultry, fish, and organ meats; potatoes and other starchy vegetables ; fruit other than citrus.

Food Sources: Meat, fish, eggs, and organ meats such as liver ; seeds and nuts; certain vegetables such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli. Food Sources: Beef liver, vegetables especially asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and mustard greens ; fruits and fruit juices especially oranges and orange juice ; nuts, beans, and peas such as peanuts, black-eyed peas, and kidney beans.

Food Sources: Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy products; clams and beef liver; some breakfast cereals, nutritional yeasts, and other food products that are fortified with vitamin B Additional reporting by Don Rauf. Health Conditions A-Z.

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See All. What it does: This one is also important in cell development, again helping to turn the food you eat into the energy you need, Anderson-Haynes says. Surprising benefits: When taken in the form of nicotinamide one of two main forms of niacin in dietary supplements; the other is nicotinic acid , it can reduce the risk of recurrent nonmelanoma cancers, a study in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests.

Foods you can find it in: Red meat, poultry, fish, nuts, legumes, seeds, brown rice, fortified cereals and grains, and bananas. How much you should be getting daily: Men 51 and older should get 16 mg a day and women 51 and older need 14 mg, the NIA says.

Who might need a supplement: Those who have limited diets due to poverty or illness, those who consume too much alcohol , and individuals who may have carcinoid syndrome might benefit, according to the Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health. Most people get what they need in their diet.

Target Optical. Foods you can find it in: Animal meat, seafood, eggs and milk, mushrooms especially shiitakes , avocados, potatoes, broccoli, whole grains brown rice, wheat, oats , peanuts, sunflower seeds and chickpeas.

Who might need a supplement: Deficiency is rare; most Americans get enough B5 in their diet, the NIH says. What it does: Vitamin B6 is a key player in more than enzyme reactions involved in metabolism.

Surprising benefit: Increasing vitamin B6 intake may lower depression and anxiety in women, a large study published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research found.

Foods you can find it in: Tuna, salmon, beef liver, and potatoes and other starchy vegetables. You can also find B6 in fortified cereals, chicken, turkey, chickpeas, cottage cheese, squash, rice, bananas and spinach.

What it does: It helps turn the carbohydrates, proteins and fats that we eat into energy the body needs. He recommends patients stop taking biotin a couple of days before doing any blood test. Foods you can find it in: Meat, fish, eggs, organ meats, seeds, nuts, sweet potatoes, broccoli and spinach, according to the NIH.

Who may need a supplement: Individuals who are dependent on alcohol and people with a rare genetic disorder called biotinidase deficiency.

What it does: Folate helps in the production of genetic material DNA and RNA. And research suggests it supports brain health and aids in mental and emotional health.

Surprising benefits: Some studies have found a link between low folate levels and depression. Watch out: Older adults who take folic acid supplements may be at increased risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, researchers are discovering.

Most supplements tend to contain more than the recommended daily dose of folic acid, according to the NIH. Foods you can find it in: Beef liver, asparagus, brussels sprouts, dark, leafy greens like spinach or mustard greens, oranges and orange juice, nuts, beans and peas.

In addition, folic acid is added to all kinds of grain foods, from breakfast cereals to corn tortillas, enriched rice and pasta, and bread.

Who might need a supplement: Non-Hispanic Black women, people with disorders that lower nutrient absorption like celiac or inflammatory bowel disease , people with a specific mutation in the MTHFR gene, and those who consume too much alcohol, the NIH says.

Benefits of vitamin B is a general overview. For more Beenfits information, see our viamin professional fact Sunflower seed toppings. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent megaloblastic anemiaa blood condition that makes people tired and weak. The amount of vitamin B12 you need each day depends on your age. Average daily recommended amounts for different ages are listed below in micrograms mcg. Benefits of vitamin B


7 Vitamin B12 Rich Foods (Say Bye To Brain FOG Forever!)

Author: Vidal

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