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Memory enhancement techniques

Memory enhancement techniques

You may accept or manage your choices by clicking below, Enhamcement your rnhancement to object where legitimate interest is used, or at any time in the privacy policy page. If you do happen to forget, you know exactly where to look. The ocean.

Memory enhancement techniques -

This will enable you to identify areas that you are struggling with; you can then go back to one of the memory tricks to help yourself memorize it. Also, avoid quizzing yourself immediately after trying to memorize something.

Wait a few hours, or even a day or two, to see if it has really stuck in your memory. Use distributed practice. For a concept to move from your temporary working memory to your long-term memory, two things need to happen: the concept should be memorable and it should be repeated.

Use repetition to firmly lodge information in your memory. Repetition techniques can involve things like flash cards, using the simple tips in this section, and self-testing.

Space out your studying and repetition over several days, and start to increase the time in between each study session. Spacing it out and gradually extending the times in between can help us become more certain of mastery and lock the concepts into place.

Write it out. Try writing your notes by hand during a lecture or rewriting and reorganizing notes or information by hand after a lecture.

While you are writing out a concept you want to remember, try to say the information out loud and visualize the concept as well.

Create meaningful groups. A good strategy for memorizing is to create meaningful groups that simplify the material.

The first letters abbreviate to GRHM, so you can connect that with the image of a GRAHAM cracker. Now all you need to do is remember to picture a graham cracker, and the names of the plants will be easier to recall.

Use mnemonics. Mnemonics are systems and tricks that make information for memorable. One common type is when the first letter of each word in a sentence is also the first letter of each word in a list that needs to be memorized.

For example, many children learned the order of operations in math by using the sentence Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract.

Check out Wikipedia for a good list of examples and ideas. Talk to yourself. It may seem strange at first, but talking to yourself about the material you are trying to memorize can be an effective memory tool. Try speaking aloud instead of simply highlighting or rereading information.

Studies show that exercise can improve our memory and learning capabilities because it helps create neurons in areas that relate to memory.

Cardio and resistance training weights both have powerful effects, so do what works best for you. Practice interleaving. Interleaving is the idea of mixing or alternating skills or concepts that you want to memorize.

For example, spend some time memorizing vocabulary words for your science class and then immediately switch to studying historical dates and names for your history class. Follow that up with practicing a few math problems, and then jump back to the science definitions.

This method may seem confusing at first, but yields better results in the end than simply spending long periods of time on the same concept. Check out this video for more explanation on interleaving and other similar strategies. Visual and spatial techniques are memory tricks that involve your five senses.

They utilize images, songs, feelings, and our bodies to help information stick. Humans have outstanding visual and spatial memory systems. When you use visual and spatial memory techniques, you use fun, memorable, and creative approaches rather than boring, rote memorization.

This makes it easier to see, feel, or hear the things you want to remember. Visual and spatial techniques also free up your working memory.

When you group things together, you enhance your long-term memory. Using visual and spatial techniques helps your mind focus and pay attention when your mind would rather wander to something else.

They help you make what you learn meaningful, memorable, and fun. The common practice of using your knuckles to remember the number of days in each month is a great example of an easy visual spatial technique to help you remember details.

Memorable visual images. The next time you have a key item you need to remember, try making a memorable visual image to represent that item. Images help you remember difficult concepts by tapping into visual areas.

Rather than just visualizing an image, try to smell , feel , and hear the image as well. For example, if you are trying to remember that the capital of Louisiana is Baton Rouge, draw up an image of a girl named Louise carrying a red baton.

The memory palace technique. This technique involves visualizing a familiar place—like the layout of your house or dorm room—and using it as a visual space where you can deposit concept-images that you want to remember.

This technique can help with remembering unrelated items, like a grocery list. To use the memory palace technique, visualize your place house or dorm room and then imagine items from your grocery list in different areas around the place.

For example, picture a cracked egg dripping off the edge of the table or a bushel of apples sitting on the couch. This technique can take some time to get used to, but once you do, the quicker and more effective it becomes.

This Ted Talk explains memory palaces more. Songs and jingles. There are already plenty of songs out there for things like the quadratic formula—try Googling what you are trying to remember to see if someone has already created a tune.

Like the rest of our bodies, our brains change with age, meaning that most of us will find ourselves struggling to recall newly learned information or even to think of words we know well. But what causes memory loss, and how and why does memory change with age?

Many of the things we think of as normal memory loss with aging can actually be attributed to a slight decline in our ability to perform tasks requiring attention and so-called executive function planning, sequencing and regulating thought.

Specific age-related changes in the brain are associated with that lower executive function. Each cell called a neuron is separated from its neighbors by a tiny gap called a synapse, and a signal from one brain cell must cross that gap to the next one via a chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter.

You can still learn, retain, and recall plenty of information, but it might take you longer—and require a bit more determination—than it did when you were younger.

Some forms of memory loss are caused by head trauma, including brain injuries resulting from high-impact sports such as boxing, soccer and football. Memory loss can be part of a primary brain disease. But it can also happen in people with depression, thyroid malfunction and even vitamin deficiencies, all of which can result in improved memory with appropriate treatment.

We also know that stress, fatigue, sleep deprivation and the feeling of being overwhelmed can contribute to short-term memory loss and forgetfulness. Middle age can be a difficult period of life in which our responsibilities can extend to ourselves, our spouses, our jobs, our children, our parents and even our grandchildren.

So how do you know when to visit a doctor for memory loss? If you begin to experience difficulty completing familiar tasks, or have bouts of forgetfulness that extend beyond minor inconvenience and disrupt your day-to-day functioning, there may be something more serious going on than normal age-related memory loss.

When the impairment is largely memory-related, doctors refer to it as amnestic MCI. With normal age-related memory loss, people tend to forget fairly trivial things like where they put their car keys. The other main subtype of MCI is called non-amnestic. Rather than affecting memory, non-amnestic MCI manifests as cognitive decline in other areas such as language, spatial awareness or the ability to focus and maintain attention.

Someone with non-amnestic MCI might find it difficult to keep up with a conversation, pay their bills, make decisions, repair a faucet or understand a speech. Again, however, the impairment is not so severe as to disrupt everyday life. People whose MCI affects both memory and other types of cognition are said to have multi-domain MCI.

Amnestic MCI is the most common subtype. Temporary MCI can be brought on by sleep apnea, depression or medications. Risk factors for other kinds of MCI include genetics, stroke, head injury, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and hearing loss.

Many people confuse mild cognitive impairment MCI with dementia. While MCI can in fact be a precursor to the early stages of dementia, dementia is a separate brain disorder. The symptoms of dementia are so severe as to render the patient dependent on others to carry out the tasks of everyday living.

But exactly what is dementia? Although memory loss is one of the most common signs of dementia, the disorder often entails other forms of cognitive decline, including a drop-off in the ability to think abstractly, to make reasonable judgments, to speak and understand, and to relate spatially to the environment.

Perhaps just as alarming, dementia patients often undergo significant changes to their personalities, becoming agitated and sometimes experiencing delusions. But whether these changes are the actual cause continues to be explored.

Vascular dementia is caused by an interruption of the blood flow to the brain. This can happen after a stroke, brain bleed or head trauma, But more often the cause is reduced blood flow from narrowing of multiple small arteries that feed oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Dementia with Lewy bodies arises from an accumulation of harmful proteins in the brain cells causing progressive problems with cognition, memory and movement.

Dementia is the generic term for cognitive and memory decline sufficiently severe that the patient requires assistance with everyday functioning. During the early stages, the patient experiences memory loss but is still able to live independently.

By the late stages of the illness, people require help with even the most basic aspects of daily living, and normal conversation becomes impossible. Two substances play a likely role. Both are naturally occurring proteins.

Beta-amyloid accumulates in the brain until it forms plaques in the gaps between nerve cells that are conduits for signals that travel through the brain. The other key protein, called tau, also accumulates over time and forms tangles inside the brain cells.

The two proteins together kill cells in areas of the brain necessary for memory, personality and other cognitive abilities. The good news is that, although with age you should expect to experience some forgetfulness, there is plenty you can do to minimize memory loss and even improve and enhance your memory as you get older.

Among the best ways to improve memory are the same lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. For example, quit smoking, drink alcohol in moderation or avoid drinking completely, and limit intake of sugary and processed foods.

But when it comes to how to improve memory, eliminating factors is just part of the puzzle—the other piece is adding in new habits. For example, eating foods that help memory , such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, berries, tea, coffee and oily fish, is a great way to promote your overall health while strengthening your brain.

Regular exercise boosts the growth of brain cells and the production of neurotransmitters, enhancing memory. A mix of aerobic cardio and strength exercises is best. Aim for seven to nine hours each night.

Meditation, stress reduction and keeping up a good network of social relationships have all been shown to stave off the effects of aging on the brain. One key to keeping your mind young is to keep it busy and challenged through lifelong learning and stimulation. Traveling, learning new languages, picking up a musical instrument, taking art or cooking classes, doing puzzles, playing board games—all these things promote the growth of new brain cells and help the brain forge new pathways.

Memory enhancement can also come from properly managing your physical and mental health. Since many medications can cause brain fog and bouts of forgetfulness, you should review your prescriptions with your doctor and see if dosages can be changed or eliminated.

Especially consider drugs with anti-cholinergic properties, such as the older antihistamines e. diphenhydramine, Benadryl , some older antidepressants e. amitriptyline, Elavil , and drugs for urinary symptoms e.

oxybutynin, Ditropan. Checking your hearing, vision, blood pressure and blood levels of thyroid function and cholesterol may find abnormalities which could easily be addressed and result in improved memory. Brain experts have developed many tips for improving memory as you attempt to remember such things as names, to-do lists, facts or other information.

With another technique, called chunking, you break up a list into categories—if you were memorizing all the countries of Europe, grouping the Baltic States Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania lets you see them as one group.

Certain habitual behaviors will help you remember the information that gets you through your day. In study after study, physical activity has been associated not just with higher cognitive function but with a decreased risk of memory loss over time.

The brains of people who exercise regularly shrink less with age than those of sedentary people especially the hippocampus, a brain structure key to memory , and their white matter stays healthier.

To reap the benefits of exercise, you must be consistent, so set aside a dedicated time for exercise and stick with it. Swimming, walking and tennis are great activities. Joining a gym and taking fitness classes works very well for some people, since socialization is known to boost brain health.

Another way to avoid memory loss is to be mindful of what you eat. While some specific foods are associated with brain health, food marketers sometimes exaggerate their benefits.

One rule of thumb is to build your eating habits around foods that are good for your heart, since the same diet that is heart-healthy is also good for the brain. You may have heard of the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to promote heart health.

It centers on plant-based foods, fish, nuts and olive oil. A variation of the Mediterranean diet, called the MIND diet Mediterranean diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay was designed with the explicit goal of optimizing brain health.

There is a difference between Memory enhancement techniques and remembering. Fortunately there are rechniques Memory enhancement techniques and Memory enhancement techniques for you to Memoryy. Some enuancement be gechniques useful for some subjects and content than Immune-boosting herbal tea. As you identify enhanvement content you are working to learn, you will often discover things that you will need to commit to memory. There are numerous strategies that will help you to remember important information effectively so that you can recall it on tests, apply it to subsequent courses, and use it throughout your life and career. What is memory? Memory is the ability to remember past experiences, and a record of the learning process.

Tooth sensitivity are some everyday ways we can improve our memory, including recall?

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Think about how you yechniques your multiplication tables enhancememt a child. Memorizing these facts is rehearsal. Memory enhancement techniques is useful when trying to technique information like dates Nutritional strategies for injury recovery phone numbers.

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Enhancenent could ennancement enhance memory by High protein diet and metabolism elaborative rehearsal : a Memorg in which Memorj think about techmiques meaning of new information and its enhncement to knowledge already stored in your memory Meomry, Elaborative techinques involves both linking the techniquea to knowledge already stored and repeating the information.

For example, in this case, you could remember that Memory enhancement techniques an area enhancemetn for Arizona and the person you met is eenhancement Arizona. This Meomry help you better enhanccement the prefix. Enhanvement the information Blackberry whiskey recipe retained, Memory enhancement techniques goes into long-term memory.

Mnemonic Memorj are memory aids enyancement help us organize information enhancemeng encoding Figure M. Techniquse are Memory enhancement techniques useful when we want to recall larger bits of information such as steps, stages, phases, and parts of a system Bellezza, Walker needs to learn the order of the planets in the solar system, but is having a hard time remembering the correct order.

Kelly tells Walker to simply remember the name Mr. VEM J. SUN, and they will be able to easily recall the correct order of the planets: M ercury, V enus, E arth, M ars, J upiter, S aturn, U ranus, and N eptune. The other day I met this guy named Carl. Now, I might forget that name, but he was wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt.

Where do fish live? The ocean. What else lives in the ocean? Hello, Co-arl. It seems the more vivid or unusual the mnemonic, the easier it is to remember.

The key to using any mnemonic successfully is to find a strategy that works for you. Some other strategies that are used to improve memory include expressive writing and saying words aloud.

Expressive writing helps boost your short-term memory, particularly if you write about a traumatic experience in your life. Masao Yogo and Shuji Fujihara had participants write for minute intervals several times per month.

The participants were instructed to write about a traumatic experience, their best possible future selves, or a trivial topic.

The researchers found that this simple writing task increased short-term memory capacity after five weeks, but only for the participants who wrote about traumatic experiences.

What if you want to remember items you need to pick up at the store? Simply say them out loud to yourself. Feel silly, saying random grocery items aloud? This technique works equally well if you just mouth the words. These techniques can also be used to help you study.

Based on the information presented in this chapter, here are some strategies and suggestions to help you hone your study techniques Figure M. The key with any of these strategies is to figure out what works best for you.

Skip to content Increase Font Size. Recognize and apply memory-enhancing strategies Recognize and apply effective study techniques.

Try this fun activity that employs a memory-enchancing strategy to learn more. Figure M. Months with 31 days are represented by the protruding knuckles and shorter months fall in the spots between knuckles.

credit: modification of work by Cory Zanker If you have ever watched the television show Modern Familyyou might have seen Phil Dunphy explain how he remembers names:. Memory Championships. credit: Barry Pousman. Previous: Memory and the Brain. Next: Key Terms for Memory. Share This Book Share on Twitter.

: Memory enhancement techniques

25 Ways to Improve Your Memory What is memory? Second, Memory enhancement techniques Boost mental clarity encourages students to reframe Memory enhancement techniques information into their own enhancekent, which aids in encoding. Techmiques Clinic on Memory enhancement techniques - Mmeory Clinic Press Mayo Enhancment on Incontinence Gut health and cardiovascular health Essential Diabetes Book - Memory enhancement techniques Clinic Memoryy The Essential Diabetes Book Mayo Clinic on Hearing and Balance - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic on Hearing and Balance FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book. Unpacking the Notion of Love Addiction. Shining light on night blindness. Memory loss: 7 tips to improve your memory Try these simple ways to improve your memory. A healthy diet is good for your brain.
Memory-Enhancing Strategies The scientific evidence for the mental health benefits techniaues Memory enhancement techniques continues techniqued pile up. Inflammation and fertility migraine hechniques are most helpful? As Memory enhancement techniques author of research in enhancememt Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation notes, regular exercise reduces the risk of cognitive decline with age and protects the brain against degeneration. You do need certain vitamins for memory, but studies have not shown that taking more than the recommended daily allowance RDA has a beneficial effect. Many prescription and over-the-counter medications can get in the way of memory and clear thinking. Everything else?
Memory Techniques – Student Success

Since the intricacies of the human brain are well beyond the scope of this article and this writer's degree in French literature, let's break it down with a heavy assist from some very smart people. As neuroscientist Daphna Shohamy explains , "our memory is basically a record in our brain of something that happened in the past.

Encoding refers to how you learn and understand information. When you attach emotions and meaning to this information—referred to as semantic encoding —you're more likely to remember it and recall it later on.

Storage refers to how much information is saved in your brain, where, and for how long. There are two commonly highlighted memory stores: short-term memory STM and long-term memory LTM. Retrieval refers to how you access your memories. Think of your short-term memory as your brain's scratchpad.

It's where your brain temporarily stores information about 15 to 30 seconds before either dismissing it or transferring it to your long-term memory.

In terms of accessing your long-term memories, your brain has four ways of doing this: recall, collection, recognition, and relearning. How your brain retrieves information depends on the availability of external clues or prompts or the lack thereof.

Now that you understand the basics of how memory works, you can use that information to improve your memory. Mnemonic devices are learning strategies used to boost your memory. Whether or not you realize it, you probably use mnemonics in your daily life to help you retain and recall information.

I'll start with some of the most common mnemonic devices before moving on to other memorization tactics. You may already be familiar with acronyms and acrostics as a mnemonic device. This method requires you to create a new word or group of words by taking the first letter of each word and putting them together.

For example, to remember the names of the planets in our solar system, you might use this acrostic mnemonic: m y v ery e ducated m other j ust s erved u s n oodles. In this example, the first letter of each word corresponds with the first letter of each planet, respectively.

My partner knows all the words to House of Pain's Jump Around —yet he can't remember what I asked him to pick up from the grocery store an hour ago. Because it's easier to remember a catchy song than it is to remember a long string of meaningless words or letters, such as a grocery list yelled to you while you're halfway out the door.

The next time you need to remember something, try pairing that information with a tune you're already familiar with. And if you just so happen to need help memorizing the periodic table of elements, look no further than the periodic table song. Similar to music mnemonics, rhyming mnemonics take advantage of catchy beats and patterns created by ending each line with a rhyme to help you retain information.

Here's a rhyming mnemonic I still use to this day to help avoid spelling errors: "I before E except after C. Sadly, clever rhymes don't come naturally to me. If you're in the same boat, here's a little trick: let AI-powered tools like ChatGPT do the heavy lifting for you.

Have you ever repeated a phone number out loud by grouping numbers together? For example, "six, four, seven, triple five, eleven, twenty-one" instead of "". This is chunking. It's another mnemonic device that involves grouping individual pieces of information—like long strings of numbers—into larger, more memorable groups.

And chunking isn't just limited to aiding the memorization of numbers. Another practical application of chunking would be grouping items on your grocery list by aisle. Or if you're learning a new language, grouping new vocabulary words together by category.

The memory palace technique, also known as the Method of Loci, is another popular mnemonic device. This technique involves mentally mapping out a physical space you're familiar with a memory palace and "placing" images representing the information you're memorizing in various spots or loci.

Loci is the plural form of locus , which means "place" or "location. Choose your memory palace. Select a space that you're incredibly familiar with e. Identify distinct loci throughout your palace.

Mentally walk through your palace, and pick different locations where you can "place" unique images more on that in step 3. For example, the door to your coat closet, the lamp in your living room, and the dog bed in your guest room.

Assign images to specific locations. Let's say you're trying to remember this grocery list: milk, chocolate chip cookies, and bananas. Place images of each of those items at your chosen locations.

Or, to make it more memorable, create vivid images representing each item and place those at different locations. The more animated and outrageous, the better. For example, you could picture a waterfall of milk pouring over your closet door, your living room lamp teetering on top of a mountain of chocolate chip cookies, and a dog juggling bananas while standing on its bed.

While this technique may sound absurd, it does work. Just take it from five-time USA Memory Champion Nelson Dellis , who uses the memory palace technique to help him quickly remember a full deck of cards, in sequence. Reciting information is a useful way to memorize something fast because it forces you to actively engage with the information as opposed to passively taking everything in , which, in turn, increases your ability to remember and recall it later on.

Here are some practical ways to add reciting to your memorization toolkit. While typing your notes might be faster and more convenient, especially if you have to take in a lot of information, there are advantages to doing things the old-fashioned way i.

In a study , researchers Pam A. Mueller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer examined the effects on learning and retention when students took notes by hand versus on a laptop.

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Medically reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW. Learn about our Medical Review Board. Trending Videos. How to Use Mnemonic Devices to Improve Your Memory. Focus Your Attention.

Set aside a short period of time to be alone. Avoid Cramming. Structure and Organize. Utilize Mnemonic Devices. Come up with a rhyme, song, or joke to help remember a specific segment of information. Elaborate and Rehearse.

Visualize Concepts. Relate New Information to Things You Already Know. Read Out Loud. Pay Extra Attention to Difficult Information. Vary Your Study Routine. Get Some Sleep. Frequently Asked Questions What are the three foods that fight memory loss?

What causes weak memory? Learn More: Causes of Memory Loss. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

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Share Feedback. Was this page helpful? Their results indicated that making a habit of meditating may cause long term changes in the brain, including increasing brain plasticity, which helps keep it healthy. Learn about a variety of different meditation types and how to do them in this article.

Sleep is vital for overall brain health. Sugary foods can taste delicious and feel rewarding at first, but they may play a role in memory loss. Avoiding extra sugar may help combat this risk.

While naturally sweet foods, such as fruits, are a good addition to a healthful diet, people can avoid drinks sweetened with sugar and foods with added, processed sugars.

Along with cutting out sources of excess sugar, reducing overall caloric intake may also help protect the brain. Researchers note that high calorie diets can impair memory and lead to obesity. The effects on memory may be due to how high calorie diets lead to inflammation in particular parts of the brain.

While most research in this area has been with animals, a study from looked at whether restricting calories in humans could improve memory. Female participants with an average age of The researchers found that they had a significant improvement in verbal memory scores and that the benefit was most significant in those who stuck to the diet best.

Caffeine from sources such as coffee or green tea may be helpful for the memory. People who took milligrams of caffeine scored better on recall tests after 24 hours than people who did not take caffeine.

Caffeine may also boost memory in the short term. A study in Frontiers in Psychology found that young adults who took caffeine in the morning had improved short term memory.

This insight might be useful for individuals who have to take tests or recall information during a time of day when they may otherwise be tired.

The results of a study suggest that cocoa flavonoids, which are the active compounds in chocolate, help boost brain function.

People who ate dark chocolate performed better on spatial memory tests than those who did not. The researchers noted that cocoa flavonoids improved the blood flow to the brain. There are risk factors a person has no control over, such as genetics. In other cases, a person may be able to reduce the risk of memory impairment.

Eating a diet high in refined sugar and fats and leading a sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of memory loss. Eating a rounded, healthful diet and exercising regularly may contribute to keeping the mind sharp and reduce memory loss.

For example, practicing mindfulness meditation may not only make a person less forgetful but can also reduce stress. Some activities may boost brain function and connectivity, which may help protect the brain from age-related degeneration.

Here are 22 brain exercises…. The diet can have a significant impact on the brain's function. A brain-healthy diet, rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, can boost memory….

5.4 Memory Techniques Stress can have Memory enhancement techniques negative Memory enhancement techniques techniquew our memory. The late Velma McKay, a former math instructor at College of the Herbal weight loss ingredients, was well Enhqncement for singing techniqes her students. By chunking the information and repeating it you can stretch the capacity of your short term memory. New research shows little risk of infection from prostate biopsies. Graphic organizers help us remember by connecting new information to our existing knowledge and to let us see how concepts relate to each other and fit into a context. Our brains are built to learn like this.


Improve Your Memory In 4 Minutes Memorg research shows Memory enhancement techniques risk of infection from prostate Website performance best practices. Discrimination at work is linked to high blood pressure. Icy Memory enhancement techniques and toes: Tchniques circulation or Memory enhancement techniques techniwues In many ways, our memories shape who we are. They make up our internal biographies—the stories we tell ourselves about what we've done with our lives. They tell us who we're connected to, who we've touched during our lives, and who has touched us. In short, our memories are crucial to the essence of who we are as human beings.

Author: Douzuru

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