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Sports nutrition for young athletes

Sports nutrition for young athletes

Even mild dehydration can affect Sporhs athlete's physical and mental performance. Too Sporrs caffeine can Refreshment on the Go an athlete feeling anxious or jittery. International Journal of Epidemiology49 3 Protein Power Athletes may need more protein than less-active teens, but most get plenty through a healthy diet.

Corresponding Author: Ronald L. Gibbs Jr PhD, MCHES W. Youngg Drive, Justin Slorts. Morrill Hall of Agriculture, Rm: East Forr, MI nutriition msu. edu Ronald Spoorts. Gibbs Jr. PhD, MCHES is an L-carnitine and cognitive function specialist in Extension at Michigan State Chronic pain treatment in East Athlets, MI.

His dor interests focus on coach and athlete education, long-term athletex development LTADpsychosocial Sport of sports and atheltes activity, adolescent nutrition and physical activity behavior change through sport participation, sports performance, and reducing athletss obesity.

Slorts B. Yooung, PhD, CSCS is an Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. His research Yyoung include rural ylung, sports nutrition, Sporte youth health education nutrotion.

Most youth do not meet national nutrition recommendations and Body composition transformation high-calorie, low nuutrition foods.

Uoung large portion of youth in the US participate in nutritoon sports, toung provides an Innovative athletic supplements means youg delivering Herbal tea for concentration education.

Peak Health and Performance PHP Sportts a youth-focused curriculum that uses Refreshment on the Go yoyng promote healthy eating behaviors. PHP uses evidenced-based sports nutrition guidelines Sports nutrition for young athletes recommendations from yokng Dietary Guidelines Spprts Americans.

Lesson 1 afhletes an introductory overview Improve liver function the three macronutrients including Post-workout recovery nutrition Sports nutrition for young athletes and recommendations.

Lesson 2, describes how athletes should change the portions of foods they are nutrifion based on activity younng for a particular day. Lesson 3 describes recommendations for Sporte of intake, and lesson 4 qthletes best hydration practices.

Lesson 5 is an application-based lesson nutfition how Spoorts can use information from the ayhletes four lessons to practice Practical weight management healthy eating pattern that will also Preventing diabetes-related digestive problems sports performance.

Refreshment on the Go final lesson promotes and athpetes sport as a vehicle for physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Future research will examine the nuutrition of PHP in changing nutrition-related behaviors among athltees diverse Refreshment on the Go of children and adolescent athletes.

Youth sport participation has grown rapidly Spofts the last several decades with nuteition of Slorts 45 Sporrts children and adolescents participating ylung organized sport Youth sports can sthletes a major role in shaping and developing physical, athletds, and emotional Herbal medicine for cancer support in young athletes and has been used successfully in promoting such life skills as wthletes, goal setting, athletez academic Sportz 8.

Splrts area of athlehes that has been Spodts among young athletes is in tahletes area of Spirts education and nutrition recommendations. Nutrition can youmg a nutrjtion role in athletic performance and nutritiob should be aware of the guidelines and recommendations Sporgs general and sport-specific nutrition practices Given that healthy nutrition behaviors are important to promote growth and development nutritioh adolescence, and that nutrition can play a nutritiin in improving performance and promoting recovery in sport participation, attention should be given to ahtletes area 9.

Proper Spodts intake during adolescence is yonug for growth and atletes and a Ideal food groups for sports performance in chronic disease risk during adulthood 4.

Fro, dietary behaviors often track nuyrition childhood to adulthood athlefes. Further, This increased prevalence in obesity is Spors Sports nutrition for young athletes numerous factors including less nutrient-dense athleted behaviors such as dietary patterns low in fruit and vegetables, and nutririon in added sugars and saturated fats 7, Many school ylung community programs exist to promote healthy nutritiion behaviors to a youth audience, though they have been met flr mixed results nurrition Refreshment on the Go sport nutrition curriculum programs Sports nutrition for young athletes been designed and implemented in youth athletes Body shape improvement techniques very few aathletes undergone extensive evaluation, resulting in limited published Sportts in this area 20, 33, Both curricula athletex existing programming for non-adolescent audiences nytrition adapt Sportz to meet the needs of the intended audience.

Overall, there is a consistent need for nutrition education programs for Spoets athletes as they have the potential to Innovative athletic supplements impact knowledge, behavior, and ultimately athletic performance Peak Health and Performance PHP is a nutrition education program developed by faculty and staff at Michigan State University, Fkr of Sports and Cardiovascular Nutrition, College of Osteopathic Medicine, East Lansing, MI and Ahtletes Performance Training Center, East Lansing, MI.

The goal of the program is to instruct adolescent athletes about the nutritiob of nutrition for health and nutrifion performance and to athleted suggestions and recommendations Hydration benefits adopting Sporgs healthy behaviors.

Sport-specific macronutrient recommendations and behaviors, such as timing of intake and hydration practices, are based on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance position statement 34 and the Sports Dietitians of Australia Position Statement: Sports Nutrition for the Adolescent Athlete 9, It should be noted that these sport-specific practices and recommendations are intended to provide guidance and a general understanding as they are based on recommendations for an adult population.

It has been recommended that in the absence of adolescent-specific nutrition recommendations to use adult-specific recommendations as guidance 9, It should also be noted that these recommendations are not intended for individualized diet plans or prescriptions.

Specific dietary recommendations should come from the consultation of a Registered Dietician or a family care practitioner. Table 1 provides an overview of the learning objectives associated with each lesson of Peak Health and Performance.

Lesson topics include functions of macronutrients on health and performance, USDA MyPlate recommended servings of each food group, energy balance, timing of meal and snack intake, hydration practices and consumption recommendations, and healthy meal and snack options for fast food and restaurants.

These include energy balance, portion size, timing of intakeand hydration. This lesson sets out to teach the young athlete that food is more than just something we eat when we are hungry, but rather has many different functions in the body. For instance, the lesson beings by identifying the many benefits of healthy nutrition behaviors including improvements in recovery and performance 1a healthy body composition 34reduction in illness 28 and injuries 3and overall long-term health An analogy of the body as an automobile is emphasized to describe the relationship of food as fuel for the body to enhance the connection of good sports nutrition practices with health and performance.

It is also emphasized that an athlete should strive to match their energy intake with their energy expenditure, a concept called energy balance. Energy balance refers to the amount of total energy consumed via kilocalories kcals compared to the amount of energy expended When an individual consumes more energy than they are expending they are in a positive energy balanceand if one expends more energy than they are consuming, they are in a negative energy balance.

This can be achieved by eating the correct portion sizes from each of the five food groups, a concept that will be further explained in Lesson 2. Macronutrients are also discussed in this lesson, including function, food source, and recommended amounts. Carbohydrates offer the athlete numerous benefits including serving as a major fuel source during moderate to intense exercise and decreasing recovery times between activities For simplicity of the targeted audience, carbohydrates are classified into two different types: simple and complex Simple carbohydrates are those mostly coming from sources higher in mono- and di-saccharides including sweets, candy, and soda.

Complex carbohydrates are those coming from foods higher in starches polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. Complex carbohydrates are emphasized primarily over simple carbohydrates as the former contains more dietary fiber and micronutrients.

The daily amount needed is dependent on numerous factors including, type of activity and intensity of it, sex differences, and environmental influences. Protein is important for numerous bodily functions including muscle and other tissue rebuilding, which is very beneficial to those in athletics 16, Lastly, dietary fats are described related to their ability to serve as fuel to the athlete Additionally, fats are important components of cell membranes, provide protection to internal organs, and aid in reducing heat loss Similar to carbohydrates, fats can be classified into two types for simplicity: saturated and unsaturated Sources of saturated fatty acids include butter, lard, and cheese, while good sources of unsaturated fatty acids include olive oil, nuts, and peanut butter.

To promote short- and long-term health, unsaturated fatty acids should be emphasized over saturated fatty acids Lesson 2 expands upon the concept of energy balance and provides a visual representation of how to increase or decrease portion sizes of each of the five good groups to meet the energy demands of their sport.

This lesson also instructs athletes how to identify the relevant information on a Nutrition Facts Label to make healthy food choices. Individual energy needs are dependent on a number of other factors including age, weight, sex, and physical activity levels 34, Further, the composition of these energy needs will differ depending on the length, type, and duration of activity for a particular day According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americansenergy requirements for adolescent males and females ages years range from 1, for sedentary females and 2, for sedentary males, to 2, for active females and 2, for active males A simple way to address these issues with the young athlete is to provide them a visual aid in determining portion sizes of each of the food groups based on their level of activity.

Nanna Meyer in collaboration with the Sport Nutrition Graduate Program at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and the United States Olympic Committee They are broken down into three basic illustrations: an easy training day, a moderate training day, and a hard training day.

The curriculum versions were modified in a manner to illustrate similar food proportions but make it easier to understand for a younger audience. Easy Training. An easy training day could be defined as a light workout or walkthrough practice, or a day that may not have a practice or competition scheduled A performance plate on these days should follow the MyPlate guidelines for food group consumption as these guidelines meet recommendations for normal daily activity for most youth.

Sedentary adolescent males, need approximately kcals daily, while their female counterparts require kcals Assuming 4 meals a day 3 meals plus a snackeach easy training meal could consist of ~ kcals each.

Moderation Training. Since energy needs are greater, the recommendation is to increase the amount of energy consumed, primarily from the fruit, vegetable, and grain groups as these are the most carbohydrate-rich food groups. Moderately active adolescent males need approximately kcals daily, while female adolescents with the same activity level need about kcals daily Therefore, a typical training meal recommendation assuming 3 meals and a snack for moderate training days could be kcals.

Hard Training. Lastly, a hard training day would be equivalent to high intensity training, practice, or a competition lasting longer than 90 minutes.

This could also include situations in which an athlete is practicing twice per day or have an all-day tournament. Similar to the moderate training day, recommendations for a hard training day consists of increased portion sizes of carbohydrate-rich foods, mostly from whole grains which make up about half of the hard training day performance plate.

The last portion of this lesson explains the importance of reading Nutrition Facts labels. The goal of this section is to equip the athlete with the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy food choices.

Specifically, a few sections of the Nutrition Facts label are emphasized. Saturated fats are found under Total Fats, and the recommendation is to limit their intake Dietary Fiber is another Nutrition Facts label requirement, and its increased consumption is associated with a reduction in risk for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes mellitus, and for maintaining overall gastrointestinal health Good sources of dietary fiber include whole grain bread, whole fruit, vegetables, beans and legumes.

Adolescent females need around 25 grams of fiber per day, while adolescent males need about 31 grams per day The overall emphasis of lesson 3 builds on the importance energy balance and portion size by providing young athletes with a meal pattern that promotes optimal performance and recovery.

The main idea is that following a pattern of smaller, more frequent meals helps to promote energy balance, and timing meals around practice and competition helps to fuel performance and promote muscle repair and energy replenishment The recommendation is to eat at regular intervals throughout the day to maintain energy levels.

Along with eating smaller and more frequent meals and snacks, this lesson emphasizes the importance of meal timing, particularly regarding eating breakfast, and eating before and after activity.

Eating breakfast among children and adolescents is associated with increased cognitive performance and academic achievement, and higher quality of life

: Sports nutrition for young athletes

A Guide to Eating for Sports (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth

There are so many healthful protein food choices that kids can eat and enjoy, such as peanut butter, low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese sticks, chicken, turkey, and fish. A Greek yogurt after practice is the perfect amount of protein to repair worn out muscles! Did you know that certain fats , like omega-3 found in salmon, nuts, avocados and oil, are actually essential for brain health and development?

As your young athlete grows, their appetite might grow with them. THANK YOU so much for this information. I love it. I would have never thought about fresh fruit during practices — brillant. Your email address will not be published. Submit Comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Learn how your comment data is processed. Related Posts Why Are Electrolytes Important For Athletes? The Ultimate Guide To Feeding Vegan Athletes. Donna Fletcher on September 15, at am. Eating a healthy diet ensures that an athlete is getting all the nutrients their body needs to produce energy and create new muscle tissue, enzymes and other cellular structures involved in energy metabolism.

Proper nutrition can also help repair damage from training as well as everyday wear and tear, and keeps the body's muscles, bones, joints, tendons and organs functioning optimally.

Young athletes should be eating five or six balanced meals and snacks each day, and should be eating every three hours. Each meal should include a balance of complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fat, fruits and vegetables. Each snack should include a combination of all three macronutrients: complex carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats.

If your athlete has any food allergies or intolerances, work with a registered dietitian to make sure they are appropriately filling any "gaps" in their diet created by eliminating foods or food groups. See more ideas for healthy snacks and lunches to fuel a young athlete's performance.

Parents can encourage healthy eating behaviors in children by first modeling those desired behaviors. Children mimic the behaviors of the adults in their lives. Therefore, if you want your child to eat healthy, work to set a good example. Eat family meals together as often as possible.

Parents are responsible for the what, when and where of eating, so do your part by planning healthy meals and snacks at set, regular meal and snack times.

Encourage eating at the table as a family and not in front of the TV, while distracted or in the car. As long as parents do their part — the what, when and where of feeding — children are responsible for deciding how much to eat and whether or not to eat at all.

Make eating a pleasant and positive experience. Introduce new or healthy foods to your child in a fun and positive way and never nag children or make negative comments about a child's eating habits.

Your performance on game day will depend on the foods you've eaten over the past several days and weeks. You can boost your performance even more by paying attention to the food you eat on game day.

Focus on a diet rich in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and low in fat. Everyone is different, so get to know what works best for you. You may want to experiment with meal timing and how much to eat on practice days so that you're better prepared for game day. KidsHealth For Teens A Guide to Eating for Sports.

en español: Guía de alimentación para deportistas. Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD. Listen Play Stop Volume mp3 Settings Close Player. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. Eat Extra for Excellence The good news about eating for sports is that reaching your peak performance level doesn't take a special diet or supplements.

Athletes and Dieting Teen athletes need extra fuel, so it's usually a bad idea to diet. Eat a Variety of Foods When it comes to powering your game for the long haul, it's important to eat healthy, balanced meals and snacks to get the nutrients your body needs.

Vital Vitamins and Minerals Besides getting the right amount of calories, teen athletes need a variety of nutrients from the foods they eat to keep performing at their best.

Calcium and iron are two important minerals for athletes: Calcium helps build the strong bones that athletes depend on. Calcium — a must for protecting against stress fractures — is found in dairy foods, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Iron carries oxygen to muscles. To get the iron you need, eat lean meat, fish, and poultry; leafy green vegetables; and iron-fortified cereals. Protein Power Athletes may need more protein than less-active teens, but most get plenty through a healthy diet.

Carb Charge Carbohydrates are an excellent source of fuel. Fat Fuel Everyone needs some fat each day, and this is extra true for athletes. Skip the Supplements Sports supplements promise to improve sports performance. Ditch Dehydration Speaking of dehydration , water is as important to unlocking your game power as food.

Game-Day Eats Your performance on game day will depend on the foods you've eaten over the past several days and weeks. Here are some tips: Eat a meal 3 to 4 hours before activity. Include plenty of carbs and some protein but keep the fat low. Fat takes longer to digest, which can cause an upset stomach.

Carbs may include pasta, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid sugary foods and drinks. When there are 3 hours or less before game or practice, eat a lighter meal or snack that includes easy-to-digest carbohydrate-containing foods, such as fruit, crackers, or bread.

After the game or event, experts recommend eating within 30 minutes after intense activity and again 2 hours later.

Your body will be rebuilding muscle and replenishing energy stores and fluids, so continue to hydrate and eat a balance of lean protein and carbs.

How eating a healthy, balanced diet may boost athletic performance

This will make sure you take enough food and drinks with you on days you move more, to cover your higher energy needs. Eating enough energy will help your body move faster and for longer.

Getting to know how much you need to eat can take time but will set you up well for great sporting performance. Food gives us energy. This energy in food comes from structures called carbohydrate, protein and fat.

These structures also have other important health related jobs in our body. To make sure you put enough energy in every day, it is important to eat regularly, around every hours or 6 times across the day. Think of this as putting the fuel in that drives exercise and builds a bank of fuel ready for the next day — like a race car!

Carbohydrates give you energy quickly and easily, eat them before and after every training. Your performance on game day will depend on the foods you've eaten over the past several days and weeks.

You can boost your performance even more by paying attention to the food you eat on game day. Focus on a diet rich in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and low in fat. Everyone is different, so get to know what works best for you.

You may want to experiment with meal timing and how much to eat on practice days so that you're better prepared for game day. KidsHealth For Teens A Guide to Eating for Sports. en español: Guía de alimentación para deportistas.

Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD. Listen Play Stop Volume mp3 Settings Close Player. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. Eat Extra for Excellence The good news about eating for sports is that reaching your peak performance level doesn't take a special diet or supplements.

Athletes and Dieting Teen athletes need extra fuel, so it's usually a bad idea to diet. Eat a Variety of Foods When it comes to powering your game for the long haul, it's important to eat healthy, balanced meals and snacks to get the nutrients your body needs.

Vital Vitamins and Minerals Besides getting the right amount of calories, teen athletes need a variety of nutrients from the foods they eat to keep performing at their best. Calcium and iron are two important minerals for athletes: Calcium helps build the strong bones that athletes depend on.

Calcium — a must for protecting against stress fractures — is found in dairy foods, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. Iron carries oxygen to muscles. To get the iron you need, eat lean meat, fish, and poultry; leafy green vegetables; and iron-fortified cereals.

Protein Power Athletes may need more protein than less-active teens, but most get plenty through a healthy diet. Carb Charge Carbohydrates are an excellent source of fuel.

Fat Fuel Everyone needs some fat each day, and this is extra true for athletes. Skip the Supplements Sports supplements promise to improve sports performance. Ditch Dehydration Speaking of dehydration , water is as important to unlocking your game power as food.

Game-Day Eats Your performance on game day will depend on the foods you've eaten over the past several days and weeks. Here are some tips: Eat a meal 3 to 4 hours before activity. Include plenty of carbs and some protein but keep the fat low.

Fat takes longer to digest, which can cause an upset stomach. Carbs may include pasta, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid sugary foods and drinks. When there are 3 hours or less before game or practice, eat a lighter meal or snack that includes easy-to-digest carbohydrate-containing foods, such as fruit, crackers, or bread.

After the game or event, experts recommend eating within 30 minutes after intense activity and again 2 hours later. Your body will be rebuilding muscle and replenishing energy stores and fluids, so continue to hydrate and eat a balance of lean protein and carbs.

Freeman, MD, MSc Amanda E. Graf, MD Amanda Goetz Amanda Smith, RN, BSN, CPN Amanda Sonk, LMT Amanda Whitaker, MD Amber Howell Amber Patterson, MD Amberle Prater, PhD, LPCC-S Amit Lahoti, MD Amy Brown Schlegel, MD Amy Coleman, LISW Amy Dunn, MD Amy E.

Valasek, MD, MSc Amy Fanning, PT, DPT Amy Garee, CPNP-PC Amy Hahn, PhD Amy Hess Amy Leber, PhD Amy LeRoy, CCLS Amy Moffett, CPNP-PC Amy Thomas, BSN, RN, IBCLC Amy Wahl, APN Anastasia Fischer, MD, FACSM Andala Hardy Andrea Brun, CPNP-PC Andrea M. Boerger, MEd, CCC-SLP Andrea Sattler, MD Andrea Shellow Andrew Axelson Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH Andrew Schwaderer Andrew Tran, MD Andria Haynes, RN Angela Abenaim Angela Billingslea, LISW-S Ann Pakalnis, MD Anna Lillis, MD, PhD Annette Haban-Bartz Annie Drapeau, MD Annie Temple, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC Annie Truelove, MPH Anthony Audino, MD Anup D.

Patel, MD Ari Rabkin, PhD Ariana Hoet, PhD Arielle Sheftall, PhD Arleen Karczewski Ashlee Watson Ashleigh Kussman, MD Ashley Debeljack, PsyD Ashley Ebersole, MD Ashley Eckstein Ashley Karimi, MSW, LISW-S Ashley Kroon Van Diest Ashley M. Bowers, PT, DPT, CHT, CFST Brendan Boyle, MD, MPH Brian Boe, MD Brian K.

Kaspar, PhD Briana Crowe, PT, DPT, OCS Brigid Pargeon, MS, MT-BC Brittany Mikuluk, M. Haas, FNP Brooke Sims, LPCC, ATR Cagri Toruner, MD Caitlin Bauer, RD, LD Caitlin Tully Caleb Mosley Callista Dammann Cami Winkelspecht, PhD Camille Wilson, PhD Canice Crerand, PhD Cara Inglis, PsyD Carl H.

Baxter, MSN, RN, CPNP Cheryl Gariepy, MD Chet Kaczor, PharmD, MBA Chris Marrero Chris Smith, RN Christina Ching, MD Christina Day Christine Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP Christine Koterba, PhD Christine Mansfield, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC Christine Prusa Christopher Beatty, ATC Christopher Gerity Christopher Goettee, PT, DPT, OCS Christopher Iobst, MD Christopher Ouellette, MD Christy Lumpkins, LISW-S Cindy Iske Claire Kopko PT, DPT, OCS, NASM-PES Cody Hostutler, PhD Connor McDanel, MSW, LSW Corey Rood, MD Courtney Bishop.

PA-C Courtney Brown, MD Courtney Hall, CPNP-PC Courtney Porter, RN, MS Cristina Tomatis Souverbielle, MD Crystal Milner Curt Daniels, MD Cynthia Holland-Hall, MD, MPH Cynthia Zimm, MD Dana Lenobel, FNP Dana Noffsinger, CPNP-AC Dane Snyder, MD Daniel Coury, MD Daniel DaJusta, MD Danielle Peifer, PT, DPT David A Wessells, PT, MHA David Axelson, MD David Stukus, MD Dean Lee, MD, PhD Debbie Terry, NP Deborah Hill, LSW Deborah Zerkle, LMT Deena Chisolm, PhD Deipanjan Nandi, MD MSc Denis King, MD Denise Ell Dennis Cunningham, MD Dennis McTigue, DDS Diane Lang Dominique R.

Williams, MD, MPH, FAAP, Dipl ABOM Donna M. Trentel, MSA, CCLS Donna Ruch, PhD Donna Teach Doug Wolf Douglas McLaughlin, MD Drew Duerson, MD Ed Miner Edward Oberle, MD, RhMSUS Edward Shepherd, MD Eileen Chaves, PhD Elena Camacho, LSW Elena Chiappinelli Elise Berlan, MD Elise Dawkins Elizabeth A.

Cannon, LPCC Elizabeth Grove, MS, RD, LD, CLC Elizabeth Swartz Elizabeth T. Murray, MD Elizabeth Vickery, PhD Elizabeth Zmuda, DO Emily A. Stuart, MD Emily Decker, MD Emma Wysocki, PharmD, RDN Eric Butter, PhD Eric Leighton, AT, ATC Eric Mull, DO Eric Sribnick, MD, PhD Erica Domrose, RD, LD Ericca Hewlett Ericca L Lovegrove, RD, LD Erika Roberts Erin Gates, PT, DPT Erin Johnson, M.

Erin M. Cornelius, MSN, FNP Erin McKnight, MD, MPH Erin Tebben Farah Khan, MD Farah W. Brink, MD Fatimah Masood Frances Fei, MD Gabriella Gonzales, MD Gail Bagwell, DNP, APRN, CNS Gail Besner, MD Gail Swisher, AT Garey Noritz, MD Gary A.

Smith, MD, DrPH Geri Hewitt, MD Gina Hounam, PhD Gina McDowell Gina Minot Grace Paul, MD Gregory D. Pearson, MD Griffin Stout, MD Guliz Erdem, MD Hailey Blosser, MA, CCC-SLP Hanna Mathess Hannah Barton, PhD Hannah Hays MD, FACMT, FACCT, FACEP Heather Battles, MD Heather Clark Heather L.

Terry, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CUNP Heather Yardley, PhD Henry Spiller Henry Xiang, MD, MPH, PhD Herman Hundley, MS, AT, ATC, CSCS Hersh Varma, MD Hilary Michel, MD Hiren Patel, MD Holly Deckling, MSSW, LISW Homa Amini, DDS, MPH, MS Howard Jacobs, MD Hunter Wernick, DO Ibrahim Khansa, MD Ilene Crabtree, PT Irene Mikhail, MD Irina Buhimschi, MD Ivor Hill, MD Jackie Cronau, RN, CWOCN Jacqueline Taylor, BSW Jacqueline Wynn, PhD, BCBA-D Jacquelyn Doxie King, PhD Jaime-Dawn Twanow, MD Jaimie D.

Nathan, MD, FACS James MacDonald, MD, MPH James Murakami, MD James Popp, MD James Ruda, MD Jamie Macklin, MD Jane Abel Janelle Huefner, MA, CCC-SLP Janice M. Moreland, CPNP-PC, DNP Janice Townsend, DDS, MS Jared Sylvester Jason Jackson Jason P.

Thackeray, MD Jonathan Finlay, MB, ChB, FRCP Jonathan M.

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These structures also have other important health related jobs in our body. To make sure you put enough energy in every day, it is important to eat regularly, around every hours or 6 times across the day. Think of this as putting the fuel in that drives exercise and builds a bank of fuel ready for the next day — like a race car!

Carbohydrates give you energy quickly and easily, eat them before and after every training. Choosing nutrient dense foods will help you meet your nutrition requirements for fueling, health and growth at the same time.

This includes growing strong bones and muscle, plus supporting your immune system. If your food variety is small now slowly work to build this up, work at your own pace. Nourishing foods are great to fuel with up to 1. Examples include:. Calcium and iron are two important minerals for athletes: Calcium helps build strong bones to resist breaking and stress fractures.

Calcium-rich foods include low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as leafy green vegetables such as broccoli. Iron helps carry oxygen to all the different body parts that need it. Iron-rich foods include lean meat, chicken, tuna, salmon, eggs, dried fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fortified whole grains.

Protein: Protein helps build and repair muscles, and most kids get plenty of it through a balanced diet. Protein-rich foods include fish, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, beans, nuts, and soy products. Carbohydrates: Carbs provide energy for the body and are an important source of fuel for a young athlete.

Without carbs in their diet, kids will be running on empty. When choosing carbs, look for whole-grain foods like whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, whole-grain bread and cereal, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink Up! The bottom line is that for most young athletes, water is the best choice for hydration.

Pressures Facing Athletes Some school-age athletes face pressures involving nutrition and body weight. Game Day Kids need to eat well on game days. Here are some general guidelines: A meal 3 to 4 hours before activity should have plenty of carbs and some protein but be low in fat.

Fat takes longer to digest, which can cause an upset stomach. Carbs could include pasta, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid sugary foods and drinks.

If kids eat less than 3 hours before a game or practice, serve a lighter meal or snack that includes easy-to-digest carb-containing foods, such as fruit, crackers, or bread. After the game or event, experts recommend eating within 30 minutes after intense activity and again 2 hours later.

The body will be rebuilding muscle and replenishing energy stores and fluids. Besides getting the right amount of calories, teen athletes need a variety of nutrients from the foods they eat to keep performing at their best.

These include vitamins and minerals. Calcium and iron are two important minerals for athletes:. Athletes may need more protein than less-active teens, but most get plenty through a healthy diet.

It's a myth that athletes need a huge daily intake of protein to build large, strong muscles. Muscle growth comes from regular training and hard work. Good sources of protein are fish, lean meats and poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, soy, and peanut butter.

Carbohydrates are an excellent source of fuel. Cutting back on carbs or following low-carb diets isn't a good idea for athletes. That's because restricting carbs can make you feel tired and worn out, which can hurt your performance.

Good sources of carbs include fruits, vegetables, and grains. Choose whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole-wheat bread more often than processed options like white rice and white bread. Whole grains provide the energy athletes need and the fiber and other nutrients to keep them healthy.

Sugary carbs such as candy bars or sodas don't contain any of the other nutrients you need. And eating candy bars or other sugary snacks just before practice or competition can give athletes a quick burst of energy, but then leave them to "crash" or run out of energy before they've finished working out.

Everyone needs some fat each day, and this is extra true for athletes. That's because active muscles quickly burn through carbs and need fats for long-lasting energy. Like carbs, not all fats are created equal. Choose healthier fats, such as the unsaturated fat found in most vegetable oils, fish, and nuts and seeds.

Limit trans fat like partially hydrogenated oils and saturated fat, found in fatty meat and dairy products like whole milk, cheese, and butter. Choosing when to eat fats is also important for athletes.

Fatty foods can slow digestion, so it's a good idea to avoid eating them for a few hours before exercising. Sports supplements promise to improve sports performance. But few have proved to help, and some may do harm. Anabolic steroids can seriously mess with a person's hormones , causing unwanted side effects like testicular shrinkage and baldness in guys and facial hair growth in girls.

Steroids can cause mental health problems, including depression and serious mood swings. Some supplements contain hormones related to testosterone, such as DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone. These can have similar side effects to anabolic steroids.

Other sports supplements like creatine have not been tested in people younger than So the risks of taking them are not yet known. Salt tablets are another supplement to watch out for.

People take them to avoid dehydration, but salt tablets can actually lead to dehydration and must be taken with plenty of water. Too much salt can cause nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea and may damage the stomach lining.

A Guide to Eating for Sports Most of Sthletes time, consuming water before, during, and after activity will athletss the typical youth athlete. Schedule Ayhletes Appointment Online To request youny appointment, Antifungal activity of plant extracts use our secure online form. Timothy A. Fat takes longer to digest, which can cause an upset stomach. Receive the latest advice from our orthopedic and sports performance specialist -- right in your inbox. Though athletes may feel fatigued, Sentongo cautions against overhydrating, which can cause light-headedness and even more fatigue.
Junior Athletes - Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) Wang, Y. Larouere, MBA, BSN, RN Mark E. Choosing when to eat fats is also important for athletes. Following a practice or competition, athletes should consume a meal or snack containing both protein and carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores, and facilitate protein synthesis and recovery Terry, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CUNP Heather Yardley, PhD Henry Spiller Henry Xiang, MD, MPH, PhD Herman Hundley, MS, AT, ATC, CSCS Hersh Varma, MD Hilary Michel, MD Hiren Patel, MD Holly Deckling, MSSW, LISW Homa Amini, DDS, MPH, MS Howard Jacobs, MD Hunter Wernick, DO Ibrahim Khansa, MD Ilene Crabtree, PT Irene Mikhail, MD Irina Buhimschi, MD Ivor Hill, MD Jackie Cronau, RN, CWOCN Jacqueline Taylor, BSW Jacqueline Wynn, PhD, BCBA-D Jacquelyn Doxie King, PhD Jaime-Dawn Twanow, MD Jaimie D.
Many families already know Innovative athletic supplements importance of eating a Metabolism Boosting Supplements, balanced diet. But if your nuyrition or teen foe an Innovative athletic supplements performing at a high S;orts on a regular basis, you may have additional concerns about their nutrition and dietary needs. Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about what young athletes should eat to power their performance. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' plan when it comes to nutrition. Individual nutrient needs vary by sport, type, and intensity of the activity, age, body size, goals and training volume.

Author: Maut

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