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CGM data analysis

CGM data analysis

Aleppo G, Laffel LM, Ahmann Lean mass tracking, et dat. To date, Lean mass tracking study has used FDA to dataa the reproducibility of results provided by CGM systems. Search Dropdown Menu. The MARD is a parameter that expresses the average difference between the measurement of the system and the reference standard in this case capillary blood glucose. Related content. CGM data analysis

The authors wish it Lean mass tracking dataa known that, in their opinion, Xiaohua Douglas Zhang and Zhaozhi Zhang authors Snakebite medical intervention be regarded as Annalysis First Authors. The R daat CGManalyzer contains functions for analyzing data from analyysis continuous glucose monitoring CGM study.

It covers a wide and comprehensive range of data analysid methods including CM a series of datasets, obtaining summary statistics of glucose levels, plotting data, transforming the time stamp format, dat missing values, evaluating ajalysis mean of daily difference and continuous overlapping net glycemic datta, calculating multiscale dwta entropy, conducting pairwise comparison, displaying results using various plots including a Ddata type of plot called an antenna plot, etc.

This package has been Metabolic rate analysis tool from analysiis work in directly analyzing data from various CGM devices such as the FreeStyle Libre, Glutalor, Dexcom and Medtronic CGM.

Thus, this package should greatly fata the analysis anxlysis various CGM studies. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. The core analywis of diabetes management is CG blood glucose levels Probstfield et al.

Part Exercise and its impact on blood sugar levels effectively controlling glucose levels lies in the ability Lentils and mashed potatoes properly monitor CM.

These methods must not only be Non-jittery energy supplement but convenient. This has led to prestigious companies like Apple, CGM data analysis and CGM data analysis taking steps to innovate CGM data analysis technology for monitoring glucose levels.

Analysjs, it Anti-oxidative stress catechins a challenge to CGM data analysis and Vegan pregnancy nutrition the CGMM from the CGM studies due aanlysis the large volume Herbal Pain Relief the inherent non-linearity of the data.

Currently, there is no R package CGMM designed for analyzing CGM studies. To fill this gap, Micronutrient requirements developed an R package CGManalyzer. Analyss package can be used to analyze a CGM analysia from the very beginning to the daa, including reading and displaying data, dara regular statistics e.

mean, median, SD, confidence interval and non-linear statistics e. multiscale sample entropy MSEevaluating mean Alternate-day fasting and cellular rejuvenation daily difference MODD annalysis intraday glycemic variation datw represented continuous overlapping net glycemic action CONGA; McDonnell et al.

On top of Naalysis a complete workflow for CGM analysis, this package includes two features that are new to CGM analysis: one Lean mass tracking the anzlysis of strictly naalysis mean difference SSMD; Zhang, and the analyais of effect size Zhang, and the Body comparison is the analjsis of a new type of plot called antenna plot.

This package can directly anqlysis applied analysjs analyze various CGM devices such as FreeStyle Libre, Glutalor, Dexcom and Medtronic CGM. CGManalyzer has main Leafy greens for diabetes management createFolder.

fnsummaryCGM. fn, boxplotCGM. abalysis, timeSeqConversion. fn, CCGM. fn, fixMissing. fn, MODD. fn, CONGA. analgsis, plotTseries.

Astaxanthin and inflammation, compileC. fn, Lean mass tracking, MSEbyC.

annalysis, pairwiseComparison. fn, MSEplot. Lentils and mashed potatoesantennaPlot. fn and xata. The CGM data analyss usually generated one sensor by one sensor which means that it is usually stored by sensor: one file for the data in each sensor.

Therefore, it is natural to take this feature into account when we read CGM data in R. To do so, in addition to createFolder. fn being able to create a folder to hold the data files, the creation of a.

bat file 00fetchFileNameInDirectory. bat is described in the SPEC. R to automatically collect the names of all data files in the Data folder and store them in 00filelist.

csvwhich avoids the tedious work of manually collecting names of data files one-by-one. Since there exists a variety of CGM devices such as FreeStyle Libre, Glutalor, Dexcom, Medtronic CGM, the file SPEC.

R contains parameter settings that can be altered to fit each type of device. The package provides three files of SPEC. R for FreeStyle Libre, Glualor and Medtronic CGM, respectively, so that users may directly choose the SPEC file that corresponds to their CGM device.

Since CGM measures glucose levels in a continuous time series, time stamp information is critical. The difficulty is that various CGM devices have different formats for their time stamps, which presents a challenge when we process CGM data.

To overcome this challenge, we use timeSeqConversion. fn to convert various time stamps into a sequence of time values after the format of time stamp is specified. When non-linear statistics such as sample entropy are calculated, it is required that the interval between two consecutive time points is equal.

CGManalyzer has a function equalInterval. fn to adjust the data so that equal space between any two consecutive time points can be achieved. CGManalyzer has also a function fixMissing. fn to fix missing values when necessary. For CGM data, it is common to want to see the summary statistics such as number of data points, mean, median, SD, minimal and maximal values of glucose levels measured by a sensor.

CGManalyzer has a function summaryCGM. fn to calculate those values, MODD. fn to calculate MODD and CONGA. fn to calculate CONGA. and boxplotCGM.

fn to display them e. In addition, the function plotTseries. fn can be used to display the glucose levels in a time series e. When the main code in CGManalyzer is run, summaryStatistics. csv will be generated automatically to hold the summary statistics and a PDF file timeSeriesPlot.

pdf will be generated to show the glucose time series for each sensor. In Panels C — FdI, dII, dPRE and H denote type I, type II, pre-diabetes and healthy people. fn calculates MSE. The calculation is fast because the function calls a C program i.

org to obtain the major results. The calculated MSE can be displayed by individuals Fig. When the main code is run, a PDF file MSEplot. pdf is automatically generated to show the calculated MSE by individuals and by groups. When MSE is shown by groups, the error bar can be chosen to represent standard error or SD for each group at each scale.

There are four major groups of subjects related to diabetes: type I diabetes, type II diabetes, pre-diabetes and healthy individuals. Researchers and doctors are interested in the pairwise comparison between any pair of these groups either in glucose levels or MSE.

The key statistics for each comparison include mean difference, confidence interval, SSMD, P -value of t -test. fn can calculate those statistics in addition to calculating mean, SD and number of subjects in each group.

The calculated results can be displayed using a forest plot. SSMD is the mean divided by the SD of a difference between two groups. Thus, SSMD measures effective size for group comparison effectively Zhang, Based on SSMD, here we propose a new plot in which the x-axis is similar to that in a forest plot but the y-axis is SSMD.

Because the shape of this plot looks like an antenna, it is termed an antenna plot. The function antennaPlot. fn can generate antenna plots for glucose levels Fig. When the main codes is run, groupCompSSMDpvalue. csv and groupComp. csv will be automatically generated and contain the calculated MSE results for each pairwise comparison and for each group, respectively, groupEffect.

csv will contain the strength of difference, and antennaPot. pdf will contain a series of antenna plots for glucose levels and MSE at each scale.

The strengths of differences are very weak between dI and dII and between dPRE and H, fairly weak between dII and dPRE, fairly moderate between dI and dPRE, and moderate between dI and H and between dII and H, based on the SSMD criteria in Zhang Similarly, we can interpret the results in Figure 1E for average glucose levels.

Here, we develop an analytic tool CGManalyzer for CGM studies. This tool has multiple, useful features. First, it can be applied to data measured by various existing CGM devices such as FreeStyle Libre, Glutalor, Dexcom and Medtronic CGM.

Second, it can analyze a CGM study from the beginning to the end. Third, it reads a series of data files with each representing a sensor or subject. Fourth, it converts various formats of time stamps as long as the time stamp format is fixed in all data files. Fifth, it handles missing values.

: CGM data analysis

1 Introduction

These technologies also play a crucial role in the development of APS and DIY APS. However, even CGM systems which do not specifically offer that option generate data that needs to be aggregated and stored for further processing and interpretation. This is often implemented using cloud-based services [ 47 ].

In addition, the opportunity to share data with third parties like clinicians is frequently provided. Remote glucose monitoring, especially by health care professionals, may help improve therapy and patient-reported outcomes in different population groups [ 48 ], [ 49 ], [ 50 ].

Although cloud-based data storage facilitates data management and assessment, it is a meaningful privacy and security risk not only with regard to cyberattacks. Diabetic patients therefore are well advised to find out how their personal data and information are used.

Another source of risk could be the physical CGM system itself. A major issue in medical devices is the accessibility of the device by unauthorized persons.

As CGM systems rely on the wireless transfer of data, the level of encryption of transmitted data is crucial [ 47 ]. Modern CGM sensors usually allow direct data transfer to smartphones, which replace traditional CGM receivers.

Combined with data provided by other medical devices such as SMBG monitors, insulin pumps, insulin pens and also other wearable sensors not specifically developed for diabetes control, this allows the generation of large data pools [ 51 ], [ 52 ].

Other sensors are portrayed by, for example, smart clothes, smart watches or sensors for biomarkers based on tears, saliva, sweat or breath [ 53 ]. Additional data from clinical registries, electronic health records, prescription entries and quality of life and health surveys allow psychosocial and economic contextualization of CGM data [ 54 ].

Based on those data pools, software solutions could calculate prediction models which support taking proactive medical decisions.

By the implementation of pattern recognition and risk models, dashboards to identify diabetic patients with high risks of developing diabetes-related complications could be designed. However, the development of proactive medicine applications is dependent on the reliability of data sources [ 55 ], [ 56 ].

Thereby, on the one hand, patients using CGM have the ability to react quickly to their glucose levels and subsequently to avoid hypo- and hyperglycemia more reliably. Clinicians and patients can take therapy decisions on a more profound basis than enabled by SMBG.

Data sharing and cloud-based storage provide interesting new possibilities, but add a possible data security risk. However, it is important to check data validity and to interpret the large amount of data correctly.

User education in the use of CGM data is obligatory. Author contributions: GF and JM wrote the article. All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission. Employment or leadership: GF is general manager of the IDT Institut für Diabetes-Technologie, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH an der Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany , which carries out clinical studies on the evaluation of BG meters and medical devices for diabetes therapy on its own initiative and on behalf of various companies.

Competing interests: The funding organization s played no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the report for publication.

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Kavakiotis I, Tsave O, Salifoglou A, Maglaveras N, Vlahavas I, Chouvarda I. analysis, Glooko. CGDA, Continuous Glucose Data Analysis; CV, coefficient of variation; GVAP, Glycemic Variability Analyzer Program. The possible applications of GlyCulator 3.

First, investigators can use it to process data from an increasing number of clinical trials using CGM 5 and should raw files be stored cross-reference those data between trials. Secondly, the data-sharing option might promote nationwide or international analyses, which could be a critical and invaluable asset for public health policy and future guidelines development.

Finally, an application programming interface could be set up on request to enable high-throughput automated analyses for independent research networks. Overall, we believe that GlyCulator 3. Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.

Author Contributions. conceptualized the manuscript. contributed to data interpretation and wrote and edited the manuscript. and A. performed statistical analyses and wrote and edited the manuscript. collected the data used in this manuscript. contributed to data interpretation and reviewed and edited the manuscript.

is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Prior Presentation. Parts of this study were presented at the 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, virtual, 13—15 October Sign In or Create an Account.

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Article history Received:. Get Permissions. toolbar search Search Dropdown Menu. toolbar search search input Search input auto suggest. Table 1 Functionality comparison of popular free CGM analysis software.

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ADE | Interpreting Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Data Glycemic variability and its association with demographics and lifestyles in a general adult population. This was followed by a series of CGM consensus statements refining the core CGM metrics, but the conclusions were never in alignment. Department of Statistical Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. Remote blood glucose monitoring in mHealth scenarios: a review. Because of the lack of evidence on CGM targets for women with gestational diabetes mellitus GDM or type 2 diabetes in pregnancy, percentages of time spent in range, below range, and above range have not been included in this report. Diabetologia 8 , — As CGM systems rely on the wireless transfer of data, the level of encryption of transmitted data is crucial [ 47 ].
cgmanalysis: An R package for descriptive analysis of continuous glucose monitor data | PLOS ONE

and boxplotCGM. fn to display them e. In addition, the function plotTseries. fn can be used to display the glucose levels in a time series e. When the main code in CGManalyzer is run, summaryStatistics. csv will be generated automatically to hold the summary statistics and a PDF file timeSeriesPlot.

pdf will be generated to show the glucose time series for each sensor. In Panels C — F , dI, dII, dPRE and H denote type I, type II, pre-diabetes and healthy people. fn calculates MSE. The calculation is fast because the function calls a C program i. org to obtain the major results.

The calculated MSE can be displayed by individuals Fig. When the main code is run, a PDF file MSEplot. pdf is automatically generated to show the calculated MSE by individuals and by groups. When MSE is shown by groups, the error bar can be chosen to represent standard error or SD for each group at each scale.

There are four major groups of subjects related to diabetes: type I diabetes, type II diabetes, pre-diabetes and healthy individuals. Researchers and doctors are interested in the pairwise comparison between any pair of these groups either in glucose levels or MSE. The key statistics for each comparison include mean difference, confidence interval, SSMD, P -value of t -test.

fn can calculate those statistics in addition to calculating mean, SD and number of subjects in each group. The calculated results can be displayed using a forest plot. SSMD is the mean divided by the SD of a difference between two groups. Thus, SSMD measures effective size for group comparison effectively Zhang, Based on SSMD, here we propose a new plot in which the x-axis is similar to that in a forest plot but the y-axis is SSMD.

Because the shape of this plot looks like an antenna, it is termed an antenna plot. The function antennaPlot. fn can generate antenna plots for glucose levels Fig. When the main codes is run, groupCompSSMDpvalue. csv and groupComp.

csv will be automatically generated and contain the calculated MSE results for each pairwise comparison and for each group, respectively, groupEffect. csv will contain the strength of difference, and antennaPot.

pdf will contain a series of antenna plots for glucose levels and MSE at each scale. The strengths of differences are very weak between dI and dII and between dPRE and H, fairly weak between dII and dPRE, fairly moderate between dI and dPRE, and moderate between dI and H and between dII and H, based on the SSMD criteria in Zhang Similarly, we can interpret the results in Figure 1E for average glucose levels.

Here, we develop an analytic tool CGManalyzer for CGM studies. This tool has multiple, useful features. First, it can be applied to data measured by various existing CGM devices such as FreeStyle Libre, Glutalor, Dexcom and Medtronic CGM.

Second, it can analyze a CGM study from the beginning to the end. Third, it reads a series of data files with each representing a sensor or subject.

Fourth, it converts various formats of time stamps as long as the time stamp format is fixed in all data files. Fifth, it handles missing values. Finally, it calculates regular and nonlinear statistics.

Moreover, it has been partially applied to analyze CGM experiments successfully Zhang et al. Therefore, this package should greatly facilitate the analysis of data generated from a fast growing technology—wearable CGM device.

MSE measures the irregularity and complexity of a dynamic physiological signals and may have novel utility in diagnosis and prognosis of various diseases Chen et al. This package calculates MSE by essentially calling a c programming developed by Costa et al.

Niu et al. Furthermore, we introduce a new plot called an antenna plot for displaying the analytic results in CGM experiments, which may show the CGM changing pattern better than a forest plot He et al. This work was supported by the Start-up Research Grant SRGFHS at University of Macau.

Chen C. et al. Google Scholar. Costa M. Chaos , 24 , Elenko E. BMC Pharmacol. Toxicology , 17 , Jin Y. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Dis. McDonnell C. Diabetes Technol.

Therapeutics , 7 , — Bioinformatics , doi: Probstfield J. Diabetes Care , 39 , — Rodbard D. Zhang X. Genomics , 89 , — Cambridge University press , New York. Google Preview. Bioinformatics , 29 , — Plos One , 12 , E Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

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Journal Article. CGManalyzer: an R package for analyzing continuous glucose monitoring studies. Xiaohua Douglas Zhang , Xiaohua Douglas Zhang. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau, Taipa, Macau. To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Email: douglaszhang umac. Oxford Academic. Zhaozhi Zhang. Department of Statistical Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. Dandan Wang. Revision received:. PDF Split View Views.

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Abstract Summary. Open in new tab Download slide. Google Scholar Crossref. Search ADS. Demonstrating placebo effect in clinical trials of DPP-4 inhibiters conducted in China: meta-analysis. Entropy change of biological dynamics in human chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, downloading those data is difficult especially for large numbers of patients or long records and researchers have to rely on manufacturer or commercial software for analysis.

An increasing number of public domain tools strive to bridge this gap, but they vary substantially in their capabilities and ease of use.

GlyCulator 2 , developed by our team, was one of the first such tools and has been updated several times along with the advancement of sensor technology and analysis guidelines. In this article, we present GlyCulator 3. This solution allows for easy integration between various CGM files and downstream analysis using more specialized tools.

pl after account creation. The current version allows users to upload CGM files downloaded from all popular CGM systems without preprocessing.

While GlyCulator 3. CGM technology and file format are automatically detected—the software is compatible with most current or past CGM sensors—or may be defined by the user on upload. The tool also provides an option to integrate multiple files from a single CGM user into a single standard file; this is especially useful for Medtronic CGM users, as those files are typically limited to storing only 90 days of data.

Following file upload, all files from one analysis are converted into a uniform format GlyQ and an analysis template is created for further editing. The GlyQ format was created to facilitate downstream analysis of raw CGM records and can be used with external software solutions with no or few modifications required.

CGM records in GlyCulator 3. After upload of full-length CGM records, the user specifies the start and end dates, thus creating the desired window of analysis for all files or selecting specific ones using a graphical interface or manual date entry.

The next step is quality check and filtration, which allows the user to review data completeness through visual representation and adjust the chosen time frame before proceeding. Afterward, the user may enable missing data imputation or skip this step and proceed directly to analysis. The analytical stage calculates glycemic variability indices GVIs compliant with the international consensus 1 for the chosen periods for all files in the analysis.

Postanalysis, the user may access separate file-specific reports including record configuration, standard ambulatory glucose profile, and GVIs , a summary detailing metadata and GVIs for all files presented visually , and raw glucose data used for calculations.

The summary report and aggregated CGM data in GlyQ format can also be downloaded for further processing with use of more specialized or custom-made analytical tools as well as external statistical software.

At each step, the users may share their results or processed files with other researchers and users of our tool. Finally, the anonymized CGM data are also securely backed up by the host institution and can potentially be used as a reference for further joint analyses or reproducibility evaluations.

The users may save, delete, access, or revisit their analyses at any time, allowing for rapid reanalysis or exploration of different analytical scenarios or variants of data imputation or filtering. We hope that by providing external data storage and analysis capabilities, we will facilitate research independent of in-house hardware limitations.

The list of features of GlyCulator 3. Our intention is not to replace the existing solutions but, rather, to allow for interoperability with outside software, which provides additional functionalities, such as nonstandard GVIs, additional data imputation algorithms, and alternative data visualizations.

GlyCulator 3. As an example, we performed such a study on 1, CGM users treated in the pediatric diabetology reference center for Lodzkie Voivodeship. Such benchmarks provide essential insight into diabetes care quality and may help with identification of areas that need improvement 3 , 4.

Xs represent functionalities implemented. Exact workings of specific functions may differ, but if a specific function was present in any extent we marked it as present. analysis, Glooko.

CGDA, Continuous Glucose Data Analysis; CV, coefficient of variation; GVAP, Glycemic Variability Analyzer Program. The possible applications of GlyCulator 3. First, investigators can use it to process data from an increasing number of clinical trials using CGM 5 and should raw files be stored cross-reference those data between trials.

Secondly, the data-sharing option might promote nationwide or international analyses, which could be a critical and invaluable asset for public health policy and future guidelines development. Finally, an application programming interface could be set up on request to enable high-throughput automated analyses for independent research networks.

Overall, we believe that GlyCulator 3. Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.

Author Contributions. conceptualized the manuscript. contributed to data interpretation and wrote and edited the manuscript. and A. performed statistical analyses and wrote and edited the manuscript. collected the data used in this manuscript. contributed to data interpretation and reviewed and edited the manuscript.

is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Prior Presentation. Parts of this study were presented at the 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, virtual, 13—15 October Sign In or Create an Account.

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How to analyse CGM data: A structured and practical approach - DiabetesontheNet For the normoglycemic subjects, ICC, CV and MODD were calculated stratifying by demographics gender, age groups and life-styles tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical activity and diet. Authoring Open access Purchasing Institutional account management Rights and permissions. Introduction Continuous glucose monitoring CGM technology has transformed diabetes care over the past 15 years by allowing clinicians to measure free-living glucose patterns. One another hand, FDA enables more accurate and precise regression modeling, providing a deeper understanding influence of the temporal dynamics in glucose levels. Page:
References Ex-smokers showed higher reproducibility xnalysis lower inter-day glycaemic variability than non-smokers. UK CGM data analysis Diabetes Study UKPDS Group. Diabetes Care 27 8— Caceres, A. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.
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Author: Zulkitaur

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