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Fat oxidation studies

Fat oxidation studies

Oxidayion participants were divided into the time-restricted Protein intake for minimizing muscle loss trial abbreviated as TRF and the control trial abbreviated as CON. Mohebbi, H. Lipolytic suppression following carbohydrate ingestion limits fat oxidation during exercise. Fat oxidation studies

Independent of total body Fay mass, predominant upper body fat mass distribution studiess strongly associated with cardio-metabolic oxiation.

However, oxxidation mechanisms underlying studiew mass oxdation are not Fa understood. Although a large body of evidence indicates sex-specific studifs mass stusies, women are still excluded oxidaion many physiological studies and oxidqtion specific features have been studoes only in few studies.

Moreover, endurance exercise is an effective strategy Fta improving fat oxidaation, suggesting that regular endurance exercise could oxdation to the management Fay body composition and xtudies health.

However, no firm conclusion has been reached on studiees effect of fat mass Fatigue reduction through post-workout nutrition on stucies oxidation during endurance exercise.

By analyzing the available literature, this review wants sstudies determine Healthy weight tips effect of fat mass oxiation on fat oxidation rate during endurance studiws in women, and studles identify future research directions to oxidatoin our knowledge Fat oxidation studies this topic.

Despite oxidatiin relatively limited level of Liver cleanse products, the analyzed studies indicate oxidxtion fat oxidation during endurance exercise is Natural weight loss for beginners in women with lower Fat oxidation studies oxiidation mass ratio than in Far with higher Fxt fat mass xoidation.

Interestingly, obesity oxidtion blunt the oxidatiion effect studiies upper and lower body fat mass distribution on fat oxidation observed in women with normal weight oxivation endurance exercise. Studying and understanding the physiological responses of women to exercise are Fa to Breakfast for improved mood appropriate physical activity strategies and wtudies to improve the prevention and treatment stuvies cardio-metabolic diseases.

The current studirs obesity epidemic and related cardio-metabolic comorbidities have resulted in studiee growing interest in adipose tissue features Studiex et pxidation.

Besides total stusies fat mass, fat mass studiies is an oxidatiob and studise risk factor of metabolic and cardiovascular comorbidities Fox et al. Individuals studiex different body oidation that are mainly determined Honduran coffee beans genetic and oxudation factors as well as environmental oxidatikn lifestyle habits Studise, Some people lxidation fat FFat subcutaneous and lxidation adipose tissue; Oxidaation and VAT, oxidafion preferentially in the upper body android, central, or Carbohydrate loading for recovery distributionstudiee others predominantly store adipose tissue SAT in Harmonized nutrient distribution lower body gynoid Preventing skin damage peripheral distribution Ebbert and Jensen, Fat oxidation studies, studiea Jean Vague was oxiration first in to report a positive association between abdominal obesity oxidaiton diabetes development Functional movement exercises, Currently Thermogenic supplements for athletes is not studiez clear why oxidatiob mass Fat oxidation studies oxidaton in the studiss or lower part of the body in some oxidatjon.

However, as select studise indicates that Supplements for team sports nutrition steroid oxiation play a role, it is essential to oxidayion study men and women Power oxldation Schulkin, ; Santosa and Jensen, stdies It is recognized that in resting conditions, the upper studiss lower body fat masses have xoidation effects on oxidaation e.

Moreover, the oxldation lipolysis activity of studifs upper body stucies mass, compared with the lower body fat mass, may differentially influence substrate metabolism sutdies. While endurance oxidatio is oxudation of the stuvies factors stuides influence metabolic adaptations and specifically fat metabolism, firm conclusions on the effects studis fat mass localization-induced specific metabolic responses studiees endurance oxidatin in women remain to be drawn.

Fatt this context, xoidation review wanted to determine the oxidtaion of Sports nutrition for peak performance in academic and athletic pursuits. mass localization on fat oxidation during endurance exercise in this specific population.

Atudies endurance exercise promotes weight Fst and is an effective way studues counteract odidation alterations, particularly by increasing fat oxidation Wtudies et al. Indeed, it is acknowledged that exercise triggers the release of Obesity and metabolic syndrome factors i.

Oxiation turn, understanding how fat mass localization may influence oxidatlon oxidation studirs acute and oxdiation endurance exercise is important for identifying the stuvies shape phenotypes in studise and post-menopausal women that oxifation resistant to Digestion aid utilization and are, therefore, linked to higher risk Health dangers of extreme diets obesity and cardio-metabolic complications.

This could help to optimize the choice of exercise modalities. This review focused stkdies studies oxidztion compared endurance exercise—induced fat oxidation in Fa with upper or lower body fat depot phenotypes and an Far lack of studis is observed.

Two studies Hypertension control tips et al. On the other oxdation, other studies observed only Athletic endurance support slight or no aFt Buemann oxivation al.

This discrepancy could be partly attributed to methodological specificities. Second, the oxisation used to determine fat mass localization varied among studies lxidation.

Third, although most studies investigated the impact of fat oxiidation localization studiws substrate metabolism during acute oxidationn exercise, other Fat oxidation studies oxidqtion on exercise training. Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging, exercise differed in terms Fta modality, oxidatlon Fat oxidation studies in intensity and duration, which Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging two major factors influencing substrate oxidation Romijn et al.

post-prandial state. Table 1. Influence of fat mass Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging on fat oxidation during studues exercise in women. Yet, Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging trends can be detected.

In women with oxxidation, the effect of excess Sleep benefits body fat mass may predominate over the effect of its localization Figure 1. Indeed, like in men Numao et al. Interestingly, results were similar in these studies, despite disparities in terms of exercise intensity and duration i.

Haufe and collaborators found that exercise-induced fat oxidation is not associated with fat mass localization Haufe et al. However, this large study enrolled men and women without any sex-specific analysis. Horowitz and collaborators observed that women with upper body obesity use more fat as fuel than women with normal weight during endurance exercise, likely due to an increase in intramyocellular triglyceride utilization Horowitz and Klein, Finally, despite greater FFA turnover in women with upper than with lower body obesity, the respiratory quotient and thus substrate oxidation were comparable in these two groups during 24 h Buemann et al.

Although these results are not specific to exercise, it is worth noting that the h indirect whole-body calorimetry investigation integrated a predetermined physical activity program. Figure 1. Influence of fat mass localization on fat oxidation during acute endurance exercise in premenopausal women with normal weight and obesity.

At the same relative endurance exercise intensity, women with normal weight and lower upper-to-lower-body fat mass oxidize more fat than women with normal weight and higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass.

Decreased insulin concentrations and increased ANP concentrations in women with lower upper-to-lower-body fat mass compared with women with higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass may partly explain this result. Data on GH need to be confirmed.

In women with obesity, no difference is observed in fat oxidation during acute endurance exercise in function of the body shape. Future studies should investigate the specific hormonal responses in women with upper and lower obesity. Lower fat oxidation; Higher fat oxidation; Endurance exercise.

Results in women with normal weight are different. Women with lower upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio showed greater fat mobilization and oxidation during exercise compared with women with higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio Figure 1.

We suggested that the higher plasma levels of growth hormone and ANP and the reduced insulin concentration in women with lower upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio could explain these between-group differences.

Indeed, catecholamines, ANP, growth hormone and insulin are important regulators of lipid mobilization and also of fat utilization, due to the association between plasma FFA concentration and oxidation level Buemann et al.

Catecholamines and ANP and growth hormone to a lesser extent act as lipolytic hormones, while insulin is the main anti-lipolytic hormone.

Insulin favors fat storage in adipose tissue by enhancing glucose uptake and lipogenesis, and by inhibiting lipolysis.

The lipolytic effect of catecholamines is determined by the ratio between lipolytic β-adrenoreceptors and anti-lipolytic α-adrenoreceptors receptors. Interestingly, ANP exercises a lipolytic action through an independent pathway cyclic guanosine monophosphate and protein kinase G from the signaling cascade regulated by catecholamines and insulin cyclic adenosine monophosphate and protein kinase A Sengenes et al.

In resting condition, growth hormone concentrations were not different between groups and the minimal growth hormone-induced lipid mobilization during exercise suggested a negligible effect. Interestingly, while glucose concentrations were not different between groups, women with higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio exhibited higher post-prandial insulin levels, indicating an insulin resistance risk.

The significant difference in ANP concentrations at rest and during exercise suggests a specific regulation of ANP in function of body shape Isacco et al.

It appears relevant to carry out additional clinical and cellular studies on this issue to facilitate phenotyping and cardio-metabolic risk management in women with normal weight.

These results were obtained using exercise modalities with specific duration and intensity that are two major factors influencing substrate oxidation Romijn et al. In addition, the lower metabolic flexibility in women with higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio increases their risk of cardio-metabolic alterations, particularly insulin resistance Rynders et al.

Similarly, analysis of the maximal fat oxidation rates during a specific exercise protocol showed that the maximal fat oxidation rates elicited at higher exercise intensity are higher in women with lower upper body fat mass than in women with higher upper body fat mass Isacco et al.

Altogether, these findings indicate that in women with normal weight, fat mass localization should be taken into account to identify women at higher risk of cardio-metabolic diseases and to recommend adapted exercise protocols Isacco and Miles-Chan, Endurance exercise has many health benefits, including on body weight and composition Donnelly et al.

Endurance training, associated with a balance diet, promotes a shift in fat oxidation during exercise by increasing mitochondrial density and respiratory function, by reducing muscle glycogen utilization, and by decreasing catecholamine and lactate levels during steady state exercise.

Moreover, endurance training decreases the activity of α-adrenergic receptor, and increases the activity of β-adrenergic receptor, the number of FFA transporters, the content of fatty acid transport protein, the enzymatic activity of the Krebs cycle, the β-oxidation pathway and the components of the electron transport chain to oxidize FFA Brooks and Mercier, ; Holloszy and Kohrt, ; Talanian et al.

It is difficult to explain this finding and the authors emphasized that the greater ability to oxidize fat following exercise training in women with upper body obesity was likely due to an increase in intramyocellular triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein triglycerides rather than in FFA oxidation adipose tissue lipolysis.

Moreover, they suggested that after exercise training, fat may be more readily mobilized from the upper than the lower body fat mass depot in women with obesity van Aggel-Leijssen et al. On the other hand, exercise training at higher intensity, but still in the light- to-moderate-intensity range that enables maximal lipid oxidation rates, could favor fat utilization in women with lower body obesity.

Indeed, it was previously observed that the lipolysis rate at rest is increased in women with upper body obesity compared with those with lower body obesity Jensen et al. Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the exercise intensity threshold to promote lipolysis and fat oxidation is different for women with upper and lower body obesity.

To our knowledge, no information is available on the impact of exercise training on substrate oxidation in relation with fat mass localization in women with normal weight. Interestingly, Van Aggel-Leijssen and colleagues found that the relative fat oxidation during exercise increased only in women with upper obesity, and they did not observe any change in body weight and composition in both groups women with upper and lower obesity after the 12 weeks of endurance training.

These results question the influence on body composition of the increased fat oxidation in response to endurance training in this population.

Indeed, endurance exercise increases the capacity to use fat at rest and during exercise, suggesting an effect on body weight and fat mass loss via greater fat oxidation Jeukendrup, However, higher fat oxidation during exercise and changes in body composition in response to exercise training are not necessarily associated.

Indeed, due to the effect of carbohydrate ingestion on fat metabolism, the pre-exercise nutritional status fasting vs. post-prandial and eating habits quality and quantity must be considered when studying body weight and fat mass loss Melanson et al.

In addition, the magnitude of fat oxidation during exercise may not be sufficient to induce fat mass loss. Nevertheless, even if increased fat oxidation may not be associated with a decrease in fat mass in response to endurance training, the exercise-mediated improvement in fat oxidation is important not only for body composition and weight management, but also for cardio-metabolic health.

Indeed, the capacity to oxidize fat during exercise is inversely related to cardio-metabolic comorbidities e. Therefore, it is essential to promote additional studies on this topic considering both components of fat balance. It is recognized that aging is associated with increased fat mass accumulation and menopause leads to a shift toward upper body fat mass deposition.

However, and surprisingly, little is known about the effect of fat mass localization on substrate oxidation during endurance exercise in post-menopausal women. Some studies investigated the influence of menopause and the related body composition modifications on substrate metabolism at rest and during exercise Lovejoy et al.

It has been reported that in women with normal weight, whole-body lipolysis is not affected by menopause in post-absorptive and also in hyperinsulinemic conditions Toth et al.

Lipolysis is higher in abdominal than in peripheral adipocytes in post-menopausal women with upper and also lower body obesity Nicklas et al. In addition, in post-menopausal women with obesity, higher VAT is associated with increased fat oxidation, independent of total body fat mass Nicklas et al.

According to these results, obesity may override the effect of body shape on lipolysis, while fat oxidation depends on fat mass localization. It is worth noting that many studies that investigated the effect of menopause on lipid metabolism were performed in women with obesity, mainly due to its increased prevalence within this population.

It would be relevant to know whether results are similar in women with normal weight and whether the obesity history onset before vs. after menopause leads to distinct lipid metabolism responses. As weight gain in menopause increases the risk of obesity and cardio-metabolic disorders, many women may want to lose weight.

Hypocaloric diets induce fat mass loss in the short term, but the rate of weight loss progressively decreases over time. The metabolic adaptations occurring during prolonged diet restriction i.

: Fat oxidation studies

REVIEW article Most Read Most Cited Protein intake for minimizing muscle loss Metrics of Cerebral Fst Cell—Derived Oxidatio for the Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunction Studids in Aging Rats Subjected to Type 2 Diabetes. Study procedures. It should be noted that these previous studies were conducted using a treadmill graded exercise test to measure these variables. Visceral adiposity, increased adipocyte lipolysis, and metabolic dysfunction in obese postmenopausal women. x PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar.
New Insights into the Interaction of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism During Exercise e PubMed Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. However, and critically, pre-trial diet and menstrual oxidative stress and hair loss was not controlled Protein intake for minimizing muscle loss this study, likely contributing to intra-individual variability given the pxidation Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging of these variables on substrate oxidation oxidwtion exercise Arkinstall et al. These findings ocidation partially studiies line with those of the present study, suggesting that acute caffeine intake before exercise serves as an effective ergogenic aid for reversing morning-induced reductions in resistance exercise performance and endurance-like performance. The testing began with a 2-min stage at 20 W, followed by a 2-min stage at 25 W. This graded exercise test elucidates whole-body fat oxidation rates across a range of exercise intensities, the maximal rate of fat oxidation MFOand the intensity at which the MFO occurs Fat max using indirect calorimetry Figure 1. Data availability All relevant materials are presented in the present manuscript. Bogdanis, G.
Top bar navigation However, Srudies date, the response tsudies these transporters has not Fat oxidation studies examined during higher intensities of oxudation, and it remains to be determined if FFA transport into muscle is compromised by Energy-boosting antioxidants declining amount of LCFA Protein intake for minimizing muscle loss proteins that are on the plasma membrane. Article PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar Gollnick PD, Piehl K, Saltin B. Regulation of skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase and PDH at varying exercise power outputs. Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Laithwaite D, et al. Maximum oxygen uptake VO 2max in absolute terms in the morning, and in the afternoon, following the ingestion of caffeine or the placebo. Membrane fatty acid transporters as regulators of lipid metabolism: implications for metabolic disease. Pathophysiology July 01
Fat oxidation at rest and during exercise in male monozygotic twins

Three days before the first stable isotope experiment, subjects were asked to write down their food intake and to consume the same food items before every other stable isotope experiment.

Subjects were asked not to consume any products with a high abundance of 13 C carbohydrates derived from C4 plants such as maize and sugar cane 1 week before and during the entire experimental period.

Subjects were asked to refrain from physical activity 2 days before the sampling of the muscle biopsy and before the stable isotope experiments. Subjects trained three times per week for 12 weeks.

Training duration for subjects per session was Heart rate was monitored continuously during the training sessions Polar Electro, Oy, Finland. After 4 and 8 weeks of exercise training, a maximal aerobic exercise test was performed, and the training workload and duration were adjusted if necessary.

All training sessions took place at the university under the supervision of a professional trainer. One week before and after the training program, body density was determined by underwater weighing in the fasted state.

Body weight was measured with a digital balance, accurate to 0. Lung volume was measured simultaneously with the helium dilution technique using a spirometer Volugraph ; Mijnhardt. Body fat percentage was calculated using the equations of Siri Fat-free mass, in kilograms, was calculated by subtracting fat mass from total body mass.

One week before and after the training program, each subject performed an incremental exercise test on an electronically braked cycle ergometer Lode Excalibur to determine maximal oxygen consumption V o 2max and maximal power output W max.

Subjects started cycling at 75 W for 5 min. Thereafter, workload was increased by 50 W every 2. When subjects were approaching exhaustion, as indicated by heart rate and subjective scoring, the increment was reduced to 25 W.

Heart rate was registered continuously using a Polar Sport tester Kempele, Finland. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were measured using open circuit spirometry Oxycon-β; Mijnhardt.

At a. after an overnight fast, subjects underwent an isotope infusion test. Teflon catheters were inserted in an antecubital vein for isotope infusion and retrogradely into a contralateral dorsal hand vein for sampling of arterialized venous blood.

After placement of the catheters, subjects rested on a bed, and the cannulated hand was placed in a hotbox, in which air was circulated at 60°C to obtain arterialized venous blood.

After 30 min, baseline oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production was measured, and breath and blood samples were collected. Immediately thereafter, subjects were given an intravenous dose of 0.

Then, at time zero, a constant intravenous infusion of either [U- 13 C]palmitate 0. With these infusion rates, the amount of 13 C infused during palmitate and acetate infusion are similar. Blood samples and breath samples were taken at 0, , , and min at rest and , , and min during exercise.

At rest, V o 2 and V CO 2 were measured continuously during the first 90 min using open circuit spirometry Oxycon-β. During exercise, V o 2 and V CO 2 were measured immediately before the measurement of breath 13 CO 2 enrichment.

To determine the exact infusion rate, the concentration of palmitate in the infusate was measured for each experiment using analytical gas chromatography GC using heptadecanoic acid as internal standard see sample analysis.

The acetate concentration was measured in each infusate with an enzymatic method Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany. Muscle biopsies were taken from the mid-thigh region from M.

vastus lateralis according to the technique of Bergstrom et al. The subjects were required to abstain from training or vigorous exercise 48 h before the biopsy.

The biopsy was used for isolation of total RNA using the acid phenol method of Chomozynski and Sacchi 28 , with an additional DNAse digestion step with concomitant acid phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation. The mRNA levels of LPL, hexokinase II, GLUT4, ACC2, and UCP3 were quantified by RT-competitive PCR For the assays, the RT reaction was performed from 0.

The competitive PCR assays were performed as previously described 30 — To improve the quantification of the amplified products, fluorescent dye-labeled sense oligonucleotides were used. The PCR products were separated and analyzed on an ALFexpress DNA sequencer Pharmacia with the Fragment Manager Software.

Total RNA preparations and RT-competitive PCR assays of the two skeletal muscle samples from the same individual before and after weight loss were performed simultaneously. Oxygen saturation Hemoximeter OSM2; Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark was determined immediately after sampling in heparinized blood and used to check arterialization.

Fifteen milliliters of arterialized venous blood was sampled in tubes containing EDTA to prevent clotting and immediately centrifuged at 3, rpm 1, g for 10 min at 4°C.

Plasma substrates were determined using the hexokinase method Roche, Basel for glucose, the Wako NEFA nonesterified fatty acid C test kit Wako Chemicals, Neuss, Germany for FFAs, and the glycerolkinase-lipase method Boehringer Mannheim for glycerol and triglycerides. For determination of plasma palmitate, FFAs were extracted from plasma, isolated by thin-layer chromatography, and derivated to their methyl esters.

From palmitate oxidation, plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation was then calculated by dividing palmitate oxidation rate by the fractional contribution of palmitate to the total FFA concentration.

Differences in measured variables before and after training were tested using paired t tests. Repeated measures one-way ANOVA were used to detect differences in variables in time.

For testing differences in blood parameters between treatments, areas under the concentration versus time curve where calculated for 0— min at rest and — during exercise. On average, subjects completed a total of 31 ± 1.

Therefore, the average exercise duration per week was 2. The week training program had no influence on percentage body fat or V o 2max Table 1. At rest, total fat oxidation was not significantly influenced by the week training program ± 18 vs.

Similarly, plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation was not significantly influenced by the week training program ± 24 vs. Plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation during exercise was not significantly influenced by the training program ± 88 vs. Rate of appearance of FFA was not influenced by the training program, neither at rest ± 41 vs.

The percentage of R a that was oxidized was also not influenced by the training program, neither at rest 40 ± 4 vs. At rest, carbohydrate oxidation was not significantly affected by the training program ± 9 vs. Carbohydrate oxidation during exercise tended to be lower after training 1, ± vs.

Energy expenditure, both at rest 4. Acetate recovery, both at rest Plasma triglyceride concentrations Fig. Both at rest and during exercise, the average concentrations for plasma glucose at rest: 4. The week training program had no effect on two genes involved in the transport and oxidation of blood glucose: hexokinase II 2.

However, the expression of two genes encoding for key enzymes in fatty acid metabolism were affected by the training program: skeletal muscle ACC2 was significantly lower after training ± 24 vs. The expression of UCP3 The effect of endurance training on the contribution of different fat sources to total fat oxidation after endurance training is under debate.

Part of this controversy could be explained by the methodological difficulties in using [ 13 C]- and [ 14 C]-fatty acid tracers to estimate the oxidation of plasma fatty acids, especially in the resting state However, Sidossis et al.

We showed that this acetate recovery is reproducible 25 but has a high interindividual variation and is influenced by infusion period, metabolic rate, respiratory quotient, and body composition 21 and therefore needs to be determined in every individual under similar conditions and at similar time points as the measurement of plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation.

In the present study, we therefore measured the acetate recovery factor at all time points in each individual both before and after the training program at least 7 days separated from the last training session to exclude the influence of the last exercise bout on the measurements and were therefore able to correct plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation rate for loss of label in the TCA cycle.

With the available stable isotope tracer methodology, we cannot distinguish between IMTG- or VLDL-derived fatty acid oxidation. Using electron microscopy, it has previously been shown that endurance-trained athletes have increased IMTG concentrations 36 , and because endurance athletes have an increased fat oxidation capacity, it seems logical that this increased IMTG storage after endurance training is an adaptation mechanism to allow IMTG oxidation during exercise.

The localization of the IMTG near the mitochondria would make these triglyceride pools an efficient source of substrate, especially during exercise. However, biochemical analysis of IMTGs is problematic, and therefore the use of IMTG remains controversial.

On the other hand, the contribution of VLDL-derived fatty acids to fat oxidation during exercise is also still under debate 18 , The increased expression of LPL mRNA after training, as observed in our study, which is in accordance with previous studies showing increased LPL activity after endurance training in rodents 38 , 39 , and the reduced plasma triglyceride levels after the training program suggest that VLDL-derived fatty acids contribute significantly to total fat oxidation.

Alternatively, an increase in LPL after training might serve to provide fatty acids for the replenishment of IMTGs that have been oxidized during exercise Certainly, further studies are needed to clarify the contribution of IMTG- and VLDL-derived fatty acid oxidation to total fat oxidation.

Another important aspect of the present study is that we have examined the effect of a low-intensity training program for only 2 h per week. Because endurance training has been shown to increase the capacity to oxidize fatty acids, it has been proposed to be beneficial in overcoming the disturbances in fat oxidation often observed in obesity and diabetes 9.

To investigate the mechanisms behind the changes in substrate oxidation after the endurance-training program, we measured mRNA levels of several genes involved in glucose and fatty acid metabolism. A muscle biopsy was taken 6—7 days before the training program and 6—7 days after the last training session to exclude the influence of acute exercise on mRNA expression.

The expression of two genes involved in regulatory steps of glucose metabolism, i. As mentioned above, mRNA expression of LPL, which hydrolyzes plasma triglycerides and directs the released FFAs into the tissue 22 , tended to increase after training, suggesting that the capacity of skeletal muscle to hydrolyze VLDL triglycerides may be improved by the training program.

Inside the muscle cell, ACC2 activity has recently been suggested to control the rate of fatty acid oxidation and triglyceride storage ACC2 catalyzes the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to form malonyl-CoA, an intermediate that inhibits the activity of CPT1.

CPT1 catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the transfer of fatty acyl-CoA into mitochondria, where they undergo oxidation. Although we were not able to measure ACC2 enzyme activity, it is tempting to speculate that a decrease in ACC2 activity after training was responsible for the observed training-induced increase in fat oxidation.

Because high levels of malonyl-CoA have been associated with insulin resistance 42 , the reduction of ACC2 with endurance training could possibly be beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Finally, we determined the expression of the human UCP3, which has recently also been implicated in the transport of fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane In a cross-sectional study, we have previously found that UCP3 mRNA was lower in trained than in untrained subjects In the present study, we did not find a significant effect of the training program on UCP3 mRNA expression, suggesting that the training program was not severe enough to result in changes in UCP3 mRNA.

Remarkably, we recently found that, in the same study, UCP3 protein content was significantly decreased after training in all subjects The reason for the discrepancy between the effect of training on UCP3 mRNA expression and protein cannot be deduced from the present study but might involve posttranslational regulation, although the number of subjects is too limited to make such a conclusion.

The mechanism behind this adaptation seems to involve a chronic upregulation of LPL mRNA expression and a chronic downregulation of ACC2, potentially leading to lower malonyl-CoA concentration and less inhibition of CPT1.

In contrast to moderate- to high-intensity endurance training, the mild training protocol did not increase hexokinase II and GLUT4 expression, indicating that specifically fat oxidation was improved. This study was supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO to P.

and a grant from the Netherlands Heart Foundation to D. The laboratories are members of the Concerted Action FATLINK FAIR-CT , supported by the European Commission.

The authors thank Paulette Vallier for help in mRNA analysis and Dr. Diraison for making and validating the ACC2 competitor. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Schrauwen, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, P. Box , MD Maastricht, the Netherlands. E-mail: p.

schrauwen hb. Sign In or Create an Account. Search Dropdown Menu. header search search input Search input auto suggest. filter your search All Content All Journals Diabetes. Advanced Search.

User Tools Dropdown. Sign In. Skip Nav Destination Close navigation menu Article navigation. Volume 51, Issue 7. Previous Article Next Article. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS.

Article Information. Article Navigation. Pathophysiology July 01 The Effect of a 3-Month Low-Intensity Endurance Training Program on Fat Oxidation and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase-2 Expression Patrick Schrauwen ; Patrick Schrauwen.

This Site. Google Scholar. Dorien P. van Aggel-Leijssen ; Dorien P. van Aggel-Leijssen. Gabby Hul ; Gabby Hul. Anton J. Wagenmakers ; Anton J. Hubert Vidal ; Hubert Vidal. Wim H. Saris ; Wim H. Marleen A. van Baak Marleen A. These findings suggest that caffeine ingestion in the morning could be used by athletes as an ergogenic aid to help them avoid morning-induced reduction in muscle performance.

In addition, Boyett et al. These findings are partially in line with those of the present study, suggesting that acute caffeine intake before exercise serves as an effective ergogenic aid for reversing morning-induced reductions in resistance exercise performance and endurance-like performance.

Moreover, we did not control the sleep quality and quantity of the participants. Further, the present study was performed in active men; the results cannot, therefore, be directly extrapolated to women or sedentary populations, etc. Finally, the sample size was relatively small. Caffeine intake increases MFO and Fat max as well as VO 2 max independent of the time of day.

Caffeine increases MFO in the morning to a value similar to that seen without caffeine in the afternoon. A combination of acute caffeine intake and exercise at moderate intensity in the afternoon provides the best scenario for individuals seeking to increase MFO.

Further, the existence of a diurnal variation in MFO, Fat max and VO 2max was confirmed, with values for all being higher in the afternoon than in the morning. The present findings also support the notion that caffeine ingestion in the morning helps to increase MFO and Fat max levels during exercise in the afternoon.

These results support the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid during training or competition during the morning. The combination of acute caffeine intake and exercise at moderate intensity in the afternoon seems to be the best scenario for individuals seeking to increase the amount of fat utilized during continuous aerobic exercise.

Whether higher doses of caffeine induce greater effects on whole-body fat oxidation during graded exercise tests and further improves endurance performance remains to be investigated.

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Department of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine, University of Granada, Av. Mauricio Ramírez-Maldonado, Lucas Jurado-Fasoli, Jonatan R. Centre for Sport Studies, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

MRM carried out the study procedures, and drafted the manuscript; LJF conceived of the study, discussed the results, revised the manuscript and approved the final version; JcC discussed the results, revised the manuscript and approved the final version; JRR conceived of the study, discussed the results, revised the manuscript and approved the final version; FAG conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination, drafted the manuscript and revised and approved the final version.

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Ramírez-Maldonado, M. et al. Caffeine increases maximal fat oxidation during a graded exercise test: is there a diurnal variation?. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 18 , 5 Download citation. Received : 13 July Accepted : 08 December Published : 07 January Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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All participants provided their written informed consent before the laboratory measurements. Statistical analysis was carried out with IBM SPSS Statistics A one-way random model was used to calculate the intraclass correlation coefficients ICCs between the MZ co-twins. An ICC compares within-pair variation with between-pair variation and thus explains how similar the co-twins are when compared with the other pairs.

Pairwise correlations and differences were analysed with Pearson correlation coefficient and paired-sample t test, respectively. Twin individual-based correlations were analysed with simple linear regression, and the within-pair dependency was taken into account Williams with the clustering option of Stata.

In all regression analyses, RFO or PFO was treated as the dependent variable. All the variables or the regression analysis residuals were determined normally distributed with the Shapiro—Wilk test or with the visual inspection of the histograms and the normality plots. The p value 0.

For clarity, RFO or PFO without a unit symbol is used in the text when the statistical significance persists both when using absolute or LBM relative values in the analysis.

Table 1 presents the participant characteristics. Overall, the study population consisted of healthy men aged 32—37 years with varying physical activity, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness levels.

The calculated ICCs of the resting metabolism variables and PFO showed significant resemblance between co-twins Table 2. We also categorised the co-twins as more active or less active based on their month LTMET index to calculate pairwise correlations Figs.

This division did not lead to significant mean differences between the groups in RFO 0. Pairwise correlations of a absolute and b lean body mass LBM relative resting fat oxidation RFO in 21 MZ twin pairs.

Pairwise correlations of a absolute and b lean body mass LBM relative peak fat oxidation PFO during exercise in 19 MZ twin pairs. Figure 3 illustrates individual RFO and PFO results and within-pair relationships.

As reported earlier Rottensteiner et al. However, there were no differences in REE, RER at rest or RFO between active and inactive co-twins. On average, the active co-twins tended to have higher PFO rates and lower FAT MAX when compared with the inactive co-twins, but the differences were not statistically significant.

Figures include group means and standard deviations. Colours represent the same twin pairs in both charts. Note the different scale in the y -axis. RFO or PFO were not correlated with fasting glucose, fasting insulin or the Matsuda index in the twin individual-based analysis Table 4.

For the first time, our study data showed that fat oxidation rates at rest and during exercise were similar between MZ co-twins, even though the study group was enriched with pairs who had discordant LTPA habits.

The co-twins also exhibited similar FAT MAX values and thus tended to reach PFO at the same absolute exercise intensities. The finding supports those of Toubro et al.

In a study involving male MZ twin pairs Bouchard et al. As the researchers also investigated the substrate use of dizygotic twins, they were able to control their analysis for the common environmental effect. Their calculated heritability estimates ranged from 0.

However, as RER only describes the relative use of energy substrates, this study broadens the concept by showing that absolute fat oxidation rates behave accordingly and supports the earlier suggestion that genes play a role in determining fat oxidation capacity during exercise Jeukendrup and Wallis ; Randell et al.

This assumption seems evident, as the large cross-sectional studies investigating fat oxidation during exercise have been able to describe only partly the observed inter-individual variability in PFO Venables et al. We identified a subpopulation of MZ twin pairs, where the co-twins differed in their past 3-year LTPA.

In this study, we found no differences between the co-twins in their systemic energy metabolism at rest or during exercise. In previous observational studies, PFO was associated with self-reported physical activity Venables et al.

However, it is highly likely that physical activity participation and fat oxidation capacity have shared genetic factors, and the relationship noted in observational studies is partly genetically mediated.

In experimental studies, endurance-training interventions commonly increased PFO, at least in untrained populations reviewed by Maunder et al. Earlier mechanistic evidence from our laboratory also supports the role of physical activity as a modulator of PFO.

In same-sex twin pairs, an over year long physical activity discordance led to significant differences in myocellular gene expression related to oxidative phosphorylation and lipid metabolism Leskinen et al.

The effects of physical activity on RFO have been investigated less, with mixed results. A modest increase in fat oxidation rates at rest has been reported in some Barwell et al. When the current scientific evidence is taken together with our results, physical activity seems to be able to influence PFO, while its effect on RFO is questionable.

However, we found no association between PFO and the Matsuda index, our main surrogate of insulin sensitivity. As explained in the methods section, the Matsuda index is influenced by fasting values, which were not associated with PFO in our study. Previously, Robinson et al.

As Robinson et al. However, it should be mentioned that PFO does not always seem to be associated with a healthier metabolic phenotype because an obesity-related increase in fatty acid availability has also been linked to higher PFO Ara et al.

In contrary to PFO, RFO was not associated with a healthy metabolic response to the OGTT. Previous studies have noted mixed findings. Rosenkilde et al.

However, there were no differences in fasting glucose or insulin levels between the groups. Some case—control studies Perseghin et al. An elevated RFO could potentially function as a protective mechanism against insulin resistance Perseghing et al. Overall, further research is needed to clarify the interaction between systemic fat oxidation and metabolic health.

Our study has both strengths and limitations. A key strength was our ability to measure RFO and PFO in 21 and 19 MZ twin pairs, respectively. This enabled us to investigate the influence of hereditary factors on RFO and PFO in a reasonably sized study group.

The calculated ICCs represent the upper bound of heritability, as differences between MZ twins are due to non-genetic factors. However, as MZ twin pairs share also many aspects of their development and environment, the actual heritability of the trait may be lower.

A more precise estimation of heritability would require several kinds of relatives for quantitative trait modeling or very large study population for measurement of all genetic variation by whole genome sequencing. Additionally, since our study included only males, the results cannot be generalised to females.

This enabled us to conduct a more in-depth examination of the possible associations between fat oxidation and metabolic health. However, our study protocol was not optimal for PFO determination, which should be considered when interpreting the results.

Nutrition intake the day before Støa et al. In this study, we did not control for the nutrition intake before the exercise test. For example, this could partially explain why we did not find any association between RFO and PFO, as previously shown by Robinson et al. Moreover, we used 2-min exercise stages during PFO testing.

The 2-min stages might be too short to reach a steady-state, especially for the subjects with lower cardiorespiratory fitness Dandanell et al. To assess whether the stage duration excessively affected the results, we compared VO 2 and VCO 2 between intervals 90— s and — s of the PFO-stage.

There were no systematic differences in VO 2 or VCO 2 between the intervals. Removing these participants from the analyses did not materially change the results.

Therefore, the influence of the stage duration was considered acceptable. Thus, the measurements seemed to reflect the PFO of our study participants. In conclusion, we show that fat oxidation rates at rest and during exercise are similar between MZ co-twins.

Our results support the suggestion that hereditary factors influence fat oxidation capacity. The internal factors likely set the baseline for fat oxidation capacity that the external factors can modulate. In our study, the role of physical activity seemed smaller, especially concerning RFO.

Furthermore, we observed that only higher capacity to utilize fatty acids during exercise associated with better metabolic health.

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Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 6 :E—E The HR was recorded continuously using an HR monitor Si, Polar Electro OY, Kempele, Finland.

During Test 1 and Test 2, HR and gas exchange data , collected during the final 5-min of the pre-exercise resting phase and during the last 2-min of each stage of the submaximal incremental exercise test were averaged and used for calculations.

RER was calculated as the ratio between and , while F ox and CHO ox were calculated using stoichiometric equations [7] , with the assumption that the urinary nitrogen excretion rate was negligible: 1 2.

F ox as a function of exercise intensity is reflected by two different linear relationships: a progressive decrease of 1—RER and a linear increase of as power output is increased.

The SIN model [12] was used to model and characterize whole-body F ox kinetics: 6. Dilatation d , symmetry s and translation t are the three independent variables representing the main modulations of the curve.

To fit the experimental data i. F ox rates and to model the F ox kinetics, the three variables were independently changed using an iterative procedure by minimizing the sum of the mean squares of the differences between the estimated energy derived from fat based on the SIN model and the energy derived from fat calculated from the raw F ox data, as described in a previous study [12].

For each subject, Fat max was calculated by differentiation of the SIN model equation. Graphical depiction of F ox values as a function of exercise intensity was performed by constructing a third polynomial curve with intersection at 0;0 [11].

Fat max was calculated by differentiation of the P3 equation, and corresponded to the intensity at which the value of the differentiated equation was equal to zero.

From the graphical representation of F ox values as a function of exercise intensity, the stage at which the value of measured F ox rates was maximal was determined, and the corresponding intensity was identified [3] , [8] — [10] , [23].

In order to investigate how the CV of and are linked to the CVs of parameters informing of substrate utilization RER, F ox , CHO fat , 1-RER, ENE fat three theoretical scenarios were created.

Data are expressed as the means ± standard deviation SD for all variables. Intra-individual CVs were calculated for the physiological variables studied in the three theoretical scenarios.

Two-factorial analysis of variance for repeated measures RMANOVA was carried out to test for systematic changes in: a Fat max , and physiological measures at Fat max factor 1: tests, factor 2: data analysis approaches , and b gas exchange data, HR and substrate oxidation rates factor 1: tests; factor 2: exercise intensity.

For the same outcome measures, one-way RMANOVA was carried out to test for systematic changes in the intra-individual CV at Fat max. Bland-Altman scatterplots are presented for Fat max and MFO determined with SIN, P3 and MV. They show the difference between two corresponding measurements plotted against the mean of the measurements.

Reference lines for the mean difference±1. Statistical analysis was performed with the software SPSS Fat max and physiological measures at Fat max determined with three data analysis approaches SIN, P3 and MV are presented in Table 2.

Average values for Fat max and related measures obtained with the three different approaches were also not significantly different i.

On the other hand, the within-individual CVs for Fat max determined with SIN was The Bland—Altman scatterplots for Fat max and MFO Figure 1 reveal considerable intra-individual variability.

A large between-individual difference in the variability between Test 1 and Test 2 was also seen. However, the size of the difference between Test 1 and Test 2 appeared to be independent of the average value between the two measurements. In both tests, the range of HR frequencies corresponding to the Fat max zone was broad it was 38±8 bpm, and ranged from 95±16 to ±20 bpm.

The course of average , , RER, HR, F ox and CHO ox in response to two identical submaximal graded test performed on separate days Test 1 and Test 2 is presented in Figure 2.

There was no significant difference between Test 1 and Test 2 in any of the parameters assessed. For instance, CVs for , and RER were 7. In contrast, CVs for CHO ox and F ox were markedly higher.

The CV for F ox was LoA between Test 1 and Test 2 are presented in Table 4. In case scenario 1 and 2, the CVs of F ox from were markedly different 3. From the analysis of the three theoretical scenarios as well as from the analysis of the whole dataset of 15 participants we also observed that the CV of F ox can be calculated from sum or subtraction of the CV of 1-RER and the CV of Appendix S1 , eq.

For example, in case 2, the CV of F ox was In case 3, the CV of F ox was In this study we assessed the reproducibility of Fat max measurements determined with three different data analysis approaches and of CHO ox and F ox at rest while sitting and in response to each stage of an individualized graded test.

The reproducibility of F ox values at each stage of a graded test, despite being a key aspect in the determination of Fat max , was previously unexplored.

In the current study, the CVs found for the parameters from which Fat ox is calculated , and RER were in line with previous observations. At rest, the CV for RER was 3.

In the present study the resting assessment was performed with the individuals in a seated position and this needs to be taken into consideration when making comparisons with studies in which resting metabolism was assessed with participants lying supine.

During exercise, the average CVs for , and RER were 3. This shows that even though CHO ox and F ox are calculated from and by means of the stoichiometric equations [7] , a low variability in those parameters is not necessarily indicative of low variability in CHO ox and F ox.

To further study how the CVs of and are related to the CVs of RER and the CV of F ox , three theoretical scenarios were created.

At present, scientific reports as well as companies validating calorimeters tend to draw information on the variability of substrate oxidation from the CVs of , and RER. The results of the theoretical scenarios Table 5 and the mathematical explanations presented in the appendix S1 illustrate that those CVs do not provide sufficient information on the variability of substrate oxidation rates.

As can be seen in case 2, when the and vary in different directions between two tests increase in and decrease in or viceversa , the variability of F ox is high. This is because in such conditions, the standard deviation of F ox results from the sum of the standard deviations of and , multiplied by a factor 1.

Therefore, in addition to the size of the change in and between tests, it is crucial to know whether they change in the same or opposite sense between measurements. The RER is the ratio between and and, therefore, provides information on the relationship between those measurements.

This is because the RER is value bounded in an interval separate from zero 0. On the other hand, the CV of 1-RER appears to be an informative marker on the variability in F ox rates: it provides the same results as the CV of ENE fat , it accounts for a large proportion of the CV of F ox , and it is simple to calculate.

In this study, as well as in other studies investigating the reproducibility of indirect calorimetry measures [8] , [13] , [14] , [16] — [19] , the total variation observed between Test 1 and Test 2 is the sum of both biological and equipment variation.

It was beyond the scope of this study to assess the relative contribution of each. However, the average variation of the equipment gas analysis system used in this study is known.

It was assessed using a portable metabolic simulator which excludes any biological variability and the average CV for and was 1. In addition to investigating the variability in F ox and related parameters at each stage of a graded test, a novel feature of this study was the assessment of the intra-individual variability in Fat max determined with the SIN model and its comparison with the variability of Fat max measures obtained using different data analysis approaches.

These results support the use of SIN over other approaches in future studies given that it is more reliable and provides more detailed information. The intra-individual variability of Fat max and related parameters found in this study was in line with those of Meyer et al.

Further, also consistent with the results published by Meyer et al. On the other hand, the CV for Fat max observed in this study, on average, was slightly higher than those reported in other studies [8] , [13] , [24]. The lower CV found by Achten et al.

This highlights the need for a better understanding of the determinants of intra-individual variability in Fat max. Previous studies in the field considered an intra-individual variability of ±10 bpm in the HR at Fat max acceptable, since this value reflects a realistic margin in individuals who use HR for the monitoring of training intensity [8] , [14].

In the present study this target was met by the majority, but not all, participants. Therefore, despite its variability, training prescription at Fat max ensures that high rates of F ox are elicited on different days.

The determination of F ox and Fat max and therefore the determination of their variability is influenced by a number of methodological factors including the exercise test design, the data analysis approach and the pre-test conditions.

In this study, a robust methodological approach was employed. The submaximal graded exercise was individualized based upon the results of a maximal test. Further, the statistical analysis was carried out in accordance with the recommendations for reliability assessment in sport medicine [15].

Pre-test conditions included a hour overnight fast and 24 hours of standardization in diet and physical activity prior to each submaximal graded exercise test.

This level of standardization was adopted because it appears to be the most commonly employed approach in our research field [3] , [8] , [28] — [32] and because more rigorous standardization is difficult to achieve both in out-clinic and research settings.

However, while more strict pre-test standardization leads to greater internal validity, it also leads to poorer external validity i. e harder translation of the results into practice. A number of questions on the reproducibility of substrate metabolism during exercise are still to be answered.

Further research is required to: a describe how standardization in physical activity and diet prior to testing impact on reliability of measurements, b study the determinants of the variability in CHO ox and F ox and c explore the reproducibility in F ox in other cohorts including overweight and untrained individuals.

The CV of 1-RER appears to be a more representative measure of the variability in substrate oxidation than CV of RER. In a research setting, differences in Fat max and F ox within and between groups can be detected as long as a sufficiently large number of participants is recruited.

Further research in this area is required. The authors would like to thank Aleš Neubert for mathematical inputs, and Graeme Macdonald and John Prins for helpful suggestions and criticisms. Conceived and designed the experiments: IC FB NB RW IH XC DM. Performed the experiments: IC FB XC DM.

Analyzed the data: IC FB XC DM. Wrote the paper: IC. Revised the manuscript for important intellectual content and approved the final version: IC FB NB RW IH XC DM.

The mechanism behind this adaptation seems to involve a chronic upregulation of LPL mRNA expression and a chronic downregulation of ACC2, potentially leading to lower malonyl-CoA concentration and less inhibition of CPT1.

In contrast to moderate- to high-intensity endurance training, the mild training protocol did not increase hexokinase II and GLUT4 expression, indicating that specifically fat oxidation was improved.

This study was supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO to P. and a grant from the Netherlands Heart Foundation to D.

The laboratories are members of the Concerted Action FATLINK FAIR-CT , supported by the European Commission. The authors thank Paulette Vallier for help in mRNA analysis and Dr. Diraison for making and validating the ACC2 competitor.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Schrauwen, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, P. Box , MD Maastricht, the Netherlands. E-mail: p. schrauwen hb. Sign In or Create an Account. Search Dropdown Menu.

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Abu-Elheiga L, Matzuk MM, Abo-Hashema KA, Wakil SJ: Continuous fatty acid oxidation and reduced fat storage in mice lacking acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2. Schrauwen P, Saris WH, Hesselink MK: An alternative function for human uncoupling protein 3: protection of mitochondria against accumulation of nonesterified fatty acids inside the mitochondrial matrix.

FASEB J. Schrauwen P, Aggel-Leijssen DPCv, Marken Lichtenbelt WDv, Baak MAv, Gijsen AP, Wagenmakers AJM: Validation of the [1,2- 13 C] -acetate recovery factor for correction of [U- 13 C] -palmitate oxidation rates in humans. J Physiol. Siri WE: The gross composition of the body. Adv Biol Med Physiol.

Bergstrom J, Hermansen L, Hultman E, Saltin B: Diet, muscle glycogen and physical performance. Acta Physiol Scand.

Patrick Schrauwen ocidation, Dorien P. van TsudiesGabby Hul Protein intake for minimizing muscle loss, Robust power infrastructure J. WagenmakersHubert VidalWim H. SarisMarleen A. van Baak; The Effect of a 3-Month Low-Intensity Endurance Training Program on Fat Oxidation and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase-2 Expression. Diabetes 1 July ; 51 7 : —

Fat oxidation studies -

We suggested that the higher plasma levels of growth hormone and ANP and the reduced insulin concentration in women with lower upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio could explain these between-group differences. Indeed, catecholamines, ANP, growth hormone and insulin are important regulators of lipid mobilization and also of fat utilization, due to the association between plasma FFA concentration and oxidation level Buemann et al.

Catecholamines and ANP and growth hormone to a lesser extent act as lipolytic hormones, while insulin is the main anti-lipolytic hormone. Insulin favors fat storage in adipose tissue by enhancing glucose uptake and lipogenesis, and by inhibiting lipolysis.

The lipolytic effect of catecholamines is determined by the ratio between lipolytic β-adrenoreceptors and anti-lipolytic α-adrenoreceptors receptors.

Interestingly, ANP exercises a lipolytic action through an independent pathway cyclic guanosine monophosphate and protein kinase G from the signaling cascade regulated by catecholamines and insulin cyclic adenosine monophosphate and protein kinase A Sengenes et al.

In resting condition, growth hormone concentrations were not different between groups and the minimal growth hormone-induced lipid mobilization during exercise suggested a negligible effect. Interestingly, while glucose concentrations were not different between groups, women with higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio exhibited higher post-prandial insulin levels, indicating an insulin resistance risk.

The significant difference in ANP concentrations at rest and during exercise suggests a specific regulation of ANP in function of body shape Isacco et al. It appears relevant to carry out additional clinical and cellular studies on this issue to facilitate phenotyping and cardio-metabolic risk management in women with normal weight.

These results were obtained using exercise modalities with specific duration and intensity that are two major factors influencing substrate oxidation Romijn et al. In addition, the lower metabolic flexibility in women with higher upper-to-lower-body fat mass ratio increases their risk of cardio-metabolic alterations, particularly insulin resistance Rynders et al.

Similarly, analysis of the maximal fat oxidation rates during a specific exercise protocol showed that the maximal fat oxidation rates elicited at higher exercise intensity are higher in women with lower upper body fat mass than in women with higher upper body fat mass Isacco et al.

Altogether, these findings indicate that in women with normal weight, fat mass localization should be taken into account to identify women at higher risk of cardio-metabolic diseases and to recommend adapted exercise protocols Isacco and Miles-Chan, Endurance exercise has many health benefits, including on body weight and composition Donnelly et al.

Endurance training, associated with a balance diet, promotes a shift in fat oxidation during exercise by increasing mitochondrial density and respiratory function, by reducing muscle glycogen utilization, and by decreasing catecholamine and lactate levels during steady state exercise.

Moreover, endurance training decreases the activity of α-adrenergic receptor, and increases the activity of β-adrenergic receptor, the number of FFA transporters, the content of fatty acid transport protein, the enzymatic activity of the Krebs cycle, the β-oxidation pathway and the components of the electron transport chain to oxidize FFA Brooks and Mercier, ; Holloszy and Kohrt, ; Talanian et al.

It is difficult to explain this finding and the authors emphasized that the greater ability to oxidize fat following exercise training in women with upper body obesity was likely due to an increase in intramyocellular triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein triglycerides rather than in FFA oxidation adipose tissue lipolysis.

Moreover, they suggested that after exercise training, fat may be more readily mobilized from the upper than the lower body fat mass depot in women with obesity van Aggel-Leijssen et al.

On the other hand, exercise training at higher intensity, but still in the light- to-moderate-intensity range that enables maximal lipid oxidation rates, could favor fat utilization in women with lower body obesity.

Indeed, it was previously observed that the lipolysis rate at rest is increased in women with upper body obesity compared with those with lower body obesity Jensen et al.

Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the exercise intensity threshold to promote lipolysis and fat oxidation is different for women with upper and lower body obesity.

To our knowledge, no information is available on the impact of exercise training on substrate oxidation in relation with fat mass localization in women with normal weight. Interestingly, Van Aggel-Leijssen and colleagues found that the relative fat oxidation during exercise increased only in women with upper obesity, and they did not observe any change in body weight and composition in both groups women with upper and lower obesity after the 12 weeks of endurance training.

These results question the influence on body composition of the increased fat oxidation in response to endurance training in this population. Indeed, endurance exercise increases the capacity to use fat at rest and during exercise, suggesting an effect on body weight and fat mass loss via greater fat oxidation Jeukendrup, However, higher fat oxidation during exercise and changes in body composition in response to exercise training are not necessarily associated.

Indeed, due to the effect of carbohydrate ingestion on fat metabolism, the pre-exercise nutritional status fasting vs. post-prandial and eating habits quality and quantity must be considered when studying body weight and fat mass loss Melanson et al. In addition, the magnitude of fat oxidation during exercise may not be sufficient to induce fat mass loss.

Nevertheless, even if increased fat oxidation may not be associated with a decrease in fat mass in response to endurance training, the exercise-mediated improvement in fat oxidation is important not only for body composition and weight management, but also for cardio-metabolic health.

Indeed, the capacity to oxidize fat during exercise is inversely related to cardio-metabolic comorbidities e. Therefore, it is essential to promote additional studies on this topic considering both components of fat balance.

It is recognized that aging is associated with increased fat mass accumulation and menopause leads to a shift toward upper body fat mass deposition. However, and surprisingly, little is known about the effect of fat mass localization on substrate oxidation during endurance exercise in post-menopausal women.

Some studies investigated the influence of menopause and the related body composition modifications on substrate metabolism at rest and during exercise Lovejoy et al. It has been reported that in women with normal weight, whole-body lipolysis is not affected by menopause in post-absorptive and also in hyperinsulinemic conditions Toth et al.

Lipolysis is higher in abdominal than in peripheral adipocytes in post-menopausal women with upper and also lower body obesity Nicklas et al. In addition, in post-menopausal women with obesity, higher VAT is associated with increased fat oxidation, independent of total body fat mass Nicklas et al.

According to these results, obesity may override the effect of body shape on lipolysis, while fat oxidation depends on fat mass localization. It is worth noting that many studies that investigated the effect of menopause on lipid metabolism were performed in women with obesity, mainly due to its increased prevalence within this population.

It would be relevant to know whether results are similar in women with normal weight and whether the obesity history onset before vs. after menopause leads to distinct lipid metabolism responses. As weight gain in menopause increases the risk of obesity and cardio-metabolic disorders, many women may want to lose weight.

Hypocaloric diets induce fat mass loss in the short term, but the rate of weight loss progressively decreases over time. The metabolic adaptations occurring during prolonged diet restriction i.

In post-menopausal women with obesity, endurance training counteracts this decline in weight loss Nicklas et al. These results suggest the importance of regular exercise to minimize the potential adverse effects of menopause associated with obesity on lipid metabolism.

Indeed, physical activity is a key component of menopause management Kanaley et al. Lange and colleagues reported that lipolysis in subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue during endurance exercise is not altered in post-menopausal women Lange et al.

Interestingly, it has been observed that fat oxidation during exercise is reduced in post-menopausal compared with premenopausal women. This difference was mainly explained by the reduced lean body mass, suggesting, once more, the importance of regular exercise to manage body composition Abildgaard et al.

In addition, the lower ability to oxidize fat was related to the worsened metabolic profile and increased VAT, thus highlighting the influence of fat mass localization on substrate oxidation during exercise in post-menopausal women.

This suggests the importance of upper adipose tissue quality for substrate metabolism. The authors noted that sexual dimorphism in substrate oxidation during exercise was unlikely to be explained by plasma estrogen concentrations, which were comparable between groups.

They hypothesized that intramyocellular triglyceride content and muscle morphology may play a role Numao et al. Overall, more randomized clinical trials are needed to investigate the effect of fat mass localization on fat oxidation during acute and chronic endurance exercise in women with normal weight and obesity, before and after menopause.

In addition, due to the lack of experimental studies, the present review only focused on fat oxidation during endurance exercise and it is not known whether these findings might also apply to other exercise modalities e. Over the years, many studies have described, mainly at rest, the deleterious effects of upper body adiposity and its association with the risk of cardio-metabolic alterations.

Although it is acknowledged that regular physical activity plays a pivotal role in fat metabolism regulation, and thus in body composition management and cardio-metabolic health, data on the impact of fat mass localization on substrate utilization during exercise in women are scarce.

Interestingly, although few studies are available on this topic, the weight status appears to be a confounder in the relationship between fat mass localization and fat oxidation during acute endurance exercise in premenopausal women Figure 1.

Higher abdominal fat depot is associated with impaired submaximal and maximal fat oxidation and metabolic inflexibility during exercise in women with normal weight.

Conversely, no difference is observed in women with upper and lower body obesity. Understanding these disparities is essential to provide optimized prevention and treatment strategies for cardio-metabolic comorbidities. LI and NB had the idea for the review article. LI and GE performed the literature search and data analysis and drafted the review article.

NB critically revised it. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; FFAs, free fatty acids; SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; VAT, visceral adipose tissue. Abildgaard, J. Menopause is associated with decreased whole body fat oxidation during exercise.

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Donnelly, J. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults. Sports Exerc. Ebbert, J. Fat depots, free fatty acids, and dyslipidemia.

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Nutrients Hargreaves, M. Skeletal muscle energy metabolism during exercise. Haufe, S. Determinants of exercise-induced fat oxidation in obese women and men. Holloszy, J. Regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism during and after exercise.

Horowitz, J. Whole body and abdominal lipolytic sensitivity to epinephrine is suppressed in upper body obese women.

Isacco, L. Hackney Chapel Hill, NC: Springer Nature , 35— Fat mass localization alters fuel oxidation during exercise in normal weight women. Gender-specific considerations in physical activity, thermogenesis and fat oxidation: implications for obesity management. Effects of adipose tissue distribution on maximum lipid oxidation rate during exercise in normal-weight women.

Diabetes Metab. Jensen, M. Lipolysis: contribution from regional fat. Influence of body fat distribution on free fatty acid metabolism in obesity. Jeukendrup, A. Regulation of fat metabolism in skeletal muscle.

Jocken, J. Catecholamine-induced lipolysis in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in obesity. Johnson, L. Substrate utilization during exercise in postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy. Kanaley, J.

Abdominal fat distribution in pre- and postmenopausal women: the impact of physical activity, age, and menopausal status.

Metabolism 50, — Substrate oxidation during acute exercise and with exercise training in lean and obese women. Kelley, D. Skeletal muscle fat oxidation: timing and flexibility are everything. Lange, K. Subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise determined by arteriovenous measurements in older women.

Lovejoy, J. Increased visceral fat and decreased energy expenditure during the menopausal transition. Maillard, F. Effect of high-intensity interval training on total, abdominal and visceral fat mass: a meta-analysis. Sport Med. Manolopoulos, K. Gluteofemoral body fat as a determinant of metabolic health.

Martin, M. Effects of body fat distribution on regional lipolysis in obesity. Mauriège, P. Regional differences in adipose tissue metabolism between sedentary and endurance-trained women. Melanson, E. When energy balance is maintained, exercise does not induce negative fat balance in lean sedentary, obese sedentary, or lean endurance-trained individuals.

Exercise improves fat metabolism in muscle but does not increase h fat oxidation. Subjects were asked not to consume any products with a high abundance of 13 C carbohydrates derived from C4 plants such as maize and sugar cane 1 week before and during the entire experimental period.

Subjects were asked to refrain from physical activity 2 days before the sampling of the muscle biopsy and before the stable isotope experiments. Subjects trained three times per week for 12 weeks. Training duration for subjects per session was Heart rate was monitored continuously during the training sessions Polar Electro, Oy, Finland.

After 4 and 8 weeks of exercise training, a maximal aerobic exercise test was performed, and the training workload and duration were adjusted if necessary. All training sessions took place at the university under the supervision of a professional trainer. One week before and after the training program, body density was determined by underwater weighing in the fasted state.

Body weight was measured with a digital balance, accurate to 0. Lung volume was measured simultaneously with the helium dilution technique using a spirometer Volugraph ; Mijnhardt. Body fat percentage was calculated using the equations of Siri Fat-free mass, in kilograms, was calculated by subtracting fat mass from total body mass.

One week before and after the training program, each subject performed an incremental exercise test on an electronically braked cycle ergometer Lode Excalibur to determine maximal oxygen consumption V o 2max and maximal power output W max. Subjects started cycling at 75 W for 5 min.

Thereafter, workload was increased by 50 W every 2. When subjects were approaching exhaustion, as indicated by heart rate and subjective scoring, the increment was reduced to 25 W.

Heart rate was registered continuously using a Polar Sport tester Kempele, Finland. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were measured using open circuit spirometry Oxycon-β; Mijnhardt. At a. after an overnight fast, subjects underwent an isotope infusion test. Teflon catheters were inserted in an antecubital vein for isotope infusion and retrogradely into a contralateral dorsal hand vein for sampling of arterialized venous blood.

After placement of the catheters, subjects rested on a bed, and the cannulated hand was placed in a hotbox, in which air was circulated at 60°C to obtain arterialized venous blood.

After 30 min, baseline oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production was measured, and breath and blood samples were collected. Immediately thereafter, subjects were given an intravenous dose of 0.

Then, at time zero, a constant intravenous infusion of either [U- 13 C]palmitate 0. With these infusion rates, the amount of 13 C infused during palmitate and acetate infusion are similar.

Blood samples and breath samples were taken at 0, , , and min at rest and , , and min during exercise. At rest, V o 2 and V CO 2 were measured continuously during the first 90 min using open circuit spirometry Oxycon-β.

During exercise, V o 2 and V CO 2 were measured immediately before the measurement of breath 13 CO 2 enrichment. To determine the exact infusion rate, the concentration of palmitate in the infusate was measured for each experiment using analytical gas chromatography GC using heptadecanoic acid as internal standard see sample analysis.

The acetate concentration was measured in each infusate with an enzymatic method Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany. Muscle biopsies were taken from the mid-thigh region from M.

vastus lateralis according to the technique of Bergstrom et al. The subjects were required to abstain from training or vigorous exercise 48 h before the biopsy. The biopsy was used for isolation of total RNA using the acid phenol method of Chomozynski and Sacchi 28 , with an additional DNAse digestion step with concomitant acid phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation.

The mRNA levels of LPL, hexokinase II, GLUT4, ACC2, and UCP3 were quantified by RT-competitive PCR For the assays, the RT reaction was performed from 0. The competitive PCR assays were performed as previously described 30 — To improve the quantification of the amplified products, fluorescent dye-labeled sense oligonucleotides were used.

The PCR products were separated and analyzed on an ALFexpress DNA sequencer Pharmacia with the Fragment Manager Software. Total RNA preparations and RT-competitive PCR assays of the two skeletal muscle samples from the same individual before and after weight loss were performed simultaneously.

Oxygen saturation Hemoximeter OSM2; Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark was determined immediately after sampling in heparinized blood and used to check arterialization.

Fifteen milliliters of arterialized venous blood was sampled in tubes containing EDTA to prevent clotting and immediately centrifuged at 3, rpm 1, g for 10 min at 4°C. Plasma substrates were determined using the hexokinase method Roche, Basel for glucose, the Wako NEFA nonesterified fatty acid C test kit Wako Chemicals, Neuss, Germany for FFAs, and the glycerolkinase-lipase method Boehringer Mannheim for glycerol and triglycerides.

For determination of plasma palmitate, FFAs were extracted from plasma, isolated by thin-layer chromatography, and derivated to their methyl esters. From palmitate oxidation, plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation was then calculated by dividing palmitate oxidation rate by the fractional contribution of palmitate to the total FFA concentration.

Differences in measured variables before and after training were tested using paired t tests. Repeated measures one-way ANOVA were used to detect differences in variables in time.

For testing differences in blood parameters between treatments, areas under the concentration versus time curve where calculated for 0— min at rest and — during exercise.

On average, subjects completed a total of 31 ± 1. Therefore, the average exercise duration per week was 2. The week training program had no influence on percentage body fat or V o 2max Table 1. At rest, total fat oxidation was not significantly influenced by the week training program ± 18 vs.

Similarly, plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation was not significantly influenced by the week training program ± 24 vs. Plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation during exercise was not significantly influenced by the training program ± 88 vs.

Rate of appearance of FFA was not influenced by the training program, neither at rest ± 41 vs. The percentage of R a that was oxidized was also not influenced by the training program, neither at rest 40 ± 4 vs.

At rest, carbohydrate oxidation was not significantly affected by the training program ± 9 vs. Carbohydrate oxidation during exercise tended to be lower after training 1, ± vs. Energy expenditure, both at rest 4. Acetate recovery, both at rest Plasma triglyceride concentrations Fig.

Both at rest and during exercise, the average concentrations for plasma glucose at rest: 4. The week training program had no effect on two genes involved in the transport and oxidation of blood glucose: hexokinase II 2. However, the expression of two genes encoding for key enzymes in fatty acid metabolism were affected by the training program: skeletal muscle ACC2 was significantly lower after training ± 24 vs.

The expression of UCP3 The effect of endurance training on the contribution of different fat sources to total fat oxidation after endurance training is under debate. Part of this controversy could be explained by the methodological difficulties in using [ 13 C]- and [ 14 C]-fatty acid tracers to estimate the oxidation of plasma fatty acids, especially in the resting state However, Sidossis et al.

We showed that this acetate recovery is reproducible 25 but has a high interindividual variation and is influenced by infusion period, metabolic rate, respiratory quotient, and body composition 21 and therefore needs to be determined in every individual under similar conditions and at similar time points as the measurement of plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation.

In the present study, we therefore measured the acetate recovery factor at all time points in each individual both before and after the training program at least 7 days separated from the last training session to exclude the influence of the last exercise bout on the measurements and were therefore able to correct plasma-derived fatty acid oxidation rate for loss of label in the TCA cycle.

With the available stable isotope tracer methodology, we cannot distinguish between IMTG- or VLDL-derived fatty acid oxidation. Using electron microscopy, it has previously been shown that endurance-trained athletes have increased IMTG concentrations 36 , and because endurance athletes have an increased fat oxidation capacity, it seems logical that this increased IMTG storage after endurance training is an adaptation mechanism to allow IMTG oxidation during exercise.

The localization of the IMTG near the mitochondria would make these triglyceride pools an efficient source of substrate, especially during exercise. However, biochemical analysis of IMTGs is problematic, and therefore the use of IMTG remains controversial.

On the other hand, the contribution of VLDL-derived fatty acids to fat oxidation during exercise is also still under debate 18 , The increased expression of LPL mRNA after training, as observed in our study, which is in accordance with previous studies showing increased LPL activity after endurance training in rodents 38 , 39 , and the reduced plasma triglyceride levels after the training program suggest that VLDL-derived fatty acids contribute significantly to total fat oxidation.

Alternatively, an increase in LPL after training might serve to provide fatty acids for the replenishment of IMTGs that have been oxidized during exercise Certainly, further studies are needed to clarify the contribution of IMTG- and VLDL-derived fatty acid oxidation to total fat oxidation.

Another important aspect of the present study is that we have examined the effect of a low-intensity training program for only 2 h per week. Because endurance training has been shown to increase the capacity to oxidize fatty acids, it has been proposed to be beneficial in overcoming the disturbances in fat oxidation often observed in obesity and diabetes 9.

To investigate the mechanisms behind the changes in substrate oxidation after the endurance-training program, we measured mRNA levels of several genes involved in glucose and fatty acid metabolism.

A muscle biopsy was taken 6—7 days before the training program and 6—7 days after the last training session to exclude the influence of acute exercise on mRNA expression. The expression of two genes involved in regulatory steps of glucose metabolism, i. As mentioned above, mRNA expression of LPL, which hydrolyzes plasma triglycerides and directs the released FFAs into the tissue 22 , tended to increase after training, suggesting that the capacity of skeletal muscle to hydrolyze VLDL triglycerides may be improved by the training program.

Inside the muscle cell, ACC2 activity has recently been suggested to control the rate of fatty acid oxidation and triglyceride storage ACC2 catalyzes the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to form malonyl-CoA, an intermediate that inhibits the activity of CPT1.

CPT1 catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the transfer of fatty acyl-CoA into mitochondria, where they undergo oxidation. Although we were not able to measure ACC2 enzyme activity, it is tempting to speculate that a decrease in ACC2 activity after training was responsible for the observed training-induced increase in fat oxidation.

Because high levels of malonyl-CoA have been associated with insulin resistance 42 , the reduction of ACC2 with endurance training could possibly be beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Finally, we determined the expression of the human UCP3, which has recently also been implicated in the transport of fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane In a cross-sectional study, we have previously found that UCP3 mRNA was lower in trained than in untrained subjects In the present study, we did not find a significant effect of the training program on UCP3 mRNA expression, suggesting that the training program was not severe enough to result in changes in UCP3 mRNA.

Remarkably, we recently found that, in the same study, UCP3 protein content was significantly decreased after training in all subjects The reason for the discrepancy between the effect of training on UCP3 mRNA expression and protein cannot be deduced from the present study but might involve posttranslational regulation, although the number of subjects is too limited to make such a conclusion.

The mechanism behind this adaptation seems to involve a chronic upregulation of LPL mRNA expression and a chronic downregulation of ACC2, potentially leading to lower malonyl-CoA concentration and less inhibition of CPT1. In contrast to moderate- to high-intensity endurance training, the mild training protocol did not increase hexokinase II and GLUT4 expression, indicating that specifically fat oxidation was improved.

This study was supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO to P. and a grant from the Netherlands Heart Foundation to D. The laboratories are members of the Concerted Action FATLINK FAIR-CT , supported by the European Commission.

The authors thank Paulette Vallier for help in mRNA analysis and Dr. Diraison for making and validating the ACC2 competitor. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr.

Schrauwen, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, P. Box , MD Maastricht, the Netherlands. E-mail: p. schrauwen hb. Sign In or Create an Account.

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Article Information. Article Navigation. Pathophysiology July 01 The Effect of a 3-Month Low-Intensity Endurance Training Program on Fat Oxidation and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase-2 Expression Patrick Schrauwen ; Patrick Schrauwen.

This Site. Google Scholar. Dorien P. van Aggel-Leijssen ; Dorien P. van Aggel-Leijssen. Gabby Hul ; Gabby Hul. Anton J. Wagenmakers ; Anton J. Hubert Vidal ; Hubert Vidal.

Wim H. Saris ; Wim H. Marleen A. van Baak Marleen A. van Baak.

Commentary: Contextualising Maximal Fwt Oxidation During Oxidatiln Determinants and Normative Values. Using Fat oxidation studies short-duration ocidation protocol and continuous Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging calorimetry, whole-body rates of Fay and carbohydrate oxidation can sttudies estimated across Antioxidant supplements for healthy aging range of exercise workloads, oxidatoin with the individual maximal rate of fat oxidation MFO and the exercise intensity at which MFO occurs Fat max. These variables appear to have implications both in sport and health contexts. After discussion of the key determinants of MFO and Fat max that must be considered during laboratory measurement, the present review sought to synthesize existing data in order to contextualize individually measured fat oxidation values. Data collected in homogenous cohorts on cycle ergometers after an overnight fast was synthesized to produce normative values in given subject populations.

Author: JoJocage

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