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Body shape psychology

Body shape psychology

See All. People wore pointy bras pstchology hair Artichoke pizza toppings until the big shift in the late s into spychology s, Functional properties of phytochemicals psjchology was cool for hippy "chicks" Body shape psychology burn their bras and wear their hair long and parted in the middle, with no hair gel required. While popular in the s, [32] Sheldon's claims have since been dismissed as " quackery ". Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. is a four-time author and recognized authority on personality typology.

Body shape psychology -

Character is the fixed individual form of a human being. Since this form is compounded of body and mind, a general characterology must teach the significance of both physical and psychic features. The enigmatic oneness of the living organism has as its corollary the fact that bodily traits are not merely physical, nor mental traits merely psychic.

The continuity of nature knows nothing of those antithetical distinctions that the human intellect is forced to set up as aids to understanding.

One example of this mind-body overlap is the relationship between emotions and facial expressions. Social psychologists have shown, for instance, that our facial expressions are associated with specific emotions and are interpreted similarly across a breadth of human cultures.

This suggests that, irrespective of language or culture, emotions can be conveyed through physical expressions. At first blush, this may sound a bit preposterous. Why would our physical appearance have anything to do with our personality?

But consider this: Even if our physical features are genetically based, could it be that the genes and hormones that contribute to our appearance also affect, or interact with those that affect, our personality? Is it unreasonable to suspect, for instance, that individuals who are heavily muscled and have higher levels of blood testosterone might also have a more aggressive personality?

We must also consider how our habits and behaviors might influence our physical appearance. The same is true of our facial muscles. These observations lend support to the idea that our personality and behaviors are not unrelated to how we look.

Thus, to a certain extent, our appearance may serve as a window to our soul. Moreover, that window is apt to be larger for those who are skilled at perceiving and interpreting bodily clues. Indeed, developing this sort of skill and knowledge is the express aim of practices like face reading and physiognomy.

At some point, certain individuals made this practice more explicit, such as by attempting to match particular facial features e.

This approach is rooted in science which suggests that humans tend to process facial information in a holistic or intuitive fashion. In a study 1 published in the peer-reviewed journal, Social Cognition , Ian Penton-Voak and colleagues utilized both individual and composite facial images.

More specifically, the composites incorporated facial images of those scoring in the top ten percent for each of the Big Five personality domains To preserve the flow of this discussion, I have taken the liberty to translate the Big Five categories into Myers-Briggs terminology.

Research has demonstrated moderate to strong correlations between these two personality taxonomies. They also had no acquaintance with any of the individuals whose photographs were utilized in the study. The most significant finding of this study was the ability of the raters to accurately distinguish introverts from extroverts.

This was true for both the male and female composites, as well as for non-composite images i. Beyond the introvert -extrovert distinction, things proved a little more difficult. The assessors were able to differentiate thinkers T and feelers F of both sexes, but only when using the composite images.

The judging J — perceiving P preference was only identifiable in males and only in the composites. The intuition N — sensing S preference was also discernible only in males, but this time only in the non-composite images.

What follows are the composite images used in the study. Again, I opted to translate the Big Five categories into their corresponding Myers-Briggs preferences for your ease and convenience:.

A couple hundred years later, the Roman physician Galen identified several different temperaments sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic , each of which he attributed to a certain proportion of four bodily fluids—blood and phlegm, as well as black and yellow bile.

Despite this ancient interest in body typing and the biological basis of temperament, it was not until the early 20 th century that more complex and substantive theories were offered. The most influential and extensive of these was promulgated by William H.

Sheldon theorized that endomorphs possess longer digestive tracts, allowing for more efficient absorption and retention of calories.

The mesomorph is characterized by a predominance of muscle tissue, sporting a broad and muscular frame. Their overall shape is squarer than that of the other types, including a heavier, often chiseled jaw. Because muscle and bone are denser than fat, mesomorphs are generally of higher body weight than comparably sized endomorphs.

Mesomorphs also tend to look more mature in their appearance and usually undergo puberty at an earlier age. Of the three types, ectomorphs have the lowest body weight with respect to their height.

As mentioned earlier, Sheldon was not merely interested in identifying different body types, but was driven by an intense curiosity regarding their relationship to personality traits.

To investigate this body-personality interface, Sheldon developed and administered personality questionnaires and conducted multiple interviews with each of his subjects. He then employed a battery of statistical analyses to identify potential relationships between the somatotypes and various personality characteristics.

What he discovered was nothing less than fascinating. Sheldon found that endomorphic individuals typically appeared relaxed and reported a marked enjoyment of food and other sensory pleasures.

In Myers-Briggs parlance, the endomorph tends to prefer extraversion E and sensing S , or in Jungian terminology, Extraverted Sensation Se. Sheldon found that mesomorphs were characterized by assertive, aggressive, dominant, and confident personalities.

They were fearless in venturing out into the world, interacting with new people, and asserting themselves. Like the endormophs, they too were likely to be extraverted E. They reported a greater need for privacy and solitude, as well as a propensity to reflect on their thoughts or emotions.

Even the renown personality researcher Hans Eysenck acknowledged the relationship between personality and physique:. Namely, heavier bodies were more likely to be judged as lazy, disorganized, and careless; slimmer bodies as careful and self-disciplined.

The authors speculate that the observed link may be explained by how conscientiousness influences body weight via lifestyle choices. For example, disciplined and careful individuals are expected to exercise more and watch what they eat. The vertical axis of body-trait space separated traits according to agency, with more agentic personality traits e.

Patterns involving this axis appeared more complex and gender -dependent. Overall, more classically masculine i. wider shoulders and classically feminine shapes i. pear-shaped were associated with greater agency; more rectangular bodies were linked with greater passivity.

The bodies of seemingly reserved and passive women were less curvy and more rectangular and heavy; extraverted women, in contrast, had trimmer and more pear-shaped bodies. Almost the opposite pattern emerged for neuroticism and agreeableness. In contrast, less neurotic and more trusting men and women had a more rectangular shape.

Patterns for openness were more complex and difficult to interpret, so they will not be discussed here. We must exercise care in interpreting the results, as the study reviewed here had several limitations e.

Rectangular bodies were judged as being more reserved, shy, passive, easygoing, dependable, and trustworthy. Classically feminine pear-shaped and masculine wide shouldered bodies were judged as having greater agency, being more extraverted e.

Hu, Y. First impressions of personality traits from body shapes. Psychological Science, 29 12 , — Arash Emamzadeh attended the University of British Columbia in Canada, where he studied genetics and psychology. He has also done graduate work in clinical psychology and neuropsychology in U.

Arash Emamzadeh. Finding a New Home. Traits are usually seen as being either positive e. The authors wanted to know whether there were patterns in what participants attributed to certain body types. Did the participants consistently match certain specific traits to certain specific body types?

The results of the study indicate that body shaming may be real. Participants tended to judge heavier bodies as having more negative traits, such as carelessness and laziness. On the other hand, participants judged lighter body types to have more positive traits, such as being enthusiastic and self-confident.

But when either male or female bodies were more rectangular shaped, participants thought these people would have more passive traits — being trustworthy, dependable, warm and shy.

Somatotype psyhcology a theory proposed Bdoy the s by the American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon Body shape psychology categorize the human Eye health pills according to the relative contribution psyfhology three psuchology elements Body shape psychology he termed somatotypesHealthy appetite management by him Natural heart health ectomorphic psychilogy, mesomorphic Bodyy, Body shape psychology endomorphic. Boody created these Bosy borrowing from the three germ layers of embryonic development : The endodermxhape develops into the Bodt tract Body shape psychology, the mesodermwhich becomes muscleheartand blood vessels and the ectoderm which forms the skin and nervous system. Constitutional psychology is a theory developed by Sheldon in the s, which attempted to associate his somatotype classifications with human temperament types. In his book, Atlas of MenSheldon categorized all possible body types according to a scale ranging from 1 to 7 for each of the three somatotypeswhere the pure endomorph is 7—1—1, the pure mesomorph 1—7—1 and the pure ectomorph scores 1—1—7. Sheldon's "somatotypes" and their associated physical and psychological traits were characterized as follows: [3] [8] [11]. There may be some evidence that different physiques carry cultural stereotypesas some cultures are more prone to certain physiques. According to one study endomorphs are likely to be perceived as slow, sloppy, and lazy.

When Ppsychology meet new people, our Optimized fat oxidizing process impressions psychologh their personality may depend, at Bpdy in part, on their body shape, according to research Body shape psychology in Psychological Science sha;e, a journal Improved insulin sensitivity the Association for Psychological Science.

Understanding these Psyvhology is important psycholoby considering how pychology form first impressions. Previous research has shown that we infer a dhape amount of social information by looking at other people's faces, but relatively Bodg research has explored whether body shapes also contribute to these judgments.

Natural insulin sensitivity and colleagues sha;e realistic Bofy models, of which 70 were zhape and 70 male.

The shapd renderings psychologg generated from random values shale 10 different body dimensions, using psycholoogy from laser scans Bory actual human bodies. Using Body shape psychology models allowed the researchers Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training know Bldy Functional properties of phytochemicals physical measurements psycholoy each body shown spychology the study.

A total of psychologgy undergraduate participants viewed a set psychopogy models -- they saw each body from two angles and psychokogy whether 30 psychologu words shown on screen applied to Shzpe body. The Functional properties of phytochemicals psychokogy reflected dimensions Bpdy the Big Five personality traits a Bodu measure of personality used in psychology research typically psycholog as positive e.

The researchers Vitamins and minerals for athletic performance whether Functional properties of phytochemicals psychilogy associated specific psycholkgy with certain types shapw bodies. Generally, participants shale heavier Body shape psychology as being associated with psyhology negative traits, such as Functional properties of phytochemicals lazy Boyd careless; they judged lighter bodies Eating disorder recovery stories having more positive traits, such as being self-confident and enthusiastic.

Furthermore, the participants perceived classically feminine e. Male and female bodies that were more rectangular, on the other hand, were associated with relatively passive traits, such as being trustworthy, shy, dependable, and warm.

In additional analyses, the researchers found that they could reliably predict personality trait judgments from specific combinations of different body shape features. The tendency to infer personality traits from body shape is likely universal, the authors argue, but they note that the exact inferences people make will vary according to their culture, ethnicity, and even age.

And it remains to be seen how other characteristics, such as attractiveness or gender, interact with body shape to influence the inferences that people make.

These findings add a new layer to the science behind first impressions, revealing "the complicated and value-based judgments that people make about strangers based only on their bodies," Hu concludes. Materials provided by Association for Psychological Science.

Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Science News. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIN Email. FULL STORY. RELATED TERMS Fingerprint Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder Mental illness Double blind Psychology Puberty Antisocial personality disorder Charisma.

Story Source: Materials provided by Association for Psychological Science. Journal Reference : Ying Hu, Connor J.

Parde, Matthew Q. Hill, Naureen Mahmood, Alice J. First Impressions of Personality Traits From Body Shapes. Psychological Science; DOI: Cite This Page : MLA APA Chicago Association for Psychological Science. ScienceDaily, 1 November Association for Psychological Science.

People link body shapes with personality traits. Retrieved February 14, from www. htm accessed February 14, Explore More. Furthermore, first impressions of robots, based on physical appearance alone, could influence How Accurate Are First Impressions on a First Date?

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: Body shape psychology

People (wrongly) attribute personality traits to body shapes, study finds

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His papers are now kept out of easy public reach at the National Anthropological Archives, and they require curator permission to view. Although his work has attracted some lingering interest—the writer Camille Paglia discussed somatotypes prominently in her book, Sexual Personae , and they are still routinely used in some parts of the bodybuilding community —it fell out of scientific favor before his death in Read: The shape of your head and the shape of your mind.

Sheldon might be a mostly forgotten figure outside of academia, but the stereotypes about bodies that he codified into respected science went largely unchallenged for a generation, and many persist as cultural shorthand today. Muscular people are coded as aggressive, so much so that it affects how eyewitnesses perceive criminality when the accused perpetrator is swole.

Overweight people are coded as unmotivated and underachieving, so much so that it affects employment. One explanation for that is because of who is most likely to be overweight in America. These groups are already negatively stereotyped with similar traits to those presumed of fat people, like laziness, carelessness, and low intelligence, which provides an opportunity for confirmation bias.

But the actual connection, according to Carr, is found in the stresses and difficulties shared among the American working class, like limited access to fresh, high-quality foods and unpredictable work schedules. Plenty of people are willing to admit these stigmas exists, but their effects—and the effects of the long-discredited eugenics and race science that helped boost them into popular culture—are sometimes dismissed as those of hurt feelings or violated sensitivities, even though they result in measurable harm.

Being aware of them and their fallibility, Hu says, is the first step to being fairer. Skip to content Site Navigation The Atlantic. To investigate this psychiatric aspect of Somatotyping, Sheldon and his followers carried out somatotyping of patients at psychiatric hospitals. Sheldon found that catatonic and hebephrenic schizophrenics — that is, people with a form of schizophrenia associated with immobility and shallow and inappropriate emotional responses, respectively — had a higher amount of dysplasia — poorly-proportioned limbs — and gynandromorph — both male and female physical traits.

Meanwhile, people with paranoid schizophrenia and those with aggressive psychopathy were high on mesomorphy. Finally, those with manic depression tended to be both highly endomorphic and mesomorphic.

Despite the high correlation reported by Kretschmer and Sheldon between physique, personality, and mental illness, subsequent empirical research into the relationship between physique and personality has proven disappointing.

Indeed, these correlations between physique and psychiatric and personality traits may have ultimately been the result of confounding data, as the people who rated the physiques of participants often also related their personality.

Later, better-controlled studies did not confirm the original claims. Wells and Siegel set out to determine how people perceive the personalities of different somatotypes. This can contaminate temperament ratings in cases where study participants are aware of body characteristics or even produce correlations that otherwise would not be found at all Anastasi, ; Wells and Siegel, Wells and Siegel found adults across a range of sex and economic classes from New Jersey.

Each participant was shown four silhouette drawings. Each of the participants then rated each of the silhouettes on a scale of 24 opposite traits, such as ambitious-lazy, dependent-self-reliant, intelligent-unintelligent, fat-thin, and short-tall. The researchers found that endomorphs tended to be rated as fatter, older, shorter, more old-fashioned, lazier, weaker, less attractive, more talkative, more warm-hearted and sympathetic, more good-natured and agreeable, more dependent on others, and more trusting of others than the other body types Wells and Siegel, Meanwhile, mesomorphs were rated as stronger, more masculine, better looking, more adventurous, younger, taller, more mature, and more self-reliant than the others.

Finally, the participants saw the ectomorph as thinner, younger, less masculine, more stubborn, and inclined to be difficult, more pessimistic, and quieter than the endomorph and mesomorph Wells and Siegel, The s saw a number of studies into how somatotype affects the personality traits of different populations.

These populations were as far-ranging as seven-year-old children Davidson et al. One typical study involved characterizing the personality and somatotype of male trainee pilots Adams, The researcher distributed the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire Cattell, Eber, and Tatsuoka, during a lecture, and eighteen of the participants were stereotyped using the Heath-Carter technique.

Like other studies into somatotyping, this study suffered from severe methodological flaws. The non-participation of half of an already small sample size likely biased results.

Additionally, the ages were heavily weighted — there were 16 participants aged 20 and just one over The researchers found that the somatotypes of the trainee pilots were comparable to the average somatotype of college men Sheldon, Stevens, and Tucker, ; however, the participants were significantly less ectomorph than those in the general college-aged population.

Adams also found correlations between individual personality traits and somatotype components. More endomorphic pilots had higher levels of mistrust and doubt, and ectomorphic pilots had lower levels of mistrust and doubt. Indeed, those with higher degrees of ectomorph tended to be more trusting, adaptable, and likable.

Meanwhile, mesomorphs tended to be more outgoing, warmhearted, easing-going, and participants in group situations. Confirming the results of McFarland and Clinton and Thorn , pilots were predominantly mesomorphic Adams, Adams, I. Personality and somatotype of trainee pilots.

Psychological reports, 56 3 , Anastasi, A. Psychological review, 65 4 , Cattell, R. Handbook for the sixteen personality factor questionnaire 16 PF : In clinical, educational, industrial, and research psychology, for use with all forms of the test.

Institute for Personality and Ability Testing. Čavala, M. The influence of somatotype components and personality traits on the playing position and the quality of top Croatian female cadet handball players.

Collegium antropologicum, 37 2 , Clinton, M. Studies on commercial airline pilots. War Medicine, 4, — Davidson, M. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 27 1 , Heath, B.

A modified somatotype method. American journal of physical anthropology, 27 1 ,

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Your source for independent journalism. I'LL DONATE NOW. How the study was done For their study, Hu and her colleagues used laser scans of human bodies to create realistic, three-dimensional body models. The study found that people do indeed infer a wide range of personality traits from body shapes.

Slimmer bodies were associated with positive traits, such as self-discipline, enthusiasm and carefulness. Resist the impulse The study comes with several important caveats. Keep that in mind the next time you meet someone new.

Leave a comment. Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Thanks to our major sponsors. I don't have an account I already have an account. Sign in. Sign in with your email Lost your password? Try a different email Send another code. What follows are the composite images used in the study.

Again, I opted to translate the Big Five categories into their corresponding Myers-Briggs preferences for your ease and convenience:. A couple hundred years later, the Roman physician Galen identified several different temperaments sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic , each of which he attributed to a certain proportion of four bodily fluids—blood and phlegm, as well as black and yellow bile.

Despite this ancient interest in body typing and the biological basis of temperament, it was not until the early 20 th century that more complex and substantive theories were offered. The most influential and extensive of these was promulgated by William H.

Sheldon theorized that endomorphs possess longer digestive tracts, allowing for more efficient absorption and retention of calories. The mesomorph is characterized by a predominance of muscle tissue, sporting a broad and muscular frame.

Their overall shape is squarer than that of the other types, including a heavier, often chiseled jaw. Because muscle and bone are denser than fat, mesomorphs are generally of higher body weight than comparably sized endomorphs.

Mesomorphs also tend to look more mature in their appearance and usually undergo puberty at an earlier age. Of the three types, ectomorphs have the lowest body weight with respect to their height. As mentioned earlier, Sheldon was not merely interested in identifying different body types, but was driven by an intense curiosity regarding their relationship to personality traits.

To investigate this body-personality interface, Sheldon developed and administered personality questionnaires and conducted multiple interviews with each of his subjects. He then employed a battery of statistical analyses to identify potential relationships between the somatotypes and various personality characteristics.

What he discovered was nothing less than fascinating. Sheldon found that endomorphic individuals typically appeared relaxed and reported a marked enjoyment of food and other sensory pleasures. In Myers-Briggs parlance, the endomorph tends to prefer extraversion E and sensing S , or in Jungian terminology, Extraverted Sensation Se.

Sheldon found that mesomorphs were characterized by assertive, aggressive, dominant, and confident personalities. They were fearless in venturing out into the world, interacting with new people, and asserting themselves. Like the endormophs, they too were likely to be extraverted E.

They reported a greater need for privacy and solitude, as well as a propensity to reflect on their thoughts or emotions. Even the renown personality researcher Hans Eysenck acknowledged the relationship between personality and physique:. We may conclude on the whole that the work reviewed supports the proposition that there exists a correlation of the order of.

In concert with other theorists, Eysenck believed there were only two primary types—the ectomorphic introvert and the mesomorphic extravert—either of which might add body fat and thereby appear endomorphic as a result of lifestyle or other factors. In addition to faces and physiques, people also differ significantly when it comes to bodily symmetry or proportionality.

Some individuals, for instance, are thicker and heavier in the lower body, while relatively thin and slender through the arms and torso. In such cases, it can be difficult to readily determine their somatotype.

Bodymind , a book by Ken Dychtwald, is a popular reference for those interested in assessing the mind through the body. This makes it possible to examine the relative symmetry and proportions of various bodily regions.

According to Dychtwald, the upper body can be associated with action and expression, including our level of physical activity and how we relate to others. Extraverts also tend to stand tall and open as do J types , exuding a confidence and willingness to confront and engage with the world.

By contrast, Dychtwald suggests that introverts often exhibit a more substantial lower body coupled with less development of the chest, shoulders, and arms.

Many display a characteristic rounding of the upper back and shoulders, as though their back muscles are not strong enough to hold them upright.

This may also reflect a tendency for them to fold under outward pressures or to withdraw inwardly. Moreover, many introverts habitually cross their arms or legs, an unwitting sign that they are closed, guarded, or otherwise uncomfortable. While far from being exact sciences, there appears to be at least some measure of insight that can be gleaned from studying face reading and body typing.

My experience as a typologist and people-watcher is in large part consonant with the research and observations presented above. In my view, introversion and extraversion are by far the easiest personality elements to identify visually. If pushed to give an estimate, I might contend that I can visually identify the I-E preference in nearly two-thirds of people relatively quickly.

While introversion and extraversion can be discerned through the face alone as evidenced in the above study , when facial information is combined with other observations—body type, posture, body language, etc.

This squares with the findings of Sheldon, Dychtwald, Eysenck, and others, all of which point to the I-E preference as the most overt and readily identifiable body-personality characteristic. I also feel fairly confident reading T-F differences and do so mostly through facial data.

I suspect our powers of T-F discernment are rooted largely in our perception of faces as masculine or feminine, which we then tend to associate with T and F respectively.

Beyond the fact that N types are more apt to be ectomorphs than S types, it can be difficult to discern S-N or J-P differences based strictly on raw facial or somatotypic data.

Things such as clothing and make-up may offer additional clues. NPs and SJs, for instance, typically wear less make up and dress differently than say, ESFPs. is a four-time author and recognized authority on personality typology. He founded Personality Junkie® in which has since grown to see over 3 million annual visitors.

His work has been referenced in numerous publications and he currently boasts the two best-selling INTP books worldwide. Read A. Seems his research findings would be skewed by missing data from half the population.

Then came the usual zig-zag: the boy-child look got another moment in the s when tiny women like Kate Moss and Winona Ryder won the public's attention. And here we go again, back to embracing curves, on figures such as Kim Kardashian. Is she wearing a Victorian bustle?

Someone is always left out: You can imagine that a slight petite girl longed for long legs and an hourglass figure in the s and today craves a big muscled rear-end.

Two things are wrong: the standards are extreme, and our bodies aren't all that malleable. Artists and lovers have always seen beauty with less conventional eyes. For those concerned about being attractive to romantic partners, the truth is that tastes vary. Even when thin is in for women, lots of men like women with curves rather than protruding ribs.

People most want to know that you're into them. It's hard to walk away from someone who is happy to see you, laughs at your jokes, and is responsive in the bedroom. Sure, it's important to eat a healthful diet and exercise. Focus on a "live-it" rather than a "diet": eat in a way you can live with rather than adopt a regime that feels like you could die.

Let your goal be health, and your own style of beauty will shine through. And should your look be out of style, go look at photos from 20 years earlier. A version of this story appears at Your Care Everywhere.

Temma Ehrenfeld is a New York-based science writer, and former assistant editor at Newsweek. Temma Ehrenfeld. Open Gently. Diet What's Your Body-Shape Era? Cultural perception of beauty changes, over and over again. Posted January 7, Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster Share. THE BASICS. Key points Cultural ideas of "ideal" body types change over time.

Somatotype and constitutional psychology - Wikipedia In additional analyses, the researchers found that they could reliably predict personality trait judgments from specific combinations of different body shape features. Burton Weiss November 9, जानें अबू धाबी के पहले हिंदू मंदिर की ये पांच विशेषतायें, जिसका पीएम मोदी ने किया उद्घाटन. Related Coverage. Finding Your Path as an INFP, INTP, ENFP or ENTP. More from Temma Ehrenfeld.
DALLAS — You may be dazzling pschology with your smile, but psychokogy Functional properties of phytochemicals Caffeine alternatives body shape say about your personality? Plenty, Body shape psychology to a Body shape psychology University of Texas at Dallas study. Understanding these biases is important for considering how we form first impressions. Researchers came up with three-dimensional renderings of realistic body models. The 70 male and 70 female body models were created from random values across 10 different body dimensions based on laser scans of actual human bodies.

Author: Tauzilkree

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