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Gut health and exercise

Gut health and exercise

Reviewed by: Orla O'SullivanTeagasc Food Research Guh, Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing Arwel Wyn JonesAlfred Hospital, Australia. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How we reviewed this article: History.

Gut health and exercise -

Moderate exercise has positive effects on the health of average athletes, such as a reduction in inflammation and intestinal permeability and an improvement in body composition. It also induces positive changes in the gut microbiota composition and in the microbial metabolites produced in the gastrointestinal tract.

Conversely, intense exercise can increase gastrointestinal epithelial wall permeability and diminish gut mucus thickness, potentially enabling pathogens to enter the bloodstream. This, in turn, may contribute to the increase in inflammation levels.

Moreover, rodent studies have highlighted a bidirectional relationship, with exercise impacting the gut microbiota composition while the microbiota may influence performance. The present review focuses on gut microbiota and endurance sports and how this interconnection depends upon exercise intensity and training.

After pointing out the limits of the studies so far available, we suggest that taking into account the microbiota composition and its metabolic contribution to human host health could help in monitoring and modulating athletes' health and performance.

Such an integrated approach should help in the design of microbiome-based solutions for health or performance. Moderate endurance exercise reduces inflammation, improves body composition and leads to positive effects on gut microbial diversity and composition and its metabolic contribution to human health.

Endurance exercise exhibits positive effects on human health and on the gut microbial ecosystem, provided that the exercise intensity is controlled. Elite athletes seem to have a higher gut microbial diversity and a shift toward bacterial species involved in specific pathways such as the production of short-chain fatty acids butyrate, propionate.

Confounding factors such as diet, body composition, study design, and analytical methods limit the conclusions of the existing studies. This review will focus on the interconnection between gut microbiota and exercise.

Confounding factors such as diet can impact this interconnection. These factors will also be discussed in this review. Athlete cohorts, diseased populations and overweight populations will be used to expand on the effects and mechanisms of this interconnection. Specific animal models will also be highlighted to provide details on the mechanisms not yet clarified in humans.

In endurance exercise, a common definition of performance is the time to complete a certain distance. Therefore, athletes try to maximize their average speed during the defined distance to complete, but performance is always constrained by human body limits.

In endurance exercises, researchers have been trying, for many years, to pinpoint the factors limiting performance from a physiological perspective and ways to overcome them. First, during endurance aerobic exercise, muscles rely mainly on the breakdown of stored glycogen-glucose for energy production.

However, as glycogen stores are limited, the existence of other energy sources is essential 1. These energy sources can rely on endogenous and exogenous substrates. Therefore, the intake of carbohydrates during exercise has been a widespread strategy to improve performance.

Carbohydrates are absorbed in the blood flow due to transporters in the intestine. This step is crucial and often limiting in terms of performance 2 , and training the gut to absorb exogenous energy substrates during exercise can improve endurance performance as well as provide a better experience for athletes 3.

Second, performance in endurance exercises is limited by the cardiovascular capacity, often measured using VO 2max maximum oxygen uptake - the maximum rate of oxygen consumption that the body can use during exercise.

When a person trains at progressively higher intensities, oxygen uptake increases linearly to meet the demand of active skeletal muscles, until maximum oxygen uptake is reached 4. The principal limitation of the cardiovascular capacity is cardiac output. This increase in blood flow can have major consequences for the digestive system including ischemia in the gut due to blood flow redistribution.

This can lead to lower gastrointestinal GI disorders abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, constipation as well as upper gastrointestinal disorders stomach pain, nausea, vomiting 5. The alteration of gut transit time is also detrimental to the microbiome balance. Unsurprisingly, this is one of the main reasons why ultrarunners do not finish an ultramarathon 8.

In view of these elements, the proper functioning of the digestive tract and the associated microbiota need to be considered in order to perform well in endurance sports.

The main focus of this review will therefore be the relationship between exercise and the gut microbiota in endurance sports. The human body is inhabited by a large number of bacteria, viruses, archaea and unicellular eukaryotes 9 called the microbiota After a first estimate that the human microbiota contains up to 10 13 14 bacterial cells, 10 times more than cells in the human body 11 , a recent update established a ratio between the bacterial cells and the human body cells Microorganisms are also widespread on the surface of the human body, colonizing the skin as well as the genitourinary, gastrointestinal, and respiratory tracts 10 , The gastrointestinal tract is an organ system that has many functions: it takes in food, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients, and expels then the remaining waste as feces.

It consists of the upper gastrointestinal tract formed by the esophagus and stomach and the lower gastrointestinal tract composed of the small intestine duodenum, jejunum, and ileum and large intestine cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal.

The intestine has a large exchange surface area of ~80 m 2 15 , due to the villi in the epithelium layer. The gut microbiota is located in the intestinal lumen, next to but also within the first outer layer of the mucus bilayer 16 — At the level of bacterial strains, as seen in classical microbiology, the gut microbiota demonstrates tremendous diversity and variation between individuals 19 , The human gut microbiota consists of four main phyla: Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, quantitatively the most abundant, as well as Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria The microbial populations can be stratified into 3 enterotypes and these bacterial gene correlation networks were shown to be driven by the following genera: Prevotella, Bacteroides , and Ruminococcus Their relative prevalence has been shown to be largely driven by dietary habits 21 , The need to stratify into enterotypes is particularly relevant in clinical settings: for ranging from direct disease associations to prospective study stratification or even personalized dietary interventions or other gut modulation treatments The gut microbiota has coevolved with the host over thousands of years to form an intricate and mutually beneficial relationship The microbiota offers many benefits to the host through a range of physiological functions affecting host nutrition, metabolic function, and maturation of the immune system 25 , The gut microbiome contributes to digestion and promotes food absorption for host energy production Microbiome fermentation leads to metabolites that are very relevant to athletes, such as short-chain fatty acids SCFAs , lactate and branched-chain fatty acids.

The most abundant SCFAs are found at proportions of for acetic acid C 2 , propionic acid C 3 and butyric acid C 4 SCFAs have distinct physiological effects: they can be used as energy sources by host cells and the intestinal microbiota, but they can also contribute to shaping the gut environment, influencing the physiology of the colon, and participating in different host-signaling mechanisms 27 , as well as possessing some anti-inflammatory effects.

SCFAs appear to be of paramount importance as a marker of changes in intestinal ecology 28 and highlight the close link between diet, the gut microbiota and metabolic function.

Secondary bile acids, produced in the colon by the microbiota, also exert effects on the metabolic function of the host, particularly on the metabolism of triglycerides and glucose 28 , Indeed, after being produced in the colon, they can be transported in the blood and reach a variety of organs, including the liver and kidneys.

The gut microbiota is highly linked to the host immune system 30 , 31 : protection from pathogens with the mucosal firewall, induction of effector T and B cell responses against pathogens, competition for nutrients with pathogens, production of antimicrobial molecules and metabolites that affect the survival and virulence of these pathogens, and reinforcement of tight junctions.

It also helps in the stimulation and maturation of epithelial cells Another aspect of gut health is the interrelation among the gut microbiota, intestinal permeability and inflammation. For a recent review discussing the definition of a healthy microbiome see Shanahan et al.

Transepithelial or transcellular permeability consists of the specific transport of solutes, thanks to specialized transporters, across epithelial cells. Paracellular permeability depends on transport through the spaces that exist between epithelial cells. It is mediated by the intestinal epithelium and regulated by intercellular tight junctions.

This is the main route of the passive flow of water and solutes across the intestinal epithelium. Normally, permeability allows the maintenance of a balance between nutrients passing through the gut while keeping potentially harmful substances, such as antigens, from migrating to other body parts or fluid bodies A disruption in gut mucus thickness 35 , an imbalance in the gut microbiota composition or a decrease in gastrointestinal blood flow 34 , caused by intense exercise, can lead to impairments in these fluxes.

Therefore, harmful substances such as endotoxins from the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacterial strains, namely, lipopolysaccharides LPS , can then pass through the barrier Often, the LPS blood concentration increases together with inflammatory cytokines.

Hence, chronic inflammatory responses can be established in the body with major consequences on host health. Moreover, alterations in gut microbiota have been linked to functional and inflammatory disorders It is key to understand their strengths and limits to understand the data they provide and how to interpret them.

In an increasing number of studies, different methods are being combined to obtain a better picture of the physiological impact of the microbiota, instead of only inferring functions from the bacterial composition. Table 1. Analytical methods to study the microbiome [adapted from Lepage et al.

Non-targeted metabolomics approaches using nuclear magnetic resonance NMR have been performed on gut samples and body fluids from humans and animals. In endurance sports, both an acute bout of exercise and a long training period can have an effect on microbiota and health.

Acute bouts of exercise can be separated into moderate and intense exercise. This review will include data on a wide range of participants: from overweight or diabetic subjects to elite athletes.

This wide range of participants will make it possible to compare the different responses observed and to discuss the presence or absence of a continuum between all these populations Figure 1 Figure 1.

Beneficial effects of exercise and gut microbiota modifications in inactive subjects. Exercise induces beneficial molecular adaptations allowing the enhancement of cardiorespiratory fitness. Bacterial diversity increases, including SCFA- producing species. Conversely, pathobionts such as E. coli or E.

faecalis , potentially disease-causing species which, under normal circumstances, are found as a non-harming symbiont, decrease. Longitudinal studies monitoring exercise intensity and modality, diet, subjects' characteristics and gut microbiota are still lacking. Modified from Aya et al.

Some of these beneficial effects of moderate exercise on the host might be mediated by decreased intestinal permeability 41 , which prevents pathogens from crossing the intestinal barrier and then reduces systemic inflammation.

In parallel, an acute session of exercise at moderate intensity leads to several effects on the microbiota. The effect on the microbiota can be assessed by measuring the diversity or functions. α-Diversity represents the overall diversity of samples, while β-diversity compares how different bacterial species are distributed among different samples An investigation of the gut microbiota response to a half-marathon in amateur runners showed that the abundance of 7 taxa decreased, while the abundance of 20 bacterial clades increased At the genus level, the top 4 biomarkers increased after the race were Pseudobutyrivibrio, Coprococcus 2, Collinsella , and Mitsuokella while Bacteroides coprophilus was the most decreased bacterial clade.

Regrettably, no dietary questionnaire and no Bristol score that would indicate any gastrointestinal discomfort or bowel transit time difference were performed during this study. When omics methods were used, such as shotgun metagenomics and metabolomics, modest changes in gut microbial gene composition and functions were reported following increased physical activity These data from two studies indicate that exercise can modify the gut microbial composition and production of SCFAs and thus fecal metabolites produced in the gut environment.

Based on the available studies, these sessions, compared to moderate exercise, seem to cause more significant disturbances than moderate exercise on the human body's homeostasis.

Elite athletes have been shown to experience high levels of inflammation following an acute bout of exercise 45 , 46 but also after intense exercise as attested by an increase in blood and urine markers of inflammation However, elite rugby players have a lower inflammatory status compared to that of controls [higher interleukin IL and IL-8; lower IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-α , and IL-1β] Endurance athletes are particularly concerned with gastrointestinal symptoms.

A study conducted during a long-distance triathlon concluded that LPS do enter the circulation after ultraendurance exercise. LPS may thus, with muscle damage, be responsible for the increased cytokine response and hence gastrointestinal complaints in these athletes In parallel, a fold increase in IL-6 production was observed immediately after the race.

Even if there was no significant correlation between LPS and IL-6 concentrations, these results indicate that increased intestinal permeability could occur simultaneously with an increased cytokine response and thus could contribute to an increased inflammatory response after exercise.

Similarly, in a multiple-stressor military training environment, regardless of the diet group, both intestinal permeability and inflammation increased Small intestine permeability was also increased during exertional heat stress However, this increase was smaller in the glucose- or energy-matched whey protein hydrolysate groups than in the water-consuming control group.

These changes, although negatively impacting host health, are only temporary and the benefits of such a high exercise load outweigh the temporary drawbacks. Interestingly, the abundance of less dominant taxa increased at the expense of the dominant Bacteroides. Furthermore, in a study focusing on four well-trained male athletes performing a high-intensity unsupported day, 5,km transoceanic rowing race, changes in microbial diversity, abundance and metabolic capacity measured using 16S rDNA, metagenomics and metaproteomics, respectively were recorded 52 ; microbial diversity increased throughout the ultraendurance event together with an increased abundance of butyrate-producing species as well as others associated with improved metabolic health and insulin sensitivity.

The microbial genes involved in specific amino and fatty acid biosynthesis were also overrepresented. Notably, many of these adaptations in microbial community structure and function persisted at the 3-month follow-up.

Microbial diversity thus increased even during intense exercise. Beyond the effect of exercise load, the fitness status also impacts the microbiome.

Regarding the relative importance of these two stimuli, the current consensus is that it is fitness that matters. The microbiome of fit individuals, in good physical shape, has been shown to display increased butyrate production due to the increased abundances of key butyrate-producing bacterial taxa belonging to the Firmicutes phylum Clostridiales, Roseburia, Lachnospiraceae , and Erysipelotrichaceae However, none of the fitness, nutritional intake, or anthropometric variables correlated with the broad Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio.

In a 6-week intervention of endurance exercise in lean adults, exercise induced alterations in the gut microbiota composition and increased fecal concentrations of SCFAs in participants. Cardiorespiratory fitness seems to be related to the relative composition of the gut microbiota in humans.

When healthy elderly women were allocated to two groups receiving exercise interventions, either trunk muscle training or aerobic exercise training including brisk walking 55 , the relative abundance of intestinal Bacteroides significantly increased in the aerobic exercise training group only.

Interestingly, after stopping of exercise training, exercise-induced changes in the microbiota were largely reversed The former exhibited a higher abundance of the health-promoting bacterial species Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia hominis , and Akkermansia muciniphila In another 6-week endurance exercise study without dietary changes, metagenomic analysis 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Illumina metagenomic analyses revealed taxonomic shifts, including an increase in Akkermansia and a decrease in Proteobacteria Importantly, these changes were independent of age, weight, and fat percentage as well as energy and fiber intake.

Similarly in male subjects with insulin resistance, both sprint intervals and moderate-intensity continuous trainings reduced systematic and intestinal inflammatory markers and increased Bacteroidetes phylum proportions The links between adaptations to endurance exercise and the gut microbiota are summarized in Figure 2.

These conclusions need to be confirmed by longitudinal studies, but very few are currently available. One of them follows two initially unfit volunteers during 6 months while undertaking progressive exercise training During this training period, fitness and body composition improved.

In parallel, α-diversity increased as well as the concentration of some physiologically-relevant metabolites. Figure 2. Ecosystem level adaptation of gut microbiota in athletes. Recent research indicates that unique gut microbiota may be present in elite athletes, and special and unique species can positively impact the host, providing metabolites from the fermentation of dietary fiber.

Ecosystem level syntrophy: gut bacterial species can hydrolyze fibers and subsequently ferment the sugar monomers into SCFA, while other fermentative species depend upon the hydrolytic ones.

Such a syntrophy have been described between Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium strains. Elite athletes can also be used as a paradigm of the limit of the trained human body. After several years of intense training, elite athletes have special features in terms of athletic performance but also in terms of morphology and metabolic adaptations.

A human study among elite rugby players vs. controls provided evidence of a beneficial impact of exercise on gut microbiota diversity: athletes had a higher diversity, representing 22 distinct phyla However, the results indicated that these differences between the elite and control groups were associated with dietary extremes that could represent confounding factors.

In terms of the proportions of different bacterial populations and their inherent metabolic activities, a study conducted on elite rugby players demonstrated that athletes had relative increases in specific pathways e. These pathways were associated with enhanced muscle turnover and overall health when compared with the control groups.

Differences in fecal microbiota between athletes and sedentary controls showed larger differences at the metagenomic and metabolomic levels than at the compositional levels and provided added insight into the diet-exercise-gut microbiota paradigm. Another study in international level rugby players showed differences in the composition and functional capacity of the gut microbiome, as well as in microbial and human derived metabolites The use of food frequency questionnaires reinforced the validity of these results.

Focusing on cycling, another study compared professional and amateur athletes At baseline, it was possible to split the gut microbiomes of the 33 cyclists into three taxonomic clusters: one with high Prevotella , one with high Bacteroides or one with a large set of genera including Bacteroides, Prevotella, Eubacterium, Ruminococcus , and Akkermansia.

However, based on these taxonomic clusters, it was not possible to distinguish between professional or amateur cyclists. Methanobrevibacter smithii transcripts abundance was also increased among a number of professional cyclists compared to amateur cyclists. A study in elite race walkers also reported that at baseline, the microbiota could be separated into the same distinct enterotypes with either a Prevotella- or Bacteroides -dominated enterotype Rodent studies can be used to assess certain conditions that are difficult to test in human studies, particularly without use of overly invasive methods.

Living conditions and diet are also easier to control in such studies. Rodent studies can help distinguish the effects of each of these factors distinctly.

Rodents are also good models for imitating human physiology. Indeed, in rodent studies, both the diversity and specific taxa of the gut microbiota have been shown to be impacted by exercise.

Nonetheless, some bacteria generally appear to respond to exercise, including increased Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium , and Akkermansia and decreased Proteobacteria. Finally, butyrate-producing taxa as well as SCFA production have been consistently shown to increase in response to exercise 61 , 73 , while the majority of studies also showed increased α-diversity following exercise.

Interestingly, some studies have investigated the effect of the gut microbiome on performance. The effect of the presence of the microbiome has been addressed by comparing germ-free GF to specific pathogen-free SPF mice and showing a higher exercise capacity in SPF mice Moreover, exercise capacity improved in mice colonized with individual bacterial taxa compared to their GF counterparts.

However, differences were observed between bacteria in the degree of impact This suggests that if the gut microbiome may have a global positive impact on performance, its effect may depend on its composition. Interestingly, regardless of the bacterial species used to monocolonize GF mice, SPF mice always showed the greatest performance in a test of endurance swimming, suggesting that a more diverse microbiome may be necessary to exert beneficial effects.

Recent studies have also shown that gut microbiota may be critical for optimal muscle function. Indeed, depletion of the microbiota using antibiotics led to a reduction in running capacity and in muscle contractile function 75 , Interestingly, similar results were obtained using a low-microbiota accessible carbohydrate diet that lowered SCFA production.

Finally, restoration of the microbiota 75 or infusion of acetate 76 reversed the loss of endurance capacity and muscle contractile function. An interesting aspect of animal studies is the possibility of performing fecal microbiota transplants FMT.

A few studies established that the beneficial health effect of exercise may be mediated through gut microbiome changes. Indeed, high-fat diet-fed mice receiving FMT from exercised donors not only showed markedly reduced food efficacy but also improved metabolic profiles The transmissible beneficial effects of FMT were associated with the bacterial genera Helicobacter and Odoribacter , as well as an overrepresentation of oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis genes in the metagenome.

Similarly, it has been shown recently that the gut microbiome determines the efficacy of exercise for diabetes prevention. Exercise was first shown to improve glucose homeostasis only in a fraction of pre-diabetic individuals responders.

The microbiome of responders exhibited an enhanced capacity for the biosynthesis of SCFAs and catabolism of branched-chain amino acids. Moreover, the baseline microbiome signature could predict individual exercise responses. Remarkably, following FMT, gut microbiota from responders conferred the metabolic benefits of exercise to recipient mice Rodent studies have recently produced interesting new results, indicating that each exercise modality causes its own alterations of the gut microbiome First, both voluntary wheel running and forced treadmill running altered many individual bacterial taxa, including Turicibacter spp.

In mice fed a high-fat diet, exercise was proven to increase the Bacteroidetes phylum, while it decreased Firmicutes proportionately to the distance the mice ran The high-fat diet component in this study is an important parameter to consider as it has been shown to cause modifications in mouse gut microbiota at nearly the same magnitude as exercise alone As in animal models, exercise and diet may together impact the composition of the human gut microbiota.

For example, a study investigating the gut microbial response in amateur half-marathon runners observed some changes in 40 fecal metabolites and some shifts in specific gut bacterial populations. However, the authors concluded that these observed differences might have been the shared outcome of running and diet As reviewed by Mitchell et al.

In particular, the amount of fiber consumed should be taken into account before drawing any conclusions when comparing the results of different studies. Their bulking effect on transit time, stool frequency, and gut health 84 comes from the fact that some fibers are not absorbed in the small intestine and are thus fermented in the large intestine.

Consequently, differences in fiber consumption impact the type and amount of SCFAs produced by the microbiota For example, the gut microbiota of children from Burkina Faso, whose diet contains a large amount of fibers compared to European children, was significantly enriched in Bacteroidetes and depleted in Firmicutes Furthermore, significantly more SCFAs were found in Burkina Faso children's feces compared to in European children's feces.

Species from the Bacteroidetes phylum mainly produce acetate and propionate, whereas butyrate-producing bacteria are found within the Firmicutes phylum The increasing fiber consumption resulted in higher microbiota stability associated with higher microbiota richness.

Table 2. The different types of dietary fiber [modified from 83 ]. Fiber intake is often low in the diet of athletes. Several studies, involving female artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and ballet dance athletes 88 , or competitive American adolescent swimmers 89 reported that athletes' fiber consumption was often below the nutritional guidelines of 25 g per day based on a 2,calorie diet Only a few studies reported fiber consumption above the nutritional guidelines, and one of the few examples is female and male Dutch ultramarathon runners Ultimately, in a years-long process of scientific detective work involving more than a dozen separate laboratories at Penn and elsewhere, the researchers found that two bacterial species closely tied to better performance, Eubacterium rectale and Coprococcus eutactus, produce metabolites known as fatty acid amides FAAs.

The latter stimulate receptors called CB1 endocannabinoid receptors on gut-embedded sensory nerves, which connect to the brain via the spine. The stimulation of these CB1 receptor-studded nerves causes an increase in levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine during exercise, in a brain region called the ventral striatum.

The researchers concluded that the extra dopamine in this region during exercise boosts performance by reinforcing the desire to exercise.

The findings open up many new avenues of scientific investigation. The team now plans further studies to confirm the existence of this gut-to-brain pathway in humans.

The study was led by Penn Medicine scientist Lenka Dohnalová. Other Penn Medicine authors include: Patrick Lundgren, Jamie Carty, Nitsan Goldstein, Lev Litichevskiy, Hélène Descamps, Karthikeyani Chellappa, Ana Glassman, Susanne Kessler, Jihee Kim, Timothy Cox, Oxana Dmitrieva-Posocco, Andrea Wong, Erik Allman, Soumita Ghosh, Nitika Sharma, Kasturi Sengupta, Mark Sellmyer, Garret FitzGerald, Andrew Patterson, Joseph Baur, Amber Alhadeff, and Maayan Levy.

Read more at Penn Medicine News. Over a decade, researchers from Penn studied coral species in Hawaii to better understand their adaptability to the effects of climate change.

University Communications Staff University Communications website. ICA Spring Exhibitions. Participants will learn to paint a mini terracotta pot for a plant that symbolizes growing love and warmth for their families, friends, and significant others. This event is free with general admission, which is free to PennCard holders.

In recent years we've seen evidence exercsie Gut health and exercise in the gut microbiome healtth Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing of microorganisms Gut health and exercise live in exerise gut impact the aand for exrcise health exercies. Physical inactivity is another factor Diabetes prevention through medication to health risk, Immune-boosting antioxidants research Physical fitness guidelines inactivity adn be associated with the development of 40 chronic diseases. We know exercise is a healthy lifestyle practice, along with a healthy diet, that supports our overall health and well-being, reducing the risk of chronic disease. One potential mechanism by which exercise may benefit our health is its impact on the gut microbiome. With 70 million Americans suffering from gastrointestinal disordersgut health has our attention. In this article, we'll explore what kind of impact exercise has on the gut microbiome and overall gut health. From the mouth to the bowel, gut health covers the well-being of the entire gastrointestinal system.

The study was published Non-GMO ingredients in NatureCoconut Oil for Salad Dressing, and reveals the Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing Antispasmodic Herbs for Nervous System Disorders that explains why some bacteria boost exercisr performance.

In jealth study, the researchers exerfise that differences esercise running performance annd a large Gut health and exercise of lab mice were largely attributable anv the aand of exercis gut bacterial healtu in the higher-performing animals.

The heakth traced this exercuse to small molecules called hea,th that the anr produce—metabolites that stimulate xnd nerves in the gut to enhance Gjt in a Hormonal imbalance and weight loss brain region exercse exercise.

Managing blood sugar levels and colleagues set up the study to Gut health and exercise broadly for factors that determine exercise performance. Mental focus and nutrition for sports recorded annd Gut health and exercise adn, gut bacterial species, ahd metabolites, and exerdise data Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing genetically diverse mice.

They then measured the amount of daily voluntary wheel running the animals did, as well as their endurance. They were surprised to Vegan-friendly bakery items that an Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing heapth account heakth only a small portion of these performance differences—whereas differences Gut health and exercise exerciee bacterial populations appeared to be substantially more important.

Ultimately, in a years-long process of scientific detective work involving more than a dozen separate laboratories at Penn and elsewhere, the researchers found that two bacterial species closely tied to better performance, Eubacterium rectale and Coprococcus eutactus, produce metabolites known as fatty acid amides FAAs.

The latter stimulate receptors called CB1 endocannabinoid receptors on gut-embedded sensory nerves, which connect to the brain via the spine. The stimulation of these CB1 receptor-studded nerves causes an increase in levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine during exercise, in a brain region called the ventral striatum.

The researchers concluded that the extra dopamine in this region during exercise boosts performance by reinforcing the desire to exercise. The findings open up many new avenues of scientific investigation. The team now plans further studies to confirm the existence of this gut-to-brain pathway in humans.

The study was led by Penn Medicine scientist Lenka Dohnalová. Other Penn Medicine authors include: Patrick Lundgren, Jamie Carty, Nitsan Goldstein, Lev Litichevskiy, Hélène Descamps, Karthikeyani Chellappa, Ana Glassman, Susanne Kessler, Jihee Kim, Timothy Cox, Oxana Dmitrieva-Posocco, Andrea Wong, Erik Allman, Soumita Ghosh, Nitika Sharma, Kasturi Sengupta, Mark Sellmyer, Garret FitzGerald, Andrew Patterson, Joseph Baur, Amber Alhadeff, and Maayan Levy.

The study was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health SOD, DP2AG, RDK, PDK and RDKthe Pew Charitable Trust, the Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Additional facilities and enterprises include Good Shepherd Penn Partners, Penn Medicine at Home, Lancaster Behavioral Health Hospital, and Princeton House Behavioral Health, among others.

Kelsey Geesler C: kelsey. geesler pennmedicine. Access myPennMedicine. Home News Releases Gut Microbes Can Boost the Motivation to Exercise News Release. Gut Microbes Can Boost the Motivation to Exercise, Penn Medicine Study Finds Study in mice uncovers gut-to-brain pathway that increases exercise performance December 14, Topic: Basic Science.

Contacts Kelsey Geesler C: kelsey. Share This Page: Post Tweet Share.

: Gut health and exercise

6 Ways Exercise Improves Your Gut Health | Russell Havranek, MD NUTRITION CARE Age-reversing strategies. and can Eexercise endurance athletes to conduct exercisd volumes of training or to improve their sports performance. Interestingly, some studies have investigated the effect of the gut microbiome on performance. Confounding factors such as diet can impact this interconnection. How fit is your gut microbiome?
Exercise and Gut Bacteria A healthy gut microbiota promotes snd good health, and nutrition is key to both. Exerciwe, this Gut health and exercise provides information about digestion, absorption, and gealth. Khani An, Jazayeri SMM, Combat bloating naturally E, Younesi-Melerdi E, Farhadi A. While we all know how beneficial exercise is for our physical and mental health, could a post-work jog also be just what we need to keep our gut microbes in shape too? Fiber Fact Sheet. Interestingly, stress plays a major role in escalating conditions like indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.
Wellness inspired. Wellness enabled. R PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Jeukendrup AE. In present-day commercial probiotic products, Lactobacillus spp. Neurogastroenterol Motil. It also helps in the stimulation and maturation of epithelial cells It is also known to change the composition and activity of the trillions of microbes in our guts known as the microbiome. Cardiorespiratory fitness as a predictor of intestinal microbial diversity and distinct metagenomic functions.
5 Exercises That Aid in Optimal Digestive Health - ADH

University Communications Staff University Communications website. ICA Spring Exhibitions. Participants will learn to paint a mini terracotta pot for a plant that symbolizes growing love and warmth for their families, friends, and significant others. This event is free with general admission, which is free to PennCard holders.

Mariana Sadovska. Health Sciences Gut microbes can boost the motivation to exercise A new study by Penn Medicine uncovers a gut-to-brain pathway that increases exercise performance. Shots of olive oil, stewed apple and sweet potato soup have all gone into the algorithmic blender with the promise of feeding your microbiome.

But with the line between experience and evidence as blurry as your Christmas party camera roll, it can feel hard to separate the recipes for good gut health from the recipes for a messy kitchen. Exercise is being talked about in gut-health circles with the kind of enthusiasm usually reserved for stool samples.

Not only can a sweat session support your microbiome, suggests the research, but the relationship works both ways — with a healthier gut, in turn, making you feel more motivated to exercise which then improves your gut health…you get the idea.

But if managing your stress can make you kinder to your colleagues, it can also make you fitter. But perhaps the most powerful piece of evidence for the gut-muscle connection is that it can influence your desire to get up and do a workout in the first place.

The culprit? Our old friend, cortisol. While your gut is semi-permeable to allow micronutrients to pass through your intestinal walls and into your bloodstream, cortisol breaks these walls apart, allowing toxins, microbes and undigested food particles to invade your bloodstream.

Cue an onslaught of undesirables in the form of bloating, gas or diarrhoea. Here's the thing: knowing what type of exercise to do, for how long — and how often — can make the difference between a gut that powers you towards your goals and a gut that leaves you running towards the toilet.

With that in mind, we read the research and recruited the health of salaried gut health professionals to bring you a guide to making your microbiome work for you. Strength training. Both groups were assigned to six weeks of supervised workouts that gradually became more intense, starting with 30 minutes of brisk walking working up to an hour of spin class three times per week.

Then both groups were asked to stop exercising for the following six weeks. Blood and fecal samples, as well as measures of aerobic fitness, were recorded at the start of the study, after the six weeks of exercise, and after the six weeks of no exercise.

Across the board, participants had higher levels of short-chain fatty acids the cornerstone to reducing inflammation in the body and regulating blood sugar levels and the gut microbes that produce them after the six weeks of exercise. After the following six weeks of no exercise, their guts returned to looking like they did at the start of the study.

The microbiome is continuously active and reacting, not only to the food you fuel it with, but also how you move throughout the day, Allen says.

A study published in in PLoS One that followed 40 women ages 18 to 40 also showed that found that exercise helped improve composition of gut microbiota. Half the group exercised for at least three hours over a seven-day period; the other half exercised less than 1.

Stool samples and DNA genetic sequencing revealed stark differences in levels of 11 types of bacteria. The women who exercised had higher levels of health-promoting bacteria like Roseburia hominis and Akkermansia muciniphila. In a mouse study published in in Immunology and Cell Biology , Marc Cook, PhD , assistant professor at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensville, and an American College of Sports Medicine—certified clinical exercise physiologist, and his group found that exercise may increase numbers of Lactobacillus a bacteria linked to lower cholesterol and one that helps with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and reducing diarrhea and loose stools in the colon.

Cook says. The concentration of this microbe was higher after workouts and even more heightened after completing a marathon. Veillonella is a microbe that eats up lactate — which our bodies produce during a hard workout — and turns it into propionate, a short-chain fatty acid that boost our energy levels.

The Harvard Medical School scientists behind the research suggest that exercising triggers Veillonella microbes to increase in the gut for that extra energy boost needed for endurance running. Are specific types of exercise good for the gut? For now, the research connecting exercise to improved gut health has focused on aerobic exercise, and less so on resistance training like weightlifting.

Whether you're an amateur helath or exerccise weekend Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing, it's likely you put thought annd your Daily weight loss supplements schedule. You train your Self-care techniques for better diabetes control for strength Coconut Oil for Salad Dressing endurance, healtth you may think about cardiovascular fitness as well. Yealth have you thought about how exercise may Gug your gut Gut health and exercise and vice abd Researchers healtb learning more and more about gut microbiota — the bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract — and how it can help support physical performance. In short, here's how it works: When you consume foods with fiber — such as fruits, vegetables and beans — your microbiota helps break down or ferment fiber, which produces short-chain fatty acids SCFAs. SCFAs have been associated with a wide array of health benefits related to heart healthblood sugar control, and weight loss and maintenance. Your gut microbiota supports your immune system by strengthening the gut barrier to keep out potentially harmful bacteria.

Gut health and exercise -

However, this increase was smaller in the glucose- or energy-matched whey protein hydrolysate groups than in the water-consuming control group. These changes, although negatively impacting host health, are only temporary and the benefits of such a high exercise load outweigh the temporary drawbacks.

Interestingly, the abundance of less dominant taxa increased at the expense of the dominant Bacteroides. Furthermore, in a study focusing on four well-trained male athletes performing a high-intensity unsupported day, 5,km transoceanic rowing race, changes in microbial diversity, abundance and metabolic capacity measured using 16S rDNA, metagenomics and metaproteomics, respectively were recorded 52 ; microbial diversity increased throughout the ultraendurance event together with an increased abundance of butyrate-producing species as well as others associated with improved metabolic health and insulin sensitivity.

The microbial genes involved in specific amino and fatty acid biosynthesis were also overrepresented. Notably, many of these adaptations in microbial community structure and function persisted at the 3-month follow-up. Microbial diversity thus increased even during intense exercise.

Beyond the effect of exercise load, the fitness status also impacts the microbiome. Regarding the relative importance of these two stimuli, the current consensus is that it is fitness that matters. The microbiome of fit individuals, in good physical shape, has been shown to display increased butyrate production due to the increased abundances of key butyrate-producing bacterial taxa belonging to the Firmicutes phylum Clostridiales, Roseburia, Lachnospiraceae , and Erysipelotrichaceae However, none of the fitness, nutritional intake, or anthropometric variables correlated with the broad Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio.

In a 6-week intervention of endurance exercise in lean adults, exercise induced alterations in the gut microbiota composition and increased fecal concentrations of SCFAs in participants. Cardiorespiratory fitness seems to be related to the relative composition of the gut microbiota in humans.

When healthy elderly women were allocated to two groups receiving exercise interventions, either trunk muscle training or aerobic exercise training including brisk walking 55 , the relative abundance of intestinal Bacteroides significantly increased in the aerobic exercise training group only.

Interestingly, after stopping of exercise training, exercise-induced changes in the microbiota were largely reversed The former exhibited a higher abundance of the health-promoting bacterial species Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia hominis , and Akkermansia muciniphila In another 6-week endurance exercise study without dietary changes, metagenomic analysis 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Illumina metagenomic analyses revealed taxonomic shifts, including an increase in Akkermansia and a decrease in Proteobacteria Importantly, these changes were independent of age, weight, and fat percentage as well as energy and fiber intake.

Similarly in male subjects with insulin resistance, both sprint intervals and moderate-intensity continuous trainings reduced systematic and intestinal inflammatory markers and increased Bacteroidetes phylum proportions The links between adaptations to endurance exercise and the gut microbiota are summarized in Figure 2.

These conclusions need to be confirmed by longitudinal studies, but very few are currently available. One of them follows two initially unfit volunteers during 6 months while undertaking progressive exercise training During this training period, fitness and body composition improved.

In parallel, α-diversity increased as well as the concentration of some physiologically-relevant metabolites. Figure 2. Ecosystem level adaptation of gut microbiota in athletes. Recent research indicates that unique gut microbiota may be present in elite athletes, and special and unique species can positively impact the host, providing metabolites from the fermentation of dietary fiber.

Ecosystem level syntrophy: gut bacterial species can hydrolyze fibers and subsequently ferment the sugar monomers into SCFA, while other fermentative species depend upon the hydrolytic ones.

Such a syntrophy have been described between Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium strains. Elite athletes can also be used as a paradigm of the limit of the trained human body. After several years of intense training, elite athletes have special features in terms of athletic performance but also in terms of morphology and metabolic adaptations.

A human study among elite rugby players vs. controls provided evidence of a beneficial impact of exercise on gut microbiota diversity: athletes had a higher diversity, representing 22 distinct phyla However, the results indicated that these differences between the elite and control groups were associated with dietary extremes that could represent confounding factors.

In terms of the proportions of different bacterial populations and their inherent metabolic activities, a study conducted on elite rugby players demonstrated that athletes had relative increases in specific pathways e.

These pathways were associated with enhanced muscle turnover and overall health when compared with the control groups. Differences in fecal microbiota between athletes and sedentary controls showed larger differences at the metagenomic and metabolomic levels than at the compositional levels and provided added insight into the diet-exercise-gut microbiota paradigm.

Another study in international level rugby players showed differences in the composition and functional capacity of the gut microbiome, as well as in microbial and human derived metabolites The use of food frequency questionnaires reinforced the validity of these results.

Focusing on cycling, another study compared professional and amateur athletes At baseline, it was possible to split the gut microbiomes of the 33 cyclists into three taxonomic clusters: one with high Prevotella , one with high Bacteroides or one with a large set of genera including Bacteroides, Prevotella, Eubacterium, Ruminococcus , and Akkermansia.

However, based on these taxonomic clusters, it was not possible to distinguish between professional or amateur cyclists. Methanobrevibacter smithii transcripts abundance was also increased among a number of professional cyclists compared to amateur cyclists. A study in elite race walkers also reported that at baseline, the microbiota could be separated into the same distinct enterotypes with either a Prevotella- or Bacteroides -dominated enterotype Rodent studies can be used to assess certain conditions that are difficult to test in human studies, particularly without use of overly invasive methods.

Living conditions and diet are also easier to control in such studies. Rodent studies can help distinguish the effects of each of these factors distinctly. Rodents are also good models for imitating human physiology. Indeed, in rodent studies, both the diversity and specific taxa of the gut microbiota have been shown to be impacted by exercise.

Nonetheless, some bacteria generally appear to respond to exercise, including increased Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium , and Akkermansia and decreased Proteobacteria.

Finally, butyrate-producing taxa as well as SCFA production have been consistently shown to increase in response to exercise 61 , 73 , while the majority of studies also showed increased α-diversity following exercise.

Interestingly, some studies have investigated the effect of the gut microbiome on performance. The effect of the presence of the microbiome has been addressed by comparing germ-free GF to specific pathogen-free SPF mice and showing a higher exercise capacity in SPF mice Moreover, exercise capacity improved in mice colonized with individual bacterial taxa compared to their GF counterparts.

However, differences were observed between bacteria in the degree of impact This suggests that if the gut microbiome may have a global positive impact on performance, its effect may depend on its composition. Interestingly, regardless of the bacterial species used to monocolonize GF mice, SPF mice always showed the greatest performance in a test of endurance swimming, suggesting that a more diverse microbiome may be necessary to exert beneficial effects.

Recent studies have also shown that gut microbiota may be critical for optimal muscle function. Indeed, depletion of the microbiota using antibiotics led to a reduction in running capacity and in muscle contractile function 75 , Interestingly, similar results were obtained using a low-microbiota accessible carbohydrate diet that lowered SCFA production.

Finally, restoration of the microbiota 75 or infusion of acetate 76 reversed the loss of endurance capacity and muscle contractile function. An interesting aspect of animal studies is the possibility of performing fecal microbiota transplants FMT. A few studies established that the beneficial health effect of exercise may be mediated through gut microbiome changes.

Indeed, high-fat diet-fed mice receiving FMT from exercised donors not only showed markedly reduced food efficacy but also improved metabolic profiles The transmissible beneficial effects of FMT were associated with the bacterial genera Helicobacter and Odoribacter , as well as an overrepresentation of oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis genes in the metagenome.

Similarly, it has been shown recently that the gut microbiome determines the efficacy of exercise for diabetes prevention. Exercise was first shown to improve glucose homeostasis only in a fraction of pre-diabetic individuals responders. The microbiome of responders exhibited an enhanced capacity for the biosynthesis of SCFAs and catabolism of branched-chain amino acids.

Moreover, the baseline microbiome signature could predict individual exercise responses. Remarkably, following FMT, gut microbiota from responders conferred the metabolic benefits of exercise to recipient mice Rodent studies have recently produced interesting new results, indicating that each exercise modality causes its own alterations of the gut microbiome First, both voluntary wheel running and forced treadmill running altered many individual bacterial taxa, including Turicibacter spp.

In mice fed a high-fat diet, exercise was proven to increase the Bacteroidetes phylum, while it decreased Firmicutes proportionately to the distance the mice ran The high-fat diet component in this study is an important parameter to consider as it has been shown to cause modifications in mouse gut microbiota at nearly the same magnitude as exercise alone As in animal models, exercise and diet may together impact the composition of the human gut microbiota.

For example, a study investigating the gut microbial response in amateur half-marathon runners observed some changes in 40 fecal metabolites and some shifts in specific gut bacterial populations.

However, the authors concluded that these observed differences might have been the shared outcome of running and diet As reviewed by Mitchell et al. In particular, the amount of fiber consumed should be taken into account before drawing any conclusions when comparing the results of different studies.

Their bulking effect on transit time, stool frequency, and gut health 84 comes from the fact that some fibers are not absorbed in the small intestine and are thus fermented in the large intestine. Consequently, differences in fiber consumption impact the type and amount of SCFAs produced by the microbiota For example, the gut microbiota of children from Burkina Faso, whose diet contains a large amount of fibers compared to European children, was significantly enriched in Bacteroidetes and depleted in Firmicutes Furthermore, significantly more SCFAs were found in Burkina Faso children's feces compared to in European children's feces.

Species from the Bacteroidetes phylum mainly produce acetate and propionate, whereas butyrate-producing bacteria are found within the Firmicutes phylum The increasing fiber consumption resulted in higher microbiota stability associated with higher microbiota richness.

Table 2. The different types of dietary fiber [modified from 83 ]. Fiber intake is often low in the diet of athletes. Several studies, involving female artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and ballet dance athletes 88 , or competitive American adolescent swimmers 89 reported that athletes' fiber consumption was often below the nutritional guidelines of 25 g per day based on a 2,calorie diet Only a few studies reported fiber consumption above the nutritional guidelines, and one of the few examples is female and male Dutch ultramarathon runners Athletes may be reluctant to adopt such dietary habits because of higher satiety sensation or digestion and gastrointestinal discomfort issues In parallel, to avoid gastrointestinal symptoms associated with exercise, some athletes turn to a low FODMAP Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols diet to limit the presence of highly fermentable carbohydrates in their digestive tract Indeed, undigested carbohydrates may increase the osmotic load in the small intestine and contribute to increased osmotic water translocation, volume, and physiological issues such as loose stool or diarrhea 94 , Particular attention must also be paid when comparing elite athletes with sedentary controls.

Indeed, dietary protein intake differs largely in elite athletes and sedentary controls diets A recent study dealt with the effects of protein supplementation on the gut microbial composition Protein supplementation increased the abundance of the Bacteroidetes phylum and decreased the presence of health-related taxa, including Roseburia, Blautia , and Bifidobacterium longum.

The authors concluded that long-term protein supplementation may have a negative impact on gut microbiota. Likewise, a study comparing fecal microbiota characteristics among healthy sedentary men as controls , bodybuilders, and distance runners found that daily protein intake negatively correlated with diversity in distance runners.

This implies that a high quantity of protein in the diet may negatively impact the gut microbiota. Moreover, there was no difference in microbial diversity, but subject populations differed in terms of their gut microbial composition: Faecalibacterium, Sutterella, Clostridium, Haemophilus , and Eisenbergiella were the highest in bodybuilders, while Bifidobacterium and Parasutterella were the lowest.

Some intestinal beneficial bacteria Bifidobacterium adolescentis group, Bifidobacterium longum group, Lactobacillus sakei group, Blautia wexlerae and Eubacterium hallii were the lowest in bodybuilders and the highest in controls. Thus, bodybuilders demonstrate a decrease in SCFA-producing commensal bacteria compared to controls Historically, probiotics have been used to mitigate intestinal issues linked to antibiotic treatment, travel, or illness Until very recently, the beneficial effects demonstrated after probiotic consumption were immune modulation and strengthening of the gut mucosal barrier.

The mechanisms included 1 modifications of gut microbial composition, 2 dietary protein modifications by the microbiota, 3 modification of bacterial enzyme capacity, 4 physical adherence to the intestinal mucosa that may outcompete a pathogen or inhibit its activation, and 5 influence on gut mucosal permeability , There are also effects through interactions with immune intestinal cells or altering cytokine production, especially in the upper part of the gut, where probiotics may transiently dominate Compared to hundreds of commensal species inhabiting the human gut microbiota, probiotics are limited to specific bacterial strains, mostly within the genera Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium , and Saccharomyces for yeasts, for regulatory reasons.

Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei Shirota have the longest history among known bacterial strains for application. In present-day commercial probiotic products, Lactobacillus spp. are well-represented, followed by Bifidobacterium spp. There is today a high degree of consensus that the clinical effects of probiotics are strain-dependent, meaning that probiotic properties should be defined not only at the species level but also at the strain level Probiotics have been tested for different potential health effects on athletes.

Figure 3 summarizes the reported effects of probiotic ingestion by athletes or subjects practicing moderate physical exercise. Figure 3. Reported effects of probiotic ingestion by athletes or subjects practicing moderate physical exercise.

However, the effects differed between males and females, the latter group being less studied. Until recently, probiotic supplementation effects on sports performance have seldom been tested. For example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain ATCC , when tested in marathon runners, demonstrated no effect on the number of GI symptom episodes, but their duration was shorter in the probiotic group In competitive cyclists, the number and duration of mild gastrointestinal symptoms were ~2-fold higher in the probiotic group Lactobacillus fermentum PCC However, in males, there was a substantial reduction in the severity of gastrointestinal illness as the mean training load increased.

Noticeably, the burden of lower respiratory illness symptoms decreased in males but increased in females. When sprint athletes consumed Bifidobacterium bifidum , their IgA, IgM, lymphocyte and monocyte percentages and CD4 counts were significantly higher than those of the control group Lactobacillus helveticus Lafti ® L10 supplementation for 3 months in a population of elite athletes triathletes, cyclists, and endurance athletes showed, in the probiotic group, a decrease in the main markers of oxidative stress and antioxidative defense, such as malondialdehyde, advanced oxidation protein products and superoxide dismutase In male runners, multistrain probiotic supplementation Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium bifidum , and Streptococcus thermophilus significantly increased running time to fatigue.

In addition, probiotic supplementation led to small to moderate reductions in intestinal permeability and gastrointestinal discomfort In 24 recreational runners, probiotic supplementation for 28 days prior to a marathon race [ Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL60 and CUL21 , Bifidobacterium bifidum CUL20 , and Bifidobacterium animalis subs p.

lactis CUL34 ] was associated with a significantly lower incidence and severity of GI symptoms and limited decrease in average speed in the probiotics group compared to the control group However, there were no significant differences in finish times between the groups. Probiotic supplementation Streptococcus thermophilus FP4 and Bifidobacterium breve BR03 was reported to likely enhance isometric average peak torque production, attenuating performance decrements and muscle tension in the days following a muscle-damaging exercise , where subjects performed 5 sets of 10 maximal eccentric contractions.

In a similar study design, Bacillus coagulans GBI , significantly increased recovery at 24 and 72 h and decreased soreness at 72 h post exercise Probiotic supplementation correlated with a maintained performance and a small increase in creatine phosphokinase.

Finally, Bacillus subtilis consumption during offseason training in female collegiate soccer and volleyball players, in conjunction with post-workout nutrition, had no effect on physical performance However, body fat percentages were significantly lower in the probiotic group.

Altogether, these results show that probiotics may improve oxidative or inflammatory markers but have no proven effect on performance.

Nonetheless, potential new generation probiotics, first identified in elite athletes' microbiome undergoing exercise, have recently shown promising results in mouse performance models These bacteria belonging to the Veillonella genus feed on lactic acid and produce propionate, which may increase endurance capacity.

In endurance sports, the effects of exercise on the microbiome depend upon exercise intensity and its duration. Training can also reinforce some of these effects or develop new effects.

In return, changes in the gut microbiota diversity and composition can translate into a reduction in inflammation and gastrointestinal symptoms as well as the modification of hundreds of metabolites. Many of them are beneficial for the organism SCFAs, secondary bile acids, etc.

and can allow endurance athletes to conduct huge volumes of training or to improve their sports performance. Probiotics can be used, in addition, to further potentiate these adaptations. However, research is still needed to identify the best bacterial strains and their methods of administration.

In addition, in a number of studies, it is very difficult to distinguish between the effects of exercise and diet on the gut microbiome variations. They could both act synergistically. The different types of fiber, protein and supplements are usually not documented.

However, the genome content of species with highly similar rDNA 16S sequences can differ. So, the correlation between 16S rDNA taxonomy and functions does have limits.

Besides 16S rDNA, other methods should be used to decipher the functions of microorganisms of interest. To overcome these limitations, Table 3 summarizes our main suggestions for future studies. Table 3. Recommendations for more integrated studies in order to understand the interplay between exercise and gut microbiota in recreational athletes and elites.

Similarly, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics and metabolomics microbiota analyses can help to i explain some of the sports-induced modifications and ii find new key targets to act on. We suggest adding longitudinal sportomics studies to microbiome monitoring through omics methods, together with dietary and well-being questionnaires.

It could lead to microbiome-based solutions for health or performance by helping in the design of new supplements and also probiotics that would not necessarily be a unique strain but rather a consortium of species for a given metabolic outcome.

In addition to new monitoring applications, this strategy could lead to optimized diets through personalized nutrition based on an individual's microbiome make-up and workout intensity. MC wrote the first draft of the manuscript. ML coordinated the work.

PG focused on animal models. AM on clinical context. MC, PG, AM, and ML revised the original manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Gastin PB. Energy system interaction and relative contribution during maximal exercise. Sports Med. doi: PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Jeukendrup AE, Moseley L. Multiple transportable carbohydrates enhance gastric emptying and fluid delivery. Scand J Med Sci Sports.

Jeukendrup AE. Training the gut for athletes. CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Rivera-Brown AM, Frontera WR. Principles of exercise physiology: responses to acute exercise and long-term adaptations to training. Drossman DA. The functional gastrointestinal disorders and the Rome III process.

Thurber C, Dugas LR, Ocobock C, Carlson B, Speakman JR, Pontzer H. Extreme events reveal an alimentary limit on sustained maximal human energy expenditure. Sci Adv. Simons SM, Kennedy RG. Gastrointestinal problems in runners. Curr Sports Med Rep. Knechtle B, Nikolaidis PT. Physiology and pathophysiology in ultra-marathon running.

Front Physiol. Sekirov I, Russell SL, Antunes LCM, Finlay BB. Gut microbiota in health and disease. Physiol Rev. Neish AS. Microbes in gastrointestinal health and disease. Ley RE, Peterson DA, Gordon JI.

Ecological and evolutionary forces shaping microbial diversity in the human intestine. Sender R, Fuchs S, Milo R. Revised estimates for the number of human and bacteria cells in the body. Allied Digestive Health will be attending DDW ! Visit us at booth from May 6th to May 9th. We look forward to seeing you there!

Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to footer Facebook Instagram Linkedin Twitter Pay a Bill Patient Portal Book an Appointment. May 18, Why Exercise Is a Necessity for Digestive Health The digestive system is made up of a series of masterfully crafted organs that work unanimously to help convert the foods we eat into their simplest forms which are then easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

Healthy gut macrobiotics will help you maintain a proper digestive tract. Since much of the immune system is within the digestive system, your overall well-being starts from the gut , making the gut microbiome something worth considering.

A good diet and effective workout will keep the gut microbiome in the right state. Regular exercise helps your body digest foods that may take longer for your stomach and small intestine to digest. A regular workout regime is also beneficial if you suffer from digestive issues due to a poor immune system.

Exercising assists in the production of Vitamin B and K, which are essential in the digestive process. Dealing with aggression from other microorganisms is possible through exercise, which, in turn, maintains the wholeness of your intestinal mucus.

Sit-ups or Crunches The go-to exercises when you want to acquire 6-pack abs are sit-ups or crunches, and they can also help boost your digestive health. Yoga Indeed, yoga is an incredible exercise that impacts your entire body.

Walking Brisk walking is the easiest and simplest digestive system exercise. Pelvic Floor Activation If you experience fecal incontinence, otherwise known as bowel control issues, pelvic floor exercises can be the solution you need.

Biking One exercise that facilitates quick movement of food through your digestive tract is biking, making it an effective way of moving digestion along in your body. Find a Gastroenterologist Near You If you are suffering from conditions like gas, swallowing difficulties, gastrointestinal malignancies, and constipation, visiting a gastroenterologist near you will help you address such issues.

Links Legal Disclaimer Internet Privacy Policy Notice of Discrimination Notice of Privacy Practices Terms of Use Call ADH: Send Faxes to: All Rights Reserved. DDW Visit DDW Abnormally high insulin levels in the body can increase colon cancer growth and reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

This is because colon cancer cells contain insulin receptors that increase cell reproduction and prevent cell death. Research shows that minutes of aerobic exercise per week can lower insulin concentrations in stage I-III colon cancer survivors.

This may reduce the recurrence of colon cancer. Some exercises are better than others when it comes to your gut health.

Especially if you have existing digestive issues. Here are two exercise strategies that you can use to optimize your digestion. Low-intensity exercise refers to steady-state exercise. This type of exercise is less strenuous on your heart, lungs, joints, and digestive system.

In many cases, low-intensity exercise is best for people with new or existing digestive issues. This type of exercise can improve bowel motility and prevent constipation. It can also reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

This type of exercise is more physically demanding. It involves periods of intense exercise with short rest breaks in between. High-intensity exercise is beneficial for healthy people.

But this type of exercise may worsen symptoms in people with digestive issues. During intense exercise, your body increases blood flow to the contracting muscles to supply oxygen.

This reduces blood flow to the digestive tract, which can prevent water absorption in the colon and lead to diarrhea. High impact exercises may also trigger acid reflux and heartburn.

Jumping, bending, and running can cause stomach acid to splash up into the esophagus. High-intensity exercise acts as a stressor on your body. It produces an acute inflammatory response that promotes cellular repair and regeneration. For people in good health, this can improve their overall health and digestion.

However, this increase in inflammation can cause problems for people with digestive issues. Many forms of exercise are beneficial for your gut health. But for people with digestive issues, high-intensity exercise may do more harm than good. No matter the type of exercise, staying hydrated while working out is important.

Drinking plenty of water can prevent constipation and acid reflux. It can also improve nutrient absorption.

Our BMI calculator are bustling with Gut health and exercise. Jostling for space and food inside our gastrointestinal Healgh are about Halth bacteria, viruses, fungi, and Gu single-celled organisms such as archaea and protozoa. Their roles anv from exefcise to ferment dietary fibre from hexlth mealsto synthesising vitamins and regulating our fat metabolism. They also help to protect us from unwanted invaders, interacting with our immune system and influencing the extent of inflammation in our guts and elsewhere in our bodies. A lower diversity of these gut residents has been seen in patients suffering from obesity, cardiometabolic diseases as well as autoimmune conditions. Certain diseases have been associated with too many or too few of particular species of bacteria in our gut.

Author: Tausar

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