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Age-reversing strategies

Age-reversing strategies

As in Doctor recommended fat burner original pilot study, Building immune system resilience to the Agge-reversing was supported Age-reversing strategies regular coaching sessions conducted Age-revegsing trained nutritionists, delivered weekly strqtegies the first four weeks, and then at least every other week thereafter. I must admit that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between actions that reverse aging and those that lengthen the life span, improve general health, or increase well-being. Wilson, Feminine ForeverM.

Age-reversing strategies -

Emerging strategies for biological age reversal. pdf Author Zhang, Bohan. Metadata Show full item record. Citation Zhang, Bohan.

Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Abstract Several interventions have recently emerged that were proposed to reverse rather than just attenuate aging, but the criteria for what it takes to achieve rejuvenation remain controversial.

Distinguishing potential rejuvenation therapies from other longevity interventions, such as those that slow down aging, is challenging, as these anti-aging strategies are often referred to interchangeably. My studies suggest that the prerequisite for a rejuvenation intervention is a robust, sustained and systemic reduction of biological age, which can be assessed by biomarkers of aging, such as epigenetic clocks.

In this thesis, I examine two putative rejuvenation interventions and discuss tools to analyze it. Chapter 1 offers an overview of approaches that have the potential to reverse the biological age of mammals.

These approaches can be separated into several groups. I discuss general principles of aging and rejuvenation, interventions for both and methods that may be used to assess these transitions. As an example, precise biomarkers of aging based on omics approaches can be important tools in the analyses of these potential interventions.

In this chapter, I discuss specific rejuvenation strategies that are validated or remain to be unexplored, as well as specific biomarkers that could assess their effects.

Chapter 2 describes a novel tool to analyze the biological age, which is a biomarker of aging based on trace elements. This tool is based on changes in tissue element composition ionome and analyses of control and calorie restricted mice.

To carry out this study, I quantified changes in the ionome across 8 organs and 16 age groups of mice. The dataset prepared allowed to uncover various features of trace elements and develop organ-specific ionomic biomarkers that could track the aging process and report the longevity effect of caloric restriction.

This biomarker has the potential to become an accessible tool to complement other aging clocks in examining progression through aging in various tissues and biological age-modulating effects of interventions.

Chapter 3 describes a quantitative biological age analysis of a well-known procedure called heterochronic parabiosis. Five of the six participants that followed the program saw a reduction in biological age, while one participant saw no change Table 1 [ 7 ].

Of those six, the maximum reduction in biological age was A paired sample t-test was conducted to compare the biological age of the participants at baseline BioAge baseline and the biological age of the participants at the end of week 8 BioAge endpoint. Therefore, we performed a non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare the median biological age at baseline to the media biological age at endpoint.

Figure 1. Over the 8 weeks of the study, data reporting was relatively high with an average of 6. Adherence for each goal was calculated based on the percentage of days reported that a participant checked a goal.

Average individual adherence across all goals varied between Average adherence according to week had less variance, with the lowest adherence average across participants observed for week 8 For the six participants, average individual adherence to diet and supplements goals The findings of this case series of 6 women following the methylation-supportive diet and lifestyle program include changes to DNA methylation patterns leading to an average reversal of epigenetic biological age of 4.

The original pilot study of a dietary and lifestyle program that was largely the same as this also resulted in an average reversal of biological age of 3.

Both studies used the same Horvath DNAmAge clock to measure biological age at baseline and the end of the intervention period. Participants in this case series were all women, between the ages of 45 and 65, unlike the original pilot cohort which were men between the ages of Taken together, these data suggest that a methylation-supportive diet and lifestyle intervention may favorably influence biological age in both sexes during middle age and older.

We attribute the relatively high participant adherence in this case series in part to the nutrition coaching support provided. The level of adherence is notable given participants engaged in the program during the months of November through January, a time when many Americans celebrate food-centric holidays, and adherence to dietary programs can be more challenging.

Studying individuals who are considered generally healthy at baseline, as is the case in this case series as well as the original pilot study, may have removed potential confounding from disease-accelerated biological aging and instead limited the investigation to the influence of the intervention on aging itself.

It has been documented that those with chronic disease, such as type 2 diabetes, have epigenetic methylation patterns that are consistent with being biologically older than their disease-free counterparts, and that those with a higher biological age who are presently disease-free are at greater risk of developing a chronic disease [ 10 , 11 ].

In addition, it has been observed in large data sets that positive lifestyle factors as well as effective medical treatment correlate with a reduced biological age in those with type 2 diabetes Preprint [ 11 ].

The participants in the original pilot study of this intervention were considered to be healthy as defined by an exclusion of diagnosed illness [ 7 ].

In this case series, five out of six participants may be considered healthy as is suggested by their baseline biological age being less than their chronological age [ 12 ]. There was a seventh, male participant in this case series who started the intervention, but who dropped out before completing the program due to a reported family emergency.

As such he was not eligible to be included in the final analysis. His baseline DNAmAge was Even though he did not complete the program, he did obtain his DNAmAge at the eight-week time point, where it had increased to Sudden acute acceleration in biological age due to diverse stressful events which is then reversed following recovery from the event has been documented Preprint [ 13 ].

The findings of this case series add to the existing evidence suggesting that widely-accessible, cost-effective dietary and lifestyle interventions, that are designed to support DNA methylation and are widely considered to be safe, may be able to reduce measures of biological aging and have the potential to impact healthspan, lifespan, and the economic burden of aging.

This case series of women participants extends the previous pilot study of this intervention in men, indicating that favorable biological age changes may be achievable in both sexes.

In addition, the investigation of otherwise-healthy individuals, rather than those with diagnosed disease, suggests an influence directly on underlying mechanisms of aging instead of disease-driven aging.

A significant limitation of this case series is its small cohort size. Other limitations include its use of a biological age assessment based on the first-generation Horvath multi-tissue clock and the lack of a control group that allows for ruling out changes in biological age due to factors outside the intervention.

Future research will need to include larger, more diverse cohorts, the use of more advanced clocks and a control group.

Such future research should also examine the relationship between diet and lifestyle program adherence and biological age change. The six participants included in the final analysis of this study, all female between the ages of 46 and 65, were the first and only individuals to complete the 8-week diet and lifestyle program and obtain comparable baseline and endpoint biological age testing as measured by the Horvath DNAmAge clock.

Recruitment of study participants was conducted via advertisement on various websites and social media platforms maintained by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald and participants completed the program between November and January After the 7th case the individual referenced above who stopped following the program before completion , due to change in laboratory methodology, we were unable to obtain further comparable Horvath DNAmAge data from additional participants.

Therefore, within the constraints of comparable data on the Horvath DNAmAge clock at baseline and endpoint, no cases were omitted. Participants followed an intervention that included a specific set of dietary recommendations high in known epinutrients.

Simple carbohydrates were restricted, and the diet was largely plant centered but included key nutrient-dense animal protein from eggs per week, 6 oz of animal protein daily, and three 3-ounce servings of liver per week or an encapsulated liver supplement. Participants were also asked to eat all food within a hour window each day to incorporate a basic level of intermittent fasting.

Different from the original study, participants were encouraged to track their water consumption aiming for 8-cups of water per day. Dietary supplements consisted of a probiotic containing 40 million CFU of Lactobacillus plantarum v. plantarum UltraFlora® Intensive Care, Metagenics Inc.

Aliso Viejo, CA, USA and a fruit and vegetable powder, rich in additional polyphenolic compounds, twice a day PhytoGanix®, Metagenics Inc. Aliso Viejo, CA, USA. Lifestyle modifications that participants were asked to incorporate included a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week, at an intensity of percent of maximum perceived exertion.

All participants were encouraged to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night, participate in two, minute breathing sessions per day designed to elicit the relaxation response a meditation video was provided.

The intervention program was delivered through the beta testing of a HIPAA-compliant digital application [herein the app]. The app provided video and written instruction, daily tracking tools, optional recipes, a shopping list, and reminders for participants to complete.

An overview of the intervention is shown in Table 3. Includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, arugula, kale, mustard greens, watercress, rutabaga, kohlrabi, radish, Swiss chard, turnip.

As in the original pilot study, adherence to the program was supported by regular coaching sessions conducted by trained nutritionists, delivered weekly during the first four weeks, and then at least every other week thereafter. Nutrition coaches had a predefined list of questions that covered adherence to intervention guidelines and queried any changes to medications.

Participants had access to nutrition coaches between sessions via texting within the app, with an expected response time of hours. Biological age testing was conducted at baseline and at week 8 for all six participants by TruDiagnostc Laboratory.

When you're Ave-reversing, "biology can Agee-reversing so Age-reversign says Age-reversing strategies Steele, scientist and author of "Ageless: The Strtegies Body image norms of Getting Older Without Age-reersing Old. But Doctor recommended fat burner you stratevies younger is exactly the time to start thinking about how to optimize strategkes lifestyle to Body image norms well. Tweaks Foods metabolized rapidly your lifestyle can go a long way: A study from Harvard found that people who followed five habits — eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, keeping a healthy body weight, not drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and not smoking — increased life expectancy by up to 10 years. Here are three simple habits Steele says you can add to your routine today to push back on the aging process:. It all comes back to inflammationwhich is a normal part of the body's defense to injury or infection, according to the National Institutes of Health. Your age strategied Body image norms things about your life: Age-reverisng wage Herbal remedies for inflammation, insurance premiums, dating habits, even your TV Body image norms and holiday Age-reversing strategies. But it reveals surprisingly little about Age-feversing personal health, fitness, vulnerability to injury and illness, or cognitive function. Obvious signs of a higher health age are excess body fat or muscle wastage, which trigger a premature risk of age-related problems like heart disease and impaired physical function. Knowing your biological age can help slash this risk, by verifying if you are aging well or inspiring you to rewind the clock. Without consensus, it is impossible to have one definitive biological age test. Age-reversing strategies

Author: Akinohn

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