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Body composition for athletes

Body composition for athletes

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Body composition for athletes -

Specifically, by looking at body composition differences between types of elite athletes, we can get an idea of optimal fat, lean, and total mass values for a sport and position. With more athletes now being measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry DXA , we can build a bigger database for professional, collegiate, and even youth athletes for all types of sports.

Another advantage of looking at DXA data for optimal body composition comparisons is that you can look at lean and fat mass values of the arms, legs, and trunk, in addition to whole body. This allows for some unique comparisons between athletes. However, DXA manufacturers have not integrated athlete data or the capacity to compare measurements to other athletes into their software or reports.

This limits the ability of athletes, coaches, trainers, nutritionists , physicians, etc. One such program is FitTrace , which allows you to:. However, not all athletes or programs may have access to a DXA machine, which makes detailed and accurate comparisons to elite or pro athletes more complicated.

However, the use of data from one method, such as underwater weighing, compared to another method, such as skinfolds, adds additional errors when comparing athlete data, and it may not allow you to make actionable decisions with confidence.

Another focus of body composition and performance should be on tracking changes over time. This concept is more accessible, as the only requirement is a reliable and valid measurement tool. In theory, as long as your method gives you correct measurements, you can use that data to determine potential improvements or decrements in performance.

Researchers and sports scientists are now focusing on identifying other relationships between performance and body composition.

The next several years are going to be very exciting. We will start to get a better picture of the direct relationship body composition has to overall performance and health in athletes.

Beyond the general idea of body composition being a function of a physical task, we are also becoming more aware of how specific body composition values, such as fat and lean mass, play a role in both performance and health.

The heavier they are, the easier it is to stop a defender, but there is also a need for speed and strength. Knowing the correct fat-to-lean ratio for optimal performance and strength is valuable here and also somewhat intuitive, but do you know the ideal ratios? You know you want a heavy, fast, and powerful lineman, but did you know offensive linemen in the NFL have 2.

Compare this to wide receivers or defensive backs, who have a ratio of around seven. Another well-documented finding is that the performance of speed and jumping athletes is directly related to their power-to-mass ratio. Those who can generate the most muscle power at the lightest body weight can run faster and jump higher, but this is also relatively intuitive.

If two athletes have the same muscle power and one is slightly lighter, then that athlete can jump higher and run faster because they are moving less total body mass. The impact of body composition here is not only optimizing fat content to be low, but also optimizing muscle mass to be powerful without being too large, which can be altered by specific training and nutrition programs.

For distance runners, research has found that skinfold fat thicknesses in the lower body can predict 1,meter, 10,meter, and marathon times.

What about body composition and injuries? Researchers have found that distance runners who have more muscle mass tend to have fewer stress fractures.

Distances runners who have more muscle and less fat have better performances and are less likely to have fractures compared to similar runners with the same or lower body weight, but with less muscle and more fat.

So, just having low body fat and a low body weight is not enough for runners to reduce injuries and perform at their best. Understanding the optimal lean mass and fat mass for the upper and lower body, as well as total body mass, is fundamental for the success of any training and nutritional programs for not only runners, but all athletes.

Finally, there are several health-related and performance concerns for having too little body fat. This is a highly complicated area with several factors all impacting each other.

In summary, lower-than-optimal body fat values can have just some of the following effects on an athlete:. All of the above can significantly impact both performance and health, and they are specifically a concern for weight-sensitive athletes in sports such as:.

Bob Alejo: Should performance focus on body weight, fat loss, lean tissue gain, or body composition? Jordan Moon: This is where research and application separate, and this is currently the largest gap in the field of body composition and performance.

There are hundreds of great research papers and a recently published body composition book focusing on health and performance in exercise and sport. However, this information is not easily accessible for most athletes, coaches, trainers, sports scientists, nutritionists, physicians, etc.

Practitioners often look at body composition as something easy to do and utilize because of the simplicity and accessibility of measurements. Even with this basic approach, there are many practitioners who are still not sure what to do. So, what are their options, other than contacting researchers who work in this area?

As of now, the answer is to learn more about body composition, read the research and the books, and find the content you need to make informed decisions about your data and athletes.

There are very few expert practitioners who work with athletes and have a great handle on body composition and application. Most experts are researchers. There will be a good deal of work initially to understand everything, but if someone can solidify themselves as a true expert in the field by using scientifically supported interpretations of accurate data with developed protocols for training and nutritional interventions for athletes, they will be the leading edge of the sword, while carving a unique and needed position for themselves and others who follow.

My simplest suggestion of what to focus on for performance and body composition includes the areas discussed earlier:. Utilize as much information as possible to compare.

You should measure at-risk athletes for low body fat often and interpret and share their results with caution. Bob Alejo: Can skinfolds be an accurate measure of fat loss or lean tissue gain? Personally, based on convenience and the error of measurements with poor protocols with other methods, I prefer skinfolds.

At the least, I support performing skinfolds and perhaps one other test for sure. Changes in millimeters of thickness mm from test to test say something. Of course, good protocol makes it easier to discern what you are seeing. Jordan Moon: The answer is yes and no.

It all depends on the person conducting the measurements, the equipment, and the preparation of the athlete. Below are some guidelines when performing skinfold measurements:. The biggest factor when it comes to getting accurate measurements for skinfolds is the training and quality of the person taking the measurements.

The most comprehensive skinfold training is through The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. However, the training is expensive, with limited availability. However, you may not need it if you simply want to track changes in fat and lean mass.

Using the ACSM standards is also sufficient. The other issue when using skinfolds for tracking lean and fat changes is the equation used to convert skinfold thicknesses to fat and lean tissues.

I like using raw skinfold data when tracking changes because the units are raw measurements in millimeters. There are athlete-specific equations if you are looking to compare your athletes to others, but you would need to find the paper or book with the normative data and see what equation you should use to compare athletes.

Essential body fat is present in the nerve tissues, bone marrow, and organs all membranes , and we cannot lose this fat without compromising physiological function. Storage fat, on the other hand, represents an energy reserve that accumulates when excess energy is ingested and decreases when more energy is expended than consumed.

Women are believed to have more essential body fat than men because of childbearing and hormonal functions. Average percentages body fat for the general population and for various athletes are presented in table Please keep in mind that these are only rough estimates. The term athletic in this context refers to sports where low body fat is an advantage.

Different sports have different requirements in terms of body composition. In some contact sports such as American football or rugby, a higher body weight is generally seen as an advantage.

In sports such as gymnastics, marathon running, and other weight-bearing activities, a lower body weight and high power-to-weight ratio are extremely important. Measurements should be done in private. Results should be handled with sensitivity.

The National Athletic Trainers Association suggests that body composition results be treated the same as other medical information with regard to confidentiality.

Measurements should be taken when student-athletes are well-hydrated and before exercise. In general, measurements should be taken no more frequently than every two to three months. Some professionals recommend twice per year or less. Defer to your sports dietitian regarding specific student-athlete protocols.

There should always be a purpose for taking measurement. Clear and consistent communication is paramount. Testers must be sensitive to the impact of assessment on student-athletes. If resources are not available to assist with the management of body composition information and education, its best to avoid it altogether.

Communicating about body composition Always emphasize performance measures, overall training, diet and healthy lifestyle as highest priority for athletes. When body composition change is appropriate, establish a percent body fat range rather than an absolute value.

Changes in body composition should be gradual and targeted changes are priority in the off-season whenever possible. Guide student-athletes to focus on FFM as much as they focus on percent body fat as this is functional, powerful athletic tissue they wish to maintain or increase and can feel more positive than focusing on decreasing percent body fat.

It is recommended that athletics departments develop guidelines and protocol for measurement, analysis and communication of body composition data. Table 3.

May feel intrusive to some athletes. Body composition then estimated using equations. Expensive Test is fairly quick about 10 min Athletes have to wear swimsuit or minimal tight clothing and cap — privacy required Must be housed in environmentally appropriate and stable room.

Lean tissue is more dense than water, and fat tissue is less dense than water muscle sinks, fat floats. Athlete with higher body fat will weigh less underwater and athlete with more lean tissue will weigh more. Small sonar device that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to produce images of body tissues; fat can be distinguished from other tissue.

Not yet common method of testing. More likely in research setting. References: Thompson W. Ackland T, Lohman T, Sundgot-Borgen J, Maughan R, Meyer N, Stewart A, Wolfram M.

Turocy PS, DePalma B, Horswill C, Laquale K, Martin T, Perry A, Somova M, Utter A. Moon J, Tobkin S, Smith A, Lockwood C, Walter A, Cramer J, Beck T, Stout J.

J Am Diet Assoc. org About Michelle Rockwell Michelle Rockwell is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics with a private practice based in Blacksburg, Virginia.

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Inexpensive Reliability and accuracy highly dependent on experience and skill of tester Quick Many published norms, data, and recommendations using this method which aids in comparisons. Determines body volume through air displacement analysis.

Compositkon of Body composition for athletes. Athletic composirion is a combination compositoon Vegan desserts for special occasions dor, skill, as compsoition as the components compositoon fitness endurance, strength, power, Body composition for athletes, and balance. To some degree, these fitness components Blood sugar effects on energy levels also always related to your body composition. For example, your strength and power capacity are directly related to lean muscle mass because a bigger muscle also contracts with more force. Naturally, this can also improve your acceleration and maximum speed. On the other hand, lower nonessential body fat can also have a beneficial effect on your endurance and agility. The reason behind this is that additional weight creates more resistance during exercise, meaning that your muscles have to work harder to maintain a certain level of performance. Changes in Bovy composition ayhletes be atuletes of atgletes performance, and there are several methods of body composition Anti-inflammatory pills. By Vegan desserts for special occasions Beestone Last updated: December 20th, 12 Visceral fat and cellular health read. Body composition is an area coomposition Vegan desserts for special occasions in the fields of both health and sporting performance. In health, body composition has long been of interest, potentially more so with the excessive fat mass evident in obese populations, and the limited skeletal muscle mass in the elderly. In athletic performance, changes in body composition such as reduced fat mass and increased fat-free mass are often highlighted as determinants of successful performance, and the target of multiple interventions.


6% Body Fat is Ideal For Men (HARSH TRUTH!)

Author: Yogis

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