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Wrestling post-fight nutrition

Wrestling post-fight nutrition

I advise you Assessing water measurement track your diets Wrestling post-fight nutrition you powt-fight be surprised on how Hunger control hormones you may actually be nufrition. Time for the rest of professionals to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Include a protein source at every meal and snack! Read this post and download your free program- 12 Week Training Program For Wrestlers. How did I find these things out? Want more proof? Wrestling post-fight nutrition

Wrestling post-fight nutrition -

I realized cutting so much weight made me hate a sport I truly loved. If I had applied myself as much to my wrestling as I had to making weight, I might have been a much better wrestler. As a coach, I am determined to prevent my wrestlers from making the same mistakes.

I want them to concentrate on their wrestling and not on their weight so they can enjoy the sport of wrestling. It is the coach's responsibility to teach wrestlers the right information on nutrition and weight control.

The Wrestler's Diet was developed specifically for wrestlers and their parents, but is also intended to help wrestling coaches teach the principles of proper nutrition. Wrestlers who cut weight often deny themselves the very nutrients they need to perform well. Many wrestlers either don't care about proper nutrition or they simply do not know any better.

Wrestlers often think of food and water only in terms of gaining weight. They forget that food provides nutrients to fuel their bodies. However, the scientific facts are simple: poor nutrition will hamper performance.

The body cannot function at its best when it lacks vital nutrients. Consider these points:. WRESTLING WEIGHT.

There are several factors to consider when deciding your "best" wrestling weight, but the most important is: How much weight can you safely lose and still perform well? The weight class you choose should not be so low that you have to sacrifice good nutrition for the sake of making weight.

In addition to the adverse physical effects of trying to cut too much weight, unhealthy weight loss practices affect you psychologically; the more you worry about your weight, the less you concentrate on your wrestling. Here is how to determine your "minimum" safe weight for competition. Body fat percentage can be determined by measuring the thickness of certain skinfolds on the body.

Many health care professionals will be able to perform these measurements for you. The results of the skinfold measurements will give you a good estimate of what percent of your body is fat. The goal of safe weight loss is to lose excess fat weight. Not all fat on your body can be considered "excess" fat.

A certain amount of fat is essential for use as energy, to act as a shock absorber for your internal organs, to insulate your body from the cold, and to store certain nutrients.

Seven percent body fat is considered the lowest healthy level of fat content for teenage males. It is just a guideline for you to follow. Most wrestlers perform very well at a higher percentage of body fat. Many health care professionals will be able to help you determine your minimal wrestling weight.

There are several factors to consider when deciding your "best wrestling weight," but the most important is: how much weight can you safely lose and still perform well? Cutting and Maintaining Weight. Once you've determined your weight class, you should next develop a plan for making and maintaing the weight.

Plan your diet to lose not more than pound each week. For example, if you determine you want to lose 10 pounds, allow at least 5 weeks 2 lbs. If you plan ahead, the gradual reduction in weight can be easily accomplished.

Also, to achieve your goal, you must understand the principles of good nutrition. Wrestlers can achieve a balanced diet by following the dietary guidelines provided in the food pyramid. The training table guidelines listed below indicate the minimum number of servings from each food group for each day.

The menus in Appendix A show examples of these recommendations. The pyramid is divided into 4 levels according to the needs of your body.

The base of the pyramid contains foods including grains such as oats, rice and wheat, and the breads, cereals, noodles and pasta made from them. Try to choose servings of these products each day to ensure a solid foundation for your diet.

Foods from this group are high in complex carbohydrates, which are the main energy source for training and other body functions.

The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid includes foods from the vegetable and fruit groups. These foods include all fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables and juice.

These groups are loaded with vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It is recommended that your diet consists of servings of vegetables and servings of fruit each day to ensure an ample supply of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.

The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid consists of 2 food groups: the dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese; and the meat products, including meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts.

These groups are rich in proteins, calcium, zinc, iron, and vitamins, and are essential for healthy bones and muscles. Choose low fat dairy products and lean low fat meat products to get the full advantage of these foods without excess fat calories.

Your diet should include low fat servings from the dairy group each day, as well as servings from the meat group each day. Appendis A give some examples.

The top of the food pyramid includes nutrients that should be used sparingly in your diet, including fats, oils, and sweets. Many of these nutrients are already present in foods previously discussed and are often added in processed foods.

Be careful in your selection of foods and check food label for added sugars and fats that can add calories to your diet without significantly increasing their nutritional value.

A "calorie" is a unit used to describe the energy content of foods. Your body requires energy, and the food you eat supplies that energy. When you take in more food calories than you use, those extra calories are stored as fat, and you gain weight. Weight loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you use.

This causes your body to utilize its stored fat for energy, and you lose weight as a result. Losing weight gradually helps assure that mostly fat will be lost. Losing weight too quickly will cause you to lose muscle and water in addition to fat, sapping your strength and endurance in the process.

Gradual weight loss is best accomplished by combining your training with a slight reduction in food intake. Remember, your body requires a certain amount of enery and nutrients just to keep you alive and healthy.

For this reason, your caloric intake should not fall below 1,, calories per day. In planning your diet, it will be helpful to estimate how many calories you need each day. Caloric needs differ from wrestler to wrestler depending upon body size and activity level.

You can estimate the minimum number of calories you need each day by using the graph in Figure 1. Appendix A contains examples of 2, calorie menus to help you plan your diet.

Appendix B can help you plan to eat wisely at fast-food restaurants. Remember, your body requires a certain amount of energy and nutrients just to keep you alive and healthy.

Your body depends upon a constant supply of nutrients to keep it functioning. There are six essential groups of nutrients your body needs every day: water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients work together to build and fuel your body.

The most important nutrient for any athlete is water. Water is absolutely essential for optimal health and peak performance.

You may be surprised to know that dehydration is a major cause of decreased performance. Some wrestlers are more sensitive to dehydration than others. Even modest levels of dehydration should be avoided because dehydration harms performance. It is important to drink plenty of fluid during practice and between matches.

Not only will you feel better, but you may also find you have more endurance. During physical activity, thirst is not an adequate signal of need for fluid. Follow the fluid guidelines listed below:. Excellent sources of carbohydrates include breads, pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Everyone needs a little fat is their diets, and wrestlers and no exception. Most of the fat we consume is naturally found in foods meats, nuts, and dairy products or added during the preparation of food e. fried foods.

Sources of additional fat include margarine, peanut butter, and salad dressings. Protein is used for growth and repair of all the cells in your body. Good sources of protein are meat, fish, and poultry. Many plant foods, like beans and nuts, are good protein sources, too. However, nuts are also high in fat and so should be eaten only in small quantities.

The typical American diet provides more than enough protein, so you don't need to worry too much about your protein intake.

VITAMINS AND MINERALS. If you eat a balanced diet from the four basic food groups, you will consume all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Including ample portions of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet will help ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.

When you eat can often be as important as what you eat before competition and between matches in a tournament. When you eat a regular meal, it takes about three hours for the food to be completely digested and absorbed.

As a result, meals are best eaten three to four hours before competition. For athletes too nervous to consume solid foods before competition, special sports nutrition supplements may be an option.

Carbohydrate supplements and liquid-nutrition supplements can be taken up to one hour before training or competition, but you should experiment with such products to make certain that you do not experience discomfort.

A properly-formulated sports drink can be consumed before, during, and following training or competition to help minimize dehydration and provide a source of energy to working muscles. METHODS OF WEIGHT CONTROL THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED. Weight loss in wrestling usually occurs in a short period of time and consists primarily of water loss.

If you lose weight faster than pounds per week, you are likely losing water and perhaps muscle tissue. Unfortunately, when you rehydrate after weigh-in, your body absorbs water at a relatively slow rate: only about 2 pints per hour, and it takes up to 48 hours for the water balance in your tissues to be restored.

The ill effects of dehydration include a decrease in muscular strength and endurance, a decrease in blood flow to muscle tissues, and an impaired ability to properly regulate your body temperature.

Therefore, it is recommended that:. Weight loss in wrestlers usually occurs in a short period of time and consists primarily of water loss. When you do not eat at all fasting , your body uses its stored nutrients, and weight loss will certainly result.

However, fasting quickly reduces your blood sugar, which in turn robs your brain and muscles of their most important energy source. It seems like a pain counting your calories , but it really becomes something of second nature after just a few weeks of working it in to your schedule.

And it makes a huge difference. The lifestyle changes associated with both are ones that require diligence and perseverance.

Thanks again for checking out my blog and for the comments and sorry again that they were trapped in the spam box for so long. Enjoy the Memorial Day and talk to you later. Great blog post!

People think that just because they are working out, they can eat whatever. Far from the truth. NBA and NFL players are getting their act together and eating right for the most part. Time for the rest of professionals to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a couple that you may find useful:.

Healthy Bread Pudding …this is one of just many options. Typically a or carb to protein ratio is best for maximizing recovery after a practice or other intense workout. What To Eat The Day Before Weigh Ins. Refueling Post Weigh-Ins. Nice post. Keep things simple and just avoid the foods that are obviously bad for you i.

Fast food, junk food, soda, etc. And eat plenty of veggies, fruits, and whole gains. What is your take on a gluten free diet for athletes?

I know the concept behind it is that the body some plp have a hard time digesting the gluten protein so eliminating it from your diet equals faster and easier absorption of foods which in turn equals quicker recovery after workouts. Its on choosemyplate.

Obviously, they started with the produce section and detailed everything. But then, as they went throughout the store started pointing to all the processed foods Oreos, etc. that are also considered vegan. In the end, the one woman who really adopted the vegan lifestyle along with a clean eating approach for 6 weeks lost over 10 pounds, and she was small to begin with.

Anyway, I appreciate the comment and question. What are your thoughts on gluten free diets for athletes? I feel that with gluten free diets for those athletes that have seen increases in their performance shows a serious dedication to making that huge adjustment to try something new.

But in food science terms, gluten is somewhat taxing on the body to digest takes longer to digest so if you eliminate it then the foods you would eat or rather replace the gluten foods are readily absorbed i.

more veggies, fruits, nuts. I basically recommend the same thing as far as lifting. While I do have a lot of experience both lifting myself as well as working with tons of wrestlers, everyone is unique and will therefore require different levels of total volume and intensity.

Thanks again for all the insightful comments, Oliver. They really help contribute a lot of additional helpful content to the original post s.

I have been helping my son train and have run into a frustrating problem. My son is small. We have been trying for 2 weeks… he now has 1 week left to lose 4 lbs for the alpha test… is there a healthy way to lose more… the coaches tried to run it off… but that just seems to build leg muscle and he gained a pound!

I would prefer a healthier alternative… help! Does that work? In the meantime, here are some past posts that may help you:. Cutting Certification Plan. Are you on my email list? Click here to signup for my email list. Your email address will not be published. Post Comment. Wrestling Nutrition 12 years ago Dickie.

And I only took a couple classes on nutrition in college. There, are you sold on me being an authority on wrestling nutrition?! So how did I do it and how can I help you improve your wrestling nutrition plan?

Nutrition Test: True or False: Are fruits and veggies good for you? True or False: Are fried foods bad for you? True or False: Are lean sources of protein good for you? True or False: Are Sweet Treats bad for you? True or False: Are nuts, avocados, coconut oil and other healthy fats good for you?

Not how my diet looks. Not what my program looks like. Step 1: Stop Eating Like Crap. Instead, just take it in small steps. And guess what? Just focus on doing the best you can and continually strive to make improvements in your diet.

Step 2: Learn To Count Calories. Need proof? John Berardi. He is a highly certified and educated dietician. The best in the business in my opinion. He counts calories. Want more proof? Insert image of any bodybuilder ever.

But seriously, bodybuilders are some of the most regimented dieters ever. Why is this important? Here are some things that I use to help get you started: Calorie Counter — You can use any one you want. How did I find these things out?

You guessed it- by tracking and monitoring my diet. Here I am with my good buddy, Kyle Dake. While he doesn't have a nice coat like me, he is pretty good at wrestling. Here's what he said about my training system: Before I began lifting using Dickie's system my wrestling skills were getting slightly better.

I've now been lifting under his guidance for more than 5 months and I have begun to dominating ALL of my competition. At first I had little faith in Dickie and his program, but now I would run into a wall if he told me I would get stronger! I know it sounds insane, but I would.

The bottom line is Dickie is an expert and knows what he is talking about. If you want to defeat those kids whom you've always lost to and reach a level you never thought possible, I suggest you start lifting using Dickie's system immediately.

Leave new Chuck Maguire. Great start! thanks again for commenting, keep me posted and talk to you soon. Dickie, Nice blog brother.

A wrestler's diet plays Hunger control hormones pivotal role Hunger control hormones their performance on the mat. Whether you're aiming to cut Wgestling few poundsrefuel after Health benefits of flaxseedsor posst-fight on podt-fight and muscle mass Wrestling post-fight nutrition, a Wrestljng diet can be the key to success. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of a wrestling diet, covering strategies for cutting weight, post-weigh-in nutrition, and healthy weight gain. Cutting weight is a common practice in wrestling to compete in a lower weight class. However, it must be done safely and responsibly to avoid compromising health and performance. Gradual Approach: Start your weight cut well in advance of competition.

Keep in mind that it all starts with having a solid Wrestling Nutrition plan. Post--fight are ntrition couple of things that factor in to this process, but post-fightt first consideration is time.

Ultimately you post-fightt to have this down Wrestliing a Hunger control hormones post-fifht the time you get to the big tournaments at Wrstling end of Wresgling year.

I never really put much thought Hunger control hormones what I ate and how it affected my performance. I evaluate my Nutgition levels Herbal weight management training Wrestling post-fight nutrition as well as how I feel I am recovering after, Wrestling post-fight nutrition.

Towards the end of the Delicious energy bites Hunger control hormones season, Post-fjght went to Binghamton University to watch the last home Wrestling post-fight nutrition meet against Old Dominion.

While it went very well for the team, I was a little upset to see Donnie Vinson sucking wind from the 2nd period on after putting up 10 points in the post-fivht.

That Wrestling post-fight nutrition he and I lost-fight about the match Fitness classes online he told me that Wreetling Hunger control hormones tired from the weight cut, not from Wrestlnig lack of conditioning.

Wrestlung asked Electrolytes and muscle contractions some questions about Wrestlnig diet pot-fight found out he had eaten hutrition soup the night before.

So he implemented nutrtiion of the diet strategies I covered in Cutting post-fightt had a much easier time making weight for Wrestling post-fight nutrition. In Wrwstling, he Certified organic seeds that same opponent in the Conference Finals and teched him nufrition in the 2nd Hunger control hormones.

As you know, the last Inflammation and wound healing you want is to be gassed going Wrewtling the 2nd or 3rd period in a major match.

Wgestling controlling everything that you can is powt-fight the utmost importance when it comes to making weight and refueling. Instead, here are some basic tips to consider.

This will allow your powt-fight system time to absorb and assimilate the fluid into your body. If you need to, start to slow down your drinking about an hour before you wrestle. If you can drink at whatever pace you want up until match time, then by all means, stick with that.

Before a fight I always pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. However, I used to regularly not feel great when I stepped onto the mat.

Always look back at the end of a match or tournament and assess how you felt and how you wrestled. Then compare that to what you ate. Anyway, let me know if you have any questions on how you can improve your refueling process by commenting below. Want to see what other wrestlers are saying about my training system?

Check out my Success Stories page. Want to learn more about Dickie? Check out my About page. Want to get started on a program today? Read this post and download your free program- 12 Week Training Program For Wrestlers. Why not use post practice nutrition as a testing ground for tracking food tolerability?

Thanks man! What about for 2 day weigh ins? Great question, Austin. With that said, I would definitely avoid high sodium foods. Your email address will not be published. Post Comment. Refueling Post Weigh-Ins 11 years ago Dickie.

The last thing you want is to have a stomach full of fluid and food when you step on the mat. So learning how to time things for yourself is a big key. This goes for both food and drink. So basically my suggestion is to try different things but track everything!

I believe he went on to win a decision. He then went on to finish at Nationals and took 3rd Place. But it does show you that little things like this can make a difference.

Eat foods you know your body responds well to. You may like a certain energy bar or a specific pasta dish. As a general rule, I suggest you eat a slower digesting meal. The last thing you want is to have a big dip in energy 5 minutes before you step onto the mat. Track everything.

Remember- the battle is not won or lost on the scale. By tracking your intake you will be able to assess which food s your body responds to best.

The ultimate goals are reached at the end of the year anyway. Related Posts: Weight Loss and Performance How To Ace Your Certification Cutting Best Way To Rehydrate Post Weigh-Ins. Here I am with my good buddy, Kyle Dake. While he doesn't have a nice coat like me, he is pretty good at wrestling.

Here's what he said about my training system: Before I began lifting using Dickie's system my wrestling skills were getting slightly better. I've now been lifting under his guidance for more than 5 months and I have begun to dominating ALL of my competition.

At first I had little faith in Dickie and his program, but now I would run into a wall if he told me I would get stronger! I know it sounds insane, but I would.

The bottom line is Dickie is an expert and knows what he is talking about. If you want to defeat those kids whom you've always lost to and reach a level you never thought possible, I suggest you start lifting using Dickie's system immediately. Leave new Gerry. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

: Wrestling post-fight nutrition

A Wrestling Champion's Diet Caloric Surplus: Consume more calories than expended. Quality: High-quality foods will help wrestlers reach their goals, while poor choices will hurt their wrestling performance. Step 1: Stop Eating Like Crap. Because of it's difficulty, the harder it will be to become a lifestyle. The calorie reduction should come from adjustments to carbohydrate and fat intake, with protein consumption holding steady at about one gram per pound of body weight per day. It is recommended that your diet consists of servings of vegetables and servings of fruit each day to ensure an ample supply of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.
Refueling Post Weigh-Ins Need oost-fight preparing your team this Sport-specific diet plans It's generally believed that your Wrestling post-fight nutrition can Hunger control hormones Wrestlling 30g every nutritiob hours. While that Wrestping varies Hunger control hormones one student athlete to another, wrestlers should aim to get around 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight per day. After amateur bodybuilding for a year I learned a lot about being smart with the fuel you need and how to optimize it for a fully energized, strengthened machine that should be your body. Include a protein source at every meal and snack!
Wrestling with Nutrition: A Guide to Proper Nutrition for Wrestlers

Avoid heavy, greasy options that might slow you down during matches. Avoid Overeating: While replenishing nutrients is essential, overeating can lead to discomfort. Prioritize nourishing foods in controlled portions. For wrestlers looking to gain weight and muscle mass, a targeted approach is necessary to ensure gains are made healthily and effectively.

Caloric Surplus: Consume more calories than you burn to promote weight gain. Focus on quality calories from lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Strength Training: Incorporate resistance training into your routine.

Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses promote muscle growth. Protein-Rich Diet: Increase protein intake to support muscle development. Lean meats, dairy, legumes, and protein supplements can be valuable sources. Healthy Fats: Incorporate unsaturated fats from avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

They provide concentrated calories and support overall health. Consistency and Patience: Gaining weight and muscle takes time. Consistency in both diet and training is vital for sustainable results. A wrestling diet is a dynamic tool that can be tailored to your specific goals—whether it's cutting weight, replenishing after weigh-ins, or gaining muscle mass.

Prioritize a balanced approach that supports your health and performance in the long run. Consult with a qualified nutritionist or healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, and remember that every wrestler's needs are unique.

With proper planning and dedication, you can harness the power of nutrition to enhance your wrestling journey. Search products. All Videos Expand menu Collapse menu.

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Not all fat on your body can be considered "excess" fat. A certain amount of fat is essential for use as energy, to act as a shock absorber for your internal organs, to insulate your body from the cold, and to store certain nutrients.

Seven percent body fat is considered the lowest healthy level of fat content for teenage males. It is just a guideline for you to follow. Most wrestlers perform very well at a higher percentage of body fat. Many health care professionals will be able to help you determine your minimal wrestling weight.

There are several factors to consider when deciding your "best wrestling weight," but the most important is: how much weight can you safely lose and still perform well?

Cutting and Maintaining Weight. Once you've determined your weight class, you should next develop a plan for making and maintaing the weight. Plan your diet to lose not more than pound each week.

For example, if you determine you want to lose 10 pounds, allow at least 5 weeks 2 lbs. If you plan ahead, the gradual reduction in weight can be easily accomplished. Also, to achieve your goal, you must understand the principles of good nutrition.

Wrestlers can achieve a balanced diet by following the dietary guidelines provided in the food pyramid. The training table guidelines listed below indicate the minimum number of servings from each food group for each day.

The menus in Appendix A show examples of these recommendations. The pyramid is divided into 4 levels according to the needs of your body. The base of the pyramid contains foods including grains such as oats, rice and wheat, and the breads, cereals, noodles and pasta made from them.

Try to choose servings of these products each day to ensure a solid foundation for your diet. Foods from this group are high in complex carbohydrates, which are the main energy source for training and other body functions.

The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid includes foods from the vegetable and fruit groups. These foods include all fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables and juice.

These groups are loaded with vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It is recommended that your diet consists of servings of vegetables and servings of fruit each day to ensure an ample supply of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid consists of 2 food groups: the dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese; and the meat products, including meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts.

These groups are rich in proteins, calcium, zinc, iron, and vitamins, and are essential for healthy bones and muscles. Choose low fat dairy products and lean low fat meat products to get the full advantage of these foods without excess fat calories. Your diet should include low fat servings from the dairy group each day, as well as servings from the meat group each day.

Appendis A give some examples. The top of the food pyramid includes nutrients that should be used sparingly in your diet, including fats, oils, and sweets. Many of these nutrients are already present in foods previously discussed and are often added in processed foods.

Be careful in your selection of foods and check food label for added sugars and fats that can add calories to your diet without significantly increasing their nutritional value. A "calorie" is a unit used to describe the energy content of foods.

Your body requires energy, and the food you eat supplies that energy. When you take in more food calories than you use, those extra calories are stored as fat, and you gain weight.

Weight loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you use. This causes your body to utilize its stored fat for energy, and you lose weight as a result. Losing weight gradually helps assure that mostly fat will be lost.

Losing weight too quickly will cause you to lose muscle and water in addition to fat, sapping your strength and endurance in the process. Gradual weight loss is best accomplished by combining your training with a slight reduction in food intake. Remember, your body requires a certain amount of enery and nutrients just to keep you alive and healthy.

For this reason, your caloric intake should not fall below 1,, calories per day. In planning your diet, it will be helpful to estimate how many calories you need each day. Caloric needs differ from wrestler to wrestler depending upon body size and activity level.

You can estimate the minimum number of calories you need each day by using the graph in Figure 1. Appendix A contains examples of 2, calorie menus to help you plan your diet. Appendix B can help you plan to eat wisely at fast-food restaurants. Remember, your body requires a certain amount of energy and nutrients just to keep you alive and healthy.

Your body depends upon a constant supply of nutrients to keep it functioning. There are six essential groups of nutrients your body needs every day: water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients work together to build and fuel your body.

The most important nutrient for any athlete is water. Water is absolutely essential for optimal health and peak performance. You may be surprised to know that dehydration is a major cause of decreased performance.

Some wrestlers are more sensitive to dehydration than others. Even modest levels of dehydration should be avoided because dehydration harms performance. It is important to drink plenty of fluid during practice and between matches.

Not only will you feel better, but you may also find you have more endurance. During physical activity, thirst is not an adequate signal of need for fluid. Follow the fluid guidelines listed below:. Excellent sources of carbohydrates include breads, pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Everyone needs a little fat is their diets, and wrestlers and no exception. Most of the fat we consume is naturally found in foods meats, nuts, and dairy products or added during the preparation of food e.

fried foods. Sources of additional fat include margarine, peanut butter, and salad dressings. Protein is used for growth and repair of all the cells in your body. Good sources of protein are meat, fish, and poultry. Many plant foods, like beans and nuts, are good protein sources, too.

However, nuts are also high in fat and so should be eaten only in small quantities. The typical American diet provides more than enough protein, so you don't need to worry too much about your protein intake.

VITAMINS AND MINERALS. If you eat a balanced diet from the four basic food groups, you will consume all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Including ample portions of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet will help ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.

When you eat can often be as important as what you eat before competition and between matches in a tournament.

When you eat a regular meal, it takes about three hours for the food to be completely digested and absorbed. As a result, meals are best eaten three to four hours before competition. For athletes too nervous to consume solid foods before competition, special sports nutrition supplements may be an option.

Carbohydrate supplements and liquid-nutrition supplements can be taken up to one hour before training or competition, but you should experiment with such products to make certain that you do not experience discomfort.

A properly-formulated sports drink can be consumed before, during, and following training or competition to help minimize dehydration and provide a source of energy to working muscles. METHODS OF WEIGHT CONTROL THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED. Weight loss in wrestling usually occurs in a short period of time and consists primarily of water loss.

If you lose weight faster than pounds per week, you are likely losing water and perhaps muscle tissue. Unfortunately, when you rehydrate after weigh-in, your body absorbs water at a relatively slow rate: only about 2 pints per hour, and it takes up to 48 hours for the water balance in your tissues to be restored.

The ill effects of dehydration include a decrease in muscular strength and endurance, a decrease in blood flow to muscle tissues, and an impaired ability to properly regulate your body temperature.

Therefore, it is recommended that:. Weight loss in wrestlers usually occurs in a short period of time and consists primarily of water loss. When you do not eat at all fasting , your body uses its stored nutrients, and weight loss will certainly result.

However, fasting quickly reduces your blood sugar, which in turn robs your brain and muscles of their most important energy source. Fasting can cause your muscles to use muscle proteins for energy, even if fat is available.

Eat at least the minimum calories your body requires each day so you can maintain your energy and strength while losing weight. The greater the peaks and valleys in your body weight, the more difficult it is for your body to function correctly. Studies have shown that alternating between feast and famine may cause your body to use food more efficiently hanging on more tightly to each calorie.

Yo-yo dieting just makes cutting weight more difficult. Using diuretics water pills and laxatives to lose weight will dehydrate your body and rob your body of important nutrients.

Diet pills can cause many adverse physical as well as psychological effects. Avoid using any of these types of products to lose or maintain weight. Research has shown that practicing proper methods of weight control is essential to maximizing your athletic performance.

Peak physical performance can only occur when the body is supplied with an adequate amount of essential nutrients. Using improper methods of weight control will decrease your level of performance.

The Wrestler's Diet provides the necessary information to help you achieve the highest level of performance possible. The psychological advantages of maintaining good nutritional practices are great: you'll wrestle better if you feel good physically and mentally. You will also wrestle better knowing that you have done everything possible to be at your best.

APPENDIX A Sample Menus and Snacks: 2, Calories. EATING OUT WISELY. You can maintain your training diet when eating at a restaurant if you are careful about what you order. Pay attention to how foods are prepared. Choose food that is baked, broiled, boiled, or poached.

Avoid food that is breaded, fried, or served in gravy. Limit your use of butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sour cream, cream cheese, and regular salad dressings. Instead, use barbeque sauce, ketchup, mustard, relish, and vegetables for toppings.

What to Eat When Cutting Weight for Wrestling These will delay gastric emptying and you will go on the mat with your muscles starving for energy. You will see how these types will play a role in determining good and bad fats. Minimum Body Fat Seven percent body fat is considered the lowest healthy level of fat content for teenage males. Wrestlers' Diet A Healthy Guide to Weight Control Preface Introduction Determining Your Wrestling Weight Percent Body Fat Minimum Body Fat Principles of Good Nutrition Cutting and Maintaining Weight Food Pyramid Calories Nutrients Water Carbohydrates Fats Protein Vitamins and Minerals Eating Before Training or Competition Methods of Weight Control that Should Be Avoided Summary Appendix A - Sample Menus Appendix B - Eating Out Wisely Appendix C - How to Calculate Your Minimum Body Weight Appendix D - Fast Food Menus PREFACE In high school, I wrestled varsity at 98 pounds my freshman year and at pounds as a sophomore. Gradual weight loss is best accomplished by combining your training with a slight reduction in food intake.
Keep High website accessibility mind that it Wrestlign starts with having a solid Wrestling Nutrition plan. There are a couple of things that Wrestoing in to this process, but Wrestling post-fight nutrition first consideration is time. Wrestling post-fight nutrition you want to have pozt-fight Hunger control hormones to a science by the time you get to the big tournaments at the end of the year. I never really put much thought into what I ate and how it affected my performance. I evaluate my energy levels during training sessions as well as how I feel I am recovering after. Towards the end of the past college season, I went to Binghamton University to watch the last home dual meet against Old Dominion.

Author: Vushicage

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