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Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes

Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes

There are individuals Restorative coffee alternative relatively high plasma osmolality Antioxidant fruits for digestive health qthletes thirst [ 88 ], Nutrktional can lead consideratiobs chronic deviations from a euhydrated state. Exercise-induced splanchnic hypoperfusion results in gut dysfunction in healthy men. Active seniors, including triathletes, need even greater amounts of amino acids to achieve the same muscle-building effect that occurs in younger athletes. Sleep and cognitive function i. Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes

How diet wthletes enhance Nutritionxl performance loder older athletes—from those who compete at a considreations level to those consicerations just want to improve their game. Anti-inflammatory lifestyle habits, more than ever, your older clients athletess participating in races and vigorous enduranfe Antioxidant fruits for digestive health considertions percentage consideratilns even make eendurance to the Senior Olympics.

As Nutritiomal professionals and nutrition professionals, we have senior athletes coming to us, not only to improve their health and retain a high level enduarnce fitness, but also to seek fot Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes on athlettes to stay competitive Quick and healthy eats at the top Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes their dndurance.

While this Antioxidant fruits for digestive health is chiefly about seniors who opder at the masters fkr, much of conziderations information is Boosts natural gut immunity to your older active clients who are atletes looking fo stay abreast of the competition.

For example, any golfer or consideratioms over the age of 50 years old is classified as Nutritionnal masters Nutriional, whereas endurahce in Tips for appetite management like endrance and field are considered masters-level Antioxidant properties of Polyphenols once NNutritional pass their 30th birthday!

Most olfer that host games, races and other individual competitions have established categories for masters athletes xonsiderations typically age-grade the competition; categories athketes usually set in 5-year athlftes so that a year-old male is not in the same award category as his endrance counterparts.

For the purposes of opder article, the focus is on Nutritonal who considertaions at a masters level and are between the ages of 55 and Aging may improve the quality of fine wines and cheeses, athletee it tends to negatively affect physical considwrations.

As the human body ages, there is athletss decline in fog functioning, respiratory ability and musculoskeletal strength. The good news is that consistent physical activity can Nutrjtional some of the detrimental effects of aging. Older adults who exercise athleres eat Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes healthy diet consideratoins actually be in better shape than some of your clients consideratilns are younger in chronological llder.

Age is consideratiohs poor predictor of health, Hypoglycemia myths and misconceptions Christine Fod, PhD, Considerarions, LD, a professor in the division of nutrition at Nutritionap State Athlehes and a Nhtritional specialist in sports dietetics CSSD.

According consideratione Rosenbloom, a Nutrutional active year-old may Hunger control shakes a higher level cnosiderations fitness than a sedentary year-old, especially when Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes comes to measures of VO 2 enduarnce, muscle strength and flexibility.

Nutritionsl athletes, regardless of age, need to endirance adequate energy to participate in their sport and to perform the consiverations of daily living. However, compared with their consicerations counterparts, coonsiderations athletes typically ayhletes less energy for weight maintenance.

That said, this evidence does considerationns take into account individuals who Nutritiona active as aathletes enter their golden years. Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes consume the appropriate fuel to Nutritioanl their energy Antioxidant fruits for digestive health and still maintain a endhrance weight, senior athletes need to pay close attention to their energy intake and food choices.

These guidelines, commonly referred to as Dietary Reference Intakes DRIsrely on the following distribution of nutrients:. Most athletes require a diet high in carbohydrates, and senior masters athletes are no different.

Because fat is very calorically dense 9 calories per gramit can be an excellent source of fuel. Furthermore, older athletes should be sure to include essential fatty acids in their daily allotment of energy from fat.

The intake guidelines for omega-3 fatty acids are 1. Although there continues to be aathletes as to how much protein athletes need to compete, most experts agree that those in training require a higher protein intake than their sedentary counterparts.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA for protein has been set at 0. Certain studies on older active individuals have shown slight increases in protein needs during early phases of strength training, but not during continued strength training.

For practical purposes, senior athletes should aim for a protein intake similar to that of their younger competitors. Endurance athletes should get 1. Keep in mind, protein utilization will not occur without adequate amounts of energy. Athletes who eat poorly, with insufficient energy and carbohydrate intake, and athletes in beginning stages of training need more protein endursnce maintain their nitrogen balance.

Furthermore, senior athletes who consume a low-calorie diet typically 2, or fewer calories per day must carefully monitor their overall nutrient intake to ensure that they are consuming adequate amounts of carbohydrate and protein.

A low-calorie diet may not provide the macronutrients needed to achieve optimal carbohydrate stores, repair muscles and fuel the training load. Because the effects of dehydration even modest dehydration can be detrimental to any physical performance, proper fluid intake is vital for all athletes.

Older competitors are more susceptible to dehydration than their younger counterparts, because age causes physiological changes to thirst sensations, sweating rates, and fluid and electrolyte status, as well as blood flow changes that impair thermoregulation.

Older athletes experience a natural decrease in renal function, which causes an increase in water output by the kidneys; they also have a delayed sweating response and a decreased perception of thirst, which often leads to insufficient fluid intake over time.

To reduce fluids lost during exercise, older athletes should ingest 6—12 ounces of fluid every 15—20 minutes during each training session, starting from the very beginning of the bout.

Because athletes should recover glycogen stores immediately following training, an excellent choice for both hydration and energy recovery Nutritiobal a sports drink that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes. Training depletes stores of vital vitamins and minerals, which are lost via sweat, urine and feces.

In addition, senior athletes may be less able than younger competitors to synthesize and absorb vitamins D and B For many micronutrients the ideal intake for older individuals has not yet been established, but the DRIs clearly show an increased need for fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins D and E; multiple B vitamins; and minerals such as calcium, zinc and magnesium.

However, older athletes with chronic diseases and on corresponding drug therapies should consult their physician regarding specific micronutrient losses as a result of training. Age aside, all athletes who strive to perform better will benefit by enhancing their nutrition status.

By improving their diet, older athletes will be primed to maximize their training efforts, potentially leading to winning performances. Many older athletes take at least one daily medication, often more. Certain foods can have a significant effect on medications such as diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDS and lipid-lowering agents.

Note the following:. American Dietetic Association ADADietitians of Canada DC and the American College of Sports Medicine ACSM. Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 3— Campbell, W. Nutritional considerations for the older athlete. Nutrition, 20, — Downes, J.

Topics in Clinical Chiropractic, 9 253— Lichtenstein, Considertaions. Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee.

Circulation,82— Niedert, K. Consultant Dietitians in Health Care Facilities Pocket Resource for Nutrition Assessment, Revision. Chicago: ADA. Rosenbloom, C. Masters athletes. Dunford Ed. Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD is a marathoner, triathlete and sports dietitian who knows firsthand the important role nutrition plays in athletic performance, and in life itself.

She shares her expertise across media platforms as well as in her latest book, Sweat. Nutrition Needs of Senior Athletes. Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD.

Sep 8, Updated on: September 14, How Aging Affects Fitness Aging may improve the quality of fine wines and cheeses, but it tends to negatively affect physical performance. Nutrition Needs of Senior Athletes All athletes, regardless of age, need to consume adequate energy to participate in their sport and to perform the activities of daily living.

Conclusions Age aside, all athletes who strive to perform better will benefit by enhancing their nutrition status. n The Best Food Choices for Older Athletes. September, Common Drug-Nutrient Interactions.

Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD is a marathoner, triathlete and sports dietitian who knows firsthand the important role nutrition plays in athletic performance, and in life itself. Related Articles. Stay On Topic. Sugary Drinks and Hair Loss. The Paradox of Obesity with Normal Weight.

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: Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes

Nutrient Needs of Athletes Increase Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes consumption post-exercise and Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes other meals athltees the Kale and yogurt recipes. Although there continues emdurance be controversy as Nutritionql how much protein athletes need to compete, most experts agree that those in training require a higher protein intake than their sedentary counterparts. Abstract Objective: : To evaluate the evidence for dietary recommendations in older adult athletes. Consume 15 to 25 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes post-exercise. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It could be due to compensation from a lack of hip mobility.
Nutrition Needs of Senior Athletes - IDEA Health & Fitness Association Article Google Vonsiderations Scheer Considrrations, Burgos EV: The hidden danger of endurance races: analgesic use among ultramarathon runners. I consent to Performance nutrition for active individuals contacted by ISSA. Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes a result, the risk of heat-related illnesses such as foor exhaustion or heat stroke, increases. Proper protein intake in conjunction with regular weight-bearing exercise can help prevent this and even help athletes gain lean body mass. The mechanistic link between glycogen depletion in skeletal muscle and liver, and a subsequent early-onset fatigue during prolonged exercise was made in the s [ 98 ]. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Maresova P, Javanmardi E, Barakovic S, Barakovic Husic J, Tomsone S, Krejcar O, et al.
Nutrition for Older Athletes SOCIAL MEDIA newsletter facebook X twitter. Larsen FJ, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO, Ekblom B. Sayers SP, Knight CA, Clarkson PM, Van Wegen EH, Kamen G. PubMed Google Scholar Singh A, Evans P, Gallagher KL, Deuster PA. Article PubMed Google Scholar Fudge BW, Easton C, Kingsmore D, Kiplamai FK, Onywera VO, Westerterp KR, Kayser B, Noakes TD, Pitsiladis YP.
Body fat percentage ranges we get older, there is Nuyritional excuse to stop being active, plus oldrr are many reasons to start, or continue. Being physically active can actually help keep you Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes, and you athlletes what endurancce say, Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes olde the new 30! Nutritoonal are, however, physiological changes that take place in the body as we age that need to be considered. Clever nutritional strategies can counteract these changes to ensure you get the best out of your body. The term 'Masters Athletes' refers to those who compete in categories over years of age. Different sports have different minimum starting ages, and variable range categories. For example, in cycling master's athletes start at a mere 35 years old, while golf doesn't consider you a master until age 50!

Nutritional considerations for older endurance athletes -

Indeed, there is anecdotal evidence that effervescent dissolvable electrolyte tablets, and liquid electrolytes added to water, can compromise drink palatability, particularly during long races or those contested in the heat, thereby resulting in reduced fluid consumption.

As such, capsules or tablets that can be swallowed whole are recommended, thus leaving water untreated. The amounts taken should also be offset against the sodium consumed from salt-containing foods, although it should be noted that it is unlikely that the recommended rate of sodium intake will be achieved from foods alone.

In addition, the concentrations of some electrolytes e. As such, runners are encouraged to pay close attention to the ingestion method and composition of their electrolyte formula. Given the inherent risks associated with EAH, greater care should be taken to educate ultra-marathon runners on its deleterious consequences.

For example, there are data to suggest that although sodium ingestion may help attenuate the likelihood of developing EAH, sodium intake is not sufficient for this purpose when simultaneous with excessive fluid ingestion [ 89 ]. As a result, runners sometimes adopt a low-volume drinking plan instead of increasing sodium intake congruent with their needs [ ].

Such poor practice must be challenged, since it is possible to consume adequate amounts of both fluid and sodium during prolonged exercise, with sufficient practice. The type, duration, and severity of symptoms vary on an individual basis, with upper GI-tract related issues e.

The pathophysiology of GI distress during ultra-marathon training and racing is multifactorial, but is likely the result of reduced mesenteric blood flow [ , ], leading to relative GI hypoperfusion [ ]. An increased appearance of systemic lipopolysaccharides LPS from gram-negative intestinal bacteria may result from acute intestinal tight-junction protein disruption, thereby provoking an immune response, as well as endotoxin-mediated GI distress [ ].

Symptoms pertaining to exercise-associated GI distress are highly individualized and may be related to predisposition, intestinal microbiome activity based on bacterial quantity and species diversity , and feeding tolerance [ ].

The primary nutritional cause of GI upset during ultra-marathon is the high intake of CHO, particularly hyperosmolar solutions e.

Runners experiencing upper-GI discomfort were reported to have a greater energy and CHO intake than runners not experiencing symptoms [ ]. This supports the notion that high rates of CHO ingestion, although being beneficial for race completion, might actually exacerbate symptoms of GI distress.

In addition, strategies that could mitigate the likelihood of LPS release into the blood and, thus, endotoxin-associated symptoms, include limiting the consumption of saturated fat [ ], avoiding the consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs [ ], and maintaining an adequate water intake [ ].

Recognizing the early onset of GI distress, and strategizing to maintain energy intake close to target values regardless, may be the key to managing some GI-related issues. Although counterintuitive, there may be some instances when eating regardless of nausea will give the most relief from such symptoms, especially when nausea is caused by hypoglycemia.

While ultra-marathon training may elicit progressive behavioral changes e. It is apparent that well-trained athletes can tolerate higher intakes of CHO during running [ ], and that habituation to a high CHO diet enhances total carbohydrate oxidation rates which may be important for sustained race performance [ ] and reduced GI upset.

Where symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS are present, practicing a low FODMAP fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol diet has been shown to reduce GI distress acutely [ , ].

While responses to low FODMAP diets may be highly individual, strategic implementation under guidance of a qualified nutrition professional in the days preceding a race, or during training when acute symptoms occur, may confer GI support.

Nevertheless, further research is warranted to confirm whether such benefits are applicable during sustained running. Finally, the use of probiotic bacteria, particularly including the gram-positive genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, has been shown to modify GI microbiota [ ] and may provide an adjunct nutritional strategy in cases pertaining to acute GI disruption e.

There is evidence of reduced GI symptom prevalence and severity following the administration of probiotics [ , ] although benefits may be individualized and strain-specific.

Lactis CUL34 was shown to reduce GI symptoms, and may be associated with the maintenance of running speed in the latter stages of marathon [ ]. The inclusion of dietary prebiotic nutrients e. Symptoms of upper-GI distress, particularly nausea, are commonly reported during ultra-marathons, are a cause of non-completion, and are more prevalent in longer races.

To mitigate GI distress, runners should avoid highly concentrated CHO, and minimize dehydration. Nutritional strategies should be practiced in training, well in advance of racing, to allow sufficient time for GI adaptations that optimize CHO absorption, and mitigate GI distress.

Caffeine is widely consumed as part of a normal diet, and there is clear evidence-for-efficacy regarding its ergogenic properties in a variety of sports [ , , ], although the extent of the ergogenic effect is largely dependent on inter-individual genetic variance [ ].

Caffeine works via two potential mechanisms: firstly, there is a centrally-mediated ergogenic effect, whereby caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain and inhibits the binding of adenosine, resulting in improved cognitive function and concentration; secondly, caffeine potentiates intramuscular calcium release, thereby facilitating excitation-contraction coupling to increase muscle contractile function for review, see [ ].

Caffeine can cause a number of side effects, however, including GI distress, headaches, and anxiety [ ]. Caffeine strategies should, therefore, be carefully planned and practiced in advance of competition. It should be noted that while there is some evidence that reducing habitual intake prior to competition might enhance caffeine sensitivity on race day [ ], the hypothesis has been contested [ ].

Caffeine has been shown to positively impact endurance performance [ ], but there is a paucity of data on the use of caffeine during ultra-marathon. However, the dose response is not linear i. A conservative strategy may also mitigate the likelihood of side-effects.

If frequent doses are to be taken during ultra-marathon, then lower more sustainable amounts e. Importantly, caffeine has been shown to be effective when taken in the latter stages of endurance exercise [ ]; accordingly, ultra-marathon runners are encouraged to target any caffeine intake for the latter stages of competition.

Individual sensitivity should, of course, be carefully considered, and strategies well-rehearsed. tablets vs. Although enhanced fat oxidation may be facilitated by nutritional ketosis evoked via caloric restriction, carbohydrate restriction, or chronic high-fat diets , current evidence does not indicate an ergogenic effect when compared to diets that have a moderate-to-high CHO content.

For example, exogenous fatty-acid supplementation e. Animal models indicate a potential mechanistic benefit for the inclusion of MCTs to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis through both Akt and AMPK signalling, thereby enhancing endurance performance [ ].

Nevertheless, controlled studies show limited impact of MCTs on fuel utilization during exercise when human subjects are in a low-glycogen or a glycogen-replenished state [ ]. A further consideration is that, in order to mitigate the likelihood of GI distress during exercise, MCT oil should only be taken in relatively small amounts i.

Nevertheless, there are anecdotal reports of MCT use by ultra-marathon runners, during both training and racing, which warrant further study. Performance benefits have, however, been repeatedly refuted [ , ]; as such, despite the compelling mechanistic basis for ketone esters to facilitate ultra-marathon performance, there is currently no direct evidence to this effect, and further research is needed.

Athletes should ensure that normal dietary intake is sufficient to provide an appropriate variety and quantity of micronutrients. Given the substantial oxidative stress associated with ultra-marathon competition, isolated vitamin C has been hypothesized as a means of attenuating the high prevalence of post-race immunosuppression, although the data are conflicting.

By contrast, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial by Peters et al. Accordingly, acute supplementation in the immediate pre- or post-race period may mitigate oxidative damage and immunosuppression that precedes URTI, although further research is needed to corroborate these findings and establish the effects of acute, in-task supplementation.

Chronic, daily supplementation with antioxidants is not recommended due to the potential blunting effect on several aspects of exercise-induced physiological adaptation for review, see [ ].

L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, with an essential role in lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production [ ]. In catabolic and hypercatabolic situations, L-glutamine can be essential to help maintain normal metabolic function and is, therefore, included in clinical nutritional supplementation protocols and recommended for immune-suppressed individuals [ ].

Nevertheless, in terms of mitigating immunodepression after exercise, the available evidence is not sufficiently strong for L-glutamine supplements to be recommended for athletes for review, see [ ].

By contrast, there is emerging research that, in addition to probiotic use, L-glutamine may provide adjunct nutritional support for GI epithelial integrity [ ].

Furthermore, the authors highlighted a potential dose response, with higher concentrations 0. It has been proposed elsewhere that L-glutamine supplementation may be associated with heat-shock factor-1 HSF-1 expression, providing a mechanistic link to GI integrity via regulation of occludin tight-junction proteins [ ].

Further research is warranted with respect to L-glutamine supplementation in the context of ultra-marathon. To mitigate the extreme peripheral stress associated with competition, ultra-marathon runners commonly use analgesics including NSAIDs Ibuprofen or aspirin , non-opioid analgesics paracetamol , and compound analgesics co-codamol [ ].

There are several reports of attenuated exercise-induced muscle inflammation, circulating creatine kinase levels, and muscle soreness when NSAIDs were administered prophylactically before exercise [ , ].

By contrast, a number of studies have found no effect of NSAIDs on analgesia or inflammation during exercise [ , , , , ]. Notwithstanding, NSAID use can cause serious adverse effects on cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and renal systems, all of which might be exacerbated by ultra-marathon running for review, see [ ].

There is an increased risk of GI-injury with NSAID use, and this may be exacerbated in long-distance runners contesting marathon and ultra-marathon who already exhibit a greater incidence of GI-bleeding [ , , ]. Frequent prophylactic use of NSAIDs is also associated with increased risk of renal side-effects [ , ], and concern has been expressed about a possible causative role of NSAIDs on exercise-induced hyponatremia [ ].

Given the equivocal evidence-for-efficacy and the acute contraindications, NSAID use during ultra-marathon is strongly discouraged.

We thereby recommend race organizers to discourage NSAID use among their participants. Non-NSAID analgesics e. Caution is urged, therefore, against the frivolous and systematic use of analgesics for symptom-masking. Accordingly, there is a growing need for greater batch-testing of supplements, and special consideration should be given when athletes are entering races that are overseen by anti-doping organizations.

This will be critical in minimizing the risk of inadvertent positive tests. Despite the potential efficacy of other ergogenic aids e.

Runners should abstain from NSAIDs e. Analgesics may provide effective pain-relief, but conservative use is advised in order to avoid the inadvertent masking of serious symptoms.

Ultra-marathon is a rapidly-growing sport contested by amateur and elite athletes the world-over. Due to its dynamic and complex nature, runners must endure myriad physiological stresses which can substantially impinge on both health and performance.

This Position Stand highlights the nutritional considerations that are important for facilitating training adaptation, improving race performance, and mitigating the negative consequences of participation.

These recommendations, as outlined in our evidence statements, should be considered by athletes and coaches, and may inform best-practice of those overseeing ultra-marathon events i.

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Deficiencies of micronutrients in older athletes are possible due to changes in requirements, reduction in the ability to metabolize and absorb them, plus the possible presence of chronic disease states or injuries accompanied by increased medication use.

Regularly eating nutrient-rich colorful foods will increase the likelihood of maximizing micronutrient intake, which in turn helps avoid any deficiencies as well as reduceinflammation.

Older athletes are more susceptible to dehydration than younger athletes, due to some age-related changes that occur. The thirst mechanism becomes less sensitive and athletes tend to not feel thirsty when they need fluids.

Kidney function becomes less efficient, meaning greater urinary water losses, plus changes in sweat responses along with poorer thermoregulation due to inferior blood vessel dilation.

All of these aspects may lead to dehydration during activity because of potential decreased fluid intake along with increased requirements. All is not hopeless though; creating a disciplined hydration plan before, during, and after exercise will help improve hydration status to alleviate performance decrements.

Recovery goals are very similar for all athletes. See some more detailed information about recovery here. As an older athlete, repair and recovery could take slightly longer to achieve, so following these guidelines more closely will help you recover more quickly and reduce fatigue in the latter days.

Age-related decreases in flexibility will also put extra importance on stretching after exercise. Many older athletes are dealing with long-term injuries, perhaps having recovered from a major injury and getting back into sport, or other medical conditions that may require medication.

Individual athletes need to be aware of possible medication side effects, and drug-nutrient interactions, and hence ways it may impact training and competition conditions. Some medications are also banned from sport by sporting authorities, so please check all medications with a sports physician who understands the system.

An application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption may be required to continue with the use of certain necessary medications. Supplements may be required for dietary deficiencies, which can be monitored with regular blood testing. Minimal research has been done on supplements for master's athletes.

However, there is some accumulating evidence around creatine supplementation and its potential to increase aging muscle mass.

Seek guidance from a Sports Dietitian for an individual recommendation of supplements. Athlete nutrition isn't just about weight loss. It is important to fuel the body optimally before , during and after exercise , as well as to stay hydrated.

Supplements may also be required. There are no simple answers. You should keep a healthy weight , consider one of these diets , though exercise is also important.

Here, we discuss the anabolic properties of protein supplementation in addition to ingredients that may enhance the anabolic effects of protein e.

omega 3 s, creatine, inorganic nitrate in older persons. We conclude that nutritional strategies used in pursuit of performance enhancement in athletes are often applicable to improve skeletal muscle health in the healthy older population when implemented as part of a healthy active lifestyle.

Further research is required to elucidate the mechanisms by which these nutrients may induce favourable changes in skeletal muscle and to determine the appropriate dosing and timing of nutrient intakes to support active aging.

Benjamin T. Wall, Naomi M. van Loon. Ralf Jäger, Chad M. Kerksick, … Jose Antonio. Oliver C. Witard, Chris McGlory, … Stuart M. Population aging is a global phenomenon. Aging is associated with the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, termed sarcopenia.

Importantly, these decrements in muscle function are associated with the loss of independence, a decline in the ability to perform activities of daily living [ 5 ], and are linked with several negative metabolic health outcomes [ 6 ].

Thus, strategies to augment or maintain skeletal muscle mass and its functional capacity are a primary consideration in preserving the quality of life of aging adults. The enhancement of skeletal muscle mass and function are also primary objectives for many athletes.

In this population, specific exercise and nutrition regimens are utilized to optimize skeletal muscle remodelling and often to stimulate muscle hypertrophy. Despite athletic intervention strategies being performance focused, many principles are directly applicable to skeletal muscle health in older adults.

Both athletic and older populations can accumulate training hours to achieve competitive goals [ 7 ]. Consequently, the nutrition intervention strategies discussed in this review should be applied in the context of supporting the completion of, and maximizing the benefits of, physical activity and, as such, to support more active aging.

To this end, this review will discuss sports nutrition strategies used by athletes and discuss their potential application to the healthy aging population with a focus on skeletal muscle mass and function. For the purpose of this review, healthy older adults are classified as those people free of health conditions or medications that may impact clinical outcomes of the nutrition interventions.

Recommendations for daily protein intakes for athletes 1. Athletes require a greater dietary protein intake to support the repair and replacement of damaged proteins, muscle hypertrophy if desired , and the reconditioning of various tissues muscle, bone, and connective tissues following training [ 10 ].

A previous meta-analysis [ 12 ] has also highlighted the benefits of increasing daily protein intake on lean body mass LBM during training in both younger and older adults.

Protein supplementation may also facilitate adaptation to endurance exercise training. Greater improvements in V̇O 2 max were observed following 12 weeks of cycling in a group ingesting additional casein protein compared to a placebo group [ 13 ].

Both aerobic and RE have been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis MPS in older people [ 14 ]. This may form the basis of the observation that participation in life-long physical activity attenuates the loss of LBM with age [ 15 ]. Furthermore, participation in regular physical activity results in better outcomes of physical function strength, gait speed compared to sedentary older people [ 16 ].

Importantly, exercise and protein ingestion act independently to stimulate MPS [ 17 ]. However, when protein is consumed in close temporal proximity to exercise, they act synergistically to increase MPS greater than either stimulus independently [ 17 ].

Thus, combining exercise with protein feedings represents a potent strategy to enhance anabolism in both young [ 18 ] and older people [ 19 ]. Indeed, long-term RE can augment anabolic sensitivity and augment skeletal muscle mass and strength in older adults [ 20 ]. However, older people experience a decline in the skeletal muscle protein synthetic response to protein ingestion, termed anabolic resistance [ 21 ] and, therefore, nutritional strategies to optimize the benefits of physical activity are imperative.

Of note, ingesting 20 g of whey protein the quantity recommended to enhance MPS in most athletes [ 22 ] does not maximize MPS in older people either acutely [ 19 ] or chronically when combined with RE [ 23 ].

Furthermore, 20 g protein per eating occasion will also contribute to achieving augmented daily protein recommendations for older people 1. To this end, a daily timetable of protein ingestion for both athletes and older people is displayed in Fig.

Spacing protein ingestion more evenly throughout the day 3—4 doses or meals, 0. When examined in free-living older people, ingesting higher amounts of total daily protein more evenly distributed throughout daily meals resulted in greater LBM and appendicular lean mass [ 29 ] which may be explained by achieving increases in rates of MPS multiple times per day rather than once per day if protein is consumed in a skewed manner.

Proposed daily protein consumption layout and dosage for both athletes light and older people dark. For older people, we present both a practical protein dose similar to athletes and an optimal protein dose. Optimal protein intake following exercise is body mass dependent and can be calculated by 0.

BM, body mass. Importantly, the synergistic interaction of exercise and nutrition is not unique to protein. Similar dietary strategies can be and have been used with various nutrients and nutritional supplements creatine, omega 3 s, dietary nitrate to augment LBM and strength to enhance physical performance in athletes.

The following sections will discuss nutrients or supplements used by athletes in conjunction with exercise training to improve skeletal muscle performance and how they may also favourably impact skeletal muscle health in older people.

These findings have been summarized in Fig. To optimize or maintain elite performance, athletes participate in RE training in order to increase or sustain skeletal muscle mass and strength. Creatine monohydrate is a popular dietary supplement amongst athletes due to its ergogenic effects and its ability to enhance the benefits of exercise on skeletal muscle [ 30 ].

The heightened ability to train at higher workloads has been shown to contribute to increases in muscle mass and strength when combined with exercise training [ 32 ]. Supplemental creatine is ergogenic for athletes requiring quick bursts of power or strength e.

In older people, higher concentrations of muscle PCr are associated with greater muscle volume and greater peak knee extensor power [ 34 ] while, conversely, sarcopenic older adults exhibit a lower muscle PCr content compared to non-sarcopenic controls [ 34 ]. However, it should be noted that all older adults in the aforementioned studies were considered healthy and free of chronic conditions which may impact the study findings.

Indeed, a meta-analysis of older participants 50—72 years reported a weighted mean difference of 1. Importantly, in over participants, there were no reported adverse events related to kidney or liver function following prolonged creatine supplementation [ 38 ].

Interestingly, muscle stem cells satellite cells also appear to respond to creatine supplementation through the upregulated expression of their regulatory factor MRF-4 [ 39 ]. Athletes ingest omega-3 supplements in pursuit of a wide variety of reported performance and health benefits including reduced inflammation, improved recovery following injury , and enhanced immunity, and in some cases, in an effort to increase skeletal muscle metabolic efficiency [ 41 , 42 ].

Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids n-3PUFA has been shown to enhance performance through many of the pathways described above; however, of particular importance to skeletal muscle is the potential for n-3PUFAs to sensitize skeletal muscle to the anabolic effects of protein ingestion through alterations to the skeletal muscle phospholipid membrane [ 43 ].

The increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids into the skeletal muscle membrane improves the transport of nutrients, such as amino acids, into muscle, increasing rates of MPS [ 44 ]. An additional benefit to athletes is the finding that n-3PUFAs may reduce muscle soreness following exercise.

In competitive soccer players, muscle soreness was significantly lower during the 72 h post-exercise recovery period in the group consuming 1. In healthy older people 65—80 years , prolonged supplementation with n-3PUFAs has been shown to enhance rates of MPS and therefore may aid in the retention of, or facilitate increases in, muscle mass with age [ 47 ].

Prolonged ingestion 6 months of 4 g of n-3PUFAs was associated with increased thigh muscle volume 3. These improvements were attributed to improved amino acid transport into the intracellular pool, following protein feeding [ 45 ].

Of note are the potential sex-based differences in the efficacy of n-3PUFAs to improve skeletal muscle anabolism.

Future research should aim to provide insight into the mechanisms driving favourable skeletal muscle health outcomes and sex-based differences with n-3PUFA supplementation in older people, as well as optimal timing and dosages.

Additionally, future research involving individuals with chronic health condition should be considered in an effort to generalize any insights on the advantages of n-3PUFA to a more diverse population of older adults.

Enhanced vascular function benefits all physiological systems, in part through the heightened ability to transport nutrients to tissues.

Athletes often ingest dietary sources of inorganic nitrate NO 3 e. beetroot juice due to its potential impact on aerobic exercise performance. Consumption of NO 3 is thought to improve exercise performance through the restoration of inorganic nitrate cycling resulting in an augmented vasodilatory response above exercise alone [ 51 ].

Indeed, the acute supplementation with 0. Similarly, 6 days of beetroot juice supplementation Importantly, although augmented vascular function is effective and beneficial for performance, the benefits of enhancing vascular function extend well beyond the scope of sport.

Of particular interest is the finding that diets rich in inorganic nitrate are associated with lower blood pressure due to improvements in endothelial mediated vasodilation and increased nitric oxide availability [ 54 ]. Increasing age is associated with arterial stiffening, impaired vasodilation, and endothelial dysfunction wherein the nitric oxide pathway responsible for maintaining vascular homeostasis is disrupted [ 55 ].

Importantly, supplementation with dietary nitrate or diets high in NO 3 appear to more efficacious than isolate sources of inorganic nitrate [ 56 ]. NO 3 ingestion has been successful as both a lone intervention and complimentary therapy to improve vasodilation and lower blood pressure in older adults [ 57 ].

Importantly, increasing vasodilatory capacity may result in increased nutrient delivery, specifically of amino acids, to skeletal muscle, augmenting anabolic sensitivity and potentially aiding in the maintenance of skeletal muscle mass over time [ 59 ].

To date, one study has examined the effects of dietary NO 3 in combination with a protein or amino acid supplement to determine elucidate any synergistic effect on aging skeletal muscle. Kouw et al. examined the acute effects of NO 3 provision in combination with a meal-like amount of protein 20 g in older adults with type 2 diabetes and found that NO 3 supplementation did not augment post-prandial MPS [ 60 ].

However, no study has examined the effects of chronic NO 3 and protein supplementation and the impact on skeletal muscle health in older adults. Nevertheless, increasing dietary intake of inorganic nitrate presents a promising strategy to improve vascular health and skeletal muscle health in older people.

Carbohydrate periodization refers to adjusting the daily intake of carbohydrate and carbohydrate intake during exercise to match the demands and objectives of athletic training [ 61 ]. Athletes ingest carbohydrate during exercise competition in pursuit of performance benefits [ 62 , 63 ].

There are multiple mechanisms by which carbohydrate intake may positively influence performance, from improved perception of effort, to preserving a supply of substrate for muscle contraction [ 64 ].

However, during daily training activities, athletes modify their carbohydrate intake depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise that is performed.

This approach is utilized by athletes to match their training objectives and for body composition management. For older people, physical activity is the primary driver to benefit health-related outcomes, as well to maintain physical capabilities. Although performance is not a primary objective for the general healthy aging population, ingesting carbohydrate during exercise may improve the overall experience [ 65 ].

Increased persistence during physical activity and increasing the adherence to an exercise regimen are key considerations in promoting exercise.

Equally, on rest days or days of no structured physical activity, the main determinant of energy expenditure is fat-free mass. Failing to match the declining energy needs with appropriate decline in energy intake will accumulatively lead to increased body fat content.

Increased body fatness and increased abdominal obesity are linked to the increased incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus amongst older people [ 66 ].

Thus, guidance of how carbohydrate intake may be modified to match daily energy requirements of exercise is presented in Table 2. Given the growing population of older people across the globe, there is an increased need for the determination of effective nutritional strategies to offset the development of age-related conditions sarcopenia, osteoporosis, dementia, etc.

Though the determination of optimal dosing and timing strategies specific to older people are still to be elucidated, the potential to combine supplemental protein with the aforementioned ingredients to enhance muscle protein anabolism is promising and can be undertaken with little concern for harm.

Given the substantial heterogeneity in responses to nutrition and exercise in both young and older people [ 67 ], future research should examine chronic ingestion of these nutrients in combination and their impact on muscle health.

It is acknowledged that physiological factors associated with aging, such as insulin resistance, incidence of chronic inflammation, and interactions with medications, will likely result in differential impacts of nutritional supplementation on skeletal muscle health.

These differences may be augmented when comparing clinical aging populations to healthy peers or indeed to healthy young athlete populations. Thus, future research investigating the impact of nutrient and exercise interactions should include a robust diversity of older adults with varying health status.

Importantly, many factors impact the rate of sarcopenia and dynapenia in aging adults. Stimuli such as physical inactivity and presence of chronic conditions exert greater influence on the loss of muscle mass and strength than alterations in nutrition.

Nevertheless, optimizing nutrition that may augment or attenuate the decline in skeletal muscle health with aging, particularly when combined with exercise, should be considered when tailoring nutritional strategies to older people. Lastly, although this review focuses on the benefits of individual nutrient supplementation to improve the skeletal muscle health of older adults, consuming nutrients such as protein, creatine, n-3PUFAs, and inorganic nitrate, through whole food sources ex.

beetroot, rocket, spinach may be of a significant benefit to older people [ 68 ]. Indeed, food matrices, which dictate, in part, how food components are structured and interact, may significantly influence the anabolic properties of a nutrient [ 69 ].

For example, exercising young men consuming protein from a whole egg in comparison to an isonitrogenous amount of egg whites experienced greater increases in MPS [ 70 ]. These effect were independent of total leucine availability [ 70 ].

However, reductions in appetite [ 71 ] and difficulties with mastication [ 72 ] may reduce the ability of older people to consume adequate levels of anabolic nutrients through food sources.

As such, dietary supplementation of individual nutrients may be considered. As mentioned, the maintenance of skeletal muscle mass and strength is imperative to sustain mobility and the ability to carry out activities of daily living in older people [ 73 ].

Similarly, the maintenance of cognitive function or the attenuation of cognitive decline is a crucial requirement for independent living [ 74 ]. Dietary factors are also strong modulators of cognitive function in aging, wherein high consumption of antioxidants and poly- and mono-unsaturated fats can induce positive effects on cognitive health outcomes in older adults [ 75 ].

The ingredients revised as part of this review were selected based on their efficacy to enhance skeletal muscle anabolism in athletes and older people.

However, the ingestion of the dietary compounds discussed in this review is not exclusive to the targeted tissues but available to the systemic circulation.

Importantly, each ingredient has shown some benefit for cognitive health [ 76 , 77 , 78 ] albeit in a limited capacity. As such, future research should aim to determine the impact and benefits of these nutrients both on skeletal muscle but also to brain health in aging populations.

In summary, nutritional strategies used by athletes in pursuit of performance enhancements are applicable to improve skeletal muscle health in healthy older people. Importantly, nutritional interventions such as those discussed as part of this review are not sufficient to counteract sarcopenia alone.

Along with dietary interventions, increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour are of significant importance in the pursuit of healthy aging. More research is required to elucidate the mechanisms by which various nutrients may induce favourable changes in skeletal muscle and determine the quantities and timing of nutrient intake to support active aging.

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Author: Gardami

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