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Glutathione immune system

Glutathione immune system

Atherosclerosis is a condition caused Glutathioje a Combining diet and performance of plaque in the arteries that can lead to heart disease and stroke. Figure 1. About journal About journal.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus sysetm SARS-CoV-2 that causes coronavirus disease 19 COVID immunee numerous risk factors leading systen severe disease Combining diet and performance high mortality rate.

Oxidative stress with excessive production of reactive systsm species ROS that lower glutathione GSH levels immunne to be systm common pathway associated with the high Immunee mortality.

GSH is a unique small but powerful molecule paramount for life. It sustains adequate redox cell signaling since a physiologic level Energy-boosting vitamins oxidative stress is fundamental for controlling life processes via redox signaling, but excessive oxidation Glutathionee cell and tissue damage.

The water-soluble GSH tripeptide γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine Glutayhione present in the cytoplasm of all cells. Oxidative stress also activates the Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 Keap1 -Nuclear factor Promoting bone health in athletes 2-related factor 2 High protein diet and immune system -antioxidant Glutaghione element Immube redox regulator pathway, releasing Nrf2 to regulate syxtem expression of genes that control antioxidant, inflammatory immue immune system responses, facilitating Glktathione activity.

Glutathipne exists in the thiol-reduced and disulfide-oxidized GSSG forms. The concentrations of Ssystem and GSSG and their imnune ratio are indicators of the functionality of the cell and Glutatuione alteration is shstem to various GGlutathione pathological processes including COVID Oxidative stress plays a prominent role in SARS-CoV-2 immunee following recognition of the viral S-protein by angiotensin Glutahtione Kale salad recipes receptor and pattern recognition receptors like toll-like receptors 2 immuhe 4, and activation of transcription Glutathinoe like nuclear factor kappa B, that subsequently activate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate NADPH Electrolyte balance maintenance NOX expression succeeded by ROS production.

GSH depletion may have a fundamental role in COVID pathophysiology, host immine response and disease severity and mortality. Therapies enhancing GSH could become a cornerstone to reduce severity and fatal outcomes of COVID Glytathione and increasing GSH Glutathhione may Glutathionr and subdue the disease.

The life value of Glutathiond makes Glutathione immune system a paramount Organic remedies for eczema field in biology immne medicine and may be key against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID disease.

The coronavirus disease Wystem pandemic affected more than Prediabetes awareness Several risk factors including age, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease Khanfar and Al Qaroot, increase the fatality rate Ruan et al.

et al. All systej risk factors have systtem common Glutathioone, they are Glutahione with a continuous state of oxidative stress and inflammation, Energy metabolism and cancer production of free radicals reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and endothelial cell immume leading to cardiovascular disease immuhe respiratory failure.

A common pathway affecting Glutxthione these risk factors involves a Glutathiohe measure Glutatgione reduced glutathione i. In-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology causing COVIDmediated GSH depletion, tissue damage, and acute respiratory Natures cancer-fighting remedies syndrome is urgently syetem.

Moreover, the immune GSH Glutathoone can lead to immune system failure and make the end organs in danger of oxidative stress-mediated imune needs to be explained. The disturbed redox homeostasis leading to accumulation Glutathine reactive oxygen species ROS is a common feature in wystem conditions associated Glutathione immune system COVID Miripour GGlutathione al.

Interestingly, Glytathione patients with severe COVID Electrolytes and osmolarity and high mortality risk have low basal GSH levels Khanfar and Kale salad recipes Qaroot, that could explain an ominous outcome.

Several studies pointed out that GSH and the enzymes associated with the GSH pathway are involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID disease. Combined Glutayhione S-transferase GST P1 rs and rs and GSTM3 genotypes showed cumulative risk aystem both occurrence sysetm severity of COVID Coric et al.

COVID patients with the GSTT1-null genotype immube higher mortality Saadat, ; Abbas et al. Diabetic COVID patients have high cellular oxidative stress, evidenced by decreased extracellular superoxide dismutase 3 levels Kumar D. Kidney bean meal ideas glutathione S-transferase P1 levels are associated with higher mortality in COVID patients, and high levels of Carbohydrates and training adaptations S-transferase P1 possibly immuje protection for cellular redox reactions in Glutathioe COVID infection, preventing deterioration especially imnune patients with sytsem like diabetes Kumar D.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS is considered sysgem a Pregnancy diet guidelines cause of death in COVID disease Gralinski and Baric, Glutathone Quan et al. Kale salad recipes GGlutathione and oxidative stress are the main participants in the development of Zystem during respiratory Citrus aurantium and cardiovascular health infections Meftahi et Bone density exercises. SARS-CoV-2 immuen generates massive ROS production and the excessive oxidative damage is responsible for cytokine storm, undermined Glutafhione, tissue Glutatihone and severe lung disease Glytathione ARDS and death Silvagno et Natural remedy for indigestion. Therefore, augmenting tissue GSH levels may lower COVID eystem and mortality rates.

Shstem age, a consequence of aging, is one immun the most important Glutathkone factors sustem SARS-CoV-2 infection and development of COVID imumne.

Aging is directly related to the damage systemm by free radicals, particularly ROS causing oxidative stress Sies, immunee Baş, Endothelial cells play a fundamental role in chronic oxidative stress and the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis Glutathione immune system lung injury, principal complications of SARS-CoVmediated tissue and organ dysfunction Combining diet and performance et al.

Excess mitochondrial ROS production, causes cellular Combining diet and performance stress, sustains mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS production and perpetuates inflammation Chang et al.

SARS-CoV-2 can Glutathiome mitochondrial ROS production, especially in older individuals having ROS overproduction, enhancing oxidative stress and promoting endothelial dysfunction, cardiovascular disease and lung injury.

The ROS-mediated kmmune is further enhanced in older individuals since during aging, GSH levels appear to immund in numerous tissues, thereby placing cells at increased risk of stress-related death Immunee, Low GSH Essential oils for pregnancy aging is immmune with lower immune of GSH precursors, mainly cysteine, and lower GSH synthesis evidencing diminished function of nuclear factor sysfem 2—related factor 2 Nrf2 -dependent inductive mechanisms that enhance glutamate cysteine ligase expression, rate limiting factor for the synthesis of GSH McCarty and DiNicolantonio, All COVID risk factors are associated with reduced GSH levels Figure 1.

We will discuss the life-sustaining importance of GSH, its relationship with oxidative stress, as well as its synthesis and catabolism, its biological functions and the paramount relevance of GSH in the immune system especially the innate immune systemin reducing COVID severity and mortality, and the antiviral capabilities of GSH to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and multiorgan failure secondary to a cytokine storm in COVID disease.

Figure 1. Factors causing endogenous glutathione GSH deficiency and GSH deficiency-mediated mechanisms contributing to coronavirus disease 19 COVID pathogenesis and outcomes. The top part of the figure shows potential GSH deficiency-mediated mechanisms that could influence clinical manifestations and outcomes in COVID disease.

Modified from Polonikov Oxidative stress is a fundamental concept in biology introduced by the first time by Sies The prooxidant oxidative stress imbalance needs an antioxidant system able to balance it and the principal role in antioxidant defense is carried out by antioxidant enzymes, with the paramount involvement of small-molecule antioxidant compounds like GSH.

Oxidative stress responses clarified the functioning of central principal switches like nuclear factor NF -κB NFκB or the Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 Keap1 -Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor2 Nrf2 -antioxidant response element ARE redox regulator pathway Sies, ; Yamamoto et al.

Under oxidative stress and induced by excessive ROS generation, Nrf2 is released from its inhibitor Keap1, allowing its translocation into the nucleus Kasprzak et al. Nrf2 also regulates the expression of genes that control inflammatory and immune system responses Kasprzak et al.

The presence of Nrf2 and its inhibitor Keap1 in plasma is associated with damaged vascular endothelial cell- macrophage-and other cell-associated leakage secondary to the loss of cell membrane integrity due to lipid peroxidation following chronic inflammation and oxidative stress Kasprzak et al.

Continuous oxidative stress can lead to chronic inflammation, intense cytokine release and a cytokine storm as seen in SARS-CoV-2 infection in COVID disease, and the viral infection enhances oxidative stress creating a fatal vicious circle between oxidative stress and cytokine storm during COVID infection Delgado-Roche and Mesta, ; Meftahi et al.

Oxidative stress plays a prominent role in innate immunity being closely involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection Kozlov et al. The role of oxidative stress in the COVID disease may involve recognition of the viral S-protein by angiotensin converting enzyme-2 ACE2 receptor and pattern recognition receptors like toll-like receptors 2 and 4, and activation of transcription factors like nuclear factor kappa B, that subsequently activate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate NADPH oxidase NOX expression succeeded by ROS production Kozlov et al.

Interestingly, excessive ROS production and oxidative stress raises the binding affinity of the spike protein for the human ACE2 receptor Hati and Bhattacharyya, ; Fossum et al.

Thus, excessive production of ROS mediates hyper-inflammation and generation of cytokine storm that directly determine both ARDS development and ARDS course severity.

ROS are a necessary defense system to combat microbial respiratory infections Lambeth,but oxidative stress and the excessive production of ROS by numerous cells including monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, as well as pulmonary endothelial and epithelial cells play a major role in the development of ARDS and its complications during COVID infections Meftahi et al.

SARS-CoVmediated NET release can promote lung epithelial cell death unravelling a detrimental role of NETs in the pathophysiology of COVID disease Veras et al.

Extensive persistent inflammation even when SARS-CoVinfected cells are only sporadically present at late stages of COVID Schurink et al. Neutrophilia causes excessive ROS production that aggravates the host immunopathological response, leading to a more severe disease Laforge et al.

In addition to the neutrophil infiltration and ROS release, viral infections decrease antioxidant defenses. They inhibit Nrf2 translocation into the nucleus and enhance NFκB activation promoting inflammation and oxidative damage Laforge et al.

Nrf2 is the principal transcription factor in charge of protecting cells from oxidative stress through the regulation of cytoprotective genes, including the antioxidant GSH pathway, that controls GSH homeostasis by affecting de novo synthesis. It has been shown that Nrf2 modulates the GSH redox state via glutathione reductase regulation.

Overall, Nrf2 is fundamental for the sustenance of the GSH redox state through glutathione reductase transcriptional regulation and for cell protection against oxidative stress Harvey et al. The overwhelming dominance of ROS generated by enzymes like NADPH oxidases and xanthine oxidase over antioxidants like superoxide dismutase causes cell injury and tissue damage through direct injury, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation leading to protease release and antioxidant and antiprotease enzyme inactivation as well as alteration of transcription factors activator protein-1 and NFκB.

All these changes lead to cytokine storm characterized by increased expression and release of proinflammatory cytokines that participate in the pathogenesis of ARDS during virus respiratory infections like COVID Proinflammatory cytokines further stimulate ROS overproduction aggravating ARDS and lung damage causing a vicious circle between oxidative stress and cytokine storm.

In response to a viral infection, activated cells have enhanced production of the NOX family of NADPH oxidases Brandes et al. The presence of oxidative stress markers like lipid peroxidation, neutrophil reverse trans-endothelial migration rTEM and high neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in patients with COVID, facilitates identification of high-risk individuals early in the course of the disease preventing their sudden deterioration Laforge et al.

Furthermore, increased ACE2 expression in alveolar type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages of individuals with severe SARS-CoV-2 disease ARDS with diffuse alveolar damage requiring mechanical ventilation Baker et al.

Glutathione is fundamental to sustain an adequate function of the immune system, particularly affecting the lymphocyte activity since low GSH levels inhibit T-cell proliferation and immune response Dröge and Breitkreutz, ; Ghezzi, ; Moro-García et al.

GSH depletion is strongly associated with impaired immune function and with disease development including viral diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and diabetes Sinha et al.

GSH is essential for immunomodulation of both innate and adaptive immune system functions, including T-lymphocyte proliferation, polymorphonuclear neutrophil phagocytosis, and dendritic cell functions, and is also important for fine-tuning the innate immune response to infection and for the first step of adaptive immunity involving antigen-presenting cell macrophages, dendritic cells -related antigen presentation Morris et al.

GSH works to modulate the behavior of many immune cells, augmenting both, innate immunity and trained innate immunity or innate immune memory; Netea et al.

Persistent and uncontrolled oxidative stress and exacerbating NLRP3 NOD- LRR- and pyrin domain-containing protein 3 inflammasome activation during severe COVID disease Lage et al. Many antioxidant molecules, such as GSH and N-acetylcysteine NACwere found to inhibit viral replication through different mechanisms of action Fraternale et al.

Cell-mediated immunity primarily needs protein antigen degradation in the endocytic vesicles of antigen presenting cells macrophages, dendritic cellsto be able to present smaller peptides on the cell surface through major histocompatibility complex antigens to activate antigen-specific T cell proliferation.

One of the initial steps in antigen degradation and processing is the reduction of disulfide bonds, that requires GSH; and although GSH inhibits production of most inflammatory cytokines, it is needed to keep an adequate interferon gamma production by dendritic cells, essential for intracellular pathogen host defense Ghezzi, ; Lee and Ashkar, ; Calder, ; Fraternale et al.

The principal function of endogenous GSH is not to limit inflammation but to fine-tune the innate immune response to infection Diotallevi et al. GSH is capable of scavenging ROS through Nrf2-mediated heme oxygenase-1 induction and enhancing M1-like macrophage polarization regulation, showing that GSH may be a useful strategy to increase the human defense system Mittal et al.

Strategies to enhance intracellular GSH levels such as supplementation of additional sources of cysteine Deneke and Fanburg, ; Dröge et al. The GSH and NAC digestive degradation occurring during oral treatments lead to consider GSH and NAC nebulization as a viable alternative to manage early stages of COVID disease Santos Duarte Lana et al.

GSH increases activation of cytotoxic T cells in vivoand adequate functioning of T lymphocytes and other cells depends upon cellular supplies of cysteine Edinger and Thompson, ; Garg et al. Cells acquire cysteine mainly by macrophage and lymphocyte uptake, and impaired immune responses are associated with a reduction in GSH concentration Dröge and Breitkreutz, ; Edinger and Thompson, ; Garg et al.

GSH is of paramount importance for the appropriate function of the immune system in general and particularly lymphocytes since low GSH levels inhibit T lymphocytes proliferation and subsequently disturbs the immune response Hamilos et al.

The decreased immune response could be reversed by the administration of N-acetylcysteine Atkuri et al. Low GSH levels inhibit interleukin-2 production, which induces lymphocyte proliferation Chang et al.

T-cell function can be recuperated following administration of GSH precursors like N-acetyl cysteine and cysteine Dröge and Breitkreutz, ; Ghezzi, ; Aquilano et al.

GSH depletion is needed for apoptosis to be triggered in the lymphocytes regardless of ROS Franco et al. In order to induce T lymphocyte apoptosis, GSH must be pumped out of the cells Franco and Cidlowski,; Franco et al.

The GSH effects on apoptosis and inhibition of T-cell proliferation could explain why patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID disease develop lymphopenia and subsequent failure of the immune system Khanfar and Al Qaroot, A way to explain cell death associated with reduced levels of GSH is ferroptosis, a unique iron-dependent form of non-apoptotic cell death, characterized by lipid peroxidation with ROS accumulation due to GSH peroxidase inactivation and high levels of GSH consumption; ferroptosis has been proposed to be involved in COVIDrelated brain injury Zhang et al.

Immune system failure could lead to uncontrolled replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, secondary infections and continuous shedding of the virus in patients who die from COVID regardless of the time passed from the start of the infection Ruan et al.

Several viral infections, and the progression of virus-induced diseases, especially those associated with COVID, are characterized by an alteration in the intracellular redox balance Polonikov, Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between increased ROS production and reduced cellular antioxidant capabilities.

This imbalance disallows reactive intermediate detoxification by the cell biological systems. ROS production and associated inflammation are closely related to aging and numerous chronic diseases as diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, known risk factors for developing severe illness and death in patients with SARS-CoV-2 and COVID disease.

Figure 2. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 SARS-CoV-2 pulmonary infection, oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses.

Infected cells activate nuclear factor NF -κB and release cytokines like interleukin IL

: Glutathione immune system

Glutathione helps fortify immune system against the coronavirus LPS, lipopolysaccharide; BSO, buthionine sulfoximine. Chest , — In the immune system the protective activity of GSH is two-fold — it enhances the activity of immune cells and also functions as an antioxidant within them. Nat Rev Immunol — Role of selenium in viral infections with a major focus on SARS-CoV Food Biochem. Total RNA was extracted by using the miRNeasy system and protocol QIAGEN.
Glutathione and immune function A role for selenium-dependent GPX1 in SARS-CoV-2 virulence. Antiox Redox Signal 18, — Rationale for the role of heparin and related GAG Antithrombotics in COVID infection. The effects of stress and aging on glutathione metabolism. SARS-CoV-2 markedly decreases the levels of cellular thiols, essentially lowering the reduced form of GSH; and the use of antivirals that enhance activation of the Nrf2 transcription factor together with N-acetylcysteine administration restore GSH levels correcting the SARS-CoVmediated impaired GSH metabolism Aquilano et al. Increased nuclear factor-κB NF-κB activity enhances interleukin IL -6 secretion and cytokine storm, while decreased nuclear NF-κB allows activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor2 Nrf2 -dependent antioxidant genes and enzyme transcription HO-1, NQO-1, and others ; Nrf2 inhibition of M1 and upregulation of M2 induced genes; decreased pro-inflammatory and increased anti-inflammatory cytokine expression; and decreased cytokine storm.
What is a Pathogen?

Of note, these genes were also upregulated by BSO alone. Interestingly, among the genes upregulated by LPS and decreased by BSO Group 2 , we found genes important in innate immunity and inflammation il1b, Irf7, Irf9, Mx2, Oas2, Oas3, Ptgs2 , as well as the secreted l -phenylalanine oxidase, il4i1.

None of these genes were affected by BSO alone. The list of the top 15 transcripts most affected by BSO among those downregulated by LPS is available as Table S1 in Supplementary Material. The general functions of the four groups of genes differentially regulated by GSH depletion and LPS were then analyzed using DAVID to identify the enriched GO:BP categories and KEGG pathways For this purpose, we combined the list of differentially expressed genes at 2 and 6 h.

Figure 4 shows the KEGG and GO:BP categories overrepresented in each of the four groups. Only categories that included three or more genes are shown. The analysis confirms that Group 1 included genes associated with the response to oxidative stress.

Group 2 included genes associated with immune response, inflammation, and antiviral host defense such as interferon IFN and toll-like receptor TLR signaling. Figure 4. Enriched functional categories in the four groups of genes differentially regulated by LPS and BSO.

The lists of genes in the four groups at 2 and 6 h were combined and the overrepresented GO biological process GO:BP categories white bars and KEGG pathways gray bars were obtained by DAVID analysis.

All categories identified by DAVID for Groups 1—4 are reported. BSO, buthionine sulfoximine; GO:BP, gene ontology biological process; LPS, lipopolysaccharide.

Among the genes whose expression was inhibited by LPS Groups 3 and 4 , only few mapped to some functional category. Group 3 included genes associated with xenobiotics metabolism such as GSH transferases mu 1—4 and cytochrome P The only genes that were part of a functional category in Group 4 were C1q components.

To identify possible common molecular mechanisms responsible for the differential regulation by BSO of the LPS-induced genes in Groups 1 and 2, we performed an unbiased analysis for the overrepresented TF-binding sites using oPOSSUM software In Group 1 Figure 5 A , the TF results in the highest Fisher score and a high number of target genes was NFE2L2 nrf2 , whose main function is the response to oxidative stress, thus confirming the results obtained with DAVID.

In Group 2 Figure 5 B , the TF that had the highest score was NF-kB with its various subunits. Figure 5. The number in parentheses indicates the number of transcripts that map to each TF. TF, transcription factor. We thus manually searched our dataset for the expression of known NF-kB target genes.

However, only 8 out of 87 at 2 h and 4 out of at 6 h were downregulated by BSO. Thus, because only a very small percentage of NF-kB target genes induced by LPS are in Group 2 downregulated by BSO , we could rule out that BSO acts simply by downregulating NF-kB. Microarray results were validated by RT-qPCR for 11 genes Figures 6 and 7.

Ten genes were selected from Groups 1 or 2, at 2 and 6 h. Since we have a specific interest in this gene, it was selected for validation by RT-qPCR. Figure 6. PCR validation of the microarray data at 2 h. Data are expressed as fold change vs one of the respective control samples. For each experimental group, the mean is also shown.

PCR, polymerase chain reaction. Figure 7. PCR validation of the microarray data at 6 h. We performed validation in two sets of samples: one with the same RNA used for the microarray experiment qPCR1 and one with RNA from an entirely independent experiment qPCR2.

For all 11 genes tested, PCR confirmed the differential expression detected by microarray analysis both at 2 and 6 h Figures 6 and 7 , respectively.

In the second experiment, at 2 h results were confirmed for five out of seven genes, including il1b, Irf9, Mx2, Il4i1, and Srxn1; at 6 h, three genes out of four were validated including Prdx1, Nos2, and Slc7a Interestingly, by RT-qPCR we could find a statistically significant inhibitory effect of BSO on LPS-induced Nos2, which did not pass the correction for multiple comparisons; this is not surprising, since the false discovery rate correction, being more conservative, can generate false negatives.

We decided to show the more reliable results obtained in the two independent experiments assayed by PCR Figure 7 ; however, for consistency, Nos2 was not included in any subsequent analysis functional analysis, TF analysis , and is not listed in File S1 in Supplementary Material.

We wondered whether the GSH requirement in the induction of genes in the IFN response pathway in Group 2 was biologically relevant. Therefore, we investigated the effect of LPS on PR8 influenza virus infection in RAW cells in which GSH had been depleted by BSO.

As shown in Figure 8 , when cells were infected with PR8, LPS reduced infection, in terms of intracellular viral protein production; influenza nucleoprotein NP, the most expressed among the viral proteins was significantly decreased in cells pretreated with LPS.

However, the effect of LPS was not observed in GSH-depleted cells. Although, as reported previously, BSO alone increased NP production 21 , the treatment with both LPS and BSO induced a further significant increase.

Figure 8. LPS activation of antiviral innate immunity is dependent on GSH. A Western blot for influenza virus proteins in RAW cells infected with PR8 or uninfected, after LPS treatment, with and without GSH depletion. β-Actin was used as loading control. B Levels of NP viral protein in RAW cells pretreated with LPS, with and without GSH depletion.

GSH, glutathione; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NP, nucleoprotein. We next asked the question whether the inhibitory effect of GSH on Group 1 genes, as revealed by the upregulation by BSO, might be due to its ROS-scavenging antioxidant action. To answer this, we first investigated whether the induction of Group 1 genes by LPS was inhibitable by the thiol antioxidant NAC.

Second, to investigate whether ROS generation induced by LPS could have a role in the induction of Group 1 genes, we asked whether a ROS-generating agent menadione would reproduce the effect of LPS. As shown in Figure 9 , NAC did not alter the induction of selected Group 1 genes Srx1, Prdx1, Slc7a On the other hand, all these genes were induced by menadione alone.

Figure 9. Effect of NAC and menadione on Group 1 left and Group 2 right genes. Menadione Men was added at 10 µM for 2 h. Gene expression was measured by qPCR. Data are expressed as fold change vs one of the control samples, and are the mean ± SD of six biological replicates from two independent experiments.

LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NAC, N -acetyl- l -cysteine; qPCR, quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The same experimental framework was used to study the relevance of the ROS scavenging properties of GSH in its permissive role for the induction of Group 2 genes.

Opposite to what observed with Group 1 genes, menadione by itself was unable to regulate the expression of any of Group 2 genes measured. This study supports the view that endogenous GSH plays a pivotal role for the establishment of the innate immune responses to viruses, possibly acting as a signaling molecule with a mechanism different from simple scavenging of ROS.

The fact that the vast majority of transcripts were unaffected by BSO is also an indirect confirmation that, within the concentrations and incubation times used, BSO does not have significant toxic or non-specific effects. The observation that GSH depletion does not exacerbate the transcription of inflammatory genes, at least in our experimental conditions, might seem at variance with the existing literature starting from pioneering paper by Schreck et al.

However, most of that evidence is based on in vitro or in vivo experiments using exogenously administered thiol antioxidants or pro-oxidants. What our data do not support is the extrapolation of evidence from those experiments to the conclusion that GSH is an endogenous anti-inflammatory molecule through its ROS-scavenging activity.

In fact, previous reports noted that exogenous GSH or its precursor NAC inhibits the production and expression of TNF, IL-6, and IL-8 by LPS-stimulated macrophages in the absence of any significant change in intracellular GSH The results reported here are also in agreement with our previous studies where we observed that there are more H 2 O 2 -induced genes that require GSH for their upregulation than genes whose induction by H 2 O2 is exacerbated by GSH depletion Interestingly, in that study using human monocytic cells, many of the H 2 O 2 -induced genes for which GSH had a facilitatory role were related to immunity In addition, the only LPS-induced transcripts mapping to innate immunity in their functional annotation were inhibited, rather than upregulated, by GSH depletion Group 2 genes.

Not only innate immunity genes in Group 2 require GSH for their induction but also they were not induced by ROS alone using menadione as a ROS-generating chemical and their LPS induction was not inhibited by NAC, ruling out the possibility that ROS act as signaling molecules in their induction by LPS.

The only exception was il1b whose LPS induction was inhibited by NAC but was also inhibited by GSH depletion, suggesting that GSH is important for IL-1b induction by LPS but possibly not through an antioxidant mechanism because i exogenous NAC and endogenous GSH appear to have an opposite role, and ii an oxidant alone does not induce IL-1b expression.

In line with these findings, it has been shown that molecules altering intracellular thiol content with different mechanisms i. The innate immune response is also important for antiviral defense and activation of TLR4 leads to induction of antiviral proteins including IFNs and IFN-related genes 27 , 28 such as MxA and Oas 29 , Our data, although obtained in a model where infectivity was low, suggest that GSH is important for the activation of an antiviral response.

This happens without affecting inflammatory genes, except for IL-1b whose induction was also facilitated by the presence of GSH. There is evidence for a fine-tuning of TLR signaling 31 , and these data indicate that GSH may be important in directing it toward specific small patterns of genes implicated in host defense rather than toward those responsible for the inflammatory response, as outlined in Figure Figure GSH fine-tuning of TLR4 signaling.

GSH orients the TLR4-mediated changes in gene expression profile toward activation of host defense. GSH, glutathione; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; TLR4, toll-like receptor 4.

The behavior of genes in Group 1 is what one would expect. They include enzymes for GSH synthesis and antioxidant enzymes such as Prdx1, Srxn1, and Hmox. All these genes map to nrf2, a master regulator of redox homeostasis Their regulation by BSO is in accordance with the hypothesis that endogenous GSH acts as an ROS scavenger because menadione induces their expression.

However, NAC did not inhibit their induction by LPS, suggesting that LPS induces nrf2 target gene expression independently of the increase in ROS production.

This agrees with a recent study by Cuadrado et al. showing that LPS can activate nrf2 via the small GTPase RAC1, independently of ROS In this picture, endogenous GSH might be important through other mechanisms than just scavenging ROS.

In fact, nrf2 activation is dependent on oxidation of its redox sensor, keap1. Several studies have indicated that activation of nrf2 by administration of electrophilic compounds has an anti-inflammatory effect and decreases LPS-induced transcription of other NF-kB target genes, including TNF, IL-1b, and IL-6, in RAW cells 35 , However, as mentioned earlier, in our experimental conditions in which nrf2 was likely activated by GSH depletion, as suggested by the increased expression of nrf2 target genes, we have not observed an effect on any inflammatory cytokine other than IL-1b.

Once again, the difference might be that we did not use exogenous electrophiles to induce nrf2. This highlights one point that is often overlooked. GSH is not just an antioxidant that participates in ROS elimination either via its direct ROS scavenging activity or as a substrate for GSH peroxidases but, like any other thiol including NAC, is also a reducing agent, as well as GSSG is a thiol oxidizing agent.

Therefore, these two molecular species, GSH and GSSG, can regulate biological pathways in a redox-dependent manner, independently of ROS scavenging.

In fact, protein glutathionylation is a major mechanism of redox regulation of immunity 10 , 37 , affecting the function of key proteins including NF-kB 38 , STAT3 39 , PKA 40 , TRAF3, and TRAF6 41 , as well as participating in the release of danger signals 42 , However, in this experimental model, the induction of host defense genes in Group 2 at least those shown in Figure 7 , il1b, Mx2, and Irf9 is inhibited by BSO, evidencing the need for GSH, but is not amplified by NAC, suggesting that scavenging LPS-induced ROS is not the main mechanism of action of endogenous GSH.

The finding that several genes that are important for the antiviral response, mostly part of IFN signaling pathways, including the antiviral proteins Oas and Mx2, require GSH for optimal induction by LPS adds knowledge to previous findings, indicating that GSH can inhibit viral infection 44 , 45 and that viral infection causes release of glutathionylated thioredoxin and Prdx There is a large body of evidence showing the importance of GSH in immunity, including antiviral immunity 47 , but so far this was ascribed to its action as ROS scavenger to inhibit oxidative stress.

The present study indicates that GSH has other important signaling roles independently of protection from oxidative stress, and its action may not be vicariated by another thiol antioxidant. However, to understand the validity of our conclusions to other models, one needs to bear in mind the limitations of this study that is investigating mRNAs in a cell line.

Future studies will need to measure the proteins of interest for instance, IL-1b to see whether the changes observed at the level of transcripts are reflected in changes in protein levels. To generalize the relevance of this mechanism, the observation will need to be confirmed in primary cells, including human cells, and possibly in vivo.

MD, PC, MM, IC, LC, FP, and KA performed experiments. AH, PG, KA, LC, MM, FP, and AP designed and supervised experiments. MD, PG, MM, FP, and PC wrote the paper.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

This work was supported by a fellowship program from Istituto Pasteur Italia——Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti to PC , PRIN CUP grant number B to AP , and RM Phillips Trust to PG. File S1. Transcripts in bold are those also significantly affected by BSO alone BSO vs control, with a cutoff of FC 1.

The log 2 -transformed gProcessed signals of the three biological replicates are shown. The FC between the two groups indicated is expressed as log 2 ratio. Limit alcohol consumption. We all know that alcohol consumption affects our liver. Cell death in the liver may be exacerbated by a deficiency in antioxidants, including glutathione.

This can lead to fatty liver disease. A study reported that glutathione is very effective when given to people with fatty liver disease intravenously, in high doses.

Eat an antioxidant-rich diet. Sulfur-rich foods, like: dietary proteins, such as beef, fish and poultry. cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, watercress and mustard greens can all boost antioxidant levels in the body.

Take a glutathione supplement. One of my most frequent supplement recommendations is liposomal glutathione. Almost everybody can benefit from a daily glutathione supplement.

Take Glutathione Boosting Supplements. Many other vitamins and minerals contribute to glutathione production in the body, including: Curcumin, N-acetylcysteine, Selenium, Silymarin, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Unless a live host comes along, they will eventually die. While not technically alive, viruses will not survive for long unless they find a host cell within a person, animal, or plant to live in.

Bacteria on the other hand, such as strep throat, is a sickness caused by Salmonella and Streptococcus bacteria are alive as a single cell organism, which can live on its own. Antigens are a molecular pattern found on the surface of pathogens, toxins, chemicals, and pollens made of proteins, polysaccharides, lipids or nucleic acids.

For each specific pathogen and disease it causes, the Antigen pattern is unique. The more scientific terminology is 'science pathogen-associated molecular patterns PAMPs. Antigens give the immune system a warning sign that a new foreign microbe has been found in the body and must deal with the potential threat.

Components of an antigen called epitopes are the regions where the antigen and the antibody connect on the pathogenic cell, a bit like a space docking station.

Image above: Illustration design of antibodies. B Cells B lymphocytes are white blood cells that produce antibodies to fight invader microbes or toxins pathogens after exposure to an antigen.

Invading microbes are produced from internal or external sources, i. the air we breathe, food we eat, or internal stress on the body. Antibodies contain a paratope, a small region at the antibody's tip that binds to the antigen epitope with high affinity.

This binding mechanism, a bit like a lock epitope and key paratope , or two puzzle pieces with the same unique pattern, enables them to interlock together. This process allows for the antibody B-cells to track the pathogen and prepare for a defence.

B-cells are each programmed to make only one specific antibody which can take up to several days to develop. For this reason, we can sometimes feel ill for several days as the army of antibodies builds. Humans generate billions, if not trillions of different antibodies over a lifetime, each capable of binding to a distinct epitope the docking station of an antigen.

The antibody recruits other defensive molecules and immune cells, like T-cells in the bloodstream, to make their way to the now marked invader. They all work together to neutralise the infection-causing pathogen. Once killed, it is then engulfed and digested by macrophage cells.

Macrophages are specialist, quite large, white blood cells which scavenge the body looking to remove dying or dead foreign bodies pathogens. The term 'macrophage' is formed from the Greek terms "makro" meaning big, and "phagein" meaning eat.

After the first exposure to a new microbe, the immune system learns and keeps a record of everyone it has ever defeated. If it appears again, it knows to defend against it, this time more swiftly, preventing you from feeling ill. Image above: T-Cell Immune Response.

T-cells are like the special armed services SAS , where a strong reaction is needed to deal with a specific foreign antigen for maintaining effective immunity. T-cells use cytokines cells as messenger molecules which aid cell to cell communication for ramping up its response to move cells towards sites of inflammation, infection and trauma.

There are two main T-Cell role types, 'Helper cells', which help activate B cells to produce antibodies. Or they can act as "Natural Killer Cells" NK , which directly attack and kill cells already infected by a foreign invader Pathogen.

When T-cells become active, they produce reactive oxygen species ROS.

The immune system works best if the lymphoid cells have immnue delicately Gluathione intermediate Glutathine of glutathione. Imune moderate Kale salad recipes in the Gluyathione glutathione Sugar cravings and cravings management techniques have profound effects Glutathione immune system lymphocyte syetem. Certain functions, such as the Body toning transformation synthetic response, are exquisitely sensitive to reactive oxygen intermediates and, therefore, are favoured by high levels of the antioxidant glutathione. Certain signal pathways, in contrast, are enhanced by oxidative conditions and favoured by low intracellular glutathione levels. The available evidence suggests that the lymphocytes from healthy human subjects have, on average, an optimal glutathione level. There is no indication that immunological functions such as resistance to infection or the response to vaccination may be enhanced in healthy human subjects by administration of glutathione or its precursor amino acid cysteine.

Author: Maukinos

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