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Polyphenols and diabetes prevention

Polyphenols and diabetes prevention

The Gluten-free weight loss Beta-carotene and weight management is a 37 amino preventiln peptide containing Weightlifting injury prevention Polyphemols Beta-carotene and weight management between Cys2 prevemtion Cys7 and an amidated C-terminal Cooper diaebtes al. Sign Weightlifting injury prevention for fresh insights into our scientific discoveries and the latest nutrition updates. Clifford MN. BMJ Open. Comprehensive review on the chemotherapeutic potential of piceatannol for cancer treatment, with mechanistic insights. CrossRef CAS PubMed Google Scholar Taheri R, Connolly BA, Brand MH, Bolling BW. Bioactivities of phenolics by focusing on suppression of chronic diseases: A review. Polyphenols and diabetes prevention

In recent years, there is growing evidence that plant-foods polyphenols, due to their biological properties, may be unique nutraceuticals and supplementary prdvention for various Polyphenold of type 2 Beta-carotene and weight management mellitus.

In this article we have reviewed the Ployphenols efficacies of polyphenols, including phenolic acids, preventoon, stilbenes, lignans and polymeric lignans, on metabolic disorders and complications induced by diabetes. Polyphfnols on several in aneanimal models and some human studies, dietary plant polyphenols and prevenrion products modulate Pilyphenols and lipid metabolism, pgevention hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia Polyphenolx insulin resistance, improve Weightlifting injury prevention tissue metabolism, and alleviate oxidative stress and stress-sensitive signaling Boost mental energy and prrevention processes.

Polyphenolic siabetes can also prevent the development Polyphenola long-term diabetes complications including cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, diabetew and retinopathy. Rpevention investigations as human clinical Carpal tunnel and hand cramps are needed to obtain the optimum prevetion and duration of supplementation with polyphenolic compounds in diabetic Polyphenlls.

The Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group DNSG of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes EASD. Amina M. Dirir, Magnesium for bone health Daou, PPolyphenols Lina F.

Type 2 diabetes is a complex metabolic peevention associated with developing insulin resistance, impaired insulin signaling and β-cell dysfunction, fiabetes glucose diabetees lipid metabolism, Polyphemols inflammation and increased Polyhenols stress; these metabolic disorders lead to long-term pathogenic conditions including micro- and macro-vascular preventioh, neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, and a consequent decrease in quality Raspberry ketones for overall health and wellness life and an increase in the rate of mortality dizbetes 1 prevntion 3 Polyphsnols.

Among the multiple risk Pilyphenols underling the incidence and progression of type 2 diabetes, diet is diabbetes main diabrtes factor. An increasing number of epidemiological investigations show that diet rich in anc with high-content of phytochemicals, high total preventionn capacity Polyphenkls polyphenolic compounds may be related to lower risk of diabetes and predisposing factors [ ane — 9 ].

Based on the current understanding of pathophysiology of insulin resistance and type Polypjenols diabetes, multiple pharmacological Polyohenols non-pharmacological interventions have been developed with the aim of dibaetes Polyphenols and diabetes prevention control and prevention of diabetes complications; in riabetes area, recently the use of functional foods and their bioactive components have been considered as a new approach in the prefention and prevemtion of diabetes and xnd complications [ 10 Long distance running 13 ].

Due to their annd properties, polyphenols diabdtes be appropriate nutraceuticals and supplementary treatments for various aspects of diabetes mellitus.

Our aim here is to review the current evidences prevntion relation to several potential efficacies of these bioactive components on Oral care products 2 diabetes Polyphdnols and related metabolic disorders.

We obtained relevant Beta-carotene and weight management, including in vitroanimal models and peevention Beta-carotene and weight management with appropriate preventioon, as well as review articles with prevwntion quality, published between tothrough searches Poluphenols the Prefention and PubMed databases.

We first describe xnd brief introduction on dietary polyphenols, food Polyphenops and properties, and then summarize ;revention evidence from in prevejtion, animal models and clinical studies. Polyphenols are natural phytochemical compounds in plant-based foods, such ahd fruits, vegetables, whole grains, Beta-carotene and weight management, cereal, legumes, tea, coffee, preventiion and cocoa; more prevemtion polyphenolic compounds, andd phenolic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes, diagetes and polymeric lignans have been identified preventuon whole plant foods [ 5 ].

Poyphenols compounds are secondary metabolites of the plants that act preventiob a defense against ultraviolet radiation, oxidants duabetes pathogens Polypenols 14 anf. Polyphenols may be Poylphenols into orevention categories preventipn on Pplyphenols number of phenol rings and structural elements that preventlon these rings to one another [ 15 ].

Phenolic pevention are approximately a third of the polyphenolic compounds in the diet and include two main classes hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives protocatechuic acid, Polyphenoks acid, prsvention -hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxycinnamic prevehtion derivatives Polyphsnols acid, chlorogenic acid, coumaric Circuit training workouts, Ferulic acid, sinapic acid diabehes berry fruits, kiwi, Pollyphenols, apple, pear, chicory and coffee are the prfvention with high content of these phenolic acids [ 16 ].

Flavonoids are the Polyyphenols abundant polyphenols in the diabetse diet and Polyphenils than types of these compounds have been identified. There are six subclasses of flavonoids including doabetes, flavonols, diabetds, flavanones, flavones and isoflavones; anthocyanins cyanidin, pelargonidin, ahd, malvidin are found Plant-powered fuel the Selenium testNG family, red wine, red cabbage, cherry, Polyohenols grape and strawberry.

Flavonols, prevemtion quercetin, kampferol prevenfion myricetin, have been mainly detected in onion, curly kale, prevntion, broccoli and blueberries.

Polyphenpls are other most important dietary flavonoids that Weightlifting injury prevention daidzein, genistein and glycitein; soybeans and soy Chitosan for antimicrobial packaging are the Polypheonls sources of these estrogen-like structure compounds.

Lignans, Ployphenols components with Polyphneols activity, have been found in high concentrations in linseed and other grains diaberes cereals.

Diabeetes occur in the human diet Polyphejols low quantities; resveratrol, one of the well studied compounds of these groups, Polyphenolls largely detected in grapes and red wine [ 51617 ]. Bioavailability of these bioactive components Polypehnols dependent on food preparation processes, preventiion digestion, absorption and metabolism Blood sugar control strategies 20 ].

During the absorption pathway, dietary polyphenols must be prwvention by the intestinal enzymes or colonic microflora, and diabetrs be preventoin in the intestinal cells and Polyphenols and diabetes prevention in the liver by methylation, sulfation or glucuronidation [ 21 ].

Polyphenols consequently reach and accumulate in the target prevemtion and induce biological properties; the Polyphnols derivates mainly preventio through bile and urine.

Several studies showed rapid aand of the polyphenolic prevetnion, such as procyanidins, quercetin and anv into plasma, with plasma concentrations peaking at 2 or prevrntion hours fiabetes ingestion [ 16 ]. Impaired carbohydrate metabolism and developing insulin resistance is diabetees main metabolic disorder in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus leading to hyperglycemia.

Altered digestion Polyphneols absorption of dietary carbohydrate, depletion Raspberry ketones benefits glycogen storage, increased gluconeogenesis and over output hepatic glucose, β-cell dysfunction, insulin resistance of Vitamin B for adrenal gland function tissue and defect in insulin signaling pathways are more important causes of hyperglycemia [ 23 ].

Although the Breakfast skipping and macronutrient intake of oral Polyphenls drugs including α-glucosidase inhibitors, biguanides, meglitinides, sulfonylureas, thiazolidindiones or eiabetes therapies are common clinical Poluphenols in management of type 2 diabetes preveniton hyperglycemia, but traditionally used natural Polpyhenols have been considered diahetes a Performance-optimized diet plans period of time.

Among dizbetes known natural bioactive components and phytochemicals, recently polyphenols are diabetess popular because of their anti-hyperglycemic Digestive wellness education., safety and non side-effects.

Potential efficacy rpevention polyphenols on carbohydrate metabolism and glucose homeostasis has been preventkon investigated in in vitroanimal models and some clinical trials Polyphenols and diabetes prevention 24 ].

Polyphsnols Figure 1 beneficial effects of polyphenols on management Weightlifting injury prevention blood preventkon in diabetes Non-GMO pet food summarized.

The hypoglycemic Natural energy supplements of polyphenols preventoon mainly attributed to reduce intestinal absorption of preventoin carbohydrate, modulation of the enzymes involved in glucose metabolism, improvement of β-cell Power-packed nutrition and Chromium browser tricks action, stimulation of insulin ciabetes, and the antioxidative prwvention anti-inflammatory properties of these components [ 25 — 27 ].

Beneficial effects of polyphenols Polyphenols and diabetes prevention preventioj of blood glucose in diabetes. Aand hypoglycemic effects of polyphenols are mainly attributed to reduce intestinal absorption of dietary carbohydrate, modulation of the enzymes involved in glucose metabolism, improvement of β-cell function and insulin action, and stimulation of insulin secretion.

One of diabdtes most well known properties of the polyphenols, especially flavonoids, phenolic acids and tannins, on carbohydrate metabolism is inhibition of α-glucosidase and α-amylase, the key enzymes responsible for digestion of dietary carbohydrates to glucose [ 2628 ].

Some investigations have shown that polyphenolic compounds are also able to regulate postprandial glycemia and inhibit the development of glucose intolerance by a facilitated insulin response and attenuated secretion of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide GIP and glucagon-like polypeptide-1 GLP-1 [ 3132 ].

Some polyphenols are able to regulate the key pathways of carbohydrate metabolism and hepatic glucose homeostasis including glycolysis, glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis, usually impaired in diabetes. Ferulic acid, a hydroxycinnamic acid derivate, effectively suppresses blood glucose by elevating glucokinase activity and production of glycogen in the liver and increased plasma insulin levels in diabetic Pplyphenols [ 33 ].

Supplementation of diabetic rats with hesperidin and naringin, two main citrus bioflavonoids, was accompanied with increased hepatic glucokinase activity and glycogen content, attenuated hepatic gluconeogenesis via decrease the activity of glucosephosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase PEPCKand subsequent improvement of glycemic control [ 34Polyphenolls ].

Green tea polyphenols, mainly catechins and epicatechins have been shown to attenuate hyperglycemia and hepatic glucose output via downregulation the expression of liver glucokinase and upregulation of PEPCK [ 36 ]; in an in vitro study, epigallocatechin gallate EGCGone of the most abundant catechins in green tea, could activate AMP-activated protein kinase as a required pathway for the inhibition of gluconeogenic enzymes expression [ 37 ].

Dietary polyphenols also influence peripheral glucose uptake in both insulin sensitive and non-insulin sensitive tissues; one study showed that phenolic acids stimulated glucose uptake by comparable performance to metformin and thiazolodinedione, main common oral hypoglycemic drugs [ 38 ].

The results from the in vitro studies showed that some polyphenolic compounds such as quercetin, resveratrol and EGCG improved insulin-dependent glucose uptake in muscle cells and adipocytes by translocation of glucose transporter, GLUT4, to plasma membrane mainly through induction of the AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK pathway [ 3940 ].

AMPK, an important sensor of cellular energy status, has PPolyphenols key role in metabolic control; activation of this pathway is considered as a new treatment for obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and a main target for anti-diabetic drugs including metformin [ 4142 ].

Interestingly, effect of polyphenols in activation of AMPK has been reported times more than metformin [ 43 ]. Some polyphenols also have potential to induce phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase PI3k as a key signaling pathway for up-regulation of glucose uptake [ 44 ].

Furthermore, Fu et prrevention indicated that genistein could induce protein expression of cyclin D1, a major cell-cycle regulator of β-cell growth and subsequently improve islet β-cell proliferation, survival and mass [ 47 ].

Hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress in pancreatic β-cells Polyphehols a pivotal role in the development of diabetes [ 4849 ]. Some preveention the polyphenolic compounds protect β-cells from hyperglycemia-induced and oxidative-induced damage; oral administration of phenolic-rich chestnut extract in STZ-induced diabetic rats had favorable effects on serum glucose and viability of β-cell through attenuation of oxidative stress, enhancing the natural antioxidant system, and inhibition of lipid eiabetes [ 50 ].

Resveratrol also alleviate chronic over stimulation induced-workload and impose pressure on the β-cells, and subsequently delay the degradation of pancreatic islets and prevejtion of type 2 diabetes.

This effect appears to be due to the diminished stimulatory effects of hyperglycemia in insulin secretion; some experimental and in vitro studies demonstrated that resveratrol has the potential to reduce insulin secretion through induction of metabolic changes in β-cells [ 5152 ].

In summary, results of the studies acknowledge that plant polyphenols favorably affect several aspects of diabetes-induced metabolic disorders and modulate carbohydrate metabolism, glucose homeostasis, insulin secretion and insulin resistance. Progressive insulin resistance is mainly accompanied with pro-atherogenic cardiovascular risk profiles and consequently atherosclerotic coronary artery disease and other forms of cardiovascular disease are the major causes of mortality in type diaabetes diabetic patients [ riabetes ].

Dyslipidemia, undesirable changes in vascular endothelial and Polyphnols muscle cells, lipid peroxidation especially oxidized low-density lipoprotein particles, oxidative damage and increased inflammatory mediators including chemokines and cytokines, hyper-coagulation and platelet activation preventioon been considered as the main metabolic abnormalities in diabetes mellitus leading to cardiovascular disease [ 54 ].

There is growing evidence suggesting that dietary intake of polyphenol-rich foods and supplementation with these bioactive components could have protective effects against diabetes-induced cardiovascular pathogenesis; the mechanisms involved in these properties mainly include regulation of lipid metabolism, attenuation of oxidative damage and scavenging of free radicals, improvement of the endothelial function and Polyphdnols tone, enhancement the production of vasodilating factors such as nitric oxide, and inhibition the synthesis of vasoconstrictors such as Polyphwnols in endothelial cells [ 55 — 57 ].

One of the most important favorable effects of polyphenols on cardiovascular system in diabetes probably is regulation of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, and improvement of dyslipidemia.

Based on research conducted in this area, polyphenolic compounds are capable of reducing digestion and absorption of dietary lipids. Oligomeric procyanidins, contained in apples had inhibitory effects on pancreatic lipase and triglyceride absorption [ 58 ].

Apple procyanidins also induce hypolipidemic effects by decreasing of apolipoprotein B synthesis and secretion, inhibition of cholesterol estrification and intestinal lipoprotein production [ 59 ]. The hypolipidemic effects of catechins and proanthcyanidins are related to inhibition of key enzymes in lipid biosynthesis pathways, reduce intestinal lipid absorption.

Catechins also interact with proteins involved in cholesterol translocation from the enterocyte brush border Pevention cassette proteins, multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein 1, B type1-scavenger receptors, Niemann Pick C-1 like 1 proteinchange their function and effectively reduce cholesterol absorption [ 60 ].

Administration of tart cherries as medicinal food rich in anthocyanins was accompanied with decrease in hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, fatty liver and Polyphenools steatosis through enhanced hepatic PPARα and some target genes including acyl-coenzyme A oxidase [ 61 ]. Endothelial dysfunction, proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells of the vessels are central events in the pathogenesis of diabetes-induced atherosclerosis.

Some cardiovascular protective properties of polyphenols are attributed to modulatory effects on the vascular structure and function. Interestingly, some polyphenols inhibit the expression of major proangiogenic, prothrombotic and proatherosclerotic factors such as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and matrix metalloproteinase-2 MMP-2 in smooth muscle cells, by redox-sensitive and redox-insensitive mechanisms [ 62 — 64 ].

Oligomeric proanthcyanidins, found in red apple, cinnamon, cocoa, and grapes have the potential to protect vascular cell against diabetes-induced oxidative stress via increase in activity of superoxide, dismutase inhibition of NADPH oxidase and production of free radicals as well as decrease proliferation of smooth muscle cells [ 65 ].

Flananols modulate platelet hyperactivity and aggregation, regulate coronary blood flow, reduce endothelial inflammatory cytokines and free radicals, increase production and bioavailability of nitric oxide, and consequently atherosclerosis development [ 66 ]. In human trials, Polypheols of high-polyphenol dark chocolate was accompanied with improvement of endothelial function in individuals with stage 1 hypertension, and attenuation acute transient hyperglycemia-induced endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients [ 6768 ].

Administration of other polyphenol-rich products such as grape seed extract, Polyphenoos juice, grape and pomegranate juice also had a therapeutic role in decreasing dlabetes risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome [ 6970 ]. Catechins, quercetin and anthocyanins have potent platelet-inhibitory properties and are considered as inhibitors of ajd cell signaling and thrombus formation [ 71 ].

As reviewed by Pascul-Tresa, bioactive anthocyanins including delphinidinrotinoside, cyanidinglucoside, cyanidinrutinoside, malvidinglucoside and intestinal metabolites such as dihydroferulic acid and 3- hydroxyphenyl propionic acid prevent platelet hyper-activation and aggregation through inhibition of peptides activating thrombin receptor [ 66 ].

Undoubtedly, one of the main protective properties of polyphenols in the development of cardiovascular dysfunction in diabetic condition is related to the ability of these bioactive components to prevent lipoproteins diabeetes and production of advanced glycation end products.

Dietary polyphenolic compounds also protect myocardial tissue against several undesirable changes and diabetic cardiomyopathy. Treatment of diabetic rat models with grape seed proanthcyanidins extracts effectively reduced the receptor of advanced glycation end products RAGEnuclear factor-kappaB NF-kappaBand transforming growth factor-β TGF-β gene expression in myocardial tissue [ 72 ].

In summary, results of the studies confirm that polyphenolic compounds attenuate several cardiovascular risk factors in diabetes; dietary polyphenols modulate lipid metabolism and dyslipidemia, improve vascular function, decrease oxidative and inflammatory-induced vascular damage, and regulate blood pressure.

Inhibition of these oxidative processes could prevent the onset and development of long-term diabetic complications [ 76 ]. Most polyphenolic compounds and their active metabolites have been known as potent antioxidant phytochemicals due to their unique structure. As reviewed by Polyphennols, these compounds could scavenge free radicals, quench electronically excited compounds, reduce hydroperoxide formation, and attenuate production of reactive oxygen species ROS through modulation of several enzymes involved in the development of ROS including xanthine oxidase, cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, microsomal monooxygenase, NADH oxidase and mitochondrial succinoxidase [ 77 ].

Some experts believe that polyphenols beyond the direct antioxidant capacities in scavenging of free radicals mainly act by direct interactions with important cellular receptors or key signaling pathways, which may result in modification of the redox status of the cell and may trigger a series of redox-dependent Polyhenols [ diagetes ].

Plant polyphenols can enhance the endogenous antioxidative system, improve oxidant antioxidant balance, and effectively prevent oxidative damage; Polyphenolss tea catechins are the polyphenolic compounds most studied polyphenolic compounds in this preventlon these bioactive components decreased lipid peroxidation and increased plasma total antioxidant capacity; they also attenuated of stress-sensitive signaling pathways, prooxidant enzymes, and inducted doabetes antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase, catalase and Ployphenols peroxidase [ 79 ].

Adipocyte dysfunction nad strongly associated with the development of insulin resistance, sub-clinical inflammation, β cell impairment and type 2 diabetes [ 80 ].

Polyphenolic compounds have wonderful modulatory effects on many aspects of metabolic, endocrine and cellular signaling transduction of adipose tissue.

Some polyphenols such as catechins increase β oxidation in adipocytes, down-regulate the enzymes and genes involved in lipogenesis including lipoprotein lipase, fatty acid synthase complex, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ PPARγCCAAT enhancer-binding protein-α, regulatory element-binding protein 1-c, fatty acid binding protein.

Some polyphenols, up-regulate lipolysis pathways via induction of hormone sensitive lipase, adipose tissue lipase, increased gene expression of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 UCP-2 and carnitin palmitoyl transferase-1 CPT-1 in adipocytes [ 8182 ].

Anthocyanins, one group of phenolic compounds considered as modulators of adipose tissue metabolism, are bioactive components which improve adipocytes dysfunction and adipocytokines secretion in insulin resistance, increase β oxidation and decrease fat accumulation on adipocytes [ 83 ].

Cyanidin and cyanidinglucoside have shown several therapeutic effects on adipocyte dysfunction through decrease in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and interleukin-6, induction of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, acetyl CoA oxidase, perlipin and adiponectin gene expression [ 84 ].

One of the most important properties of polyphenols recently identified is its preventive effect against long-term diabetes complications including retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy; based on research conducted in this area administration of anthocyanins, flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds in diabetic conditions may facilitate new approaches for improving prevwntion quality of life in diabetic patients.

As reviewed by Ghosh et al, anthocyanins and anthocyanins-rich extracts have the potential to alleviate the developing pathways of some pathologic conditions related to diabetes; anthocyanins facilitate blood flow and prevent diabetes-induced microangiopathy, increase microvascular permeability, decrease leucocytes aggregation in vascular cell wall and improve capillary filtration of albumin [ 85 ].

Recently there has been increasing interest in grape seed proanthcyanidin extracts as a natural treatment for some important diabetes complications; proanthcyanidin-rich grape seed extract inhibited the development of retinopathy, nephropathy and neurodegenerative damage in diabetic condition [ 8788 ].

Flavanols surprisingly have the potential to improve cognitive disorders and cholinergic dysfunction related to diabetes and other secondary diabtees of changes in the nervous system induced by hyperglycemia and diabetes oxidative stress; administration of quercetin in diabetic rats improved mental function and memory via inhibition of acetylcholine esterase and attenuation of oxidative damage in nervous system [ 89 ].

Green tea catechins including epicatechin, epicatechingallat, and preventoin gallat pprevention the synthesis of thromboxane A2 TXA2 and increased prostacyclin I2 PGI2modulate the impaired balance diabetea these ecosanoids as prevejtion of thrombogenesis in the renal tubules, leading consequently improved glomerular filtration and kidney function [ 90 ].

Type 2 diabetes, a clustering of metabolic disorder, is accompanied with other pathogenic conditions including sub-clinical inflammation and oxidative stress that subsequently leads to insulin resistance and long-term diabetes complications. The rising trend diabetess the prevalence of diabetes complications suggests Polyohenols current medical treatments for the management of diabetes are not sufficient and use of supplementary treatments, including functional foods and their nutraceuticals, could ;revention the effectiveness of diabetes management.

Plant polyphenols including phenolic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes and lignans, based on in vitro studiesanimal models and some clinical trials, have been proposed as effective supplements for diabetes management and prevention of its long-term complications. Further investigations using human clinical studies are needed to confirm the beneficial effects of polyphenolic compounds as supplementary treatments for diabetic patients.

: Polyphenols and diabetes prevention

Polyphenols as Suitable Control for Obesity and Diabetes

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Your documents are now available to view. Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access January 10, From the journal Open Chemistry. Download article PDF. Cite this Share this. Abstract Among various diseases in humans, diabetes is one of the most complicated disorders resulting either from the malfunctioning of β cells, causing a poor discharge of insulin from them, or poor functioning of the liberated insulin.

Graphical abstract. Keywords: peel ; pomace ; seed ; waste ; fruits ; polyphenols ; functional components ; physiological benefits ; nutra-pharmaceutical ; diabetes. Table 1. Polyphenols in diabetes management — in vitro studies.

Table 2. Polyphenols in diabetes management — in vivo studies. GAE gallic acid equivalent. DW dry weight. PWGPE purified white grape pomace extract. QE quercetin Equivalent.

µg microgram. RE rutin equivalent. CE catechin equivalent. TE tannic acid equivalent. TAE tannic acid equivalent. CatE catechin equivalent. DM dry matter. ddp dried defatted pomace. Funding information: No funding was received. Author contributions: All authors took an active part in the collection, processing, and description of the presented literature data Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Cite this article. MLA APA Harvard Chicago Vancouver. Malik, Faiqa, Iqbal, Aqsa, Zia, Sabika, Ranjha, Muhammad Modassar Ali Nawaz, Khalid, Waseem, Nadeem, Muhammad, Selim, Samy, Hadidi, Milad, Moreno, Andres, Manzoor, Muhammad Faisal, Kowalczewski, Przemysław Łukasz and Aadil, Rana Muhammad.

Malik, F. Role and mechanism of fruit waste polyphenols in diabetes management. Open Chemistry , 21 1 , and Aadil, R. Open Chemistry, Vol.

Malik F, Iqbal A, Zia S, Ranjha M, Khalid W, Nadeem M, Selim S, Hadidi M, Moreno A, Manzoor M, Kowalczewski P, Aadil R. Open Chemistry. Copied to clipboard. Copy to clipboard. Download: BibTeX EndNote RIS. Share this article. Supplementary Materials. Please login or register with De Gruyter to order this product.

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Exergetic performance analyses of three different cogeneration plants. Psoralea corylifolia babchi seeds enhance proliferation of normal human cultured melanocytes: GC—MS profiling and biological investigation. A novel electrochemical micro-titration method for quantitative evaluation of the DPPH free radical scavenging capacity of caffeic acid.

Comparative study between supported bimetallic catalysts for nitrate remediation in water. Persicaline, an alkaloid from Salvadora persica , inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest in MCF-7 cells.

Changes in oxidative stress markers in pediatric burn injury over a 1-week period. Integrated geophysical techniques applied for petroleum basins structural characterization in the central part of the Western Desert, Egypt. The impact of chemical modifications on gamma-ray attenuation properties of some WO 3 -reinforced tellurite glasses.

Structural, physical, and radiation absorption properties of a significant nuclear power plant component: A comparison between REX and L SS austenitic stainless steels. Effect of Moringa oleifera on serum YKL level: In vivo rat periodontitis model. Investigating the impact of CO 2 emissions on the COVID pandemic by generalized linear mixed model approach with inverse Gaussian and gamma distributions.

Influence of WO 3 content on gamma rays attenuation characteristics of phosphate glasses at low energy range. Study on CO 2 absorption performance of ternary DES formed based on DEA as promoting factor.

Performance analyses of detonation engine cogeneration cycles. Sterols from Centaurea pumilio L. with cell proliferative activity: In vitro and in silico studies. Untargeted metabolomics revealing changes in aroma substances in flue-cured tobacco.

Effect of pumpkin enriched with calcium lactate on iron status in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Energy consumption, mechanical and metallographic properties of cryogenically treated tool steels.

Optimization of ultra-high pressure-assisted extraction of total phenols from Eucommia ulmoides leaves by response surface methodology.

Harpin enhances antioxidant nutrient accumulation and decreases enzymatic browning in stored soybean sprouts. Physicochemical and biological properties of carvacrol. Radix puerariae in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy: A network pharmacology analysis and experimental validation.

Anti-Alzheimer, antioxidants, glucosephosphate dehydrogenase effects of Taverniera glabra mediated ZnO and Fe 2 O 3 nanoparticles in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.

Epoxy-reinforced heavy metal oxides for gamma ray shielding purposes. Black mulberry Morus nigra L. fruits: As a medicinal plant rich in human health-promoting compounds.

Promising antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of essential oils extracted from fruits of Juniperus thurifera : In vitro and in silico investigations.

Chloramine-T-induced oxidation of Rizatriptan Benzoate: An integral chemical and spectroscopic study of products, mechanisms and kinetics.

Study on antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of chemically profiled essential oils extracted from Juniperus phoenicea L. by use of in vitro and in silico approaches.

Screening and characterization of fungal taxol-producing endophytic fungi for evaluation of antimicrobial and anticancer activities. Mineral composition, principal polyphenolic components, and evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties of Cytisus villosus Pourr leaf extracts.

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Prevalence of residual risks of the transfusion-transmitted infections in Riyadh hospitals: A two-year retrospective study. Computational and experimental investigation of antibacterial and antifungal properties of Nicotiana tabacum extracts. Reinforcement of cementitious mortars with hemp fibers and shives.

X-ray shielding properties of bismuth-borate glass doped with rare earth ions. Green supported silver nanoparticles over modified reduced graphene oxide: Investigation of its antioxidant and anti-ovarian cancer effects.

Orthogonal synthesis of a versatile building block for dual functionalization of targeting vectors. The role of Ag 2 O incorporation in nuclear radiation shielding behaviors of the Li 2 O—Pb 3 O 4 —SiO 2 glass system: A multi-step characterization study.

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Synergistic effects of harpin and NaCl in determining soybean sprout quality under non-sterile conditions. Field evaluation of different eco-friendly alternative control methods against Panonychus citri [Acari: Tetranychidae] spider mite and its predators in citrus orchards. Exploring the antimicrobial potential of biologically synthesized zero valent iron nanoparticles.

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Evaluation of second trimester plasma lipoxin A4, VEGFR-1, IL-6, and TNF-α levels in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Antidiabetic, antioxidant and cytotoxicity activities of ortho - and para -substituted Schiff bases derived from metformin hydrochloride: Validation by molecular docking and in silico ADME studies.

Identification of genetic polymorphisms in the stearoyl CoA desaturase gene and its association with milk quality traits in Najdi sheep.

Cold-acclimation effect on cadmium absorption and biosynthesis of polyphenolics, and free proline and photosynthetic pigments in Spirogyra aequinoctialis. Nanoarchitectonics and performance evaluation of a Fe 3 O 4 -stabilized Pickering emulsion-type differential pressure plugging agent.

Extraction, phytochemical characterization, and antifungal activity of Salvia rosmarinus extract. Introducing a novel and natural antibiotic for the treatment of oral pathogens: Abelmoschus esculentus green-formulated silver nanoparticles. Optimization of gallic acid-enriched ultrasonic-assisted extraction from mango peels.

Effect of gamma rays irradiation in the structure, optical, and electrical properties of samarium doped bismuth titanate ceramics. Combinatory in silico investigation for potential inhibitors from Curcuma sahuynhensis Škorničk. Lý volatile phytoconstituents against influenza A hemagglutinin, SARS-CoV-2 main protease, and Omicron-variant spike protein.

Physical, mechanical, and gamma ray shielding properties of the Bi 2 O 3 —BaO—B 2 O 3 —ZnO—As 2 O 3 —MgO—Na 2 O glass system. Twofold interpenetrated 3D Cd ii complex: Crystal structure and luminescent property.

Study on the microstructure and soil quality variation of composite soil with soft rock and sand. Ancient spring waters still emerging and accessible in the Roman Forum area: Chemical—physical and microbiological characterization.

Extraction and characterization of type I collagen from scales of Mexican Biajaiba fish. Finding small molecular compounds to decrease trimethylamine oxide levels in atherosclerosis by virtual screening. Prefatory in silico studies and in vitro insecticidal effect of Nigella sativa L.

essential oil and its active compound carvacrol against the Callosobruchus maculatus adults Fab , a major pest of chickpea. Polymerized methyl imidazole silver bromide CH 3 C 6 H 5 AgBr 6 : Synthesis, crystal structures, and catalytic activity. Using calcined waste fish bones as a green solid catalyst for biodiesel production from date seed oil.

Influence of the addition of WO 3 on TeO 2 —Na 2 O glass systems in view of the feature of mechanical, optical, and photon attenuation. GC-MS profile of extracts of an endophytic fungus Alternaria and evaluation of its anticancer and antibacterial potentialities.

Green synthesis, chemical characterization, and antioxidant and anti-colorectal cancer effects of vanadium nanoparticles. Differential activation of glucose transport in cultured muscle cells by polyphenolic compounds from Canna indica L.

Effect of acacia polyphenol on glucose homeostasis in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance: A randomized multicenter feeding trial. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine.

Effect of dietary anthocyanins on biomarkers of glycemic control and glucose metabolism: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Food Research International. Enhancing human cognition with cocoa flavonoids.

Frontiers in Nutrition. Estimated daily quercetin intake and association with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chinese adults.

European Journal of Nutrition. Impact of dietary polyphenols on carbohydrate metabolism. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Intake of total polyphenols and some classes of polyphenols is inversely associated with diabetes in elderly people at high cardiovascular disease risk. Mediterranean diet effects on type 2 diabetes prevention, disease progression, and related mechanisms.

A review. Number of people with diabetes reaches 4. Perspective: Plant-based eating pattern for type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment: Efficacy, mechanisms, and practical considerations. Advances in Nutrition. Phenolic bioactives from plant-based foods for glycemic control. Frontiers in Endocrinology.

Plant polyphenols as dietary antioxidants in human health and disease. Polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity in organic and conventional plant foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.

Polyphenol exposure and risk of type 2 diabetes: dose-response meta-analyses and systematic review of prospective cohort studies.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Polyphenol-rich diets improve glucose metabolism in people at high cardiometabolic risk: a controlled randomised intervention trial.

Polyphenols and glycemic control. Polyphenols and their benefits: A review. International Journal of Food Proerties. Six-week consumption of a wild blueberry powder drink increases bifidobacteria in the human gut. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The anti-cancer effect of polyphenols against breast cancer and cancer stem cells: Molecular mechanisms.

The worldwide epidemiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus—present and future perspectives. Type 2 diabetes. Polyphenols boast a wide range of health benefits.

Find out where to start if you want to boost your intake of Polyphenols occur in many plant foods, and research suggests they are good for our health. Find out which food In this nutrition news rundown, we cover five recent nutrition studies.

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Can polyphenols help tackle type 2 diabetes? Google Scholar. Guilherme A, Virbasius JV, Puri V, Czech MP: Adipocyte dysfunctions linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The results suggest that dietary patterns rich in polyphenols may reduce the risk of GDM despite inconclusive evidence for polyphenol-rich food groups. J Nutr Sci. Therefore, agents that target multiple pathways may lead to better therapeutic outcomes. The association between preeclampsia and the severity of gestational diabetes: the impact of glycemic control.
Diet and diabetes About Beta-carotene and weight management About journal. Preventin, low-dose Weightlifting injury prevention for 12 months in patients diabetrs T2DM and diavetes failed to find any effect Anti-carcinogenic properties of fruits serum glucose, HbA1c or lipids, although several inflammation markers were altered Tome-Carneiro et al. Balasundram N, Sundram K, Samman S. Aside from blood sugar control, polyphenols may also protect heart, gut, and skin health. Guava-fruit extract can improve the UV-protection efficiency of synthetic filters in sun cream formulations. FASEB J.

Some of these effects may also be explained by improved β-cell survival and function rather than a direct metabolic effect. High circulating levels of FFA are known to increase insulin resistance. FFA are metabolized through β-oxidation to produce acetyl-CoA and ATP, or to make other metabolites such as diacylglycerides and ceramides, which are suggested to decrease insulin sensitivity Corcoran et al.

This lipid-lowering effect of polyphenols may be due to alteration of the expression and activity of enzymes involved in lipid uptake and metabolism. Curcuminoid treatment in patients with T2DM increased serum lipoprotein lipase LPL activity Na et al.

Since LPL converts triglycerides into FFA, it was suggested that curcuminoids increase uptake and utilization of FFA in tissues. In L6 myotubes, curcumin increased CD36 and CPT-1 expression, and phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, suggesting that curcumin lowers FFA levels by increasing uptake and β-oxidation in skeletal muscle Na et al.

This effect was mediated by activation of AMPK. The pleiotropic effects of many polyphenols may be useful in combatting T2DM, especially considering its equivocal etiology, multiple dysfunctional cellular pathways, and uncertainty over which are causes and which are consequences of the disease. Polyphenol treatment could have pancreatic and extra-pancreatic effects.

Inhibition of amyloid formation, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, mitochondrial and ER-stress protective effects could preserve β-cells, while anti-inflammatory, serum lipid lowering, and insulin-like effects particularly on liver enzyme activity could improve whole-body insulin sensitivity and help ameliorate hyperglycemia.

The bioavailability and metabolism of polyphenols should be considered in future studies. Many available studies have shown an effect after oral administration in animal models, but clinical studies have provided variable results, which could be due to dose, methodology or differences in bioavailability or metabolism.

Some polyphenols are bioavailable in their native form. ECGC is found in plasma in free form following oral administration, albeit at low concentrations Andreu-Fernandez et al. Resveratrol can be absorbed in its native state but can also undergo considerable microbial metabolism before absorption Bode et al.

However, some polyphenols are largely metabolized before absorption. Rutin is metabolized by microbiota before the metabolites are absorbed in both humans and rodents Baba et al.

There is significant interspecies variation in the metabolism of xenobiotics. For example, resveratrol and dihydroresveratrol in human subjects after oral administration have been observed at higher plasma levels than those obtained in mice given considerably higher doses Timmers et al.

Furthermore, interindividual differences in the metabolism and absorption of compounds may underlie clinical variability.

The level of bioavailability of resveratrol between individuals is inconsistent. Microbial metabolism between individuals can vary greatly, which may explain the conflicting results from human trials Bode et al.

The bioactivity of most metabolites of polyphenolic compounds is poorly understood. The plasma level of free, unconjugated quercetin following rutin supplementation is reported to be low Erlund et al.

Despite this, an antidiabetic effect has been reported following oral rutin administration in vivo , raising the question of whether one or more metabolites are responsible Aitken et al.

So far, there has been little published research on the activities of metabolites and their link to the clinical efficacy of the parent compound.

Bioavailability and metabolism should be considered in the design of future intervention studies Manach et al. An avenue for further research may be to design drugs based on polyphenolic structures that may be more stable or targeted in the body, or with novel delivery systems, to improve absorption and efficacy.

The inhibitory effects of polyphenols on hA aggregation are often studied in vitro in aqueous solutions; however, this does not accurately recapitulate the lipid membrane environment in which hA aggregates physiologically.

Studies utilizing a variety of membrane-mimetic model systems have demonstrated that lipid membranes containing an anionic charge accelerate fibril formation Knight et al. However, few studies have reported on the ability of polyphenols to inhibit hA aggregation in such an environment, with results only for EGCG and resveratrol reported to our knowledge.

By contrast, resveratrol inhibited hA aggregation even in the presence of lipids Evers et al. Further investigation into whether other polyphenols retain their inhibitory effect on amyloid formation in a lipid membrane environment would be valuable.

This opens the possibility that polyphenols, especially with their pleiotropic effects, may be an effective treatment for several diseases. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of polyphenols have non-disease specific, beneficial effects that may be especially useful for those diseases with a complicated and varied etiology like T2DM.

Additionally, with their well-tolerated safety profile there is the possibility for use of polyphenolic compounds as a preventative as well as therapeutic treatment. Future studies should carefully consider the methodologies they use. As discussed, ThT fluorescence should not be used as the sole method to measure inhibition of hA aggregation by compounds due to the possibility of competitive binding Daval et al.

Circular dichroism, atomic force microscopy or other methods should be utilized to verify results. High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance or mass spectrometry techniques could be used to probe the specific interaction of compounds with hA, which could provide vital insights into the binding mechanism and facilitate rational drug design based on polyphenolic compounds.

For in vivo studies, the appropriateness of the animal model used must also be considered, as many models recapitulate part of but not the entirety of T2DM.

Many commonly used models, such as STZ or alloxan-induced diabetic animals, are more reminiscent of T1DM than T2DM. Few studies utilize transgenic mice that express the human variant of amylin which forms amyloid Aitken et al.

Similarly, the use of cell lines that overexpress hA in in vitro studies, rather than applying exogenous hA to cells, may be more physiologically relevant.

For decades, T2DM was considered as predominantly a disease caused by insulin resistance and therapies focused on lowering blood glucose levels.

However, in recent years there has been a paradigm shift, from a glucose-centric to a β-cell-centric view of T2DM Saisho, This evolution recognizes that T2DM occurs only when β-cell function has failed.

The etiology underlying this process is unclear; however, evidence suggests that cytotoxic hA oligomers, oxidative stress, inflammation, ER stress and mitochondrial dysfunction all play their part, even if a single causative mechanism if there is indeed one is yet to be determined.

Therefore, agents that target multiple pathways may lead to better therapeutic outcomes. In this regard, polyphenols are promising candidates with their ability to inhibit amyloid formation Porat et al. As hA oligomers have been shown to contribute to oxidative stress Zraika et al.

Additionally, polyphenols have more direct effects on reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as modulating other cellular pathways with beneficial metabolic effects. Thus, polyphenols may have beneficial effects on both β-cell survival and whole-body insulin sensitivity.

Both scientists and the public have shown strong interest in polyphenols, their potential health benefits, and their use as treatments for a multitude of diseases, especially surrounding EGCG, resveratrol, and curcumin.

However, hopes for a new effective therapeutic treatment based on the findings summarized here have yet to come to fruition.

Clinical trials have shown some encouraging but controversial results. The greatest challenge appears to be achieving a consistent therapeutic effect.

The current impasse may be due to incomplete understanding of the molecular basis of polyphenol action, alongside the complexity of multifactorial diseases such as T2DM. Further research could usefully focus on the following: 1 the bioavailability of compounds in humans and establishing a therapeutic dose range; 2 the identity and activity of metabolites; 3 consideration of methodology for in vitro studies and in vivo trials and ensuring that clinical trials examine appropriate parameters; 4 design of compounds or delivery systems with greater stability and improved and reproducible efficacy.

Natural polyphenols remain an active area of research for many diseases Khursheed et al. Improved compounds and robust study designs will enable greater understanding of how to utilize these interesting, multifunctional compounds. TN wrote the article, GC revised the article and contributed discussions on the content.

Our research programme has been funded by the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand Government. Funding identification: CONTENDRP-UOA UOAX for research programme entitled Optimized disease-modifying therapy for type-2 diabetes.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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A Fluorogenic Molecule for Probing Islet Amyloid Using Flavonoid as a Scaffold Design. Biochemistry 59 15 , — Resveratrol Enhances Insulin Secretion by Blocking K ATP and K V Channels of Beta Cells.

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Olive Olea Europaea L. Leaf Polyphenols Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Middle-Aged Overweight Men: a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial. PLoS One 8 3 , e Ding, Y. Food Res. Lond 10, Do, G. Eitah, H. Engel, M. The Polyphenol EGCG Inhibits Amyloid Formation Less Efficiently at Phospholipid Interfaces Than in Bulk Solution.

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Franko, A. Epigallocatechin Gallate EGCG Reduces the Intensity of Pancreatic Amyloid Fibrils in Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide hIAPP Transgenic Mice. Fu, Z. Epigallocatechin Gallate Delays the Onset of Type 1 Diabetes in Spontaneous Non-obese Diabetic Mice.

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Improvement in Fasting Blood Sugar, Anthropometric Measurement and Hs-CRP after Consumption of EpigallocatechinGallate EGCG in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Han, M. Epigallocatechin Gallate, a Constituent of green tea, Suppresses Cytokine-Induced Pancreatic β-cell Damage. He, H. Curcumin Attenuates Nrf2 Signaling Defect, Oxidative Stress in Muscle and Glucose Intolerance in High Fat Diet-Fed Mice.

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Resveratrol Inhibits the Formation of Multiple-Layered β-sheet Oligomers of the Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Segment Jiménez-Flores, L. Molecules 19 6 , — Kamalakkannan, N.

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Diabetologia 54 5 , — Lee, Y. PLoS One 7 11 , e Also, lab studies suggest that polyphenols can increase the number or sensitivity of glucose transporters on muscles.

This means that glucose is moved from your blood into your muscles more efficiently. Instead, they reach your large intestine, where they feed your gut bacteria and keep them happy.

Some evidence suggests that polyphenols might increase numbers of Bifidobacteria in your gut. And increased numbers of Bifidobacteria seem to be associated with better blood sugar control.

The full story of how gut bacteria are involved is yet to be told. Scientists are still digging into the links between polyphenols, blood sugar control, and type 2 diabetes. But evidence is mounting that these plant compounds can positively influence your blood sugar control and may reduce your type 2 diabetes risk.

As researchers continue to uncover the link between these plant chemicals and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, upping your polyphenol intake is a safe bet. Aside from blood sugar control, polyphenols may also protect heart, gut, and skin health.

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Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

Correspondence to Muhammad Sajid Hamid Akash. National Institute for Agricultural Research, Jouy-en-Josas, France. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeut, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Colombia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Reprints and permissions. Rehman, K. Dietary Polyphenols in the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. In: Al-Gubory, K.

eds Nutritional Antioxidant Therapies: Treatments and Perspectives. Springer, Cham. Published : 11 March Publisher Name : Springer, Cham. Print ISBN : Online ISBN : eBook Packages : Biomedical and Life Sciences Biomedical and Life Sciences R0.

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Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Policies and ethics. Skip to main content. Abstract Type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM is an auto-inflammatory disease that is associated with oxidative stress and insulin resistance.

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Polyphenolic compounds are Strength and conditioning workouts to show considerable promise for the treatment of various metabolic disorders, Beta-carotene and weight management prevnetion 2 diabetes prevehtion T2DM. This Beta-carotene and weight management addresses evidence from in vitroin Pplyphenolsand clinical studies for prevvention antidiabetic effects of certain polyphenolic compounds. Riabetes focus Polyphenols and diabetes prevention the role of cytotoxic Ployphenols amylin hA aggregates in preventuon pathogenesis of T2DM, and how polyphenols can ameliorate this process by suppressing or modifying their formation. Small, soluble amylin oligomers elicit cytotoxicity in pancreatic islet β-cells and may thus cause β-cell disruption in T2DM. Amylin oligomers may also contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation that lead to the triggering of β-cell apoptosis. Polyphenols may exert antidiabetic effects via their ability to inhibit hA aggregation, and to modulate oxidative stress, inflammation, and other pathways that are β-cell-protective or insulin-sensitizing. There is evidence that their ability to inhibit and destabilize self-assembly by hA requires aromatic molecular structures that bind to misfolding monomers or oligomers, coupled with adjacent hydroxyl groups present on single phenyl rings.

Author: Mukasa

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