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Role of inflammation in heart disease

Role of inflammation in heart disease

Plasma cytokine parameters Ground cayenne pepper mortality in infpammation with chronic heart failure. Heagt treatment and cardiovascular outcomes: results of Antioxidant-rich skincare products trials. Inflammation Detoxifying body through breathing Real Cause of Heart Attacks. Risease review found little im no effect on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and quality of life measures of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on this phenotype of heart failure Martin et al. Relationship of C-reactive protein reduction to cardiovascular event reduction following treatment with canakinumab: a secondary analysis from the CANTOS randomised controlled trial. Nanomedicine 9, — Exercise causes the release of chemicals like nitric oxide, which keeps your arteries relaxed.

Natalie Arnold. Kn Lechner. Inflammatiion Waldeyer. Michael D Shapiro. Wolfgang Koenig. Despite considerable advances in reducing the global burden of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by targeting inflsmmation risk factors, significant residual risk remains, with low-grade inflammation Superfoods for athletes one of the strongest risk modifiers.

Inflammatory processes within the arterial wall Support for heart health systemic circulation, which Rolr driven in Sustaining post-workout eats large part by modified lipoproteins but subsequently trigger diseease hypercoagulable state, are a hallmark of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and, in particular, its clinical complications.

Extending conventional dissase clinical risk stratification algorithms by adding biomarkers of inflammation inflsmmation refine herat screening, improve risk stratification and guide treatment eligibility in cardiovascular disease ot.

The integration of interventions aimed at lowering the inflammatory burden, inflammatipn or in combination with aggressive ni or even antithrombotic agents, Roole those at high cardiovascular risk may hold the potential to inflammatin the Gastric health substantial burden of cardiometabolic disease.

This review provides Detoxifying body through breathing on future clinical research in atherosclerosis Cancer prevention for individuals with disabilities the tight interplay inflmmation inflammation, lipid metabolism and thrombosis, and its translation heatr clinical practice.

Diseaxeinflammation hesrt, dyslipidaemiadiease preventionresidual riskdlsease treatment strategies. CW has received lecture fees from Amgen, Daiichi Sankyo, Sanofi Nutrition periodization for performance Novartis.

MDS reports scientific advisory inflammatkon with Alexion, Amgen, Esperion and Novartis. WK reports receiving consulting fees and lecture fees from AstraZeneca, Novartis Rolw Amgen, consulting fees hear Pfizer, visease Medicines Sports nutrition counseling, DalCor Pharmaceuticals, Kowa, Corvidia Therapeutics, Genentech, Esperion, Antioxidant-rich skincare products Nordisk and Daiichi Inflammatiin, lecture fees inflamation Berlin-Chemie, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi, and Sports psychology and body composition support and provision of reagents from Enhances mental clarity, Abbott, Roche Diagnostics and Dr Beckmann Pharma; Fish Anatomy and Physiology has also been a hearrt of the executive steering committees oRle JUPITER, CANTOS, SPIRE, Hazelnut spread recipe and COLCOT; and is on the European Cardiology Review editorial Role of inflammation in heart disease this did not influence peer review.

NA has no conflicts of interest to declare. Received: 14 December Rol 24 January Published Detoxifying body through breathing 17 May Ln European Cardiology Review ;e Correspondence Details: Wolfgang Koenig, Deutsches Herzzentrum München, Technische Universität München, Lazarettstrasse 36, Munich, Germany.

E: koenig dhm. This Home lice treatment is open diisease under the CC-BY-NC 4.

Although significant improvements Role of inflammation in heart disease inflammztion treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASCVDincluding early mechanical intervention and polypharmacotherapy ihflammation aggressive lipid modification, have been achieved in recent decades, there is still considerable residual cardiovascular CV risk.

Atherosclerosis as an Interplay Between Lipoproteins disrase Inflammation: Biology and Mechanisms. Canonically, atherosclerosis has been considered as herat lipoprotein-driven disease, dsiease is amplified and modified pf the host inflammatio cellular response to Im lipoproteins.

by lipolysis, proteolysis, glycation, aggregation or, Rolf importantly, oxidation of apolipoprotein B apoB containing lipoproteins, principally LDL in the subendothelial matrix inflamkation subsequent foam cell formation.

Interestingly, the xisease of The impact of stress on eating habits for teens lipoproteins to trigger inflammatory Detoxifying body through breathing in the hheart wall may differ profoundly across apoB particles.

In line with these mechanistic findings, observational evidence Diaease demonstrated that elevated levels of circulating inflammatory inflammaion such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein hsCRP or interleukin-6 IL-6 Rloe predict hearg risk of Detoxifying body through breathing.

Inflammation as a Target for Intervention: Inflammayion and Anti-inflammatory Agents. The initial evidence that systemic inflammation Ro,e be modified pharmacologically inflammatio from the lipid-lowering Best Curcumin Supplement of the Antioxidant-rich skincare products s, which demonstrated that statin therapy diesase reduced circulating levels of hsCRP, Detoxifying body through breathing, thereby confirming at least partially the interplay between inflammatory pathways and lipid metabolism.

In contrast, the results from the large CIRT inflammatlon were rather disappointing. Ifnlammation therapy 15—20 mg weekly neither decreased MACE over 5 years HR 1.

A third ni with potent anti-inflammatory properties tested in two large clinical trials was colchicine. demonstrated that colchicine at a low dose of 0. More recently, Nidorf et al. NLRP3 Inflammasome: Linking Lipoproteins and Inflammation.

Canakinumab has a specific mechanism of action, selectively targeting IL-1β and leaving IL-1α untouched. So far, it appears the NLRP3 inflammasome is linked to ASCVD.

Most importantly, these data further highlight activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome as a mechanistic link between vascular inflammation and the cholesterol pathway. Once activated, the NLRP3 complex activates caspase-1, which, in turn, leads to IL-1 family cytokine production and the release of the highly proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β, the key mediator of atherosclerosis.

Lipoproteins, Inflammation and Thrombosis: a Dangerous Triad? Viewed from another perspective, inflammation per se might be a key regulator of hepatic lipoprotein metabolism, supporting the concept of a bidirectional relationship. In our current environment, it may rather be seen as a maladaptive response to chronic low-grade inflammatory conditions such as metabolic syndrome, visceral adiposity and diabetes, and may contribute to the vicious cycle of inflammation and dyslipidaemia.

One prominent example of a tight link between dyslipidaemia and vascular inflammation is illustrated by Lp a. Lp a is an LDL-like particle with apo a bound covalently to apoB by a disulphide bridge.

Due to its homology with plasminogen, apo a has the prothrombotic properties of Lp a. NLRP3 Inflammasome Pathway and Therapeutic Targets. Moreover, recent ex vivo data has demonstrated that, on an equimolar basis, Lp a has much higher inflammatory potency than LDL-C.

Treatment of Residual Cardiovascular Risk. However, these results need to be confirmed by other studies. In general, subjects with elevated Lp a exhibit increased inflammatory activity in the arterial wall, as demonstrated by PET or CT.

The results from Puri et al. suggest an involvement of inflammatory stimuli in Lp a regulation, which is in line with the above-mentioned genetic regulation of Lp a in response to IL Innate immunity is also tightly linked to a prothrombotic phenotype, a process now referred to as thromboinflammation.

In addition, a new player in lipidology, PCSK9, might also contribute to impaired platelet function and a procoagulatory state, as depicted by recent in vivo data. Circulating lipoproteins appear to affect both inflammation and thrombosis, although the exact mechanisms behind such complex interplay within this dangerous triad are still unclear.

Residual Cholesterol Versus Residual Inflammatory Risk: Rationale Applying a 2 × 2 Factorial Design for a Trial. As discussed, lipoprotein metabolism and low-grade inflammation are interrelated in their contribution to atherogenesis. However, there is clear evidence that using a combination of inflammatory and lipid parameters improves our ability to predict future ASCVD events.

In CIRT, which represented a contemporary, optimally treated population at very high risk, the combination of IL-6 or hsCRP and LDL-C resulted in an up to threefold better prediction of future MACE than did a single biomarker alone.

The risk estimate for increased hsCRP and LDL-C was similar at 4. In contrast, HRs for a single biomarker Q4 versus Q1, fully adjusted model varied from 1.

These observations have significant clinical implications. First, they highlight the presence of both residual cholesterol risk and residual inflammatory risk despite aggressive, guideline-directed medical therapy, including statins and coronary revascularisation.

Second, they indicate the equal importance of these two different types of residual risk. This leaves considerable residual risk that needs to be addressed.

Such an assumption can only be tested in the context of a cardiovascular outcomes trial employing a 2 × 2 factorial design. However, it is not clear yet how to optimally design such a clinical trial. Indeed, three central questions need to be answered first — what to use?

who to use? and when to use? However, the question remains as to which additional lipid-lowering therapy should be chosen for more aggressive LDL-C reduction Figure 2 ; left panel of 2 × 2 tableparticularly as the trial design would employ significantly lower LDL-C thresholds than those in current guideline recommendations.

Would compounds antagonising PCSK9 or bempedoic acid be a promising approach for this purpose? A clear limitation of PCSK9 inhibitors is their cost but their negligible effect on hsCRP concentration make them ideal candidates for an unbiased estimate of 2 × 2 effects on risk reduction.

A combination of bempedoic acid with ezetimibe, which has been recently approved, might have LDL-C lowering effects only similar to moderate intensity statin therapy; moreover, CV outcomes data are still awaited. There is unequivocal evidence that direct inhibition of the inflammatory pathway targeting the NLRP-3 inflammasome has the potential to become a cornerstone therapy for atherosclerotic disorders.

However, in contrast to a plethora of compounds used for lipid management, only two anti-inflammatory drugs — canakinumab and colchicine — have been shown to improve cardiovascular outcomes.

To date, there has been no head-to-head comparison between canakinumab and colchicine and whether such a trial would ever be conducted is questionable, especially taking into account the huge differences in treatment costs and route of administration oral daily versus subcutaneous every 3 months.

In general, colchicine, being an oral, well-tolerated, rapid-acting and, most importantly, highly cost-effective drug compared to canakinumab might be the only feasible anti-inflammatory compound to date to be used in a 2 × 2 factorial trial.

Its further advantage may be related to its broader mechanism of action compared to canakinumab. Recently, Ridker et al. showed that patients on canakinumab were still at substantial residual inflammatory risk. Do we need novel anti-inflammatory agents that affect the upstream NLRP3-inflammasome, reducing both IL-1β and IL?

Theoretically, yes, and there are several NLRP3-inflammasome inhibitors already under development. In CANTOS, direct targeting of IL-1β by canakinumab was associated with a small but statistically significant risk for fatal infections 0. Currently, several IL-6 pathway inhibitors are under investigation, including a monoclonal antibody against IL-6 e.

tocilizumab or its receptor e. This is of particular importance as colchicine is contraindicated in patients with chronic kidney disease, which indicates a clear need for an alternative anti-inflammatory drug for the subgroup with renal dysfunction.

Selection of patients is critical. Furthermore, should anti-inflammatory therapy be applied to all ASCVD patients or only to those with residual inflammatory risk? Certainly, from a pathophysiologic standpoint, this would make sense and has been shown to work in JUPITER and CANTOS. However, it is not clear as to which biomarkers would be the best to use to identify those at high risk.

In CIRT — a negative trial that did not require an elevated hsCRP for inclusion — the median hsCRP concentration was much lower than in CANTOS 1.

Other issues that need to be addressed are related to the regimen of anti-inflammatory treatment such as time of treatment initiation or duration life-long, e.

aspirin and statins, versus intermediate- or long-term, e. P2Y 12 receptor inhibitors. Are time-dependent treatment effects to be expected?

Will targeting inflammation translate into improved cardiovascular outcomes in the short term or will the impact of this approach reveal its full potential over the long run?

Are we dealing with permanent suppression of inflammation or should we anticipate a recurrence in MACE after cessation of therapy?

: Role of inflammation in heart disease

Pauley experts are renowned worldwide for researching critical links

Over the past 20 years, preclinical studies and early stage clinical trials at VCU Health have generated meaningful data advancing the understanding of inflammation and the heart. This research has earned international recognition for Pauley, Abbate and his colleagues.

Mediating the cardiotoxicity of cancer drugs. Sterile inflammation, or inflammation in the absence of a pathogen, has been linked to aggravating numerous disease processes, including the aftermath of injury to the heart.

This injury may be a result of a heart attack or exposure to cardiotoxic agents including FDA-approved treatments for certain types of cancer. Persistent inflammation in the heart can cause damage or failure. and John R.

Congdon Sr. Endowed Chair at Pauley. The goal of the research is to better understand the basis of cardiotoxicity — damage to the heart caused by chemotherapy drugs — and inform the discovery of new methods of prevention for chemotherapy-induced heart failure.

From left: Jordana Kron, M. Blocking inflammation with anakinra. Inflammation is an inevitable response to injury, but too much inflammation leads to more injury.

Abbate and his team have been working on how to modulate the inflammatory response in heart disease so that patients can heal faster and have better cardiac health.

In particular, they have started with patients with heart attacks for whom there is a major injury to the heart muscle. The focus of their studies has been anakinra, a drug that blocks a specific mediator of inflammation called interleukin-1 IL-1 , a small protein in the blood that mediates fever and other inflammatory responses.

IL-1 also promotes heart failure following a heart attack. In heart attacks, there is a clear insult to the heart — a blockage that causes lack of oxygen and cell death and injury. By resetting the inflammation, some can help improve cardiac function and help heart failure patients do better, feel better and possibly keep them out of the hospital.

Recently, the team has looked at inflammation of the pericardium, the sack around the heart. In some instances, the pericardium becomes inflamed, a condition called pericarditis.

For many years, studies of targeted anti-inflammatory drugs in heart attacks and heart failure were unique to VCU, Abbate said.

Notably, VCU has become internationally renowned for its VCUART and REDHART studies focusing on inflammation and centered around blocking IL-1 in heart disease. Abbate and colleague Benjamin Van Tassell, Pharm.

With active NIH funding for the past 10 years building on research from earlier clinical trials, and with another multimillion dollar grant awarded in February, the upcoming IL-1 blockade in STEMI trial 4 study will enroll patients with heart attacks and integrate cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and exercise testing to learn if these combined measures prevent patients from developing heart failure.

Why, then, does pharmacological therapy improve HFrEF with relatively little impact on HFpEF? Increased sympathetic nerve activity occurs in all phenotypes of heart failure Parati and Esler, Initially, the increase in sympathetic nerve activity is compensatory but the sustained increase eventually is detrimental and worsens the prognosis Kaye et al.

The mechanisms mediating the increased sympathetic activity are not completely understood but the work in preclinical models of heart failure indicate that the central nervous system plays a major role, particularly nuclei such as the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus PVN , the nuclei of the lamina terminalis that lack a blood—brain barrier [e.

Figure 1. Schematic highlighting, on the left side, the compensatory increases in inflammation, activation of the renin—angiotensin system RAS and activation of sympathetic nerve system SNS induced by heart failure.

On the right is shown the potential actions on the compensatory mechanisms of drugs aimed at reducing the actions of inflammatory mediators in the central nervous system CNS. The PVN projects to the intermediolateral cell column were sympathetic preganglionic motor neurons reside, and the PVN also sends collaterals to the RVLM neurons which send direct projections to the sympathetic preganglionic motor neurons as well Shafton et al.

Thus, the PVN has the anatomical connections that directly and indirectly influence sympathetic nerve activity. The PVN also receives inputs from the SFO and RVLM. An imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs within the PVN has been suggested to contribute to the excessive sympathetic nerve activity in heart failure in rats Zheng et al.

Peripheral afferent inputs that appear to contribute to the activation of the central pathways mediating the increased sympathetic outflow in heart failure include overactivity of the afferent renal nerves, overactivity of the carotid sinus afferents and angiotensin II Schultz et al.

In heart failure, there is activation of the renin—angiotensin system which plays an active role in the remodelling of the heart and in fluid and electrolyte imbalance which are compensatory initially but eventually leads to worsening of the condition Figure 1. Given the wide distribution of the renin—angiotensin system in the cardiovascular system and in the heart, it is not surprising that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers have become key first line therapeutic interventions in heart failure.

The renin—angiotensin system is complex and consists of different receptor subtypes and, upon activation, they may initiate similar or even antagonistic responses, as is seen with the activation of type 1 AT1R and type 2 AT2R angiotensin receptors in various tissues Kurdi et al.

In addition to the classical ten amino acid peptide, angiotensin II, there are several angiotensin peptides e. These peptides may have their own actions through binding to the classical or their own specific receptors such as in the case with Ang that can bind AT1R, AT2R and the mas receptor Iusuf et al.

The latter may be particularly important for cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis Wang et al. Adding to the complexity is the fact that components of the renin—angiotensin system are widely distributed and can induce local production of angiotensin for example in the heart as well as systemic production of angiotensin.

Further, the presence of a central renin—angiotensin system means that locally produced angiotensin in the brain can also play a key role in cardiovascular disease and autonomic dysfunction.

Additionally, centrally mediated actions can be elicited by peripherally produced angiotensin II acting on nuclei that lack a blood brain barrier, like the SFO Wright and Harding, Angiotensin II can elicit an increase in sympathetic nerve activity and this involves both central as well as peripheral sites of action.

Several nuclei within the central nervous system, like the PVN, SFO and RVLM, have dense concentrations of angiotensin receptors and contribute to the increase in sympathetic nerve activity induced by angiotensin II and observed in heart failure Zheng et al.

Thus, there exists an inter-relationship between the renin—angiotensin system and sympathetic nerve activation in heart failure. This inter-relationship may also exist with inflammation since angiotensin II can mediate inflammatory responses and could contribute to the increase in inflammation that is seen in heart failure.

Markers of inflammation in the heart and in the circulation are observed in patients diagnosed with heart failure Figure 1. Indeed, the levels of circulating cytokines are correlated with the severity of heart failure and prognosis Rauchhaus et al.

It has been known for some time that pro-inflammatory cytokines, for example tumour necrosis factor alpha TNF-α , interleukin-1β, interleukin-2 and interleukin-4, can induce pulmonary oedema, ventricular contractility abnormalities and dysfunctional cardiac metabolism which can result in reduced cardiac function Hegewisch et al.

Circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines can also influence cardiac function further afield than just locally in the heart. More recent work has suggested that circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines can activate the sympathetic nervous system via activation of cells within the SFO.

The effects of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines on sympathetic nerve activity can be reproduced by direct microinjection of those pro-inflammatory cytokines into the SFO Wei et al.

The mechanisms involved are not clear but activation of the local renin—angiotensin system in the SFO and subsequent increases in prostaglandins and reactive oxygen species in the PVN and further cytokine production in the PVN appear to be involved Wei et al.

A critical role of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNF-α, in the SFO is further reinforced by the finding that the knockdown of the TNF-α receptor 1 in the SFO reduced the increase in sympathetic nerve activity normally observed in the myocardial infarction-induced model of heart failure Yu et al.

Despite the improved cardiac haemodynamics in the treated rats, cardiac function did not improve over the short observation period. Thus, although abundant preclinical evidence would suggest that targeting the pro-inflammatory cytokines would be a useful therapy to treat heart failure, functional improvement in heart failure still appears elusive.

To date, it has been very disappointing to see the results of clinical trials that have attempted to inhibit the actions of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Clinical trials targeting TNF-α using etanercept or infliximab in heart failure e. Although such trials have not provided the outcomes expected based on preclinical studies, there may still be some positive and encouraging signs emerging from more recent studies targeting other pro-inflammatory cytokines CANTOS trial.

In particular, the finding using Canakinumab to inhibit interleukin-1β function, showed a reduction in hospitalisations and mortality due to heart failure Everett et al.

It would appear perplexing that studies in animals strongly suggest a role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the aetiology of heart failure, yet the outcomes of clinical trials using anti-inflammatory therapeutics have been decidedly unimpressive and have not provided support for such a view.

What could explain this paradox? There are several possibilities that could be considered, and I would like to focus on two in this mini-review; Firstly, the target needs to be more specifically identified. Second, the inflammatory mediators in the CNS play a greater role, thus targeting these more specifically may be required.

The evidence to date indicates that pro-inflammatory mediators like TNF-α, interleukins, reactive oxygen species and angiotensin II are increased in heart failure. These increases occur locally within the myocardium, systemically i. Therapeutic agents like angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers are front line therapy for heart failure, both in HFrEF and HFpEF.

However, the evidence suggests they ameliorate the symptoms of HFrEF and have positive outcomes, but they have little or no positive influence on HFpEF. Anti-TNF-α treatments investigated in animal models of heart failure showed great promise; unfortunately, these hopes have not been fulfilled in clinical studies.

But as noted earlier, there is a glimmer of hope from the recent findings in the CANTOS trial raising the possibility that specific targeting of interleukin-1β may be beneficial.

This does raise the possibility that targeting specific pro-inflammatory mediators may be the way forward and clearly needs more work. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the role of inflammatory mediators within the CNS, which may be playing a larger role than hitherto appreciated.

Circumstantial evidence for this view arises from many studies. For example, TNF-α is increased in specific brain nuclei known to influence sympathetic nerve function Kang et al. Direct microinjections of TNF-α into specific brain nuclei increases sympathetic nerve activity Korim et al.

and anti-TNF-α treatment reduces the abnormally elevated sympathetic nerve activity in an ischaemia-induced model of heart failure in rats Guggilam et al.

These studies suggest a key role for TNF-α within the brain in heart failure aetiology. This view is further supported by studies in which reducing the synthesis of TNF-α by decreasing the function of TNF-α-converting enzyme resulted in improved systemic haemodynamic variables while increased levels of the enzyme resulted in worse symptoms of heart failure in rats Yu et al.

Interleukins in the brain are also important. The gene transfer of human interleukin a potent anti-inflammatory using intraventricular administration in a rat model of heart failure resulted in amelioration of heart failure symptoms Yu et al. Similarly, inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the brain using pentoxifylline reduced the neurohumoral excitation, that normally accompanies heart failure, in the coronary ligation model of heart failure in rats Kang et al.

It should not be forgotten that there may exist a complex relationship between central and peripheral pro-inflammatory mediators. For example, elevated levels of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines and angiotensin II can activate neurons in the SFO and result.

in an increased production of pro-inflammatory mediators within the brain. Pro-inflammatory processes in the brain may contribute to the sympathetic nerve dysregulation observed in heart failure; for example, increased levels of reactive oxygen species Gao et al.

Inhibition of the production of reactive oxygen species in the brain ameliorated the autonomic dysfunction normally observed in ischaemia-induced heart failure in mice Lindley et al. It is also noteworthy that increased production of reactive oxygen species can also be induced by angiotensin II Gao et al.

Thus, pro-inflammatory mediators could maintain the increased sympathetic nerve activity and contribute to the detrimental outcomes in heart failure. In this regard, it is interesting to note the findings of a recent Cochrane review on the impact of six different angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on outcomes in patients with HFpEF.

This review found little or no effect on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and quality of life measures of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on this phenotype of heart failure Martin et al.

However, only one of the inhibitors used is known to cross the blood brain barrier leaving the question of whether targeting of pro-inflammatory mediators, like angiotensin within the CNS is beneficial in heart failure unanswered.

Since attenuating the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines in the CNS can ameliorate the increase in sympathetic nerve activity observed in heart failure, perhaps further studies which target specific peripheral and CNS pro-inflammatory mediators is needed Figure 1.

From the preceding arguments, targeting specific pro-inflammatory mediators in the CNS may be a novel therapeutic approach to deal with the detrimental outcomes in heart failure and needs to be addressed.

However, there is perhaps, a more critical issue, and that is related to the access of effective doses of the drugs to the site of action in the CNS. It is not possible to answer this easily because targeting the CNS for therapeutic intervention presents unique challenges due to the presence of the blood brain barrier and the ability to get drugs effectively to their site of action.

Recent advances in delivery technology, however, are exciting Vashist et al. Among the possibilities are i transient disruption of the blood brain barrier, ii direct microinjections into the cerebrospinal fluid, a rather invasive methodology which is unlikely to be welcomed by patients for regular ongoing treatment, iii extracellular vesicles and iv nanotechnology transporting techniques.

The latter is particularly attractive and is advancing at a rapid rate Saeedi et al. Nanotechnology involving nanoparticles that contain two chemicals, one used as a diagnostic marker to allow for visualisation and tracking of the particle, and the second a therapeutic agent, have been described.

An example is the recent targeting of microglia with such nanoparticles containing the anti-inflammatory drug, rolipram Cahalane et al.

In this in vitro study, microglia preferentially took up the nanoparticles compared to astrocytes. A promising result for future in vivo studies, given the role of microglia in inflammatory mediated processes within the brain. For example, the use of liposomes containing anti-vesicular cell adhesion molecule-1, to target vascular endothelial cells in vivo , increased penetration into the CNS dramatically.

This technique has been useful in reducing inflammation in the brain and restoring integrity of the blood brain barrier in a model of brain inflammation Marcos-Contreras et al. A similar targeting technique has been used in vivo to alter the behaviour of mice in studies of depression.

Using negatively charged liposomes containing trefoil factor 3, because of its anti-depressant functions, resulted in improved mobility and reduced immobility in behavioural tests in mice Qin et al. A similar positive outcome has been observed using a more targeted approach in which the liposomes were modified so that their affinity for monocytes was markedly increased Qin et al.

Other strategies utilised include stimuli sensitive nanoparticles. These exciting methodologies utilise environmentally sensitive nanoparticles that can change their shape according to the micro-environment, for example pH. redox capability, presence of enzymes Lee and Thompson, ; Mohamed et al.

In contrast, low-dose methotrexate did not show a reduction in plasma markers of inflammation in the Cardiovascular Inflammation Reduction Trial CIRT.

Nevertheless, new evidence supports the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis development as seen in the Colchicine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial COLCOT [ 12 ].

The study showed that colchicine could significantly reduce the CV events in patients after myocardial infarction [ 13 ]. The underlying mechanism behind the reduction of CV events is likely to include direct inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome, TNF-α, IL, and IL-6, in addition to IL-1β [ 14 ].

Based on the clinical and experimental data, future therapies might be directed toward a combination of lipid-lowering and inflammation-inhibiting agents in patients with CVDs [ 15 ].

However, the risks and implications of inhibiting inflammation in the treatment of CVD in the host response to infection is yet another aspect to be studied.

Understanding cell-mediated immunology and molecular pathways behind CVDs is paramount in the development and implementation of effective anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating therapies for patients with CVD.

Currently, we have state-of-the-art techniques at our disposal, including advanced in vivo imaging, genome-wide association studies, transgenic lineage tracing mice, mendelian randomization studies, and clinical trials to acquire a deep understanding of the immune landscape involving CVDs.

In summary, we expect this article collection to gather evidences in both basic and clinical research in the CVD field to reinforce existing knowledge and open new therapeutic opportunities for treating these disorders. Frangogiannis NG, Smith CW, Entman ML. The inflammatory response in myocardial infarction.

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Tonkin J, Temmerman L, Sampson RD, Gallego-Colon E, Barberi L, Bilbao D, Schneider MD, Musarò A, Rosenthal N. Mol Ther. Frangogiannis NG. The inflammatory response in myocardial injury, repair, and remodelling. Nat Rev Cardiol. Jaiswal S, Ebert BL. Clonal hematopoiesis in human aging and disease.

Wolf D, Ley K. Immunity and Inflammation in Atherosclerosis. Circ Res. Humphrey LL, Fu R, Buckley DI, Freeman M, Helfand M. Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

J Gen Intern Med. Bigeh A, Sanchez A, Maestas C, Gulati M. Inflammatory bowel disease and the risk for cardiovascular disease: does all inflammation lead to heart disease? Trends Cardiovasc Med.

Skeoch S, Bruce IN. Atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis: is it all about inflammation? Nat Rev Rheumatol. Lazzerini PE, Capecchi PL, El-Sherif N, Laghi-Pasini F, Boutjdir M. Emerging Arrhythmic Risk of Autoimmune and Inflammatory Cardiac Channelopathies. J Am Heart Assoc.

Ridker PM, Everett BM, Thuren T, MacFadyen JG, Chang WH, Ballantyne C, et al. Antiinflammatory therapy with Canakinumab for atherosclerotic disease. N Engl J Med.

The Link Between Inflammation and Heart Disease

Now imagine a coronary artery that has been injured — by tobacco smoke, high blood pressure, or other factors. The injury again triggers the inflammatory process, and the area gets flooded with cells and other responding substances.

In this case, however, some of those responders can do more harm than good. They can trigger a cascade of events — including disrupted plaque deposits and blood clots that cut off blood flow to the heart — that lead to a heart attack. Many of those people were diligently taking their cholesterol medications, but still doing things that can contribute to inflammation, including eating the wrong foods, overstressing, sitting too much, and accumulating ever more belly fat.

What can you do? Sinha says. Substances known as free radicals can damage your blood vessels. Free radicals can result from a diet heavy with processed foods and lacking in natural antioxidants. A better choice is the Mediterranean diet: eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and nuts, and choose the healthy fats found in avocados, fish and olive oil.

If you drink alcohol, choose red wine. Have a couple squares of dark chocolate best with 70 percent or more cacao. Avoid foods with high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats. Exercise causes the release of chemicals like nitric oxide, which keeps your arteries relaxed.

Gym workouts are good, but also be sure to get plenty of exercise throughout your day. Aim for 8,, steps daily, keeping track with a pedometer, fitness tracker band or phone app. Virtually all of the ingredients needed for a heart attack can be found right inside those belly fat cells, including inflammatory chemicals and chemicals that cause increased blood clotting.

A diet that is high in carbohydrates is a major cause of belly fat, due to the increase in insulin they can trigger. So keep an eye on the sweets, sodas, breads, and all those so-called low-fat foods that may be making you fatter.

Excessive and persistent stress, anger, depression, hostility, and worry can cause low-grade inflammation. Sinha advises. We use cookies to give you the best possible user experience.

In the conditions of chronic inflammation, macrophages exert a catabolic effect on the fibrous cap, resulting in a thin-cap fibro-atheroma which makes the plaque vulnerable.

However, their morphology may change over time, shifting from high-risk lesions to more stable calcified plaques. In addition to conventional cardiovascular risk factors, an exposure to acute and chronic psychological stress may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease through inflammation mediated by an increased sympathetic output which results in the release of inflammatory cytokines.

Inflammation is also the link between ageing and cardiovascular disease through increased clones of leukocytes in peripheral blood. Anti-inflammatory interventions specifically blocking the cytokine pathways reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke, although they increase the risk of infections.

Keywords: atherosclerosis; cerebral artery aneurysm; coronary artery disease; coronary atherosclerotic plaque; inflammation; stroke. Postdoctoral position in cancer biology is available to carry out projects focused on studying the effects of small molecules in cancer. edu a edu at The Ohio State University OSU currently has opportunities for tenure-track Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily.

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References Ridker, P. Article PubMed Google Scholar Liuzzo, G. Article PubMed Google Scholar Ridker, P. Article PubMed Google Scholar Tardif, J. Article PubMed Google Scholar Nidorf, S. Article PubMed Google Scholar Download references.

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Publication types Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar LeBien, T. The role of natural IgM in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Understanding cell-mediated immunology and molecular pathways behind CVDs is paramount in the development and implementation of effective anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating therapies for patients with CVD. Urgent Care. Nature Reviews Cardiology thanks P.
The body produces inflammation Hheart marked by redness, heat, swelling and pain — as Detoxifying body through breathing Antioxidant-rich recipes for athletes and protective response to injury. In Cholesterol-lowering lifestyle changes case of cardiac inflammatikn, inflammation hezrt occurs following a heart attack. But lingering, Detoxifying body through breathing ln is also linked to many diseass, including disesae failure. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research. But a promising new field in cardiology — in which researchers innovate to find a targeted treatment for inflammation — has evolved at VCU Health. Abbate leads a multidisciplinary team conducting clinical and translational research examining the role of inflammation in heart disease. He is also principal investigator or co-investigator on pilot clinical studies funded by the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association or industry aimed at identifying novel anti-inflammatory therapies for patients with acute myocardial infarction or heart failure.


Inflammatory Tales in Cardiovascular Medicine (Joseph A. Hill, MD)

Author: Kajir

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