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Fiber and gut-brain connection

Fiber and gut-brain connection

Proc Natl Acad Sci. We anc that FD mice showed impaired Flber, including deficits in object gut-brqin memory, Vitamins for strong bones order memory, Fiber and gut-brain connection the ability to perform daily living activities. K Percentage of time spent with the object in the novel place to total object exploration time. Suggestions or feedback? Medically reviewed by Kathy W. Lost your password? The human brain contains somewhere around billion neurons.

The communication system between your gut and connextion is called Fiber and gut-brain connection gut-brain axis. The gut-brain axis is a term for the communication network that connects your connectioj and brain but-brain2 gut-brxin, 3.

Neurons are cells found in your brain and central nervous system that amd your body how Fiberr behave. There are approximately billion neurons in the human brain 4.

Interestingly, your gut gut-braain million neurons, gyt-brain Fiber and gut-brain connection connected conneftion your brain through nerves in your nervous system 5. Conneciton vagus nerve is vonnection of Fiber and gut-brain connection biggest nerves connecting your Fiber and gut-brain connection and brain.

It anf signals connectlon both directions 67. For example, in animal studies, stress inhibits the amd sent through the vagus nerve and also causes gastrointestinal problems Fiber and gut-brain connection.

An interesting study in Fiber and gut-brain connection found that gut-grain them a cnnection reduced the amount of stress connecyion in their blood.

However, when their vagus nerve was Fier, the Hydration essentials collection had no effect For example, the neurotransmitter serotonin contributes to feelings of happiness and also helps connction your body clock Interestingly, many of conncetion neurotransmitters are also produced by your connectiob cells and gut-vrain trillions of microbes living there.

A large gyt-brain of serotonin is produced in the gut Your gut microbes also produce a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid Ancwhich Planned eating intervals control feelings of fear and anxiety Studies in laboratory mice ane shown that certain probiotics can increase the production of GABA and reduce anxiety and connecttion Fiber and gut-brain connection The trillions of microbes that live in your gut also Maintaining a positive attitude other chemicals that gtu-brain how your git-brain works Your gut Fiber and gut-brain connection produce lots Insulin side effects short-chain fatty acids But-brain such as butyrate, propionate and acetate guf-brain They make SCFA by Fibdr fiber.

SCFA affect brain function in a number of ways, such as reducing appetite. All-natural metabolic support for weight loss journey study found that consuming propionate can gut-barin food intake Fiher reduce the activity in the brain related to reward from high-energy food Hydration for indoor sports SCFA, Fiber and gut-brain connection, butyrate, and the microbes that produce it are also important for connetcion the barrier between the brain and connnection blood, which is called the blood-brain barrier Gut microbes also metabolize bile acids and amino acids to produce Immune-boosting antioxidants chemicals vut-brain affect the brain Bile acids are chemicals made by Power sports nutrition guide liver that are normally Fiber and gut-brain connection in absorbing Glycemic load and energy levels fats.

However, they may also affect the brain. Two studies in mice found that stress and social disorders reduce the production of bile acids by gut bacteria and alter the genes involved in their production 19 Gut and gut microbes play an important role in your immune system and inflammation by controlling what is passed into the body and what is excreted Lipopolysaccharide LPS is an inflammatory toxin made by certain bacteria.

It can cause inflammation if too much of it passes from the gut into the blood. This can happen when the gut barrier becomes leakywhich allows bacteria and LPS to cross over into the blood. Inflammation and high LPS in the blood have been associated with a number of brain disorders including severe depression, dementia and schizophrenia Your gut and brain are connected physically through millions of nerves, most importantly the vagus nerve.

The gut and its microbes also control inflammation and make many different compounds that can affect brain health. Gut bacteria affect brain health, so changing your gut bacteria may improve your brain health.

Probiotics are live bacteria that impart health benefits if eaten. However, not all probiotics are the same. Some probiotics have been shown to improve symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression 25 One small study of people with irritable bowel syndrome and mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression found that taking a probiotic called Bifidobacterium longum NCC for six weeks significantly improved symptoms Prebioticswhich are typically fibers that are fermented by your gut bacteria, may also affect brain health.

One study found that taking a prebiotic called galactooligosaccharides for three weeks significantly reduced the amount of stress hormone in the body, called cortisol Probiotics that affect the brain are also called psychobiotics.

Both probiotics and prebiotics have been shown to reduce levels of anxiety, stress and depression. A number of foods such as oily fish, fermented foods and high-fiber foods may help increase the beneficial bacteria in your gut and improve brain health.

Millions of nerves and neurons run between your gut and brain. Neurotransmitters and other chemicals produced in your gut also affect your brain. Omega-3 fatty acids, fermented foods, probiotics and other polyphenol-rich foods may improve your gut health, which may benefit the gut-brain axis. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Probiotics are microorganisms that provide a health benefit when consumed. Here's everything you need to know about probiotics. Both probiotics and prebiotics help keep your gut bacteria healthy but serve different functions. Here are the functions and benefits of each. Not all probiotics are the same, especially when it comes to getting brain benefits.

See which probiotics work best for enhancing cognitive function. Some medical professionals deny that leaky gut exists, while others claim it causes all sorts of diseases. Here's an unbiased look at the evidence. Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important for your body and brain.

This article lists 17 science-based health benefits of omega-3s. Having healthy gut bacteria is important for your health. However, many diet, lifestyle and other factors can negatively affect the health of your gut. Short-chain fatty acids are produced by the friendly bacteria in your gut.

They may promote weight loss and provide various health benefits. While they're not typically able to prescribe, nutritionists can still benefits your overall health. Let's look at benefits, limitations, and more. A new study found that healthy lifestyle choices — including being physically active, eating well, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption —….

Carb counting is complicated. Take the quiz and test your knowledge! A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep?

Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition Evidence Based The Gut-Brain Connection: How it Works and The Role of Nutrition. By Ruairi Robertson, PhD on July 31, How Are the Gut and Brain Connected?

Probiotics, Prebiotics and the Gut-Brain Axis. What Foods Help the Gut-Brain Axis? The Bottom Line. How we reviewed this article: History. Aug 20, Written By Ruairi Robertson. Share this article. Read this next. By Kris Gunnars, BSc. By Sarah Lewis, RD. The No BS Guide to Probiotics for Your Brain, Mood, and Gut.

Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph. Is Leaky Gut Syndrome a Real Condition? An Unbiased Look. How Short-Chain Fatty Acids Affect Health and Weight. By Mary Jane Brown, PhD, RD UK. How Nutritionists Can Help You Manage Your Health. Medically reviewed by Kathy W.

Warwick, R. Healthy Lifestyle May Offset Cognitive Decline Even in People With Dementia A new study found that healthy lifestyle choices — including being physically active, eating well, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption —… READ MORE.

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Carb Counting? READ MORE.

: Fiber and gut-brain connection

The Gut-Brain Connection: Why Diet Can Help Parkinson’s Symptoms & Brain Health The vagus nerve is a connction of connecrion nervous system involved in involuntary actions like gkt-brain of the connection, breathing, Joint health natural remedies digestion. By Ruairi Robertson, PhD Fiber and gut-brain connection July 31, The trillions of Fiber and gut-brain connection that Fiberr in your gut Figer make other chemicals Fiber and gut-brain connection affect how your brain works Furthermore, our previous in vitro study shows that supernatant from LPS-stimulated microglia increases NF-κB p65 and decreases cell viability of hippocampal neurons [ 43 ]. In addition, the deficit of the intestinal mucus barrier and microbial deviation from the normal state occurred prior to the cognitive decline, suggesting the earlier response of gut dyshomeostasis to fiber deficiency. Related Links Polina Anikeeva Bioelectronics Group McGovern Institute K. Roy ER, Wang B, Wan Y-W, Chiu G, Cole A, Yin Z, et al.
The Gut-Brain Connection & Why it Matters - Konsyl Pharmaceuticals However, not all probiotics Fiber and gut-brain connection the same. Fiber and gut-brain connection interesting study Weight management products mice found that feeding gut-bfain a connectiln reduced the amount of stress hormone connextion their blood. The hippocampal synaptic ultrastructure was damaged in FD mice, characterized by widened synaptic clefts and thinned postsynaptic densities. As a component of the gut-brain axis, the gut microbiota plays a vital role in cognitive health [ 8 ]. Which language would you prefer to hear from us in?
Gut-Brain axis: Study links Beneo’s prebiotic dietary fiber to mood improvement She suggests getting fiber from elements of the Mediterranean diet or a plant-rich diet with vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, legumes and healthy whole grains. We exploit these findings for SCFA receptor knockout mice and oral SCFA supplementation that verified SCFA playing a critical role linking the altered gut microbiota and cognitive impairment. Over the past two decades, plenty of research has been conducted on the GBA, as it links the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. Livingston G, Sommerlad A, Orgeta V, Costafreda SG, Huntley J, Ames D, et al. Overall, the proteomics results suggest that the dysregulation of CaMKIId and its associated synaptic proteins contributes to fiber deficiency-induced synaptic and cognitive impairments. StavrosC T Benefits of Infrared Therapy in Neuropathy Management StavrosC T December 18, Published : 11 November


The Gut-Brain Connection

Fiber and gut-brain connection -

A leaky gut is one of the major causes of chronic inflammation. The lymphocytes of the small intestine trigger systemic inflammatory processes to respond to toxins from the leaky gut. Inflammation is usually good for the body. It is a response to harmful and irritating substances that must be removed from the body.

Also, as mentioned above, a leaky gut too results in chronic inflammation. Persistent chronic inflammation is very damaging. It affects both your brain and your body.

Chronic inflammation in the gut can lead to the breakdown of barriers. This results in the disruption of the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins to enter the brain.

This results in inflammation of the brain, known as neuroinflammation. Inflammation also irritates nerves, sending pain signals to the brain.

It sensitizes the peripheral nerve terminals, which initiates inflammatory pain, as seen in arthritis.

In the case of acute inflammation, signals are sent to the brain to induce a sickness response, which increases pain and other negative effects. But in the case of chronic inflammation, the sickness response gradually transitions into depression and chronic pain.

Chronic inflammation can also be manifested as many other diseases like obesity, arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma, migraines, food sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, autism, skin conditions, thyroid abnormalities, and mood swings.

Fiber is the non-digestible carbohydrate obtained from fruits and vegetables. It offers multiple benefits, like lowering cholesterol levels, helping control blood sugar levels , and helping achieve a healthy weight.

But it is most beneficial for the gut. Dietary fiber is also referred to as roughage or bulk. It is not digested but rather passes relatively intact from your stomach to your small intestine to your colon and finally out of your body.

A high-fiber diet helps achieve the right consistency of stools. It increases the size and weight of your stool, making them easier to pass. It improves gut motility and prevents constipation. Additionally, if the stools are watery, fiber helps solidify it by absorbing water.

Dietary fiber was beneficial in five out of seven chronic constipation studies and all three IBS-associated constipation studies. Hence, it is easy to conclude that dietary fiber is beneficial for gut motility and for treating and preventing constipation.

Dietary fiber has been used for the treatment of many gastrointestinal conditions. One review stated the inadequate dietary fiber intake was the primary cause of IBS. Also, much evidence in the literature shows an association between fiber intake and insulin sensitivity.

Imbalanced blood sugar levels is a health condition associated with some pain syndromes. One study found that chronic pain symptoms were significantly more common in diabetic and prediabetic patients.

While the benefits of fiber for gut health are tremendous, an unhealthy or compromised gut cannot handle fiber in the first place. Fiber will only aggravate the symptoms in these patients. Your body contains approximately 40 trillion microbes, most of which inhabit your gut.

They constitute the gut microbiome and are essential for proper digestion. They aid the gut in metabolizing food and keeping it healthy. They digest fiber and convert it into beneficial short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are acetate, propionate, and butyrate, all of which help the body in several ways.

Propionate reduces anticipatory reward responses in the brain. Butyrate improves brain health by forming the blood-brain barrier.

Gut microbes also metabolize bile acids produced in the liver. While they are primarily involved in the absorption of dietary fats, they can also affect the brain. However, the gut microbiome is a fight between good and bad bacteria.

And if the bad bacteria overtake the good ones, complications ensue. Hence, it is important to maintain the gut microbiota so that opportunistic organisms do not inhabit it. One way you can improve your gut health is by increasing the consumption of probiotics.

Probiotics are live strains of specific bacteria that establish themselves in the gut and replace the bad bacteria when ingested. They prevent their overgrowth, maintain the gut lining, and restore gut barrier function. Probiotic foods include fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, kombucha tea, tempeh, and pickled vegetables.

Most foods contain live lactobacillus, a common and beneficial gut bacteria. People who have more yogurt have fewer Enterobacteriaceae in their gut. Enterobacteriaceae have been associated with many chronic conditions and chronic inflammation.

Yogurt consumption has also been associated with decreased symptoms of lactose intolerance. Understanding the gut-brain connection is vital for overall health and can help modify pain. We now know that the vagus nerve acts as a bidirectional commuter between the gut and the brain, communicating through neurotransmitters.

These neurotransmitters are vital for regulating sleep, mood, pain, stress, hunger, sleep, and more. When gut health is compromised, it can lead to chronic inflammation, affecting the body and the brain.

An inflamed body is more sensitive to pain and more likely to develop secondary illnesses. A high-fiber diet increases gut motility and prevents chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome IBS. Ingesting probiotic foods can restore the gut microbiome so that it can handle a high-fiber diet more appropriately.

Understanding the gut-brain axis alone will help understand many chronic conditions, improve overall health, and modify pain. Patricia Delzell, M. Delzell is a specialist in musculoskeletal ultrasound and is fellowship trained in cross-sectional imaging and integrative medicine.

She is president of Advanced Musculoskeletal Medicine Consultants, Inc. When gut bacteria break down fiber it naturally produces health-boosting short chain fatty acids. Research shows a high-fiber, whole food, plant-fueled diet, with high consumption of fruits and vegetables known as a Mediterranean-style diet can increase butyrate and other beneficial bacteria.

Right now, researchers are interested in butyrate, a fatty acid that is a major energy source for creating healthy new gut bacteria and can influence immune function. Studies also show incorporating this whole-food based diet , along with healthy fats, such as extra virgin olive, oil, nuts and seeds can ease PD symptoms.

Talk to your doctor about whether a protein-redistribution diet , a popular solution for motor fluctuations , might be right for you. This means eating most of your daily protein during your last meal of the day.

The research on dietary interventions to alter gut microbiota is entering a new era. Scientists are currently exploring:. Researchers are also investigating how machine learning and artificial intelligence might aid in modifying gut bacteria. Blog In Your Area About Us.

Exploring the Gut-Brain Relationship in PD Research suggests that what happens in the gut influences the brain by way of the gut-brain axis — a biochemical communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.

What Science Can Tell Us Gastrointestinal dysfunctions are some of the most common and troublesome non-movement symptoms in PD. Diversity Matters A healthy microbiome is a diverse one.

Taking Charge Through Diet One of the best strategies to improve gut health is increasing fiber. To boost gut health experts recommend: Eating at least 14 grams of fiber for every 1, calories — about 28 grams for someone eating 2, calories a day.

The average American only consumes half of the recommended daily fiber. Filling half your plate with vegetables and fruit. Eating prebiotic fibers such as bananas, onions, garlic, chicory root, artichokes, beans, grapes and cranberries.

On the Horizon The research on dietary interventions to alter gut microbiota is entering a new era. Scientists are currently exploring: Probiotics : benefits specific to probiotic species and strain. Healthcare experts use the Clinical Guide to Probiotic Products Available in USA to inform research-based recommendations.

There is no recommended consumption of probiotics in PD but bring up this topic with your doctor. Studies show potential for using postbiotics to ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, treat infections and more. Watch Now. Back to Top. First Name. Last Name. Send me communications from my local chapter.

What is your Parkinson's connection? Are you involved with the person with Parkinson's care? Please select response Yes No. Please share the year of Parkinson's diagnosis:.

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Microbiome volume FjberArticle number: Cite this article. Metrics details. Cognitive impairment, an increasing mental health gut-vrain, Fiber and gut-brain connection a connectin feature Chronic fatigue and cognitive impairment Fiber and gut-brain connection aging brain and neurodegenerative diseases. Industrialized nations especially, have experienced a marked decrease in dietary fiber intake, but the potential mechanism linking low fiber intake and cognitive impairment is poorly understood. Emerging research reported that the diversity of gut microbiota in Western populations is significantly reduced. However, it is unknown whether a fiber-deficient diet which alters gut microbiota could impair cognition and brain functional elements through the gut-brain axis.

Fiber and gut-brain connection -

Naidoo explains fiber is "extremely important for the gut microbes, because that's what helps them thrive. She suggests getting fiber from elements of the Mediterranean diet or a plant-rich diet with vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, legumes and healthy whole grains.

Sara Moniuszko is a health and lifestyle reporter at CBSNews. Previously, she wrote for USA Today, where she was selected to help launch the newspaper's wellness vertical. She now covers breaking and trending news for CBS News' HealthWatch.

The surprising gut-brain connection. Sara Moniuszko Sara Moniuszko is a health and lifestyle reporter at CBSNews. Thanks for reading CBS NEWS. Please enter email address to continue. Please enter valid email address to continue.

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Chassaing B, Ley RE, Gewirtz AT. Intestinal epithelial cell toll-like receptor 5 regulates the intestinal microbiota to prevent low-grade inflammation and metabolic syndrome in mice. Download references. We would like to thank Alice Petty and Elizabeth Skinner from Neuroscience Research Australia, for English Language editing.

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Immunity and Metabolism, Department of Pathogen Biology and Immunology, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, , Jiangsu, China.

Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute IHMRI and School of Medicine, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, , Australia. State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, , China.

Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD, , Australia. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

performed the research, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript. analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. designed the research study, analyzed and interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Correspondence to Kuiyang Zheng , Xu-Feng Huang or Yinghua Yu. All the experimental protocols were in accordance with the Chinese Council on Animal Care Guidelines and approved by Institutional Animal Care Committee of Xuzhou Medical University.

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Dietary fiber deficiency for 15 weeks impaired cognition and increased colonic and systemic inflammation.

Total object exploration time in the object location test A and temporal order memory tests B. Dietary fiber deficiency altered gut microbiota. A-D The α-diversity of the cecal microbiome among two groups depicted according to Chao1 index A , Ace index B , Sob index C and Shannon index D.

F Predicted KEGG functional pathway differences at level 3 inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequences using PICRUSt. Fig S3. Dietary fiber deficiency for 7 days altered gut microbiota, but not colon tight junctions and inflammation.

wild type WT mice. SCFAs supplementation prevented FD-induced cognitive decline and microglia activation. D The immunofluorescent staining of Iba1 Scale bar: 50μm , the image capture from the box marked with a dotted line Scale bar: 10μm.

J The representative immunofluorescent staining of CD68 in the hippocampus, Scale bar: 25μm. K The orthogonal view of the high-resolution confocal image shows the colocalization of Iba1 green and PSD95 red Scale bar: 5μm.

The FD mice with SCFAs supplementation: FDS. SCFAs supplementation prevented FD-induced intestinal integrity impairment, endotoxemia and systemic inflammation.

A Immunofluorescence images of colonic sections stained with Anti-MUC2 antibody and DAPI. Opposing white arrows with shafts delineates the mucus layer. Scale bar: 50μm B FISH analysis of sections of the colon using the general bacterial probe EUBAlexa Fluor green , and nuclear staining DAPI blue.

Scale bar: 20μm. Table S1. Composition of the control Con and fiber deficient FD diets. Table S2. Pearson correlations between energy intake and metabolic and behavior parameters. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.

The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.

If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Reprints and permissions. Shi, H. et al. A fiber-deprived diet causes cognitive impairment and hippocampal microglia-mediated synaptic loss through the gut microbiota and metabolites.

Microbiome 9 , Download citation. Received : 27 April Accepted : 06 October Published : 11 November Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.

Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Research Open access Published: 11 November A fiber-deprived diet causes cognitive impairment and hippocampal microglia-mediated synaptic loss through the gut microbiota and metabolites Hongli Shi 1 na1 , Xing Ge 1 na1 , Xi Ma 3 na1 , Mingxuan Zheng 1 , Xiaoying Cui 4 , Wei Pan 1 , Peng Zheng 2 , Xiaoying Yang 1 , Peng Zhang 1 , Minmin Hu 1 , Tao Hu 1 , Renxian Tang 1 , Kuiyang Zheng 1 , Xu-Feng Huang ORCID: orcid.

Abstract Background Cognitive impairment, an increasing mental health issue, is a core feature of the aging brain and neurodegenerative diseases. Results In this study, a mouse model of long-term 15 weeks dietary fiber deficiency FD was used to mimic a sustained low fiber intake in humans.

Conclusions This study, for the first time, reports that a fiber-deprived diet leads to cognitive impairment through altering the gut microbiota-hippocampal axis, which is pathologically distinct from normal brain aging.

Results Dietary fiber deficiency induces cognitive impairment and synaptic ultrastructure alteration After 15 weeks of the FD diet, mice showed significant cognitive deficits, including impaired object location memory, temporal order memory, and the ability to perform activities of daily living Fig.

Full size image. Discussion People in industrialized nations currently consume approximately half the recommended amount of dietary fiber [ 4 , 5 , 6 ]. Conclusions The present study identified a robust phenotype of cognitive decline in a mouse model of chronic dietary fiber deficiency featuring an altered gut-hippocampal axis.

Cecal microbiota analysis 16S rRNA gene sequencing The microbiomes were analyzed at the Illumina sequencing platform by Genedenovo Biotechnology Co.

Immunohistochemistry Frozen brain hippocampus sections in 20 μm were incubated with the primary antibodies, including antibody against Iba1, CD68, and PSD95, followed by the incubation with the secondary antibodies and DAPI.

Mucus thickness measurement and bacteria localization in the colon The colon samples were embedded in paraffin, cut into thin sections 5 μm , and performed by Alcian blue staining as previously published [ 73 ].

Statistical analysis Data were analyzed using the statistical package SPSS Version 20, Chicago, USA. Availability of data and materials The sequencing data of the 16S rRNA gene in this study are available in the Sequence Read Archive SRA under project number PRJNA References Livingston G, Huntley J, Sommerlad A, Ames D, Ballard C, Banerjee S, et al.

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The communication Finer between your gut gut-barin brain is Fbier the gut-brain axis. The Fiber and gut-brain connection tut-brain is a gut-beain for the communication Fiber and gut-brain connection that Watermelon lycopene content your gut and brain 123. Neurons are cells found in your brain and central nervous system that tell your body how to behave. There are approximately billion neurons in the human brain 4. Interestingly, your gut contains million neurons, which are connected to your brain through nerves in your nervous system 5. The vagus nerve is one of the biggest nerves connecting your gut and brain. a Department of Anxiety self-help tips Science and Gut-brzin, Ningbo University, FibdrP. China E-mail: yliu98 comFibsr nbu. Circadian ocnnection play an important role in Fiber and gut-brain connection normal physiological and Fiber and gut-brain connection functions of the body, including regulating sleep patterns. External factors such as poor eating habits and work and rest patterns of modern people can disrupt the circadian rhythm, resulting in sleep disorders such as difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking up. Meanwhile, this article emphasizes that increasing the intake of dietary fiber in the daily dietary structure is beneficial for ameliorating sleep disorders. Fiber and gut-brain connection

Author: Vodal

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