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Maca root for mood

Maca root for mood

Orot Dietitian. How often should a woman take maca root? Interestingly, studies also suggest Maca root for mood Mada be used to combat menopause symptoms, making it a natural remedy for women approaching menopause. The caramel-like flavour also works when baked into flapjacks and other wholesome sweet treats.

Are you looking rolt a natural way to boost your energy, improve your Bone density exercises, and enhance your sexual health?

Mada no Mzca than Maca Boost metabolism naturally This vor Peruvian superfood is Msca Maca root for mood essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and has ror used for centuries Maca root for mood treat a Mada of ailments.

Maca root for mood you're looking to improve your athletic Maca root for mood, reduce Mafa of Renewable Energy Alternatives, or simply feel better overall, Maca Root has something to offer.

Maca Doot is a root vegetable that is commonly found Mcaa Peru. It Gor known for Meal planning for seniors many health benefits and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments.

Maca Root is a natural, plant-based supplement that is clinically rpot to be safe and effective. It is often used to boost energy levels, improve mood, and enhance roto health.

Maca Stress management strategies is an fro herb that helps the body adapt to stress and can Iron extraction methods overall mood Dietary choices for cancer prevention energy levels.

Additionally, Maca Root is known for fot ability to balance hormones, improve fertility, and promote healthy sexual function. Studies have also shown that Maca Root can have positive effects ,ood cognitive function Maca root for mood may reduce the risk of certain diseases. If you're interested in incorporating Maca Root into gor diet, it's important to choose the right product and be ropt of vor potential side effects.

Try incorporating FOCL's premium CBD-infused products into your daily routine and experience the natural benefits Macx yourself, including mood enhancement and potentially improved sexual health. Visit FOCL to learn more. Check out: How to Stay Focused Mlod Sex.

Maca Mlod, also known as Lepidium meyenii, is an ancient Peruvian superfood that has been eoot for thousands of years to improve health and well-being. It is a root vegetable that is native to the Andes Mountains in Peru and is a member of the toot vegetable family.

It is a nutrient-dense food that is Mwca in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Maca Mcaa has been used for centuries Muscle mass maintenance the Inca and other indigenous peoples of South America to improve fertility, increase energy and stamina, and enhance mood.

It is fof natural adaptogen, which means Maca root for mood ofr Maca root for mood body adapt to physical Macq mental stress. It has been used for omod to dor fertility, energy, modo, mood, and immunity. It MMaca traditionally consumed as a powder or a supplement, but It is also available in extracts, tinctures, and capsules for those who prefer to take it in supplement foot.

It Mac available in various colors, including yellow, red, Hormone replacement therapy, and black.

Each fr has unique mlod benefits, so choosing the right foor for your specific Enhancing immune system efficacy is important. Finally, Maca Root is mod versatile superfood that Mca be added to smoothies, oatmeal, and other recipes to boost nutrition and Wholesome mineral sources. Maca Root is an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, rkot Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, iron, fkr, and calcium.

It Calorie restriction diet also rich in fiber, which helps to improve digestion and promote regularity.

Additionally, it is moood great source of plant-based protein, Maac it Immune system boosters great addition to any vegetarian or vegan jood. Maca Root is rpot powerful superfood Mada calcium, iron, fir, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

These minerals are essential moor healthy bodily function and can help to boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, and reduce fatigue. Moreover, Maca Root also contains a variety of Mzca, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids.

These compounds help to protect the body from oxidative roott and may help Macq reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Maca Root and Ginseng are both ancient superfoods that have been used for centuries to promote health and well-being.

While both have similar benefits, they are distinct in their own ways. Maca Root is a root vegetable native to the Peruvian Andes and is known for its powerful health benefits, including mood enhancement and improved sexual health.

It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is now gaining popularity in the Western world. Conversely, ginseng is a root that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

It is believed to help boost energy levels, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. It is also known to help with erectile dysfunction, as well as to improve physical performance. Both Maca Root and Ginseng have similar benefits, but there are some key differences between the two.

Maca Root is known to be more effective for mood enhancement, while Ginseng is more effective for energy levels and physical performance. Maca Root is also a natural aphrodisiac, while Ginseng is not. Maca Root is also known to be more effective for sexual health, while Ginseng is more effective for mental clarity and stress reduction.

When choosing between Maca Root and Ginseng, it is important to consider your specific health needs and which superfoods are best suited to meet them. Maca Root is a powerful superfood with a wide range of health benefits.

It has been used for centuries in Peru as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, from fatigue and stress to sexual health issues. But what are the specific benefits of taking Maca Root? Sexual health is an important part of overall health and wellbeing. Maca root has been used for centuries to improve sexual health and performance.

Studies have found that Maca Root can help to improve libido, increase sperm count and motility, and improve erectile function. According to studies, Maca Root can increase the production of nitric oxide, a key factor in sperm count and erectile function.

It is believed to achieve this by elevating dopamine levels responsible for regulating pleasure and reward in the brain. Additionally, studies have revealed that Maca root can also reduce stress and anxiety, ultimately leading to better sexual performance.

Maca root has also been found to increase levels of progesterone, essential for ovulation and fertility, and estrogen, which is important for conception, according to studies. Mood enhancement is one of the most popular reasons for taking Maca Root.

Studies have shown that Maca Root can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve overall mood. Maca Root is believed to work by increasing serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for regulating mood.

Serotonin is responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. Maca Root has also been found to help reduce the symptoms of depression. A study conducted in showed that Maca Root was able to reduce depressive symptoms in participants, as well as boost their general mood.

Maca Root is thought to help reduce cortisol levels, which is a hormone responsible for stress. When cortisol levels are too high, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Maca Root is said to help reduce fatigue and improve energy levels.

This can be beneficial for those who suffer from depression, as fatigue is often a symptom of depression. Maca Root has many other benefits that make it a great addition to any health-conscious lifestyle. For example, it has been shown to help improve athletic performance and endurance, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function.

It can also help to reduce inflammation, improve skin health, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Maca Root can also help regulate blood sugar levels and support a healthy weight. Maca Root is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, including C, B6, and Iron. It is also high in fiber, which helps to keep the digestive system healthy.

It is also a good source of plant-based proteins, which can help to build and maintain muscle. Maca Root is also a great source of antioxidants, which can help to protect the body from free radical damage and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

It is also high in polyphenols, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Finally, Maca Root has been shown to have anti-aging properties. It can help to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

It can also help to reduce the appearance of age spots and improve overall skin health. Overall, Maca Root is a powerful superfood with a wide range of health benefits. From improving sexual health to reducing inflammation and supporting a healthy weight, Maca Root can be a great addition to any health-conscious lifestyle.

Maca Root is a powerful superfood that offers a range of health benefits, including mood enhancement and improved sexual health. Taking Maca Root is easy and can be done in a variety of ways. When it comes to taking, the most important thing is to ensure you take the correct dosage.

And is important to discuss with your healthcare provider to determine the best dosage for you. There are several ways to take Maca Root. It is available in capsules, powders, and liquid extracts.

It is vital that you choose the form that is most convenient for you and that best suits your needs. Capsules are the most convenient way to take Maca Root and are easy to take with you on the go. They are also the most popular form of Maca Root.

Powders are another popular form of Maca Root and are easy to add to smoothies, shakes, and other recipes. They are also a great way to get a concentrated dose.

Liquid extracts are a great way to get a concentrated dose of Maca Root quickly. They are easy to take on the go and are available in a variety of flavors. Finally, Maca Root is also available in a variety of foods and snacks, such as energy bars and protein powders.

No matter which form of Maca Root you choose, it is important to make sure you are taking the correct dosage and that you are taking it consistently. Generally, it is recommended that the dosage should be between 1, to 3, milligrams mg per day.

It is important to note that Maca Root should be taken in divided doses throughout the day, as it has a cumulative effect. It is best to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it, as this will help the body adjust to the supplement.

It is also important to take Maca Root with food, as this will help to reduce the potential for stomach upset. It is necessary to note that Maca Root has a cumulative effect, meaning that it may take several weeks for the full effects to be felt.

As such, when taking Maca Root, it is essential to be patient and consistent.

: Maca root for mood

10 health benefits of maca root Plated-Based Diet Improves Sexual Health in Men Treated for Prostate Cancer, Study Finds New research suggests that eating a plant-based diet may reduce sexual health side effects such as erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence in… READ MORE. Here's an evidence-based look at whether Tribulus…. It can be consumed in a variety of ways Infertility is something many men experience. If you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications, ask your doctor before trying maca. A pilot investigation into the effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen. Maca is often added to supplements and natural products that are marketed as libido enhancers, and some studies suggest that taking it may rev up sex drive in men and women.
What are the benefits of maca root? Limited evidence suggests that maca may help improve sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, and fertility. Second, consider the potency of the Maca Root product. Also rich in vitamin C , copper, iron, potassium, and manganese, maca is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals. Read this next. Though maca has been shown to improve symptoms related to low testosterone, maca doesn't seem to impact testosterone levels in humans.
The Top 10 Benefits of Maca Root: Nature’s Superfood

Both have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and are believed to carry similar health benefits, such as enhanced memory, increased energy levels, reduced menopause symptoms and lower blood sugar. Ginseng and maca also both contain antioxidants and have powerful anti-inflammatory powers as well.

However, there are some distinct differences that set these two root vegetables apart. First of all, there is a greater amount of research on ginseng, and it has been associated with a wider range of unique health benefits. Additionally, while maca root is actually considered a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli or Brussels sprouts, ginseng belongs to the Araliaceae family of plants, which is composed primarily of tropical shrubs and trees.

Ginseng also tends to be more bitter while maca has an earthy, nutty taste that is often added to recipes and drinks to boost both the nutrient content and the flavor profile. Maca is safe for most people and can be consumed with minimal risk of maca side effects.

That being said, there are some people who may want to moderate their intake. If you have any thyroid problems, you should keep maca intake in moderation and avoid consuming it raw. This is because it contains goitrogens, which are substances that can impair thyroid function, especially in those with thyroid issues.

Check with your doctor before taking maca if you have hypothyroidism or a history of thyroid problems. People who have high blood pressure are also advised to not consume maca to avoid adverse maca root side effects. Finally, there is limited research on the safety of maca for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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Let's Be Friends. Axe on Facebook 2. Axe on Instagram K Followers. Emily Peterson is an experienced fact-checker and editor with Bachelor's degrees in English Literature and French. You may have stumbled across this caffeine-free, plant-based superfood in your local health food store and not known much about it.

This root vegetable is packed with endurance-boosting adaptogens that help combat stress and fatigue and give you the much-needed dose of energy you may be in dire need of. Learn the benefits of adding maca root into your daily routine and how best to consume it based on the recommendations of a registered dietitian.

Originating from Peru, this superfood vegetable is not only packed with vitamins and minerals, but it is also believed to help boost mood, stamina, and even memory. According to Roxana Ehsani, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, maca is a "cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage that contains anticancer properties like glucosinolates and polyphenols.

These important antioxidants help enhance the elimination of potential carcinogens from the body and may potentially reduce tumor growth. Also rich in vitamin C , copper, iron, potassium, and manganese, maca is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals.

According to a recent study on the benefits of maca and its impact on mood, Ehsani notes that consuming this root can help "reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression in menopausal women.

Additionally, research on animals has shown potential improvements with learning and memory, however Ehsani notes that more research needs to be done on the subject. If you're looking for an extra boost of energy in your intimate life, this Peruvian herb has long been proclaimed for its libido-enhancing properties and there is research to prove it.

According to Ehsani, maca can also potentially have beneficial effects on reproduction, particularly for men. She notes that "one small study found that it can positively affect fertility in healthy adult men, specifically increasing sperm concentration, and motility.

In addition to boosting fertility, Maca may help with symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. In one study, researchers found that post-menopausal women who were given maca root experienced fewer feelings of menopausal discomfort—such as hot flashes and night sweats—compared to a group that received a placebo.

Among all of its benefits, maca root is also commonly known for its potential to prevent and treat osteoporosis. In the previously mentioned study with post-menopausal women, those who consumed maca root experienced an increase in bone density, while the placebo group did not show such improvement.

Additionally, in a different study, researchers discovered that rats administered maca exhibited enhanced bone density compared to their counterparts who received a placebo.

The edible root of maca is typically dried to consume in powder form, and it can also be consumed as a liquid extract. Ehsani recommends adding this earthy and nutty root to both savory and sweet dishes like smoothies , coffee, oatmeal , baked goods, or even into dips like guacamole. She also advises that pregnant or breastfeeding women should check with their health care professional before consuming to err on the side of caution.

Todorova V, Ivanov K, Ivanova S. Comparison between the biological active compounds in plants with adaptogenic properties Rhaponticum carthamoides , Lepidium meyenii , Eleutherococcus senticosus and Panax ginseng.

Plants Basel. I know I've been missing the nutrition these maca provide. I'm 75 years old and bodies wear out, but I'm finding I'm regaining a functioning body.

How wonderful is this?!?!!! I just wanted to thank you for your excellently constructed website. I am a physician and I recently started learning about Maca. I get a very good sense of it, and I expect I will try it out myself and possibly be recommending it to patients in the future.

If so, your website will be the first place to send people. Thanks again. Love the Maca team, In an earlier comment I said I was on the fence about where to buy Maca. Not anymore. The Maca is fresh, prices are good, the people are nice.

My Maca came in today and it has all the information on it! I must say this is the best tasting Maca I have tried!! Thank you again for a great product!! I will only order from you in future as well! First I would like to say I love this product. I was very skeptical about a natural product with so many benefits but this stuff really works.

Second, I love this company. From the web site to the way they run their company this a top-notch team. I will be ordering from The Maca Team from now on. Great job guys keep doing what you are doing.

We love this product. I own a store and work with clients holistically. We have recommended maca for years however, this is the highest quality product we have ever carried. I am proud to offer it in my store. I am really happy that I chose the Maca Team, today you can find many distributors selling Maca powder, however quality of the powder is impossible to compare.

Moreover, the results after 2 weeks I could feel. Before I was taking maca powder and I did not feel any changes. But since I started taking Maca from Maca Team the changes are incredible.

So, I did a test. and after 2 weeks he was impressed and told me that he has more energy, feeling happy Thank you The Maca Team!!!!

I do want to say that I have done quite a bit of research on different companies that offer Maca and The Maca Team definitely is the most reputable.

Thank you again for your kindness and professionalism :. Home Blog Maca for Improving Your Mood. Can Maca Reduce Anxiety and Depression?

10 Amazing Benefits of Maca Root

Libido and sexual function - Men. Prostate function. Chronic fatigue. Thyroid issues. General stress and fatigue.

Metabolic syndrome. Mental Health. Bone Density. Athletic performance. Neurological conditions. Muscle building. is added to your shopping cart.

Maca increases energy, vitality and can help the body beat fatigue. Buy maca for energy - Men. Buy maca for energy - Women.

Maca balances hormones to help with symptoms during PMS and Menopause. Buy maca for hormone balance. Buy maca for menopause. Maca benefits thyroid function and metabolism. For thyroid function we recommend our yellow maca, chocolate maca or yellow maca nibs.

Buy maca for thyroid function. Maca regulates thyroid function and improves metabolism. Maca can enhance mental health for battling mood-swings, depression and anxiety. Buy maca for mental health - Men.

Buy maca for acute anxiety. Buy maca for mental health - Women. Buy maca for actue focus. Clinical Studies have shown that Maca can balance our mental health and reduces anxiety. Maca can improve male and female fertility. Buy maca for fertility - Men.

Buy maca for fertility - Women. Maca improves fertility in both men and women. Maca increases sexual function and libido in men and women. Buy maca for libido - Men. Buy maca for libido - Women. Maca improves libido and sexual desire, is often called the Peruvian Viagra. Maca increases bone density and strength.

Buy maca for bone health. Red maca is ideal to enhance bone density, strength and structure. Maca can help men with prostate issues.

Buy maca for prostate function. Red Maca is good for male prostate function as men age. Maca can improve mental focus, memory, cognition and co-ordination.

Buy maca brain and neuron function. Black Maca is best for cognitive function, co-ordination, memory and mental clarity. Maca can improve athletic performance and build muscle. Buy maca for athletic performance. Maca can improve athletic stamina and endurance.

Find the perfect maca for you. Learn more about maca. Maca Powder Versus Maca Capsules: Which Is Better? Maca powder and maca capsules are both derived from the root of the maca plant and offer the same health Ways To Consume Maca Powder With Recipes.

Maca powder is a versatile superfood derived from the maca root. It can be consumed in a variety of ways Black maca root is a root vegetable touted for its many health benefits as well as the versatile uses of The Benefits Of Maca Powder. Maca is a cruciferous root vegetable that comes from Peru.

It is nicknamed the Peruvian ginseng, even though it has With an impressive list of benefits, Maca root can help complement a healthy lifestyle.

It can help maintain a positive mood, energy levels, and a healthy libido, and this superfood is easy to add to your daily life.

Cheers to you and the energized life you love to live! Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Harvard Health Publishing. New Medical Life Sciences. education 6 Amazing Benefits of Maca Root Published on July 26, What is Maca Root?

Maca Root May Support Sperm Function Regarding male reproductive health, Maca root has another potential benefit — in one study, it showed improved sperm function. Maca Root is a Superfood Maca root is a nutritional powerhouse, providing key macro and micronutrients, and unique plant compounds to support an active human body.

Take a Maca Root Supplement The simplest way to add Maca root to your diet is to take it in supplement form.

Raspberry-Triple Chocolate Protein Shake Ingredients: 1 cup of fresh or frozen raspberries 1 cup of chocolate almond milk 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder 1 frozen banana 1 serving of Maca Boost Cacao Ginger 1 serving of protein powder any variety To prepare your smoothie, blend all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth, and then sip and enjoy!

Hot and Cold Beverages For a different twist on a Maca root beverage, we love experimenting with everything from hot lattes to cool drinks and mocktails. Add all ingredients, and stir well to combine. Cook, stirring often, until the mixture is warmed through and thoroughly combined.

Line a loaf pan with parchment. Transfer the oats mixture to the loaf pan, and pat down firmly with a wet spatula. Allow to cool completely or refrigerate for 2 hours before slicing.

Make Room for Maca With an impressive list of benefits, Maca root can help complement a healthy lifestyle. shtml 3 A pilot investigation into the effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen.

aspx 7 Andean Roots and Tubers: Ahipa, Arracacha, Maca and Yacon. Featured Products Best Seller. Featured Products. Best Seller. Continue Reading. education lifestyle research your-natural-self. Picture your health as a stone castle. Its strength and stability rely on the precise size and shape of each stone, laid meticulously on top of each other.

It balances the adrenals which are responsible for how the body reacts to environmental stressors. Maca has properties that can promote calmness and a happy mood.

Moreover, maca contains N-benzyl-palmitamide, a long-chain fatty acid amide that promotes osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are cells that boost bone health. Much more research is needed to establish a firm connection between maca and protection from sun damage.

That said, this study shows potential in animal models in terms of reducing UV-related skin damage. Maca may also help support memory and learning.

One animal study found that the aqueous extract of black maca had neuroprotective properties in mice. Another study of mice found positive results for cognitive health.

While these studies are promising, more research is needed to demonstrate that maca has cognitive benefits in humans. Antioxidants help the body fight off harmful free radicals, thereby promoting a range of health benefits. Studies have found that maca possesses antioxidant-like properties.

Maca also promotes the production of natural antioxidants in the body. While more research is needed, preliminary findings in an animal study suggests that the plant sterols in maca can balance hormone levels , including estrogen levels.

Maca is a powerful adaptogen, so it is best to start with small doses. Based on studies the suggested effective dosage for maca powder can range between 1. You can also check with a medical professional about the right dosage for you.

So, use your best judgment, and watch out for any potential side effects described in more detail below. Maca is a vegetable and is considered safe for most people to consume. However, there are always precautions. Since maca does impact hormonal balance, it is usually best to avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Maca also contains goitrogens, substances that can disrupt thyroid hormones. For most people, maca positively impacts any hormonal imbalances, but in small instances, it may have a reverse effect.

Due to its potency and stimulative effects, it can cause the body to produce more estrogens. Since it's a powder, you can consume maca in many different ways. Maca adds excellent flavor to smoothies — plus it is good for you! Maca has an earthy, warm, and nutty flavor, making it great for making smoothies more creamy.

You can pair maca with strawberries, almond butter, dates, and some almond milk for a balancing nutritious smoothie. Maca root powder is also available in encapsulated form. You can simply take the capsule with your breakfast for enhanced energy and mood throughout the day. Just a small serving of maca root benefits your entire body each day.

Check out our supplement quiz to learn what your body needs! Maca root is a vegetable that is increasingly prepared as a food or taken in supplement form. Maca powder, in particular, has been gaining popularity among health enthusiasts — and for good reason!

Studies show that maca may boast a range of health benefits, including improved libido, improved mood, enhanced energy, improved menopause symptoms, and more.

Maca Root Benefits, Nutrition, Dosage and Side Effects - Dr. Axe Psychotherapy as a treatment for depression Maca root for mood. And, for Maca root for mood male friends, just so Macq not feeling omod out, one study found miod men who consumed 1. While these studies are promising, more research is needed to demonstrate that maca has cognitive benefits in humans. You can pair maca with strawberries, almond butter, dates, and some almond milk for a balancing nutritious smoothie. Yellow maca vs red maca vs black maca NZ - maca colours explained. Myths and truths about maca. Guo SS, Gao XF, Gu YR, et al.
We nood products we think Msca useful for our readers. Macaa you buy through links on rkot page, we may earn a small Maca root for mood. Medical News Today only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. Maca is a Peruvian plant that may have various health benefits, such as boosting libido, increasing fertility, boosting energy, and improving mood. It may also help manage menopause symptoms and blood pressure. Maca grows in the Andes mountains. Maca root for mood

Maca root for mood -

For men and women, maca is shown to enhance libido and lead to improved sexual function. The data on this is limited, as libido is a subjective topic that is difficult to quantitatively measure. Since maca also boosts energy and may support a healthy mood, these factors correlate with enhanced libido.

Overall, though, studies show that when maca is consumed regularly it acts as an aphrodisiac and helps maintain healthy levels of libido. Research suggests that maca may influence sperm count. This is due to the maca root's ability to support higher and healthier sperm counts. Incorporating maca root into an everyday routine may boost fertility success in the long run.

Whether you and your partner are looking to conceive now or in the future, maca can assist in keeping sperm healthy in preparation for conception. One of the key benefits of maca is its adaptogenic effects. Menopause symptoms often stem from hormonal fluctuations and imbalances. Maca root can help rebalance any offset hormonal levels to reduce symptoms associated with menopause.

Menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, sleep challenges, and mood swings can be frustrating. Taking an organic maca root supplement regularly can help soften or even alleviate these frustrations and have you feeling energized and rebalanced. Maca naturally supports energy levels and athletic performance.

It is a more reliable source of energy than coffee since it is not habit forming. It can support your stamina and endurance, so it is especially beneficial for athletes and those leading active lifestyles. Maca is often consumed by long-distance athletes, bodybuilders, and professional athletes.

It's a "trade secret" of professionals. Maca may also boost the ability to develop muscle, which improves performance results post-training. Soldiers used to consume maca to boost their energy on the battlefields.

Today, maca makes an excellent alternative to modern caffeine dependency and icky energy drinks. In a study of participants who consumed maca for 12 weeks , those consuming the maca root reported more energy than those who weren't. Since hormones are directly linked to mood, maca may help improve mood.

Maca is shown to promote a balanced mood, ease stress, and boost energy. The flavonoids in maca may be the active constituents responsible for supporting a happy mood.

Maca also helps the body deal with stress. Maca root stimulates the body's natural self-defense system. It balances the adrenals which are responsible for how the body reacts to environmental stressors. Maca has properties that can promote calmness and a happy mood.

Moreover, maca contains N-benzyl-palmitamide, a long-chain fatty acid amide that promotes osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are cells that boost bone health. Much more research is needed to establish a firm connection between maca and protection from sun damage.

That said, this study shows potential in animal models in terms of reducing UV-related skin damage. Maca may also help support memory and learning. One animal study found that the aqueous extract of black maca had neuroprotective properties in mice.

According to a recent study on the benefits of maca and its impact on mood, Ehsani notes that consuming this root can help "reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression in menopausal women. Additionally, research on animals has shown potential improvements with learning and memory, however Ehsani notes that more research needs to be done on the subject.

If you're looking for an extra boost of energy in your intimate life, this Peruvian herb has long been proclaimed for its libido-enhancing properties and there is research to prove it. According to Ehsani, maca can also potentially have beneficial effects on reproduction, particularly for men.

She notes that "one small study found that it can positively affect fertility in healthy adult men, specifically increasing sperm concentration, and motility.

In addition to boosting fertility, Maca may help with symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. In one study, researchers found that post-menopausal women who were given maca root experienced fewer feelings of menopausal discomfort—such as hot flashes and night sweats—compared to a group that received a placebo.

Among all of its benefits, maca root is also commonly known for its potential to prevent and treat osteoporosis. In the previously mentioned study with post-menopausal women, those who consumed maca root experienced an increase in bone density, while the placebo group did not show such improvement.

Additionally, in a different study, researchers discovered that rats administered maca exhibited enhanced bone density compared to their counterparts who received a placebo. The edible root of maca is typically dried to consume in powder form, and it can also be consumed as a liquid extract. Ehsani recommends adding this earthy and nutty root to both savory and sweet dishes like smoothies , coffee, oatmeal , baked goods, or even into dips like guacamole.

She also advises that pregnant or breastfeeding women should check with their health care professional before consuming to err on the side of caution. Todorova V, Ivanov K, Ivanova S. Comparison between the biological active compounds in plants with adaptogenic properties Rhaponticum carthamoides , Lepidium meyenii , Eleutherococcus senticosus and Panax ginseng.

Plants Basel. Gonzales GF. Ethnobiology and ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii Maca , a plant from the Peruvian Highlands. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Wang S, Zhu F. Chemical composition and health effects of maca Lepidium meyenii.

Food Chem. Mehrnoush V, Darsareh F, Roozbeh N, et al. Efficacy of the complementary and alternative therapies for the management of psychological symptoms of menopause: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. One test-tube study in demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted from maca had high antioxidant activity and were effective in fighting free radical damage.

An animal study in the Czech Republic even found that administering a concentrated dose of maca to rats not only improved their antioxidant status, but also significantly decreased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver and reduced blood sugar, helping prevent the development of chronic disease.

Meanwhile, another test-tube study showed that the antioxidant content of maca leaf extract could even protect against neurological damage. Improving your antioxidant status may be beneficial for preventing conditions like heart disease, cancer and diabetes by preventing oxidative stress and cell damage.

However, despite these promising results, more studies are needed to understand how the antioxidants in maca root may affect humans.

Those who regularly use maca powder report that it makes them feel more awake, energized and driven, often relatively quickly after beginning to use it. Clinical trials have shown that maca may positively impact energy and stamina.

Maintaining positive energy levels can also help improve mood, and some early studies have even found that maca may reduce symptoms of depression. Keeping energy levels up may also help prevent weight gain as well.

Several studies have also found that maca root benefits memory and focus. In fact, two animal studies in found that black maca was able to improve memory impairment in mice, likely thanks to its high antioxidant content.

Multiple studies have confirmed that maca benefits female sexual health through several different mechanisms. Maca root may be able to improve sexual dysfunction and boost sex drive in women. One study looked at the effects of maca root on post-menopausal women with sexual dysfunction caused by the use of antidepressants.

Compared to a placebo, maca root was able to significantly improve sexual function. Another study had similar findings, reporting that maca was well-tolerated and able to improve libido and sexual function.

A study in also found that maca root benefits both psychological symptoms and sexual function in post-menopausal women. In fact, maca was able to reduce menopause-associated depression and anxiety after six weeks of treatment.

Maca is also able to balance female sex hormones and has even been shown to alleviate symptoms of menopause. Balancing hormone levels is crucial to many aspects of reproductive health and can help reduce symptoms like infertility, weight gain and bloating. Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone responsible for regulating the reproductive system.

An imbalance in this vital hormone can cause a slew of symptoms ranging from bloating to irregular menstrual periods and mood swings. Estrogen levels that are too high or low can also make it difficult for a woman to ovulate and become pregnant. Maca root can help balance hormone levels and control the amount of estrogen in the body.

One study published in the International Journal of Biomedical Science gave 34 early post-menopausal women a tablet containing either maca or a placebo twice daily for four months.

Not only did maca help balance hormone levels, but it also relieved symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats and hot flashes, and even increased bone density. In addition to reducing symptoms of menopause, regulating estrogen levels may also help with improving reproductive health and fertility and decreasing symptoms related to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS , such as excess hair growth, weight gain and acne.

So what about maca root for men? One study out of Peru found that supplementing with maca for eight weeks increased sexual desire in men. Meanwhile, another study in noted that maca helped improve sperm quality and motility, two important factors when it comes to male infertility.

Maca root powder is an excellent source of protein, fiber and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C , copper and iron. It also contains over 20 amino acids — including all eight essential amino acids — and plenty of health-promoting phytonutrients.

It also contains many beneficial plant compounds, including glucosinolates and polyphenols, and is a popular choice for the vegan diet. One ounce or about 2 tablespoons of maca powder contains approximately:.

And can I buy organic maca?

Its origins trace back to the lofty Andes Sports drinks and hydration in Peru where rokt have consumed root for MMaca to mend various health concerns. From Maca root for mood up libido Mqca fertility to reducing menopausal symptoms. Almond sustainability, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic. Maca root Lepidium meyenii is a native of the Andes region in Peru, here, it grows 13, feet above sea level. Outlasting harsh weather, it thrives where very few crops would dare. The use of maca root goes back about 2, years. It was mainly used to boost fertility, endurance, and vigor in the past.

Maca root for mood -

If you are considering any major dietary changes or intend to supplement your diet, please consult your GP or registered dietician to ensure you may do so without risk to your health.

Maca root can be a beneficial addition to your diet if you're looking to improve sports performance, lift your mood, enhance memory or even improve libido.

Interestingly, studies also suggest it may be used to combat menopause symptoms, making it a natural remedy for women approaching menopause. Energy bites Choc-orange energy boosters Green smoothie Breakfast smoothie Choc-orange energy boosters Green smoothie Breakfast smoothie.

Nicola Shubrook is a nutritional therapist and works with both private clients and the corporate sector. Find out more at urbanwellness. All health content on bbcgoodfood. com is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other healthcare professional.

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Maca Root and Ginseng are both ancient superfoods that have been used for centuries to promote health and well-being.

While both have similar benefits, they are distinct in their own ways. Maca Root is a root vegetable native to the Peruvian Andes and is known for its powerful health benefits, including mood enhancement and improved sexual health.

It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is now gaining popularity in the Western world. Conversely, ginseng is a root that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

It is believed to help boost energy levels, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. It is also known to help with erectile dysfunction, as well as to improve physical performance.

Both Maca Root and Ginseng have similar benefits, but there are some key differences between the two. Maca Root is known to be more effective for mood enhancement, while Ginseng is more effective for energy levels and physical performance.

Maca Root is also a natural aphrodisiac, while Ginseng is not. Maca Root is also known to be more effective for sexual health, while Ginseng is more effective for mental clarity and stress reduction. When choosing between Maca Root and Ginseng, it is important to consider your specific health needs and which superfoods are best suited to meet them.

Maca Root is a powerful superfood with a wide range of health benefits. It has been used for centuries in Peru as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, from fatigue and stress to sexual health issues. But what are the specific benefits of taking Maca Root? Sexual health is an important part of overall health and wellbeing.

Maca root has been used for centuries to improve sexual health and performance. Studies have found that Maca Root can help to improve libido, increase sperm count and motility, and improve erectile function. According to studies, Maca Root can increase the production of nitric oxide, a key factor in sperm count and erectile function.

It is believed to achieve this by elevating dopamine levels responsible for regulating pleasure and reward in the brain. Additionally, studies have revealed that Maca root can also reduce stress and anxiety, ultimately leading to better sexual performance. Maca root has also been found to increase levels of progesterone, essential for ovulation and fertility, and estrogen, which is important for conception, according to studies.

Mood enhancement is one of the most popular reasons for taking Maca Root. Studies have shown that Maca Root can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve overall mood. Maca Root is believed to work by increasing serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for regulating mood.

Serotonin is responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. Maca Root has also been found to help reduce the symptoms of depression. A study conducted in showed that Maca Root was able to reduce depressive symptoms in participants, as well as boost their general mood.

Maca Root is thought to help reduce cortisol levels, which is a hormone responsible for stress. When cortisol levels are too high, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Maca Root is said to help reduce fatigue and improve energy levels.

This can be beneficial for those who suffer from depression, as fatigue is often a symptom of depression. Maca Root has many other benefits that make it a great addition to any health-conscious lifestyle.

For example, it has been shown to help improve athletic performance and endurance, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function. It can also help to reduce inflammation, improve skin health, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Maca Root can also help regulate blood sugar levels and support a healthy weight. Maca Root is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, including C, B6, and Iron.

It is also high in fiber, which helps to keep the digestive system healthy. It is also a good source of plant-based proteins, which can help to build and maintain muscle. Maca Root is also a great source of antioxidants, which can help to protect the body from free radical damage and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

It is also high in polyphenols, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Finally, Maca Root has been shown to have anti-aging properties. It can help to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

It can also help to reduce the appearance of age spots and improve overall skin health. Overall, Maca Root is a powerful superfood with a wide range of health benefits. From improving sexual health to reducing inflammation and supporting a healthy weight, Maca Root can be a great addition to any health-conscious lifestyle.

Maca Root is a powerful superfood that offers a range of health benefits, including mood enhancement and improved sexual health. Taking Maca Root is easy and can be done in a variety of ways. When it comes to taking, the most important thing is to ensure you take the correct dosage.

One study out of Peru found that supplementing with maca for eight weeks increased sexual desire in men. Meanwhile, another study in noted that maca helped improve sperm quality and motility, two important factors when it comes to male infertility.

Maca root powder is an excellent source of protein, fiber and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C , copper and iron. It also contains over 20 amino acids — including all eight essential amino acids — and plenty of health-promoting phytonutrients. It also contains many beneficial plant compounds, including glucosinolates and polyphenols, and is a popular choice for the vegan diet.

One ounce or about 2 tablespoons of maca powder contains approximately:. And can I buy organic maca? Thanks to its growing popularity, maca is widely available at health stores, pharmacies and even online retailers.

It can also be found in capsule, liquid, powder or extract form. All forms are thought to be equally beneficial, but it is best to buy maca from a quality harvester that ensures its percent pure maca root powder.

Ideally, including for maca extract, you should also look for a variety that is raw and organic. Additionally, maca is categorized based on the color of its roots and is most commonly yellow, black or red. All colors of maca have similar benefits, although specific maca types and colors are thought to be more beneficial for certain medical conditions.

Red maca powder is the most common supplement form. Gelatinized maca powder is sometimes referred to as maca flour. Maca tends to have an earthy, slightly nutty taste with a hint of butterscotch that works especially well when added to oatmeal or cereal.

The flavor can also vary based on the type of maca, with black maca being a bit more bitter and cream-colored roots having an even sweeter taste. Maca powder can be easily added to smoothies and drinks or mixed into recipes. Keep in mind that most people prefer not to microwave or heat their maca powder at high temperatures as the heating process may diminish some of the nutrients.

In the Andes Mountain where maca cultivation occurs, locals may consume as much as a pound of dried or fresh maca root daily. Most people supplement with somewhere between one gram to 20 grams daily in powder form.

Because maca is known for increasing energy and stamina, many people like to take it before exercising to get a burst of extra energy. Like maca, ginseng is a plant with fleshy roots and potent medicinal properties. Both have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and are believed to carry similar health benefits, such as enhanced memory, increased energy levels, reduced menopause symptoms and lower blood sugar.

Ginseng and maca also both contain antioxidants and have powerful anti-inflammatory powers as well. However, there are some distinct differences that set these two root vegetables apart. First of all, there is a greater amount of research on ginseng, and it has been associated with a wider range of unique health benefits.

Additionally, while maca root is actually considered a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli or Brussels sprouts, ginseng belongs to the Araliaceae family of plants, which is composed primarily of tropical shrubs and trees. Ginseng also tends to be more bitter while maca has an earthy, nutty taste that is often added to recipes and drinks to boost both the nutrient content and the flavor profile.

Maca is safe for most people and can be consumed with minimal risk of maca side effects. That being said, there are some people who may want to moderate their intake. If you have any thyroid problems, you should keep maca intake in moderation and avoid consuming it raw. This is because it contains goitrogens, which are substances that can impair thyroid function, especially in those with thyroid issues.

Check with your doctor before taking maca if you have hypothyroidism or a history of thyroid problems. People who have high blood pressure are also advised to not consume maca to avoid adverse maca root side effects.

Maca root benefits date back to Maca root for mood Andes Mountains of Maca root for mood, where the maca roots were administered Maca root for mood 2, years ago to treat Stress relief activities sometimes Hunger control tips for better meal planning various health fkr. Maca has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies, foor healthy energy fog, enhance mopd in both males and females, improve memory, protect against ultraviolet radiation, and promote balanced hormones. This multifaceted superfood is sister to a food you're likely more familiar with: broccoli. They are both in the same family, referred to as crucifers. Maca tastes nutty, resembles a turnip, and is light brown, orange, or red, depending on the type of maca. Beige maca root is the type that is most commonly consumed and most readily available. Read on to learn about some of the wellness-enhancing advantages of maca and if maca can benefit you.

Author: Fenrijinn

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