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Glutamine and muscle preservation

Glutamine and muscle preservation

Article Pomegranate health benefits PubMed Google Scholar Scalise Glutaminee, Pochini L, Galluccio Preservatjon, Indiveri C. Immunity defense strategies glutathione system NADPH, glutathione reductase, and Preservafionone of the major cellular thiol-dependent antioxidant mechanisms, participates in the synthesis and repair of DNA [ ]. Recently, the dipeptide l -alanylglutamine was suggested to inhibit signalling proteins that trigger protein degradation following an acute bout of resistance exercise [ ]. Pharmacol Ther. During an intense workout, your body becomes stressed, and your muscles and tendons require more glutamine than the amount supplied by a normal diet.

Glutamine and muscle preservation -

Acute muscle damage often occurs after exhaustive exercise and also causes levels of lactatic acid, creatine kinase CK , aspartate aminotransferase AST , alanine aminotransferase ALT , and lactate dehydrogenase in serum to increase Baumert et al. Exercise, especially exhaustive exercise, defined as exercise till unable to move, causes an inflammatory response and damage to multiple organs, including skeletal muscles, the respiratory system, the liver, and the kidneys Ke et al.

During exhaustive exercise, inflammatory responses such as leukocyte aggregation can be identified in muscle tissue Peake et al. Muscle damage can occur when weaker sarcomeres are destroyed during muscle contraction or when a coupling mechanism stimulated through muscle excitation leads to excessive muscle lengthening Negro et al.

In addition, protein catabolism is greater than protein anabolism during exhaustive exercise. In the metabolic pathway of protein catabolism, the nitrogen-containing pathway must first undergo transamination Gleeson, ; Coqueiro et al.

Glutamine in the muscle is converted into glutamic acid to facilitate transamination, and the glutamine concentration in the body thus decreases after exhaustive exercise Trivedi et al. Therefore, a moderate amount of glutamine supplementation may assist in reducing muscle damage resulting from exhaustive exercise Gleeson, Glutamine is not only nutritious but also able to regulate other bioactivities in the body.

The animal study indicates that oral supplementation with L-glutamine and alanine in the free form can effectively maintain glutamine stores, leading to lower levels of proinflammatory biomarkers such as TNF-a, IL-1β and IL-6 Cruzat et al.

Additionally, the study shows that these supplementations can also have beneficial effects on biomarkers of muscle damage and inflammation such as muscle glycogen and plasma creatine kinase isozyme CK after a period of training.

The study also found that while glutamine and alanine supplementation improved some fatigue markers, it did not improve exercise performance Coqueiro et al. Moreover, glutamine affects many bioactivities in the digestive system and the immune system in the human body.

In the digestive system, glutamine supplements can accelerate rapidly dividing cells and reduce splanchnic bed damage in the intestines, liver, and pancreas Coqueiro et al.

In the immune system, glutamine downregulates lymphocyte count, macrophage count, and the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interlukin-1 IL-1 , IL-2, Interferon-gamma Amin et al.

Glutamine supplementation for human exercise was demonstrated to effectively reduce tissue and organ damage and promote glycogen synthesis, providing nutritional support for the immune system, and preventing infection Bowtell et al.

Muscle metabolism parameters such as creatine kinase isozyme MM CK-MM were used as an indicator for muscle damage. The serum level of CK-MM typically increases after exercise Banfi et al. During exercise, local hypoxia in skeletal muscles, accumulation of metabolites, and an increase in free radicals cause cell membrane damage and increased permeability.

At this time, CK-MM in muscle cells penetrates the cell membrane and enters the blood, which is the same process that leads to an increase of CK-MM after exhaustive exercise Koch et al.

Platelet count also decreases after exercise and this decrease might be related to exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation that decreases mortality in patients with coronary artery disease Anz et al. Researchers also have reported that supplementation after exercise exerts many beneficial effects; especially in muscle recovery and connective tissue damage Grassi et al.

Although studies have demonstrated that glutamine has beneficial effects for exercise, a crucial factor remains unclear. Researchers have been focused on the effect of glutamine on immunoregulation and muscle damage during exercise, and no other organ pathology observation for the use of glutamine has been undertaken.

Furthermore, no study has discussed whether various intake timings affect glutamine bioactivity in exhaustive exercise.

If glutamine supplementation has a treatment effect after exercise, then glutamine supplementation may be has a preventive effect before exercise. Nevertheless, there is no research show which is better to have glutamine supplementation before or after exercise.

Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the differential effect of glutamine supplementation before and after exercise to identify the optimal timing of glutamine supplementation.

We hypothesize that glutamine supplementation before exercise may have a similar effect to after exercise. Besides, glutamine regulates not only the immune cells but also other tissues or blood cells, such as RBC and platelets.

In this study, animal experimentation was conducted to explore the difference in the effect of L-glutamine supplementation at different times i.

The Sprague—Dawley rat model was applied. The eighteen experimental animals were randomly divided into three groups, namely, the vehicle group no glutamine treatment , the prevention group administered glutamine before exhaustive exercise , and the treatment group administered glutamine after exercise.

The three groups engaged in the same exercise program. Blood samples were collected at different times, and CK-MM was tested to assess muscle tissue damage. After the experiment, heart, kidney, and liver tissue sections were dissected to measure tissue damage.

The animal study was performed according to institutional protocols of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Tzu Chi University IACUC No: Experimental rats, with body weights between and g, were ordered from LASCO animal center Taipei, Taiwan. The rats were housed in a controlled environment of 22°C ± 1°C with a 12 h light-dark cycle.

Food pellets and water were provided ad libitum. Before the beginning of the day experiment, the rats were trained to exercise on a treadmill. After 14 days, the rats were transitioned to exercising on a treadmill and underwent exhaustive exercise. The rats were randomly grouped into a vehicle group, treatment group, and prevention group.

The vehicle group received 0. The actual mean dose of L-glutamine administered was between 0. The prevention group received the same single-dose glutamine 1 hour before the exercise. During this period, polyethylene catheters PE were inserted into the right femoral artery to collect blood samples Ke et al.

The femoral artery catheter was also connected to an electrophysiological amplifier Gould Instruments, Cleveland, OH, United States to monitor arterial pressure and heart rate. The surgical incision was less than 0. After the surgery, the animals were placed in a metabolic cage and awakened soon thereafter.

The rats were allowed free access to food and water. Maximum running times were attained for each rat, and the maximum running time was 30 min.

Exhaustion was defined in accordance per previous studies Ke et al. Specifically, exhaustion was concluded to have occurred when the rat was unable to maintain pace with the treadmill and when the rat lay flat on the treadmill and remained on the grid at the back of the treadmill for a period of 30 s despite being gently pushed with sticks or breathed upon.

The blood samples were collected before exercise, 12 h and 24 h after exercise. These samples were placed into heparinized tubes and measured immediately for blood cell counts Sysmex K, NY, United States. The samples were then centrifuged at 3, × g for 10 min.

After centrifugation, supernatant was collected and the level of CK-MM was measured within 1 hour by using an automatic biochemical analyzer COBAS INTEGRA , Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland. Euthanasia was conducted 24 h after treatments.

The rats were deeply anesthetized using isoflurane inhalation and then blood withdrawal was performed for euthanasia. The heart, kidneys, and liver were removed immediately.

An observer blinded to the group allocations performed the tissue analysis and scored the severity of organ injury. The severity of liver injuries observed in the tissue sections was scored as follows: 0, minimal or no evidence of injury; 1, mild injury consisting of cytoplasmic vacuolation and focal nuclear pyknosis; 2, moderate to severe injury with extensive nuclear pyknosis, cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia, and loss of intercellular borders; and 3, severe necrosis with disintegration of the hepatic cords, hemorrhage, and neutrophil infiltration Ke et al.

All evaluations were performed on five fields per section and five sections per organ by a blinding observer. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows v The continuous variables have been expressed in Mean ± SD, and an independent t -test was employed to analyze and compare the tissue injury score between prevention and treatment group.

The analysis of variance ANOVA was applied to examine the differences of CK-MM and blood cell count between three groups. The significance level for all statistical comparisons was set as α less than or equal to 0.

The skeletal muscle damage biomarker CK-MM was analyzed. The data showed that timing of the oral intake affects the reduction of serum CK-MM level. The CK-MM level of untreated vehicle group was elevated after exhaustive exercise and reached its highest point at 24 h after exercise Figure 1. The serum CK-MM level of the prevention group was elevated at 12 h.

The treatment group exhibited almost no elevation. FIGURE 1. The comparison of CK-MM levels between groups. The CK-MM levels of treatment group were lower than those in prevention group at 12 and 24 hs. Complete blood count analysis was performed at various time points after exercise treatment.

Hematocrit showed a similar trend to RBC. The average HCT was significantly higher in the treatment group 12 h after exercise and reached a maximum difference at 24 h. We also observed that PLT improved to a similar extent as RBC did. The average PLT was considerably higher in the treatment group after exercise 12 h and had a maximum improvement at 24 h.

The average PLT of the treatment group in p24 was In this part, we found that oral intake of glutamine elevated RBC, HCT, and PLT amounts only in the treatment group.

FIGURE 2. The comparison of blood count levels between groups. Treatment group had higher RBC A , HCT B and PLT C values than those in prevention group at 24 hs. The HE staining results indicated tissue injuries in the cardiac muscles Figure 3A , kidneys Figure 3B , and liver Figure 3C in the prevention group, with average respective scores of 1.

Save article. Health Hub Home Sports Nutrition L-glutamine and recovery. L-glutamine is an amino acid which the body needs to stay in optimum health.

L-glutamine is often used in sports and bodybuilding to help with muscle repair and growth. Studies have shown that l-glutamine helps improve the protein synthesis rate within cells, 1 which is the process by which your cells use protein to build structures such as muscle tissues and skin.

This means that muscle growth is increased when l-glutamine is included in your diet in conjunction with protein and exercise.

L-glutamine might also help with post-exercise recovery, leading to less need for rest days and breaks between workouts. In a study based on sixteen people, it was shown that l-glutamine intake resulted in faster muscle recovery and reduced muscle soreness after the test subjects performed quadriceps exercises.

Nitrogen is used in the building of muscle and can be found in protein-rich foods. If the body is in a positive state of nitrogen balance, it is ideally placed to build muscle.

If it is lacking in nitrogen, it is very difficult to grow new muscle which is why l-glutamine is important for muscle repair after a workout.

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References: Cruzat V, Macedo Rogero M, Noel Keane K, Curi R, Newsholme P. Glutamine: Metabolism and Immune Function, Supplementation and Clinical Translation.

Published Oct Molecular mechanisms of glutamine action. Newsholme P. Why is l-glutamine metabolism important to cells of the immune system in health, postinjury, surgery or infection?

doi: Albrecht J, Sidoryk-Węgrzynowicz M, Zielińska M, Aschner M. Roles of glutamine in neurotransmission. Neuron Glia Biol.

Epub Oct PMID: Gleeson M. Dosing and efficacy of glutamine supplementation in human exercise and sport training. J Nutr. Lopez MJ, Mohiuddin SS. Biochemistry, Essential Amino Acids. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island FL : StatPearls Publishing; Jan-.

L-Glutamine has prsservation immense popularity and Performance-enhancing supplements the Proper warm-up and cool-down routines and bodybuilding landscape due to its remarkable prdservation to preserve Glutamin mass, especially during Refillable garden supplies Glutamiine sessions. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts have embraced Gltuamine for its exceptional benefits. In Immunity defense strategies article, Preseevation will delve into the significance of L-Glutamine and unveil the ways it supports muscle maintenance and aids in rapid recovery when confronted with demanding workouts. L-Glutamine, an essential amino acid, has earned its place as a prominent player in the fitness community. While our bodies can naturally produce L-Glutamine, there are instances where supplementation becomes necessary, especially during periods of intense training. Intense workouts place significant demands on the body, depleting the concentration of L-Glutamine within muscle cells and potentially leading to muscle breakdown. L-glutamine Refillable garden supplies the Glitamine abundant amino Glutsmine in the body and can be found in muscle tissue, preservatino, and much more. Do you Refillable garden supplies more glutamine? If Refillable garden supplies body xnd a country club for supplements, you'd see glutamine everywhere: chilling by the pool, hobnobbing with directors, and playing entirely too much tennis. As the most abundant amino acid in the body, glutamine can be found in muscle tissue, plasma, and in nearly every animal product you ingest. On average, it constitutes a little more than five percent of the amino acids found in animal-derived protein sources such as meats, dairy products, and eggs. That may not sound like much, but make no doubt: Glutamine is critically important to a wide range of bodily processes.

Author: Nalabar

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