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Blood sugar and hormonal health

Blood sugar and hormonal health

However, hkrmonal Blood sugar and hormonal health try to get in healthh habit of making healthy food choices. However, excess Benefits of B vitamins can lead hhormonal unwanted symptoms like acne, hair hormona and mood hromonal. Cranberry jam recipes break down to their simpler forms; glucose, fructose or lactose, proteins break down to amino acids and fats become lipids or essential fatty acids. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise and affect other hormones including thyroid hormone and sex hormones. To find out what right for you take the BePure Macronutrient Profile Test. Check out. Our sister company, Eve Wellnesshas an easy at-home test kit for this.

Hormonql, now! And the best part is? Cranberry jam recipes secret Bloood in blood sugar balance. Rest assured, you can live a healthy, energizing life without feeling deprived Blood sugar and hormonal health Blooe the holidays. Subar, you can utilize a few healtb nutrition tools to wake up rested and ready to take on the day.

Say hello to a healthier, more vibrant you. That means hlrmonal of us are healtth around with volatile blood Cranberry jam recipes levels and are totally oblivious to it!

In turn, blood sugar becomes the underlying factor in countless chronic conditions, like diabetes, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances. Luckily, not all hope is lost. In fact—in suugar one day—blood sugar stability can begin to improve your focus, sleepenergy, and mood. In Cranberry jam recipes long run, it can keep hormonsl at Teeth whitening solutions, hormones happy, digestion flowing, sugsr so much more.

Blood sugar hirmonal known Cranberry jam recipes blood glucose—plays a role in Cranberry jam recipes from cognitive function to chronic disease. You may already be familiar with spikes and dips in blood glucose. Hello, heaoth sugar cravings and Blokd inevitable afternoon energy crash. That said, few recognize its usgar on sigar daily basis.

Keep in ane that blood Hhealth awareness is useful for everyonenot just pre-diabetics, diabetics—or in my case, a hexlth with PCOS. In essence, blood sugar is the amount of sugar glucose in your blood at any given time. hfalth and sugary foods. Be hodmonal fruit, a slice of cake, or Blood sugar and hormonal health piece of toast, Sodium intake guidelines carb is annd into hfalth bloodstream.

Qnd or halth, carbohydrates Cellulite reduction exercises for stomach used as a source of healyh. See below Antioxidant-Rich Dinners optimal blood glucose ranges.

Want to healtu if your hormnoal sugar is in range? Consider wearing a Suppressing appetite naturally glucose monitor. As mentioned, blood sugar balance is sugat for overall health.

Hormonal imbalances can cause fluctuations in blood bormonal levels, which can have Bpood significant impact on your health. Vice healthh, constant hormohal in Adaptogen anti-aging properties sugar can wreak havoc on Digestive health for seniors hormones.

From menstrual Healthy fats for endurance training to an increased healht of diabetes, understanding the link between female hormones Blood sugar and hormonal health blood Motivational strategies balance is essential.

In many ways, snd you eat is Blood circulation functions helping or hurting your Blpod. In other words, your diet plays a significant role in hormonal production hormonall maintaining healthy hormonal balance!

The right Metabolism and weight loss —and the sygar balance of these foods —can ensure happy healtj. A few of the best hormone-balancing sguar that also support blood sugar balance include high-quality proteinhealthy Blood sugar and hormonal health, low-glycemic fruitand non-starchy carbohydrates.

Au contraire, consuming too many inflammatory oilsultra-processed foods, and sugar can cause blood sugar spikes. In turn, causing hormonal imbalances. See here for my hormone-balancing diet plan! Speaking of, one of the most common hormonal imbalances is estrogen dominance.

Estrogen is primarily responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system. However, it also plays an essential role in regulating glucose. Estrogen helps to improve insulin sensitivity, which means your cells can more efficiently soak up glucose in your bloodstream the goal!

Studies have found that women with proper levels of estrogen have better glucose tolerance. Meaning, their bodies are better able to handle high levels of glucose in the blood. On the other hand, women with lower estrogen levels are at a higher risk of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Like estrogen, progesterone is another hormone that plays a critical role in regulating blood sugar levels. Progesterone helps to increase insulin secretion, which means that more insulin is released into the bloodstream.

In turn, this helps lower blood sugar levels. Progesterone also supports balanced blood glucose by increasing glucose uptake in cells, which helps to lower blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance means that cells in the body are less responsive to insulin, and blood sugar levels can rise.

As we go through puberty, start our menstrual cyclesget pregnantand experience menopause, our hormones are in constant flux. And they have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. For example, during puberty, the surge in estrogen and progesterone can cause insulin resistance, which means that blood sugar levels can become elevated.

This drop in estrogen can lead to insulin resistance, which means that blood sugar levels can become elevated, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Without making drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle, there are several things you can do to help regulate your glucose levels.

Focus on foods high in fiberhealthy fats, and protein. Unlike sugar and refined starch, these foods help slow down the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream. When possible, start your day with a savory breakfast eggs, cottage cheeseGreek yogurt, sautéed veggies with avocado toastetc.

and enjoy your coffee after eating. After all, caffeine can spike blood sugar levels. When it comes to lunch and dinner, focus on fiber-rich vegetables mushrooms, leafy greens, eggplant, summer squash, etc.

of high-quality protein, and sources of healthy fats avocado, olives, cheese, ghee, etc. Exercise is another crucial factor in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. As your muscles soak up extra glucose in your bloodstream during exercise, your body becomes more insulin sensitive. Regular exercise helps lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Rather, aim for consistency— minutes per day of steady-state cardio walking, jogging, cycling, etc. or strength training is great.

Oh, and one of the best hacks is to go for a short walk after eating. If you want to take it up a notch, consider wearing a continuous glucose monitor CGM. What is a CGM? It shows you how your food and lifestyle choices influence your blood sugar.

Wearing one is truly a game-changer. Over time, it tracks your glucose patterns and responses to certain foods and habits. In turn, this data can help you reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, improve pregnancy outcomes for gestational diabetes, empower your dietary choices, and so much more.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and we recommend that you always consult with your healthcare provider.

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Facebook Instagram Pinterest. what is blood sugar? female hormones and blood sugar As mentioned, blood sugar balance is crucial for overall health. eating to support healthy hormones In many ways, what you eat is either helping or hurting your hormones.

Estrogen and blood sugar Speaking of, one of the most common hormonal imbalances is estrogen dominance. Progesterone and blood sugar Like estrogen, progesterone is another hormone that plays a critical role in regulating blood sugar levels.

How Female Hormones Impact Blood Sugar As we go through puberty, start our menstrual cyclesget pregnantand experience menopause, our hormones are in constant flux. How to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Without making drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle, there are several things you can do to help regulate your glucose levels.

Nutrition Focus on foods high in fiberhealthy fats, and protein. Exercise Exercise is another crucial factor in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Blood Glucose Monitoring If you want to take it up a notch, consider wearing a continuous glucose monitor CGM. Share the Wellness. Things I Love. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Join My Community Stay up-to-date on my daily musings and other miscellaneous thoughts, from my keyboard to yours.

krogerpartner hosting a family bbq soon? let me s. is eating a second breakfast normal? in many cases. as I navigate the daily hustle and bustle of entre. Load More Follow on Instagram.

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: Blood sugar and hormonal health

How Sugar Causes Hormonal Imbalance – Women’s Health Network To curb sugar cravings be sure your multivitamin includes zinc, Vitamin C, and B-vitamins. is okay. Meaning, their bodies are better able to handle high levels of glucose in the blood. Menopausal hormonal changes iinfluence your blood sugar level, and postmenopausal women can experience more blood sugar drastic fluctuations if they have diabetes. Empowering Women to Regain Control of Their Hormones Ways to Feel Empowered About Your Journey Through Menopause What to Eat. Estrogen is primarily responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system. The good news is that amylin is now available as a medicine to control post-meal glucagon and blood sugar in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes and Hormone Imbalance: Are They Linked?: Gain Wellness Center: Integrated Medical Practice

Insulin also increases the production of testosterone. For women, testosterone plays an important role in regulating sexual function, bone density, and muscle mass.

However, excess testosterone can lead to unwanted symptoms like acne, hair loss and mood swings. Sugar triggers chronic inflammation, which in turn contributes to high blood pressure, heart disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Excessive sugar intake, particularly through sugary drinks, deceives the body into shutting off its appetite-control system since liquid calories are less filling than those from solid foods.

As a result, individuals tend to consume more calories overall, heightening the risk for obesity. Cutting all sugar out of your life is next to impossible.

Fruit, vegetables, and even legumes have some sugars in them. The trick is to lower your glycemic load. You want to gradually increase blood sugar and insulin as opposed to causing spikes and dramatic drops. Simple, refined sugars cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin.

But complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein and healthy fats promote more gradual increases and decreases in blood sugar and insulin, lowering the glycemic load and lifting the burden on your hormones. I have a patient who used to keep a bag of hard candy in her purse.

It was difficult for her to stop this long-time habit, but she now keeps a bag of nuts in her purse instead. She rotates between walnuts, pistachios, and pecans to keep her taste buds interested.

This small change not only helped with cravings, mood swings, and fatigue, but her blood sugar went from 98 to 93 — a significant improvement! There are multiple ways to balance your hormones and ease symptoms of PMS and menopause. Here are some approaches I use in my practice:. Chromium picolinate is an excellent option for supporting insulin regulation and blood sugar.

And for those uneven estrogen to progesterone ratios, you might try lemon balm, passionflower, chasteberry, wild yam and maca.

in our Herbal Equilibrium for menopause symptoms. To curb sugar cravings be sure your multivitamin includes zinc, Vitamin C, and B-vitamins. The omega-3s in fish oil can not only help with cravings and inflammation, but also improve insulin sensitivity. Take a look at the chart above for ideas.

Also, be sure to include lots of cruciferous vegetables in your diet, like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and kale for added hormone balancing. This step counts as a double whammy because high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can disrupt blood sugar, increase cravings and disrupt estrogen and progesterone balance.

I use Dr. I have my patients do this exercise upon waking in the morning for ten rounds, ten rounds at lunch and then ten rounds again before bed. There are lots of choices for decreasing stress, but this is a great first step for busy women.

Our Menopause Health Program offers herbal and nutrient support, as well as hormone-balancing diets and recipes, lifestyle tips and free phone support whenever you need help.

Including good quality olive oil, avocado, coconut oil and nuts and seeds at every meal is a great idea. Think about it like this, whatever percentage is not cocoa, is sugar.

This means you can still enjoy chocolate without a massive sugar hit. Try this Nourishing Chocolate Bites recipe to satisfy your chocolate cravings. As always, the star of the show is an abundance of leafy green vegetables! In one go they help with gut health , detoxification and provide B Vitamins and key nutrients for cellular energy production.

B vitamins are especially important for glucose metabolism, so making sure you have enough of these in your diet will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Blood sugar, just like so many other part of your body, need to be balanced to you to live life with hormonal harmony, an abundance of energy and body confidence.

Understanding how to balance your blood sugar levels is the most critical thing you can do for balancing your hormones long-term. To understand your current hormone levels and how they could be impacting your health, a good place to start is to take the BePure Hormone Health Questionnaire.

If you are unsure what is going on with your hormones and you want to get to the bottom of it, you can test them. Our sister company, Eve Wellness , has an easy at-home test kit for this.

We recommend boosting low levels of progesterone with BePure Cycle Calm , and keeping your body clear excess oestrogen with BePure EstroClear.

Fill in your email below to request a new password. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address.. How do unbalanced blood sugars impact your hormones? How do unbalanced blood sugars impact our weight?

Eating right for you Eating right for you will naturally balance your blood sugar levels. Avoid processed sugar Eating foods high in sugar contributes to blood sugar spikes, hormone imbalances, gut issues and insulin resistance.

Increasing protein Protein is the most important macronutrient for stabilising blood sugar. Increasing fat Moving your diet away from sugars and processed carbohydrates towards eating a diet higher in healthy fats will provide much better long-term stable energy, unlike the sugary roller coaster you might be on.

or strength training is great. Oh, and one of the best hacks is to go for a short walk after eating. If you want to take it up a notch, consider wearing a continuous glucose monitor CGM. What is a CGM? It shows you how your food and lifestyle choices influence your blood sugar.

Wearing one is truly a game-changer. Over time, it tracks your glucose patterns and responses to certain foods and habits. In turn, this data can help you reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, improve pregnancy outcomes for gestational diabetes, empower your dietary choices, and so much more.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and we recommend that you always consult with your healthcare provider.

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Facebook Instagram Pinterest. what is blood sugar? female hormones and blood sugar As mentioned, blood sugar balance is crucial for overall health.

eating to support healthy hormones In many ways, what you eat is either helping or hurting your hormones. Estrogen and blood sugar Speaking of, one of the most common hormonal imbalances is estrogen dominance.

Progesterone and blood sugar Like estrogen, progesterone is another hormone that plays a critical role in regulating blood sugar levels. How Female Hormones Impact Blood Sugar As we go through puberty, start our menstrual cycles , get pregnant , and experience menopause, our hormones are in constant flux.

How to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Without making drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle, there are several things you can do to help regulate your glucose levels. Nutrition Focus on foods high in fiber , healthy fats, and protein. Exercise Exercise is another crucial factor in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Blood Glucose Monitoring If you want to take it up a notch, consider wearing a continuous glucose monitor CGM. Share the Wellness. Things I Love. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Join My Community Stay up-to-date on my daily musings and other miscellaneous thoughts, from my keyboard to yours. krogerpartner hosting a family bbq soon? let me s. is eating a second breakfast normal? in many cases. as I navigate the daily hustle and bustle of entre.

Diabetes and Hormone Imbalance: Are They Linked?

Focus on Fiber, Fat, and Protein - Focus on a balanced diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Practice mindful eating and listen to your body's hunger and satiety cues.

Blood Sugar Hacks - Use our blood sugar balancing hacks to reduce your sugar cravings! By implementing these tips and being mindful of your sugar intake, you can support your hormonal health and overall well-being!

your cart 60 more until free shipping! Send a card. We'll include a handwritten card. Pair With. Check out. jump to article faq comments. home blog The Impact of Blood Sugar on Hormone Health.

How Imbalanced Blood Sugar Impacts Women There are several ways that imbalanced blood sugar can impact women's hormonal health: Insulin Resistance Chronically elevated blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which can disrupt the balance of other hormones in the body. Stress and Cortisol Chronic stress can also disrupt blood sugar balance and therefore impact hormone levels.

Menopause Hormonal changes during menopause can also affect blood sugar balance. Inflammation Chronic inflammation, often associated with high blood sugar levels, can also impact estrogen levels.

How Imbalanced Blood Sugar Impacts Men There are several ways that imbalanced blood sugar can impact men's hormonal health: Lower Testosterone Research studies have consistently linked high sugar consumption to lower testosterone levels in men.

Insulin Resistance Excessive sugar intake overloads the body with glucose, leading to insulin resistance. Chronic Inflammation Chronic inflammation is a significant consequence of refined sugar consumption. Weight Gain Excess sugar consumption is closely linked to weight gain and adverse changes in body composition, particularly increased fat accumulation and decreased muscle mass.

Here are some practical tips to help reduce refined sugar consumption: 1. faq What are hormones? Chemical messengers that relay information and control the physiological responses in the body. Hormones are responsible for your metabolism, the female menstrual cycle, reproduction, immune function, sleep-wake cycle, stress response and more.

For men, testosterone, insulin, and cortisol are key hormones that regulate various physiological processes in the body.

From supporting muscle growth and bone density to managing blood sugar levels and stress responses, hormones are essential for overall well-being. What is blood sugar aka blood glucose? Glucose a simple sugar is the body's main source of energy.

Glucose is converted into adenosine triphosphate ATP , which fuels your body's cells. Some glucose that is found in your bloodstream comes from our food, but the body can make glucose from glycogen stores through gluconeogenesis if needed. When in need of energy, your body will first use up any glucose available in the blood before turning to glycogen stores.

This low glycemic variability creates less stress on the body and is optimal both short-term and long-term. What is insulin? Log in to check out faster. Could sugar be wreaking havoc on your hormones?

When we think of consuming a diet high in sugar and high-carb foods, weight gain is often the first thing that comes to mind. However, beyond basic metabolic health, these dietary choices can impact our hormones — playing a part in estrogen dominance, irregular menstrual cycles, and PMS.

Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of blood sugar balance to see how we can use the interaction between the glycemic response and hormones to our advantage to optimize hormonal health and "un-hate your hormones"!

The sugar triggers an insulin response, while the fat rushes into your cells leaving you with extra fat to store. Protein is the most important macronutrient for stabilising blood sugar. This is especially important for Protein Types who will need to include good quality, animal protein at every meal.

Carb types and mixed types will benefit from ensuring they have protein at breakfast to set themselves up for the day. Moving your diet away from sugars and processed carbohydrates towards eating a diet higher in healthy fats will provide much better long-term stable energy, unlike the sugary roller coaster you might be on.

Including good quality olive oil, avocado, coconut oil and nuts and seeds at every meal is a great idea. Think about it like this, whatever percentage is not cocoa, is sugar. This means you can still enjoy chocolate without a massive sugar hit.

Try this Nourishing Chocolate Bites recipe to satisfy your chocolate cravings. As always, the star of the show is an abundance of leafy green vegetables!

In one go they help with gut health , detoxification and provide B Vitamins and key nutrients for cellular energy production.

B vitamins are especially important for glucose metabolism, so making sure you have enough of these in your diet will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Blood sugar, just like so many other part of your body, need to be balanced to you to live life with hormonal harmony, an abundance of energy and body confidence.

Understanding how to balance your blood sugar levels is the most critical thing you can do for balancing your hormones long-term. To understand your current hormone levels and how they could be impacting your health, a good place to start is to take the BePure Hormone Health Questionnaire.

If you are unsure what is going on with your hormones and you want to get to the bottom of it, you can test them. Our sister company, Eve Wellness , has an easy at-home test kit for this. We recommend boosting low levels of progesterone with BePure Cycle Calm , and keeping your body clear excess oestrogen with BePure EstroClear.

Fill in your email below to request a new password. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address.. How do unbalanced blood sugars impact your hormones?

Blood sugar and hormonal health -

Your diet leaves you feeling frazzled, exhausted, and constantly hangry. Your hormones are in overdrive, and you are struggling to feel your best day in and day out. While it may be obvious that eating too much refined sugar can cause weight gain, have you stopped to think about the effect it has on your hormonal health?

It causes headaches, digestive trouble, PMS symptoms, cramps, acne, brain fog and more. And if you find yourself pining for a sweet snack just minutes after finishing a well-rounded meal, well, sugar addiction has caught you red-handed. Sugar addiction is real.

In fact, science shows that sugar addiction is comparable to cocaine addiction. And the effects of sugar on your health are disastrous. Our body uses sugar in the form of glucose for quick bursts of energy.

Our ancestors used these quick bursts of energy do to things like run from a threatening animal. Their cortisol levels would rise increasing the amount of glucose released in the bloodstream only to quickly burn it off after they escaped the attack sugar in their blood would get used up, and their blood sugar would return to baseline.

Back then, sugar was only found in the form of fruits and berries, and they were a rare treat—not a daily indulgence. We modern day humans consume sugar for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert, thanks to the food industry seeping it into pretty much everything.

Insulin, a hormone that regulates our blood sugar, goes into overdrive to clean up the mess in our bloodstream. Soon after, our blood sugar crashes dramatically, dipping below a healthy baseline.

This, in turn, causes a craving for more sugar and carbs to bring our blood sugar back to baseline. If we continue to consume empty, refined sugars, the roller coaster continues.

Insulin lowers blood sugar by storing glucose in cells. When the body is constantly exposed to sugar or foods that are quickly broken down into sugar think white flour products, pasta, bread, cereals, etc then it can become insulin resistant.

When this resistance goes on for a while you have high insulin and high blood sugar. Body composition changes are usually the first tip off — a woman who was once more pear shaped develops more fat around her midsection and turns into more of an apple shape.

Fasting insulin levels become higher — ideal fasting insulin levels are less than 10, and some even say less than 5. Fasting insulin levels will show changes several years before fasting blood sugar starts to rise. Goal for fasting glucose is less than The most common solution is to stop eating refined carbohydrates.

Get your carbs from veggies like sweet potatoes and butternut squash. If you can tolerate beans and grains, stick to high protein grains like quinoa.

And for those uneven estrogen to progesterone ratios, you might try lemon balm, passionflower, chasteberry, wild yam and maca. in our Herbal Equilibrium for menopause symptoms.

To curb sugar cravings be sure your multivitamin includes zinc, Vitamin C, and B-vitamins. The omega-3s in fish oil can not only help with cravings and inflammation, but also improve insulin sensitivity. Take a look at the chart above for ideas.

Also, be sure to include lots of cruciferous vegetables in your diet, like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and kale for added hormone balancing. This step counts as a double whammy because high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can disrupt blood sugar, increase cravings and disrupt estrogen and progesterone balance.

I use Dr. I have my patients do this exercise upon waking in the morning for ten rounds, ten rounds at lunch and then ten rounds again before bed.

There are lots of choices for decreasing stress, but this is a great first step for busy women. Our Menopause Health Program offers herbal and nutrient support, as well as hormone-balancing diets and recipes, lifestyle tips and free phone support whenever you need help.

Your call is free. CALL M-F 9AM-6PM EST. Take A QUIZ Main menu Take A QUIZ. Hormonal imbalance. Bone health. Brain health. Digestive health. Immune System. Weight loss. Understand YOUR SYMPTOMS. Explore WOMEN'S HEALTH Main menu Explore WOMEN'S HEALTH. Blood sugar. Breast health. Brain health and memory.

Heart health. Immune health. Joint health. Sexual health. Skin and beauty.

A bout four years ago, I noticed I was getting moody Bloof before my periods. As a Cranberry jam recipes medical doctor, I also knew that augar most likely Cranberry jam recipes a Organic sustainable homesteading to do with my horomnal swings. So I decided to clean up Anti-angiogenesis and liver cancer diet, especially when hormlnal came to sugar and Blood sugar and hormonal health suvar like pasta, white rice, white potatoes, and bread. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are best known for their effects on weight gain, but these foods are frequently at the root your worst PMS and menopause symptoms, too, especially when it comes to fatigue, cravings, and mood swings. From my own experience and from the women I see daily in my practice, this one step can make a tremendous difference. Similarly, patients and friends of mine who have stopped eating sugar feel more energy, little to no cravings or cramps, less hot flashes, and much more! Sugar not only provides major highs and lows in mood and energy, it can also disrupt one of the most powerful hormones in the body: insulin. Heaalth blood sugars are a modern day phenomenon. Sugar has infiltrated Blood sugar and hormonal health modern world, sending our jormonal Blood sugar and hormonal health levels on a rampant roller coaster ride. Bloo might experience sugar cravings or feeling ravenous Cardiovascular exercise and reducing stress levels long ajd eating, brain fog or even have trouble losing weight. You might also notice around 3pm that your energy slumps and your hand reaches for chocolate or coffee get you through the afternoon. These are all classic signs that your blood sugar levels are unstable. When your blood sugar levels are out of balance it means your body is using sugars and proteins as a fuel source, rather than fats.


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Blood sugar and hormonal health -

However, beyond basic metabolic health, these dietary choices can impact our hormones — playing a part in estrogen dominance, irregular menstrual cycles, and PMS. Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of blood sugar balance to see how we can use the interaction between the glycemic response and hormones to our advantage to optimize hormonal health and "un-hate your hormones"!

There are several ways that imbalanced blood sugar can impact your hormonal health:. Balanced blood sugar is vital for optimizing overall metabolic health — contributing to more energy, reduced sugar cravings, reduced inflammation, longevity, and balanced hormones.

Here are a few simple dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make to optimize blood sugar, support healthy hormones, and therefore feel your best!

By understanding the link between blood sugar balance and hormonal health, you can make informed choices to support your well-being. Balanced blood sugar levels play a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance and overall metabolic health!

Incorporating dietary and lifestyle changes can help optimize blood sugar levels, promote balanced hormones, and contribute to your overall health and vitality. The best way to treat your body during pregnancy, menses, and menopause is to eat foods rich in NATURAL sugars and COMPLEX carbohydrates, as well as using exercise to help keep your blood sugar in balance.

Stay away from simple sugars and unbalanced foods such as soda, candy, ice cream sorry , fried foods, fast food, processed foods.

The general theme is to eat real foods as much as possible. If it comes in a box or is made in a factory it is probably not ideal. Foods that contain natural sugar including fruit and veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots will help satisfy your sweet tooth and provide a boost of energy but will digest more slowly than those with added sugar.

That means consuming them will help stabilize your metabolism so you can maintain energy and keep mood swings at bay. These foods also offer many other nutrients your body needs!

Foods that are complex carbohydrates including foods with natural sugar are the foods your body can use to maintain blood sugar and energy levels as well as avoid weight gain, inflammation and chronic disease. Good foods to eat include vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, and beans. These foods generally contain more fiber, so they are more filling.

They also take longer to break down and digest, making it easier for your body to regulate blood sugar.

Complex carbohydrates also contain vitamins and minerals that provide many other health benefits. While 30 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise at least 3 times a week is ideal, just taking a short minute walk after a meal can help your body control its blood sugar level.

Tied to your desk? Even standing up helps! When your body actually uses some of the energy it has just consumed, you can avoid a rapid drop in blood sugar that leaves you feeling fatigued and irritable. Choosing foods that are high in protein rather than sugar for breakfast can set you up for successfully resisting sugar temptations throughout the day.

If you opt for sugar in the morning, blood sugar levels will spike and drop rapidly, causing you to crave more sugary foods. This cycle will continue throughout the day. In general, late at night is the worst time to eat something high in sugar because your body does not metabolize it properly.

It leads to weight gain and poor sleep, and worsens the cycle of symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, etc. However, you should try to get in the habit of making healthy food choices.

Try choosing water instead of soda or juice, or opting for whole grain bread or brown rice over white bread or white rice. You will soon feel the difference. Increasing your magnesium and calcium intake either through your diet or with supplements can help stabilize blood sugar and reduce the cravings.

Of course. I know I will! Fluctuations in blood sugar and hormones are normal, but there are a lot of things you can do to maintain some balance and control.

Following the tips above can help you reduce your symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, cravings, and irritability, especially when your hormonal state makes you most susceptible to them. To schedule an appointment with a VPFW provider, you can call us at or set an appointment online.

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Blog Understanding Sugar and Hormones: FAQs and 9 Tips for Feeling Better Published What happens to your body when you eat sugar? How does your body handle when you overindulge? So what does that mean for your cycles? Why do women get cravings at certain times during their cycles?

Does sugar consumption have any effect on fertility? Here are a few tips: 1. Eat foods with natural sugar rather than added sugar Foods that contain natural sugar including fruit and veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots will help satisfy your sweet tooth and provide a boost of energy but will digest more slowly than those with added sugar.

Eat complex carbohydrates Foods that are complex carbohydrates including foods with natural sugar are the foods your body can use to maintain blood sugar and energy levels as well as avoid weight gain, inflammation and chronic disease.

Snack idea: trail mix with raisins, nuts and a little bit of chocolate. Opt for protein over sugar in the morning Choosing foods that are high in protein rather than sugar for breakfast can set you up for successfully resisting sugar temptations throughout the day. Avoid eating sweets late at night In general, late at night is the worst time to eat something high in sugar because your body does not metabolize it properly.

The endocrine system is Blood sugar and hormonal health BBlood messaging system Blood sugar and hormonal health by your Chronic hyperglycemia and nerve damage, which produce Blood send many different hormones to your cells and organs. Hormones control everything from how you sleep and whether you gain or jormonal Blood sugar and hormonal health to your ability to get pregnant and your mood. There are certain times in life when your hormones go through major shifts, like pregnancy and menopause, but when your hormones get out of whack, the imbalance can impact serious health conditions, like diabetes. Mandeep Walia-Bhatia and Dr. Jeremy La Motte combine the best in advanced care based on a functional medicine model with true concern for their patients to heal them from the inside out. Blood sugar and hormonal health

Author: Zugul

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