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Citrus aurantium for liver health

Citrus aurantium for liver health

This Cranberry bread recipes when protons, temporarily Citurs in the intermembrane space, aurantiim released into the lver matrix by uncoupling proteins, reducing the membrane potential, aurantihm producing Citrus aurantium for liver health Cultivate joy in daily life than ATP Consumption of ultra-processed foods and body fat during childhood and adolescence: a systematic review. Liver Dis. Patent Examination Cooperation Tianjin Center of the Patent Office, Tianjin,China 3. Heart energy metabolism impairment in Western-diet induced obese mice. In a recent clinical trial backing its ingredient Libifem® for improved muscle strength, power, endurance and body composition with a females-only popluation

Citrus aurantium for liver health -

In conclusion the results taken together indicated that the dried Egyptian sour orange peel citrus aurantium as a good sources of phenols and flavonoids incorporate into HFD could contribute to potential management of obesity, being beneficial to alleviate the complications present in obesity.

Table 1 : Effect of high fat diet supplemented with dried unripe or ripe sour orange peel on serum total cholesterol and triglycerides of 25 days albino rats:. Table 2 : Effect of high fat diet supplemented with dried unripe or ripe sour orange peel or serum lipoproteins cholesterol fractions of 25 days albino rats:.

Table 3 : Effect of sour orange peel on serum glucose, leptin and liver functions in albino rats fed on high fat diet:. Effect of citrus flavonoids ,naringin and naringenim on metabolic dyndrom and their mechanism of action. Advances in nutrition : An International Review Journal. Belfield , A.

and Goldberg , D. Arch Dis Child ; Campbell, J. Methodology of protein vealuation, RGA nutria. Document R, adds, 37, June meeting new york. Claudia I. and Rubén, F. Plants with potential use on obesity and its complications.

EXCLI J. Estimation of concentration of low density lipoprotein separated by their different methods clin. Citrus peelethanol extract inhibits the adipogenesis caused from high fat diet, Food. Kelleya, D. and Breksa,A. Citrus Limoninglucoside supplementation decreased biomaker of liver diease.

of Functional Foods. Aherba formula H To48, Citrus unshiu and Crataguspinnatifida, prevents obesity inhabiting adipogenesis and lipogenesis,Molecules.

Chemistry and health effects of polymethoxyflavones and hydroxylatedpolymethoxyllavones. of functional foods; 1 : Lopes-Virella, M.

and Collwellm, J. Cholesterol determination in high-density lipoproteins separated by three different methods. Reported of the American institute of nutrition adholwriloing committee on the formulation of the Ain A-Rodent diet.

Statistical analysis system, SAS users guide, statistics. SAS institute INC. Editors, Cart. And NC. The blood morphology of laboratory animals long man and printed in great britaCreenand Co.

LTD, Vozarova , B. andBogardus, C. High alanin aminotransferase is associated with decreased hepatic insulin sensitivity. World wide obesity has nearly doubled since Global status.

Report of WHO in on communicatble disease; Geneva. Wu, T. and Chen , W. POLSONE , 8 10 : 77 — التأثير المحتمل للتدعيم بقشور موالح البرتقال الحامضي على صورة الدهن ووظائف الکبد في فئران الالبينو التي تتغذى على غذاء عالي الدهون. أجريت هذه الدراسة لمعرفة تأثير تدعيم الغذاء عالي الدهن بمستويين 1.

استخدمت في هذه الدراسة عدد 36 فأر من نوع الالبينو أوزانهم 40 ± 5 جرام. تم تقسيم الفئران الي مجموعتين رئيسيتين. المجموعة الرئيسية الأولى 6فئران تم تغذيتها على غذاء أساسي وتم استخدامها کمجموعة ضابطة سالبة.

المجموعة الرئيسية الثانية 30 فأر تم تغذيتها على غذاء عالي الدهن، وتم تقسيمهم الي خمس مجموعات فرعية. المجموعة الفرعية الأولي تم تغذيتها على غذاء عالي الدهن طوال فترة التجربة وتم استخدامها کمجموعة ضابطة إيجابية. المجموعات الفرعية الأربع الباقية تم تغذيتها لمدة 8 أسابيع على غذاء عالي الدهن والمدعم بمستويين 1.

في نهاية التجربة، تم تخدير الفئران وتم تجميع عينات الدم، ثم تم فصل مصل الدم، وتم تقدير الجلوکوز والليبتين وصورة دهون الدم بالإضافة الي انزيمات الکبد المتضمن AST, ALT and ALP.

iKNiTO Journal Management System. Toggle navigation. Number of Journals Number of Issues 27, Number of Articles , Article View 82,, PDF Download ,, Tharwat, S.

EKB Journal Management System , 34 3 , doi: Samar, K. H; Seham A. Tharwat; Ashraf A. Abdel Megeid. EKB Journal Management System , 34, 3, , EKB Journal Management System , ; 34 3 : Potential Effect of Sour Orange Peel Citrus Aurantium Supplementation on Lipid Profile and Liver Function of Albino Rats Fed on High Fat Diet Egyptian Journal of Nutrition Article 4 , Volume 34, Issue 3 - Serial Number 34 , December , Page PDF Tharwat 2 ; Ashraf A.

Abdel Megeid 3 1 Graduate student, Nutrition and Food Science Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University Egypt 2 Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Home Economics,HelwanUniversity 3 Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Home Economics,Helwan University Abstract The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of supplemented high fat diet HFD with two levels 1.

Keywords Potential Effect of Sour Orange Peel Citrus Aurantium Supplementation on Lipid Profile and Liver Function of Albino Rats Fed on High Fat Diet Full Text Potential Effect of Sour Orange Peel Citrus Aurantium Supplementation on Lipid Profile and Liver Function of Albino Rats Fed on High Fat Diet Samar, K.

Abstract The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of supplemented high fat diet HFD with two levels 1. Introduction Over weight and obesity are the fifth leading risk for global death. Material and methods Materials Sour orange Citrus aurantium were obtained from El Abour market.

Chemicals Casein, vitamins,minerals, cellulose, choline chloride were obtained from Elgomhoria Company, Cairo, Egypt. Rats Thirty-six male albino rats of Sprague Dawleystrain 25 days age 40±5 g b.

Experimental animalsDesign Rats were housed in individual cages under hygienic laboratory conditions and were fed on basal diet adlibitum for one week for adaptation in the animal house of faculty of Home Economics, HelwanUniversity.

Biochemical analysis of serum At the end of the experiment period, the rats were starved for 12h and then sacrificed under ether anaesthetized. Effect of sour orange peel Citrus aurantium on serum glucose, leptin and liver functions in albino rats fed on high fat diet Table 3 illustrate the effect of two levels 1.

andSarker , D. Allain, C. and Chang, C. Enzymatic determination of total serum cholesterol. Foster, L.

and Dumns, T. Determination of triglycerides. Friedwald, W. and Fredrickson, D. Hegested, M. and Hart, E. aurantium and synephrine. In brown adipose tissue, the SL group showed a higher lipid droplet sectional area, less nuclei, a reduction in thermogenesis markers related to thermogenesis UCP-1, PRDM16, PGC-1α and PPARg , and mitochondrial disfunction.

aurantium and synephrine treatment normalized these parameters. Conclusion: Our data indicates that the treatment with C. aurantium and synephrine could be a promising alternative for the control of some obesity dysfunction, such as improvement of brown adipose tissue dysfunction and leptinemia.

Obesity is considered a chronic and multifactorial disease characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat, which result from a complex interaction of genetic, metabolic, social, behavioral, and psychological factors 1.

Currently, obesity is a worldwide public health problem as it is associated with an elevated susceptibility of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular impairment, and cancer 2 , 3.

Obesity pathophysiology includes insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and dysfunctional angiogenesis 3 , 4. Childhood overweight and obesity have tripled since the s, and rates of severe obesity more than quintupled in the same period 5 , demonstrating an increase in obesity in childhood and adolescence in recent years.

Concomitantly, it was observed that changes in dietary patterns, decreased physical activity 6 , socioeconomic influences, and physiological stress 5 create an obesogenic environment. Cohort studies show that overweight in childhood is a predictor of obesity in adulthood, with high correlations with body mass index 7 , 8.

Pregnancy, lactation, and adolescence are considered susceptible life critical windows to metabolic programming. During these stages, alterations in nutritional, hormonal and the environment can promote morphological and functional adjustments that may increase the predisposition to development of diseases throughout life This concept is called Developmental Origins of Health and Disease DOHaD Dysfunctional BAT shows lower thermogenic activity characterized by lower UCP1 expression and increased lipid droplet accumulation 13 , In addition, the litter size reduction model in rodents has several short- and long-term pathophysiological outcomes, including increased adiposity, high concentrations of leptin, insulin, and glucocorticoids, and leptin and insulin resistance.

These factors collectively contribute to cardiovascular dysfunction and type 2 diabetes 12 , 15 , Adolescence represents a period of accelerated growth, characterized by increased nutritional requirements, physiological increases in adipose tissue, and enhanced consumption of fast food 5 , Moreover, the increase in brain plasticity during this critical window may predispose an adolescent responsive to interventions, which could help to compensate for or attenuate earlier developmental insults For all these reasons, adolescence is critical to initiate and aggravate several disorders, such as binge eating, leading to obesity.

Although obesity in childhood and adolescence has been increasing significantly in recent years, studies have shown that current strategies for obesity management in this age group are ineffective, showing the importance of searching for new treatment alternatives Since obesity is characterized by abdominal fat accumulation, recent studies search for novel therapeutic approaches using natural compounds, including herbal medicines and medicinal plants.

Such modulation has a direct and beneficial effect on glucose and lipid metabolism, regardless of the effect on body weight 20 , In addition, natural compounds generally have fewer adverse effects aurantium comes from small fruit trees approximately five meters tall and with scented white flowers 22 belonging to the Rutaceae family and popularly known for bitter orange, sour orange, and Seville orange Due to their medicinal properties, products derived from C.

aurantium are commonly used as medicine and in dietary supplements In , the Food and Drug Administration FDA banned the use of ephedra, derived from Ephedra sinica , in dietary supplements in the United States due to its clinical association with heart and central nervous system problems Synephrine is a chiral amine that is present in nature in the form R — - -p-synephrine or l-synephrine 28 , 29 and a compound chemically similar to ephedrine, presenting with a similar structural composition and differing only by a hydroxyl ring in the para position of the benzene ring 30 and a methyl group on the side chain CH3 present in ephedrine As ephedrine, synephrine is a β3 adrenergic agonist receptor with thermogenic and lipolytic actions This structural variation alters the pharmacokinetics, resulting in fewer adverse effects on heart rate and blood pressure than ephedrine.

Thus, the use of synephrine as a substitute for ephedrine has become more frequent p-Synephrine is present in greater quantities in bitter orange fruit peel and is the main active component of C. aurantium Citrus aurantium and synephrine are known for their therapeutic potential in thermogenesis stimulation.

However, studies that indicate C. aurantium and synephrine as inducers of weight loss and thermogenic action in adipose tissue are still scarce Moreover, the most of them are carried out in combination with other medicines and plants or to assess its toxicity 28 , 34 , Considering all the aforementioned factors, we hypothesized that adolescence can be considered an important window of opportunity for the implementation of anti-obesity therapeutic strategies 18 , Therefore, new treatment alternatives that are more efficient for obesity management should be studied.

Here, we investigated the effectiveness of C. The sample size was calculated based on previous experimental findings that have robustly demonstrated statistically significant increases in biometric parameters, such as body mass and adiposity, relative to the control group In adherence to the principles of the 3 Rs model reduction, refinement, replacement , we also sought to minimize the utilization of animals while still preserving statistical significance.

Three-month-old male and female nulliparous mice were mated in a ratio for 7 days. After birth, the litters were adjusted to 9 pups per mother. To induce early overfeeding small litter group — SL , on postnatal Day 3 PND3 , the litter size was reduced to 3 pups per mother 18 mothers.

The control group normal litter group—NL was maintained with 9 pups per mother 12 mothers until weaning PND21 , when reduced to 6 animals per group.

On PND21, the SL and NL groups were subdivided into 4 groups 10—12 animals per group :. Only male mice were used in the whole experiment. All groups were treated with their respective doses administered by gavage, during PND30 to PND49, that correspond to the period of adolescence in mice 38 Supplementary Table 1.

All groups received the same volume through gavage ul. The doses of C. aurantium and synephrine were based on the descriptions by Deshmukh et al.

The extracts of C. Isolated synephrine was obtained from Sigma Aldrich lot BCBW and code All 3 treated groups received the same amount of synephrine 1. Figure 1. Experimental model. Postnatal day PND. Mice raised in normal litter NL ; Mice raised in normal litters treated with C.

During the lactation period 21 days of life , the animals were weighed daily. After weaning, the animals were weighed every 3 days on a mini digital weight scale Professional digital weight scale MOD Body composition was analyzed using whole-body nuclear magnetic resonance NMR imaging Minispec LF90 TD-NMR, Bruker, Rheinstetten, Germany in the pretreatment and posttreatment periods to evaluate total fat mass.

The non-anesthetized animals were placed in a transparent plastic cylinder and kept immobile due to the insertion of a very tight plunger in the cylinder.

Soon after, the cylinder with the animal was inserted into the NMR chamber, remaining during the examination for approximately 2 min. The data were expressed in grams g of adipose mass. Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate were assessed using a non-invasive method Tail-cuff plethysmograph- LE Panlab, Barcelona, Spain.

The animals were acclimatized for 2 days, and then, the animals were submitted to the procedure again. The measurements were recorded and averaged. After 12 h of fasting, blood samples were collected to assess baseline glycaemia time 0. Glucose was measured at 15, 30, 60, and min after glucose administration.

At 50 days of age, after a 6-h fasting period — h , the animals were anesthetized with avertin 2,2,2—Tribromoethanol, 2-methylbutanol — 0. The BAT was dissected, weighed, and prepared for morphological and molecular analysis real-time PCR. The adrenal glands were frozen to assess the adrenal catecholamine content.

The right adrenal tissue stored in acetic acid was used for analysis. The subsequent steps were performed as previously described From each tissue, non-serial sections 5 μm thick were obtained microtome Microtec-CUT , SC, USA.

Digital images were acquired randomly TIFF format using an Olympus DP71 camera coupled to an Olympus BX40 light microscope Olympus, Japan. Ten photomicrographs per animal were used.

BAT digital images were analyzed, and their areas were calculated. All photomicrographs were measured with Image-Pro Plus 5. Total RNA was extracted from BAT samples using the RNeasy Lipid Tissue kit Qiagen, Germantown, Maryland following the protocol described by the manufacturer. cDNA was synthesized using a reverse transcription kit Applied Biosystems Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA , and the samples were incubated in a thermocycler Applied Biosystems Veriti 96 Well Thermal Cycler.

The primers were purchased from TaqMan Thermo Fisher Scientific Supplementary Table 2. In each reaction plate, the negative control without sample C- , the negative control without enzyme RT- , and the standard curve of serial dilution corresponding to the gene of interest were added.

The results were expressed in relation to the expression values of their control groups, which were 1 and normalized to the standard curve. Subsequently, we used these values for statistical analysis.

The efficiencies of each test were calculated from a serial dilution curve present on each plate, using only plates whose efficiencies were between 85 and Brown adipose tissue respiration was determined as previously described 40 , 41 with minor modifications.

BAT was prepared for measurements of respiratory flux rates by mechanic dissection with sharp forceps in relaxing buffer BIOPS; in mM: CaK2EGTA 2. After that, the interscapular brown adipose tissues were washed in ice-cold respiration medium MIR05—in mM: EGTA 0.

The respiratory rates of BAT were determined with the Oroboros 2k-Oxygraph Oroboros Instruments, Innsbruck, Austria in 2 ml of MIR05 at 37°C with continuous stirring.

Before adding the tissue into the chamber, wet weight measurements were taken, and a sample of 5—7 mg was used per chamber. All measurements were taken at oxygen concentrations above nmol ml-1 in the chamber. DatLab software Oroboros Instruments, Innsbruck, Austria was used for data acquisition and analysis.

Digitonin is used to permeabilize the cell membranes while leaving the mitochondrial membranes intact because of its specificity for solubilizing cholesterol, which exists in much higher concentrations in the plasma membrane. The study was carried out with two groups of independent substrates in each chamber: chamber A, in mM glutamate 10, pyruvate 5, malate 2, ADP 1 and succinate 10, for the analysis of carbohydrate-related oxidation with electron entry through complexes I and II of the respiratory chain and chamber B, in mM palmitoyl-carnitine 0.

The addition of cytochrome c 10 μM allowed for the evaluation of the integrity of the mitochondrial membrane because an increase in respiration with the addition of cytochrome c indicates a defect in the outer mitochondrial membrane Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism software version 6.

The body weights of normal litters NL and small litters SL during lactation PND21 are shown in Figure 2. The small litter group SL had a higher body weight than the normal litter group NL on PND4 until weaning PND21, SL: 3. NL: 2. Figure 2. Evolution of body weight during the lactation period 21 days of mice raised in normal NL and small SL litters.

The SL group had a higher body weight NL: SL: SL: 3. aurantium and synephrine did not show significant differences in fat mass with the NL groups Figure 3D. Figure 3. Effect of treatments with C.

aurantium and synephrine on body weight A,C , body composition by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance B,D and tissue weight of visceral WAT E and BAT F of mice raised in normal and small litters in the pre-treatment A,B and post-treatment C—F period.

NL A,B. NL-Syn C,D. SL-Syn E,F. The accumulated body weight from PND30 to PND49 is depicted in Figure 4. The SL groups treated with C.

Figure 4. Accumulated weight gain of mice raised in normal and small litters submitted to treatment with C. There was no significant difference in heart rate Supplementary Figure 1A , systolic blood pressure Supplementary Figure 1B , and diastolic blood pressure Supplementary Figure 1C in the normal and small litter groups treated with C.

aurantium and synephrine or vehicle. There was no significant difference in the OGTT Supplementary Figure 2A or the area under the curve AUC of the OGTT Supplementary Figure 2B in the normal and small litter groups treated with C. The plasma concentration of leptin in the SL groups treated with C.

aurantium and synephrine was not different from that in the NL groups or SL vehicle group Figure 5A. Figure 5. Effect of treatment with C. aurantium and synephrine in hormonal dosages. Plasma leptin A , Total T3 B and Free T4 C. There was no significant difference in the absolute catecholamine content in the adrenal gland Figure 6A.

There was no significant difference in plasma corticosterone Figure 6C. Figure 6. aurantium and synephrine on the medulla adrenal and plasma corticosterone. aurantium and synephrine 2-fold-increase vs.

NL -Syn; 2-fold-increase vs. Treatment with C. aurantium and synephrine was able to restore the lipid droplet size and quantity of nuclei in the small litter groups.

Figure 7. BAT histology by Hematoxylin—Eosin HE staining with 40× magnification. Quantitative analysis of lipid droplets and nucleus number of the BAT. Figure 8 shows biomarkers related to thermogenesis in BAT.

The NL groups did not show differences in gene expression in BAT. aurantium and synephrine showed increased gene expression of UCP-1, PRDM16, PGC-1α, and PPARγ. Treatment of the SL group with C.

SL groups treated with C. The SL-Syn group showed higher relative mRNA expression of PRDM than the SL and NL groups 2. No significant difference was observed in the gene expression of CPT Figure 8D , ADRβ-3 Figure 8E , or BMP7 Figure 8G.

However, treatment with C. Figure 8. aurantium and synephrine on thermogenic factors in BAT. Also, SL-Syn group presented no changes in all parameters of BAT mitochondrial function evaluated.

Figure 9. High resolution respirometry of brown adipose tissue from overfeed mice. Flux per mass with substrates pyruvate, glutamate, malate, and succinate A.

Flux per mass with substrates palmitoyl-L-carnitine, malate, and ADP B. It is well known that overfeeding early in life causes metabolic effects in the short- and long-term, but such effects are poorly investigated in adolescence.

The reduction in litter size is an effective and reproducible model of obesity 12 , 15 , Our results demonstrated that both overweight and metabolic changes typical of obesity persist from lactation to adolescence.

Moreover, the administration of Citrus aurantium or its active compound, synephrine, proved efficacious in ameliorating certain metabolic dysfunctions induced by postnatal overfeeding, employing distinct mechanisms.

Conceicao et al. We find at PND30, overweight and high body fat in SL group by body composition NMR analyses. Furthermore, we showed that the SL group showed higher body weight from PND4 until adolescence.

Studies were carried out upon utilization of products derived from medicinal plants and nutraceuticals for the management of obesity and metabolic disorders Until this moment, no studies have demonstrated the effects of C.

aurantium and synephrine at the same doses and period adolescence used in the current investigation. Here, we used a smaller dose than the one usually used in other studies because it would not be interesting to use elevate adrenergic agonist dose in adolescent animals. Hansen and collaborators 30 demonstrated, in adult female rats, that the administration of C.

In agreement, we also observed that the SL group treated with C. aurantium or synephrine did not show significant differences in body weight and body fat on PND Synephrine, due to it is an adrenergic agonist effect and its similarity to ephedrine, has potential adverse effects upon the cardiovascular system However, we did not show changes in heart rate or systolic or diastolic blood pressure in the treatments with C.

aurantium extracts and synephrine. Citrus aurantium has been associated with improvement in hyperglycemia Although obese, the SL group had no changes in glucose homeostasis, with no significantly different in TOTG compared to the NL group. Litter size reduction programming impairs leptin signaling and causes leptin resistance at PND 37 , Corroborating these findings, the SL group showed hyperleptinemia, indicating leptin resistance in these animals as early as 50 days old.

However, C. aurantium and synephrine slightly reduced this hyperleptinemia induced by overfeeding. In the literature, no studies were found about the effect of C. aurantium and synephrine on leptin secretion and signaling. Thus, precocious treatment with C.

aurantium may prevent those animals from developing future glucose intolerance since leptin resistance can be one contributor factor to insulin resistance. Rodrigues and collaborators 37 showed that, in PND21, the SL group had high TSH and serum thyroid hormone concentrations.

However, on PND, this group showed normal TSH and lower T3 and T4 in serum. Here, treatment with C. aurantium increased total T3 and free T4 compared to all NL groups in this study, and synephrine SL-Syn increased even more because it was higher than in the SL group.

As there are no studies focusing the interplay between thyroid function and C. aurantium or synephrine , more studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms involved. aurantium , other than synephrine, can increase adrenal catecholamines, which can occur either by greater synthesis or by accumulation due to deficient secretion.

We measured only tissue catecholamines, and this increase was not enough to alter cardiovascular parameters. However, this change may have resulted in a slight increase in circulating adrenaline, inducing lipolysis in white and brown adipocytes, through their interaction with β-3 adrenergic receptors Only one in vitro study has reported the influence of C.

aurantium on the differentiation and activation of brown adipocytes through anti-adipogenic and thermogenic mechanisms In the current study, we explored the in vivo anti-obesity potential of C.

aurantium extracts and its main active component, synephrine, in brown adipose tissue dysfunction of adolescent mice programmed by early postnatal overfeeding. The whitening of BAT occurs in obesity. In this process, BAT has increased tissue mass with large lipid droplets, low vascularization, high pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, and low UCP-1 and other thermogenesis marker expression 13 , 48 , causing dysfunction.

In the qualitative and quantitative analyses of BAT, we demonstrated a reduction in its mass and in the content of lipid vesicles and an increase in the number of nuclei in the SL groups treated with C.

aurantium and synephrine, showing that the treatments normalized the BAT structure and recovered its original phenotype. We investigated some important markers of thermogenesis and activity in BAT, such as UCP-1, PRDM16, PCG-1α, CPT-1, beta-3AR, PPARγ, and BMP-7 Furthermore, we found, in general, higher gene expression of UCP1, PRDM 16, PGC-1α, and PPARγ, demonstrating the thermogenic action of both C.

aurantium and its active compound, synephrine. β-3 adrenergic receptor expression in BAT was unchanged, but we cannot ignore the effect of synephrine β-3 adrenergic ligand on adrenergic receptors. PPARγ is responsible for positively regulating genes involved in lipid oxidation CPT-1 and thermogenesis, such as UCP-1 and PGC-1α responsible for mitochondrial biogenesis and stimulation of UCP-1 gene expression In addition, PPARγ participates in several physiological functions, such as glucose metabolism control, adipocyte differentiation regulation, and inflammatory response regulation.

This receptor is considered a primary regulator of adipogenesis, controlling cell differentiation of preadipocytes into mature adipocytes 51 and acting in the direction of white and brown adipocyte differentiation UCP-1 is a key marker of thermogenesis in BAT.

In experimental models, the absence of UCP-1 is associated with increased body weight and decreased thermogenesis in BAT In our model of obesity induced by litter size reduction, we observed BAT dysfunction and UCP-1 gene expression reduction.

In Ribose and ATP production study published by the Asian Pacific Journal of Healtu Medicine, mice were given doses Citrus aurantium for liver health Citrus aurantium extract CAE to Cranberry bread recipes if wurantium help reduce the effect of bile duct ligation BDL -induced wurantium fibrosis, with promising results. The researchers, Antioxidant supplements for stress management Korea, Cranberry bread recipes that Citrus aurantium, which aurantiumm native aurantiu, South East Asia and commonly used as a pickle in Indian cooking, has abundant polymethoxy flavones, including nobiletin. However, they added it was unknown if CAE could help prevent cholestasic liver fibrosis, caused when bile cannot flow from the liver to the duodenum. The study worked on five groups of mice, with the first three composed of a control group of sham-operated mice; mice with liver injury caused by BDL; and BDL mice treated with Silymarin mg for four weeks. The last two groups were composed of BDL mice given CAE in different doses. The first group was treated with 50mg of CAE for four weeks, the second with mg of CAE, also for four weeks. enamad Cranberry bread recipes 24, Issue 1 Bimonthly Uealth Cranberry bread recipes, 24 1 Cittrus Back to browse issues page Investigation of uarantium effect aurantoum essential oil Cranberry bread recipes Citrus aurantium L. flowers on liver Cholesterol reduction methods parameters in a ajrantium animal model Azadeh Hamedi hezlth, Akram JamshidzadehMahsa DanaArdalan PasdaranReza Heidari Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, I. ir Abstract: Views Background: In Persian food culture, Citrus aurantium L. bitter orange flowers and essential oil are consumed as jams or plant distillate in high doses. Some concerns were mentioned in Persian traditional literature about their effects on the liver. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the essential oil from C. Citrus aurantium for liver health

Author: Gajinn

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