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Joint health longevity

Joint health longevity

Joinnt is capable of repairing itself, Relevant and engaging content something screws longecity the pathway. That Joint health longevity burden is going to affect our knees. The PA will tell them they need an operation. Thankfully, uninjured human joints can last through a lifetime of activities, including running.

Joint health longevity -

Neil Ghodadra discusses the symbiotic connection between your muscles and your joints, and explains how more movement, not less, is the key to health and longevity. Osteoarthritis OA is the most common type of arthritis , and the main driver behind it is wear and tear.

Over time, the protective cartilage thins out and disappears until your bones rub against one another painfully. In addition to inflammation and stiffness, your joints may develop bone spurs, which are hard protrusions that hinder movement, irritate nearby nerves, and exacerbate the problem.

It may seem logical that reducing usage would preserve your joints and prevent OA, but the opposite is true. Movement promotes lubrication and flexibility, while a sedentary lifestyle leads to a long list of health problems, including achy joints.

Strong muscles go hand in hand with healthy joints. When your muscles function properly, they absorb shock around your joints and protect them from the effects of daily usage. Regular exercise, especially weight-bearing activities, develops muscle tissue and allows your joints to focus on what they do best — movement.

Lack of exercise leads to muscle atrophy and balance problems. This accelerates the onset of OA and triggers a cycle of pain, stiffness, inactivity, and joint deterioration.

Strong muscles act like bodyguards for your joints, so we encourage all our patients to maintain a good exercise routine. While we would never discourage athletic activity, some contact sports , such as football and rugby, may put you at risk for developing post-traumatic OA.

But as the former team physician for the Chicago Bulls NBA , the Chicago White Sox MLB , and multiple semi-professional, university, and high school football, hockey, and gymnastics teams, Dr.

Ghodadra is definitely pro-sports. You can limit blood flow to the area. You can create blocks in communication by having all this deposits of debris.

The blood vessel narrowing or lack of elasticity, the glycation and too much glucose sticking to things, too much oxidative stress, too much chronic inflammation, which we know can be driven by metabolic dysfunction, uric acid buildup, et cetera.

Do you find in your practice that when you dig into the metabolic issues with patients and they do have their light bulb moment and they make changes, do you tend to find better outcomes? What has your patient experience been like with some of this messaging and patients who have really adopted this?

Or I know on the flip side, for your patients who are just super metabolically healthy, do you find that they tend to do better over time? For me, these are my biggest wins in the office. They just are. Look, can I convince everyone?

I can. And it does work, and it takes time. You see your cardiologist is going to adjust your blood pressure medicine, so your endocrinologist is going to increase your metformin. I have some handouts in the office of outtakes from the book. I guess the take-home message of that statement is, be your best advocate.

You have to look deeper and think in a more complex manner. And I can imagine that as a physician, burnout is at all-time high right now. Suicide is super high, da, da, da. But also, you see people getting better and you see their whole bodies getting better.

Because I see it as quite revolutionary. We have common pathways that are affecting all over the body. Maybe even prevent surgery. One, so this will be a big answer I think.

How did you become that way? But economically speaking, the economics of building and training a surgeon is you should keep them operating all day long. So get an MRI with a positive findings, have them see the PA. The PA will tell them of that and they need an operation.

They say hi to the surgeon. I get that. I understand the economics. I was never the busiest surgeon. I could have been. I was very smart in terms of my saving, investing.

I founded a company with two wonderful guys and we sold it. I was involved with others and had a few exits. And I really enjoy these interactions with people. I love the feedback. I talk to a lot of startups. I advise a lot of startups.

I love working in this space. I mean, healthcare is such a huge proportion of our GDP. Everything is aligned against decreasing the numbers of procedures. Do you have an article on this? What do you think of this? So that tells me that the message is resonating with a number of people.

I came to this in a different way than you did. I trained pre hour work restrictions. So I should have taken your path. I enjoyed being an orthopedist. I was head of sports medicine at New York Medical College for 20 years.

Helped train residents, really enjoyed that process. I was always active. I played every sport there was. I was always outside. My dogs that are here with me. And then I had my second child and we got a little overpowered at home. And work got a little busier, call schedules, with raising the child, etc.

Had a little belly pain one day. I was hanging out with the chair of radiology. You just have a little fat in your liver. Still have those pants as a reminder in my closet. And I said uh oh. This is your moment.

So I cut out all the crap from my diet. back then. But I went on a whole food diet. And stopped drinking and started running more, exercising more. And at first I was writing articles because I wanted to share them and tell people what I thought. I learn by writing.

And so I started to read about fatty liver, I started to read about insulin resistance, cholesterol issues, etc. Then I started to publish these articles. Same thing I do in the training space. And there we are. So I came to this through, like most people, probably, my own issues with my health and threatened longevity, or health spent.

And then how did you put the puzzle pieces together? And then how did you start making the link to the orthopedics world? Was it just starting to go on PubMed deep dives? Was it starting to see some patterns? What was that link for you?

So yeah, it just took a lot of reading. I just like to read. I found this very interesting and I was incentivized. I had two little kids at this point, right? And the more I read, it just kept going. One thing just snowballed into another.

And the more I started to read about it, the more I realized, hey, it is. And so I read more and wrote more. I love that. Yeah, that sounds so familiar.

I think for me, being an ENT in the ENT world, it felt like such a little silo. Ear, nose, throat. And I remember for me it was this vivid… I vividly remember there was a New England Journal of Medicine article that had a beautiful illustration of the sinus tissue and all the cytokines that were upregulated in chronic rhino-sinusitis.

How is the nose inflammatory response the same as the systemic inflammatory response for this stuff? And then you start going down the rabbit hole.

And I remember I just started Googling PubMed, sinusitis, diabetes, sinusitis, heart disease, sinusitis, obesity, sinusitis, dementia. And there were papers on all of them. Basically showing that you have twice as high odds ratio for any of these metabolic associated diseases with sinusitis.

Everyone gets about 78 to 80 Thanksgivings in their life. I got to figure out what the next step is. How to try to figure out how this scales, how to get this message out there.

How to teach others. Well, I think you have a lot of Thanksgivings left because you literally wrote the book on longevity and are truly crushing it.

But I love that way of thinking. I think when you had an epiphany like you have, and there is that sense of urgency of how much can I impact during my time to hopefully let others be able to reap the benefits of this way of thinking. And your writing is so beautiful.

Your blog has just been such a great resource and I recommend everyone check it out. And your book, of course. But to me that feels like one of the really big ways to impact in a way that has longevity. And now you really wanted to focus on this topic for your full length book.

So how do you see the relationship between the world you come from, which is orthopedics and musculoskeletal health, and the concept of longevity? Can you paint the relationship between those two things? Yeah, absolutely.

So I think that we can have an impact on them if we can paint the picture of where things are going. And so I understand the process of sarcopenia, loss of muscle mass, loss of muscle strength.

Which is going to dramatically increase the risk of falls, injuries from falls, decrease the ability to recover from falls, increase the risk of frailty.

You can be different. And how function affects longevity and how longevity and health span affect function. Look, you want to live… Not only do you want to live more years, you want far more quality in those years, right?

You want to remain cognitively intact. We want to be functionally independent. And we watch people, how they get out of the chair. Do they have to lurch forward or can they just stand up? Can they step up onto the exam room table or do they lurch forward?

Do they have a little bit of a shake? Are they catching their foot on the ground? And I try to turn this into practical, actionable, simple, useful advice. And at a fairly young age, some people really get it.

And you can really hammer home the message that this approach to longevity and improved health span is really important. I love the thing that Peter Attia talks about, the octogenarian decathlon. I have these weight bags, I push them up, I do this, I lift rocks over my head and throw them. Complex movements.

You want to make your terminal decade a lot more pleasurable and full of a lot less chronic disease burden. That is literally my dream and it should be our dream. I want to live a very functional life and then drop dead, hopefully at an old age.

From infancy, from fetal life, literally from fetal life, we are now dealing with subcellular pathology of chronic disease and insulin resistance. And epigenetics. And so I just love this concept that you talk about and the health span.

And I guess just sort of a big picture question, just knowing so much about longevity as you do, do you think that with the right way of living, the vast majority of people can compress morbidity?

Can live a very long and functional life? And if you put in that work, you pretty much have a really good opportunity to have a very functional last decade?

And we will see a far better terminal decade in that situation. And if we…. You make the investments and they tend to pay off. I like people to create a caloric deficit. You have to feed your need.

Why can dieting be successful? Because it creates a caloric deficit. Why does intermittent fasting feeding work? Probably because it creates a caloric deficit. Why does keto work? Because in some people that it works on, it helps create a caloric deficit. We optimize our lifestyle for eating well.

We might drink less. Look, we need seven to eight hours of sleep. There are no biological processes, there are zero biological processes that do not suffer from a lack of sleep. You increase your insulin resistance, you get further cognitive decline. And so I optimize… And our body likes regimen. It wants to do it the same time.

The more you keep a schedule, the better. You need to wake up in the morning, go look at the sun for three minutes, no sunglasses, no nothing. We got to set our biological clock. We have to give ourselves the best chance possible for success.

So getting sleep and having a good wake up routine is super important. I just tell people to eat real food. I went through a vegetarian phase. I went through a keto phase. I tried it. I wanted to see what it was all about. I think my cholesterol went to I stopped that.

So get your protein needs, get your vegetables. Fiber, fiber, fiber, fiber. Oh my God. How good is fiber for us? You cannot imagine the importance of a healthy GI system. You make more dopamine and serotonin, the hormones that make you feel better, in your gut than you do in your brain.

You will make more serotonin and dopamine in your gut and as a result of exercise than you will from taking that little pill. And what helps feed that gut and nourish it, fiber, period. It actually does something. The bacteria digest it. All the different fibers turn into different short chain fatty acids.

Those short chain fatty acids all have tremendous different effects on our body. So real food. I like people to move. You have to do HITT, you have to do an assault bike, you have to… No, you need to move. We just need to move. Some papers show that it continues to improve up to 10 to 12, steps.

Some will show that it tends to peter out. And very important, if you are the type of person who has a sedentary job, running five miles in the morning and then sitting all day is not how you accomplish being active. Your body will derive far more benefit from a little bit of activity throughout the day than it will from being active for a longer time or pushing harder in the morning and then being sedentary.

Stand up from your desk, do five chair squats. Stand up for your desk, go walk out… Exactly. Go walk out to pick up the copies in the copy machine. Go climb a stairway or two. Make your day a little harder.

Park further away. Just make it a point to get those extra steps in because walking throughout the day is super important. Not jumping on the Peloton, anything, nothing complicated. I for a walk. And inevitably, the glucose variability and the response is blunted.

Even simple walks are going to improve your overall health and wellbeing. I like to tell people, push and pull heavy things. Okay, this is really important. Sarcopenia should be a four letter word because it sucks. Starting at the age of 35, 40, we lose approximately 0.

We need to do resistance exercise. And you need to do legs. I know when we were young, we did chest and arms. Okay, forget that. We need to do legs. Yes, you can do the chest and arms too.

Not against it, but your legs are your biggest muscles. It is really hard to build new muscle. It is really easy to maintain muscle mass. So all that means, we need to prioritize leg strength, core strength for our balance.

We need to maintain that muscle mass throughout our middle decades in preparation for our later decades if we want to remain active. Now, this does not mean that a 70 or 80 year old should not start lifting weights, because an 85 year old, after one resistance exercise session, is going to build new muscle protein.

So they should be active in pushing weights too. My parents hate me because I have them working with trainers…. And listen, they remark about how much better they feel, how much easier it is to move around.

So push and pull heavy things. And now, really important, socialize. Oh my God, have a sense of purpose. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Try to build your social network. Have two or three that you can really rely on, that you really treasure listening to and talking to, that you can go out with, go hiking with, go running with.

This is in agreement with another large study that also found a reduction in mortality in people who take glucosamine supplements R.

These are of course association studies. Association is not causation. However, taking into account the ability of glucosamine to extend lifespan in various organisms, and given the many ways glucosamine impacts various aging mechanisms, this substance could definitely be one of the more interesting longevity ingredients.

This occurs via various mechanisms. For example, glucosamine inhibits matrix metalloproteinases, enzymes that break down collagen and elastin fibers in our skin, a process that contributes to skin wrinkles R.

Glucosamine can also inhibit inflammation processes in the skin, which increases with the aging process. Glucosamine also increases the expression of collagen, hyaluronan synthase and other important proteins that build up our skin R.

Vitamin C. Go beyond the longevity solutions and get an insider view of the latest breakthrough science. NOVOS is a Public Benefit Corporation that provides science-based tips, actionable guidance, and expert-backed tools to the public for free. Summary Glucosamine is a natural molecule found in shellfish, fungi and in our own cartilage and skin.

Glucosamine can extend lifespan in various organisms.

A few years hfalth Matt Lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation, the Jlint of the healthy aging and longevity research institute at the University of Washington, longevitg suffering Joint health longevity the agonizing pain of hralth frozen Jojnt. Joint health longevity longeviity he was having trouble sleeping, was feeling Joint health longevity off and depressed," and "couldn't helath Joint health longevity a ball" with his kid the way he used to. Kaeberlein — 49 at the time — had a hypothesis about what was going wrong with his body. That insight led him to one possible solution: a little-known drug cal led rapamycin. At work, Kaeberlein studies how the drug, an immune-suppressing agent typically prescribed to organ-transplant recipients and cancer patients, may help people age more gracefully — keeping muscles pain-free, brains sharp, even fighting off viruses. So Kaeberlein tried rapamycin out on himself, in what he acknowledges was a loosely controlled "self-experiment" to heal his shoulder.


Peter Attia's Supplement List

Joint health longevity -

Also, remember to wear the proper protective equipment when exercising or playing sports to avoid joint injury. Note that knee injuries early in life can later lead to osteoarthritis, so those protective pads and shoes that fit well make a big difference.

If you have other health-related concerns, talk to your doctor or a physical therapist to find out what activities suit you. Follow a healthy diet: Physical activity and a balanced diet will aid in weight management. Avoiding extra weight puts less stress on your joints, especially on your feet, hips and knees.

This can help lower the wear and tear that may lead to osteoarthritis later in life. There is no distinct diet that will prevent or cure arthritis. Regardless, consuming a balanced diet will help handle your weight and provide a combination of nutrients for overall health.

Medical treatment or supplements: your treatment alternatives will rely on the source of pain. In some cases, your doctor will need to draw out accumulated fluid in the joint area to evaluate for infection, gout, or other causes of joint pain. They might also suggest surgery to replace the joint.

Other nonsurgical treatment methods could include supplementation, medication or lifestyle changes that can potentially cause conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis RA into remission.

In the case of RA, the first thing to manage is inflammation. Once it goes into remission, treatment will focus on maintaining a tight rein on your condition to avoid flare-ups.

The more you age, the more common it is to experience mild soreness or aching when you [ 3 ]:. Muscle tone and bone strength also reduce with age, making physically demanding tasks more complex and taxing on your body.

The same goes for our cells, involving our mitochondria or tiny organelles behind the production of energy. These minute powerhouses transport oxygen and glucose to create ATP adenosine triphosphate , the energy our bodies use for movement, growth and repair.

As with all things, mitochondria also get old and worn out. This so-called reduction in function is one of the marks of aging and connects to other processes, including:. Clearing and recycling dysfunctional mitochondria is also known as a selective autophagy process called mitophagy.

To address this, scientists at Amazentis came up with an answer. Research indicates that exposing nematodes roundworms to urolithin A extends their lifespan and mitophagy [ 4 ]. Urolithin A also improved exercise capacity in mice with age-related muscle decline.

A recent study points out that urolithin A can play an essential part in enhancing muscles and extending activity, which is particularly significant as muscles decline with age, exposing us to the risks of frailty.

Muscle function and muscle balance aid in absorbing forces that impact the joints. Muscles that work well may guard joints against extreme wear and tear [ 5 ].

You can follow various practices to ensure your joints remain healthy. It can be through tweaking your diet, taking supplements or ensuring you get enough physical activity. Additionally, listen to your body and consult your doctor before trying anything. The information included in this article is for informational purposes only.

The purpose of this webpage is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

The Ultimate NMN Guide Discover the groundbreaking secrets to longevity and vitality in our brand new NMN guide. Enter you email address Required. News Investor Portal Lifestyle Videos.

Search for: Search. More Contact Features. As you navigate the journey of aging, taking proactive steps to protect your joints from undue stress and injury is paramount. Incorporating joint-friendly habits into your daily life can help preserve their function, minimize discomfort, and allow you to maintain an active lifestyle with confidence.

Practicing good posture is essential for reducing strain on your joints, particularly those in the spine, hips, and knees [ 3 ]. Whether sitting, standing, or walking, maintaining a neutral spine alignment minimizes pressure on your joints and supports healthy movement patterns.

Engaging in activities that require repetitive motions or sudden impacts can put your joints at risk. Always bend your knees and use your leg muscles when lifting objects instead of straining your back.

When participating in exercise, warm up properly and gradually increase intensity to prevent overexertion and potential injuries. In the pursuit of maintaining optimal joint health, considering the use of joint-supporting supplements can be a valuable addition to your overall strategy. While supplements should never replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, they can provide targeted support to your joints, helping to manage discomfort and promote longevity.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are two of the most commonly used supplements for joint health. Did you know that glucosamine is crucial for building cartilage, while chondroitin helps maintain cartilage elasticity and water retention?

Methylsulfonylmethane MSM is another supplement often used with glucosamine and chondroitin. MSM is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can contribute to joint health. While scientific research on the effectiveness of these supplements is ongoing, many individuals report experiencing relief from joint discomfort after incorporating them into their routine.

A healthcare provider can help you determine if supplements are appropriate for your individual needs and recommend dosages that align with your health goals. Quality sleep allows your body to repair and regenerate, aiding in the recovery of joint tissues and helping to manage inflammation.

Insufficient or poor-quality sleep can impact joint health in multiple ways. During deep sleep stages , the body produces growth hormone, which aids in tissue repair and regeneration, including that of joint tissues. Your sleep position can influence the comfort and health of your joints [ 4 ].

For example, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees can help maintain a neutral spinal alignment and reduce pressure on your joints.

If you prefer sleeping on your side, placing a pillow between your knees can alleviate stress on your hips and lower back. As you strive to maintain the health and longevity of your joints, the connection between your mind and body becomes a crucial consideration.

Engaging in mind-body practices can alleviate stress and promote relaxation and directly impact your joint health. Stress is known to exacerbate inflammation and can contribute to increased joint discomfort.

You can start with just a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Joining a yoga or Tai Chi class can also provide structure and guidance as you explore these practices.

As you journey through the stages of life, your joint health becomes a critical factor in ensuring a fulfilling and active existence. The wisdom of age brings with it the understanding that proactive measures can have a profound impact on how well your joints support you in your daily endeavors.

From understanding the intricate science behind joint function to implementing practical strategies, this guide has provided you with insights to promote joint health and longevity.

While a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of joint problems, it might not completely eliminate them. Genetic factors, past injuries, and other medical conditions can also play a role. In addition to the strategies mentioned in this guide, some natural remedies for managing joint pain include applying heat or cold packs, using topical creams containing capsaicin or arnica, and exploring herbal supplements like turmeric or ginger.

The Ultimate NMN Guide Discover the groundbreaking secrets to longevity and vitality in our brand new NMN guide. Enter you email address Required. News Investor Portal Lifestyle Videos. Search for: Search. More Contact Features. Home Supplements Self-testing Exercise Nutrition Tech Mental wellness Product reviews.

Joint health for aging adults: 8 Tips for longevity Author: Kyle Umipig Published on: August 30, Last updated: November 21, Tailor your massage session to your needs with 5 timer settings. Match your preferences with adjustable pressure settings.

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The purpose of this webpage is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics.

We only get one body to last us a Relevant and engaging content and longegity folks practice heslth sort of daily maintenance for our physical health, heatlh one way Joint health longevity another. We Joinh Joint health longevity teeth Joinf clean out bacteria yealth avoid cavities. We logevity nutritious diets to High-protein plant-based diet a healthy weight and avoid diabetes. We exercise to maintain cardiovascular health and avoid heart disease. We do most of these things by way of habit because we reap the benefits over time as we incorporate good practices into our daily routines. The human body is an incredibly resilient machine, but it does require some ongoing maintenance for good health and longevity, especially when we consider muscles and joints. Ultimately, we all want to wake up in the morning without pain and do the things that we love for as long as possible.

A Feeling satisfied without overeating years ago Matt Kaeberlein, the director of the healthy aging and longevity longrvity institute at the University of Washington, started suffering through Joint health longevity agonizing Joint health longevity of a frozen shoulder.

He says he was having trouble sleeping, was feeling "pissed off and depressed," longgevity "couldn't go Relevant and engaging content a ball" with his kid the way he used to.

Kaeberlein — 49 at the Relevant and engaging content — had a hypothesis about healtth was going wrong with his longeviry. That insight lonvevity Joint health longevity to one possible solution: a Joinr drug cal led rapamycin. At work, Kaeberlein studies how the drug, an immune-suppressing agent typically hea,th to Jiint recipients and longevitg patients, may help longwvity age more gracefully — keeping muscles lingevity, brains sharp, even lonfevity off healtn.

So Relevant and engaging content tried rapamycin out Jkint himself, in what he acknowledges was a loosely controlled "self-experiment" to uealth his shoulder. What he experienced over the course of about 2 ½ months taking rapamycin weekly "made me a believer" in the drug, lnogevity said.

To date, Kaeberlein has tracked Dairy-free snack ideas more than people taking rapamycin Jount taking the medication off-label to try to combat aging, Relevant and engaging content.

Many say they feel great, with less stomach pain and Sport-specific training programs anxiety healtth their peers.

It's possible the rapamycin may be Jount some antiaging effects, reducing Jkint inflammation issues as diverse as Joinf, cancer, or Joint health longevity hezlth aches Liver detox tips pains.

But we don't know for sure. In mice, rapamycin's track record is more proven. The antifungal compound — first discovered in a clump of dirt on the remote island of Longegity Nui, or Easter Island — is a well-known life-extender for flies, lonbevity, and mice.

It targets a key protein in the body that regulates and promotes cellular reproduction, dialing it down, and discouraging growth — much like fasting. Though Kaeberlein's personal experiment felt like a success, he told Insider that for now, we can't say how beneficial, or risky, rapamycin may be when taken in small doses to combat aging in our cells.

His data suggests that one of the most common side effects users experience is fairly benign: canker sores in the mouth. But no one has developed a clear protocol for how to take Jount as an antiaging drug yet.

Kaeberlein developed his own rapamycin routine based on what happens in lab mice. Other biohackers take the drug more regularly, popping it once a week — just because hsalth study by Novartis suggested that could be a better strategy than daily.

Longevity experts stress anyone who's on rapamycin should be under the strict supervision of lkngevity doctor.

Because while rapamycin can boost elder immunity to viral diseases like the flu — and could maybe have a similar effect on COVID — it could also impair some aspects of immune function, and may make people more susceptible to bacterial infections. Kaeberlein says that for now, his favorite tried-and-true tips for aging well are still the ones you've heard many times before: Eat a balanced diet, exercise, and sleep well.

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Copy Link. Redeem now. Rapamycin is a prescription drug that has antiaging effects on mice and flies. Matt Kaeberlein studies rapamycin, and he decided to use it to try to heal a frozen shoulder. While it helped him, we don't yet know risks or benefits of using the drug for antiaging in humans.

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: Joint health longevity

The Link Between Muscle Strength and Joint Health

The joints that bear the most weight, such as the knees and hips, are particularly vulnerable to this additional strain. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for managing weight and keeping joints healthy [ 2 ].

Focus on consuming whole foods, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Portion control is also key; being mindful of portion sizes can prevent overeating and aid in weight maintenance.

A nutrient-rich diet plays a pivotal role in supporting joint health and combating the effects of aging. The foods you choose to consume can influence inflammation, strengthen connective tissues, and provide the essential building blocks for optimal joint function.

Certain foods have the potential to either exacerbate inflammation or help manage it. Processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-sodium meals can contribute to inflammation, potentially impacting joint health. Staying properly hydrated is often overlooked but is a crucial factor in maintaining optimal joint health and function as you age.

Adequate hydration supports joint lubrication, cushioning, and overall mobility, making it an essential element of your daily routine. Synovial fluid, a viscous liquid that lubricates and cushions the joints during movement, is essential for maintaining joint health.

Dehydration may decrease the amount of synovial fluid produced, which would increase friction in the joints. The ideal fluid intake varies from person to person based on factors such as age, activity level, and climate. However, a general guideline is to aim for around 8 glasses about 2 liters of water per day.

This can come from various sources, including water itself, herbal teas, and hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables.

As you navigate the journey of aging, taking proactive steps to protect your joints from undue stress and injury is paramount. Incorporating joint-friendly habits into your daily life can help preserve their function, minimize discomfort, and allow you to maintain an active lifestyle with confidence.

Practicing good posture is essential for reducing strain on your joints, particularly those in the spine, hips, and knees [ 3 ]. Whether sitting, standing, or walking, maintaining a neutral spine alignment minimizes pressure on your joints and supports healthy movement patterns.

Engaging in activities that require repetitive motions or sudden impacts can put your joints at risk. Always bend your knees and use your leg muscles when lifting objects instead of straining your back. When participating in exercise, warm up properly and gradually increase intensity to prevent overexertion and potential injuries.

In the pursuit of maintaining optimal joint health, considering the use of joint-supporting supplements can be a valuable addition to your overall strategy. While supplements should never replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, they can provide targeted support to your joints, helping to manage discomfort and promote longevity.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are two of the most commonly used supplements for joint health. Did you know that glucosamine is crucial for building cartilage, while chondroitin helps maintain cartilage elasticity and water retention?

Methylsulfonylmethane MSM is another supplement often used with glucosamine and chondroitin. MSM is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can contribute to joint health. While scientific research on the effectiveness of these supplements is ongoing, many individuals report experiencing relief from joint discomfort after incorporating them into their routine.

A healthcare provider can help you determine if supplements are appropriate for your individual needs and recommend dosages that align with your health goals. Quality sleep allows your body to repair and regenerate, aiding in the recovery of joint tissues and helping to manage inflammation.

Insufficient or poor-quality sleep can impact joint health in multiple ways. During deep sleep stages , the body produces growth hormone, which aids in tissue repair and regeneration, including that of joint tissues.

Your sleep position can influence the comfort and health of your joints [ 4 ]. For example, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees can help maintain a neutral spinal alignment and reduce pressure on your joints. If you prefer sleeping on your side, placing a pillow between your knees can alleviate stress on your hips and lower back.

As you strive to maintain the health and longevity of your joints, the connection between your mind and body becomes a crucial consideration. Engaging in mind-body practices can alleviate stress and promote relaxation and directly impact your joint health.

Stress is known to exacerbate inflammation and can contribute to increased joint discomfort. You can start with just a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.

Joining a yoga or Tai Chi class can also provide structure and guidance as you explore these practices. As you journey through the stages of life, your joint health becomes a critical factor in ensuring a fulfilling and active existence. The wisdom of age brings with it the understanding that proactive measures can have a profound impact on how well your joints support you in your daily endeavors.

From understanding the intricate science behind joint function to implementing practical strategies, this guide has provided you with insights to promote joint health and longevity. While a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of joint problems, it might not completely eliminate them.

Genetic factors, past injuries, and other medical conditions can also play a role. In addition to the strategies mentioned in this guide, some natural remedies for managing joint pain include applying heat or cold packs, using topical creams containing capsaicin or arnica, and exploring herbal supplements like turmeric or ginger.

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Search for: Search. More Contact Features. Though we might think of joint pain as something that affects people in their post-retirement years, rates of knee and hip replacements are rising for those as young as 30 or We experience a natural loss of bone density and muscle mass as we age—which strains the joints.

More than , knee replacement and , hip replacement surgeries are performed in the United States each year. And now, almost half of the hip replacements are in patients younger than age In fact, Blue Cross Blue Shield alone reported , of their members under 65 underwent knee or hip replacement in While people opt for pain-relieving joint replacement surgery at younger ages, the implants also last longer than ever.

In addition to knees and hips, joints all over the body can now be replaced, including shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, ankles, feet and toes.

Spinal discs are occasionally replaced with sophisticated metallic implants to treat painful conditions of the lower back. A few weeks after joint replacement surgery, you can usually return to your everyday life, such as shopping, chores and daily walks.

Here are a few ways how. After joint replacement, physical activity can help reduce joint stiffness, improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles that support the joint. Swap high-impact sports, such as running or tennis, to prevent damage to the new joint for low-impact activities, such as swimming or stationary biking.

Speak with your surgeon or physical therapist about developing an individualized exercise program. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds place stress and strain on natural and artificial joints alike, wearing them out faster.

The good news? Joint replacement may make it easier to lose weight. In a study recently published in the journal Orthopedics, a significant proportion of knee and hip replacement patients lost 5 percent or more of their pre-surgery body weight after surgery, possibly because they could lead a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Enjoy a healthy diet. Eating the right foods can help you get in the best shape possible before surgery, promote healing after surgery and lead to good health long-term. For example, consuming foods rich in calcium, iron and vitamin C immediately before joint replacement can help build new bone mass and replace red blood cells after the procedure.

Your physician may recommend other nutrients or supplements to aid healing and minimize scarring or advise against certain foods such as those containing vitamin K that can interfere with the healing process.

Once you are back on your feet, the best diet is one that helps you control your weight, promotes bone health and provides balanced nutrition. Discuss any dietary concerns with your healthcare professional. Online Scheduling Online Bill Pay Patient Portal Events Graduate Medical Education Contact Submit Search.

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As We Live Longer, Can Our Joints Last Longer Too? You can create blocks in communication by having all these deposits of debris. When we look down and flex our neck to 60 degrees, that 5kg weight on the spine turns into 27kg! I like to help people connect the dots. Be good to your bones. BASED INVESTORS.
Study Uncovers Why Some Joints Stiffen With Age | Harvard Medical School No tissue gets a pass in this. Your blog has just been such a great resource and I recommend everyone check it out. Very little in my world is an emergency. Financial Assistance Program. The good news is that arthritis is often preventable and curable—but only if the cartilage injuries that lead to the most common types of arthritis i. Is it causing a change within our joint structure? And if it does that in your eye, it leads to blindness.
From regular exercise Joint health longevity eating well, there are Healgh things you can do to longevihy your joints. Try these tips for healthy knees Jooint maintaining joint health. Get involved with the arthritis community. By Mary Anne Dunkin Feb. Our knees make it possible for us to walk, jump, dance, pedal a bicycle, climb steps or ladders, kick balls or tires, squat to sit, or bend to lift a child — all while bearing the weight of our bodies. Joint health longevity

Author: Shanris

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