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Astaxanthin and exercise performance

Astaxanthin and exercise performance

Related Information. Execise a healthcare provider before starting supplements. Why Use Astaxanthin. Previous studies have shown that serum Prioritizing self-care in diabetes treatment levels can performznce reduced for performancw days after prolonged and edercise exercise, pwrformance confirmed pfrformance the present Astaxanthin and exercise performance 31 Some studies suggest that astaxanthin supplementation may lead to increased muscle strength and power output, contributing to better overall exercise performance. Elevation of HSP70 mRNA and HSP72 protein is an important part of the heat shock response HSRrepresenting innate cellular defense mechanisms against heat related damage Horowitz, The results for people supplementing with astaxanthin were outstanding: on average, their grip strength increased by almost double in only 8 weeks.

Astaxanthin and exercise performance -

Protecting Against Exercise-Induced Inflammation: Intense exercise can trigger an inflammatory response in the body, which can impair performance and delay recovery. Astaxanthin's potent anti-inflammatory properties help reduce exercise-induced inflammation, allowing your body to better cope with the physical stress of training.

By minimizing inflammation, astaxanthin supports muscle repair and aids in faster recovery. Improving Joint Health and Mobility: For individuals engaged in high-impact activities or experiencing joint discomfort, astaxanthin can offer relief. Studies suggest that astaxanthin's anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate joint pain, reduce stiffness, and improve joint mobility.

This can contribute to overall exercise performance by allowing you to move more freely and with less discomfort. Dosage and Considerations: As with any dietary supplement, it's important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines for astaxanthin. Dosages can vary depending on individual needs and goals.

It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or sports nutritionist to determine the appropriate dosage for your specific circumstances. Conclusion: Astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant derived from marine microalgae, holds great potential for enhancing exercise performance.

By reducing exercise-induced oxidative stress, improving endurance, reducing fatigue, supporting muscle strength, and combating inflammation, astaxanthin can help you achieve your fitness goals and unlock your full potential. Incorporating astaxanthin into your supplement regimen, along with a well-rounded training program and a balanced diet, can be a game-changer for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical or sports-specific advice. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or certified sports nutritionist before starting any new supplement or exercise program.

Therefore, we set out to determine whether Astaxanthin supplementation, as a preemptive strategy, could have an influence on performance in heat stress combined with exercise scenarios in humans, and potentially serve as an added line of defense against heat related injury for individuals anticipating exposure to heat and exercise.

We also chose to separately evaluate the influence of Astaxanthin supplementation on aerobic fitness, since it is a key contributing component to endurance in the heat Mclellan et al. The study goals were to determine whether Astaxanthin pre-supplementation could influence performance in exercise alone or in combination with heat stress.

In order to evaluate the influence of Astaxanthin supplementation on heat tolerance and on aerobic capacity, we employed a double blind placebo controlled randomized trial.

The heat tolerance test HTT , which involves exposure to mild physical activity in controlled heat load conditions and the maximal oxygen uptake VO 2 Max test were used before supplementation and repeated after 1 month of daily supplementation.

The study was approved by the ethical review boards of the Sheba medical center reg. Data collection took place between March of and March of at the Heller institute of medical research located in the Sheba medical center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. Twenty two young healthy male volunteers, free from illness and not consuming medications or dietary supplements, completed their participation in the study after giving their informed consent and being examined by the study physician.

Participants were interviewed by a nutritionist to ensure an Astaxanthin free diet and instructed to avoid changing their exercise routine for the duration of the study, and refrain from consuming Astaxanthin containing foods, as well as any dietary supplements for 2 weeks prior to participating in the physical tests and throughout the duration of the study.

They were randomly assigned to either the supplementation group, who received 12 mg of Astaxanthin P. The Supplement and placebo capsules were purchased directly from the manufacturer, to guarantee production of a placebo identical in every way to the supplement, apart from the presence of the active ingredient.

The dose 12 mg was chosen in accordance with the highest daily dose approved for human consumption by the U. Food and Drug Administration FDA at the time of study approval and with literature evidence from human experimentation, demonstrating safety and efficacy at this and higher doses Kupcinskas et al.

Supplementation duration over 30 days was chosen in order to ensure adequate time for achieving a supplemented state and initiating the necessary long term effects, based on other human experiments involving exercise related aspects, without any known threat to the subjects' health and well-being Spiller and Dewell, ; Bloomer et al.

Randomization and assignment to the Astaxanthin or placebo group was performed by an independent party the clinical research division of the Sheba medical center pharmaceutical services , which also individually dispensed the study product to the participants. Treatment allocation was disclosed to the researchers only after study completion.

In order to ensure maximal gastro-intestinal GI absorption, participants were instructed to ingest the supplement or placebo with a meal containing 15 grams of fat. Supplementation lasted for 30 days, immediately followed by an additional supplementation period of 5—10 days, during which the physical tests HTT and VO 2 Max were repeated, on separate days, in-order to maintain an effective concentration of the supplement and ensure the tests were performed under a supplemented state.

Treatment adherence by participants was monitored by keeping a supplementation log and sending a daily text message after supplement consumption. A dietary log was also kept for 3 days before each physical examination day.

Supplementation began after completion of the initial HTT and VO 2 Max tests, and lasted a total of 35—40 days. The HTT and VO 2 Max tests where repeated after 30 days under ongoing supplementation. Figure 1 is a flow diagram of the study, detailing the process of participant recruitment, assignment and testing.

Anthropometric measurement height, body mass, body fat from a four points skinfold measurement was followed by evaluation of aerobic capacity and heat tolerance which were conducted on separate days, at least 48 h apart, and followed by commencement of daily supplementation. Aerobic capacity and heat tolerance assessment were repeated during the 31—40 day period of supplementation, while still consuming the supplement or placebo.

Anthropometry included height roll-up stadiometer, model , Seca medical measuring systems and scales, Germany , body mass electronic scales , and determination of body composition by the four sites biceps brachii, triceps brachii, suprailiac, subscapular skinfold measurement Lange skinfold caliper, Beta technology, Santa Cruz, CA and calculation of fat content and lean body mass, based on an equation suited to the participant's age Durnin and Womersley, The heat tolerance test HTT was described by Moran et al.

Rectal temp. Trec , skin temp. Tsk , and heart rate HR were continuously monitored. Fluid consumption cold water was provided ad-libitum from pre-weighed drinking cans. Trec was measured with a rectal thermistor YSI, Yellow Springs Incorporated, USA inserted 10 cm beyond the anal sphincter.

Skin temp. Tsk at the chest, upper arm and calf, was measured using a skin thermistor YSIB, Yellow Springs Incorporated, USA. Mean Tsk was calculated by Burton's equation Burton, All temperatures were continuously recorded MP and Acqknowledge software, version 3.

Heart rate HR was continuously monitored by a heart rate monitor model: RSCX, POLAR, Finland. Blood pressure BP was monitored at pre-set time points before the test, after 1 h of walking, at the end of the test, and every 15 min during recovery, for 1 h after the test using an automated blood pressure monitor Omron m6 comfort, Omron healthcare, Japan.

Fluid balance was determined from nude body mass, measured before and after each trial, adjusted for fluid intake and urine volume, and used to calculate sweat loss, which was then normalized to body surface area and presented as the hourly sweat rate SR.

Relative perceived exertion RPE was assessed every 15 min during the HTT using the Borg scale Borg, , and a scale from 1 to 13 unbearably cold to unbearably hot sensation, respectively , was used to rate the subjective sensation of thermal comfort Thermal comfort rate, TCR.

The ventilatory anaerobic threshold AT was determined visually by two trained examiners according to the American heart association guidelines Balady et al. The test was performed on a CPET machine ZAN , Nspire Health, USA connected to a treadmill ergometer Model S, RAM medical and industrial instruments, Germany.

Heart rate was continuously monitored by a heart rate monitor model: RSCX, POLAR, Finland. Assessment of RPE took place before and after the VO 2 Max test. Blood was drawn on physical testing days before the VO 2 Max test and on HTT days before, immediately after and at 60 min after the end of the HTT.

Blood was collected in yellow gel chemistry collection tubes Becton, Dickinson and Co. Serum lipid and triglyceride TG profile, CRP, and CPK were analyzed by the central laboratories at the Sheba medical center.

Anthropometric, physiological and biochemical parameters were statistically analyzed using the SPSS software version 23, IBM, USA. Treatments and time point were taken as the independent variable and participants were considered a random sample of the general population.

Normality of distribution was assessed by the Kolomogorov-Smirnov test and comparison between treatment groups and between pre- and post-supplementation time points was made with 1-way ANOVA, with Tukey post hoc analysis for normally distributing variables, or Mann-Whitney U -test for non-normally distributing variables.

Analysis of the difference in the change in parameters due to supplementation between treatment groups was conducted by calculating the delta between the pre- and post-supplementation states pre-supplemented state subtracted from the post-supplemented state.

Normality of distribution was assessed by the Kolomogorov-Smirnov test and comparison between treatment groups was made by T -test for normally distributing variables and Mann-Whitney U -test for non-normally distributing variables. Leven's test was used to evaluate the equality of variance between treatment groups, followed by the appropriate Student's t -test 2-tailed to assess significance.

In order to assess the significance of difference between repetitive blood tests, ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Bonferroni post-hoc analysis or Friedman's omnibus test followed by Wilcoxon's signed-rank test with Bonferroni adjustment were used, for normally or non-normally distributing variables, respectively.

A significant p -value was set at 0. Table 1 lists key parameters of aerobic capacity, as recorded by the VO 2 Max test.

Aerobic characteristics did not differ between the ATX and PLA groups both before and after supplementation, as seen in the unchanged AT, maximal oxygen uptake, reduction in heart rate during recovery, and in substrate utilization demonstrated by the scatter plot of respiratory exchange ratio RER vs.

oxygen uptake VO 2 Supplemental Figure 1. Table 1. Main VO 2 Max findings: This table lists the main findings from the maximal oxygen uptake tests performed before pre and after post supplementation in the two study groups.

However, a significant difference was observed between the two groups post supplementation in the blood lactate concentration measured after the VO 2 Max test. Additionally, a significant reduction was observed in oxygen uptake at the end of recovery between the pre-supplementation and post-supplementation time points in the ATX group compared to the PLA group Table 1.

Supplemental Figure 2 depicts the VO 2 values during the test by group, before and after supplementation. Table 2 lists the results from the HTT.

The physiological parameters monitored continuously during the test, including HR, Trec, and Tsk displayed no significant difference between the ATX and PLA groups.

During the first, un-supplemented HTT, and the second, supplemented HTT, Basal Trec in both groups was below 37°C, and increased by about 1°C.

Heart rate began at nearly 80 bpm and increased to just under bpm in both groups. Table 2. Main HTT findings: This table lists the main findings from the HTT performed before pre and after post supplementation in both treatment groups.

The subjective scales representing sensations of relative perceived exertion RPE and thermal comfort TCR , which were monitored every 15 min during the test and for 1 h after its completion, also displayed no difference between groups or exposures.

Participants perceived a mild to moderate effort in reporting their subjective sensations in the Borg scale RPE and moderate heat in the TCR scale.

Biochemical analyses: Table 3 depicts measured serum concentrations of CRP, CPK, HSP72, and the lipid profile, including, high density lipoproteins HDL , low density lipoproteins LDL total cholesterol and Triglycerides.

No significant differences were observed between the ATX and PLA groups in the serum levels of HSP72 protein, in the lipid and triglyceride profile, in CRP or in CPK concentrations, both before and after the effort.

However, during all HTT testing days, CPK levels obtained before the test were significantly lower than those obtained immediately after the test, in both groups, both before and after supplementation.

Table 3. We examined the influence of 1 month of 12 mg daily Astaxanthin supplementation on heat tolerance and aerobic capacity. Astaxanthin improved exercise recovery but had no influence on performance in the heat. Human exercise models, in contrast to animal studies have shown conflicting results regarding the effects of Astaxanthin on performance.

Neither metabolic markers nor blood biochemistry of human cohorts revealed dose or time dependent metabolic changes attributable to Astaxanthin supplementation Karppi et al. The variance of substrate oxidation profiles during exercise existing in the general population and the steady state nature of the measurement may have masked a metabolic supplementation effect.

The graded VO 2 Max test used in our study, designed to answer the questions raised regarding the influence of Astaxanthin on substrate utilization in exercising humans over a range of exercise intensities Brown et al.

However, the change in blood lactate concentration after the VO 2 Max test Table 1 , along with the significant reduction in oxygen uptake at the end of recovery in the ATX group compared to the PLA group, may suggest less oxidative stress and faster recovery in comparison with the control, which is a possible advantage for Astaxanthin supplementation.

In Supplemental Figure 2 , a more rapid return to lower VO 2 values during recovery is seen in ATX after supplementation compared to before supplementation.

Though evidence from animal models suggests that post exercise recovery may improve with Astaxanthin administration, particularly, by diminishing exercise induced tissue damage markers such as creatine kinase CK and myeloperoxidase MPO , through anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory pathways Aoi et al.

However, longer supplementation 90 days in young soccer players was associated with improved indirect damage markers like reduced lactate dehydrogenase LDH , and non-significant improvements in CK and inflammatory markers including CRP and leukocyte and neutrophil counts Djordjevic et al.

Validated information on the effects of Astaxanthin supplementation on exercise performance and recovery, particularly in diverse populations, is lacking. In the present experiment, though exercise recovery of oxygen uptake was improved in the Astaxanthin group post-supplementation, contrastingly, serum inflammation CRP , muscle damage CPK and lipid profile remained unaffected by supplementation in both groups.

Notably, experimental conditions, particularly the physiological safety thresholds, were limited by ethical constraints, and could not induce a higher thermal threshold. Under the experimental conditions employed in this study, no participant reached the safety threshold during heat exposure.

An Additional component contributing to the observed physiological response may have been the fitness level of participants and the relatively mild effort undertaken by them during the HTT.

Nevertheless, the significant difference in CPK levels from the beginning to the end of the HTT, in both groups indicates some muscle damage resulting from the HTT, which was unaffected by supplementation Table 3.

The significantly higher sweat rate in the pre-supplemented PLA group compared to PLA post-supplementation and to ATX pre- and post-supplementation cannot be explained by an effect of supplementation, and can only be attributed to a difference between participant groups.

This was, however, insignificant when the change in sweat rate from pre- to post-supplementation was compared between treatment groups Table 2. The daily dose of Astaxanthin used in this work 12 mg was reflective of the highest recommended dose for humans at the time, which has been substantially increased since then to 24 mg daily Visioli and Artaria, WholeFoods Magazine is your one-stop resource for health and nutrition articles.

We provide important information regarding industry news, research, and trends. NOTE: WholeFoods Magazine is a business-to-business publication. Information on this site should not be considered medical advice or a way to diagnose or treat any disease or illness.

Always seek the advice of a medical professional before making lifestyle changes, including taking a dietary supplement. The opinions expressed by contributors and experts quoted in articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors of WholeFoods. WholeFoods Blog Magazine Subscription View Back Issues Advertise Education Center Naturally Informed Ashwagandha Experience.

Free Newsletter Subscription. WholeFoods Magazine RSS. Bob Capelli and Lixin Ding. And there are 35 different pre-clinical studies corroborating these clinical trials. The first studies in this area began slowly in the s, but the pace has accelerated.

Over the last three years, there have been six new human trials and eight new pre-clinical studies. Here, we will take a look at some highlights from the research. Competitive Cyclists Made Faster with Higher Power Output by Astaxanthin Gatorade sponsored a four-week study to see if Natural Astaxanthin could make competitive cyclists faster and stronger.

Subjects took the very minimum dose generally recommended by Astaxanthin experts: 4mg per day. The researchers tested the cyclists in a kilometer time trial before and after supplementation. These were not average people, but highly trained, competitive cyclists; even marginal improvement from a supplement regimen would be an excellent result in this particular group of subjects.

At the end of four weeks, the placebo group showed no improvement in their cycling times.

Astaxanthin Astazanthin a perdormance antioxidant present in Breaking nutrition myths microalgae, fish and Astaxanthin and exercise performance certain Exercisw birds such Astaxanthn the Pink Flamingo! This molecule is beginning to attract a lot of attention, especially in the world Astazanthin sports, for Astaxanthhin ability to improve endurance performance and fat metabolism. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidantits distinct chemical structure allowing it to protect the outer layer of our cells, both internally and on the surface. Astaxanthin is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ideal dietary supplement for athletes undergoing intense workouts. Studies also show that astaxanthin can improve muscle recovery after exercise and reduce joint pain. During exercise, the body has two main sources of fuel: carbohydrates and fat. Astaxanthin and exercise performance


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Astaxanthin and exercise performance -

Sawaki, K. Sports performance benefits from taking natural astaxanthin characterized by visual acuity and muscle fatigue improvement in humans. pdf 4. Satoh, A. Preliminary clinical evaluation of toxicity and efficacy of a new astaxanthin-rich Haematococcus pluvialis extract.

Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. Iwamoto, T. Inhibition of low-density lipoprotein oxidation by astaxanthin. Journal of Atherosclerosis Thrombosis, Vol. Vidyasagar, A. What Are Mitochondria? Live Science. html 7. Fry, A. Astaxanthin clinical trial for delayed onset muscle soreness.

Human Performance Laboratories. The University of Memphis. Report 1, August 16, Nagata, A. Effects of astaxanthin on recovery from whole fatigue with three stepwise exercises.

Hiro to Kyuyo no Kagaku Vol. Djordjevic, B. Effect of astaxanthin supplementation on muscle damage and oxidative stress markers in elite young soccer players.

J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 52 4 pdf Malmsten, C. Dietary supplementation with astaxanthin-rich algal meal improves muscle endurance — A double blind placebo controlled study on male students. Carotenoid Science, Vol. Earnest, CP. Effect of astaxanthin on cycling time trial performance.

International Journal of Sports Medicine Nov;32 11 LOVE YOURSELF. Item added to your cart. Check out Continue shopping. All orders placed after am EST will be shipped the following business day. Canadian Customers: Please note that any product over a 90 day supply is unable to be shipped due to Health Canada regulations.

These 42 oxylipins were summed for a composite variable Figure 3. The nine oxylipins included with ARA-CYP are generally regarded as pro-inflammatory oxylipins and included 5,6-, 8,9-, 11,, and 14,diHETrEs, 5,diHETE, , 17,- HETEs, and the HETE metabolite coohAA.

Figure 3. Plasma oxylipin concentrations for the astaxanthin and placebo trials. Since the protein levels varied significantly between subjects as evidenced by the higher correlations within subjects than between subjects Supplementary Figure S1B , the longitudinal dataset was normalized by calculating ratios to the protein levels at the first time point to increase the likelihood of discovering proteins dysregulated due to supplementation.

Cluster 1 proteins 23 total were rapidly downregulated after exercise and then gradually recovered in both supplement trials within 24 h. A total of 82 proteins from clusters 2, 3, and 4 Figure 4A were immediately reduced post-exercise compared to pre-exercise levels and increased during the 24 h post-exercise period in the astaxanthin compared to the placebo trial.

Biological process analysis revealed that most of the proteins were involved in immune-related functions such as defense responses, complement activation, and immune system responses Figure 4B ; Table 4.

Two proteins in cluster 5, SA8 and SA9, were increased after exercise in both groups and then gradually returned to pre-exercise levels within the 24 h post-exercise recovery period. A total of 20 plasma immunoglobulins were identified that differed significantly between the astaxanthin and placebo trials Figure 4C.

Plasma levels of IgM were significantly downregulated post-exercise but recovered after the 24 h post-exercise recovery period in the astaxanthin but not the placebo trial Figure 4D.

The patterns of change in IgG did not differ between the astaxanthin and placebo trials. Figure 4. A Heatmap of clustered proteins in the astaxanthin and placebo trials. T1, pre-study; T2, 4-weeks supplementation, pre-exercise; T3, immediately post-exercise 2. B Associated biological processes for clusters 2—4, see Supplementary Table S1 for details.

C Number of identified immunoglobulins in the clusters of A. D Changes of plasma IgM and IgG levels in plasma in subjects in response to the astaxanthin and placebo trials. Table 4. Associated biological processes, gene counts, and matching proteins for clusters 2—4.

This study employed a strong research design and showed that 4-weeks astaxanthin supplementation had no effect in runners on 2. The untargeted proteomics data, however, showed that astaxanthin supplementation did counter exercise-induced decreases in 82 plasma proteins involved in immune-related functions.

Astaxanthin supplementation countered the post-exercise decrease in plasma immunoglobulins, especially IgM. Other astaxanthin-based human clinical trials focused on limited and basic outcomes related to exercise performance, muscle damage e. This is the first human clinical trial to measure physiological responses to astaxanthin supplementation after an intense exercise challenge using untargeted proteomics proteins across all samples , a targeted and comprehensive panel of 81 oxylipins, and six cytokines.

The data indicate that 4-weeks astaxanthin supplementation had little effect on exercise-induced increases in most inflammation-related measures including six plasma cytokines, 42 plasma oxylipins, and plasma proteins in cluster 5 of this study.

The running bout caused significant increases in plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL, MCP-1, GCSF, IL1ra, and many different types of oxylipins as shown in previous studies 3 , 5 , 6 , The proteomics analysis showed that two proteins in cluster 5, SA8 and SA9 or calprotectin, were increased after exercise in both the astaxanthin and placebo trials, before gradually returning to pre-exercise levels within the 24 h post-exercise recovery period.

Calprotectin is released during degranulation from activated neutrophils during the inflammatory process following intensive exercise. Calprotectin also promotes phagocyte migration, and functions as an alarmin and endogenous danger-associated molecular pattern DAMP In vivo and in vitro data support a role for astaxanthin in decreasing inflammation, but the data from the present study indicate that these findings do not extend to mitigating transient exercise-induced inflammation 9 , 17 , Astaxanthin supplementation did have a strong effect in countering post-exercise decreases in many proteins related to immune function including 20 immunoglobulins.

The major soluble proteins for humoral immunity are the immunoglobulins that can combine with specific antigens as a functional component of the host defense system. Previous studies have shown that serum immunoglobulin levels can be reduced for 1—2 days after prolonged and intensive exercise, as confirmed in the present study 31 , B lymphocyte suppression has been reported after sustained vigorous exercise and may in part be related to an inhibitory effect from activated monocytes Several cell culture-based studies have shown that astaxanthin can increase immunoglobulin production under varying conditions 14 , 27 , 34— For example, astaxanthin enhanced IgM and IgG production by human lymphocytes in response to T cell-dependent stimuli Animal studies support increases in plasma IgG and IgM and other biomarkers of immune function in astaxanthin-fed dogs and cats 37 , In the present study, astaxanthin supplementation countered the exercise-induced decrease in plasma IgM but not IgG levels.

IgM is also the major immunoglobulin expressed on the surface of B cells Randomized clinical trials investigating the influence of astaxanthin supplementation on immune-related outcomes are limited.

Plasma immunoglobulins were not measured in this study. The data from the present study are the first human data to indicate that astaxanthin supplementation can counter exercise-induced decreases in plasma immunoglobulins and IgM in human subjects.

This study used a 2. The objective was to see if astaxanthin could serve as a nutrition-based strategy to mitigate exercise-induced physiological stress.

A human systems biology approach was used to improve the ability to capture trial differences using untargeted proteomics, and comprehensive targeted oxylipin and cytokine panels.

These data indicate that astaxanthin supplementation did not counter exercise-induced increases in plasma cytokines and oxylipins but was linked to normalization of post-exercise plasma levels of numerous immune-related proteins within 24 h.

Thus, astaxanthin supplementation provided immune support for runners engaging in a vigorous running bout and uniquely countered decreases in 20 plasma immunoglobulins including IgM. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by Appalachian State University IRB.

DN, QZ, AP, and GV designed the research project. DN, CS, KD, AP, and GV conducted the research project. JW, QZ, AO, YT, CS, and KD analyzed the samples, and DN, JW, and QZ conducted the data analysis. DN, JW, QZ, CS, KD, AO, AP, GV, and YT wrote and edited the paper.

DN had primary responsibility for the final content. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that this study received funding from Lycored.

The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article, or the decision to submit it for publication. The authors thank Lycored for providing the astaxanthin and placebo supplements for this study. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

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Astaxanthin is rapidly gaining recognition in the wellness community for its host of health benefits. This naturally Astaxanthin and exercise performance Swimming injury prevention is hailed Astaxabthin one performaance the most potent antioxidants Astwxanthin anti-inflammatory substances available. Astaxanthkn predominantly in marine life, particularly in creatures with pink-hued flesh like salmon, lobsters, and even flamingos, astaxanthin is rising to prominence in the world of sports nutrition. Many professional athletes, from a broad spectrum of sports, incorporate Astaxanthin into their nutrition regimen for a variety of well-documented reasons. Astaxanthin provides numerous proven benefits, including an increase in stamina, enhancement of performance, and expedited recovery times.

Author: Doushakar

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