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Holistic pregnancy care

Holistic pregnancy care

Holistic pregnancy care in pregnancy Which vitamin csre should Cage taken in pregnancy? Raja Gangopadhyaya Consultant Obstetrician Flaxseed recipes the Founder of Holistiic International Forum of Holistic pregnancy care In Pregnancy IFWIP cqre, advocates the following four self-care measures to improve wellbeing during pregnancy and beyond : - Diet: To highlight the importance of good Nutrition NU during pregnancy and beyond - Rest: To take adequate Rest Runwinding, and sleep. Carrie is having her first baby. The Holistic Approach Yoga and Prenatal Exercise: Both support you in preparation for childbirth.

Holistic pregnancy care -

This is typical - each family has its own beliefs and hopes. It is a challenge to discuss holism in pregnancy and childbirth within this wide range, but we hope to provide information that is useful and respectful of your values, whatever your background or previous experiences with holistic care.

A holistic approach. Why go holistic? Birthing positions. What about pain? History of childbirth. How childbirth works. Factors that influence birth.

Preparing for pregnancy and birth. Get birth support. Classes and birth plans. A holistic approach Share Link copied! A holistic approach to pregnancy and childbirth has the following characteristics: Considers all aspects of an individual, including the body, mind, and spirit. A holistic pregnancy and childbirth recognizes the impact of the mind and spirit, as well as the physical body, on the experience of pregnancy and birth.

Physical health, values and beliefs, relationships, emotional wellbeing, and spirituality all affect pregnancy and birth. In turn, the experiences of pregnancy and birth influence body, mind, and spirit. Trusts the natural progression. A holistic approach to pregnancy and childbirth also recognizes that a birthing body is naturally designed to conceive, nourish, and give birth to a baby.

It trusts the natural progression of pregnancy and labor. Starts with least invasive approach but uses the full range of therapies as needed.

A holistic approach to childbearing includes both low-intervention approaches and the appropriate use of technology in a thoughtful and well-considered manner. A holistic approach respects the normal processes of pregnancy and birth, but recognizes the need for assistance if appropriate. Each situation is unique, requiring individual choices and care.

Note: a holistic approach is not "natural childbirth," which, as a term has widely different meaning, including a complete avoidance of medication or interventions.

Relationship difficulties. Good emotional health and wellbeing during pregnancy and postpartum period for the pregnant woman, partner, and the child. Emotional wellbeing is not only an essential part of health but also to establish a strong foundation for a happy, fulfilling, and better quality of life.

Different Complementary and Alternative Medicine techniques such as Reflexology , Emotional Freedom Techniques , Ayurveda , Mind-Body interventions such as Yoga and Meditation , and Energy Healing methods such as Reiki have been studied to explore their effectiveness as a stress management strategy during pregnancy and beyond.

There is scientific evidence to suggest that antenatal stress can lead to pregnancy complications such as:. Therefore, achieving the optimum mental wellbeing could potentially reduce such untoward complications.

Although the exact mechanism is not known, studies indicate the role of Fetal Programming and Secure Attachment. Therefore emotional wellbeing is important for the health and well-being of the future generation of the human society.

Pregnancy is a great opportunity to reflect and consider healthy lifestyle changes which would be beneficial for the rest of the life. Asking mothers about their stress and mental health could disclose conditions which have never been addressed.

This could empower them with good stress management strategies. Inability to cope with the stress of transition to parenthood could lead to an increased chance of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions both during the pregnancy and postnatal period.

About one-third cases of Postnatal Depression PND , it is the continuation of depression during pregnancy. Suicide as a result of untreated serious mental health illnesses is still one of the biggest killers of new mothers all over the world.

According to the WHO, for every death of the mother, there are 'near misses', therefore the death statistics are just 'the tip of the iceberg'. Optimum information and interventions could certainly prevent the loss of many valuable lives. It is now considered that depression and anxiety are equally prevalent during pregnancy period as of post-childbirth time.

PMH is one of the most common health conditions during pregnancy. The cost of untreated Perinatal Mental health illnesses could be huge. For example, a report published by London School of Economics LSE showed that UK National Health Service NHS spent £8.

Almost three-quarters of this are, in fact, spent for the care and treatment of the consequences of the maternal mental health conditions to the children. Whereas, only £ million per year is needed to be invested to provide care for PMH conditions according to the national standard.

This saving could be invested somewhere else for the betterment of the society. This is statistics from the UK and could reflect the gravity of the cost in many other countries of the world.

This is influenced by genetic, epigenetic, psychological, social and developmental factors. The ability to deal with stress and better emotional balance can certainly be improved by adopting certain healthy lifestyle measures Ref.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time to reflect on the healthy habits both for the pregnant woman and her partner. Raja Gangopadhyay , a Consultant Obstetrician and the Founder of the International Forum of Wellbeing In Pregnancy IFWIP , advocates the following four self-care measures to improve wellbeing during pregnancy and beyond :.

Gangopadhyay summarises the above with the mnemonic: NURTURE. We know that the emotional health and wellbeing are vital during every pregnancy regardless of prior or existing health conditions. Raja Gangopadhyay advocates a comprehensive approach to care during pregnancy by the healthcare professionals and the postpartum period with the mnemonic: DREAM.

At the IFWIP, we aim to raise awareness of wellbeing during pregnancy and discuss different strategies to combat stress during this vital period of life through primarily the NURTURE for the parents and DREAM for the healthcare professionals approach. We believe this could ensure not only a happy and healthy pregnancy but also lay a strong foundation for a good health, relationship, and parenting abilities.

Wellbeing during pregnancy is also important for the physical, emotional, behavioural, and cognitive development of the child. This would ensure a better and healthier future for the child. They are not clinical guidance or mental health treatment advice and should not replace any clinical guidance and medical care.

Please read our detailed Disclaimer policy here. contact ifwip. Home Wellbeing Nutrition Exercise Rest Relaxation Blog About us Our Journey Team The Founder Dr Raja Gangopadhyay: brief biography Board of Advisers Courses Welcome Pregnancy Wellbeing Workshop One Day Education HOPE Events Disclaimer Resources Wellbeing In Pregnancy NURTURE your DREAM: A Holistic Perspective on Wellbeing during Pregnancy Psychological changes during pregnancy: An emotional Upheaval Stress during pregnancy: myths and scientific facts Hyperemesis Gravidarum HG : Impact on Emotional Health and Wellbeing Insomnia during pregnancy: important facts you need to know Pelvic Girdle Pain PGP : Impact on the emotional wellbeing during pregnancy Exercise during pregnancy: key to health and wellbeing Pregnancy Pilates: key things you need to know if you are pregnant Tocophobia Tokophobia Birth Trauma The Blogless Mother Psychological therapies Reflexology for supporting the Maternity Journey Postnatal depression in dads: a real illness or media hype?

Securing the Foundations of Attachment Prior to Birth as Essential to Development A Triadic Perspective of Perinatal Wellbeing Prenatal attachment: can this influence future human relationships? Are cycling and playing tennis safe in pregnancy?

work-related stress during pregnancy Is consuming Organic Food better during pregnancy? Body image problems during pregnancy Is it safe to consume junk food in pregnancy?

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Optimizing Your Natural Fertility: A Fertility Doctor Explains How to Get Pregnant Naturally Holistic pregnancy care prgenancy Charles are having their Holistc baby and have started to consider their options Holisgic prenatal care and childbirth. While they are both healthy, Holistic pregnancy care Holixtic be 37 when the baby is born. They wonder if she will have to take any special steps to stay healthy, or if her age will limit her options. They are also expecting a lifestyle change after the baby is born, as Ginny plans to quit her job and stay at home. Lucia and Roberto are having their third child. Holistic pregnancy care

Author: Kijinn

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