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Subcutaneous fat and muscle density

Subcutaneous fat and muscle density

Individuals are weighed on dry land and then again Subcuhaneous submerged densiry a water Musclf. Everyone loses weight at different rates due to factors such as genetics, body composition, age, and hormones. Patients with low SMI were less likely to undergo ASCT, which may be related to older age of sarcopenic patients. Meet Our Medical Expert Board.


What 16% bodyfat looks like

Subcutaneous fat and muscle density -

The total adipose tissue TAT area was calculated as the sum of the SAT, VAT, and IMAT areas. The subcutaneous fat water area was also measured in cm 2. The skeletal muscle area SMA was calculated as the sum of the paraspinal, abdominal wall, and psoas muscle cross sectional areas cm 2.

Muscle and adipose tissue radiodensities were calculated as the mean attenuation in Hounsfield units HU of the respective compartments.

We used sex-specific medians in our population to divide patients into two groups with low and high SAT, VAT, IMAT, TAT, SAI, VAI, IMAI, TAI, and muscle and fat radiodensities. We also divided patients into three groups using sex-specific tertiles for each of those parameters.

Univariate and multivariate analysis was performed using Cox proportional hazard models. Progression-free survival PFS was defined as the time from the start of first-line treatment to first disease progression or death from any cause, whichever occurred first.

Patients without an event at the end of follow up were censored. Overall survival OS was measured from diagnosis until death from any cause. Patients who were alive at their last follow up were censored.

PFS and OS were estimated using the Kaplan—Meier method and groups were compared using the log-rank test. Statistical analysis was performed using JMP® statistical software, Version 16, SAS Institute Inc. We included patients. The median BMI was Baseline characteristics are shown in Table 1.

The sex-specific medians for muscle and fat parameters at the time of diagnosis are shown in Table 2. The median follow up was 5. The median PFS in the entire cohort was Patients with sarcopenia SMI less than sex-specific median had lower median BMI Sarcopenia was associated with lower median subcutaneous There was no association between sarcopenia and IMAT area Patients with sarcopenia were older median: 67 vs.

There was no association between sarcopenia and ISS or R-ISS stage, baseline laboratory characteristics, or cytogenetic characteristics. Median PFS was There was no difference in PFS between patients with and without sarcopenia among males Median OS was 7.

There was no difference in OS between patients with and without sarcopenia among males 6. There was no difference in PFS between normal weight Similarly, OS was similar between the 3 groups: 6. Low SAT below sex-specific median area was associated with older age compared to high SAT area above sex-specific median median: There was no association between high vs.

low subcutaneous, visceral, intermuscular, or total adipose tissue areas and indices, and PFS or OS when sex-specific medians were used as cutoffs.

Similarly, there was no association between visceral, intramuscular, or total adipose tissue areas and indices, and PFS or OS using sex-specific tertiles.

There was no difference in PFS between the 3 groups. OS years in patients with SAT in the lower tertile red curve , middle tertile green curve , and upper tertiles blue curve.

OS overall survival , SAT subcutaneous adipose tissue. Patients with subcutaneous fat water area above the sex-specific median had decreased PFS There was no difference in PFS between patients in the lower Subcutaneous fat water area was not associated with OS when examined as a dichotomous variable above vs.

below the median or using tertiles. Low muscle radiodensity was associated with decreased OS; OS was 7. There was no significant difference in OS between patients in the middle vs. upper tertiles 7. There was no association between muscle radiodensity and PFS.

Low muscle radiodensity was associated with higher ISS III vs. On univariate analysis the OS hazard ratio HR for the lower tertile of muscle radiodensity was 1.

a OS years in patients with skeletal muscle radiodensity HU in the lower tertile red curve compared to those in the middle or upper tertiles blue curve. b OS years in patients with SAT radiodensity HU in the upper tertile blue curve compared to those in the lower or middle tertiles red curve.

HU Hounsfield units , OS overall survival , SAT subcutaneous adipose tissue. High SAT radiodensity was associated with decreased PFS and OS; PFS was There was no statistically significant difference in PFS when patients were grouped into lower OS was 6. There was no difference in OS between patients with SAT radiodensity in the middle vs.

lower tertiles 9. NR in patients with SAT radiodensity in the upper vs. Patients with high SAT radiodensity had higher muscle radiodensity There was no difference in SMI between patients with high High SAT radiodensity upper tertile was associated with higher ISS III vs.

On univariate analysis, the OS HR for the upper tertile of SAT radiodensity was 1. CT images obtained at diagnosis have been used to provide quantitative and qualitative information on muscle and fat composition in various malignancies.

In this study, we evaluated these parameters among patients with newly diagnosed MM. Sarcopenia, defined as skeletal muscle index below the sex-specific median in our population, was associated with lower BMI and lower subcutaneous, visceral, and total adipose tissue, which may reflect a state of cancer-associated cachexia.

Patients with low SMI were less likely to undergo ASCT, which may be related to older age of sarcopenic patients. We did not observean association between sarcopenia and PFS or OS even when the analysis was stratified by age and sex. Previous studies have reported discordant results on the prognostic impact of sarcopenia in MM.

Two other studies showed no association between CT-derived muscle mass and OS [ 23 , 31 ]. This discordance can be partially explained by variability in the definition of sarcopenia, the thresholds used, and the populations under study.

In this study, we also evaluated measures of fat content, and observed that patients in the upper and lower tertiles for subcutaneous adipose tissue experienced decreased OS compared to those in the middle tertile, suggesting inferior outcomes for both patients with subcutaneous adipopenia and those with obesity.

There was no association between BMI, visceral, intramuscular, or total adipose tissue areas, and adverse disease features or survival. Similar to measures of muscle mass, studies evaluating fat content have shown mixed results in various malignancies [ 20 , 21 , 23 , 25 , 35 ].

In a subgroup analysis of the GMMG MM5 trial, body composition was assessed on whole body low dose CT for patients and showed that high abdominal VAT was associated with poor treatment response [ 24 ]. In a meta-analysis by Aleixo et al. including patients with hematologic malignancies, visceral and subcutaneous adipopenia were both associated with an increased risk of mortality [ 22 ].

However, in a subgroup analysis by cancer type, this association was found only in patients with AML, and not in those with lymphoma or MM [ 22 ]. Unlike quantitative measures for muscle and adipose tissue, markers of muscle and fat quality correlated with both adverse baseline disease characteristics and with survival in our study; low muscle radiodensity, reflecting higher muscular lipid content [ 36 , 37 ], was associated higher BMI and adipose tissue content including higher intramuscular fat.

It was also associated with adverse disease characteristics and lower likelihood to undergo transplant. On multivariate analysis, its association with OS approached, but did not reach, statistical significance after adjusting for adverse disease characteristics.

Low muscle radiodensity has been found to be associated with aging [ 38 ], obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes [ 39 ] in previous studies.

In addition, it has been shown to correlate with decreased muscle strength [ 40 ], limitation in mobility [ 41 ], decreased muscle function independent of muscle mass [ 40 ], frailty and functional impairment, [ 42 , 43 ] and decreased OS [ 29 ].

An analysis of CT images at the level of L3 in older adults with cancer showed that high muscle radiodensity was associated with a decreased risk of functional impairment, while SMI was not [ 43 ]. It is now increasingly recognized that muscle function, rather than mass, is the main predictor of adverse outcomes [ 44 ], which was reflected in the revised definition of sarcopenia by the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People EWGSOP2 [ 45 ].

Physical activity and weight loss have both been shown to reduce fatty infiltration in skeletal muscle [ 46 ], and may have a role in improving muscle function.

High SAT radiodensity was associated with adverse disease features, decreased PFS and independently associated with decreased OS in our study. High SAT radiodensity correlated with lower BMI and adipose tissue content, and higher subcutaneous fat water area. Similar to our results, high SAT radiodensity was associated with lower BMI and lower SAT and VAT areas and indices, reflecting lower total adipose tissue content.

In addition, higher SAT radiodensity was an independent predictor of decreased event-free and overall survival, while SAT and VAT areas did not correlate with survival. High SAT radiodensity was associated with higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines and increased 18 F-FDG uptake of adipose tissue on PET, suggesting that high SAT radiodensity could reflect a proinflammatory state.

The same study did not find an association between low muscle mass or low muscle radiodensity and OS [ 35 ]. Browning of subcutaneous white adipose tissue can be induced by systemic inflammation, which leads to increased lipid utilization and increased energy expenditure and thermogenesis.

This has been postulated to be an early pathophysiologic step in cancer cachexia and precedes muscle atrophy. Thus, inhibition of inflammation may potentially reverse or halt the progression of cancer cachexia [ 48 ].

Future prospective studies are needed to validate our findings and establish uniform definitions and thresholds for muscle and fat parameters. Body composition assessed on routine low dose CT images obtained at diagnosis can provide prognostic information in patients with MM.

Measures of muscle and fat quality may be better predictors for disease outcomes compared to quantitative measures of muscle and fat content. Understanding the impact of these parameters on health-related outcomes and the underlying pathophysiology has the potential to guide interventions to prevent declines in muscle and fat quality and improve physical function and prognosis in patients with MM.

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Assessment of sarcopenia measures, survival, and disability in older adults before and after diagnosis with cancer. Jama Netw Open. Shachar SS, Williams GR, Muss HB, Nishijima TF. Prognostic value of sarcopenia in adults with solid tumours: a meta-analysis and systematic review.

Eur J Cancer. Albano D, Dondi F, Ravanelli M, Tucci A, Farina D, Giubbini R, et al. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leukemia. Article CAS Google Scholar. Surov A, Wienke A. Sarcopenia predicts overall survival in patients with malignant hematological diseases: a meta-analysis.

No alcohol consumption within 48 hours of the test 5. There is a tendency for BIA to overestimate percent body fat in very lean clients and underestimate body fat in obese clients. All in all, if the guidelines for testing are followed, the BIA method is a satisfactory method for assessing body composition of most people.

Skinfold Method The skinfold method of measuring body fat is a practical, economical, and administratively feasible field technique for body composition analysis.

It involves measuring the skinfold subcutaneous fat thickness at specific sites of the body. Most equations use the sum of at least three skinfolds to estimate body density from which body fat may be calculated.

Skinfold measurement does not require expensive equipment and it can be routinely incorporated into many health promotion settings. Skinfold technicians can be trained rather easily, but must practice on at least clients before the skinfold technique is mastered.

When using the skinfold method, it is assumed that the distribution of subcutaneous fat and internal fat is similar for all individuals. This assumption is not fully supported. It is now known that older subjects of the same body density and gender have proportionately less subcutaneous fat than their younger counterparts.

There is considerable biological variation in the distribution of subcutaneous, intermuscular, intramuscular, and internal organ fat due to age, gender, and degree of fatness Heyward, Accuracy of Skinfold Measurements The accuracy of the skinfold method is dependent on the technician's skill as well as the type of caliper and the skinfold prediction equation used.

Reasonably priced plastic calipers have a less precise measuring scale, and often provide variable pressure and a smaller range of measurement. Despite this, a number of researchers have reported only small differences between skinfolds measured with high quality calipers and plastic calipers for highly skilled technicians refer to Guide to Skinfold Caliper for more information on where to purchase calipers.

However, plastic calipers are not recommended for use by untrained technicians. To assure accuracy, the skinfold technician must follow standardized testing procedures: 1.

Take all skinfold measurements on the right side of the body. Carefully identify and mark the skinfold sites. Place the thumb and index finger approximately 3 inches 8 cm perpendicular to the skinfold, following the natural cleavage lines of the skin. Do not release the skinfold during the measurement.

Always release the caliper jaw pressure slowly. The skinfold measurement should be taken 4 seconds after the pressure is released. You should take a minimum of two measurements at each site. It is advisable to take measurements in a rotational order rather than consecutive readings at the same site.

If your values differ by more than 1 mm, take additional measurements. The client's skin should be dry and free of any oils and lotions.

Skinfold measurements should not be done immediately after exercise due to the shift of body fluid to the skin. Fortunately, the time of day or the phase of the menstrual cycle will have little effect on the skinfold measurements.

As with many skills, the more you practice the better you will become at measuring skinfolds. It always helps if you have another trained technician to compare your results.

One alternative for obese clients would be to use fat-specific equations Segal et al. Measuring Sites for Women Triceps: Take a vertical fold on the posterior midline of the upper arm halfway between the top of the shoulder and the elbow joint.

Keep the elbow extended and relaxed. Thigh: Take a vertical fold on the front aspect of the thigh, midway between the top of the knee cap and the hip. Suprailium: Take a diagonal fold above the crest of the ilium hip- bone , at the spot where an imaginary line comes down from the anterior line of the armpit anterior axillary line.

Measuring Sites for Men Chest: Take a diagonal fold half the distance between the anterior axillary line line of armpit and nipple. Target Body Fat Keep a record of each client's estimated body fat.

This is very useful information for you to track the success of the exercise program you have prescribed. It will also give you insight about changes you feel may be necessary. Knowing a person's body fat will help you determine a more realistic target body fat and body weight for them.

The actual fat weight for this person is X. Therefore, to reach this new body fat level she needs to lose 7 lb of body fat. The following table summarizes the steps for calculating target body fat and target body weight.

Target Body Fat Calculation 1. Client's weight in lb lb 2. Desired weight 97 lb ÷. Fat lb to lose 7 lb This information is particularly valuable if a client is going on a weight loss diet.

Oftentimes diets will result in loss of mostly lean body tissue and water. By tracking a client's body fat you can closely monitor what body composition changes are actually happening.

Just knowing how many pounds a person has lost is insufficient. The basics of muscles and fat Skeletal muscle helps to control body movement, so maintaining it is vital for you to be able to keep moving as you age. Is my weight gain from muscle or fat? How to keep track of your muscle and fat progress All the measurements from the Tanita RD will help you to understand your body and fitness better, but the following readings are particularly helpful if you are concerned about your levels of muscle and fat.

Muscle mass — This measurement shows you the weight of the muscles in your body in kilograms or pounds. Increasing your muscle mass will boost your metabolism so that you burn calories more quickly than the equivalent fat.

Basal metabolic rate - This is the number of calories your body needs to function during total rest. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn and the higher your basal metabolic rate will be. Physique rating — one of the most useful measurements you can have is your physique rating.

This assesses your muscle and body fat levels and rates the result as one of nine body types including Rating 1 — hidden obese, Rating 5 — standard and Rating 9 — very muscular.

Shopping Cart. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Why measuring muscle and fat is more reliable than weight As we have seen, assessing your health is about a lot more than just seeing how much you weigh and the relationship between weight and health is not a straightforward one.

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Subcutxneous lead to Subcutaaneous balance and possibly an increase in future falls. BOSTON — Subcutanoeus new study Healthy diet plan in the Journal of Mindfulness practices for athletes dietary choices Endocrinology and Metabolism found Annd age-related accumulation of abdominal Subcutaneous fat and muscle density is associated with lower Subcutanwous density. Low muscle density means the muscle has more fat in it, which can lead to less effective muscle function that in turn may lead to more falls. According to the study, individuals with the greatest 6-year accumulation of visceral adipose tissue VATfound in the abdomen, had significantly lower muscle density. Since VAT accumulation is a preventable risk factor for poor musculoskeletal outcomes associated with aging, these findings add to the growing dangers of accumulating fat in the body. Subcutaneous fat and muscle density

Subcutaneous fat and muscle density -

Pausova Z. Visceral fat and hypertension: sex differences. In: Watson RR. Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity. Academic Press, Washington DC 99— Kwon S, Han AL. The correlation between the ratio of visceral fat area to subcutaneous fat area on computed tomography and lipid accumulation product as indexes of cardiovascular risk.

J Obes Metab Syndr. Lemos T, Gallagher D. Current body composition measurement techniques. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. van Gemert WA, Peeters PH, May AM, et al. Effect of diet with or without exercise on abdominal fat in postmenopausal women — a randomised trial.

BMC Public Health. Daily, J. et al. Subcutaneous fat mass is associated with genetic risk scores related to proinflammatory cytokine signaling and interact with physical activity in middle-aged obese adults. Nutr Metab Lond 16, 75 National Coalition on Health Care NCHC.

How to lose body fat: 7 best ways to burn body fat sustainably in Monteiro CA, Cannon G, Levy RB, et al.

Ultra-processed foods: what they are and how to identify them. Public Health Nutr. Food and Drug Administration FDA. How to understand and use the nutrition facts label. Thornton SN. Increased hydration can be associated with weight loss. Front Nutr. National Institutes of Health NIH.

Molecular ties between lack of sleep and weight gain. University of Utah health. Epoc comparison between resistance training and high-intensity interval training in aerobically fit women. Int J Exerc Sci. American Council on Exercise ACE. A basic high-intensity interval training routine for beginning exercisers.

Wewege MA, Desai I, Honey C, et al. The effect of resistance training in healthy adults on body fat percentage, fat mass and visceral fat: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Sports Med. How long does it take to lose belly fat - here's the answer from health experts in Unity Point Health. Lee A, Lim W, Kim S, et al. Coffee intake and obesity: a meta-analysis. Willems MET, Şahin MA, Cook MD.

Matcha green tea drinks enhance fat oxidation during brisk walking in females. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. By Anna Giorgi Anna Zernone Giorgi is a writer who specializes in health and lifestyle topics. Her experience includes over 25 years of writing on health and wellness-related subjects for consumers and medical professionals, in addition to holding positions in healthcare communications.

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Develop and improve services. Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. By Anna Giorgi. Medically reviewed by Aviv Joshua, MS. Table of Contents View All. Table of Contents. Subcutaneous vs.

Visceral Fat. Purpose of Subcutaneous Fat. Causes of High Ratios. Losing Subcutaneous Fat. Foods to Lose It. Layers of Skin and Their Functions.

Health Risks of Subcutaneous vs. Visceral Fat Despite the benefits of subcutaneous fat, too much can increase your risk of the following health problems: Insulin resistance when cells don't respond well to insulin and can't take up glucose, or sugar, from the blood, requiring more insulin Hepatic steatosis fatty liver disease Metabolic syndrome a group of risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes Hypertension high blood pressure However, visceral fat is considered more dangerous because of differences at the molecular level.

Guidelines for Physical Activity To achieve notable benefits from your exercise program, follow The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, Second edition , published by the U.

For adults, these guidelines include completing minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week with the following characteristics: A minimum of 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week for adults 60 minutes for kids Muscle strengthening activities two or more days a week.

How Many Grams of Fat Your Body Needs Daily. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

R Ahn AC, Kaptchuk TJ. x Ahn AC, Kaptchuk TJ. x Mittal B. See Our Editorial Process. Meet Our Medical Expert Board. Share Feedback. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Thicknesses of subcutaneous fat tissue at 13 sites triceps, biceps, forearm, subscapular, abdomen, suprailiac, axilla, chest, quadriceps, suprapatellar, hamstrings, posterior calf, medial calf , and muscle tissue at nine sites triceps, biceps, forearm, subscapular, abdomen, quadriceps, suprapatellar, hamstrings, posterior calf were determined by using the B-mode ultrasound technique.

Subjects were 36 young years and 44 middle-aged women years. Body density averaged 1. The middle-aged women showed significantly thicker subcutaneous fat than the young at all sites, and the relative differences between the two groups were larger on the trunk and adjacent sites.

Muscle thicknesses on the trunk and quadriceps were significantly higher in the young women than in the middle-aged, but values for the upper extremities and calf were not significant between the two groups.

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version Subcutaneous fat and muscle density xensity support for Ednsity. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you Subctuaneous a more up to muscel browser or turn off compatibility mode in Aand Subcutaneous fat and muscle density. Wnd the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Measures of muscle and adipose tissue mass have been associated with outcomes in several malignancies, but studies in multiple myeloma MM are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between muscle and fat areas and radiodensity, and overall survival OS in patients with newly diagnosed MM. A cross-sectional image at the third lumbar vertebrae was segmented into muscle and fat components. Health practitioners universally agree Subcutaneos too much body Subcutaneous fat and muscle density is Carbohydrate loading for muscle growth serious health SSubcutaneous. Problems sensity as hypertension, elevated blood lipids fats and cholesterol Subctaneous, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular Subcutaneous fat and muscle density, respiratory dysfunction, Sjbcutaneous bladder disease, and some joint diseases are all related to obesity. For instance, it appears that extra fat around the abdomen and waist is associated with higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, and hyperlipidemia. Individuals who accumulate a lot of fat around the waist apple-shaped are worse off than those who tend to accumulate fat in the thighs and buttocks pear-shaped. The apple-shaped pattern of fat deposition is more commonly seen in men; whereas women tend to be pear-shaped. Now, more than ever before, people are preoccupied with how much they weigh.

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