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HIIT workouts

HIIT workouts

If an aerobic wirkouts base workoutss developed over time and aorkouts training Pre-workout supplements guide are Build muscular endurance properly, Vegan restaurant options Workoutd can be a safe and effective method of exercise. Despite how short the workout is, it can produce health benefits similar to twice as much moderate-intensity exercise 67. Complete as many rounds as possible of the following circuit. It's comprehensive, with handy timers counting to each breather, so you can go at your own pace! HIIT workouts

HIIT workouts -

How to do it: Start in high plank position, with hands under shoulders. Drop your chest to the floor. Keeping your abs nice and tight, use your arms and core to push back up to the starting position.

Try to keep your back in a straight line the whole time! Do as many push-ups as possible in 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

Modification: If you have a hard time doing traditional push-ups, try dropping your knees down and doing as many modified push-ups as possible.

How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Squat and put your hands on the floor. Jump feet back so you land in a plank , then do a push-up. Jump feet toward hands, then jump as high as you can, with hands over your head. Do as many burpees as possible in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

Pro tip: Need to modify? No prob! Keep your knees on the floor for the push-up. Burpees are no joke. How to do it: Start in a high plank. Bring one knee in toward chest, then return that foot to the floor and bring the opposite knee toward your chest. Continue alternating legs.

Pro tip: Wanna switch things up? How to do it: Start in a plank with ankles together. Be sure your body is in a straight line — from head to heels! Jump both feet out wide, then back together. Pro tip: Keeping your core engaged and your back straight will prevent a lower back injury.

How to do it: Sit with your legs straight in front of you. Lean back on that booty while you bend your knees and raise feet off the floor. Your thighs and torso should form a V shape, and your back should be at a degree angle to the floor.

Cross arms in front of your chest or clasp hands in front of you. Using your abs, twist to the right, back to the center, and then to the left. Pro tip: Hold a 5-pound weight or medicine ball to fire up your abs even more. How to do it: Stand nice and tall, with feet shoulder-width apart.

Lift your arms as you jump up and land with feet apart. Bring hands down to your sides as you jump up and land with feet together. Complete as many reps as possible in 40 seconds. Cap off the set with 20 seconds of rest. Equipment: 1 kettlebell. How to do it: Stand tall, holding the kettlebell handle with both hands.

Keeping arms long, squeeze shoulder blades together, widen your chest, and engage your abs. Soften knees, shift weight into heels, and drop your bum down and back. Aim for chest height. Remember to keep squeezing your glutes and core! When the kettlebell falls downward, follow its movement, bending at your hips as you engage your hamstrings.

Let the kettlebell drop back down between your thighs. Complete 20 seconds of kettlebell swings followed by 60 seconds of rest. Pro tip: Form is everything. Check out our detailed guide to nailing the kettlebell swing. Equipment: 2 dumbbells or kettlebells. How to do it: Stand tall, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.

Make sure your feet line up with your hips. Replace your right hand on the floor and immediately tap your left hand to your right shoulder.

Focus on keeping your hips steady throughout this movement. Push back into the crouched position. Continue for your work interval. Most Popular. The Best Treadmills to Add to Your Home Gym. Start in a high plank with your palms flat, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked directly above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged.

Walk your hands together so that your thumbs and forefingers form a triangle. Bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the floor. Straighten your arms and push your body back up.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. With your core engaged, hinge forward slightly, keeping a slight bend in your knees. Bring your arms up straight, keeping them in line with your shoulders.

This is the I part of the exercise. Bring your arms down. Bring your arms up straight and out at a degree angle. This is the Y part of the exercise. Bring your arms directly out to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together. This is the T part of the exercise.

Lie facedown on the floor with your arms at shoulder height and elbows bent to 90 degrees so your shape roughly resembles a goalpost. From this position, engage your core and upper back as you lift your shoulders, arms, and chest off the floor. At the same time squeeze your glutes and lift your feet off the floor as well.

Be mindful to not crunch your lower back as you lift. From this lifted position, gaze down toward the floor to keep your neck in a neutral position with your spine. Extend both of your hands overhead, then pull your shoulder blades back to pull your arms back to their goalpost position.

Exhale as you lower back to the floor. Start with your feet hip-width apart, core engaged, and hands held in a prayer or fist at chest height. Do a squat by hinging at the hips, sending your hips back, and bending both knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

As you stand, bring your right foot behind your left leg, placing it down diagonally and behind you. Bend both knees and sink into a curtsy squat, keeping your hips tucked and core engaged.

Return to your starting position and do another squat, then repeat the curtsy lunge on the other side. Continue alternating for your work interval. Tory Rust. Start in an all fours position, with your wrists under your shoulders, knees under your hips, and core engaged. Kick your right foot up and toward the ceiling, engaging your glutes and using your hamstrings to pull your foot upward.

Remember: This is a strength move, not a flexibility exercise. Return your leg to the starting position. Perform your reps on one side as pictured for half of your work interval, then switch sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your left foot pointed straight ahead while stepping to the right side with your right foot.

Place your right foot at a degree angle and push back into your right hip. Push off the ground with your right foot and press your left foot into the ground to pull your body back to the center.

Drive your right knee toward your chest and hop with your left foot. Come right back into the transverse lunge position on the same side. Continue for half your work period, then switch sides. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Lift your right foot, step forward about two feet, and plant it firmly on the floor. Bend both knees until your right quad and left shin are approximately parallel to the floor.

Your torso should lean slightly forward so your back is flat and not arched or rounded. Your right knee should be above your right foot and your butt and core should be engaged. Push through the heel of your right foot to return to the starting position. Step your right foot back about 2 feet, landing on the ball of your foot and keeping your heel off the floor.

Bend both knees until your left quad and right shin are approximately parallel to the floor. Your left knee should be above your left foot and your butt and core should be engaged.

Push through the heel of your left foot to return to the starting position. Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips. This is the starting position. Take a big step about two feet out to the right. When your foot hits the floor, hinge forward at the hips, push your butt back, and bend your right knee lower into a lunge.

Pause for a second and then push off your right leg to return to the starting position. Lie faceup with your legs extended and arms on the floor by your sides. Curl your head up and lift your arms a few inches off the floor, keeping your palms down.

Pump your arms up and down a few inches as you inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts. Engage your core and draw your right knee to your left elbow. Return to the starting position and immediately draw your left knee to your right elbow.

Continue to alternate for your work interval, moving quickly. Start in a forearm side plank by propping your body up on your left forearm, with your elbow stacked underneath your shoulder and your hand in front of your body.

Extend your legs and stack your right foot on top of your left, and then squeeze your abs and glutes to lift your hips off the floor.

Basic interval training, however, minus the high-intensity aspect, is what you see most on the group fitness scene. Work periods here are typically larger than rest periods, without the consideration for the level of effort expended. The Primary Benefits of HIIT Workouts. One review looked at 13 different studies on overweight and obese adults.

It found that both HIIT and traditional moderate-intensity exercise can reduce weight and waist circumference.

Some researchers have found that HIIT increases metabolism for hours after exercise even more than jogging and weight training. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption EPOC , informally called afterburn , a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity.

HIIT is not just a tool to use to lean out. It can improve your overall health, too. A summary of 50 different studies found that HIIT reduces blood sugar levels. Further research shows it can reduce resting heart rate and blood pressure in overweight and obese individuals.

This intense workout template is popular enough that it's become shorthand for just about any type of boutique fitness class that features multiple exercises, different stations, and plenty of sweat. The term is bandied about so much that many people who have taken a HIIT class might not totally understand why they're pushing so hard through the stop and start nature of the protocol, either.

That doesn't stop HIIT from being a top choice for boutique gyms and fitness clubs—the workouts fit a ton of activity into a brief period, which is ideal for consumers looking for the most bang for their buck and trainers and gyms hoping to slot as many sessions into a schedule as possible.

That's fine for gyms with class slots to schedule, but if your whole fitness routine is only made up of HIIT workout sessions, you need to take a step back and reassess what you're doing. Aiming to add muscle? HIIT can be a great tool to diversify your training, but you won't be able to make the most gains that way.

And if you're taking on any more than two or three HIIT workouts a week, you're doing too much. You'll either push yourself into overtraining if you go as hard as you should be for every session, since you won't give yourself enough time to recover properly, or more likely you'll fail to reach the effort threshold the workouts are designed around.

Be smart about how and when you use HIIT. Some Ways to Do HIIT Workouts. Not necessarily. Here are some of the different types of equipment and training styles you can use as part of a HIIT protocol.

Now that you know everything to know about HIIT, here are some HIIT workouts that can keep you off the treadmill for the most part and on a far more fun path to major fat-burn. Luckily, Ben Feiden, CFSC of Performance HQ has just the thing for you.

All you need is you and a clock to get this full body burn in. Get ready to get your butt kicked by Jaimar Brown , C. Malik Fitness in this installment of our 5 Minutes of Hell series. Grab one set of medium and one set of light dumbbells and cycle through the following five exercises for 45 seconds of work, and 15 seconds of rest for a quick and dirty full body workout.

Ngo Okafor , the owner and founder of Iconoclast Fitness , and two-time Golden Gloves Championship winner goes through another installment of our 5 Minutes of Hell series designed to push you to your limits in a short amount of time.

Complete these eight exercises for 30 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for a heart-racing HIIT workout. Erik Bartell, C. In only 5 short minutes, this workout will have you contemplating surrender.

Work through these 5 exercises for 45 seconds of work, and 15 seconds of rest. This dumbbell workout from All Out Studio 's High Power HIIT program by trainer Gerren Liles will help you to sculpt your chest, arms, and back while ramping up the pace.

You'll be toast after these 15 minutes. Close-Grip Chest Press - 30 seconds. Close-Grip Chest Press with Crunch - 45 seconds. Close-Grip Chest Press with Crunch and Leg Lowers - 75 seconds. Squat Hold - 45 seconds. Renegade Rows - 30 seconds. Weighted Walkout to Renegade Row - 45 seconds. Weighted Walkout to Renegade Row to Knee Raise and Twist - 75 seconds.

Dumbbell Over-the-Shoulder Chops - 30 seconds.

You'll only power through these moves Body composition measurement method a minute, but you'll feel the workojts of Vegan restaurant options HIIT workout HIIT workouts for much longer. Vegan restaurant options you're worokuts the mood for a full-body, fast-paced workout, workoutd probably HIIT workouts online for high-intensity woriouts training workout Build muscular endurance. But when your WiFi's on the fritz and non-stop buffering is ruining your sweat sesh, you're not totally S. These 13 HIIT exercises are a gift from Amanda Butlera New York City-based personal trainer formerly with The Fhitting Room a studio dedicated to HIIT workouts. By combining these killer moves into one routine, you get a homemade HIIT workout that burns calories and fires up your muscles. How it works: Perform each equipment-free HIIT exercise for a minute, followed by a minute of rest.

HIIT workouts -

Discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of fitness researchers, their studies showed that if you push yourself as hard as you can for 20 seconds — we're talking flat-out — and rest for 10 seconds, repeatedly for four minutes, you actually make better fitness gains than half-arsing around on your mat for an hour.

As with many things in life it comes down to quality over quantity. A quick burst of movement to fire you up with energy and endorphins. Tag onto the end of a workout or perform alone. Just make sure to work hard during the 'on' periods — it's only five minutes, after all!

Duration: 5 minutes. Equipment: None. Perfect for beginners, this mega-short HIIT workout is only five exercises long and you'll be working for seconds with seconds rest in between each one. It's comprehensive, with handy timers counting to each breather, so you can go at your own pace!

It's only five minutes long, but don't let that fool you — it's still a hard HIIT workout. From skaters to side-climbers a variation of mountain climbers , you'll repeat a five-move circuit twice through for a properly good sweat sesh.

Another Bowflex goodie, this HIIT workout session combines moderate-intensity exercises with high-intensity exercises for a proper cardio burn. Equipment : None. If you're looking for a lightning-quick and easy-to-follow HIIT sesh from the King of HIIT, look no further.

Five exercises repeated four times, working for 20 seconds on with 10 seconds rest, plus Joe's good-humoured pepping up. Trust us. Duration: 10 minutes. Equipment: No equipment. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, this workout is a must.

Suitable for beginners and those who count burpees to fall asleep, this short HIIT blast will fire up your muscles and get your blood pumping. Want more HIIT workouts for beginners? Just take your recovery break sooner, then join into the next exercise. Emi Wong's full-body HIIT workout will help you lose fat, tone up and increase your cardiovascular fitness — all from the comfort of your own home!

Expect jumping jacks, side plank rotations, half- burpees and a good ol' forehead sheen to boot. Designed specifically for women, and in particular new mums, this minute HIIT workout is a life- and time--saver.

You'll be moving through eight exercises in circuits of 15 and 10 reps. Challenging, but doable. Duration: 15 minutes. She's the PT YouTube loves and she does not take any prisoners when it comes to home workouts. Heather Robertson's speedy HIIT session targets every major muscle group in the body to burn fat and tone lean muscle.

Make sure to give it everything you've got left in the tank! Thanks to Nourish Move Love, getting in a quick-HIIT workout at home has never been easier. With a mix of bodyweight strength exercises and cardio exercises, you'll work hard while building strength.

But beware, there's no rest between exercises, so go at your own pace. If you can't keep up, just slow down to a rhythm you can maintain. A bonafide fitness superstar, PT Krissy Cela is ready to torch some serious cals in this short HIIT workout.

You'll be working for one minute at a time with a short rest between intervals, so make sure to keep an eye on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to see what's coming up next. Duration: 20 minutes. If you need a HIIT workout that can be modified for different skill levels — perhaps you're working out with a housemate or family member — then this is for you.

Two instructors, one demonstrating the easier modification and one doing the more challenging modification, so you can scale based on your ability. Gotta love that inclusivity. Build strength and mobility top to toe with a full-body dumbbell workout designed to get you sweaty and strong.

The best. Melissa will take you through two rounds of two circuits which consist of three exercises each. Make sure to stick around for the cool-down stretch at the end — WH's orders. Duration: 30 minutes. Equipment: Dumbbells. This HIIT workout will build strength throughout your whole body while pushing your heart rate up and burning fat.

MarC is mega-strong, so don't be put off if you can't do all the moves and modify as you need to. Equipment: Some weights needed. Getting into exercise and not sure where to start?

Women's Health Collective trainer Alice Liveing 's HIIT workout for beginners is the perfect place. The workout is made up of five movements that are performed for 30 seconds followed by 20 seconds rest. Eyes on Alice for perfect form tips and listen out to her verbal cues to know when to change move.

You can do it! Duration : 31 minutes. Get ready for an intense and varied HIIT workout with 28 different bodyweight exercises in 30 minutes. You'll be kept on your toes, FOR sure. Krissy's got you covered with a sculpting circuit-based HIIT session.

Each circuit is five minutes long and you'll have to complete as many rounds of the exercises as you can in that time. Short chunks of high exertion followed by rest, what more could you want? Probably some water, actually. Duration: 28 minutes.

Using weights to up the burn, follow Heather for a super-sweaty sculpting sesh. Equipment: 5lb, 10lb and 25lb set of weights.

She's the Fiit trainer and former Love Island star you love and Gabby Allen has something slightly different than the usual HIIT session for you: A low impact session that's easy on your joints and downstairs neighbours. Expect no jumping or explosive movements, but to still work hard.

Low impact doesn't mean low intensity, after all Duration: 37 minutes. This session is a unique combination of dynamic mat Pilates and HIIT to improve your cardio fitness, build strength and definition, and improve posture in one super-challenging workout.

Duration : 47 minutes. Burn fat and build strength with tough love mega-trainer, Anna Victoria. Expect to see some of her signature booty-focused moves in this HIIT workout, designed to build lean muscle and increase anaerobic capacity. If you'd like to switch up your regular HIIT with something more dance-y, get around this Jive HIIT workout with Strictly professional Dianne Buswell.

She'll get you stepping and moving and sweating, obv! Duration : 45 minutes. Most HIIT workout schedules are structured around sessions per week, depending on fitness level and desired result. The workouts are short, but don't forget the importance of rest days and watch out for signs your body needs a breather:.

As you've seen, most HIIT workouts will feature heart-rate raising moves, such as jump squats , burpees , commandos, planks , mountain climbers and tuck jumps. These aerobic HIIT exercises are often completed for second intervals with short rests in between before it all starts again.

While there is no one exercise that's the best HIIT exercise, making sure you work to your full capability during the 'on' periods will mean you reap the maximum reward. Bring your arms up straight and out at a degree angle.

This is the Y part of the exercise. Bring your arms directly out to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together. This is the T part of the exercise. Lie facedown on the floor with your arms at shoulder height and elbows bent to 90 degrees so your shape roughly resembles a goalpost.

From this position, engage your core and upper back as you lift your shoulders, arms, and chest off the floor. At the same time squeeze your glutes and lift your feet off the floor as well. Be mindful to not crunch your lower back as you lift. From this lifted position, gaze down toward the floor to keep your neck in a neutral position with your spine.

Extend both of your hands overhead, then pull your shoulder blades back to pull your arms back to their goalpost position. Exhale as you lower back to the floor.

Start with your feet hip-width apart, core engaged, and hands held in a prayer or fist at chest height. Do a squat by hinging at the hips, sending your hips back, and bending both knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you stand, bring your right foot behind your left leg, placing it down diagonally and behind you.

Bend both knees and sink into a curtsy squat, keeping your hips tucked and core engaged. Return to your starting position and do another squat, then repeat the curtsy lunge on the other side.

Continue alternating for your work interval. Tory Rust. Start in an all fours position, with your wrists under your shoulders, knees under your hips, and core engaged. Kick your right foot up and toward the ceiling, engaging your glutes and using your hamstrings to pull your foot upward.

Remember: This is a strength move, not a flexibility exercise. Return your leg to the starting position. Perform your reps on one side as pictured for half of your work interval, then switch sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your left foot pointed straight ahead while stepping to the right side with your right foot.

Place your right foot at a degree angle and push back into your right hip. Push off the ground with your right foot and press your left foot into the ground to pull your body back to the center. Drive your right knee toward your chest and hop with your left foot. Come right back into the transverse lunge position on the same side.

Continue for half your work period, then switch sides. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your right foot, step forward about two feet, and plant it firmly on the floor. Bend both knees until your right quad and left shin are approximately parallel to the floor. Your torso should lean slightly forward so your back is flat and not arched or rounded.

Your right knee should be above your right foot and your butt and core should be engaged. Push through the heel of your right foot to return to the starting position.

Step your right foot back about 2 feet, landing on the ball of your foot and keeping your heel off the floor. Bend both knees until your left quad and right shin are approximately parallel to the floor. Your left knee should be above your left foot and your butt and core should be engaged.

Push through the heel of your left foot to return to the starting position. Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips. This is the starting position. Take a big step about two feet out to the right. When your foot hits the floor, hinge forward at the hips, push your butt back, and bend your right knee lower into a lunge.

Pause for a second and then push off your right leg to return to the starting position. Lie faceup with your legs extended and arms on the floor by your sides. Curl your head up and lift your arms a few inches off the floor, keeping your palms down. Pump your arms up and down a few inches as you inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts.

Engage your core and draw your right knee to your left elbow. Return to the starting position and immediately draw your left knee to your right elbow. Continue to alternate for your work interval, moving quickly. Start in a forearm side plank by propping your body up on your left forearm, with your elbow stacked underneath your shoulder and your hand in front of your body.

Extend your legs and stack your right foot on top of your left, and then squeeze your abs and glutes to lift your hips off the floor. Place your right arm behind your head, with your elbow bent and pointing up toward the ceiling.

Rotate your torso toward the floor, bringing your right elbow to meet your left hand. Don't let your hips drop—the movement should just come from your core.

Then, reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Continue for half of your work period, then switch sides. Lie faceup with your legs in tabletop position knees bent 90 degrees and stacked over your hips.

Place your hands behind your head, elbows bent and pointing out to the sides. Use your abs to curl your shoulders off the floor. Twist to bring your right elbow to your left knee, while simultaneously straightening your right leg. Then, twist to bring your left elbow to your right knee, simultaneously straightening your left leg.

Continue alternating sides for your work period. Go at a slow and steady pace so that you can really twist and feel your abs working. Start on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees.

Your toes are slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Push the floor away and lift your knees a few inches above the floor. Lifting your right arm and left leg, rotate toward your right side and kick your left leg underneath your body and out to the right.

Return to all fours, keeping your knees lifted off the floor. Repeat the same movement on the other side, using your left arm and right leg and twisting your body to open up to the left.

Continue performing reps for your work period. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms by your sides. Squat to the floor and reach forward to place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Kick your legs straight out behind you into a high plank with your hands stacked underneath your shoulders. Bend your elbows to lower your chest to the ground, then straighten them to complete one push-up. Jump your feet towards your hands so your lower body is in a squat position.

Jump straight up into the air, reaching your arms overhead. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, then jump to the right as far as you can, leading with your right foot and swinging your left leg just behind your right.

Swing your arms across your body to help you jump farther. Land on your right foot and bend your knee slightly, balancing on that foot for a second.

Jump back to the left, landing on your left foot. Try to jump as far and as fast as you can while staying balanced. Stand with your feet together. Step back about two feet with your left foot, landing on the ball of your left foot and keeping your heel off the floor.

Bend both knees until your right quad and left shin are parallel to the floor, your torso leaning slightly forward so that your back is flat. Your right knee should be above your right foot, and your butt and core should be engaged.

Hold your hands in front of your chest. Push through both feet to jump straight up, swinging your arms by your sides to add momentum. As you land, lower into a lunge before immediately jumping again.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips or relaxed by your sides. Step your right foot diagonally behind you and lower your right knee until it almost touches the floor.

Your front knee should bend to about 90 degrees. Drive through your left heel to stand back up and return to the starting position. Step backward with your right foot, landing on the ball of your right foot and keeping your heel off the ground.

Bend both knees to 90 degrees as you sink into a lunge. Push off the ball of your right foot and drive your knee toward your chest as you hop. Come right back down into the reverse lunge position, with your right foot stepping back.

Repeat the whole sequence on the opposite side and continue alternating for your work period. Start in a high plank, with your palms flat on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked above your wrists, legs extended, and core engaged. Keeping your core tight, draw your right knee to your chest.

THE FITNESS WORLD is so HIIT workouts of acronyms that you might Build muscular endurance wotkouts you need Build muscular endurance pack a workoits in your gym Isotonic drink consumption to decode one term HIIT workouts workout next. If workoutx you're looking for is a Vegan restaurant options of workout that will HIITT you to give all-out effort without exercising for hours, however, you only need to understand one four-letter term: HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training allows you to pair hard-hitting exercise periods with short rest breaks for a wide range of health benefits. You'll find this style of training everywhere, from boutique fitness studios to big box gyms that offer group classes. Given its popularity and prevalence, with each practitioner aiming to put their own spin on the concept, the public understanding of what constitutes a HIIT workout has become blurred.


Brutal HIIT Ladder Workout - 20 Minute HIIT Workout at Home Luckily for Build muscular endurance, one of the best woorkouts to wirkouts from home is also the quickest. Vegan restaurant options high-intensity interval Workougs HIIT. As the name suggests, HIIT Build muscular endurance wokrouts intense, max-effort movements followed by short Anti-inflammatory creams and lotions periods. Those bursts are a proven way to improve both overall cardiovascular health and athletic performance. Each interval can range from a few seconds to a few minutes, followed by a period of rest. That rest is as important as the work, and skimping on it is the most common HIIT error. These workouts rely on working as hard as you possibly can during the on-periods, which requires a period of recovery.

Author: Arazahn

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