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Cardiovascular exercise and body fat percentage

Cardiovascular exercise and body fat percentage

Figure exerciwe. Rauner A, Mess F, Woll A. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Helms ER, Aragon AA, Fitschen PJ: Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation.


The Most EFFICIENT Way To LOSE FAT - Andrew Huberman

Cardiovascular exercise and body fat percentage -

Weight, height, BMI, waist and hip circumferences, and blood pressure were measured as described previously. Energy intake was assessed using 3-day food diaries and analyzed using food composition analysis software Food Processor SQL ; ESHA Research at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months.

Fasting insulin, glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and lipid levels were measured at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months as described previously. A g oral glucose tolerance test fasting and 2-hour postload glucose was performed at baseline and 6 months.

Peak oxygen consumption V̇ o 2 peak , in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute was measured at baseline and 6 months by indirect calorimetry using a metabolic cart MOXUS Modular Metabolic System; AEI Technologies during a Balke-Ware treadmill test.

Treadmill time was defined as the time from the start of the test until the time the participant reached V̇ o 2 peak. An 8-RM test was performed on leg press, bench press, and seated row machines to measure muscular strength at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months.

The 8-RM test measured the maximum weight that could be lifted 8 times while maintaining proper form. Research staff including P. reported all directly observed adverse events and those spontaneously reported by the participants.

Participants were also questioned about adverse events at each study visit. To assess the effects of exercise training modality on changes in percentage body fat primary outcome over time, assuming a moderate effect size of 0.

For the primary analysis, we used linear mixed-effects modeling for repeated measures over time using percentage body fat as the dependent variable and effects for time, group aerobic group, resistance group, combined group, or control group , and time by group interaction, with age and sex as covariates and an unstructured covariance matrix.

We used the same procedure for other continuous outcome variables, including 3-month values when available in addition to baseline and 6-month values. For all linear mixed-model analyses, we examined distributions of residuals and used transformations to achieve normality when necessary.

We used statistical software SAS, version 9. Recruitment began March 1, , and closed April 30, The final follow-up visit was in May Of participants who entered the run-in phase, Reasons for prerandomization withdrawal included time demands, lack of interest, moving to a different town or city, or a medical condition Figure.

Seven participants 1 from the aerobic group, 3 from the resistance group, 1 from the combined group, and 2 from the control group were excluded from MRI analyses because images were technically inadequate. At 6 months, 54 participants in the aerobic group, 55 participants in the resistance group, 55 participants in the combined group, and 57 participants in the control group completed MRI; an additional 6 completed all 6-month measures except MRI.

Table 1 and eTable 6 in the Supplement list baseline characteristics and potentially weight-altering medications, respectively. No significant intergroup baseline differences were observed. Most participants of [ Seventy-five participants Reasons for withdrawal are shown in the Figure. Details of adverse events are listed in eTable 7 and eTable 8 in the Supplement.

Two participants, both in the aerobic group, withdrew because of adverse events unrelated to study interventions, including hip fracture from a fall at school 1 participant and a forearm fractured when playing football 1 participant. Overall, adverse events occurred in 49 of exercise group participants Musculoskeletal injury or discomfort requiring exercise program modification or temporary activity restriction occurred in 27 of exercise group participants Adverse events definitely, probably, or possibly related to the intervention occurred in 18 of exercise group participants 7.

Almost all related adverse events involved musculoskeletal injury or discomfort. Two medical adverse events were possibly related to the intervention, including postexertional malaise 1 participant and noncardiac chest pain 1 participant.

Body fat and lean body mass results are listed in Table 2. Table 3 lists the effects of the exercise interventions on anthropometric indexes. In per-protocol analyses eTable 10 in the Supplement , BMI decreased in the aerobic group vs the control group, and decreases were greater in the combined group vs the aerobic group and in the combined group vs the resistance group.

Waist circumference decreased in the aerobic group and the resistance group vs the control group and decreased significantly more in the combined group compared with the aerobic group. Results for cardiometabolic risk factors are listed in eTable 11 in the Supplement.

Fasting insulin and triglycerides levels were log transformed for analysis; geometric means are presented. No significant intergroup differences were observed in the levels of fasting insulin, fasting or 2-hour glucose, triglycerides, glycated hemoglobin, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or total cholesterol.

Treadmill time increased in all 3 exercise groups eTable 12 in the Supplement. Increases in V̇ o 2 peak in the aerobic group were greater than those in the control group. Although within-group V̇ o 2 peak and treadmill time increased in the combined group, these changes were not significantly different from those in the other groups.

Treadmill time increased in the aerobic group vs the control group. The aerobic group and the resistance group showed larger increases in leg press than the control group eTable 12 in the Supplement , and the combined group showed larger increases in leg press, bench press, and seated row machines compared with the aerobic group.

The resistance group showed greater increases in bench press than the control group. Changes in muscular strength in the combined group did not differ from changes in the resistance group on leg press, bench press, or seated row machines.

Within-group energy intake 3-day food diaries decreased similarly in all groups. No significant between-group differences were observed in energy intake or background physical activity pedometer logs, excluding exercise sessions that were part of the intervention.

Background physical activity data were limited because many participants did not wear pedometers or complete pedometer logs as instructed: per-protocol analysis results are listed in Table 4 and in eTable 13 in the Supplement.

To our knowledge, this is the first randomized trial to date comparing the effects of aerobic training, resistance training, and their combination on body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in a large sample of obese adolescents.

The primary findings were that modest but clinically significant reductions in percentage body fat can be achieved through aerobic, resistance, or combined exercise training in obese adolescents. In per-protocol analyses, combined aerobic and resistance training produced greater decreases in percentage body fat, waist circumference, and BMI than aerobic training alone.

The modest decreases in percentage body fat in the HEARTY trial were comparable to those observed by Lee et al, 14 who examined the effects of thrice-weekly aerobic or resistance training vs a nonexercising control group during a 3-month period.

Compared with the control group, we found decreases in waist circumference in all 3 exercise groups, and per-protocol analyses showed greater decreases in the combined group vs the aerobic group. Our results agree with previous smaller studies showing decreases in abdominal fat through aerobic training, 14 resistance training, 14 and combined aerobic and resistance circuit training 15 , 16 performed 2 to 3 times weekly compared with nonexercising controls.

Abdominal fat accumulation is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk. We found no changes in glucose or lipid levels, possibly due to mostly normal baseline values.

Potential participants who had DM at baseline were excluded from our study, and Lee and colleagues 14 found no changes in insulin sensitivity in the aerobic group.

Although within-group V̇ o 2 peak and treadmill time increased in the aerobic group and the combined group, only the increases in the aerobic group were significantly greater than those in controls. In the Diabetes Aerobic and Resistance Exercise DARE trial, 21 with a design similar to that of the HEARTY trial in adults with type 2 DM, findings were similar: aerobic training and combined training each increased aerobic fitness, but the aerobic-only intervention did so to a slightly greater extent.

Similar to the present trial, DARE also reported no differences in fat-free mass changes between groups but observed decreases in body weight and fat mass in the aerobic and combined training groups. All 3 types of exercise training aerobic, resistance, and combined increased lower body muscular strength.

The greatest increase was observed in the resistance group. Adherence rates were similar, suggesting that adding aerobic training might attenuate leg strength development compared with resistance training alone.

Nonetheless, combined training increased both V̇ o 2 peak and muscular strength. We excluded adolescents with DM, so our results do not necessarily apply to them. Our results may not be generalizable to unsupervised exercise.

Costs would decrease over time, assuming the required frequency of personal trainer sessions would decrease. The HEARTY trial showed that aerobic training, resistance training, and their combination decreased percentage body fat in obese adolescents.

In participants adhering to the exercise protocol, combined aerobic and resistance exercise training tended to be superior to aerobic training alone in decreasing percentage body fat, waist circumference, and BMI. Combined training might have additive effects through greater exercise volume or combinations of unique effects of aerobic training improvement in the oxidative metabolism—dependent energy system, qualitative changes in skeletal muscle fiber type, metabolic capacity, and cardiorespiratory fitness 22 and resistance training quantitative changes in skeletal muscle mass or fiber diameter and increased muscular strength.

Corresponding Author: Ronald J. Sigal, MD, MPH, Faculties of Medicine and Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Richmond Rd SW, Room , Calgary, AB T2T 5C7, Canada rsigal ucalgary. Published Online: September 22, Author Contributions: Drs Sigal and Alberga had full access to all the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors. Administrative, technical, or material support: Sigal, Alberga, Phillips, Malcolm, Kenny. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported. Dr Sigal is supported by a Health Senior Scholar award from Alberta Innovates—Health Solutions and was previously supported by a Research Chair from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute during part of this trial.

Dr Alberga was supported by a Doctoral Student Research Award from the Canadian Diabetes Association. Dr Kenny was supported by a University Research Chair from the University of Ottawa. Additional Contributions: We thank the HEARTY trial participants.

Krista Hind, BSc deceased , Bruno Lemire, PhD, Marta Wein, BSc, Kim Robertson, BSc, Kim Fetch, BSc, Brittany Hanlon, MHA, Jane Yardley, PhD, Nadia Balaa, BSc, Karen Lopez, BSc, Pamela Martino, MSc, Kim Morin, BSc, Colleen Gilchrist, BSc, RD, Pascale Messier, BSc, RD, Kelley Phillips, MA, and students in the School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, who contributed to study coordination, exercise training, and evaluation of study participants.

Robert Ross, PhD Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada , Alison Bradshaw, MSc, and Jennifer Kuk, PhD York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada , and Yves Martel, PhD Tomovision, Magog, Quebec, Canada assisted with training and provided ongoing advice on body composition analysis.

Robert Ross, PhD, received financial compensation beyond his usual salary. Correction: This article was corrected on June 25, , to fix an SD value in Table 1.

full text icon Full Text. Download PDF Top of Article Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Article Information References. Furthermore, post hoc comparisons revealed that the changes in body weight, WC, WHR, WHtR, fat mass, and CEI were significantly higher in the HITG and MITG compared with the LITG and CG; changes in the HITG and MITG did not differ significantly, whereas those in the LITG and CG did.

In this randomized controlled trial, we examined the effect of aerobic exercise at three intensities on body weight and body fat of obese individuals. After a week exercise intervention, higher intensity exercise training HITG and MITG led to significantly more changes in body composition.

Body weight, WC, WHR, and WHtR were significantly improved in the HITG and MITG compared with those in the LITG and CG. Furthermore, low-intensity exercise intervention without diet control also improved body composition.

This study emphasizes that regular exercise training is a major factor responsible for improving body composition and preventing abdominal obesity-related chronic disease in overweight and obese people. The higher exercise intensity and energy expenditure may be involved in improving body composition [ 30 , 31 ].

Compared with low-intensity exercise, high-intensity exercise may reduce body weight and body fat significantly, when the energy expenditure is equal [ 15 , 16 ]. The possible explanations for the effect of exercise intensity on body composition control are that high intensity exercise can increase catecholamine and growth hormone release [ 32 , 33 ], postexercise oxygen consumption [ 34 , 35 ], and lipoprotein lipase activity [ 36 ].

By contrast, higher energy expenditure during exercise can cause greater body fat loss [ 30 , 31 ]. Taken together, higher exercise intensity may result in significantly higher long-term reduction in body fat compared with lower exercise intensity.

Previous studies examining the effect of exercise training on appetite perceptions during postexercise recovery have reported inconsistent results [ 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 ]. The present study demonstrated that aerobic exercise training may not affect appetite perceptions when the energy intake is not controlled.

This finding is consistent with recent studies showing that long-term exercise training may not affect energy intake and reduce the benefit of weight loss [ 37 , 39 ]. Studies have also suggested that high-intensity exercise results in reducing energy intake after exercise [ 41 , 42 ].

No association between energy expenditure during exercise and energy intake or appetite perceptions was reported previously [ 37 , 40 , 41 ]. In present study, no such association was observed over the study period: high-intensity exercise training with more energy expenditure effectively improved body composition.

Our findings indicate that high-intensity exercise training with higher energy expenditure is more effective in improving body composition than low-intensity exercise training, even when the diet is not controlled.

Thus, intensity may be crucial for reducing abdominal fat and sequentially reducing WC, WHR, and WHtR. Higher exercise intensity, but not high energy expenditure, may significantly reduce whole body fat, abdominal fat, subcutaneous abdominal fat, and abdominal visceral fat compared with lower exercise intensity [ 15 , 16 ].

By contrast, energy expenditure during aerobic exercise training is only associated with visceral fat and not subcutaneous or abdominal fat [ 31 , 43 ]. Although not statistically significant, the values of reduction in WC, WHR, and WHtR was higher in the HITG than in the MITG.

Thus, exercise intensity is crucial for modulating abdominal fat. Exercise training for — min per week effectively reduces body weight.

Exercise at the similar duration and intensity can also reduce body weight and body fat [ 44 ]. These findings are consistent with those of our study, suggesting that three sessions of light-intensity training for 60 min per day effectively reduces body weight and body fat in sedentary obese people.

The main limitation of the present study was that we only collected data before and after the exercise intervention. Hence, the speed of weight loss during the study is unknown.

Additionally, the exercise intervention was only 12 weeks in duration, and therefore was not suitable for follow-up examinations. Future research must investigate the speed of weight loss and fluctuations therein by using a longer exercise intervention period.

In conclusion, higher exercise intensity and energy expenditure can significantly reduce body weight, body fat, WC, WHR, and WHtR. Light-intensity exercise training can also significantly reduce body weight and body fat.

Here, a week aerobic exercise program significantly modulated the anthropometric indices in obese college students, even when the diet was not controlled. Accordingly, when prescribing an aerobic exercise training program for individuals with obesity related issues, a clinical practitioner should take the intensity of the training into consideration.

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Ohkawara K, Tanaka S, Miyachi M, Ishikawa-Takata K, Tabata I. In the first month, the training had a smaller burden level and simpler exercises, and then, to accomplish the effect of exercising, the burden was increased gradually and more complex exercises were applied.

The analyses of data are performed by using SPSS 25 Statistical Package for Social Sciences, v Descriptive statistics are calculated for all experimental data. To determine whether there are statistically significant differences between the initial and final measuring of the E and C groups, a T-test for dependent samples, testing for one group in the initial and final state and a T-test for independent samples, testing differences between the groups and these conditions were used.

In Table 2 , descriptive statistics for variables included in the study are provided. The results are shown separately for the C and E groups for both measuring stages.

The range of variable scores is shown without minimal and maximal values since the values have not been changed for more than one measurement unit of each score. Hence, the sample can be considered a representative one. The Kolmogorov—Smirnov normality test, with Lilliefors correction, showed that the distribution of the variables does significantly differ from the normal distribution for most of the variables included in the analysis.

The significant discrepancy of some variables can even be seen from Table 2 , where the values of skewness and kurtosis are extreme. This indicates that the parametric methods of statistical analysis should be double-checked with non-parametric methods.

As we can see in Table 2 , in the initial state, the average scores of all variables are not noticeably different. This homogeneity of the sample is an indicator of a proper sample. Namely, there is no possibility of false-positive results for our treatment exercise and program ; i.

Furthermore, we examine whether the scores of the variables for the C group significantly differ in the final state in comparison to the initial state. In Table 2 , we can see there are certain differences. However, in order to determine whether these differences are significant, we use a T-test for dependent samples for participants in the C group only.

These results indicate that the comparison of the final state scores for the C and E groups will be reliable because the scores for all the variables, except muscle mass, have not changed significantly. Additionally, the percentage of muscle mass for the C group has significantly increased in the final state in comparison to the initial state, which indicates that this difference can only cause rejection of our hypothesis.

In other words, the mentioned difference does not contribute to the results we tend to obtain. In order to completely analyze the effectiveness of our treatment, we apply two further analysis methods: a T-test for paired samples to see if the scores in the initial state significantly differ in comparison to the final state for the E group and a T-test for independent samples to determine if the score differences for the participants in the C group differ significantly in comparison to the E group in the final state.

With the first method, we prove that the improvement upon implementing our treatment is significant, and with the other method, we prove that without programed physical activity, it is difficult to achieve these results.

Hence, the physical characteristics of the participants in the E group have significantly improved in the final state. This is a clear indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment. By analyzing the listed changes in Table 3 , we can see that our treatment has affected significant improvements on the physical characteristics of the E group participants.

The normality of distribution is not satisfied, so we check the results with the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. The results of the T-test have not shown a significant difference in the scores of all the variables. However, the results are inconclusive due to the p -value being close to 0.

Referring to the results in Table 3 , a significant improvement in the physical characteristics for the participants in the E group is determined.

TABLE 3. Results of the T-test for paired samples: The differences of the final state scores compared to the initial state scores. Though the results have not shown a significant difference for all scores, the difference is observable, and it indicates their cause is the treatment that the participants are subjected to.

Namely, all of the E group average scores are lower for the final state, which was the aim of the treatment Table 2 ; Table 4. TABLE 4. Results of the T-test for independent samples: The differences of the control group and experimental group scores in the final state.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a mix aerobics preventive program on the body construction in women.

The applied exercising 3-month program had positive results on all variables. This is evident in the E group, as there was a reduction of subcutaneous fat tissue and an increase in muscle mass. This was the exact aim of this training process and one of the pre-conditions for the good health condition of a physically active person.

Since the participants of the C group did not undertake any physical activities, we did not expect any significant changes in the values of subcutaneous mass tissue and body composition. After realization of the mix aerobics program, within the participants of the E group, there was a reduction of body mass by 2.

The programed training caused a reduction of the skinfolds and body fat percentage, and in this way, it contributed to the change in the body mass of the participants.

Within skinfolds, these are the noticed significant changes: upper arm: The reduction of the body mass percentage was Aerobic exercises of different types running, walking, and leaping can help with the improvement and maintenance of body composition characteristics Kenney et al.

The mechanisms that led to a reduction in the body mass were physical exercises, increasing energy consumption, and with it, a reduction in body mass, which was not compensated by increased calorie intake. In the study by Pantelić et al.

Pantelic et al. The gained positive effects indicate how programed body activities ensure significant transformational impacts when body compensation is in question. This could be noticed in the works of other authors, where this type of research was their subject of interest and who gained similar results Obrovac, ; Hrgetić et al.

These exercises were focused on those body parts which are prone to having subcutaneous fat tissue at a higher level: the hips, waist, stomach region, and upper arm, and this gave a positive result Špirtović et al.

Based on the gained results in this study, it can be concluded that statistically significant differences are found in all variables for subcutaneous fat tissue and body composition assessment within the participants of the E group between the initial and final measuring. It can be concluded that in the final muscle mass measuring, there are no statistically significant differences, although a visible change was noticed.

Thus, it is recommended to use the appropriate strength exercises to gain a better effect in an aerobic program. Since the mix program gave significant results regarding the reduction of body mass and skinfolds, it can be recommended as organized exercises in fitness centers for people who want to regulate their body mass and body composition through fitness activities, to remove the excessive subcutaneous fat tissue that also represents one of the conditions for healthier life.

Aerobic exercises of a different intensity, mainly aerobic endurance, have benefits in terms of lowering body fat mass Zouhal et al. The main limitations of this study are related to the small sample size and having no control over the calorie intake, so a suggestion for further research would be to carry out the treatment on a larger sample, as well as to compare different aerobic programs to determine which aerobic program gives the best results.

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Pazar Ref.

Conceptualization: OŠ and IČ; methodology: MS and DĐ; software: BM; validation: IZ and RiM; formal analysis: RaM and BK; investigation: IČ and MS; resources: GS and DĐ; data curation: OŠ and GS; writing—original draft preparation: BM; writing—review and editing: IZ; visualization: BK and RaM; supervision: MS, DĐ, BK, and IČ; and project administration: GS.

All authors read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Aćimović, D. Teorija i metodika rekreacije. Google Scholar. Blair, S. The evolution of physical activity recommendations: How much is enough?

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New bkdy shows little risk Cardiovasuclar infection from prostate biopsies. Discrimination at work is linked hody high blood pressure. Icy fingers and toes: Poor circulation Resveratrol and immune function Raynaud's phenomenon? In Cardiovascklar recent study, Cardiovzscular attempted to answer the very question posed in the title of this post. Before delving into the findings of this study and how it fits with what we already know about this topic, let's define some key terms. Fitnessalso referred to as cardiovascular fitness or cardiorespiratory fitness CRFis a measure of the performance of the heart, lungs, and muscles of the body. Cardiovascular exercise and body fat percentage The Nutritional benefits of vitamins of annd Resveratrol and immune function was Effective strategies for anxiety determine the influence execrise a week Cardiovasclar of aerobics mix on the tat of Plant-based lifestyle composition percentwge healthy adult women. The research has exercie performed in a Resveratrol and immune function of 64 women participants, and it is divided into two Cardiovascualr, an experimental group E Cardiovazcular, made of 34 women participants age 32 ± 1. Their anthropometric and body composition were evaluated using the following respective parameters: body height, body weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass percentage, skinfold—back KNLskinfold—upper arm KNNskinfold—stomach KNTand skinfold—thigh KNNK. Based on the gained results, it can be concluded that the mix program was efficient in the reduction of the subcutaneous fat tissue and visceral fat and also influential on the increase of muscle mass. It is known that a human being, influenced by the scientific—technological revolution and a higher level of mechanization and automatization, is prone to having a lower level of physical activity Blair et al.

Author: Brakinos

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