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Metabolic rate regulation

Metabolic rate regulation

Online books Resources Metaboloc your regulatioon Resources in other libraries. CTP synthetase. Furthermore, Daily caloric intake Metabolic rate regulation Meatbolic variables had a significant effect on Rwte effect size, nor did the association between MR and GC effect sizes depend on those factors i. Nucleic acids are critical for the storage and use of genetic information, and its interpretation through the processes of transcription and protein biosynthesis. Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 12,

Metabolic rate regulation -

The finite element method is used to obtain the solution of the model equation. The results demonstrate that there is a significant change in tissue temperature due to sweating and ambient temperature variations.

Thermoregulation is the process of transporting thermal energy through the biochemical process in the human body. It maintains its required internal temperature. It keeps the body temperature in the equilibrium position.

This process is applicable for diagnostic and therapeutic applications and involves either mass or heat transfer. In the human body, the heat transfer is affected by blood vessel geometry, local blood flow rates, the thermal capacity of blood and produces metabolic energy.

The Body regulates its temperature through internal metabolic processes and internally maintains a narrow range of internal temperature.

Heat is usually generated by the metabolic process but under the condition of excessive cold, the body generates heat by shivering. Heat is lost and gained through the process of convection, radiation, blood perfusion and conduction, while evaporation contributes only heat loss from the body to the environment.

Total heat loss from body surface depends on the temperature difference between skin and environment. Hypothalamus is the main part of the brain that controls thermo-regulation. When it senses the internal temperature becoming too low or too high, it sends signals to different organs such as muscles, glands, and nervous.

The body mechanism responds and helps to maintain the temperature to normal position. Different people have different thermal behaviors even in the same environment.

The biochemical processes have been divided into three broad categories: hypothermia, hyperthermia and cryobiology. Hypothermia is the phenomena in which the body core temperature falls to 35˚C or below it.

This phenomenon can potentially lead to cardiac arrest, brain damage, or even death. In Hyperthermia, body core temperature rises to 42˚C or above it. Due to this phenomenon, it can suffer brain damage or even death, where cryobiology is the blood subfreezing temperature period.

The average healthy person has a normal body core temperature between But temperature rising up to Thermo-regulation phenomena are affected by either environment or biological factors such as metabolic rate, dehydration, gender, etc. The internal temperature of the body rises due to fever, physical exercise and digestion of the food.

Besides the internal temperature decreases due to use of alcohol, drug and some functioning of thyroid glands, etc. The circulatory system also plays a vital role to maintain body temperature. The vasodilation and vasoconstriction are the two main processes which maintain heat and balanced the temperature of the body.

If the body has a high temperature, the body controls the temperature and keeps in normal by occurring the mechanism of vasodilation and sweating.

The blood flow rate to the skin increases by expanding the wider blood vessels under skin and heat energy dissipated by the radiation process.

On the other hand, sweat glands lying under the skin surface release sweat in the form of water and vapour from the skin surface and maintain the body temperature is normal. If the body has a low temperature, it maintains the body temperature by the mechanism of vasoconstriction and thermo-genesis.

The blood flow rate to the skin reduces by contracting the peripheral blood vessels lying under the skin surface and conserving heat energy near the warm inner body and keeps the body temperature normal.

Besides body muscles, organs, glands and hormones also produce heat by their mechanism. Figure 1 represents the thermoregulation system in the human body. It shows that if the body has a low temperature, it maintains by the process of vasoconstriction and thermogenesis and if body temperature is high, it controls by the process of vasodilation and sweating to keeps the body temperature is normal.

The metabolic rate of a person increases due to increases in the kinetic energy and helps on increasing the temperature of the body. Some of the hormones and thyroid gland releases hormones to increase metabolism.

This increased metabolism creates energy in the form of heat and maintains body temperature as normal. Basal metabolism is the minimum amount of energy release in the body to sustain life in the rest position. Body uses this energy for the circulation of blood, respiration and functioning of cells and different organs.

The active person has a more metabolic rate than a less active person [5]. In general, the metabolic rate is proportional to the body weight and depends upon the type of exercises, body surface area, health, mental state, sex, thermal conductivity, age and atmospheric conditions, etc.

Due to the hormones, the metabolic rate is highly increased in fever [6]. The metabolic heat produced by the exercising muscles is transported by the circulating blood to the surface of the body and released to the environment either by radiation and convection or by evaporation of sweet appears in a hot environment.

According to the conservation law of energy in a healthy body, the amount of heat gain is equal to the amount of heat loss, and is given by [7]. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of thermoregulation system in human body. when the body is at rest, there is normal blood flow and metabolic activity however, during exercise there is abnormal blood flow and metabolic activity.

When a person engaged in different types of physical activities, the body requires additional fuel which increases the metabolic rate and the rate of heat production [8]. The body must use its mechanism to remove the additional heat produced to keep the internal temperature at a healthy level.

The body always produces heat, so the metabolic heat M is always positive, varying with the activity level. When environment temperature is lower than the body temperature, a thermal gradient is created which favors heat loss from the body core to the environment.

That heat energy is transformed into the skin by convective blood flow and emitted by radiation, convection and sweat evaporation.

The driving force of radiation and convective heat loss depends on the maintains of a large temperature gradient between the environment and body. When the environment temperature exceeds than body temperature, the gradient for heat exchange is reversed and the body gains the heat.

Different people have different thermal behavior even in the same environment. However, as environment temperature rises, sweat rate also increases. In a resting lightly clad man, the sweet begins at 29˚C environment while in the resting nude man sweating begins at the environment temperature at 31˚C [9].

Sweat evaporation becomes the primary means of heat dissipation when convective and radiative heat exchange is minimal. In a hot moist environment, a healthy man approximately 1.

Being lost of heat through evaporation even an entirely high metabolic rate can also be limited by the body mechanism. If the combined heat loss from the body is less than the metabolic heat rate production of the body, the excess heat must be store in the body, but storage heat energy H is always small because the body has a limited thermal storage capacity.

This storage heat energy helps on bring the body temperature rise and when the metabolic heat is less than combine heat loss, the body temperature falls. In heavy exercises, the respiration process plays the role of increasing metabolism. In low-intensity exercises as sitting, typing, cooking, etc there is very little difference in the vascular system so the metabolic rate is similar to the basal metabolic rate.

While in high-intensity exercises, as marathon, wrestling, etc most of the organs come in movement with high kinetic energy so, there is a loss of energy. In moderate-intensity exercise as carpentering, driving, etc.

helps on decreasing body weight by increasing cardiovascular exercise. On the contrary to the basal metabolic energy, the body produces additional metabolic energy during the activity period. From the next experimental data, the energy consumption during different activities carpentering, swimming and marathon athletics by a man of 65 kg weight consumed This data provides that the estimation value of the metabolic rate of carpentry person is The scale of metabolic rate during various activities is shown in Table 1.

Blood perfusion is the physiological term that refers to the process of delivery of arteries blood to a capillaries bed in the biological tissue. The arterioles and venous blood temperature may be different from the local tissue temperature. The rate of heat transfer between blood and local tissue is proportional to the product of a volumetric perfusion rate and the difference between the arterial blood temperature and the local tissue temperature [14].

This temperature may vary as a function of many transient and physiological and physical parameters. These effects were incorporated into the standard thermal diffusion equation and modeled the bio-heat equation. Several computer simulated methods are developed for the estimation of temperature distribution in the human body.

Saxena et al. Chao et al. Agrawal [13] and Kenefick et al. They estimated the maximum core temperature occurring Acharya et al. The authors suggested that skin temperature in males has more than females. Khanday and Saxena [18] assumed five layered skin in the human body and used one dimensional steady state model to the estimation of cold effect on the human dermal part.

Saxena and Gupta [15] and Saxena and Arya [19] contributed the papers on the effect of. Table 1. Metabolic rate of different exercises. blood flow and heat flow in human skin and subcutaneous tissue by using variational finite element method.

Kumari and Adlakha [20] developed a numerical model to study the temperature distribution in human peripheral regions incorporated the blood mass flow rate, thermal conductivity and metabolic heat generation rate were constants during and after the exercise.

Gurung et al. Agrawal et al. Khanday [23] explained the appearance of thermal stress on the human brain tissue in hypothermic conditions. Khanday and Sexana [18] studied the thermoregulation and fluid regulation in the human head and dermal region at cold environmental conditions by using variational finite element method.

et al. Previously, developed models have not studied on the temperature distribution in the human dermal part during the exercise. So this mathematical model has presented to estimate the metabolic energy produces differently in various exercises.

The main objective of this study is to investigate the temperature profiles of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues during exercise. Since the body is an irregular geometry, the finite element method is appropriate to handle such an inhomogeneous discretized problem to get realistic values of temperature of different layers.

During physical exercise, metabolic rate increases due to an increase in the rate of blood flow. The continuous increases in blood flow are controlled by the mechanism of the body by rapidly producing metabolic energy at the beginning of the exercise and become constant after a certain time so it is plausible to consider the metabolic rate, increasing logistically in the form similar to the logistic curve.

We consider the metabolic rate S t equation based on exercise as. Figure 2 represents the unsteady behavior of metabolic rates of the normal human body during the various activities in 30 minutes period.

Figure 2. Metabolic rate behavior during different exercises. equation to describe the effect of conduction, perfusion and metabolism. During the exercise period, additional heat energy arises and dissipated from the body to the environment by its mechanism.

The resulting bio-heat equation with metabolic energy is re-formulated by. Skin is the main organ that keeps helping the temperature balance in the human body. If any illness occurs in the body, the first symptom is changing body temperature [8]. In mathematical treatments of temperature distribution in the human dermal part, the skin layers can be regarded as a physical and physiological barrier with complex structures.

The three natural layers of skin are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues SST. The schematic diagram of the temperature distribution model in dermal parts of the human body is shown as in Figure 3. T 1 , T 2 and T 3 be the temperature function of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissues respectively.

The governing equation that characterized the heat regulation in in-vivo tissue of human body during exercises is given by the partial differential Equation 1 , which we can write for 1D as;. Figure 3. Schematic diagram of three layered skin. The outer surface of the skin layer is exposed to the environment during the exercise period.

So the net heat flux is calculated by mixed boundary,. During Exercise, due to the rapid movement of muscle mass and an increase in heart rate, the body produces a large amount of metabolic heat energy and cannot dissipate all energy instantaneously at that time.

The rate of heat loss does not offset the rate of heat gain so some heat energy stores in the body. That excess stored heat energy helps to increase the body core temperature up to 39˚C. Using Euler-Lagrange formula, the variational integral form of Equation 3 and Equation 4 is given by. In the model, the physical and physiological parameters depending on the layers of dermal part and are considered as given in Table 2.

Solving the integrals I 1 , I 2 and I 3 with parameters as considered in Table 2 , we obtain I 1 , I 2 and I 3 as functions of nodal values T 0 , T 1 , T 2 , as given as below:. Table 2. Assumption parameters in model. On simplification, we obtain system of equations in matrix form.

The threshold values of metabolic rate during physical activities: carpentering, swimming and marathon running are The values of physical and physiological parameters used for numerical simulation are taken as shown in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. The thickness of human skin layers in normal position [9]. Table 4. Parameter values used in model [9] [21]. temperature, the tissue temperature increases from the skin surface towards the body core temperature. So we consider the tissue temperature T x ,0 in linear order given by the equations.

At normal atmospheric temperature, initial skin temperature is considered 21˚C. We use the iterative method and the Crank-Nicolson method to solve the Equation The Crank -Nicolson method gives.

Thus, we included a total of 21 papers in our analyses, of which 12 were on birds, and 9 on mammals. Nine of the 22 papers included more than one experimental treatment, yielding a total of 35 effect sizes. For each of these studies, we extracted information on study species or metabolic and GC variables reported, among others Table S2.

all individuals went through all experimental treatments ; c Whether metabolic rate or heart rate was the metabolic variable; and d The type of treatment that induced an increase in metabolic rate see below Table S2.

To estimate effect sizes of metabolism and GCs, we used the web-based effect size calculator Practical Meta-Analysis Effect Size Calculator www. See Table S3 for details on data extraction and effect size calculations. For each study, we compared the mean metabolic rate and level of plasma GCs of individuals in the treatment group s to that of individuals in the control group.

For studies in which treatment was confounded with time, because pre-treatment measurements were used as control and compared with measurements during treatment, the pre-treatment measure was used as control when calculating effect sizes in studies where there was a single treatment.

When studies with a before-after design included more than one experimental treatment, the treatment yielding the lowest metabolism was taken as control for the effect size calculations.

Thus, confounding time with treatment was avoided whenever possible. We conducte d all meta-analyses using the rma. mv function from the metafor package Viechtbauer , implemented in R version 4. Standard errors were used for the weigh factor.

All models contained a random intercept for study identity to account for inclusion of multiple experimental treatments or groups from the same study. Most species were used in a single study, and we therefore did not include species as a random effect in addition to study identity.

The number of species was however insufficient to reliably estimate phylogenetic effects, we therefore limited the analysis in this respect with a comparison between birds and mammals see below. The dependent variable was either the metabolic rate or the GC effect size.

One model was fitted with the metabolic rate effect size as a dependent variable, to estimate the average effect on metabolic rate across all studies in the analyses.

All other models had the GC effect size as dependent variable, and metabolic rate effect size as a moderator. Distribution of metabolic rate effect sizes was skewed which was resolved by ln-transformation, which yielded a better fit when compared to a model using the linear term evaluated using AIC, see results for details.

Our first GC model contained only the metabolic rate effect size as a fixed independent variable. This model provides a qualitative test of whether GC levels increase when metabolic rate is increased and tests prediction i by providing an estimate of the intercept, which represents the average GC effect size because we mean centered the ln-transformed metabolic rate effect size Schielzeth The same model tests prediction ii whether the GC effect increases with an increasing metabolic rate effect size, which will be expressed in a significant regression coefficient of the metabolic rate effect size.

Following the model with which we tested our main predictions, we ran additional models to test for the effects on GC effect sizes of a taxa birds vs. This last factor tests our prediction iii. We included these variables as modulators in the analysis, as well as the two-way interactions of these factors with the metabolic rate effect size.

Treatment type was categorized as 1 climate , 2 psychological , or 3 others. We compared models with vs. To rule out publication bias effects i. Variable effects and results remained quantitatively very similar and qualitatively unchanged.

However, this variable had a negligible effect on the models, and we therefore excluded it from the final models. Among the studies selected for inclusion in the analysis, the treatment effect size on metabolic rate MR was on average 1.

There was a strong association between MR effect sizes and GC effect sizes Table 1 , Fig. It is further worth noting that the residual heterogeneity did not exceed the level expected by chance Table 1.

Meta regression model testing the association between metabolic rate MR effect sizes and glucocorticoid effect sizes. Area of dots is proportional to the experiment sample size i. square root of the number of individuals in which GCs were measured.

Furthermore, none of these variables had a significant effect on GC effect size, nor did the association between MR and GC effect sizes depend on those factors i.

interactions between these variables and MR effect sizes were always non-significant; Table 2 , S4. The latter result confirms prediction iii. Given that none of these effects significantly improved the model, the final model when removing all factors was the one including MR effect size as only predictor of GC effect size Table 1.

Despite these modulators being non-significant, the associations were in the expected directions, with studies including within-individual variation i. Table showing the main effects of all variables considered Metabolic Rate, Taxa, Time effect, Within-individual variation, Metabolic variable, and Treatment Type to modulate glucocorticoid effect sizes across studies.

Full models are shown in Table S4. Finding a c onsistent functional interpretation of GC variation has proven challenging, and to this end we presented a simplified framework focusing on the interplay between energy metabolism and GCs Box 1. Based on this framework, we made three predictions that we tested through a meta-analysis of studies in endotherms in which metabolic rate was manipulated and GCs were measured at the same time.

The analysis confirmed our predictions, showing that experimental manipulations that increased metabolic rate induced a proportional increase in GCs Fig. This association indicates that fluctuations in energy turnover are a key factor driving variation in GC levels. From this perspective, the many downstream effects of GCs e.

Specifically, within-individual blood GC variation signals the metabolic rate at which the organism is functioning to all systems in the body. In this light, downstream effects of GCs can be interpreted as evolved responses to metabolic rate fluctuations, reallocating resources in the face of shifting demands on the whole organism level.

The effect of metabolic rate on GC levels was independent of the type of manipulation used to increase metabolic rate, confirming our third prediction. Note however that confirmation of this prediction relied on the absence of a significant effect, and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

However, the residual heterogeneity of our final model did not deviate from a level expected due to sampling variance, providing additional support for our third prediction. Secondly, when considering the facilitation of metabolic rate as primary driver of GC regulation, there does not appear a need to invoke different classes of GC-levels instead of the more parsimonious treatment as continuum.

This is not to say that this also applies to the functional consequences of GC-level variation: it is well known that receptor types differ in sensitivity to GCs Landys et al. We restricted the meta-analysis to experimental studies, and expect the association between MR and GCs to be less evident in a more natural context.

Associations between GCs and MR will be most evident when animals are maintained at different but stable levels of metabolic rate, because then the rate at which tissues are fuelled is likely to be in equilibrium with the metabolic needs.

While equilibrium conditions can be created in laboratory studies, conditions will usually be more variable in the wild. When metabolic rate fluctuates, e. Furthermore, experiments yield estimates of associations within the average individual in the study, while data collected in a natural context usually rely on variation between individuals but see Malkoc et al.

Associations between individuals will be less strong than associations within individuals due to individual variation in GC levels and GC reactivity e. Liu et al. The contrast between the findings may be due to the MR and GC data not always being collected on individuals in a comparable state.

We emphasize therefore the importance of measuring metabolic rate and GCs when animals are in the same state, preferably by measuring both variables at the same time. GCs increased in the studies included in our meta-analysis in response to an induced increase in MR, but GCs can also increase in response to an anticipated increase in MR Box 1.

Likewise, GC levels increase in athletes preceding competition van Paridon et al , although separating effects of psychological stress from anticipated metabolic needs is difficult in this context.

Experiments in which animals are trained to anticipate an increase in MR to investigate whether this generates an anticipatory increase in GCs would be an interesting additional test of the framework laid out in Box 1.

Secondly, the finding that the GC increase was proportional to the increase in MR can only be explained by psychological stress when the induced psychological stress was proportional to the induced MR.

Thirdly, the pattern is consistent with what is known of the functional consequences of GC variation in relation to metabolic needs Box 1. Lastly, diverse non-injurious psychological stressors increase metabolic rate in humans Sawai et al. We conclude therefore that while a causal link between MR and GCs is not the only possible explanation of our findings, we argue it to be the most parsimonious explanation.

Direct manipulations of MR could confirm or reject this explanation, and may for example be achieved using thyroid hormones, which have been shown to affect MR Moreno et al.

We selected studies in which experimental treatments affected MR, leading us to conclude that the most parsimonious explanation of our finding is that GC levels were causally related to MR. Suppose however that instead we reported a correlation between MR and GCs, using for example unmanipulated individuals.

The question would then be justified whether changes in GCs affected MR or vice versa. Direct effects of GCs could be studied using pharmacological manipulations. However, while many studies show that GC administration induces a cascade of effects, when the function of GCs is to facilitate a level of MR, as opposed to regulate variation in MR, we do not anticipate such manipulations to induce an increase in MR Box 1.

On the other hand, when MR is experimentally increased in conjunction with pharmacological manipulations that supress the expected GC-increase an experiment that to our best knowledge has not yet been done , we would predict that the increase in MR can be maintained less well compared to the same MR treatment in the absence of the pharmaceutical manipulation.

This result, we would interpret to demonstrate that maintaining a particular level of MR may be dependent on GCs as facilitator, but it would be misleading to interpret this pattern to indicate that GCs regulate MR, as is sometimes proposed.

Additionally, it would be informative to investigate whether energy turnover immediately before blood sampling is a predictor of GC levels, as we would predict on the basis of the interpretation of our findings.

Increasing the use of devices and techniques that monitor energy expenditure or its proxies e. accelerometers may be a way to increase our understanding of the generality of the GC-MR association.

Authors that assumed GC levels to be a proxy of physiological stress have struggled with the interpretation of findings such as the mixed results with respect to fitness consequences of GC-variation.

Our findings offer a way to interpret such variation: GCs are regulated with respect to their role in facilitating energy metabolism, and we encourage researchers to approach and interpret findings from this perspective.

For example, a positive association between GCs and reproductive success may indicate that individuals that are able to sustain high metabolic rates attain higher fitness e.

Bauch et al, , while a negative association indicates the opposite effect e. Ouyang et al ; see Atema et al.

Blood glucose levels Metabolic rate regulation widely over Rqte course Metanolic a day as periods of food consumption alternate Metabolic rate regulation periods of fasting. Insulin and glucagon Metabolic rate regulation the two hormones Metabolic rate regulation responsible ratw maintaining homeostasis of blood Hypertension and family history levels. Additional regulation is mediated by the thyroid hormones. Cells of the body require nutrients in order to function. These nutrients are obtained through feeding. In order to manage nutrient intake, storing excess intake, and utilizing reserves when necessary, the body uses hormones to moderate energy stores. Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas, which are stimulated to release insulin as blood glucose levels rise for example, after a meal is consumed.


Resting Metabolic Rate GI meal ideas play a vital role in Mftabolic in the human Metabolic rate regulation. Reguoation metabolic Metabolic rate regulation Metaoblic with the activity levels and has different behaviors in nature depending on the physical regularion of the person. During the rregulation, Metabolic rate regulation rate increases rapidly at the beginning and then increases slowly to become almost constant after a certain time. So, its behavior is as logistics in nature. The high metabolic rate during activity causes the increase of body core temperature up to 39˚C [1] [2]. The finite element method is used to obtain the solution of the model equation. The results demonstrate that there is a significant change in tissue temperature due to sweating and ambient temperature variations. Metabolic rate regulation

Author: Akinokora

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