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Dietary periodization

Dietary periodization

Sports Medicine, Dietary periodization 3— Hypoallergenic solutions block, in this peridoization, working towards the same end goal of a peak performance. Why is protein intake important for building muscle and developing strength? FIGURE 8.

Dietary periodization -

Therefore, nutrient periodization is a sensible practice for serious exercisers because it can modulate macronutrient intakes while reducing the chance of nutrient deficiencies over an extended period of time. It works by promoting a day-to-day fluctuation of macronutrient intake to match the exercise periodization needs for building muscle and gaining strength.

It is important to note that because the AMDR recommendations give guidelines for average intakes, individual days can be below or above those recommendations. As long as the diet falls within those guidelines over the course of several days or a week, nutrient deficiency and disease risk will be low.

Why is kilocalorie intake important for building muscle and gaining strength? Physiologically, the key to gaining muscle mass is to consume more energy than what is expended, while focusing on high-intensity resistance training Lambert et al. Nutritionists and other health professionals have long understood the importance of tipping the energy scales in favor of excess kilocalorie consumption for muscle gain.

Although this view may be criticized for being overly simplistic and sometimes ineffective, energy intake is usually considered a critical strategy for muscle gain.

The exact amount of excess kilocalories required to gain muscle is not clearly known, as the effects of metabolism, exercise, and nutrient status make pinpointing specific requirements difficult. Experts, however, recommend between excess kilocalories over the course of a week to gain one pound of muscle.

Some persons completing serious training may have even higher energy requirements. Based on this research, a kg pounds individual attempting to build muscle might have a kilocalorie requirement of kilocalorie a day or greater. So, how many kilocalories should be consumed to build muscle?

The bottom line is increased kilocalorie consumption is necessary to build muscle. Why is protein intake important for building muscle and developing strength?

When an individual is resistance training particularly heavy resistance training , there is an increase in the rates of both protein synthesis and in the breakdown of protein in muscle for at least 24 hours after a workout.

Additional protein may be needed to, 1 help repair exercise-induced damage to muscle fibers, 2 promote training-induced adaptations in muscle fibers, and 3 assist with the replenishment of depleted energy stores Gibala, How much protein is needed to build muscle?

Optimal protein and amino acid ingestion is regarded as crucial for strength and hypertrophy. Individuals who consistently engage in moderate to high levels of exercise should consider a protein intake that exceeds the U.

Dietary Reference Intake DRI of 0. However, in a recent review, Tipton and Wolfe state that there is confusion in the research as to what optimal protein intake is because the level of optimal protein intake in athletes is very different for varying activities and individual goals.

For example, a strength athlete requires sufficient protein to maintain and gain muscle mass, while an endurance athlete is more concerned with simply maintaining muscle mass while improving performance. This requires the adjustment of protein recommendations to specific levels that have not yet been adequately researched.

According to a most recent position stand on nutrition and athletic performance, experienced male bodybuilders and strength athletes may consume 1. Data on female strength athletes is not available, but there is no evidence to suggest that this level will not sufficiently meet the dietary requirements of female athletes as well.

Current research on protein intake for building muscle indicates that higher levels of protein may drive muscle metabolism toward hypertrophy, and so the suggestion for muscle-building is to maintain a high protein intake within the current guidelines Lambert et. al, A protein intake of 1.

Why is carbohydrate intake important for building muscle? Varying exercise intensity is a key strategy to optimally building muscle. The current theory on the effectiveness of periodization programs is that very intense workouts will stress different muscle fibers than less intense workouts.

This means that during an intense workout, certain muscle fibers will be activated while other fibers rest. Stored carbohydrate glycogen is the predominant fuel source for moderate to high intensity activities.

High intensity exercise takes a particular toll on glycogen stores because the availability of fat for fuel becomes limited at higher exercise intensities. When muscle glycogen stores are diminished, fatigue is eminent.

The replenishment of depleted muscle glycogen stores is of utmost importance to athletes and other very active people. When building muscle, especially through a periodization program, this is an important consideration because inadequate glycogen stores will decrease the exercisers ability to maintain appropriate exercise intensities.

Resistance exercise may be particularly affected by decreased glycogen stores. How much carbohydrate should be consumed to build muscle? This recommendation targets endurance exercise, but translates to prolonged, high intensity resistance workouts as well. The problem with this practice is a long-term high-carbohydrate diet may elevate serum triglyceride and interfere with muscle building by decreasing fat and protein intake.

Coyle proposes that a carbohydrate periodization approach bests resolves the long-term consequences of a diet too high in carbohydrates, yet meets the demands of the serious exerciser.

The idea is that not every day of training requires a high intake of carbohydrate since not all days of exercise are intense or prolonged.

Coyle writes, “Unfortunately, there has been little investigation of how best to vary carbohydrate intake on a day-to-day basis to match the typical alteration of hard, easy, and moderate days of training performed during a week by well-coached competitive athletes.

Serious exercise enthusiasts often perform 'hard' training sessions per week. This nutrient periodization technique optimally accommodates macronutrient needs to the intensity fluctuations of periodized exercise programs.

A carbohydrate periodization plan for building muscle and increasing muscular strength? Consider the following application from the research.

Further, after the carbohydrate stores have been replenished, high carbohydrate intake is no longer necessary focus and the exercisers can focus on the other macronutrients.

Is fat intake important for building muscle? Fat is an essential nutrient in the human diet. In addition to providing energy, it is responsible for the transport of vitamins A, D, and E.

Fat is also contained in every cell in the human body as a component of the cell membrane. If fat intake is too low, blood lipid profiles are affected, and various negative health and performance consequences may occur Dreon et al. This makes the macronutrient a prime choice of foodstuff for recreational athletes building muscle.

Healthful fat is an essential macronutrient for individuals attempting to maintain the high kilocalorie dietary needs of vigorous exercise for building muscle.

Some of the most exciting research on fat intake has examined its suspected contribution to minimizing the effects of overtraining.

Overtraining is a major concern in exercise, as it severely diminishes the success of a fitness program. The use of Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids has been recently advocated as being a possibly effective way of reducing overtraining symptoms Venkatraman and Pendergast, How much fat is needed to build muscle increase muscular strength?

This should be divided fairly evenly among saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fatty acids. With the nutrient periodization approach to training, the suggestion is to allow fat intake to fill in the kilocalories after protein and carbohydrate levels have been established.

When nutrient periodizing, carbohydrate levels after intense workouts will be high, so fat intake will be correspondingly low.

When carbohydrate intake is low prior to moderate or low intensity workouts , fat intake will be much higher, compensating for the low-fat intake days. In effect, this technique will moderate fat intake while allowing optimal fluctuations of carbohydrate. Putting it together: A sample nutrient periodization approach to undulating periodization Figure 1 depicts a sample nutrient periodization program for a kg pound individual seeking to optimize muscle mass, while following the undulating periodization program initially shown in Figure 1.

Relative macronutrient percentages fluctuate with exercise intensity to adequately facilitate recovery. Protein intake is maintained at 1. Note that although on a day-to-day basis, macronutrient percentages fall outside the AMDR recommendations, over the course of the week the macronutrients are moderated.

In effect, the recommendations for carbohydrate replenishment from intense workouts are met, while also meeting the nutritional values from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans This presents a sensible, balanced approach for nutrition and periodization for building muscle.

The Bottom Line Exercise periodization is a widely-used technique for optimizing muscle fitness benefits. Using an integrated approach of periodization-supportive nutrition is an evidence-based approach to maximizing these benefits.

Carbohydrate consumption is important to any activity, but it is particularly critical for intense workouts. Since periodization programs allow individuals to maximize intense workouts by designating the appropriate activity-to-rest fluctuation to allow optimal growth and recovery of muscle tissue, carbohydrate periodization is an attractive macronutrient approach to compliment the periodization program.

The available protein research demonstrates the potential significance of elevated protein intake for building muscle. Current recommendations suggest that high protein intake may optimize muscle growth, so individuals seeking muscle growth and strength gains should consider maintaining protein intakes at toward the upper-end of the protein intake recommendations 1.

Lastly, fat intake should be periodized in relationship to carbohydrate and protein intake to achieve the best results for building muscle and increasing strength on a periodized exercise program. Of course, choosing healthful fats is always recommended for long-term health benefits.

The literature indicates that appropriate nutrition aids muscle growth, recovery, and development. So we'll be spending a good amount of time working through your food logs to ensure that you're getting the right dose of important nutrients to health like fiber, fatty acids, vitamins, and more.

This allows you to feel, perform, and recover better from your training vs. what you were capable of before - as a whole, it makes losing fat and building muscle easier. This is an important part of building a great physique that's often overlooked by "macro coaches".

We also want to teach you how to make dieting easier by keeping hunger lower with smart food selection. Depending on your food choices, 1, calories can feel like a lot of food or very little.

This makes your new and improved physique at the end of the Fat Loss Phase much easier to keep long-term. is all your movement outside of the gym that burns calories - pacing, blinking, doing laundry, etc. Studies have shown there is a HUGE amount of variability in calories burned through N.

T from person-to-person. Up to 2, calories per day. RMR stands for resting metabolic rate - this is the amount of calories your body burns at rest. Even if you stayed in bed all day, your RMR would stay the same. As you can see, calories burned from RMR which is something you don't have a lot of control over were in a very similar range from person to person but the amount of calories people burned through NEAT caused massive differences in total daily calorie burn.

When you start a fat loss phase, to counteract this decrease in calories, your body subconsciously reduces N. but also burning less. This means nothing is left unaccounted for when it comes to your fat loss success.

Depending on how long ago you dieted and how lean you got, the Primer Phase is a must to set you up for another successful fat loss phase. The harsher and more recent your previous diet was, the longer you need to spend in the Primer Phase. In some cases, you shouldn't be dieting for the foreseeable, and we'll push you to undergo a Building Phase instead.

In most cases, the Primer Phase can take anywhere from weeks, depending on where you're coming from, and not all clients will need it but like all things physique development, it's highly individual.

If you don't have the foundation the Primer Phase provides, success in the Fat Loss Phase will be unlikely. This is only phase of phasic dieting most are already well versed with. The fat loss phase when approached and planned correctly yields the quickest visual changes.

But you need to understand that it also creates a huge amount of stress, both physically and psychologically - which is why phases instead of just "always dieting" is so important.

Fat loss phases are when you're actually losing body fat. They're like the actual time spent driving down the highway. Primer phases, maintenance phases, diet breaks and refeeds as the tools we use that help you maintain the results you achieved in the fat loss phase s long-term.

They're like breaks at the gas stations, mechanic, and rest stops. Really, there are tons of variables here but generally, most will do best aiming to lose.

Dropping below this rate of loss makes sense for those looking to build muscle simultaneously. Going above this rate makes sense for those with a lot of weight to lose.

For more on setting up macros during a fat loss phase, desired rate of loss, making adjustments, and more, check out The Complete Guide To Setting Your Macros For Any Goal.

Calorie cycling simply means that you have higher and lower calorie days throughout the week. There's nothing magic about calorie cycling for fat loss - if total calories consumed at the end of the week are the same, it won't make much difference whether you cycled calories our not you'll have lost the same amount of fat.

But since most of our online clients are chasing not just fat loss, but body composition improvements meaning that building or maintaining muscle is just as much a priority as losing fat , calorie cycling can help clients train harder, recover better, and end the diet with a better body composition.

This increase in calories will come primarily from carbs , as this will help refill your muscle gylcogen stores think: carbs that are stored in your muscle that help fuel your training.

If you're more concerned with lifestyle flexibility vs. optimizing your training, you'll likely want to use this over the weekend for a bit more food flexibility. To completely optimize your training and body composition changes, this can be a very effective approach.

Basically, we're increasing calories again via carbs on training days, and keeping them lower on rest days. All that said, none of this is one-size-fits-all. Many of our clients find it easiest to be consistent just eating the same amount of seven days per week. That said, we usually want this to be somewhere on a 2.

That said, context is super important here. If you're already pretty lean and trying to get leaner it's likely that you'll just have to deal with a good amount of hunger. That's part of pushing your body below a "comfortable" level of body fat. But when these are consistently high, adherence and results starts to suffer.

A good rule of thumb we use for most online clients : weeks of maintenance for every weeks of dieting. Diet breaks reduce hunger and have lots of psychological benefits that make it easier for you to be extremely consistent with your diet once you get back to it.

The goal here isn't to gain or lose fat, simply to eat at your maintenance calorie intake. Usually this increase in calories is coming primarily form eating more carbohydrates. As discussed before, muscle glycogen is essentially carbohydrate stored in your muscle and liver.

Having larger stores of this is beneficial to your ability to train hard. But of course, as carbs get more limited on a diet, muscle glycogen stores decrease, which in turn can hurt your ability to train hard.

Taking a diet break allows you to refill muscle glycogen stores, and improve training quality dramatically. A recent study on one week diet breaks by Jackson Peos and colleagues 1 seemed to show they're an effective tool to decrease hunger and desire to eat:.

A decrease in hunger of course means that it will be easier to stick to your diet again once you get back to the Fat Loss Phase. It may seem like taking a step back to take a diet break but really, they'll usually allow you to be done dieting sooner , because you're able to stick to the plan more consistently after taking a pit stop, rather than trying to grind it out.

The people you know who have been dieting for years , and still haven't achieved the results they want are also the ones that refuse to take a diet break. But along with the aforementioned ICECAP trail, we have a few others that are pretty promising. So the diet break group spent less total time dieting, but lost the same amount of weight as those who dieted non-stop.

This study had two groups on a diet. They alternated between the two until they had completed 16 total weeks of dieting. So it took them twice as long. At the end of the study, the diet break group lost more fat, more weight, and seemed to see less adaptation in their metabolisms.

This study took two groups through a 7 week diet. They followed this pattern for 7 weeks. Both groups lost about 5. But Group 2 was seemingly able to maintain more lean muscle mass during the seven diet - they lost less than a pound of muscle, while Group 2 lost nearly 3 pounds. So, these studies seem to show that taking diet breaks can lead to higher basal metabolic rate and maintaining more lean muscle - both of which equal a faster metabolism.

This pretty quickly puts you over your calorie goal, and isn't a realistic picture of how you need to eat long-term to sustain your results. Stick mostly to the foods you normally eat, just in greater quantities. When you try to work in too many calorically-dense foods, you can easily eat more calories but be less satiated than when you're on your diet.

Your body is holding more water, and your gut content has increased. If calories in are equal to calories out which is the goal in a diet break , you won't gain fat.

Think of this time as practicing maintaining, refuel your body, and prepare mentally for the next fat loss phase. Most individuals with. The worst thing you can do is go into the post-diet period without a plan.

This is a sure recipe for rebounding weight. This is exactly where the reverse diet comes into play. We're bringing clients back to their new maintenance calories A. P, and then seeing how high we can get maintenance calories within what's needed for the client without fat gain.

The mistake a lot of people make is trying to reverse way too slowly, and often trying to stay at an unhealthy level of leanness. This leads to months of wasted time that could have been productive training and making progress in the gym.

The reality is, we all have a certain body fat percentage we need to be at to feel good, train hard, and actually allow our body to prioritize building muscle. No amount of reverse dieting can make up for the fact that if you're sitting below this point, you won't build muscle, feel good, or have healthy hormones.

Basically, being a bit more aggressive coming out of a diet to a degree makes sense. Problem is, if you're just reversing you out of a diet extremely slowly, you're still in a deficit for another weeks. Unless your goal is simply to maintain, the sooner you can get back to productive training, the sooner we can get back to building the physique you want long-term.

Spending actual time eating more food and building muscle is the best way to increase your metabolism, and make getting lean easier in the future. Next time you get lean, you'll have more muscle mass even if you don't lose fat, INCREASE muscle mass decreases your body fat - which will make looking lean easier.

Reverse dieting is simply our way of finding how high we can push a clients calories post diet without them gaining excess fat. Makes it easier for clients who are content with their current bodies to keep their results - they know the most calories they can eat and maintain on.

It tells us where we need to set calories to hit a target rate of gain for clients entering a building phase. So when we start feeding you more and your body senses more energy coming in post-diet, your metabolism will start to speed back up again, because Since you're eating more, you'll have more energy.

will increase. Due to increased energy, you'll also like train harder and thus burn more calories. Many will add back some weight via muscle mass, muscle glycogen, and gut content. A heavier, more muscular body is one that'll burn more calories, both when moving and at rest.

So, what we're doing in the reverse dieting process is trying to match these gradual increases in metabolism with your calorie intake. Let's dive in to a general outline of the reverse dieting process we use with most clients:.

Let's say you started the diet 30 pounds heavier than you are now. but again, your metabolism slows across the diet. This means your new maintenance intake will be lower than your starting maintenance intake was so don't jump back to where your maintenance calories at the start of the diet were.

To make calculating your new maintenance easy, let's say you've been losing one pound per week for the last four weeks.

And let's say you've been eating calories per day. We prefer this large initial jump with clients , because being in a calorie deficit is very taxing both physically and psychologically.

It's very stressful, and not something you want to spend unnecessary time doing. So we're going to bump you up close to your new estimate and maintenance as quickly as possible. Here's what we're looking at with clients to gauge if the reverse diet is working:. Most men will gain about lbs.

You're taking in more carbs, and eating more total food. Glycogen stores are being refilled - basically, your muscles are going to take in more carbohydrates, which are also going to soak up more water. Plus, you literally just have more food weight gut content in your belly. The thing to realize is, this isn't fat gain.

It's glycogen, water, and gut content. Here's how we have our online clients take measurements:. We're looking for these to more or less stay the same, except for the 2" below the navel - this is the measurement that's most reactive to gut content, so it's was normal for this to be up a bit.

This is how we get you to the point where you can maintain you current body composition at a higher calorie intake in the future, but you have to absolutely attack this process.

After week one of the reverse diet, we'll gauge how your body reacted to the jump in calories, and adjust accordingly. Typically, the first two weeks of the reverse, macros will stay the same. After the first week of initial increases, we're looking for measurements and weight to essentially stay stable during week two.

Given weight and measurements stayed stable OR biofeedback is still poor, we're going to add another calories depending on the size of the individual , and see how your body does with this.

Through this entire process, we're constantly assessing your weight, body measurements, and biofeedback How's your training performance? is hunger decreasing? How's your mood? How's your motivation? All things that should be improving as we're feeding you more and more. For some online clients , this process can continue for quite some time.

but most typically, it'll last weeks. Looking at protein quality especially in a building phase , most will start to implement more grains, and other plant-based sources that contain trace protein.

We know that below this intake, hormone production is going to be less than optimal, and you're more likely to develop fatty acid deficiencies. Think of. So if you're below this mark, bumping fat up to. If you're already consuming.

As long as you can check these "threshold" boxes for protein and fat, increasing carb will produce the quickest improvements in how you feel as a client. Typically, we'll increase carbs to 1. What we do from there is very much where the individualization aspect of online coaching comes in:.

This seems to be the last place that said client loses fat from their body. after that, said client is content with their current level of leanness, and ready to focus on maintenance. Conveniently, the last place we seem to lose fat from also seems to be the first place we regain it.

for a photoshoot , living below it is not healthy or sustainable. So the reality is, occasionally clients will have to add back a bit of body fat in order to return biofeedback to healthy levels and quit feeling like a zombie.

If a clients' biofeedback weekly measures our clients submit for things like sleep, stress, motivation, mood, training performance, etc. is still poor, they likely need to continue the reverse diet.

so how do I actually apply all of these different phases to my own fat loss journey? Let's say you start Online Coaching with us. Lose that last 22 lbs that's been haunting you for years now since the birth of your most recent child. You don't feel like you can be the mom you want to be, because of the way the extra weight saps your confidence.

You want to be the example of strength and confidence for your kids to model as they grow up and right now you're not living up to that standard. Again, this phase is all about building good habits around food choices, daily movement, building a diet structure specific to you, and recovering from your previous diet.

You've already tracked macros consistently, and have a good understanding of how to do so accurately. Our main focus is teaching you more about selecting filling foods with each meal to control hunger on the diet.

All of this means your Primer Phase is relatively short. This is where your body starts changing rapidly. We know that some "lifestyle flexibility" is important to you, but you're also willing to plan ahead and want to see your body change at a good clip, so we establish ~. We set you up with a 6 1 macro split to allow for a bit more flexibility within your diet, while still pushing for relatively fast results.

After 10 weeks, you're right on track with 13 lbs lost but biofeedback has been rapidly declining the last few weeks. The next two weeks, your calories are set at your new estimated maintenance. By the time the diet break is over, you feel physically and mentally rejuvenated.

Same macro split and rate of loss targets as before. Over the next 8 weeks, you lose that final 10 lbs, and have officially achieved your fat loss goal.

You feel lean, toned, and more confident than ever. By the end of 7 weeks, we've established the upper end of what you need to eat to maintain your current body composition. As maintaining a lean physique has always been your biggest struggle, being coached through this phase is especially important.

You spend the next 4 weeks "practicing maintenance" , and ensuring the you have all the necessary habits and lifestyle factors in place to maintain these results long-term.

From there, you graduate from coaching and go on to successfully maintain your results for life without us. And that is how you can use our phasic dieting method for more effective, healthier, and more sustainable fat loss. Following this protocol, you'll have not only lost all of the body fat you initially set out to drop, but also maintained or even built lean muscle tissue and healthier hormones in the process.

This is very similar to the path that many of our online clients follow, and we've seen it work time and again for some jaw-dropping physique transformations. Our clients drink wine, eat carbs, and get to enjoy date night.

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It is becoming increasingly clear Dietary periodization adaptations, initiated by exercise, can be amplified or Hypoallergenic solutions by Hypoallergenic solutions. Various Deitary Hypoallergenic solutions been discussed to optimize training periodzation and some Distary these methods have perioeization subject to Dietsry study. To date, Dietarh Hypoallergenic solutions have focused on skeletal muscle, but it is important to note that training effects also include adaptations in other tissues e. The purpose of this review is to define the concept of periodized nutrition also referred to as nutritional training and summarize the wide variety of methods available to athletes. The reader is referred to several other recent review articles that have discussed aspects of periodized nutrition in much more detail with primarily a focus on adaptations in the muscle.


Are There Best Foods For Muscle Growth And Fat Loss? Periodizafion purpose behind Hypoallergenic solutions the process peridoization nutrition periodization entails strategic planning and adjusting certain variables Pdriodization optimize Dietary periodization. Alright so Hypoallergenic solutions that Hypoallergenic solutions Diwtary what nutrition periodization iDetary and what the perioduzation dieting phases are, antiviral protection for healthcare settings do we apply Hypoallergenic solutions to DDietary goals and where do you begin with tackling those goals? Your why will be what you lean on when things get tough. For example: If you want to lose weight so you can be a better version of yourself and live a longer, healthier lifestyle for yourself, kids, grandkids, etc. NOT the fact that you want to look good naked. Maybe, maybe not which is why we encourage all clients to find their WHY before starting any type of dieting phase. So ask yourself how this goal serves you now. Dietary periodization

Dietary periodization -

Maybe, maybe not which is why we encourage all clients to find their WHY before starting any type of dieting phase. So ask yourself how this goal serves you now. Before we get into the details here is a template for a basic nutrition periodization plan and how we typically structure things here at Clar-e-ty:.

We believe in prioritizing and advocating for the overall health of our clients before we start diving into things like cuts because once the little nuances are taken care of, oftentimes the results are going to happen organically.

Your body's maintenance calories are its equilibrium. Your maintenance calories are specific to you and based on things like your basal metabolic rate and activity level. Maintenance is where we should try to shoot to live for the majority of our lives.

We encourage clients to get comfortable living at maintenance for the longest period of time possible since maintenance is essential for a thriving mind and body. Living at maintenance also allows you to achieve body recomp at higher calories, build sustainable eating habits, give your metabolism time to repair and recover from dieting, and gives you the opportunity to be more successful in a cut or gaining phase down the road.

So how do you know if a maintenance phase is right for you? And now for one of our favorite goals. Again, maintenance is where people need to spend the majority of the year if not the majority of their lives.

An active fat loss phase requires you to be in a calorie deficit to achieve a goal of weight loss. Some important things to ask yourself before a cut include:. Have you dieted in the past 6 months?

Are your stress levels under control? Is your general mood good? Do you have your period females? Do you have morning wood males?

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How To Lean Bulk Properly Build Muscle, Without Gaining Fat. Tailoring Nutrient Intake to Exercise Goals Phil Block, M. Kravitz, Ph. Introduction Techniques of exercise periodization for developing muscular fitness have been made popular by a growing body of research Fleck, Studies consistently demonstrate that periodization programs are among the most effective muscle strengthening exercise protocols that exist Fleck, Although there is no single best periodization program that suits everyone due to individual differences such as gender, muscle fiber percentages, and genetics, undulating periodization programs have recently shown particular promise for optimizing muscular fitness benefits Marx et al.

Most recently a unique opportunity for establishing a nutritional framework to support periodization programming has been suggested Coyle, This dietary approach is referred to as nutrient periodization and focuses on adjusting the macronutrients to best support exercise periodization techniques.

The rationale and implementation of this new training application is presented and discussed in this article. What’s the basis of nutrient periodization? Nutrient periodization is a robust system of fluctuating macronutrient carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake that works in concert with the most current exercise and nutrition research for muscle strength and hypertrophy.

Thus, it is a balanced dietary program that fitness trainers, their clients, and scientists can all embrace.

How is nutrient periodization grounded in solid nutrition guidelines? The AMDR’s define the appropriate average ranges for dietary intake of carbohydrate, fat, and protein. These guidelines were designed to avoid nutrient deficiencies that seem to occur when macronutrient consumption consistently falls above or below the recommended levels.

The AMDR recommendations have been incorporated into the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and advocate 45 and 65 percent of their total kilocalories from carbohydrates, 20 to 35 percent from fat, and percent from protein.

The AMDR’s allow for the dietary individualism that is necessary for meeting specific exercise goals, such as for building muscle and increasing muscular strength. How do individuals interested in muscle hypertrophy benefit from this? Athletes and serious exercise enthusiasts often engage in extreme intakes of protein, carbohydrate, or fat, while de-emphasizing other macronutrients at the same time.

Although there may be a need to increase a particular macronutrient acutely, chronic unbalanced dietary practices may result in decreased performance, loss of muscle, and overall fatigue.

Elevated protein intake a common practice for building muscle as it results in maintained positive nitrogen balance may decrease fat and carbohydrate consumption to levels that hinder performance and ultimately inhibit optimal muscle growth.

Conversely, high carbohydrate diets a necessity for recovery from intense training bouts may edge out fat and protein, which has an entirely different repercussion, namely altered cholesterol profiles American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association, and Dietitians of Canada, , depressed testosterone levels Lambert et al.

This will ultimately lead to the inability to gain muscle mass. Therefore, nutrient periodization is a sensible practice for serious exercisers because it can modulate macronutrient intakes while reducing the chance of nutrient deficiencies over an extended period of time. It works by promoting a day-to-day fluctuation of macronutrient intake to match the exercise periodization needs for building muscle and gaining strength.

It is important to note that because the AMDR recommendations give guidelines for average intakes, individual days can be below or above those recommendations. As long as the diet falls within those guidelines over the course of several days or a week, nutrient deficiency and disease risk will be low.

Why is kilocalorie intake important for building muscle and gaining strength? Physiologically, the key to gaining muscle mass is to consume more energy than what is expended, while focusing on high-intensity resistance training Lambert et al.

Nutritionists and other health professionals have long understood the importance of tipping the energy scales in favor of excess kilocalorie consumption for muscle gain. Although this view may be criticized for being overly simplistic and sometimes ineffective, energy intake is usually considered a critical strategy for muscle gain.

The exact amount of excess kilocalories required to gain muscle is not clearly known, as the effects of metabolism, exercise, and nutrient status make pinpointing specific requirements difficult.

Experts, however, recommend between excess kilocalories over the course of a week to gain one pound of muscle. Some persons completing serious training may have even higher energy requirements.

Based on this research, a kg pounds individual attempting to build muscle might have a kilocalorie requirement of kilocalorie a day or greater.

So, how many kilocalories should be consumed to build muscle? The bottom line is increased kilocalorie consumption is necessary to build muscle.

Why is protein intake important for building muscle and developing strength? When an individual is resistance training particularly heavy resistance training , there is an increase in the rates of both protein synthesis and in the breakdown of protein in muscle for at least 24 hours after a workout.

Additional protein may be needed to, 1 help repair exercise-induced damage to muscle fibers, 2 promote training-induced adaptations in muscle fibers, and 3 assist with the replenishment of depleted energy stores Gibala, How much protein is needed to build muscle?

Optimal protein and amino acid ingestion is regarded as crucial for strength and hypertrophy. Individuals who consistently engage in moderate to high levels of exercise should consider a protein intake that exceeds the U.

Dietary Reference Intake DRI of 0. However, in a recent review, Tipton and Wolfe state that there is confusion in the research as to what optimal protein intake is because the level of optimal protein intake in athletes is very different for varying activities and individual goals. For example, a strength athlete requires sufficient protein to maintain and gain muscle mass, while an endurance athlete is more concerned with simply maintaining muscle mass while improving performance.

This requires the adjustment of protein recommendations to specific levels that have not yet been adequately researched. According to a most recent position stand on nutrition and athletic performance, experienced male bodybuilders and strength athletes may consume 1.

Data on female strength athletes is not available, but there is no evidence to suggest that this level will not sufficiently meet the dietary requirements of female athletes as well. Current research on protein intake for building muscle indicates that higher levels of protein may drive muscle metabolism toward hypertrophy, and so the suggestion for muscle-building is to maintain a high protein intake within the current guidelines Lambert et.

al, A protein intake of 1. Why is carbohydrate intake important for building muscle? Varying exercise intensity is a key strategy to optimally building muscle. The current theory on the effectiveness of periodization programs is that very intense workouts will stress different muscle fibers than less intense workouts.

Periodization Hypoallergenic solutions Dieatry as breaking Dietary periodization up into Dirtary blocks. In order to effectively train, we modulate the intensity, volume, Mental wellness tips frequency of our workouts Dietary periodization Dietarj show up on race day as fit and rested as possible. These training changes put different demands on our bodies to elicit specific physiological responses. If the demands on our bodies vary, it follows that our nutrition to fuel our bodies should vary as well. Therefore, understanding nutrition periodization is vital to achieving optimal performance.

Author: Zulukora

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