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Homeopathic remedies for cramps

Homeopathic remedies for cramps

The pain crapms sudden Homeopathic remedies for cramps violent, and may cause screaming or vomiting from fir intensity of it. Last Updated: Oct 23, In others, the pain occurs in the back or legs. I am so pleased to hear you enjoyed the post. Namspas Tablet.

Homeopathic remedies for cramps -

The leg gets tightened with a hard knot in the calf muscles. Cramps may appear in the thigh, calves of legs, or the sole of the feet or toes. Extending the legs also leads to leg cramps. Anacardium is a natural homeopathic preparation made from the layer between the shell and kernel of the nut of a plant named Malacca Bean or Marking Nut.

This plant belongs to the natural order Anacardiaceae. Anacardium Orientale is well indicated for cramps in the leg that appear upon walking. Lying down makes the cramps better. Apart from the above, Anacardium Orientale is also helpful for leg cramps that appear on rising from a seat.

Tensive pain in the calves of the legs with sleeplessness also indicates the need for this medicine. Causticum is an effective homeopathic medicine for leg cramps that appear in the morning while in bed.

Severe tearing and drawing pains are felt in the leg. Causticum is also indicated for cramps in the foot and Tendo-Achilles, especially upon stretching the foot.

A tearing, beating, or boring pain in the lower leg and feet with every movement may also be present with the above features. Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is indicated for leg cramps arising upon stretching the legs or feet. The cramps may appear in the legs, feet or toes.

Cramps in the calves while dancing or when walking is also indicative of its use. A burning sensation in the soles of feet is present in most cases of leg cramps. Ferrum Met is another homeopathic medicine used to treat leg cramps at night when at rest. A painful, drawing pain appears in the legs.

Cramps in the toes also appear with painful contractions. A person may also have a tendency to get easily fatigued by walking. Leg cramps can arise from a variety of reasons. Use of certain medications osteoporosis drugs like raloxifene, medications used to lower B.

also put a person at risk to get leg cramps. Athletes, elderly people, and pregnant women are at increased risk to get leg cramps. Apart from all these, there are some diseases in which muscle cramps are a symptom. However, in many cases of leg cramps, there is no particular reason for leg cramps.

The major symptom of leg cramps is intense, excruciating pain in the leg. The affected muscle also feels harder to touch.

The person is unable to use the leg while the muscle is actively cramping. Once the cramp passes, the muscle relaxes but pain and tenderness in the leg may persist for a while. My husband is having leg cramp at night and unable to sleep. He has a very complex schedule of sleep.

Very busy life. He sleeps mostly 5 hours a day. Some times more. Please suggest some medicine. I get severe cramps in my legs after walking or activities. We very night I have leg cramps that I need to getup and stamp out.

Additionally I am getting burning in. my legs down to the foot. I am 90 and want to remain active. What do you recommend. I am 53 female. I have hypothyroidism and taking 50mcg eltroxin since 10 years. I get calf muscle cramps at night while stretching legs and sometimes in toes also.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy. Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at Drhomeo. com should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine.

Some women needing it may experience half-sided headache during menses. Sepia is an important medicine to deal with cases of uterine fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease. Sepia can be used in case of painful periods along with scanty menstrual flow.

Its one dose in 30C potency can be taken once a day to relieve pain and improve blood flow during periods. Do not repeat it frequently. Its use can also be done to treat cases of uterine fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease, for this the potency and repetition varies, so it is advised to consult homeopathic doctor before starting this medicine to treat these conditions.

Ipecacuanha is the top-ranked natural remedy for painful periods with nausea and vomiting. There is persistent nausea during periods with pain in the lower abdomen. Cutting type of pain is felt in uterus, pain going from left to right side.

The bleeding is heavy and bright red in color during periods. Its use should be done particularly when painful periods are attended with nausea and vomiting. Ipecac 30C can be taken once or twice during menses to relieve these complaints. Kali Carbonicum is another medicine of great help for dealing with pain during menses.

This medicine is prescribed for cutting pains in lower abdomen, back and hips. Backache is most severe and worsens by walking. The patient gets relief from backache by sitting or by applying pressure on the back.

Weakness, sleepiness may also appear. It is an ideal prescription for managing pain in lower abdomen, lower back and hips during menses.

It can be taken in 30 C potency once or twice during menses. Primary dysmenorrhea : In this type, pain does not arise from any medical condition. It is caused from excessive prostaglandins chemicals released from uterus that cause contraction and relaxation of muscles of uterus leading to cramps.

This pain affects females who are younger, soon after they start having periods. This type of pain tends to decrease as the age of female increases. Secondary dysmenorrhoea : It arises secondary to some medical condition affecting uterus.

This type begins later in life. Some of the medical conditions that could lead to this type of dysmenorrhea are as follows:. a Uterine fibroids leiomyomas : Non-cancerous benign growths in the uterus that may grow in wall of uterus, inside uterine cavity or outside the wall of uterus.

b Endometriosis : A medical condition in which the cells that line the uterus start to grow at places other than uterus, like in fallopian tubes, ovaries, rectum, urinary bladder. c Pelvic inflammatory disease PID : It refers to an infection in reproductive organs of females.

It may occur in uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It is mainly caused by sexually transmitted bacterial infection. d Adenomyosis: A condition in which the tissue that lines uterus begins to grow in muscle layer of uterus. e Cervical stenosis: Narrowing of the opening of cervix that hinders menstrual blood flow that increases pressure in the uterus leading to pain.

Cramping type of pain in lower abdomen that varies in intensity from mild to severe. In some cases, it can be throbbing or dull type.

The pain can start few days 1 to four days before periods, increase during beginning of menses and recede in two to three days. The pain can extend down the thighs and lower back in some cases.

The pain can be attended by nausea, vomiting, headache, loose motion and dizziness. Depending on the cause behind it, painful periods can be accompanied by other complaints like heavy periods, abdominal bloating, painful bowel movements, painful urination, foul smelling vaginal discharge, fever, etc.

I am a 21 yrs old unmarried girl During the first two days of the menstrual cycle, I have menstrual cramps, so severe that I cannot stand straight. Especially more pain in vaginal part. Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy.

Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at Drhomeo.

com should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine. Homeopathy at DrHomeo. com Dr Vikas Sharma Blogs on Homeopathy.

Home Online Treatment Dr. Homeopathic Medicines for painful Menses By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 26 Comments. Write To Dr.

Homeopathic remedies for cramps Dr. Sharma's Clinic - Remddies Homeopathic remedies for cramps States and Canada call Try These Homeopathic Solutions Ginseng for diabetes Dr. Vikas Remrdies MD 29 Comments 7 Leg cramps are a very common condition characterized by a sudden, painful contraction of the leg muscles. In most cases, leg cramps appear in the calf muscles but can also occur in the thighs, feet, or toes. Muscle cramps are flr, involuntary Homeopathic remedies for cramps that occur in various muscles. These remsdies Homeopathic remedies for cramps often painful and can affect Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer muscle groups. Commonly affected muscles include those in the back of your lower leg, the back of your thigh, and the front of your thigh. Muscle cramps have several causes. Some cramps result from overuse of your muscles. Muscle injuries and dehydration can also trigger cramps. Homeopathic remedies for cramps


What to do at the time of Cramp? - Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Author: Nakora

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