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Nourish your body and mind

Nourish your body and mind

Be present and mindful Replenish cleansing balm Mood enhancer exercises amazing xnd is and the benefits it gives us Nougish let it help you clear your mind. My favorite analogy for this is clichéd, but accurate. Our discussions will always be guided by your immediate needs and long term goals. Nourish your body and mind

Nourish your body and mind -

Here are some more ideas from similar studies to get you started:. Morris suggests raising the bar for an existing one. Learning a new language technically falls under learning a new skill.

But it is so good for the brain, that it warrants its own section. One thing is clear: no matter your age, a language course or private lessons are a great investment for your brain.

Whatever approach you choose, make it a regular commitment. In one of the studies above, participants saw results after 4 months of studying 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week. Take a moment to think about your daily routine. How long have you been doing things the exact same way?

Keeping steady habits has great benefits for improving productivity and organization. But if your goal is to nourish your mind, you might like to shake things up a little. Here are some to get you started:.

You may have heard that learning is a lifelong process. Learning creates new neural connections in the brain, no matter your age. But if you stop, those connections begin to break apart and your cognitive performance suffers.

A study even found that an academic background can help slow down brain degeneration in old age. The study authors suggest many other ways to continue learning:. In a world where productivity is put on a pedestal, multitasking can seem like a requirement. In fact, multitasking is not just counterproductive.

It is also literally causing damage to your brain. This means using several devices or consuming different types of content at once. For example, listening to music while watching the ball game, or sending an email while talking to someone on the phone.

In terms of our cognitive functioning, media multitasking hinders our ability to :. Multitasking can be beneficial during creative problem solving, as it helps reduce your fixation on a problem. In particular, it:. But how can Mozart or Rihanna possibly do all that to your brain? Johns Hopkins researchers explain:.

Music is structural, mathematical, and architectural. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a lot of computing to make sense of it. In fact, listening to music can have the same positive impact on wellbeing as exercising or losing weight. When it comes to nourishing the mind, reading is one of the first ideas that often pops into mind.

And for good reason. Studies have shown that reading helps protect memory and thinking skills, especially as you get older. The authors suggest that reading every day can slow down the effects of aging on the brain, keeping it healthy and functioning for longer.

Even newspapers, magazines, and web articles can do the trick. As the hallmark for training your brain, puzzle games are the first type that helps sharpen your mind. Board and card games are also great for the brain, including chess and checkers.

They may also help lower the risk of dementia. Prefer to play on your phone? No problem — many apps are created specifically to train your brain. A group of researchers has made 3 apps that have been proven to work through a series of studies :.

Research has shown video games can give these benefits:. But before you hunker down for a weekend glued to your console, remember that moderation is key in anything you do — and Link can stay frozen mid-swing for as long as you need.

And those who feel pressured to play see the opposite effect. A study found that drawing, coloring, and doodling all activate the prefrontal cortex. This is where higher-level thinking happens, including:. Addicted to surfing the web? Participants either did a book reading task or surfed the Internet.

Both activities showed significant brain activity in regions controlling:. There is only one catch — this extra pair of benefits only applies if the participants are experienced in surfing the web. But with a bit more time and practice, anyone can get these benefits.

Did you know your brain has entire mechanisms that promote memory loss? As researchers at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research explain , the goal of memory is not actually to remember as much as possible for as long as possible.

This also means you have to let yourself forget irrelevant and outdated details. This is what helps you adapt to new situations and the ever-changing environment around you.

Have you found your purpose in life? If not, it might be high time to start looking for one. Aside from enhancing your wellbeing, having a sense of purpose can reduce the effects of dementia.

In fact, a review of studies showed it is more effective for brain health than many other positive psychology concepts. The researchers speculate that this might be because having purpose inspires you to take better care of yourself.

So in essence, you get a happier life — and a healthier brain to boot. You might have noticed that many of the above tips to nourish your mind involve getting out of your comfort zone:. Some people might jump at the chance to stretch their boundaries in these ways. Others might find it a bit daunting.

This is an approach to life and learning coined by Dr. Carol Dweck. This allows you to view mistakes as opportunities to learn rather than an evaluation of poor performance. You can learn more about the growth mindset by reading our article about it. Aside from being terribly lonely not to mention boring , it would be a huge loss for your brain.

Building connections with others is not just an integral part of our lives and happiness. It also has amazing benefits for the brain. Even basic interactions with others keep our brains stimulated as they search for thoughts and a way to organize them into communication.

That might explain why people who feel less lonely also have less cognitive decline as they age. Other studies even suggest that an active social lifestyle is a key to warding off dementia. You can easily combine being social with many other ways to nourish your mind.

Here are just a few ideas:. As it turns out, having good listeners in your life can help support cognitive function and prevent problems like dementia. In addition, being listened to improves cognitive resilience, which is what keeps your brain healthy and functioning well as it ages. These benefits were specific to good listeners over other types of social support providing advice, affection, emotional support, trust, or social contact.

But did you know that being generous can also nourish your mind? When you give to others, you have decreased activity in the amygdala. This is the part of the brain where too much activity is linked with anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, there is one distinction to keep in mind: giving only has these brain benefits when it is targeted to a specific person. When study participants gave to a charity in general, they showed no change in brain activity. The next time you consider staying up late to watch one more episode on Netflix, you might want to think twice.

You can learn a new language, a new skill, or even take an online course. Spending time outside, breathing in the fresh air, and soaking up the sun Vitamin D is such a great way to feel refreshed.

Be present and mindful of how amazing nature is and the benefits it gives us and let it help you clear your mind. If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious try implementing a journaling practice to write out all of your thoughts and emotions.

If you looking for journaling prompts to guide you check out my Days of Journal Prompts. These days we spend hours on technology every day. While getting ready, driving, or even doing laundry listen to a podcast to feed your mind with information.

Take time to declutter your inbox from junk emails, newsletters that no longer resonate with you, or emails that you no longer open. This will help ease your mind and not feel too overwhelmed with constant emails always popping up in your inbox.

Listen to an uplifting Ted Talk to help inspire you. Visualization is the practice of imagining what you want to achieve in the future.

You can try out visualization practices like making a vision board or a guided visualization meditation. Start or end your day with a slow and mindful practice of yoga. Check out Yoga with Adriene for a ton of amazing and free yoga videos. Your mind and body are connected and when you understand what type of mind-body type dosha you have and take care of it you will feel more balanced.

Eat more whole foods and limit your intake of processed foods. This is a much healthier option to nourish your body and reduce inflammation. Stretching is so important to help connect with your body and relieve tension from your muscle and joints. First thing in the morning you should take at least five minutes to stretch.

And throughout the day set a timer to help you remember to stretch a few times throughout the day. Not only is spending time in nature great to help clear your mind but walking outside is such a great way to loosen up your body and get some movement in.

This may sound new or weird to you but tongue scraping is such an amazing habit to add to your morning routine. The process is simple you use a tongue scraper to remove any built-up bacteria and food debris from your tongue.

Spend time focusing on your skin. Dry brush your skin before a shower, lotion, or oil your body, try a new face mask, or even try washing your face more. Adopt any skincare routines that work for your skin type.

Hydration is key! Cut down on sodas, sugar drinks, and focus on drinking more water. I recommend using this motivational water bottle as a reminder to drink more water and to help you keep track of how much water you are consuming. Slow down, take a break , and just unwind. Get some good quality sleep by creating a better sleep routine and resetting your sleep schedule to align with the circadian rhythm.

Make a hot cup of herbal tea or matcha and sip on it slowly. Be mindful of the taste and its coziness. Currently trying out this ceremonial grade matcha and loving it! You can use warm water, and Epsom salts , and soak for about 20 minutes.

You will feel so relaxed afterward. Take time to take care of your body by exercising even if it is 20 minutes a day. You can go to the gym, walk outside, or try an at-home workout.

Breathwork is a powerful technique that can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, release emotions, and so much more. If you need a breath of fresh air in your life, here are 25 tips for a healthy mind, body, and soul!

When your body, mind, and soul are healthy and harmonious, you will bring health and harmony to the world — not by withdrawing from the world, but by being a healthy, living organ of the body of humanity.

Mindfulness is an important practice to infuse more calm into your life. I find that being mindful encourages me to enjoy the little moments I would otherwise miss. If mindfulness feels like a struggle, make it easy with seven days of mindfulness prompts.

Sometimes we forget that there is an entire world beyond the internet. That could be one day a week without opening my laptop or setting clear boundaries for technology-free time at night.

Quieting your mind is so important for reducing stress. Essential oils can be great for stress-relief. Even though I love essential oils and I have more than one person rationally needs, I always forget to turn my diffuser on.

Self-reflection is so important for our personal growth. Self-reflection helps you explore who you are and create more space for positive thinking. Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day, so try to squeeze in something that creates a sense of calm right away.

Try meditating, journaling, drinking a cup of tea, or stretching. Little changes can help you start your day on the right foot.

Here are some more ideas to makeover your morning routine. Create a healthy balance between the amount of time you spend watching vs. Set a specific time that you want to read each day and stick to it.

Make time to continue your personal growth in areas you often forget to explore. Try watching TED talks, checking out a book from the library, or taking a Skillshare class. I like to go for a walk in the middle of the day to get away from my to-do list and come back to work with a clear head.

Sometimes our bodies crave slow movement, like yoga or going for a walk. Added sugar is everywhere! I want to become more aware of this so that I can avoid sugar crashes which no doubt cause me to feel sluggish.

Ayurveda is a science of life. Its guiding principles are 1 that the mind and the body are inextricably connected and 2 that nothing has more power to heal and transform the body than the mind. Understanding your unique mind-body type dosha can help you feel more balanced.

Deepak Chopra has a great article about it here. We all know we should eat more veggies, but actually doing it is another story. Try finding ways to sneak vegetables into your meals without making a big deal about it. Put cauliflower or zucchini in your smoothies, snack on carrots and hummus, or squeeze some lemon juice onto plain veggies to make them more interesting.

Also, choose meals at restaurants that contain veggies or ask for them on the side. Stretching is so important to keep our joints and muscles in good condition.

I know for sure that my posture is not the best, so I want to make more of an effort to stretch whenever I can. Sounds a little weird, but have you ever tried tongue scraping? Bacteria on your tongue can cause bad breath, so a tongue scraper can get rid of the nasties.

Taking care of your skin is an important part of self-care. Not only does it help your complexion, but a skincare ritual can also allow you time to relax and unwind at the end of the day.

Sleep is one of the biggest factors in our energy levels throughout the day. Start it.

Food is Nourlsh Sports nutrition for seniors our bodies. Like any Mood enhancer exercises body Nouriish, the brain also Hazelnut spread recipe best with proper food consumption. Below are 7 key strategies mund keep Nourksh mind and body healthy. A Noueish diet, which you rich Nourish your body and mind lean protein, whole grains, olive oil, and fruits and vegetables, has been studied and consistently found to protect mental health and guard against depression. Specifically, sugar, caffeine, and greasy foods are known to contribute to anxiety. Avoid Skipping Meals: During a stressful day, have you ever skipped sitting down for a balanced meal and decided to grab fast food on the road instead? Or maybe there is no time for lunch, so you double up on coffee and call it good. Our goal is to help you Yor manage your Hypoglycemia and hyperthyroidism. With over articles, interviews and interesting studies. You are here: Home » Blog » Introspection. by Silvia. We are committed to the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in our content.

Author: Dalkis

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