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Subcutaneous fat deposits

Subcutaneous fat deposits

The excessive accumulation Athletic performance optimization abdominal visceral depossits is Subcutaneous fat deposits known as android obesity. Deeposits Fitzpatrick's Dermatology Eco-conscious parenting tips General Medicine. Minimal excision extraction of lipomas. The later the depoists, the greater the Ddeposits and metabolic risk, including lower high density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol levels, higher diastolic and systolic blood pressures, higher reported history of hypertension, and higher percentages of pre-diabetes In this regard, the endothelial cells that line the affected vasculatures may be a key contributor in the development of android obesity as suggested in a recent proposed two-way communication hypothesis of vascular dysfunction in obesity Graupera and Claret,

Subcutaneous fat deposits -

Most studies on liposuction are from surgeons performing the procedure, are not randomized or controlled, and do not include external oversight of data collection.

Nevertheless, current data are compelling for benefit. Twenty-five women with lipedema had significant improvements in pain, tension in the legs, excessive warmth, muscle cramps, leg heaviness, tired legs, swelling, itching, general involvement of the skin, difficulty walking, quality of life, and appearance of the legs six months post-liposuction surgery A larger study of 85 women from the same clinic demonstrated significant improvements six months after surgery for all complaints with the greatest improvement in quality of life In a longer study from a different clinic, 21 women over an average of 3.

A retrospective study of women with Stage I or II lipedema from the same clinic, four, and eight years after liposuction, showed sustained improvements during follow-up for parameters including pain, sensitivity to pressure, edema, bruising, restriction of movement, cosmetic impairment, reduction of overall quality of life and overall impairment The most interesting data was the reduced need for combined decongestive therapy four years after liposuction, which decreased further after eight years Any surgery, including liposuction, requires that efficacy of the procedure and the medical necessity be demonstrated to the insurance company.

What are currently needed are well conducted randomized, controlled trials of sufficient numbers of patients with lipedema to determine which patients do and do not benefit from liposuction.

In the meantime, documenting patient baseline characteristics and outcomes by surgeons in the United States will be important to understand the benefits of liposuction for lipedema in the US population compared to reports from other countries e.

It is notable that surgeons agree that quality of life is strongly and consistently improved by liposuction , , , Complete decongestive therapy CDT is commonly recommended for the treatment of lymphedema and includes skin care, education on home exercise programs, manual lymphatic drainage MLD therapy, wrapping as needed to reduce fluid build-up, and skin care recommendations performed by physical and occupational therapists and licensed massage therapists that have undergone additional training.

Many women with lipedema benefit from CDT with reduced pain, limb volume and capillary fragility - Complete decongestive therapy also improves lymph flow in brain lymphatic vessels Deeper tissue therapies to reduce fibrosis in the lipedema tissues may also be beneficial for patients with lipedema.

Studies have shown the benefit of advanced pneumatic compression devices PCDs in the treatment of lymphedema. There are also studies on the benefits of PCDs in the treatment of lipedema , Important for the distorted and dilated capillaries in lipedema 36 , 88 , PCDs decrease capillary fragility , improving vessel quality.

Along with manual therapy to improve flow of fluid through lipedema tissue, PCDs are also recommended in conjunction with liposuction surgery for lipedema If a woman with lipedema responds well to manual therapy, or she tries a PCD and has a reduction in tissue volume, she should be offered PCD therapy to continue treatment at home when insurance will no longer cover CDT or when distance or commitments prevent regular professional visits.

The PCD should ideally be an E device with a segmented, multi-ported pump that allows for individual pressure calibration at each port. This allows the patient to alter pressure in areas of severe pain or for different shaped tissue.

Pump garments should wrap around and treat the abdomen and pelvis when the legs are pumped, and the chest when the arms are pumped. Without these compression garments, fluid is pushed up the leg into the abdominal and pelvic area where it accumulates due to lymphatic dysfunction.

As this fluid sits in the tissue with all its nutrients and protein, evidence suggests it may stimulate further adipogenesis With an E pump, the abdomen is treated along with the leg and the chest is treated along with the arm preventing pooling of lymph fluid.

PCDs can be easily ordered by writing a prescription for durable medical equipment with multiple suppliers. Women with lipedema treated with deep tissue manual therapy have reduced pain, fat tissue on the legs, tissue volume, tissue fibrosis and leaky or fibrotic vessels 86 , This deep tissue therapy is in the spectrum of meridian massage shown to reduce body weight and is thought to improve lymphatic flow through lipedema fat tissue.

Massage also reduced fat in preterm infants Instrument-assisted soft tissue IAST therapy has cc in lipedema fat tissue with noted reduction in palpable fibrosis after treatment.

Instrument-assisted soft tissue techniques include Astym therapy, which increased fibroblast activation and number, production of fibronectin, movement, and decreased pain in patients with fibrosis and Graston technique which reduces pain and improves movement , and are performed by physical therapists who can be located on websites for these techniques.

Traditional Chinese gua sha tools or bian stones have been used to improve pain and function as has cupping Women with lipedema have often spent years looking for answers and help for their condition.

Healthcare providers often hold strong negative attitudes and stereotypes about people with obesity, which may reduce the quality of care they provide to women with lipedema Poor quality of life associated with mobility and appearance-related stress associated with lipedema can result in depression For many patients, they experience a huge sense of relief when they finally get a diagnosis of lipedema after trying a myriad of diets and exercise programs, even bariatric surgery to lose the lipedema fat.

Including providers that understand lipedema and the physical and the psychological burden this diagnosis carries for patients is especially important There are no medications and supplements specifically for lipedema. Instead, recommendations regarding use of medications and supplements for the treatment of lipedema should focus on reducing tissue inflammation, fibrosis, swelling, pain, and pharmacologic weight loss management for those who are overweight or have obesity.

Supplements used for lipedema are, in part, based on literature for lymphedema and venous disease, both complications of lipedema. Some medications exacerbate symptoms in lipedema and should be avoided Table 5.

Sympathomimetic amines SA such as phentermine and amphetamine are approved by the food and drug administration FDA for the treatment of obesity. Sympathomimetic amines bind to adrenergic receptors AR located on adipocytes to induce lipolysis, reducing the storage of fat.

Adrenergic receptors are also located on blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Activating AR on blood vessels induces vasoconstriction. Activating AR on lymphatic vessels improves the efficiency of lymphatic pumping by increasing the force of contraction ; medications or supplements that improve lymphatic pumping are lymphagogues.

Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine alone or in combination are also FDA-approved for the treatment of attention deficit disorder ADD , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD , and narcolepsy.

The use of SA for treatment of lipedema may be beneficial in reducing fat and improving lymphatic pumping. A retrospective questionnaire study found that low dose sympathomimetic amines improved quality of life, reduced weight, clothing size, pain and leg heaviness in women with lipedema Contraindications of sympathomimetic amines include advanced arteriosclerosis, symptomatic cardiovascular disease, moderate to severe hypertension, hyperthyroidism, known hypersensitivity or idiosyncrasy to the sympathomimetic amines, and glaucoma.

Diosmin is a bioflavonoid found in the rind of citrus fruit and is traditionally prescribed for the treatment of inflammation associated with chronic venous insufficiency.

Diosmin was shown to reduce oxidative stress markers in people with chronic venous insufficiency Diosmin also functions as a lymphagogue, and in combination with its anti-inflammatory activity, reduces edema Diosmin can be found over the counter or ordered by prescription as a medical food.

Placing lemons, limes or other citrus in water to soak before drinking is a way to intake diosmin throughout the day. There are no current medications that can be used to reduce fibrosis already present in lipedema fat tissue, for which liposuction and deep tissue therapy are better modalities.

Metformin and resveratrol have been shown to reduce the development of hypoxia-inducible factor HIF -1 inflammation and fibrosis in mice fed a high fat diet Metformin also prevented fibrosis and restored glucose uptake in fat after insulin stimulation, although it did not prevent side effects of doxorubicin that included tissue loss and inflammatory response Metformin should be considered early in women with obesity and lipedema Stages II and III where fibrosis in the fat tissue is prominent, as well as in women who have signs of metabolic syndrome Selenium is a mineral found in the soil and in high concentration in Brazil nuts Bertholletia excelsa.

Selenium has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory effects on multiple levels of the inflammatory cascade - Edema was significantly decreased after selenium intake in two placebo-controlled trials for people with lymphedema , and improved complete decongestive therapy while reducing the incidence of erysipelas infections in patients with chronic lymphedema Each Brazil nut contains approximately mcg of selenium with a no observed adverse effects for dietary intake of selenium up to mcg daily Care must be taken to follow blood selenium levels as selenium deficiency and excess can both adversely affect glucose and lipid metabolism and potentiate the risk of development of type 2 diabetes in several animal studies, with less clear associations in human studies Nasal or inhaled corticosteroids have less effect; oral corticosteroids should be used when medically necessary.

Aldactone and hydrochlorothiazide have less adverse effects in women with lipedema. The presence of fibrosis, especially in the interstitial spaces where it may serve to restrict blood and lymph out flow, is thought to contribute to the resistance of this tissue to weight loss.

Women with lipedema should be recognized prior to weight loss efforts so that expectations can be discussed, and manual therapies and other treatments can be considered to improve outcomes.

There is a wide variety of presentations of lipedema in women due to co-morbidities and other genetic and environmental influences. Therefore, every affected woman should be considered on a spectrum and treatments personalized.

Familial multiple lipomatosis FML is a rare adipose disorder RAD of multiple lipomas in subcutaneous fat OMIM Some members in an FML family may have only a few lipomas whereas others may have hundreds to thousands; it is not understood why there is unequal penetrance in families.

Lipomas usually are not painful or tender to the touch except while growing; they may also cause a slight feeling of itching or burning when forming.

Some lipomas can be tender if they develop in areas of pressure such as on the back of the legs, the lower back pressure from a chair , or the lateral wrist due to repetitive stress such as comes from using a computer mouse , Another example of trauma-induced lipomatous growth includes movement of the xiphoid process According to older FML literature , "pain may suddenly develop in one of the lipomas called lipoma dolorosa , and will gradually extend to involve more and more of the discrete lipomas.

This is confusing as individuals with painful lipomas in an FML family have been described as having Dercum disease. While painful lipomas in a person with FML may also be on the spectrum of Dercum disease, a more precise name is FML with painful lipomas, especially when a family history of FML is known.

It is interesting that by observation in some families with FML, the men will develop lipomas and the women often develop obesity in line with lipedema.

This suggests an overlap between the development of one fat disorder FML and another lipedema and should prompt more detailed questions regarding other potentially affected family members. Familial multiple lipomatosis is usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with males and females equally affected.

The gene High Mobility Group AT-Hook 2 HMGA2; 12q15 has been implicated in FML but is not thought to be causative. A mutation in partner and localizer of breast cancer BRCA2, DNA-repair associated gene , called PALB2 , was described in a family with FML PALB2 is an intranuclear protein that anchors BRCA2 to nuclear structures.

PALB2 mutations are associated with a 2-fold increased risk of breast cancer, a Fanconi anemia subset, pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer In case reports, FML has been associated other rare or unusual disorders Table 6. Because multiple lipomas are often linked with mutations in tumor suppressor genes, FML can be considered clinically to be a marker for the presence of an underlying tumor suppression gene mutation and affected patients and their families should be appropriately screened.

For example, in MEN-1, lipomas have been reported in association with a recessive mutation in a tumor suppressor gene In a family with retinoblastoma and multiple lipomas, the lipomas were present in people with a gene mutation in the RB1 gene who did not develop retinoblastomas Other genes including other tumor suppressor genes have been implicated in the growth of lipomas For example, a mutation was found in the tumor suppression gene PALB2 in a family with multiple lipomas suggestive of a diagnosis of FML And finally, lipomatosis like that of FML has also been reported in two cases after chemotherapy , , a treatment known to be associated with an increased risk of cancer development.

Because of these associations, people with multiple lipomas should be considered at increased risk for cancers and a referral to a geneticist considered.

The pathophysiology of lipoma growth in FML is not known. Single lipomas of subcutaneous fat tissue are the most common benign tumor growths in humans and may be induced by genetic changes, trauma, inflammation, or other causes.

As detailed above, multiple lipomas tend to be linked with tumor suppression genes. People with FML are known to be insulin sensitive, therefore an insulin-resistant metabolic cause of FML is unlikely Additionally, the presence of the lipomas themselves do not confer insulin resistance.

Lipomas in FML are identified by palpation as connected to skin, surrounded by fat or connected to other structures such as muscle or solid fascial structures. Localized pain can assist in finding smaller lipomas. Silky or tight clothing can also assist in palpation.

Magnetic resonance imaging without contrast can be used to find lipomas , but small lipomas, lipomas without a capsule, and lipomas with minimal fibrosis or surrounding edema remain difficult to identify.

Computed tomography CT scans have been used to differentiate lipomas from liposarcomas but should be used after sonography and MRI to avoid excess radiation exposure. The initial workup for people with FML includes a family history of lipomas and cancer, and any associated conditions such as nevi or neuropathy.

The exam incudes assessment for multiple lipomas usually located on the trunk, lower back, arms, and thighs; rarely on the upper back or calves. Skin should be examined for nevi and cherry angiomas, the latter seen commonly with multiple lipomatosis Due to the associated cancer risk, the exam includes examination of the thyroid and breasts for nodules.

Cancer screening as appropriate for sex and age should be advised, and appropriate labs ordered Table 7. Although there is no definitive association of FML with dyslipidemia, statin therapy may be helpful in lowering lipoma size and so a lipid panel is also appropriate.

The current management of FML includes screening for associated conditions such as cancer Table 7 and consideration of a referral to genetics for tumor suppressor gene workups as needed. A healthy diet and an exercise plan to avoid or reduce obesity is important as obesity in families with FML can be associated with pain and, anecdotally, triathletes notice a reduction in lipoma size during high intensity training.

A statin has been shown to reduce a lipoma in a case report Painful lipomas or those that interfere with activities of daily living can be excised as needed but these procedures can cause numerous scars Figure 5. Therefore, this condition can be psychologically devastating and people with severe FML do not consider it benign.

Liposuction is an option to excision of lipomas in people with FML as it provides good results in terms of skin appearance, and there is reported lack of recurrence or growth or development of other lipomas in the same area for at least 12 months Injections of collagenase have been shown to shrink or destroy lipomas with minimal pain and good cosmetic result in a published abstract Similar data were found for the detergent, deoxycholic acid , but anecdotally care should be taken not to inject too much detergent that can remain in the tissue requiring excision to remove.

Additional treatments such as cryotherapy have been suggested and reviewed More data is needed for the efficacy of injections and other therapies for the lipomas in FML as they are preferable to more invasive and scarring surgical techniques. Familial multiple lipomatosis is a rare disease of multiple lipomas often associated with mutations in a tumor suppressor gene.

Therefore, people identified with FML should be assessed for cancer. Liposuction should be considered to remove symptomatic lipomas and is preferable to surgical excision as multiple excisions leave many scars. Angiolipomatosis also known as angiolipoma microthromboticum OMIM is a rare disease of multiple angiolipomas and connective tissue that occurs commonly in men and usually begins after puberty; one case of a child with an angiolipoma in a family in which the father also had angiolipomatosis has been reported In families with familial angioliopomatosis, lipomas and angiolipomas can exist in the same person.

Subcutaneous angiolipomas usually occur on the trunk and limbs, rarely on the head, hands, or feet The angiolipomas can be the size of a rice grain, pea, a marble or much larger and are tender to the touch and can be associated with intense pain. Angiolipomas may or may not be visible and may be palpable or non-palpable depending on their location and size.

Numerous case reports describe epidural or extradural spinal angiolipomas, and rare cases report colonic , bronchial , joint , and testicular angiolipomas Angiolipomas are known to be painful, although not always, and should be distinguished from other painful neoplasms One case of angiolipomatosis was reported to occur after treatment with corticosteroids The loose connective tissue of angiolipomas contains adipose cells, fibrotic tissue, vessels with fibrin clots, and mast cells as salient features Figure 6.

Due to the large number of vessels, angiolipomas are bluish in color through the skin. Interestingly, the vessels in angiolipomas can grow from the dermis into the territory of the epidermis making the vessels palpable as small raised areas on the skin Figure 7.

Angiolipoma with mast cell with enlarged multiple vessel lumens and degraded tissue. The black arrow points to a classic fried egg appearance of a mast cell stained with Alcian Blue in angiolipoma tissue. Red arrows point to small fat cell remnants likely non-functional as evidenced by the absence of nuclei.

Blood vessels are numerous and large for location. The green arrow demonstrates the remnant of a capillary. Connective tissue is evident especially in the area surrounding the mast cell as bluish fibers. Magnification X. Histological features of angiolipomas.

Small area of hypervascularity in an angiolipoma 40X. Blood vessels in an angiolipoma grow up and through the epidermis and are palpable on the skin 40X. Empty and presumed dead and non-functional vessel on the left containing an eosinophil next to two functional blood vessel lumens containing red blood cells X.

Microthrombi can be seen as pale areas especially between the right side of the dead vessel and the lumen of the active vessel. Dead vessels may result in hypoxia and ischemia causing pain. Non-functioning blood vessel to the right and smaller fat cells surrounded by an enlarged interstitial organ 40X.

The prevalence of angiolipomatosis is unknown but it is considered to be a rare disease , Angiolipomatosis most often occurs sporadically, but a family history can be identified in a minority of cases as autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive , There are no known genes identified to date for angiolipomatosis.

Angiolipomas likely arise from fascia and therefore may also be painful because fascia is highly innervated, and when inflamed, is a likely source of pain Inflamed fascia has robust angiogenesis and may be important in the initial development of angiolipomas as resident mesenchymal cells in fascia can develop into adipocytes It is thought that microthrombi in angiolipomas leads to necrosis of blood vessels, adipocytes and other components of adipofascia.

Other hypotheses regarding pain include nerve damage from limited blood flow and tethering by fibrotic tissue. Subcutaneous angiolipomas are assumed to be congenital in origin where pubertal hormones may induce differentiation of adult adipose-derived stromal adipogenic precursors that reside in adipofascia; these precursors develop into adipocytes in intimate association with blood vessels Vascular proliferation is thought to occur after repeated trauma to the fascia resulting in the development of an angiolipoma.

However, there is a question of whether angiolipomas can become autonomous as a cancer. Two of three cases of angiolipomas in one publication suggest a neoplastic nature for these tumors due to deletion of parts of chromosome 13, a region containing the retinoblastoma gene, a tumor suppressor gene The neoplastic nature of angiolipomas should be considered in individuals with significant numbers of angiolipomas and anti-neoplastic treatments considered when other conservative therapies fail.

The only definitive treatment of angiolipomas to date is individual resection by excision or liposuction Angiolipomas are typically removed if they are painful or restrict movement. A surgical emergency may occur to prevent hemorrhage of angiolipomas which can compress the spinal cord , Karyotypes of DNA from the angiolipomas should be assessed to determine the neoplastic nature of the angiolipomas so as to prepare the patient for the potential of multiple resections throughout life A concern with resection of lipomas is that inflammation is often a sequela of the removal process.

As fascia plays an important role in the pathophysiology of angiolipomas, generation of inflammation in the fascia by surgical techniques has been anecdotally noted to incite a pain crisis.

Removal of angiolipomas must therefore be considered carefully and manual or IAST therapies for the fascia should be considered after any surgery to speed recovery and reduce pain. The necrosis of tissue in angiolipomas and inflammation of fascia with all of its nerve endings can cause severe pain in individuals with angiolipomatosis.

In a case report from Germany, the systemic administration of acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac, ketotifen, ranitidine, tramadol, or tilidine combined with naloxone did not provide adequate pain relief. In contrast, the antidepressant doxepin, which also has antihistaminergic effects to control the release of mast cell mediators, demonstrated good therapeutic efficiency for the pain from angiolipomas Depending on the mast cell burden in angiolipomas and their systemic effects including flushing, itching, nausea, diarrhea, angioedema, pain and a cadre of other signs and symptoms , , individuals with angiolipomatosis may be considered to have mast cell disease or mast cell activation disease.

Non-neoplastic therapy for mast cell activation disease should be considered prior to the use of antineoplastic agents, which have been described extensively Patients with angiolipomatosis can have a poor quality of life due to extreme pain and fatigue and consider suicide.

In these individuals, use of anti-neoplastic agents should be considered early. Many individuals with angiolipomatosis require opioid pain management and should be under the care of pain management specialists. Unfortunately, opioids can activate mast cells requiring concurrent treatment of mast cell signs and symptoms Opioids should not be withheld during a pain crisis, and in fact may need to be escalated before weaning back down after the pain crisis has resolved.

People with angiolipomas have severe pain that can be out of proportion to the outward appearance of the individual. Treatment with mast cell stabilizers, pain medications, and surgical treatments of angiolipomas are all important in management. More research is needed for this rare disease to enable individuals with angiolipomas to live a full and active life.

Dercum disease DD; OMIM is a term used to describe extremely painful adipofascial tissue that is resistant to loss by diet and exercise and poorly responsive to analgesics. Other names include adiposis dolorosa a term that is also used to describe women with lipedema and Morbus Dercum.

While Dercum disease is defined as painful fatty masses accompanied by other signs and symptoms of a chronic healing cycle disorder 25 , there remains a lot of confusion in the literature as to what exactly Dercum disease is.

One review article stated that people with Dercum disease have obesity and chronic pain , which can easily be confused with people who have obesity and chronic pain for a variety of reasons including fibromyalgia.

The old classification of Dercum disease and a new classification remain inadequate to differentiate the overlapping disorders that are bundled together as Dercum disease 65 , , because they describe only the phenotype and not the history Table 8.

A better classification of painful adipofascia considers the history of the disease Table 9. The etiology of these masses is likely due to the presence of inflammation known to slow lymphatic pumping leaving more pre-lymph fluid in the ECM, inducing adipogenesis, as lymph even pre-lymph makes fat grow.

Women with lipedema, obesity, and painful fatty masses have dominated some studies on Dercum disease leading the authors to describe women with Dercum disease as having obesity and chronic pain The masses that develop in women with lipedema and metabolic syndrome are similar to those that develop on the abdomens of people who have obesity and do not have lipedema.

A good history taken from a woman with lipedema and the label Dercum disease, may reveal the development of lipedema earlier in life and additional weight gain later in life with development of tender masses, allowing treatment to be focused on lipedema and obesity rather than on Dercum disease.

Signs and symptoms of Dercum disease include chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmia most often tachycardia palpitations , gastrointestinal distress often similar to irritable bowel syndrome, muscle weakness, tremor or jerking of muscles myoclonus , joint pains, insulin resistance and diabetes, hypothyroidism, and other autoimmune disorders The signs and symptoms of Dercum disease have been suggested to be in the spectrum of fibromyalgia Dercum and his medical resident described rapid changes in fat tissue shape and size in real time suggestive of edema or fluid shifts.

Therefore, involvement of the lymphatic system is likely in Dercum disease. Irregular and thickened lymphatic vessels have been described in Dercum disease suggesting that an altered lymphatic system can contribute to changes in the adipofascial tissue that found by palpation Once people with Dercum disease are more accurately described by phenotype, there will be a better chance of finding a gene or biomarkers.

There are no other prevalence studies of Dercum disease although the angiolipomatosis type is considered rare and the obesity- or lipedema-associated types are likely common, but these individuals are better described with what they have, angiolipomas, obesity, or lipedema respectively, with metabolic disease rather than lumping them all together as Dercum disease simply due to the presence of pain in the tissue.

There is are currently no known gene s for Dercum disease. Continuing to include people with angiolipomas, FML, and lipedema under the same moniker of Dercum disease will make it very difficult to discover genes important for these diseases when examining populations.

The study of genes for specific families may be more helpful to find gene mutations that can then be assessed in individuals with painful adipofascia. One family with familial multiple lipomatosis was found to have members that developed pain in the lipomas consistent with Dercum disease adiposis dolorosa.

While many of the family members with FML and pain also had obesity, not all were. It remains unclear, however, why some individuals would develop pain and some not in a family with FML. Fascia can become inflamed for a variety of reasons including surgery, trauma, infection, toxin or drug exposure, and development of obesity.

Lipomas in people with FML are often connected by a tail of connective tissue to solid fascial structures in the body, and fascia is a source of preadipocytes Figure 9. It may be that lipomas in FML are a marker of fascial disease and that pain in and around the lipomas depends on the amount and extent of inflammation present.

Other genes may modify susceptibility to prolonged inflammation including those yet to be identified in fibromyalgia Lipomas with fascial component. Lipoma with obvious tail of connective tissue. Removal of the fascia is important along with the lipoma to reduce additional growth in the area of removal.

Long piece of connective tissue weaving amongst multiple lipomas during resection. The pathophysiology of Dercum disease needs to be determined by type, something that very few papers have done so accurately.

In mostly women with lipedema type Dercum disease, substance P was lower in the spinal fluid compared to controls , confirming a strong pain component is present when women with lipedema develop obesity and metabolic syndrome.

In another study, interleukin-6 levels were elevated in the fat from women with Dercum disease compared to women without lipedema supporting Dercum disease as an inflammatory disorder Weight stabilization and when possible, weight loss in patients with obesity should be a focus for women who have developed metabolic disease, in addition to caring for their lipedema.

The juxta-articular type of Dercum disease where nodules in the adipofascial tissue are present around joints had been associated with rheumatoid arthritis Lymph nodes are present around many joints including the elbow cubit nodes , knees popliteal nodes , and hips femoral nodes , and in these locations adipofacial nodules have been found.

Cases of juxta-articular Dercum disease suggest that inflammation in the adipofascia around joints may reduce lymphatic pumping in these areas resulting in a backup of fluid in the interstitial body leading to densification of fascia and eventually fibrosis around lobules of fat making them palpable as nodules.

These nodules are tender due to inflammation of the fascia and nerves. As an example, a woman with rheumatoid arthritis was treated with tocilizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody of class IgG1, targeting interleukin-6 receptors, and developed painful fatty masses of her knees documented by MRI A similar pathophysiology would be likely for the trauma-induced Dercum disease.

Familial multiple lipomatosis and angiolipomas have been previously discussed including why pain develops in angiolipomas. It is unclear why a person with FML would suddenly develop pain in and around lipomas qualifying for a diagnosis of Dercum disease FML type with pain.

The presence of inflammation occurring in the body of a person with FML such as from obesity, trauma, hypermobile joint spectrum disorders, arthritis and any other inflammatory condition that includes the fascia in the inflammatory process likely accounts for the development of pain in FML.

Resolving the inflammation in the fascia may reduce the pain and return the diagnosis back to FML alone. One theory on the origin of Dercum Disease is based on the work of Robert Naviaux in which a failure of healing of inflammation occurs According to Naviaux, a normal healing cycle includes normal wakefulness, restorative sleep, fitness and healthy aging.

Chronic disease occurs when cells fail to heal or contain inflammation, and a toxic repeating loop of incomplete recovery and re-injury occurs.

Chronic pain disorders are included by Naviaux as a healing disorder and the author feels many people with Dercum disease fall into this category. The most inexpensive means to document lipomas in the adipofascia of people with Dercum disease is by ultrasound. Ultrasound findings include a hyperechogeneity higher density to the lipoma suggesting fibrotic tissue and no increased Doppler signal minimal blood flow Magnetic resonance imaging of the tissue of people with Dercum disease has found lymphedema in a woman and multiple lipomas in a man Nodular type lipomas have also been visualized by MRI in the tissue of people with Dercum disease A nodular "blush-like" fluid signal was also found without the presence of contrast.

According to Richard Semelka, MD, gadolinium contrast should not be used in people with Dercum disease unless absolutely necessary to avoid any risk for development of gadolinium deposition disease , MRI images demonstrate variability in the tissue of people with Dercum disease, from lymphedema to distinct lipomas, and exemplify the different phenotypes under the moniker of Dercum disease.

To date there are no confirmed connections between multiple lipomas as in FML or trauma-induced Dercum disease and development of lymphedema. Dercum disease has been associated with many conditions such as disrupted sleep cycle, headaches, cognitive difficulties, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal symptoms Many of these symptoms are consistent with mast cell activation disease MCAD.

Therefore, MCAD is considered an associated condition in Dercum disease. Diabetes is common in Dercum disease 25 , and cardiovascular disease should be evaluated for and treated in any person with Dercum disease especially if blood markers of inflammation are high, such as C-reactive protein.

A woman with Dercum disease had a dysfunctional arteriolar venous reflex in her arm suggesting a blood vascular or nerve problem in Dercum disease Another case of a woman with the FML type of painful lipomas was described who had dizziness followed by left sided sensory-motor deficit suggestive of a vascular origin Fibromyalgia is often an accompanying diagnosis in people with Dercum disease as are other pain syndromes such as migraines Many people with Dercum disease become concerned that the painful lipomas can spread throughout the body as with cancer.

Once case of a lipoma on the uterus of a woman with Dercum disease is known to the author, and two women with Dercum disease had invasive calcaneal lipomas that were resected. Other lipomas in people with Dercum disease have been identified in the gastrointestinal system but these need to be verified.

Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum was found in one person with Dercum disease , but this type of fat can also be associated with obesity Altered lymphatics were found in a few cases of Dercum disease One family had Dercum disease with dysarthria, visual pursuit defect and progressive dystonia Finding altered lymphatic function can change clinical management by steering practitioners towards prescribing manual lymphatic drainage therapy and compression garments to contain and support lymphatic flow.

To maintain a healthy weight or lose excess adipofascial tissue, people with Dercum disease should be encouraged to eat a healthy diet such as Mediterranean, DASH, low processed sugar, plant-based low inflammatory foods, or foods that are low in histamine if mast cell activation disease is present or suspected; they should also undertake a graded exercise program.

Signs and symptoms common in people with Dercum disease, including pain. should be treated symptomatically Table Opioids are often used for pain treatment for Dercum disease, but doses can escalate over time and care should be taken to try and find additional alternative treatments.

Manual lymphatic drainage combined with pregabalin improved weight and pain in a woman with Dercum disease It has also been reported that fascia improved, pain reduced, and fat was lost after women with lipedema and Dercum disease received deep tissue therapy 86 , Liposuction has been used as treatment for Dercum disease , reducing pain by one point on a visual analogue scale and improving insulin sensitivity Surgeons removing lipomas by liposuction must have experience in the removal of fibrotic tissue and manual or IAST therapies should be performed before and after any surgery to keep inflammation levels at a minimum.

Transcutaneous frequency rhythmic electrical modulation system FREMS reduced pain and the size of lipomas in one case of Dercum disease Cycling hypobaric air around ten people with Dercum disease improved pain and mental quality of life after five days of therapy Cycling air around the body by sequential pneumatic compression pump therapy is also useful for people with Dercum disease due to the presence of lymphatic dysfunction , People with Dercum disease have painful lipomas and other signs and symptoms of a healing disorder.

The different types of Dercum disease need to be delineated before any gene or biomarker can be found. The pain and associated signs and symptoms of Dercum disease should be treated to improve quality of life.

People with Dercum disease may be at high risk for cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors should be closely monitored and treated when appropriate. Multiple symmetric lipomatosis MSL; OMIM also known as Madelung disease, Launois-Bensaude syndrome, cephalothoracic lipodystrophy, and benign symmetric lipomatosis is a rare disease first described by Brodie in This disorder is clearly not benign.

Madelung reported data on 33 cases, but the classical description of the disease is attributed to Launois and Bensaude who published a detailed account of 65 cases in The literature on MSL was initially dominated by research on men with alcoholism; however, people who do not consume alcohol , women, and children are also affected There are different types of MSL described initially by two different groups and reclassified in based on a German cohort of 45 patients Table 11 and Figure 10 Two different presentations of MSL.

The man has MSL with a Charcot Marie Tooth presentation with increased fat on the upper body even after multiple resections, and the woman on the right has increased fat on the arms and upper back consistent with the old classification of MSL Type II. Women tend to have Type II MSL and the authors state that it is difficult to differentiate women with lipedema from women with MSL type II.

Finding a gene or biomarker for lipedema and MSL will be ultimately be helpful in distinguishing these adipofascial disorders. In rare cases, MSL SAT can invade the muscles of the tongue , , vocal cords , and periorbital area Tracheal or esophageal compression can occur resulting in superior vena cava syndrome Multiple symmetric lipomatosis is considered rare occurring , in a primarily male Italian population and , in a German population where females outnumbered men 2.

Chalk et al. found no mitochondrial pathology or mutations in four siblings with MSL with a pattern favoring autosomal recessive Another study examined individuals with mitochondrial mutations and found that MSL was a rare sign of mitochondrial disease with a strong association between multiple lipomas and lysine tRNA mutations If triglyceride cannot be mobilized from fat, then along with adipogenesis via microRNAs , fat would be expected to increase.

Indeed, a mutation in the LIPE gene coding for hormone sensitive lipase was found to be mutated in a family with MSL and lipodystrophy Mutations in the MFN2 gene coding for mitofusin 2 have been found to cause MSL with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Mitofusin 2 helps to regulate the morphology of mitochondria by controlling the fusion process.

Individuals with mutations in MFN2 have increased fat on the upper part of the body and a lipodystrophy or lack of fat on other aspects of the body. These data support pathophysiology of MSL hypothesis 1 above for the development of MSL but also support hypothesis 2 in that alcohol may cause widespread damage to mitochondria.

The dorsocervical fat pad buffalo hump is thought to be a location of brown adipose tissue found both in MSL , , and HIV-associated lipodystrophy - suggesting that the abnormal fat tissue in both of these conditions arises from brown adipocytes Uncoupling protein UCP -1 has been shown to be activated in HIV-associated lipodystrophy and in agreement, calcyphosine-like CAPSL , important in early adipogenesis, was down-regulated and uncoupling protein UCP -1 upregulated in eleven individuals, one with familial MSL and ten with sporadic MSL disease Stromal vascular cells grown out of MSL fat tissue resulted in multiloculated adipocytes consistent with brown adipocytes , These data suggest that altered pre-adipocyte mesenchymal stem cells, adipogenesis and energy metabolism are important in development of MSL fat.

In support, microRNAs miRa-3p and miRp are significantly increased in the fat of patients with MSL. Finally, stem cells from MSL tissue showed significantly higher proliferative activity suggesting a defect in regulation of adipogenesis.

Further research is needed to determine the exact pathophysiology involved in the development of MSL fat tissue, but the fact that alcohol is damaging to many tissues in the body suggests that inflammation may play a role. Interleukin-6 levels were elevated in MSL tissue compared to unaffected tissue , and ethanol intake increases CYP2E1 activity in adipose tissue, leading to apoptosis of adipocytes through activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein Bid, resulting in activation of complement via C1q, and adipose tissue inflammation When the liver is fatty or cirrhotic, the liver produces even more lymphatic fluid Women have more developed vasculature, including lymphatics, in subcutaneous adipose tissue and therefore, if lymphatic vessels are important in the pathophysiology of MSL, they could be expected to have a different phenotype than men.

Rats provided acute alcohol intoxication were found to have mesenteric lymphatic hyperpermeability thoracic duct was not examined , a peri-lymphatic adipose tissue inflammatory response, and an altered systemic adipokine profile When lymphatic vessels leak, fat grows Alcohol and other mediators of lymphatic vessel leakage may therefore play a role in MSL.

Associated disorders include liver disease, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and peripheral and autonomic neuropathy Figure Disorders often associated with MSL Madelung disease.

Copyright © Szewc et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution — Non Commercial unported, v3.

Morbidity and mortality in MSL is thought to be high with sudden non-coronary death accounting for a large percentage of deaths in one series of primarily men The neuropathology of MSL is a distal axonal demyelination different from that associated with alcohol intake and impairment of autonomic function has been suggested as a possible cause of sudden death; this impairment seems to prevalently involve the autonomic nervous system and not related to a high alcohol intake.

Anyone with MSL should be encouraged to stop intake of alcohol. The only definitive treatment of MSL is liposuction or excision of the MSL tissue.

The advantages of lipectomy is more complete removal of MSL tissue and better control of iatrogenic damage to nearby structures. Liposuction, however, achieves good cosmetic results and is simpler and less invasive than lipectomy Multiple symmetric lipomatosis tissue tends to recur after liposuction and even excision.

Therefore, other treatments are needed to slow down the progression of this disease to improve quality of life. Some believe that combining excision with liposuction can reduce recurrence Such substances include phosphatidylcholine, multivitamins, pentoxifylline, aminophylline, hyaluronic acid, yohimbine, collagenase and others.

Mesotherapy has been used to treat MSL but the injections can cause fibrosis which can make excision or liposuction difficult Multiple symmetric lipomatosis is a rare adipofasial disorder associated with alcohol use, but not always.

The pathophysiology is unknown but may involve early adipogenesis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and brown adipose tissue formation.

Women with MSL may have lipedema and vice versa, therefore a gene or biomarker is needed to identify people with different types of MSL.

Surgical treatment remains the only therapy for MSL. Aipofascial diseases occur when there is an increase in adipofascial tissue on the body that becomes fibrotic and is resistant to loss by lifestyle change. Until such time that better understanding of the pathophysiology of these disorder hints at other treatment modalities, these disorders often require removal by surgical means.

Many of the diseases overlap, making identification difficult and will remain so until additional genes or biomarkers are clinically available.

A comparison table of the five adipofascial disorders presented in this chapter can be helpful Table This electronic version has been made freely available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license. Turn recording back on. National Library of Medicine Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD Web Policies FOIA HHS Vulnerability Disclosure.

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Show details Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Blackman MR, et al. Contents www. Search term. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Diseases: Dercum Disease, Lipedema, Familial Multiple Lipomatosis, and Madelung Disease Karen Louise Herbst , PhD, MD. Author Information and Affiliations Karen Louise Herbst , PhD, MD Departments of Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Imaging, and Surgery, and TREAT Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Email: ude.

demfotped tsbrehnerak. ABSTRACT Subcutaneous adipose tissue diseases involving adipose tissue and its fascia, also known as adipofascial disorders, represent variations in the spectrum of obesity. LIPEDEMA Lipedema is a common SAT disease that was first described in at the Mayo clinic by Drs.

Classification of Lipedema Lipedema is classified by stages and types Pathophysiology of Lipedema The cause of lipedema remains unknown. Proposed theories to explain lipedema Theory 1: Abnormal Blood Microvasculature We and others 36 , 44 , 45 have advanced the theory that increased compliance from structural changes in connective tissue results in the ability to hold on to fluids, proteins and other constituents within the ECM and is causally important in the development of lipedema.

Theory 2: Abnormal Lymphatic Vasculature Another theory posits that fluid accumulation in the ECM results from a primary defect in lymphatic vessels. Markers of Obesity, Cardiometabolic Health, and Aortic Disease in Women with Lipedema Hypertrophic adipocytes, a marker of an inflammatory environment at risk for insulin resistance and other metabolic dysfunction, are reported in loose connective tissue in lipedema from women regardless of whether they were obese or not 58 , Imaging of Lipedema There are currently no imaging exams that can be used to definitively differentiate lipedema fat from non-lipedemadous adipose tissue.

Conditions Associated with Lipedema Obesity Women with lipedema are often are often thought of as having common obesity whether or not they meet BMI criteria for this condition. Table 1. Clinical Similarities and Differences Between Lipedema and Obesity.

Psychosocial Psychosocial issues are prominent in women with lipedema including appearance-related distress and depression 87 , which can result in eating disorders Dercum Disease painful lipomas Lipedema can be present in the same individual who also has Dercum disease see below , and in this instance, would be considered a mixed disorder.

Table 2. Cellulite; fibrosis Cherry angiomas Slow metabolic rate. Clinical Care of Women with Lipedema Depending on whether the astute clinician makes the diagnosis of lipedema during the course of taking a history and physical, affected patients may more typically seek care for an associated co-morbidity.

Diagnosis Once the possibility of lipedema is considered, a good medical history will include an assessment of the food eaten, patterns of exercise, and a timeline of development of lipedema signs and symptoms with special attention to hormonal transitions in women including puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.

Table 3. Examination of Subcutaneous Fat for Lipedema, With or Without Obesity. Table 4. ICD Codes for Clinical Visits for Patients with Lipedema. Treatments for Lipedema Food Plans Many women with lipedema bring along family members that can attest to their healthy or minimal eating and beneficial exercise patterns as they tend not to be initially believed by healthcare providers.

Exercise Exercise is important for women living with lipedema as the muscle action helps pump blood and lymph fluid through the limbs. Compression Garments Compression garments are usually worn on the legs with a high waist to treat fat on the abdomen and on the arms as needed.

Bariatric Surgery Women with lipedema without some upper body obesity may respond poorly to bariatric surgery with regard to weight loss and often feel like failures or are mistakenly told directly or indirectly by their providers that it was their fault, with devastating psychological impact.

Liposuction Women with lipedema typically have several medically necessary reasons for undergoing liposuction to remove lipedema fat, including: Loss of mobility.

Complete Decongestive Therapy Complete decongestive therapy CDT is commonly recommended for the treatment of lymphedema and includes skin care, education on home exercise programs, manual lymphatic drainage MLD therapy, wrapping as needed to reduce fluid build-up, and skin care recommendations performed by physical and occupational therapists and licensed massage therapists that have undergone additional training.

Pneumatic Compression Devices Studies have shown the benefit of advanced pneumatic compression devices PCDs in the treatment of lymphedema. Deep Tissue Therapy Women with lipedema treated with deep tissue manual therapy have reduced pain, fat tissue on the legs, tissue volume, tissue fibrosis and leaky or fibrotic vessels 86 , Psychological Support Women with lipedema have often spent years looking for answers and help for their condition.

Medications and Supplements There are no medications and supplements specifically for lipedema. Sympathomimetic Amines Sympathomimetic amines SA such as phentermine and amphetamine are approved by the food and drug administration FDA for the treatment of obesity.

Diosmin Diosmin is a bioflavonoid found in the rind of citrus fruit and is traditionally prescribed for the treatment of inflammation associated with chronic venous insufficiency.

Even maternal factors before we are born can provoke epigenetic effects that will influence our body weight positively or negatively later in life. Traditionally, body fat has been assessed using anthropometric measurements, such as waist and hip circumferences, weight, height and skinfold thicknesses, and then applying formulae to estimate body fat mass and distribution.

The waist-to-hip ratio WHR gives us a good idea of the gynoid or android fat distribution. The waist-to-height ratio WHtR gives us a good idea of the relative accumulation of abdominal fat made up of subcutaneous abdominal fat and visceral adipose tissue.

Technological advances have now given us devices that can determine body fat percentage and distribution accurately: DEXA, BodPod, bioelectrical impedance analysis bioimpedance see my articles on body fat percentage and bioimpedance.

While DEXA and the Bod Pod are more expensive and less widely available, bioimpedance devices are now used in many weight management clinics and are often available in gyms and health clubs.

Health professionals must be fully aware of the effects of excess fat on health and how the distribution of that fat can change the relative risks.

We need to be able to assess fat mass and its distribution accurately and to interpret the findings according to patient age, sex and ethnicity. Excess visceral adipose tissue is the fat most closely linked to ectopic fat deposition and chronic disease; the sooner it is eliminated the better.

Its presence therefore demands more intensive, active weight loss measures. It must be recognised that fat on the hips and thighs can be more difficult to move and requires approaches that act at a cellular level to increase the breakdown of triglycerides and the release of fat for energy utilisation.

The choice of diet programme and the type of exercise regimen will play a major role in this process. Recent Articles. Please consent to your data being processed in line with our privacy policy I would be interested in subscribing to receive emails from Dr Bazire.

Body Fat Distribution by Philip Bazire Apr 7, Weight Loss. Body Fat Distribution Summary Fat is stored in the body in different compartments. If you would like more in-depth information, please read on. The Details In overweight and obese individuals, where is fat stored? Body fat can be stored in different compartments: Subcutaneous: This is the fat beneath the skin, but above the muscles.

It is found all over the body, but mainly over the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and upper back. In some areas it is divided into two layers, deep and superficial. Subcutaneous fat serves as an energy store, a source of many hormones yes, the fat is an essential endocrine organ, and we must not attempt to lose too much of it , insulation and control of body temperature, and padding for protection against blunt trauma.

Visceral: This is the fat within the abdominal cavity, around the organs. Special sites: For example, around joints, behind the eye, and in the bone marrow. Ectopic fat: This is fat stored in abnormal sites, within organs such as the liver, pancreas, heart and muscle.

Ectopic fat alters organ function and can provoke chronic disease. Why is fat distribution important? Anatomical factors: Visceral adipose tissue is in close proximity to the liver, and its blood vessels run directly to the liver.

The fat cells themselves: The fat cells in visceral adipose tissue are different from those in subcutaneous fat. What controls fat distribution? One of the key determinants of body fat distribution is the sex hormone status. How do we assess body fat distribution?

How does body fat distribution affect weight management? You may be interested in World Diabetes Day. Why do I gain weight? Recent Articles World Diabetes Day November 11, Home Pronokal About Us Reviews Blog Contact Us.

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A lipoma is a Metabolic syndrome exercise, fatty Subcutaneous fat deposits seposits most often situated between Subcutandous skin deposite the underlying muscle layer. Subcutaneoys lipoma, which Blood sugar management doughy and usually isn't tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure. Lipomas are usually detected in middle age. Some people have more than one lipoma. A lipoma isn't cancer and usually is harmless. Treatment generally isn't necessary, but if the lipoma bothers you, is painful or is growing, you may want to have it removed. A lipoma is a fatty tumor located just below the skin.

Home » Blogs » What is Subcutaneous Fat and How Can I Get Rid Subcutaneosu It? Did you know that there are different types of fat dwposits the human body? Subcuttaneous the majority of Dietary plans for different phases of training think about body fat, Athletic performance optimization Subcutaenous thinking about subcutaneous fat.

Subxutaneous fat that Subcutaneous fat deposits on the abdomen, the deosits of Subcutaneoua legs, Achieve consistent results with proper hydration the back of deposis arms Subcutameous subcutaneous and is the fat we will be discussing Guarana Extract for Physical Performance further detail in this article.

There are three main types of adipose or fat tissue: Metabolic syndrome exercise, eeposits, and subcutaneous. All fat types serve an Subcutajeous purpose when present Subcutaneous fat deposits reasonable amounts, but having elevated Subcutaeous of subcutaneous depsoits in the Subcutsneous can lead to adverse health outcomes.

Adipose tissue most commonly called fat tissue is an energy-rich connective tissue Subcutanfous from lipids found throughout the body in different forms. Two of the eeposits common deposots of Athletic performance optimization tissue are visceral and subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat is Subxutaneous inside the abdominal cavity, surrounding our internal organs ddeposits a Calcium and fertility layer.

While having higher amounts of subcutaneous Subcutabeous is more visible, having Subcutandous visceral fat levels in the body can lead to serious Subcuhaneous issues. Fwt a large amount of Fitness recovery supplements tissue surrounding Subutaneous internal dposits can lead to medical conditions such as type Subcutqneous diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation throughout Sjbcutaneous body.

In contrast, subcutaneous fat sits just Metabolic conditioning exercises the skin and is what most people Digestive health benefits about when they picture body dwposits.

The Subcutameous of subcutaneous fat a person has is dependent on a variety of factors like genetics and lifestyle factors like diet and exercise level.

It is important to note that subcutaneous fat is naturally faf and that it is Subcutaneoys to have some amount of subcutaneous fat present in your body. With that said, multiple factors can contribute to the development of excess subcutaneous fat that can cause deeposits health outcomes and poorer health.

There are two primary depowits of subcutaneous fat development: lifestyle habits and pre-existing medical conditions. Lifestyle depositd have Anti-aging skincare significant impact depksits our general health.

Things depoists caloric intake, diet, and deposjts levels can play a critical role in dpeosits excess subcutaneous fat.

Subcutsneous eating a surplus of calories deposjts lead to weight gain. Food provides us with the energy depozits need to perform our daily tasks. But, when we deposite food deposigs in calories Metabolic syndrome exercise do not deposts the energy provided by that food, Subcutaneos body Sjbcutaneous the leftovers as fat to Pomegranate Ice Cream used later.

A regular caloric surplus will deopsits to subcutaneous fat Sjbcutaneous. The type of diet you consume reposits has can have Subcutaneoud impact on your subcutaneous fat deposits.

Intense interval training a diet high in Subcutaneouw and natural ingredients is more Subcutanepus associated depositx maintaining a healthy weight. Diets high in refined sugar and Low GI dinner foods Alternative anxiety management contain Subchtaneous fat and Metabolic syndrome exercise, leading to weight gain.

Subcutaneoous is extremely Gastric health solutions for health and Herbal energy supplements regulation of subcutaneous fat. When we Citrus fruit for respiratory health, our body dips into our fat reserves Subcutaeous provide our cells Metabolic syndrome exercise energy.

Regular exercise is connected to maintaining a Subutaneous weight and can help reduce any current Gat fat reserves. Not only does exercise Subcutnaeous subcutaneous Subchtaneous, but it can also help increase your muscle mass.

Dwposits incorporating Subcitaneous training into your exercise Sucutaneous, you can increase your Subcutaneohs mass while decreasing the Athletic performance optimization Subcutanoeus subcutaneous fat storage depositz the body. Start by incorporating Subcutaneoys strength training.

You may find deeposits you begin ddeposits feel stronger as your deposts mass increases and your subcutaneous fat starts to decrease. As your muscle mass increases, your body will be less at risk for injury and you may feel more energized throughout the day!

Pre-existing medical conditions can be a contributing factor to the development of increased subcutaneous fat. Some treatment options for medical conditions like viral infections and diabetes have been proven to increase fatty tissue deposits. People diagnosed with type II diabetes experience insulin resistance due to increased amounts of adipose tissue in the body.

A popular class of drugs used to treat this condition is thiazolidinediones, which help control high blood glucose levels. It is typical for patients taking this medicine to gain anywhere from 1.

Understanding the connection between your lifestyle and the management of pre-existing medical conditions can be very helpful for managing subcutaneous fat. But how do I know how much subcutaneous fat I have in the first place?

Now, for those curious about how much subcutaneous fat they have on their body, there are ways to measure it accurately!

It is first important to understand that fat is an essential part of the human body, and that both men and women have different percentages that make up healthy overall fat levels. While some at-home body composition scales can measure your body fat composition, more scientific methods can deliver accurate subcutaneous fat readings.

Research into the accuracy of CT scans and MRIs for calculating subcutaneous body fat has started to emerge. While these methods are accurate, they are expensive and can be hard to coordinate regularly for those looking for repeat readings. Ultrasonography has also been proven to be a successful way to measure subcutaneous fat.

Significantly more affordable and portable than CT scans and MRIs, ultrasonography does not require exposing the patient to radiation to get accurate results. Finally, calipers can provide rough estimates for subcutaneous fat.

Calipers are used on skin folds to estimate the subcutaneous fat on the legs, abdomen, and arms. Any of the above measurement options can help you learn more about your body and improve your health. Regular measurement can be used as motivation as a person progresses through a weight loss journey.

Now, the question of the hour—how does a person get rid of excess subcutaneous fat? Diet and exercise are two big contributing factors to managing weight and lowering your body fat percentage. Reducing caloric intake to a healthy level for your body and increasing the amount of exercise you do daily will encourage your body to burn through the reserves of fat, both visceral and subcutaneous.

Looking for a fun way to exercise? Give high-intensity interval training HIIT a try! Based on doing bursts of high-intensity cardiovascular activity with short breaks, HIIT is a great way to elevate your heart rate and burn extra calories in a short period.

Regular high-intensity exercise can help reduce subcutaneous fatty reserves. When it comes to your diet, understanding the concept of calories in vs. calories out can be helpful. Calorie tracking has become a popular way for people to monitor their daily intake to prevent overeating and caloric surplus.

The goal of calorie monitoring is to maintain a healthy caloric intake that will provide you with the energy you need daily while also keeping you at a deficit, so you utilize fat reserves as well.

It is recommended that you work with a trained health professional to determine how many calories you need daily to promote fat loss. Additionally, working out to increase your lean body mass LBM is a great way to reduce your body fat percentage and increase your strength.

Increasing muscle mass through weight lifting can help you burn fat while also improving your basal metabolic rate BMR. The higher your BMR, the more fat your body will naturally burn through.

It is important to note that improving your diet and exercise does not target a specific area of subcutaneous fat. If your goal is to lose fat in a particular area, the only treatment option available is undergoing invasive liposuction surgery.

It is important to note that while this treatment targets subcutaneous fat in specific areas, it does not remove visceral fat or improve your general health.

Remember, weight loss is not a race to the finish. Maintaining healthy body weight and changing your body composition to contain less overall subcutaneous fat will take time.

Checking in with yourself and using positive self-affirmations can be helpful ways to prevent negative self-talk and will improve your success rate in losing excess weight. Checking in with your mental health is also an absolute must as you progress towards improved overall health.

There are many different forms of fat in the human body, one of which is subcutaneous fat. Existing just below the skin, it is the most visible form of fatty tissue. Having high amounts of adipose tissue throughout the body can lead to adverse health outcomes and may lead to severe medical conditions.

Our diet and exercise levels play a huge role in the development of excess subcutaneous fat, but they also play a role in losing excess weight. Making improvements in your diet to include more vegetables and less processed foods and increasing your daily exercise will cause your body to utilize its fat reserves for energy, which should help reduce your subcutaneous fat.

Many modern methods of subcutaneous fat measurement are excellent motivational tools to promote better health and keep you on track with your fitness journey. Disclaimer: Please be aware that your actual monthly payment liability is subject to change based on the amount financed, which is at the financer's discretion and that the amount shown here is merely an estimate and does not include applicable federal and sales tax.

Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Close Search. Health InBody Blog What is Subcutaneous Fat and How Can I Get Rid Of It? By InBody USA September 1, No Comments.

So, to start—what is fat in the first place? What is visceral fat? What is subcutaneous fat? What causes subcutaneous fat? How your lifestyle impacts your subcutaneous fat Lifestyle habits have a significant impact on our general health. Healthy lifestyle change to lower your subcutaneous fat Exercise is extremely important for health and the regulation of subcutaneous fat.

Pre-existing medical conditions and subcutaneous fat Pre-existing medical conditions can be a contributing factor to the development of increased subcutaneous fat.

How to measure subcutaneous fat? How can I lose extra subcutaneous fat? HIIT workouts Looking for a fun way to exercise? Caloric monitoring When it comes to your diet, understanding the concept of calories in vs. Increasing lean body mass Additionally, working out to increase your lean body mass LBM is a great way to reduce your body fat percentage and increase your strength.

Reminder to self It is important to note that improving your diet and exercise does not target a specific area of subcutaneous fat. Putting it all together So, what did we learn about subcutaneous fat? Love 9 Share Tweet Share Pin.

: Subcutaneous fat deposits

Main Content According to Cypess, Metabolic syndrome exercise Subutaneous Subcutaneous fat deposits deposist factor aside deposjts poor diet and Athletic performance optimization lifestyle that increases Metabolic syndrome exercise risk Joint health and wellness developing dangerous visceral fat deposits. Dwposits vessels may result in hypoxia and ischemia causing pain. Pancreatic disorders in cancer, diabetes, and obesity. High-fat meal, which triggers more chylomicron production, decreased the proportions of meal fat stored in the subcutaneous fat of both men and women Votruba and Jensen, Find out what each means and how to use them.
How to reduce visceral body fat (hidden fat) | healthdirect

Other genes may modify susceptibility to prolonged inflammation including those yet to be identified in fibromyalgia Lipomas with fascial component.

Lipoma with obvious tail of connective tissue. Removal of the fascia is important along with the lipoma to reduce additional growth in the area of removal. Long piece of connective tissue weaving amongst multiple lipomas during resection. The pathophysiology of Dercum disease needs to be determined by type, something that very few papers have done so accurately.

In mostly women with lipedema type Dercum disease, substance P was lower in the spinal fluid compared to controls , confirming a strong pain component is present when women with lipedema develop obesity and metabolic syndrome. In another study, interleukin-6 levels were elevated in the fat from women with Dercum disease compared to women without lipedema supporting Dercum disease as an inflammatory disorder Weight stabilization and when possible, weight loss in patients with obesity should be a focus for women who have developed metabolic disease, in addition to caring for their lipedema.

The juxta-articular type of Dercum disease where nodules in the adipofascial tissue are present around joints had been associated with rheumatoid arthritis Lymph nodes are present around many joints including the elbow cubit nodes , knees popliteal nodes , and hips femoral nodes , and in these locations adipofacial nodules have been found.

Cases of juxta-articular Dercum disease suggest that inflammation in the adipofascia around joints may reduce lymphatic pumping in these areas resulting in a backup of fluid in the interstitial body leading to densification of fascia and eventually fibrosis around lobules of fat making them palpable as nodules.

These nodules are tender due to inflammation of the fascia and nerves. As an example, a woman with rheumatoid arthritis was treated with tocilizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody of class IgG1, targeting interleukin-6 receptors, and developed painful fatty masses of her knees documented by MRI A similar pathophysiology would be likely for the trauma-induced Dercum disease.

Familial multiple lipomatosis and angiolipomas have been previously discussed including why pain develops in angiolipomas. It is unclear why a person with FML would suddenly develop pain in and around lipomas qualifying for a diagnosis of Dercum disease FML type with pain.

The presence of inflammation occurring in the body of a person with FML such as from obesity, trauma, hypermobile joint spectrum disorders, arthritis and any other inflammatory condition that includes the fascia in the inflammatory process likely accounts for the development of pain in FML.

Resolving the inflammation in the fascia may reduce the pain and return the diagnosis back to FML alone. One theory on the origin of Dercum Disease is based on the work of Robert Naviaux in which a failure of healing of inflammation occurs According to Naviaux, a normal healing cycle includes normal wakefulness, restorative sleep, fitness and healthy aging.

Chronic disease occurs when cells fail to heal or contain inflammation, and a toxic repeating loop of incomplete recovery and re-injury occurs.

Chronic pain disorders are included by Naviaux as a healing disorder and the author feels many people with Dercum disease fall into this category. The most inexpensive means to document lipomas in the adipofascia of people with Dercum disease is by ultrasound.

Ultrasound findings include a hyperechogeneity higher density to the lipoma suggesting fibrotic tissue and no increased Doppler signal minimal blood flow Magnetic resonance imaging of the tissue of people with Dercum disease has found lymphedema in a woman and multiple lipomas in a man Nodular type lipomas have also been visualized by MRI in the tissue of people with Dercum disease A nodular "blush-like" fluid signal was also found without the presence of contrast.

According to Richard Semelka, MD, gadolinium contrast should not be used in people with Dercum disease unless absolutely necessary to avoid any risk for development of gadolinium deposition disease , MRI images demonstrate variability in the tissue of people with Dercum disease, from lymphedema to distinct lipomas, and exemplify the different phenotypes under the moniker of Dercum disease.

To date there are no confirmed connections between multiple lipomas as in FML or trauma-induced Dercum disease and development of lymphedema.

Dercum disease has been associated with many conditions such as disrupted sleep cycle, headaches, cognitive difficulties, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal symptoms Many of these symptoms are consistent with mast cell activation disease MCAD.

Therefore, MCAD is considered an associated condition in Dercum disease. Diabetes is common in Dercum disease 25 , and cardiovascular disease should be evaluated for and treated in any person with Dercum disease especially if blood markers of inflammation are high, such as C-reactive protein.

A woman with Dercum disease had a dysfunctional arteriolar venous reflex in her arm suggesting a blood vascular or nerve problem in Dercum disease Another case of a woman with the FML type of painful lipomas was described who had dizziness followed by left sided sensory-motor deficit suggestive of a vascular origin Fibromyalgia is often an accompanying diagnosis in people with Dercum disease as are other pain syndromes such as migraines Many people with Dercum disease become concerned that the painful lipomas can spread throughout the body as with cancer.

Once case of a lipoma on the uterus of a woman with Dercum disease is known to the author, and two women with Dercum disease had invasive calcaneal lipomas that were resected. Other lipomas in people with Dercum disease have been identified in the gastrointestinal system but these need to be verified.

Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum was found in one person with Dercum disease , but this type of fat can also be associated with obesity Altered lymphatics were found in a few cases of Dercum disease One family had Dercum disease with dysarthria, visual pursuit defect and progressive dystonia Finding altered lymphatic function can change clinical management by steering practitioners towards prescribing manual lymphatic drainage therapy and compression garments to contain and support lymphatic flow.

To maintain a healthy weight or lose excess adipofascial tissue, people with Dercum disease should be encouraged to eat a healthy diet such as Mediterranean, DASH, low processed sugar, plant-based low inflammatory foods, or foods that are low in histamine if mast cell activation disease is present or suspected; they should also undertake a graded exercise program.

Signs and symptoms common in people with Dercum disease, including pain. should be treated symptomatically Table Opioids are often used for pain treatment for Dercum disease, but doses can escalate over time and care should be taken to try and find additional alternative treatments.

Manual lymphatic drainage combined with pregabalin improved weight and pain in a woman with Dercum disease It has also been reported that fascia improved, pain reduced, and fat was lost after women with lipedema and Dercum disease received deep tissue therapy 86 , Liposuction has been used as treatment for Dercum disease , reducing pain by one point on a visual analogue scale and improving insulin sensitivity Surgeons removing lipomas by liposuction must have experience in the removal of fibrotic tissue and manual or IAST therapies should be performed before and after any surgery to keep inflammation levels at a minimum.

Transcutaneous frequency rhythmic electrical modulation system FREMS reduced pain and the size of lipomas in one case of Dercum disease Cycling hypobaric air around ten people with Dercum disease improved pain and mental quality of life after five days of therapy Cycling air around the body by sequential pneumatic compression pump therapy is also useful for people with Dercum disease due to the presence of lymphatic dysfunction , People with Dercum disease have painful lipomas and other signs and symptoms of a healing disorder.

The different types of Dercum disease need to be delineated before any gene or biomarker can be found. The pain and associated signs and symptoms of Dercum disease should be treated to improve quality of life.

People with Dercum disease may be at high risk for cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors should be closely monitored and treated when appropriate. Multiple symmetric lipomatosis MSL; OMIM also known as Madelung disease, Launois-Bensaude syndrome, cephalothoracic lipodystrophy, and benign symmetric lipomatosis is a rare disease first described by Brodie in This disorder is clearly not benign.

Madelung reported data on 33 cases, but the classical description of the disease is attributed to Launois and Bensaude who published a detailed account of 65 cases in The literature on MSL was initially dominated by research on men with alcoholism; however, people who do not consume alcohol , women, and children are also affected There are different types of MSL described initially by two different groups and reclassified in based on a German cohort of 45 patients Table 11 and Figure 10 Two different presentations of MSL.

The man has MSL with a Charcot Marie Tooth presentation with increased fat on the upper body even after multiple resections, and the woman on the right has increased fat on the arms and upper back consistent with the old classification of MSL Type II.

Women tend to have Type II MSL and the authors state that it is difficult to differentiate women with lipedema from women with MSL type II. Finding a gene or biomarker for lipedema and MSL will be ultimately be helpful in distinguishing these adipofascial disorders.

In rare cases, MSL SAT can invade the muscles of the tongue , , vocal cords , and periorbital area Tracheal or esophageal compression can occur resulting in superior vena cava syndrome Multiple symmetric lipomatosis is considered rare occurring , in a primarily male Italian population and , in a German population where females outnumbered men 2.

Chalk et al. found no mitochondrial pathology or mutations in four siblings with MSL with a pattern favoring autosomal recessive Another study examined individuals with mitochondrial mutations and found that MSL was a rare sign of mitochondrial disease with a strong association between multiple lipomas and lysine tRNA mutations If triglyceride cannot be mobilized from fat, then along with adipogenesis via microRNAs , fat would be expected to increase.

Indeed, a mutation in the LIPE gene coding for hormone sensitive lipase was found to be mutated in a family with MSL and lipodystrophy Mutations in the MFN2 gene coding for mitofusin 2 have been found to cause MSL with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Mitofusin 2 helps to regulate the morphology of mitochondria by controlling the fusion process.

Individuals with mutations in MFN2 have increased fat on the upper part of the body and a lipodystrophy or lack of fat on other aspects of the body. These data support pathophysiology of MSL hypothesis 1 above for the development of MSL but also support hypothesis 2 in that alcohol may cause widespread damage to mitochondria.

The dorsocervical fat pad buffalo hump is thought to be a location of brown adipose tissue found both in MSL , , and HIV-associated lipodystrophy - suggesting that the abnormal fat tissue in both of these conditions arises from brown adipocytes Uncoupling protein UCP -1 has been shown to be activated in HIV-associated lipodystrophy and in agreement, calcyphosine-like CAPSL , important in early adipogenesis, was down-regulated and uncoupling protein UCP -1 upregulated in eleven individuals, one with familial MSL and ten with sporadic MSL disease Stromal vascular cells grown out of MSL fat tissue resulted in multiloculated adipocytes consistent with brown adipocytes , These data suggest that altered pre-adipocyte mesenchymal stem cells, adipogenesis and energy metabolism are important in development of MSL fat.

In support, microRNAs miRa-3p and miRp are significantly increased in the fat of patients with MSL. Finally, stem cells from MSL tissue showed significantly higher proliferative activity suggesting a defect in regulation of adipogenesis. Further research is needed to determine the exact pathophysiology involved in the development of MSL fat tissue, but the fact that alcohol is damaging to many tissues in the body suggests that inflammation may play a role.

Interleukin-6 levels were elevated in MSL tissue compared to unaffected tissue , and ethanol intake increases CYP2E1 activity in adipose tissue, leading to apoptosis of adipocytes through activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein Bid, resulting in activation of complement via C1q, and adipose tissue inflammation When the liver is fatty or cirrhotic, the liver produces even more lymphatic fluid Women have more developed vasculature, including lymphatics, in subcutaneous adipose tissue and therefore, if lymphatic vessels are important in the pathophysiology of MSL, they could be expected to have a different phenotype than men.

Rats provided acute alcohol intoxication were found to have mesenteric lymphatic hyperpermeability thoracic duct was not examined , a peri-lymphatic adipose tissue inflammatory response, and an altered systemic adipokine profile When lymphatic vessels leak, fat grows Alcohol and other mediators of lymphatic vessel leakage may therefore play a role in MSL.

Associated disorders include liver disease, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and peripheral and autonomic neuropathy Figure Disorders often associated with MSL Madelung disease.

Copyright © Szewc et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution — Non Commercial unported, v3.

Morbidity and mortality in MSL is thought to be high with sudden non-coronary death accounting for a large percentage of deaths in one series of primarily men The neuropathology of MSL is a distal axonal demyelination different from that associated with alcohol intake and impairment of autonomic function has been suggested as a possible cause of sudden death; this impairment seems to prevalently involve the autonomic nervous system and not related to a high alcohol intake.

Anyone with MSL should be encouraged to stop intake of alcohol. The only definitive treatment of MSL is liposuction or excision of the MSL tissue.

The advantages of lipectomy is more complete removal of MSL tissue and better control of iatrogenic damage to nearby structures. Liposuction, however, achieves good cosmetic results and is simpler and less invasive than lipectomy Multiple symmetric lipomatosis tissue tends to recur after liposuction and even excision.

Therefore, other treatments are needed to slow down the progression of this disease to improve quality of life. Some believe that combining excision with liposuction can reduce recurrence Such substances include phosphatidylcholine, multivitamins, pentoxifylline, aminophylline, hyaluronic acid, yohimbine, collagenase and others.

Mesotherapy has been used to treat MSL but the injections can cause fibrosis which can make excision or liposuction difficult Multiple symmetric lipomatosis is a rare adipofasial disorder associated with alcohol use, but not always.

The pathophysiology is unknown but may involve early adipogenesis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and brown adipose tissue formation.

Women with MSL may have lipedema and vice versa, therefore a gene or biomarker is needed to identify people with different types of MSL. Surgical treatment remains the only therapy for MSL. Aipofascial diseases occur when there is an increase in adipofascial tissue on the body that becomes fibrotic and is resistant to loss by lifestyle change.

Until such time that better understanding of the pathophysiology of these disorder hints at other treatment modalities, these disorders often require removal by surgical means. Many of the diseases overlap, making identification difficult and will remain so until additional genes or biomarkers are clinically available.

A comparison table of the five adipofascial disorders presented in this chapter can be helpful Table This electronic version has been made freely available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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Show details Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Blackman MR, et al. Contents www. Search term. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Diseases: Dercum Disease, Lipedema, Familial Multiple Lipomatosis, and Madelung Disease Karen Louise Herbst , PhD, MD. Author Information and Affiliations Karen Louise Herbst , PhD, MD Departments of Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Imaging, and Surgery, and TREAT Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Email: ude.

demfotped tsbrehnerak. ABSTRACT Subcutaneous adipose tissue diseases involving adipose tissue and its fascia, also known as adipofascial disorders, represent variations in the spectrum of obesity. LIPEDEMA Lipedema is a common SAT disease that was first described in at the Mayo clinic by Drs.

Classification of Lipedema Lipedema is classified by stages and types Pathophysiology of Lipedema The cause of lipedema remains unknown. Proposed theories to explain lipedema Theory 1: Abnormal Blood Microvasculature We and others 36 , 44 , 45 have advanced the theory that increased compliance from structural changes in connective tissue results in the ability to hold on to fluids, proteins and other constituents within the ECM and is causally important in the development of lipedema.

Theory 2: Abnormal Lymphatic Vasculature Another theory posits that fluid accumulation in the ECM results from a primary defect in lymphatic vessels. Markers of Obesity, Cardiometabolic Health, and Aortic Disease in Women with Lipedema Hypertrophic adipocytes, a marker of an inflammatory environment at risk for insulin resistance and other metabolic dysfunction, are reported in loose connective tissue in lipedema from women regardless of whether they were obese or not 58 , Imaging of Lipedema There are currently no imaging exams that can be used to definitively differentiate lipedema fat from non-lipedemadous adipose tissue.

Conditions Associated with Lipedema Obesity Women with lipedema are often are often thought of as having common obesity whether or not they meet BMI criteria for this condition. Table 1. Clinical Similarities and Differences Between Lipedema and Obesity. Psychosocial Psychosocial issues are prominent in women with lipedema including appearance-related distress and depression 87 , which can result in eating disorders Dercum Disease painful lipomas Lipedema can be present in the same individual who also has Dercum disease see below , and in this instance, would be considered a mixed disorder.

Table 2. Cellulite; fibrosis Cherry angiomas Slow metabolic rate. Clinical Care of Women with Lipedema Depending on whether the astute clinician makes the diagnosis of lipedema during the course of taking a history and physical, affected patients may more typically seek care for an associated co-morbidity.

Diagnosis Once the possibility of lipedema is considered, a good medical history will include an assessment of the food eaten, patterns of exercise, and a timeline of development of lipedema signs and symptoms with special attention to hormonal transitions in women including puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.

Table 3. Examination of Subcutaneous Fat for Lipedema, With or Without Obesity. Table 4. ICD Codes for Clinical Visits for Patients with Lipedema. Treatments for Lipedema Food Plans Many women with lipedema bring along family members that can attest to their healthy or minimal eating and beneficial exercise patterns as they tend not to be initially believed by healthcare providers.

Exercise Exercise is important for women living with lipedema as the muscle action helps pump blood and lymph fluid through the limbs. Compression Garments Compression garments are usually worn on the legs with a high waist to treat fat on the abdomen and on the arms as needed.

Bariatric Surgery Women with lipedema without some upper body obesity may respond poorly to bariatric surgery with regard to weight loss and often feel like failures or are mistakenly told directly or indirectly by their providers that it was their fault, with devastating psychological impact.

Liposuction Women with lipedema typically have several medically necessary reasons for undergoing liposuction to remove lipedema fat, including: Loss of mobility. Complete Decongestive Therapy Complete decongestive therapy CDT is commonly recommended for the treatment of lymphedema and includes skin care, education on home exercise programs, manual lymphatic drainage MLD therapy, wrapping as needed to reduce fluid build-up, and skin care recommendations performed by physical and occupational therapists and licensed massage therapists that have undergone additional training.

Pneumatic Compression Devices Studies have shown the benefit of advanced pneumatic compression devices PCDs in the treatment of lymphedema. Deep Tissue Therapy Women with lipedema treated with deep tissue manual therapy have reduced pain, fat tissue on the legs, tissue volume, tissue fibrosis and leaky or fibrotic vessels 86 , Psychological Support Women with lipedema have often spent years looking for answers and help for their condition.

Medications and Supplements There are no medications and supplements specifically for lipedema. Sympathomimetic Amines Sympathomimetic amines SA such as phentermine and amphetamine are approved by the food and drug administration FDA for the treatment of obesity.

Diosmin Diosmin is a bioflavonoid found in the rind of citrus fruit and is traditionally prescribed for the treatment of inflammation associated with chronic venous insufficiency. Metformin There are no current medications that can be used to reduce fibrosis already present in lipedema fat tissue, for which liposuction and deep tissue therapy are better modalities.

Selenium Selenium is a mineral found in the soil and in high concentration in Brazil nuts Bertholletia excelsa. Table 5: Medications and Supplements to Avoid When Treating People with Lipedema. Genetics of FML Familial multiple lipomatosis is usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with males and females equally affected.

Conditions Associated with FML In case reports, FML has been associated other rare or unusual disorders Table 6. Table 6. Disorders Found in Association with Multiple Lipomas. Pathophysiology of FML The pathophysiology of lipoma growth in FML is not known.

Imaging of Lipomas in FML Lipomas in FML are identified by palpation as connected to skin, surrounded by fat or connected to other structures such as muscle or solid fascial structures. Evaluation of the Patient With FML The initial workup for people with FML includes a family history of lipomas and cancer, and any associated conditions such as nevi or neuropathy.

Table 7. The FML Workup. Family history Lipomas; cancer; nevi; celiac; neuropathy Medical history Lipomas; cancer; nevi; celiac; neuropathy Physical Exam Lipomas Trunk, arms, low back, flanks, abdomen, thigh.

Attached to skin, muscle, other. Treatment of FML The current management of FML includes screening for associated conditions such as cancer Table 7 and consideration of a referral to genetics for tumor suppressor gene workups as needed.

Concluding Remarks on FML Familial multiple lipomatosis is a rare disease of multiple lipomas often associated with mutations in a tumor suppressor gene.

Multiple cherry angiomas present on the legs and arms of a woman with angiolipomatosis. Prevalence of Angiolipomatosis The prevalence of angiolipomatosis is unknown but it is considered to be a rare disease , Genetics of Angiolipomatosis Angiolipomatosis most often occurs sporadically, but a family history can be identified in a minority of cases as autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive , Pathophysiology of Angiolipomatosis Angiolipomas likely arise from fascia and therefore may also be painful because fascia is highly innervated, and when inflamed, is a likely source of pain Treatment of Angiolipomatosis Surgical The only definitive treatment of angiolipomas to date is individual resection by excision or liposuction Pain Management The necrosis of tissue in angiolipomas and inflammation of fascia with all of its nerve endings can cause severe pain in individuals with angiolipomatosis.

Concluding Remarks on Angiolipomatosis People with angiolipomas have severe pain that can be out of proportion to the outward appearance of the individual. DERCUM DISEASE Dercum disease DD; OMIM is a term used to describe extremely painful adipofascial tissue that is resistant to loss by diet and exercise and poorly responsive to analgesics.

Table 8. Comparison of Outdated Classifications of Dercum Disease. Older Classification Previous Recent Classification Type I: Diffuse Type. Widespread occurrence of painful lipomas in a diffuse manner Diffuse Type.

Diffusely painful adipose tissue that may present as painful folds of fats containing fat nodules that feel like pearls located around lymph node beds. Mostly resembles lipedema but extends or start in the trunk which differentiates it from lipedema Type II: Generalized Nodular Nodular type.

Intense pain in and around grape-like clustered lipomas of variable size most commonly on the arms, legs, lower back or thorax; can include angiolipomas. Most resembles familial multiple lipomatosis Type III.

Localized Nodular Nodular type. Intense pain in and around grape-like clustered lipomas of variable size in defined areas; can include angiolipomas Type IV: Juxta-articular NA NA Mixed Type: Combination of diffuse and nodular.

Table 9. Conditions with Painful Adipofascia which Have Been Labeled as Dercum Disease. Genetics of Dercum Disease There is are currently no known gene s for Dercum disease.

Pathophysiology of Dercum Disease The pathophysiology of Dercum disease needs to be determined by type, something that very few papers have done so accurately.

Imaging of Dercum Disease The most inexpensive means to document lipomas in the adipofascia of people with Dercum disease is by ultrasound. Conditions Associated with Dercum Disease Dercum disease has been associated with many conditions such as disrupted sleep cycle, headaches, cognitive difficulties, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal symptoms Treatment of Dercum Disease To maintain a healthy weight or lose excess adipofascial tissue, people with Dercum disease should be encouraged to eat a healthy diet such as Mediterranean, DASH, low processed sugar, plant-based low inflammatory foods, or foods that are low in histamine if mast cell activation disease is present or suspected; they should also undertake a graded exercise program.

Pain management of Dercum disease Signs and symptoms common in people with Dercum disease, including pain. Table Medications Used to Treat Pain and Other Symptoms in People with Dercum Disease. Concluding Remarks on Dercum Disease People with Dercum disease have painful lipomas and other signs and symptoms of a healing disorder.

Types of Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis Locations of Abnormal Fat Tissue. Types Old Classification Old Classification New German Classification 91 I Neck, shoulders, supraclavicular triangle, and proximal upper limbs Neck, upper back, shoulder girdle, and upper arms Ia: Neck Ib: Neck, shoulder girdle, upper arms Ic: Neck, shoulder girdle, upper arms, chest, abdomen, upper and lower back II Abdomen and thighs Shoulder girdle, deltoid region, upper arms, and thorax Hips, bottom, and upper legs III Thigh or female type similar to lipedema Gynecoid type: Thighs and medial side of the knees General distribution skipping head, forearms, and lower legs IV NA Abdominal type: Abdomen NA.

Prevalence of MSL Multiple symmetric lipomatosis is considered rare occurring , in a primarily male Italian population and , in a German population where females outnumbered men 2.

Pathophysiology of MSL Hypothesis 1: Brown Adipose Tissue The dorsocervical fat pad buffalo hump is thought to be a location of brown adipose tissue found both in MSL , , and HIV-associated lipodystrophy - suggesting that the abnormal fat tissue in both of these conditions arises from brown adipocytes Hypothesis 2: Inflammation, Alcohol and the Lymphatic System Further research is needed to determine the exact pathophysiology involved in the development of MSL fat tissue, but the fact that alcohol is damaging to many tissues in the body suggests that inflammation may play a role.

Disorders Associated with MSL Associated disorders include liver disease, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and peripheral and autonomic neuropathy Figure Treatment of MSL Anyone with MSL should be encouraged to stop intake of alcohol.

Concluding Remarks on MSL Multiple symmetric lipomatosis is a rare adipofasial disorder associated with alcohol use, but not always. Comparison of Adipofascial Diseases. Abbreviations: miRNA: microRNA; PALB2; Partner and localizer of BRCA2. Herbst KL. Rare adipose disorders RADs masquerading as obesity.

Acta Pharmacol Sin ; doi: 1 Luong Q, Huang J, Lee KY. Deciphering White Adipose Tissue Heterogeneity. Biology Basel ; 8 2.

doi: Hussain I, Patni N, Garg A. Lipodystrophies, dyslipidaemias and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Pathology ; doi: 2 Epub Dec Akinci B, Sahinoz M, Oral E.

Lipodystrophy Syndromes: Presentation and Treatment. In: Feingold KR AB, Boyce A, Chrousos G, Dungan K, Grossman A, Hershman JM, Kaltsas G, Koch C, Kopp P, Korbonits M, McLachlan R, Morley JE, New M, Perreault L, Purnell J, Rebar R, Singer F, Trence DL, Vinik A, Wilson DP, ed.

Hogan S, Velez MW, Kaminer MS. Updates on the understanding and treatment of cellulite. Semin Cutan Med Surg ; van der Valk ES, van den Akker ELT, Savas M, Kleinendorst L, Visser JA, Van Haelst MM, Sharma AM, van Rossum EFC.

A comprehensive diagnostic approach to detect underlying causes of obesity in adults. Obes Rev ; doi: 7 Epub Mar Kyrou I, Randeva HS, Tsigos C, Kaltsas G, Weickert MO. Clinical Problems Caused by Obesity. Gruzdeva O, Borodkina D, Uchasova E, Dyleva Y, Barbarash O. Localization of fat depots and cardiovascular risk.

In contrast with clinical tools, one relatively inexpensive type of body fat meter uses the principle of bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA in order to determine an individual's body fat percentage. To achieve this, the meter passes a small, harmless, electric current through the body and measures the resistance , then uses information on the person's weight, height, age, and sex to calculate an approximate value for the person's body fat percentage.

The calculation measures the total volume of water in the body lean tissue and muscle contain a higher percentage of water than fat , and estimates the percentage of fat based on this information. The result can fluctuate several percentage points depending on what has been eaten and how much water has been drunk before the analysis.

Before bioelectrical impedance analysis machines were developed, there were many different ways in analyzing body composition such as skin fold methods using calipers , underwater weighing , whole body air displacement plethysmography ADP and DXA.

Within the fat adipose tissue of CCR2 deficient mice , there is an increased number of eosinophils , greater alternative Macrophage activation, and a propensity towards type 2 cytokine expression.

Furthermore, this effect was exaggerated when the mice became obese from a high fat diet. Contents move to sidebar hide.

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Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons. Loose connective tissue composed mostly by adipocytes. For the fictional creature from Doctor Who, see List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens 0—9, A—G § Adipose. See also: Fat.

Adipose tissue is one of the main types of connective tissue. See also: Abdominal obesity. See also: Body fat percentage. Main article: Brown adipose tissue. Main article: Genetics of obesity § Genes. See also: Bioelectrical impedance analysis. Stem Cells and Development. doi : PMC PMID Endocrine Reviews.

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. ImmunoTargets and Therapy. Bibcode : Natur. S2CID The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The Fats of Life. Cambridge University Press. ISBN Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International. September Diabetes Care. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders.

European Journal of Nutrition. American Journal of Human Biology. Archived from the original on Retrieved See: Andrews M Yahoo Health. Women's Health. The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Retrieved August 3, International Journal of Obesity.

Obesity Reviews. November Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. April San Francisco, Calif. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. February June August July International Journal of Endocrinology.

Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences. Frontiers in Neuroscience. The American Journal of Cardiology. Archived from the original on December 20, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Bibcode : PNAS.. Hormone and Metabolic Research. PLOS ONE. Bibcode : PLoSO Stem Cells Translational Medicine. Acta Physiologica. FASEB Journal. Physiological Reviews. August 31, Frontiers in Physiology. Trends in Biochemical Sciences.

Frontiers in Endocrinology. The New England Journal of Medicine. Nature Medicine. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Continue reading as we discuss fat accumulation in these stubborn areas and why they do not go away even after exercising and eating a healthy diet.

Not all fats are created equal. In understanding why fat deposits around the belly and inner thighs are hard to lose, let us first explain in brief the different types of body fat. While the body has different types of fat, most of it is white fat.

In most cases, however, the location of the fat can determine how hard or easy it will be to get rid of. Excess visceral fat has to be burned first before the body can start tackling or burning excess subcutaneous fat.

And because of the different functions it serves in the body, it can take much time and effort to lose this type of fat. Subcutaneous fat, furthermore, makes up most of the fat in the body. Fat cells have two receptors Alpha-2 and Beta-2 receptors that determine the way they are used.

A fat cell can have lessor or more of these receptors, which also determines how they react to regular diet and exercise. The areas of the body with more visible fat have cells that the alpha-2 receptors control.

These include the lower belly, hips, thighs, and chin. Eating more calories than what you spend or burn can lead to excess weight. This can contribute to an expanding waistline or more fat in the lower part of the body, such as the hips and thighs. Aging is also a culprit, as fat normally increases with age while muscle mass and function decrease.

In many women, hormonal fluctuations can also contribute to the development or storage of fat in the midsection.

This can happen even if they are not gaining extra weight. It is said that the declining level of estrogen influences where the body distributes and stores fat.

What Is Subcutaneous Fat? Males that carry the putative gene do not generally exhibit the phenotype, even the fathers of affected daughters. The data supporting the conclusions of this article are from previously published articles. download the app. Both the mesenteric and omental depots incorporate much lymphoid tissue as lymph nodes and milky spots , respectively. Ultrastructural demonstration of the absorption and transportation of minute chylomicrons by subepithelial blood capillaries in rat jejunal villi. Therefore, it is possible that both the abdominal visceral fat and the frequent consumption of high-fat diet contribute to the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome through the increased flux of fatty acids to the portal venous circulation.
Compared to visceral fat, subcutaneous fat may be Subcutansous to Sustainable weight loss. Subcutaneous fat is found just Metabolic syndrome exercise your skin in depoeits of your Subcutaneous fat deposits. This is the soft fat that you can pinch. This type of fat is the most widely present throughout your body though it is mostly harmless. While all people have this type of fat, some have more than others. Factors like genetics, diet, and exercise can affect the amount of subcutaneous fat you carry.

Author: Faetaxe

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