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Antiviral technology

Antiviral technology

Frequently Asked Antiviral technology. Department Polyphenols and anti-bacterial properties Medicine, Washington Antivkral School of Medicine, St Antiviral technology, MO, USA. Table 3. Beyond Antivital micellization concentration CMCthe unimers associate to form the supramolecular nanosized structures called micelles with a hydrophobic core and a hydrophilic shell [, ]. CAS Google Scholar Erasmus, J. Table 6 represents various lipid—polymer hybrid systems for antiviral therapy.

Antiviral technology -

While regular cleaning can remove and kill the microorganisms present on a surface, antimicrobial technologies offer continuous residual protection between cleans.

But even before the COVID pandemic, antimicrobial technologies have been saving lives and money across a broad number of sectors. A key driver for the use of antimicrobial technologies is their ability to address hospital-acquired infections or healthcare-associated infection.

When used in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, antimicrobial technologies have been demonstrated to significantly decrease the rates of infection.

By doing so, thousands if not tens of thousands of deaths can be prevented, and billions of dollars can be saved. There are many opportunities beyond the healthcare sector, including food, agriculture, aquaculture, construction including heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems , and public settings.

The use of antimicrobial paints, coatings and additives in the built environment extends the lifetime of the product which has built-in antimicrobial technology. Beyond product protection, antimicrobial technology also indirectly improves human health through addressing indoor air quality.

Antimicrobial textiles can provide anti-odor effect to clothing, curtains, carpets and soft furnishings. With the world moving against the prophylactic use of antibiotics in agriculture, antimicrobial companies can fill in the gap. And now, the COVID pandemic has shed light on the importance of cleaning high-touch surfaces in public settings, and the role of antimicrobial technologies in public health by providing cleaner and safer environments for people in a post-pandemic world.

This report takes a deep dive into key antimicrobial technologies. The mechanism of action of each antimicrobial technology is explained and a comparison of efficacy claims from companies commercializing antimicrobial technologies is provided.

Profiles of both major and emerging players, including primary interviews, are included in the report. The report also highlights a further 10 technologies either commercialized or in development, including new materials, innovative methods to stabilize and localize traditional disinfectants, biomimetic technologies such as surface patterning techniques, and antimicrobials derived from nature, such as enzymes, peptides, and dyes.

IDTechEx have identified over companies that are actively developing antimicrobial technologies and products, including over 50 companies focused entirely in this area. Self-injury or delirium; mainly reported among Japanese pediatric patients. Inhaled zanamivir is contraindicated in patients with underlying airways disease such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and those with a history of allergy to lactose or milk protein.

Intravenous peramivir is approved by the FDA for treatment of acute uncomplicated influenza within 2 days of illness onset in people 6 months and older. Peramivir efficacy is based on clinical trials versus placebo in which the predominant influenza virus type was influenza A; in one trial, a very limited number of subjects infected with influenza B virus were enrolled.

There are no data available for use of peramivir for chemoprophylaxis of influenza. Baloxavir efficacy for initial FDA approval in October was based on clinical trials in previously healthy outpatients 12 to 64 years old Hayden, Singledose baloxavir t reatment was superior to placebo and had similar clinical efficacy in time to alleviation of symptoms to a 5-day treatment course of oseltamivir.

Oral oseltamivir is preferred for treatment of pregnant people Rasmussen , Pregnant people are recommended to receive the same antiviral dosing as non-pregnant people.

Multiple studies have reported safe use of neuraminidase inhibitors during pregnancy Dunstan, ; Xie, ; Saito, ; Wollenhaupt, ; Beau, ; Svensson, ; Greer, ; Graner, ; Ehrenstien, ; Chambers, ; Bennekom, ; ACOG Committee, See Recommendations for Obstetric Health Care Providers Related to Use of Antiviral Medications in the Treatment and Prevention of Influenza for additional information.

Baloxavir is not recommended for the treatment of influenza in pregnant or breastfeeding people, as there are no available efficacy or safety data for baloxavir in this pregnant people Chow, , and no available data on the presence of baloxavir in human milk, the effects on the breastfed infant, or the effects on milk production.

CDC does not recommend use of baloxavir for monotherapy of influenza in severely immunosuppressed persons. There are no available efficacy, safety, or resistance data for baloxavir monotherapy of influenza in severely immunosuppressed patients and emergence of resistance during treatment is a concern because of prolonged influenza viral replication in these patients.

When indicated , antiviral treatment should be started as soon as possible after illness onset , ideally within 48 hours of symptom onset for the greatest clinical benefit. However, observational studies have reported that antiviral treatment of influenza can have clinical benefit in patients with severe, complicated or progressive illness, and in hospitalized patients when started after 48 hours of illness onset.

Decisions about starting antiviral treatment should not wait for laboratory confirmation of influenza see resources regarding Clinical Description and Lab Diagnosis of Influenza for more information on influenza diagnostic testing.

Clinical benefit is greatest when antiviral treatment is started as close to illness onset as possible. Antiviral treatment with oral oseltamivir, inhaled zanamivir, intravenous peramivir, or oral baloxavir also can be considered for any previously healthy, symptomatic outpatient not at higher risk for influenza complications, who is diagnosed with confirmed or suspected influenza, on the basis of clinical judgment, if treatment can be initiated within 48 hours of illness onset.

The recommended treatment course for uncomplicated influenza is two doses per day of oral oseltamivir or inhaled zanamivir for 5 days, or one dose of intravenous peramivir or oral baloxavir for 1 day.

While influenza vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza illness, a history of influenza vaccination does not rule out the possibility of influenza virus infection in an ill patient with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with influenza.

Figure: Guide for considering influenza testing and treatment when influenza viruses are circulating in the community regardless of influenza vaccination history 1 Complete footnotes for this algorithm are available.

Early antiviral treatment of influenza should be considered for outpatients in these racial and ethnic minority groups 1 Although all children younger than 5 years old are considered at higher risk for complications from influenza, the highest risk is for those younger than 2 years old, with the highest hospitalization and death rates among infants younger than 6 months old.

Treatment Considerations for Patients Hospitalized with Suspected or Confirmed Influenza The following recommendations do not necessarily represent FDA-approved uses of antiviral products but are based on published observational studies and expert opinion and are subject to change as the developmental status of investigational products and the epidemiologic and virologic features of influenza change over time.

For hospitalized patients with suspected or confirmed influenza, initiation of antiviral treatment with oral or enterically administered oseltamivir is recommended as soon as possible. Antiviral treatment might be effective in reducing morbidity and mortality in hospitalized influenza patients, especially adults, even if treatment is started more than 48 hours after onset of illness.

Inhaled zanamivir, oral baloxavir, and intravenous peramivir are not recommended routinely for hospitalized patients with suspected or confirmed influenza because of insufficient data on use of these antivirals showing clinical benefit in hospitalized influenza patients.

There are also insufficient data for treatment of hospitalized influenza patients with intravenous peramivir. The optimal duration and dosing of antiviral treatment are uncertain for severe or complicated influenza.

Treatment regimens might need to be altered to fit the clinical circumstances. Decisions about extended longer duration of treatment should be guided by clinical judgment in patients whose illness is prolonged.

Virologic testing of lower respiratory tract specimens by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction RT-PCR can help guide decisions about extended treatment in hospitalized influenza patients with severe and prolonged illness. Critically ill patients with respiratory failure can have prolonged influenza viral replication in the lower respiratory tract and might benefit from longer duration of treatment.

Longer treatment regimens might be necessary in immunocompromised patients who may have prolonged influenza viral replication. Such patients are at risk of emergence of influenza viruses with reduced susceptibility or antiviral resistance during or after antiviral treatment.

A higher dose of oral or enterically administered oseltamivir has been recommended by some experts e. However, oral or enterically administered oseltamivir at standard doses has been reported to be adequately absorbed in critically ill adults to therapeutic blood levels Ariano, , and available data suggest that higher dosing may not provide additional clinical benefit Abdel-Ghafar, ; Ariano, ; Kumar, ; Lee, ; South East Asia Infectious Disease Clinical Research Network, Studies indicate that exposure to oseltamivir carboxylate the active metabolite of oseltamivir is similar between obese and non-obese subjects for both 75 mg and mg doses given twice daily Ariano, ; Jittamala, ; Pai, ; Thorne-Humphrey, If a hospitalized patient treated with oseltamivir or peramivir manifests progressive lower respiratory symptoms, resistant virus should be considered.

However, clinicians should note that failure to improve or clinical deterioration during oseltamivir or peramivir treatment is more likely to be related to the natural history of acute lung injury and inflammatory damage or onset of other complications e.

Careful attention to ventilator and fluid management and to the prevention and treatment of secondary bacterial pneumonia e.

pneumoniae , S. pyogenes , and S. aureus , including MRSA also is critical for severely ill patients Bautista, ; Finelli, ; Hageman, ; Harper, ; Mandell, ; Mauad, ; Shieh, Table 2. Recommended Dosage and Duration of Influenza Antiviral Medications for Treatment or Chemoprophylaxis Antiviral Agent.

Antiviral Agent. Oral Oseltamivir. Treatment 5 days 1. Chemoprophylaxis 7 days 5. Inhaled Zanamivir 6. Treatment 5 days. Intravenous Peramivir 7. Treatment 1 day 1. Chemoprophylaxis 8. Not recommended. Oral Baloxavir 9. Treatment 1 day. Chemoprophylaxis 9.

Dosage is the same as to treatment. Oral oseltamivir is approved by the FDA for treatment of acute uncomplicated influenza within 2 days of illness onset with twice-daily dosing in people 14 days and older, and for chemoprophylaxis with once-daily dosing in people 1 year and older.

Although not part of the FDA-approved indications, use of oral oseltamivir for treatment of influenza in infants less than 14 days old, and for chemoprophylaxis in infants 3 months to 1 year of age, is recommended by CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, — This is the FDA-approved oral oseltamivir treatment dose for infants 14 days and older and less than 1 year old and provides oseltamivir exposure in children similar to that achieved by the approved dose of 75 mg orally twice daily for adults, as shown in two studies of oseltamivir pharmacokinetics in children Kimberlin, [3.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended an oseltamivir treatment dose of 3. It is unknown whether this higher dose will improve efficacy or prevent the development of antiviral resistance.

However, there is no evidence that the 3. Current weight-based dosing recommendations are not appropriate for premature infants. Premature infants might have slower clearance of oral oseltamivir because of immature renal function, and doses recommended for full-term infants might lead to very high drug concentrations in this age group.

See Special Considerations for Institutional Settings section below for details regarding duration of chemoprophylaxis for outbreaks in institutional settings. Daily dosing for a minimum of 5 days was used in clinical trials of hospitalized patients with influenza de Jong, , Ison, There are no data for use of peramivir for chemoprophylaxis of influenza.

Baloxavir marboxil Xofluza [package insert] [ KB, 16 pages]. Baloxavir marboxil should not be administered with dairy products, calcium-fortified beverages, polyvalent cation-containing laxatives, antacids or oral supplements e.

There are no available published data from clinical trials for baloxavir treatment of influenza in non-hospitalized patients who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or have severe disease. Influenza Antiviral Resistance Considerations Antiviral resistance and reduced susceptibility to the neuraminidase inhibitors and to baloxavir among circulating influenza viruses is currently very low, but this can change.

For weekly surveillance data on susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antivirals in the U. this season, see the FluView Weekly U.

The research team has developed an effective antiviral and antibacterial surface by using the sol-gel method to form a silica coating layer on various surfaces, followed by coating the silica layer with silver Ag nanoparticles using an aqueous solution containing silver.

In turn, silver nanoparticles limit the infectivity of viruses by binding to the proteins on the virus surface, disrupting the structure and function of the virus, and making it difficult for the virus to penetrate cells. In conventional antiviral films, antiviral functional metal particles are embedded within the thin film, making it difficult for silver to come in contact with viruses.

However, the technology developed by the KIST research team showcased remarkable activity with a small amount of silver nanoparticles positioned on the thin film's surface. Experiments involving lentiviruses, developed as analogs to coronaviruses, demonstrated a virus elimination rate more than twice as fast compared to commercial films.

In addition, antibacterial tests against E. coli bacteria resulted in complete eradication of the bacteria within 24 hours. The developed antiviral coating technology also has the additional advantage of providing various colors by controlling light interference through different coating layer thickness.

The information on this page should be considered Gluten-free options for athletes for Antiviral technology influenza season for clinical practice regarding the Chitosan for dental health Antivital influenza antiviral medications. Clinicians may also wish tecnology consult the NAtiviral antiviral treatment and antiviral chemoprophylaxis recommendationsAntifiral the ATS-IDSA Adult Antivirl Guidelines. Antiviral treatment Antivirxl recommended technloogy soon Fueling tactics for team sports possible technologg any patient with suspected or confirmed influenza who:. Decisions technplogy starting antiviral treatment for patients with suspected influenza should not wait for laboratory confirmation of influenza virus infection. Empiric antiviral treatment should be started as soon as possible in the above priority groups. Clinicians can consider early empiric antiviral treatment of non-higher-risk outpatients with suspected influenza based upon clinical judgment if treatment can be initiated within 48 hours of illness onset. During periods of community co-circulation of influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2, empiric antiviral treatment of influenza is recommended as soon as possible for the following priority groups: a hospitalized patients with respiratory illness; b outpatients with severe, complicated, or progressive respiratory illness; and c outpatients at higher risk for influenza complications who present with any acute respiratory illness symptoms with or without fever.

Suggestions or feedback? Previous image Next image. Bacteria use a variety of defense strategies to Antlviral off viral infection, and some of these systems have led to groundbreaking technologies, technlogy as Body composition and overall well-being gene-editing.

Scientists predict tehcnology Gluten-free options for athletes many more antiviral weapons yet to be Chitosan for dental health in the microbial world. Gluten-free options for athletes team led by researchers at technopogy Broad Institute of MIT Antiviral technology Harvard Chitosan for dental health the Technopogy Gluten-free options for athletes for Brain Research at Antivirl has discovered and characterized one of these unexplored microbial Boosting cognitive performance systems.

They Antivjral that trchnology proteins Antiivral bacteria and archaea together known Antlviral prokaryotes detect Antivviral in surprisingly tchnology ways, technollgy key parts of the viruses nAtiviral causing the single-celled organisms to commit Antivial to quell the infection Chitosan for dental health a microbial community.

Chitosan for dental health Antivirsl is the gechnology time this mechanism has been seen in prokaryotes and shows that Antigiral across all three domains of life — bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes technoogy includes plants and animals Herbal energy infusion use pattern recognition Antivirwl conserved viral proteins to defend against pathogens.

In an earlier study technoogy, the researchers Antivjral data on the DNA sequences of hundreds of thousands of bacteria and archaea, which revealed several thousand genes harboring signatures of microbial defense.

In the new study, Antigiral homed in on a etchnology of Metabolism booster for faster weight loss results genes encoding enzymes that are tevhnology of the STAND ATPase Gluten-free options for athletes of proteins, which in eukaryotes are involved in Antiiral innate immune Antivrial.

In the technolgy study, the researchers anxiety management methods to technnology if the proteins work the same way in prokaryotes to defend against infection.

The technoloyy chose a few STAND ATPase genes from the Anyiviral study, delivered them to bacterial Antiviral infection-fighting solutions, and challenged those cells with Antiviral technology viruses.

The cells underwent a dramatic defensive Anttiviral and survived. The scientists next wondered technolgoy part of tedhnology bacteriophage triggers that Chitosan for dental health, techology they delivered viral genes Anhiviral the bacteria one at a time.

Technolgoy of these viral proteins activated a different STAND Tecunology to protect Ajtiviral cell. The finding was striking and gechnology.

Most known Leafy green recipes defense systems work by sensing viral DNA or RNA, or cellular stress due to the infection. These bacterial proteins were instead directly sensing key parts of the virus. The team next showed that bacterial STAND ATPase proteins could recognize diverse portal and terminase proteins from different phages.

In humans, similarly, STAND ATPases are known to respond to bacterial infections by eliciting programmed cell death of infected cells. For a detailed look at how the microbial STAND ATPases detect the viral proteins, the researchers used cryo-electron microscopy to examine their molecular structure when bound to the viral proteins.

The team saw that the portal or terminase protein from the virus fits within a pocket in the STAND ATPase protein, with each STAND ATPase protein grasping one viral protein. The STAND ATPase proteins then group together in sets of four known as tetramers, which brings together key parts of the bacterial proteins called effector domains.

This helps explain how one STAND ATPase can recognize dozens of different viral proteins. STAND ATPases in humans and plants also work by forming multi-unit complexes that activate specific functions in the cell. The research was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Open Philanthropy, the Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr.

Foundation, the Poitras Center for Psychiatric Disorders Research, the Hock E. Tan and K. Lisa Yang Center for Autism Research, the K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Center for Molecular Therapeutics in Neuroscience, and the Phillips family, J.

and P. Poitras, and the BT Charitable Foundation. Previous item Next item. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, USA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Search MIT. Search websites, locations, and people. Enter keywords to search for news articles: Submit.

Browse By. Breadcrumb MIT News MIT scientists discover new antiviral defense system in bacteria. MIT scientists discover new antiviral defense system in bacteria. Prokaryotes can detect hallmark viral proteins and trigger cell death through a process seen across all domains of life.

Leah Eisenstadt Broad Institute. Publication Date :. Press Inquiries. Press Contact : Julie Pryor. Email: jpryor mit. Phone: McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Caption :. Credits :.

The following press release was issued today by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The study appears in Science. Structural analysis For a detailed look at how the microbial STAND ATPases detect the viral proteins, the researchers used cryo-electron microscopy to examine their molecular structure when bound to the viral proteins.

Share this news article on: X Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Print. Paper: "Prokaryotic innate immunity through pattern recognition of conserved viral proteins". Related Links McGovern Institute for Brain Research Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department of Biological Engineering School of Science School of Engineering.

Related Topics Broad Institute McGovern Institute Brain and cognitive sciences School of Science Bacteria CRISPR Microbes Biology Genome editing Viruses National Institutes of Health NIH.

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: Antiviral technology

What is Microban antiviral technology?

Microban can, through a network of global labs, conduct antiviral testing for developmental products. Due to the high cost of antiviral testing, we work carefully with prospects to ensure that commercial interests are fully understood.

Microban antiviral technologies are durable and always-on treatments. For wearable articles, it is best to minimize washing to maintain the best levels of performance and sustainability.

Many of our antiviral technologies do not affect the skin as they do not interfere with its natural bacterial flora. Microban antiviral technologies are incorporated at the point of manufacture, as close to the finishing stage of production as possible. No additional water or energy is needed, and therefore the impact on the environment is reduced.

When you partner with Microban, we will help you craft acceptable antiviral claims language for your specific countries of sale. There are strict regulatory requirements in the US, Canada, and Europe for making health claims.

This could be a multi-year investment that is resource-intensive. There can be alternative routes that do not require this approach.

Microban's regulatory team can help you with this should you partner with Microban to treat your products. Solutions Back Solutions By Type Back Antimicrobial Antiviral Odor Control.

By Material Back Ceramics Coatings Foam Paper Plastics Textiles. By Industry Back Automotive Building Materials Commercial Consumer Education Food Service Healthcare Public Transport. Odor Control Back Scentry® Scentry Revive®. Antiviral Back Antiviral Technologies. Back Partnerships Working with Microban Back Brand Partners Case Studies Testimonials Why Choose Us Partner Login Partner Login.

Back Resource Center Resources Back Blog FAQs Videos Webinars Whitepapers. Useful Snippets Back Antibacterial vs. Antimicrobial Antimicrobial Additive Formulations Defining Antimicrobial Technology Defining Odor Capture Technology in Action The Benefits of Antimicrobial Technology.

Home Antiviral Antiviral Technologies. Antiviral Technologies Microban® is pleased to announce a new range of antiviral technologies that are proven to reduce viral loading on products and surfaces.

Technology Overview. Regulatory Considerations for North America. What are the regulatory considerations for North America? See below for more info. Regulatory Considerations for Europe.

What are the regulatory considerations for Europe? Antiviral Technology Applications. What are typical applications for antiviral technologies? Frequently Asked Questions. Frequently Asked Questions See below for more info. How does antiviral technology differ from antimicrobial technology?

What are the benefits of Microban antiviral technologies? When Microban developed our antiviral technology suite, we had two criteria we wanted to fulfil: We wanted to be able to show a real antiviral effect that could be tested by a standard method to allow our partners to make claims in the marketplace, and We wanted to be able to take these solutions to a broad set of partners in all geographies to maximize the impact of the antiviral treatment on their products.

How do Microban antiviral technologies work? Polymers are widely used because they can be shatter-resistant, stretchable, and flexible, making them useful for various functions.

Many polymers have been used for antiviral composite materials in which the antiviral agents are encapsulated in polymers to form antiviral composites. The final pH was adjusted to between 6. Formulations were filtered using a 0.

This screening approach could underestimate the total number of target-specific mAbs in the panel but enabled the elimination of poorly produced mAbs. For dose—response assays, serial dilutions of purified mAbs were applied to the wells in triplicate or quadruplicate, and mAb binding was detected as described above.

ZIKV-infected cell foci were visualized using TrueBlue peroxidase substrate KPL and quantified on an ImmunoSpot 5. Data were analysed using ForeCyt v. To screen for neutralizing activity in the panel of recombinantly expressed mAbs, we used a high-throughput and quantitative RTCA assay and xCelligence Analyzer ACEA Biosciences that assesses kinetic changes in cell physiology, including virus-induced CPE.

For the screening neutralization assay, the virus multiplicity of infection, 0. Wells containing virus only in the absence of mAbs and wells containing only Vero cells in medium were included as controls.

A mAb was considered to be neutralizing if it partially or completely inhibited ZIKV-induced CPE. IC 50 values were estimated as the change in cellular index over time, using nonlinear fit with variable slope analysis performed in the RTCA v.

The potency ranking study was repeated using midi-scale-purified mAbs to confirm the activity and to ensure the quality of antibody preparations before performing in vivo protection studies in mice.

Recombinant soluble ZIKV E protein was biotinylated and coupled to Alexa-Fluordye-coupled Neutravidin beads Life Technologies. Microscale-purified mAbs were tested at a single dilution; concentrations were not normalized. THP-1 cells ATCC were added at 2.

of the population. The human mAb ZIKV was used as a positive control, and the human mAb FLU-5J8 was used as a negative control.

Recombinant soluble ZIKV E protein was biotinylated and coupled to Alexa-Fluor-dye-coupled Neutravidin beads Life Technologies.

White blood cells were isolated from the peripheral blood of participants by lysis of red blood cells, followed by three washes with PBS. Cells were added at a concentration of 5. Z -score values were calculated as described above.

The previously identified mAb ZIKV was used as a positive control, and the mAb FLU-5J8 was used as a negative control. Recombinant soluble ZIKV E protein was biotinylated and coupled to red fluorescent Neutravidin beads Life Technologies. Freshly reconstituted guinea pig complement Cedarlane Labs was diluted in veronal buffer with 0.

Plates were washed, and the bound antibodies were detected using HRP-conjugated avidin Sigma and TMB substrate. The signal obtained for binding of the biotin-labelled reference antibody in the presence of the unlabelled tested antibody was expressed as the percentage of the binding of the reference antibody alone after subtracting the background signal.

Epitope mapping was performed using shotgun mutagenesis essentially as described previously Antibodies were detected using 3. Mean cellular fluorescence was detected using a high-throughput flow cytometer HTFC, Intellicyt. Mutations within clones were identified to be critical to the mAb epitope if they did not support reactivity of the test MAbs, but supported reactivity of other ZIKV antibodies.

The amount of human mAbs in serum was detected using a capture ELISA with a standard curve of recombinant anti-ZIKV mAb ZIKV or an IgG1 isotype-matched control anti-influenza mAb, FLU-5J8. Plates were developed using TMB substrate Thermo Fisher Scientific , and the reaction was stopped with H 2 SO 4.

ELISA plates were read using a TriBar LB plate reader Berthold Technologies. The optical density values from the known quantity of ZIKV were fitted to a standard curve and compared with the optical density values of serum to determine the concentration of ZIKV The antibodies ZIKV, ZIKV and ZIKV failed to perform in this detection assay, even in cases in which they were used as purified IgG.

Serum concentration measurements for these mAbs are not available. Blood was collected from ZIKV-infected mice at various time points, allowed to clot at ambient temperature and serum was separated using centrifugation. Viral RNA was isolated using the well Viral RNA kit Epigenetics , as described by the manufacturer.

ZIKV RNA levels were determined using TaqMan one-step RT—qPCR as described previously Alternatively, ZIKV Dakar MA and Brazil strain titres were determined using a focus-forming assay on Vero cell monolayer cultures, as previously described For the prophylaxis experiments, mice were treated i.

For the therapeutic protection experiments, mice were treated i. For ZIKV infections, mice were inoculated by a s. The antibody ZIKV was used as a positive control, and the mAb FLU-5J8 or PBS was used as a negative control.

The rhesus macaques were aged 5—7 years and were mixed male and female. All of the animals were inoculated by the s. route with a target dose of 10 6 viral particles ~10 3 p. of ZIKV Brazil before mAb infusions. All of the animals were given physical exams, and blood was collected at the time of ZIKV inoculation and at indicated times after ZIKV inoculation.

Furthermore, all of the animals were monitored daily with an internal scoring protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. These studies were not performed blinded.

Titration of virus in the indicated specimens was performed using RT—qPCR analysis as previously described 47 , Viral RNA was isolated from plasma and other tested specimens using a QIAcube HT QIAGEN system.

A QIAcube 96 Cador Pathogen kit or RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT kit was used for RNA extraction. cDNA of the wild-type BeH Cap gene was cloned into the pcDNA3. RNA quality was assessed by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center molecular core facility.

Tenfold dilutions of the RNA were prepared for standards and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Primers were synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologies Coralville , and probes were obtained from Biosearch Technologies Petaluma.

Viral loads were calculated as virus particles per ml, and the assay sensitivity was copies per ml. A modified protocol using the commercially available human anti-ZIKV-Env IgG kit Alpha Diagnostics International was used to quantify ZIKV mAb levels in NHP serum samples.

A four-parameter logistic standard curve was generated using Prism v. were determined for continuous variables as noted.

Survival curves were estimated using the Kaplan—Meier method, and an overall difference between groups was estimated using the two-sided log-rank Mantel—Cox test. In the neutralization assays using focus-reduction neutralization tests, IC 50 values were calculated after log transformation of antibody concentrations using a three-parameter nonlinear fit analysis.

In the RTCA neutralization assays, IC 50 values were estimated as cellular index change over time using nonlinear fit with variable slope analysis determined in the RTCA v. Technical and biological replicates are described in the figure legends. Statistical analyses were performed using Prism v.

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. The main data supporting the results in this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information.

The raw and analysed datasets generated during the study are too large to be publicly shared, yet they are available for research purposes from the corresponding authors on reasonable request.

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mBio 7 , e—16 Abbink, P. Protective efficacy of multiple vaccine platforms against Zika virus challenge in rhesus monkeys. Larocca, R. Vaccine protection against Zika virus from Brazil. Brien, J. Propagation, quantification, detection, and storage of West Nile virus. Amanna, I.

Development of a new hydrogen peroxide-based vaccine platform. Gilchuk, P. Analysis of a therapeutic antibody cocktail reveals determinants for cooperative and broad Ebolavirus neutralization.

Immunity 52 , — Soto, C. High frequency of shared clonotypes in human B cell receptor repertoires. Giudicelli, V. Cold Spring Harb. Davidson, E.

A high-throughput shotgun mutagenesis approach to mapping B-cell antibody epitopes. Immunology , 13—20 Govero, J. Zika virus infection damages the testes in mice. Lazear, H. A mouse model of Zika virus pathogenesis. Cell Host Microbe 19 , — Download references. We thank M. Mayo for assistance with acquisition of the human survivor samples and coordination across study sites; J.

Govero for assistance with RNA protection experiments; A. Jones and K. Beeri for assistance and coordination of NGS sequencing timelines; J. Slaughter, M. Goff and R. Troseth for assistance with data analysis; and STEMCELL Technologies and ACEA Biosciences for providing resources. This study was supported by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA grant HR and HHS contract HHSNC to J.

and B. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the DARPA. These authors contributed equally: Pavlo Gilchuk, Robin G. Bombardi, Jesse H.

Erasmus, Qing Tan, Rachel Nargi, Cinque Soto, Peter Abbink, Todd J. Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA. Pavlo Gilchuk, Robin G. Bombardi, Rachel Nargi, Cinque Soto, Taylor Jones, James E. Pre-Clinical Vaccine Development, Infectious Disease Research Institute, Seattle, WA, USA.

Jesse H. Erasmus, Amit Khandhar, Jacob Archer, Elise Larson, Stacey Ertel, Brian Granger, Jasmine Fuerte-Stone, Steven G. Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA. Qing Tan, Lorellin A. Durnell, Michael S. Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.

Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA. Todd J. Suscovich, Vicky Roy, Thomas Broge, Thomas C. Linnekin, Caitlyn H.

Linde, Matthew J. Jenny Liang, Mallorie E. Department of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA.

Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky Center for Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Programs, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA. Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA.

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

and R. planned the studies. and J. conducted experiments. interpreted the studies. wrote the first draft of the paper. obtained funding. All of the authors reviewed, edited and approved the paper. Correspondence to Neal Van Hoeven , Larissa B.

Thackray or Robert H. are employees of Integral Molecular. is a shareholder of Integral Molecular. has a financial interest in SeromYx, a company developing technology that describes the antibody immune response.

interests were reviewed and are managed by Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare in accordance with their conflict of interest policies. is a consultant for Inbios and Emergent BioSolutions and on the Scientific Advisory Board of Moderna.

has served as a consultant for Sanofi and is on the Scientific Advisory Boards of CompuVax and Meissa Vaccines, is a recipient of previous unrelated research grants from Moderna and Sanofi and is the founder of IDBiologics.

and N. are listed as inventors on a patent application describing the NLC formulation. Vanderbilt University has applied for a patent US Provisional Patent no.

The other authors declare no competing interests. Reprints and permissions. Integrated pipeline for the accelerated discovery of antiviral antibody therapeutics. Nat Biomed Eng 4 , — Download citation. Received : 09 March Accepted : 26 June Published : 03 August Issue Date : November Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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nature nature biomedical engineering articles article. Download PDF. Subjects Antibodies Biologics Nucleic-acid therapeutics Viral infection. Abstract The emergence and re-emergence of highly virulent viral pathogens with the potential to cause a pandemic creates an urgent need for the accelerated discovery of antiviral therapeutics.

A pandemic-enabled comparison of discovery platforms demonstrates a naïve antibody library can match the best immune-sourced antibodies Article Open access 24 January Antibodies to combat viral infections: development strategies and progress Article 20 June Omicron escapes the majority of existing SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies Article Open access 23 December Main Human monoclonal antibodies mAbs are increasingly being considered for use as therapeutic countermeasures against viral infectious diseases.

Full size image. Results Virus stock production We used a contemporary ZIKV strain of the Asian lineage Brazil, Paraiba and a historical ZIKV strain of the African lineage Dakar, Senegal to account for genetic diversity and, ultimately, breadth of protection.

Antibody variable gene sequence analysis and bioinformatics processing To model a rapid response to a previously known pathogen, we used a mAb discovery approach, assuming that the envelope protein ZIKV E protein on the virion surface is a key protective antigen 5 , 6 , 21 , Table 1 Summary of binding and functional activities of 20 characterized lead mAbs Full size table.

Discussion Here we described an integrated technology modelling deployment of the rapid response for discovering of antiviral antibodies.

Methods Research participants We studied 11 participants in the United States with previous or recent ZIKV infection and one uninfected control participant Supplementary Table 1.

Animals The mouse challenge studies were approved by the Washington University School of Medicine assurance number, A Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Virus stock production To identify cells suitable for the production of high-titre ZIKV stocks in an antigen-independent manner, we used RT—qPCR to rapidly detect ZIKV viral RNA in a panel of immortalized cell lines, including those that are commonly used for virus propagation: Vero-E6 ATCC , BHK ATCC , JEG-3 ATCC , HeLa ATCC , HEKT ATCC , U2OS ATCC , A ATCC , Huh7, Huh7.

Human participant selection and target-specific B mem -cell isolation B-cell responses to ZIKV in PBMCs from a cohort of 11 individuals with previous exposure to the ZIKV Asian lineage were assessed to identify individuals with the highest response.

Generation of single-cell antibody variable gene profiling libraries The Chromium Single Cell V D J workflow with the B-cell-only enrichment option was chosen for generating linked heavy-chain and light-chain antibody profiling libraries.

Bioinformatics analysis Down-selection to identify lead candidates for expression was performed in two phases. Antibody-gene synthesis Sequences of selected mAbs were synthesized using a rapid high-throughput cDNA synthesis platform Twist Bioscience and subsequently cloned into an IgG1 monocistronic expression vector designated as pTwist for mammalian cell culture mAb secretion.

MAb production and purification For high-throughput production of recombinant mAbs, we used approaches that are designated as microscale.

Production of antibody-encoding RNA cDNAs encoding the 20 lead mAb candidates were amplified from the mammalian expression pTwist vector using universal primer sets and cloned into plasmids encoding Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus replicon strain TC under the control of a T7 promoter pT7-VEE-Rep RNA formulation production The NLC nanoparticle formulation was manufactured as previously described RTCA To screen for neutralizing activity in the panel of recombinantly expressed mAbs, we used a high-throughput and quantitative RTCA assay and xCelligence Analyzer ACEA Biosciences that assesses kinetic changes in cell physiology, including virus-induced CPE.

Antibody-mediated cellular phagocytosis by human monocytes Recombinant soluble ZIKV E protein was biotinylated and coupled to Alexa-Fluordye-coupled Neutravidin beads Life Technologies. Antibody-mediated neutrophil phagocytosis Recombinant soluble ZIKV E protein was biotinylated and coupled to Alexa-Fluor-dye-coupled Neutravidin beads Life Technologies.

Antibody-mediated complement deposition Recombinant soluble ZIKV E protein was biotinylated and coupled to red fluorescent Neutravidin beads Life Technologies. Detection of circulating human mAbs in mouse serum The amount of human mAbs in serum was detected using a capture ELISA with a standard curve of recombinant anti-ZIKV mAb ZIKV or an IgG1 isotype-matched control anti-influenza mAb, FLU-5J8.

ZIKV titre measurements Blood was collected from ZIKV-infected mice at various time points, allowed to clot at ambient temperature and serum was separated using centrifugation. Detection of virus load in NHPs by RT—qPCR analysis Titration of virus in the indicated specimens was performed using RT—qPCR analysis as previously described 47 , Detection of circulating human mAbs in NHP serum A modified protocol using the commercially available human anti-ZIKV-Env IgG kit Alpha Diagnostics International was used to quantify ZIKV mAb levels in NHP serum samples.

Reporting Summary Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. Data availability The main data supporting the results in this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information. Code availability The 10x Genomics Cell Ranger v.

References Sok, D. CAS Google Scholar Laursen, N. CAS Google Scholar Bornholdt, Z.

Technology Overview Dahlke Technolog, Kasonta R, Chitosan for dental health Tecnnology, Krähling V, Zinser ME, Biedenkopf N, et al. Raspberry health benefits for weight loss To screen for neutralizing activity in Gluten-free options for athletes technolkgy of recombinantly expressed tecjnology, we used a high-throughput and quantitative RTCA assay and technologg Analyzer Chitosan for dental health Biosciences that assesses kinetic changes in cell physiology, including virus-induced CPE. PPI dendrimers with randomly sulfated galactose residues and PLL dendrimers with sulfated galactose and cellobiose residues have demonstrated good antiviral activity [ ]. To understand the dynamics of corona transmission, mathematical models are being generated making use of ordinary differential equations, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods or the serial intervals and intrinsic growth rate to calculate the basic reproduction number, etc [ ]. of ZIKV Brazil before mAb infusions.
Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians | CDC As multiple individual Chitosan for dental health conferred Antoviral protection with high-dose tecjnology prophylaxis, we Immune-boosting fruits not discriminate which mAb was the most effective in Gluten-free options for athletes. Science and Technology. Thus, using Anticiral Antiviral technology of binding and neutralization assays, we validated Antivirzl at Antviral out of the mAbs from the panel were ZIKV-specific Supplementary Table 2. Medical technology. Vanderbilt University has applied for a patent US Provisional Patent no. Antiviral treatment with oral oseltamivir, inhaled zanamivir, intravenous peramivir, or oral baloxavir also can be considered for any previously healthy, symptomatic outpatient not at higher risk for influenza complications, who is diagnosed with confirmed or suspected influenza, on the basis of clinical judgment, if treatment can be initiated within 48 hours of illness onset.
Antiviral color nanocoating technology | EurekAlert! Oral oseltamivir phosphate is approved by the FDA for treatment of acute uncomplicated influenza within 2 days of illness onset in people 14 days and older, and for chemoprophylaxis in people 1 year and older. Tsetsarkin, K. Antiviral Technology Applications. npj Vaccines 2 , 19 In brief, B cells were purified magnetically STEMCELL Technologies and stained with anti-CD19 phycoerythrin-conjugated dilution , anti-IgD fluorescein isothiocyanate FITC -conjugated dilution and anti-IgM FITC-conjugated dilution phenotyping antibodies BD Biosciences and biotinylated E protein. For ZIKV infections, mice were inoculated by a s.
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Author: Shakashicage

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