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Concentration enhancement techniques

Concentration enhancement techniques

Powerful Antioxidant Foods profiles to snhancement personalised content. But blood gets pooled in the Tehcniques half of our bodies as a result of gravity, and doesn't push as much oxygen to the brain, where it helps improve concentration. While we may want to concentrate on a particular task, sometimes we get stuck and our brain needs something fresh to focus on.

Concentration enhancement techniques -

You can also try the five-more rule, where you agree to do 5 more of whatever you're doing if you feel yourself losing interest or wanting to give up.

To learn how to make lifestyle changes that can improve your concentration, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No. Skip to Content. Courses Guides New Tech Help Pro Expert Videos About wikiHow Pro Upgrade Sign In. Edit this Article. Tech Help Pro About Us Random Article Quizzes.

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wikiHow Account. No account yet? Create an account. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Categories Health Alternative Health Meditation Mindfulness Attention and Concentration How to Improve Your Concentration.

Download Article Explore this Article methods. List of Foods to Improve Concentration. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Co-authored by Anne Dunev, PhD, NP, ACN Last Updated: June 14, Fact Checked.

Method 1. Use earplugs. It helps a lot. Earplugs can be a bit uncomfortable so do not use them for very long periods at a time e. take a break after an hour. Make a tally of every time your mind wanders on a 3x5 card. Divide the card up into three sections: morning, afternoon, and night.

Every time you catch your mind wandering, make a little checkmark in the appropriate box. After only a little while, you'll find that your mind won't wander as often, simply by keeping a tally!

Being aware of the issue is the first step, and this method helps you stay very aware of each time you lose your concentration.

Your awareness of what you're doing will eventually help you improve your concentration, without any added effort. With this method, you'll eventually be able to pinpoint your most vulnerable times. Say you find a lot of tallies during the morning, when you're still tired and your mind is likely to drift.

That's a sign that you should be improving your concentration by getting more sleep, or eating a healthy breakfast. Set aside specific times during the day in order to let your mind wander or your concentration drift.

If you have a set time during the day — say your "drift off" time is at every day, when you get back from school or work — you may be less likely to sanction drifting off during 11 a. If you catch yourself drifting off during any of the unsanctioned times, tell yourself that you have a designated drift off time and try to keep your brain concentrated on whatever task is at hand.

Help improve the flow of oxygen to the brain. Blood is the main vehicle of oxygen in our bodies. But blood gets pooled in the lower half of our bodies as a result of gravity, and doesn't push as much oxygen to the brain, where it helps improve concentration.

In order to help oxygenate the brain, get up and take a walk every so often to get the blood pumping. of Health and Human Services Go to source If you're stuck at work and you can't really carve out the time for exercise, try doing exercises at work.

These can include any number of things, including isometric or aerobic exercises. Remember to give your brain a quick break at least every hour, at most every 30 minutes. If your brain has to concentrate consistently for hours at a time, it loses processing power and your concentration levels slip.

Practice doing one thing at a time and do it to completion. If you jump all over the place and start a new project before you've finished the last one, you're telling your brain that it's okay to switch from one subject to another.

If you really want to improve your concentration, you'll start trying to convince your brain to finish one task before you move onto the next one. You may think that finishing one book before starting the other has nothing to do with finishing work on one car before starting work on another, but they're surprisingly alike if you think about it.

Even the smallest tasks have reverberations in other parts of your life. Be aware of the spider technique.

What happens when you hold a vibrating tuning fork next to a web with a spider in it? The spider comes to investigate where the noise is coming from because it pays to be curious. But what happens if you repeatedly hold a vibrating tuning fork next to the spider's lair? After a while, the spider won't stop to investigate the tuning fork anymore.

It knows what to expect, so it ignores it. The spider technique is behaving just like the spider. Expect for distractions to come and try to throw you off your concentration.

A door slams. A bird whistles. A flash mob erupts. Whatever the distraction is, continue focusing on your task at hand. Be like the spider and turn a blind eye to distractions that you know can throw you off your concentration. Do work at a desk, not your bed.

Your bed is where you sleep; your desk is where you work and concentrate. Your mind makes these sorts of associations subconsciously, which means that you're sending a "sleep" signal to your mind if you're trying to work on your bed.

Instead, ask your brain to either concentrate or sleep by choosing your workstation carefully. Fueling your body well will allow you to approach challenges with a clear view and good problem-solving abilities.

Meditation is a great way to concentrate better over time. It boosts concentration skills by helping you become centered and calm.

As you are meditating, notice if your mind is wandering and direct it back to the present moment. While working, break up long periods of time with short breaks. Use these breaks to practice deep breathing and mindfulness. You can do this on your own, or by using a mindfulness app like Headspace to guide your meditation.

As we discussed, getting enough sleep is another effective way to boost concentration. One of the best ways to improve your sleep quality is by creating a nighttime routine.

Take a five-minute break. Step away from the computer, stretch your legs, get a snack, or practice meditation. This can boost concentration and allow you to concentrate better for the rest of the day. And you deserve it!

Some balls can drop and the world will keep spinning, while others will have more serious consequences. Having a lot to do can feel overwhelming, which can lead to procrastination or multitasking, which research shows is less efficient than working on one task at a time.

Write a list of everything you want to get done throughout the day. Then, make a second list that only has your top priorities for the day. Focus on a single task at a time until you accomplish those things before moving on to other tasks. Boosting concentration can have a positive effect on so many other areas of life.

By concentrating better, you will be able to get more done in a shorter amount of time, and feel more confident in the work you do.

Try Clockwise for free, and give yourself the gift of more time! As the founder of Wild Hearted Words, a creative marketing agency for global brands, Judy is also a mentor with the Founder Institute, the world's largest pre-seed accelerator.

Follow along her journey at WildHeartedWords. Login Get started for free. Photo by. Factors affecting concentration There are so many different factors that can affect one's concentration and attention span, such as health conditions or aspects of your work environment.

Distractions Distractions can come in a host of shapes and forms. Various mental and physical health conditions Mental and physical health conditions alike affect brain function.

Diet and lifestyle Diet also contributes to both physical health and mental well-being. Leave your phone in a different room We all know that text messages, phone calls, and social media notifications can derail your workflow.

Drink a cup of coffee Research shows that caffeine improves concentration. Find your ideal workspace Your work environment can have a huge impact on the ability to focus on a single task for a long period of time. Play brain training games Brain training games have been shown to improve cognitive abilities in adults and children alike.

Eat Omega-3 rich food As we already talked about, lifestyle and diet can have a huge impact on one's memory over time as well as cognitive function in the moment. Use mnemonics to memorize: acronyms, acrostics, analogies, key words. Use flashcards to memorize definitions, vocabulary, facts, formulae, etc.

Carry them with you to study in short, spare moments, such as while waiting in line or riding the bus. When reading a textbook, use the SQ4R method to help you keep focused and improve your retention of information. Use concept maps or matrix charts to visualize and organize information.

Make up possible test questions and practise answering them. If your course offers them, try SLG sessions to review and discuss course content with other students and an SLG leader. Strategy 4: Understand the health-concentration connection Irregular sleep, exercise, and eating patterns can be the unsuspected cause of concentration difficulties.

Find a regimen that works for you and stick to it to help maintain your brain at its physiological peak. Knowing how medications might affect your concentration is also important. Visit Student Wellness if you have a concern about this. The Mental Well-being website is a good place to start or check out the list of Mental Health Resources from Counselling Services.

Mental Health Resources Counselling Services, University of Guelph. The University of Guelph provides programs and services in order to help students achieve a healthy student lifestyle. This site offers a variety of useful resources to support healthy living and learning. Strategy 5: Deal with physical comfort Avoid a distracting injury like carpal tunnel syndrome by placing your keyboard low enough that you don't need to raise your forearms to reach it.

Try a keyboard tray. Your chair should be comfortable with good back support, but not so comfortable that it encourages napping. It's particularly hard on your eyes if you work in a dark room with only a desk light or the computer on.

By the Mind Powerful Antioxidant Foods Enhanceement Concentration enhancement techniques. Enhanvement many times have you tried Carbs for improved athletic stamina focus on a task, only to find Conceentration your mind is wandering? Despite your best Concentration enhancement techniques, you just can't concentrate. We've all been in this familiar, frustrating situation, and it's something that can really undermine our performance. In this article, video and infographic, we'll review strategies that you can use to improve your concentration and to reduce your daily distractions. Your personal work environment plays a large role in your ability to concentrate. Kendra Cherry, MS, is a Concentration enhancement techniques techniues specialist, psychology Concentrahion, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book. Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is Concentration enhancement techniques licensed enhancenent, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness Herbal wellness solutions specializing in eating behaviors, Concwntration management, and health behavior change. Staying on task can be difficult, but it can be particularly challenging when you are surrounded by constant distractions. In today's always-connected world, diversions are nothing more than a click away, which makes it that much more difficult to figure out how to focus. Even during quiet moments, distraction is literally at your fingertips as you find yourself checking your social media notifications or the latest news updates. But being mentally focused is essential for success.

Concentration enhancement techniques -

We are bombarded with information from TVs, computers, and messages such as texts or emails. When there's too much material, it burdens our filtering system and it's easy to get distracted. Want a way to boost your attention and focus? Neuropsychologist Kim Willment of Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital suggests a single-task exercise like reading.

When it goes off, ask yourself if your mind has wandered. If so, just refocus on what you're reading," she says. She recommends sitting still for a few minutes each day, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breathing as well as the sounds and sensations around you.

Cognitive training. Computerized cognitive training games aim to improve your response times and attention. Evidence that this works has been mixed. So if you reach a certain level of sustained attention, pushing it to the next level can help improve it, and this may translate to everyday life.

A healthier lifestyle. Many aspects of a healthy lifestyle can help attention, starting with sleep and exercise. There is a direct link between exercise and cognitive ability, especially attention. When you exercise, you increase the availability of brain chemicals that promote new brain connections, reduce stress, and improve sleep.

And when we sleep, we reduce stress hormones that can be harmful to the brain, and we clear out proteins that injure it. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night, and minutes per week of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking.

Other healthy steps to improve focus: eat a Mediterranean-style diet, which has been shown to support brain health; treat underlying conditions; and change medications that may be affecting your ability to focus.

Getting older is out of your control, but healthier living is something you determine, and it may improve concentration. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content.

Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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Skydivers, rock climbers, tightrope walkers, and lion tamers don't have trouble concentrating! You probably haven't done any of those. But, think back to some time in your life when you had that calm, total concentration.

Close your eyes and recreate that time. Visualize it, if you can. Feel how you felt at that time. Now, when you begin studying tonight, recapture that focused attention and see how long you can hold it.

Does it feel as if that might work? If so, begin all your study sessions with the feeling and see how long you can maintain it.

With practice, your concentration will get better and better. Chart your energy levels. When is your energy level at its highest? When are your low energy times? Study your most difficult courses at your high energy times.

Sharpest early in the evening? Study your most difficult course then. Later in the evening? Work on your easier courses or the ones you enjoy the most. Now that's not what most students do.

Instead, they put off the tough courses until later in the evening when they are more fatigued. It's more difficult to concentrate when you're tired.

Reverse that. Hard courses at peak energy times. Easier ones later. This alone can help to improve your concentration. Make sure you have adequate light. It's essential to keeping your attention focused on what you are studying. So your eyes don't tire, use indirect lights to avoid glare and ones that don't flicker.

Chair and Table. Sit on a not overly comfortable chair at a table, not sprawled out on your bed. Your bed is where you sleep and dream.

Sit up straight to aid concentration rather than sprawled out in a similar-to-sleep position. Clear away distractions. Don't have pictures where you'll notice them when looking up from your studies.

Also, put out of sight any material for other courses. Seeing it can panic you a little about all you have to do.

So put it out of sight. Don't hesitate to put signs on your door. Please let me study. Help me by staying away. Ask them to come back later. If they don't leave, practice ignoring them See the Spider Technique above.

Take your phone off the hook. Yes, you might miss a call. But developing your concentration skills is important. It will be useful for the remainder of your life. Where you study can make a difference. Think about where you concentrate best. Often it's difficult to study where you live, so look for a corner in the library that's quiet and facing a wall not a door with people coming and going or a window with a distracting view.

Some students study better where they live. Find the place or places you find most conducive to concentration. Background music? Research on productivity with music versus without music is inconclusive.

If you think you need music, choose some with no lyrics and with relatively monotonous melodies. Baroque music is the best example.

Something with words, a definite beat, a catchy melody, or one of your favorite pieces can easily divert your attention, often without your being aware of it at first.

Perhaps you might try "white noise" -- it masks out environmental noises and helps minimize distractions. Your radio can be an inexpensive source of white noise. Switch to FM and team to the high end of your dial.

You should get a steady static or form of white noise, unless your radio is an especially good one. Or keep a fan running. Enough time for everything? Ever find your study of one subject interrupted by worries about getting assignments in another course done?

Or waste time trying to decide what to study? Take an hour or so and do a little planning. First, estimate for each course the number of hours you'll need to study each week. Then work up a flexible time schedule. Include all your obligations classes, meetings, meals, laundry, etc.

Then allocate specific time periods for studying particular subjects. When studying one course you won't worry so much about others because you'll know that you have time for them.

Be flexible in your schedule. If you need an extra hour on a subject, continue with it and then do a little juggling to make up the study time you encroached on. You'll probably need to modify your schedule from time to time. If you would rather schedule smaller chunks of time, each Sunday plan the following week and change from week to week.

Check to be sure you're getting study time in on all your courses. Rewards for Concentrating. In summary, the rewards for improving your concentration can be priceless. You'll be delighted at your ability to recall information given in lectures.

You'll find yourself accomplishing more in the same period of time. It can even affect your social life. Your special friend will appreciate your undivided attention and, in return, will give you undivided attention. So will other friends. Best of all, concentration skills help your self confidence because you will realize how much more is possible when you can give your total attention.

Originally developed in by Clifford G. Schuette, Ed. in Kansas State University search Search K-State web, people, directories Browse A-Z. Sign in. Canvas OrgCentral SSC MyLibrary KSIS HRIS Webmail Status of ITS resources Sign in to Connect.

K-State home » CAPS » Additional Resources » Self Help » Improving your Concentration Counseling and Psychological Services. Making a CS referral. K-State resources Self help Apps Manage your stress Community resources How to find a therapist.

Internship in Health service Psychology Master's internship and practicum training. Mission Meet the staff Annual report Support our effort Parking Information. CAPS Home Need Help Now.

Kansas State University Counseling and Psychological Services Sunset Ave, Rm Manhattan, KS Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 5 pm Phone: fax K-State.

edu Parking Information. Improving your Concentration Great tips for improving concentration to help you start the school year right. Improving Your Concentration Help Yourself is created by Counseling Services copyright , Kansas State University "I can't concentrate. Begin by practicing these techniques: Be Here Now, The Spider Technique, and Worry Time.

Then try any of the Other Mental Strategies that sound promising to you. Give them an honest try -- use them for at least three days. If you notice a little change, that suggests that the skill will be valuable and, with continued practice, will greatly improve your concentration.

With tevhniques at every turn, staying focused on tasks can Concentratio like Anti-allergic skincare uphill battle. However, with the right strategies Technique techniques, it is possible to improve Enhacnement concentration and enhance your productivity. In this blog post, we will explore 12 effective tips to help you boost your concentration and make the most of your time. One of the first steps in improving concentration is to eliminate or minimize distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone, close unnecessary browser tabs, and create a quiet and clutter-free workspace.


How to Improve Your Brain Power, Memory, Focus, and Concentration - Dr. Hansaji Concentration enhancement techniques

Author: Vugami

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