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Air displacement plethysmography accuracy

Air displacement plethysmography accuracy

Article PubMed Google Scholar. Iodine for thyroid hormone production call your desired dksplacement to set plethysmogrqphy your sisplacement. Close Privacy Iodine for thyroid hormone production This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Rosendale, R. The data from these sessions feed into the BOD POD software, which then computes body density and, subsequently, body composition.


How to Measure Body Fat Percentage at Home Without Calipers The Displcaement POD wccuracy Air Displacement Plethysmograph Iodine for thyroid hormone production Blood circulation functions determine your body composition the ratio of Iodine for thyroid hormone production accufacy to lean mass. Fat mass consists of all the adipose tissue fat displaxement your body. Aif mass consist of bone, bodily fluid bloodorgans, and skeletal muscle. The BOD POD test provides results of these two categories expressed as percentages of total body mass. Body composition testing may feel uncomfortable for the parties involved. We strive to create an atmosphere in which our participants feel respected and at ease by refraining from inappropriate comments and behaviors. By entering our space, you are also agreeing to meet this expectation.

Air displacement plethysmography accuracy -

To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. TBW provided a line of best fit with a slope of 0.

A large portion of the error was attributable to imprecision in measuring small volumes. Further investigation of the sources of variability will provide insight into ways of improving the accuracy of this technology for this population.

Manoja P. Herath, Jeffrey M. Beckett, … Andrew P. Ameyalli M. Rodríguez-Cano, Omar Piña-Ramírez, … Otilia Perichart-Perera. Kirsten S. de Fluiter, Inge A. van Beijsterveldt, … Anita C. The development of this level of overweight early in life is considered a major health concern because early childhood is a critical window for susceptibility to environmental influences that raise the risk of becoming overweight or obese later in life 2 , 3 , 4 , 5.

Studies consistently show that early excess weight gain predisposes some children to health problems later in life, particularly obesity and metabolic syndrome 3 , 6 , 7 , 8. Unlike adults, for whom weight gain largely reflects an increase in fat mass FM , children accrue all major molecular-level components, including minerals, water, proteins, and FM, during normal growth and development 9 , Despite this complexity of growth, little research has documented the composition of weight gain during early childhood and whether it may be a more sensitive and specific indicator of risk for later health outcomes than weight gain alone 6.

Air-displacement plethysmography ADP is a whole-body densitometric technique based on displacement of air, rather than water. The adult ADP system, commercially produced under the trade name BOD POD Life Measurement, Concord, CA , has been validated in adult populations 17 , 18 and shows promise for the measurement of body composition of children aged 5 y and older 12 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , To date, no published studies report the accuracy of the adult ADP system in children younger than 4 y.

In this study, we investigated the accuracy of a modified ADP system in healthy children aged 6—48 mo. Three children were dismissed from the study because of unwillingness to have anthropometric measurements taken, leaving 69 children remaining in the sample.

The average age was ADP for children aged 4—48 mo. the agitation score Figure 3a and stillness score Figure 3b. For a , the short dash line represents the mean difference and the long dash line represents the ±2 SD limits for the difference values.

For a and b , the solid line represents the line of best fit. Figure 4 shows a comparison of coefficient of variation CV values for raw body volumes generated during testing of children and volume phantoms.

The CV values were threefold higher for the child-size tank ~20 l and fold higher for the infant-size tank ~3 l compared with the standard adult-size tank ~50 l. In addition, raw body volume measurement of children had a sixfold higher CV than typically seen for adults measured in our laboratory setting.

Coefficient of variation for volume measurements of 3-, , and l volume phantoms; children from this study; and adult reference data from our lab. Childhood poses multiple challenges to the development of safe and valid body-composition measurement techniques, including both chemical and behavioral immaturity 9,10 , The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of ADP as a method for measuring body composition in children aged 6—48 mo.

To date, ADP validity studies have evaluated children as young as 5 y, but more typically those aged 10 y and older. The results from our study suggest that ADP lacks the accuracy necessary for routine use in clinical and research settings in children aged 6—48 mo.

SEE values exceeding 6. Thus, the SEE of 6. Previous observations suggest that the CVs of repeated volume measurements increase substantially at volumes less than 40 l In our data shown in Figure 4 , the ~l phantom had 3 times the CV, and the ~3-l phantom had 18 times the CV of the l phantom measurements.

The average variability in volume measurement of the 3-l tank 0. In addition, the mean CV during child body-volume measurement 0. The decreased precision of volume measurement in measuring small children is a methodological barrier that must be overcome before ADP can be widely used in clinical and research settings.

Future research should systematically evaluate all possible sources of precision problems, including child size and behavioral response to testing movement and vocalizations; data shown in Figure 3 , to determine whether additional modifications to the ADP system may improve accuracy and precision.

Although D 2 O dilution is commonly used as the reference technique for body-composition studies of young children, 24 , 27 , 34 , 35 its limitations should be acknowledged. The method also requires adjustment for overestimation of total body water TBW in children younger than 2 y because of variability in body fatness during infancy We acknowledge that the measurement error associated with estimating thoracic gas volumes in young children also may contribute to measurement error.

Although Fields et al. developed suitable predictive equations for children aged 6—17 y, the performance of prediction equations for very young children requires more research In summary, to our knowledge, this is the first published study to examine the accuracy of the BOD POD ADP system in children aged 6 mo to 4 y.

However, our data suggest that, as currently designed, ADP does not provide a valid measurement of body-composition components, in part due to poor precision in measuring smaller volumes.

Changes in ADP test-chamber design, software, or hardware may improve the accuracy of body-volume measurements in young children.

Further research is needed to make this technology, which is well-suited for use in young children, accurate enough for research and clinical applications. A convenience sample of 72 healthy children aged 6—48 mo was recruited from Centre County, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas.

Children who were known to be claustrophobic, recently ill, or dehydrated were screened out of the study.

The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board at The Pennsylvania State University, and all parents provided written informed consent for the participation of their child. For children aged 6—23 mo, recumbent length was measured to the nearest millimeter using an infantometer Seca Model ; Seca, Hamburg, Germany , and weight was measured using an infant scale Seca Model ; Seca.

For children aged 24—48 mo, standing height was measured to the nearest millimeter using a wall-mounted stadiometer Seca Model ; Seca , and weight was measured using the scale provided with the ADP device scale, Model BWBA; Tanita, Tokyo, Japan. Anthropometric measurements were performed by the two coauthors in duplicate using standard measurement techniques 38 , and all equipment was calibrated each day.

All quality-control procedures were completed each day. Manufacturer recommendations for testing attire were followed: children wore a spandex swim cap and a tight-fitting swimsuit or were nude.

Lung volume V TG was estimated for each subject according to age, sex, and height as described by Fields 37 , Several modifications were made to the ADP system to enable testing of young children. We used a specifically designed child seat with removable tray that securely attached to the bench seat to safely confine the child during testing.

In addition, a child-sized ~20 l National Institute of Standards and Technology—traceable volume phantom was used for system calibration to more closely match the body volume of young children. Finally, Life Measurement provided modified software to facilitate body-composition testing of small children.

We attached a portable DVD player or test-compatible toys to the tray of the child seat to entertain children during the testing procedure. A complete body-composition test sequence included measurement of body mass and three s measurements of body volume.

The two body-volume measurements closest in agreement were used by the system software to calculate the average body volume and body density D b of the child.

The three scores were added to produce a score ranging from 3 to 9 for both agitation and stillness. TBW determination by D 2 O dilution was performed as previously described by Schoeller In brief, a baseline urine sample was collected from disposable gel-free diapers Tushies, Eau Claire, WI or from a potty seat on arrival at the laboratory.

Then, each subject consumed a dose of 0. Fruit flavoring was added to the dose solution to increase acceptance. D 2 O enrichment values were determined using isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and the resultant TBW values were corrected for nonaqueous exchange of hydrogen TBW values obtained from the 4-h postdose urine sample were used for data analyses, except when a sample was not produced at that time point, and the 3-h postdose TBW value was used.

Intake of foods or beverages and infant formula was measured to the nearest tenth of a gram. Breast milk intake from nursing was measured to the nearest gram. Water intake from foods and beverages was calculated using Nutrition Data System for Research software University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN and then subtracted from TBW results.

Fat-free mass was calculated from TBW by using age- and sex-specific hydration of fat-free mass coefficients as described by Butte et al. Approximately volume measurements per phantom were collected over a 3-mo period on National Institute of Standards and Technology—certified volume phantoms of ~3, 20, and 50 l.

The data were used to evaluate precision, defined as the mean CV for the entire pool of measurements made on a phantom.

Using the quality-control volume feature of the ADP software, we completed the two-point calibration procedure, and then the ADP system made six volume measurements on the phantom.

The ADP system was calibrated using the same size phantom to be measured, except that the l phantom was used to calibrate for 3-l tank measurements because of software restrictions. Percentiles and z -scores for anthropometric data were calculated using age- and sex-specific Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth chart reference data and the SAS program version 9.

IBM SPSS Statistics version 18; SPSS, Somers, NY was used for all subsequent analyses. The mean and two-SD difference between methods were calculated, and a paired-sample two-tailed t -test was used to determine whether this difference was significant. For precision testing of calibration phantoms and people, the CV of volume measurements was calculated.

Life Measurement, Inc. They did not provide any input in the writing of this article. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, Lamb MM, Flegal KM. Prevalence of high body mass index in US children and adolescents, JAMA ; —9. Article CAS Google Scholar. Chomtho S, Wells JC, Williams JE, Davies PS, Lucas A, Fewtrell MS.

Infant growth and later body composition: evidence from the 4-component model. Am J Clin Nutr ; 87 — Dennison BA, Edmunds LS, Stratton HH, Pruzek RM. Rapid infant weight gain predicts childhood overweight. Obesity Silver Spring ; 14 —9. Article Google Scholar.

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Physiol Behav ; 94 :8— Wells JC, Chomtho S, Fewtrell MS. Programming of body composition by early growth and nutrition. Proc Nutr Soc ; 66 — Stettler N, Stallings VA.

Adult obesity and growth in childhood. Association of birth weight with adult weight is confounded by maternal body mass index. BMJ ; Ong KK, Ahmed ML, Emmett PM, Preece MA, Dunger DB. Association between postnatal catch-up growth and obesity in childhood: prospective cohort study.

BMJ ; — Fomon SJ, Haschke F, Ziegler EE, Nelson SE. Body composition of reference children from birth to age 10 years. Am J Clin Nutr ; 35 :Suppl — Fomon SJ, Nelson SE. Body composition of the male and female reference infants. Annu Rev Nutr ; 22 :1— Lohman TG.

Assessment of body composition in children. Ped Exerc Sci ; 1 — Fields DA, Goran MI. Body composition techniques and the four-compartment model in children. J Appl Physiol ; 89 — Paineau D, Chiheb S, Banu I, et al.

Comparison of field methods to estimate fat mass in children. Ann Hum Biol ; 35 — Baur L. Body composition measurement in normal children: ethical and methodological limitations.

Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr ; 4 — CAS Google Scholar. Elberg J, McDuffie JR, Sebring NG, et al. Am J Clin Nutr ; 80 —9. Radley D, Fields DA.

Need for optimal body composition data analysis using air-displacement plethysmography in children and adolescents. J Nutr ; ; author reply McCrory MA, Gomez TD, Bernauer EM, Molé PA. Evaluation of a new air displacement plethysmograph for measuring human body composition.

Med Sci Sports Exerc ; 27 — Fields DA, Goran MI, McCrory MA. Body-composition assessment via air-displacement plethysmography in adults and children: a review. Am J Clin Nutr ; 75 — Nuñez C, Kovera AJ, Pietrobelli A, et al.

Body composition in children and adults by air displacement plethysmography. Eur J Clin Nutr ; 53 —7. Dewit O, Fuller NJ, Fewtrell MS, Elia M, Wells JC. Whole body air displacement plethysmography compared with hydrodensitometry for body composition analysis.

Arch Dis Child ; 82 — Nicholson JC, McDuffie JR, Bonat SH, et al. The Bod Pod consists of an air circulation system represented by item 60 on figure 2 linked to a plethysmographic measurement chamber pointed out by item 50 on figure 2.

The air circulation system embodied in greater detail by Fig 3 of the patent , comprised of one or more pumps, acts as both a source of circulation and filtration within the chamber by using ambient air air that is derived from a temperature-enclosed environment.

Clean air is pumped into the chamber via an inlet tube represented by item 86 while contaminated air is moved out of the chamber through an outlet tube represented by item 88 , where it is later filtered and recycled.

In order to gather accurate data, it is imperative that the volume of air in the chamber is recorded before a subject enters the chamber. Once all data has been collected, it is wirelessly transmitted to a computer for further analysis using software provided by Life Instruments.

Dempster Phillip, Michael Homer, and Mark Lowe United States Patent A1. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. BMEG Engineering Exercise and Sports Applying engineering principles to exercise.

Acccuracy Pediatrics volume DisppacementArticle number: 37 Cite Energy-boosting exercises article. Metrics displacdment. Sixty-six male and female subjects 40 males: Accuracy, precision, and bias were examined in ADP with HW serving as the criterion method. Regression analysis determined the accuracy of ADP and potential bias between ADP and HW using Bland-Altman analysis. Air displacement plethysmography accuracy

Air displacement plethysmography accuracy -

Heitmann BL, Erikson H, Ellsinger BM, Mikkelsen KL, Larsson B: Mortality associated with body fat, fat-free mass and body mass index among year-old swedish men-a year follow-up. The study of men born in Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. Das SK: Body composition measurement in severe obesity.

Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. Article Google Scholar. Ginde SR, Geliebter A, Rubiano F, Silva AM, Wang J, Heshka S, Heymsfield SB: Air displacement plethysmography: validation in overweight and obese subjects. Fields DA, Goran MI, McCory MA: Body-composition assessment via air-displacement plethysmography in adults and children: a review.

Am J Clin Nutr. CAS Google Scholar. McCrory MA, Gomez TD, Bernauer EM, Molé PA: Evaluation of a new air displacement plethysmograph for measuring human body composition. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Clasey JL, Gater DRJ: A comparison of hydrostatic weighing and air displacement plethysmography in adults with spinal cord injury.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Fields DA, Hunter GR: Monitoring body fat in the elderly: application of air-displacement plethysmography.

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Siri WE: Body composition from fluid spaces and density: analysis of methods. Techniques for Measuring Body Composition. Edited by: Brozek J, Hencshel A. Bland JM, Altman DG: Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement.

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Ann N Y Acad Sci. Prior BM, Cureton KJ, Modlesky CM, Evans EM, Sloninger MA, Saudnders MS, Lewis RD: In vivo validation of whole body composition estimamites from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

J Appl Physiol. Economos CD, Nelson ME, Fiatarone MA, Dallal GE, Heymsfield SB, Wang J, Yasumara S, Ma R, Vaswani AN, Russell-Aulet M, Pierson RN: A multi-center comparison of dual energy X-ray absorptiometers: in vivo and in vitro soft tissue measurement.

Eur J Clin Nutr. Paton NI, Macallan DC, Jebb SA, Pazianas M, Griffin GE: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry results differ between machines. Tothill P, Laskey MA, Orphanidou CI, van Wijk M: Anomalies in dual energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements of total-body bone mineral during weight change using Lunar, Hologic and Norland instruments.

Br J Radiol. Download references. Exercise and Health Laboratory, Faculty of Human Movement, Health and Exercise Science, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Department of Pediatrics, Children's Medical Research Institute's Metabolic Research Center, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, OK, USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to David A Fields. CSM, AMS, PJT, and LBS were involved in the study design, data collection, and initial data analysis.

All authors were involved in writing, editing and revising the manuscript and give their approval of this version for publication. Open Access This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd.

Reprints and permissions. Minderico, C. et al. Validity of air-displacement plethysmography in the assessment of body composition changes in a month weight loss program. Nutr Metab Lond 3 , 32 Download citation. Received : 21 June Accepted : 22 August Published : 22 August Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Download ePub. Abstract Objective To compare the accuracy of air displacement plethysmography ADP and dual energy x-ray absorptionmetry DXA in tracking changes in body composition after a 16 month weight loss intervention in overweight and obese females.

Methods 93 healthy female subjects Conclusion At baseline and post weight loss, a significant difference was found between ADP and DXA. Background It has been widely documented and reported the rise in obesity rates across the globe in all ethnicities and genders [ 1 , 2 ].

Methods Subjects Subjects were recruited from the Lisbon community for a 16 month weight management program through newspaper advertisements, email messages, and study flyers. Weight loss intervention As described elsewhere, subjects in the first phase attended 15 treatment sessions in groups of 32 to 35 women, for 4 months [ 13 ].

Body composition measurements DXA was chosen as the criterion method which has been considered a reasonable alternative to a multi-compartment approach [ 11 , 14 — 16 ].

Data analysis Accuracy and bias were examined in ADP using DXA as the criterion method. The simple, minute test consists of measuring the subject's mass weight using a very accurate electronic scale, and volume, which is determined by sitting inside the BOD POD chamber.

From these two measurements, the subject's body composition is calculated. The BOD POD consists of two chambers. The front, or Test Chamber, is where the subject sits and is comprised of a seat that forms a common wall separating it from the rear, or Reference Chamber.

During the brief data collection period of the volume measurement, the chamber door is secured by a series of electromagnets and a gasket. A Diaphragm is mounted on the common wall, which oscillates during testing. This causes small changes in volume inside the chamber, of which the pressure response to these small volume changes is measured.

This is done by measuring the interior volume of the empty BOD POD chamber, then measuring it again when the subject is seated inside.

By subtraction, the subject's body volume is obtained. For example, if the interior air volume of the empty chamber is liters, and the volume of the chamber is reduced to liters with the subject inside, the body volume of the subject would be 50 liters.

Once the subject's mass and volume are determined, body density is calculated and the relative proportions of fat and fat-free mass are determined. A complete test, including printed results, takes about 10 minutes.

PEAK schedules minute appointments to allow for paperwork and explanation of results. The BOD POD is designed to accommodate a wide variety of human shapes and sizes.

Because of its generous-sized interior and oversized window, NFL and NBA teams, as well as sumo wrestlers use the BOD POD routinely without difficulty. The BOD POD can accommodate subjects up to 7 feet tall and pounds. Clothing, hair, jewelry, and eyeglasses can have a significant impact on the volume and mass measurements performed during a BOD POD test.

Therefore, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that all subjects tested in the BOD POD remove all jewelry and eyeglasses, and wear minimal, form-fitting clothing such as a Lycra® or Spandex® swimsuit during testing.

Participant compliance for testing in the BOD POD is very simple. Table 2: Results of three complete body composition assessments collected over 20—30 min mean±SD. References Lemos T , Gallagher D. Current body composition measurement techniques.

Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. Ballard TP , Fafara L , Vukovich MD. Comparison of bod pod and DXA in female collegiate athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Dempster P , Aitkens S. A new air displacement method for the determination of human body composition.

Delisle-Houde P , Reid RE , Insogna JA , Prokop NW , Buchan TA , Fontaine SL , et al. Comparing DXA and air displacement plethysmography to assess body composition of male collegiate hockey players.

J Strength Cond Res. Tucker LA , Lecheminant JD , Bailey BW. Test-retest reliability of the bod pod: The effect of multiple assessments. Percept Mot Skills.

Siri WE. Body composition from fluid spaces and density: Analysis of methods; discussion , [Google Scholar]. Brozek J , Henschel A. Techniques for Measuring Body Composition Washington DC : National Academy of Science-National Research Council ; Marfell-Jones M , Stewart A , Olds T.

Kinanthropometry IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. In: Oxfordshire. England: Routledge ; McCrory MA , Molé PA , Gomez TD , Dewey KG , Bernauer EM.

Body composition by air-displacement plethysmography by using predicted and measured thoracic gas volumes. J Appl Physiol. Koo TK , Li MY. A guideline of selecting and reporting intraclass correlation coefficients for reliability research. J Chiropr Med. World Health Organization.

Waist Circumference and Waist-hip Ratio: Report of a WHO Expert Consultation Geneva: World Health Organization ; Noreen EE , Lemon PW. Reliability of air displacement plethysmography in a large, heterogeneous sample.

Anderson DE. Reliability of air displacement plethysmography. Atkinson G , Nevill AM. Statistical methods for assessing measurement error reliability in variables relevant to sports medicine.

Sports Med. Miyatake N , Nonaka K , Fujii M. A new air displacement plethysmograph for the determination of Japanese body composition. Diabetes Obes Metab. McCrory MA , Gomez TD , Bernauer EM , Molé PA. Evaluation of a new air displacement plethysmograph for measuring human body composition.

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Iodine for thyroid hormone production you for visiting nature. You are using a HbAc management version with limited Pletbysmography for CSS. To obtain the best Ait, we recommend you use a more plethysmograpy to date Air displacement plethysmography accuracy or displaceement off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. TBW provided a line of best fit with a slope of 0. A large portion of the error was attributable to imprecision in measuring small volumes. Further investigation of the sources of variability will provide insight into ways of improving the accuracy of this technology for this population.

Author: Kagarn

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