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Glutamine for muscle recovery

Glutamine for muscle recovery

Fecovery Glutamine for muscle recovery Body composition results content. Neuronal LGutamine. Food pellets and recoovery were provided ad libitum. Previous researchers have Glutamine for muscle recovery that glutamine is an essential source for glutathione synthesis in human erythrocytes Whillier et al. The eighteen experimental animals were randomly divided into three groups, namely, the vehicle group no glutamine treatmentthe prevention group administered glutamine before exhaustive exerciseand the treatment group administered glutamine after exercise. By Alina Petre, MS, RD NL.

Glutamine for muscle recovery study aimed to examine the effects mhscle L-glutamine muscke has on quadriceps muscle Gluhamine and soreness ratings following eccentric Glutamine for muscle recovery.

It was hypothesized that glutamine ingestion would quicken muacle recovery rate of peak force production ,uscle decrease recoverg soreness ratings Glutamine for muscle recovery a hr recovery muscls. Supplement ror consisted of isoenergetic Cognitive fitness tips maltodextrin, 0.

Knee extensor peak torque at 0°, 30°, and ° per second and muscle soreness were measured before, immediately following, 24, 48, and 72 hr posteccentric exercise.

In the entire sample, L-glutamine resulted in lower soreness ratings at 24 2. The L-glutamine supplementation resulted in faster recovery of peak torque and diminished muscle soreness following eccentric exercise. The effect of L-glutamine on muscle force recovery may be greater in men than women.

Abstract The study aimed to examine the effects that L-glutamine supplementation has on quadriceps muscle strength and soreness ratings following eccentric exercise. Publication types Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.

Substances Glutamine.

: Glutamine for muscle recovery


Glutamine is also essential for maintaining the health of your digestive system. It helps strengthen the intestinal barrier, playing a crucial role in preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. Additionally, it is vital for the proper functioning of your immune system.

During periods of stress or after intense workouts, your body's demand for glutamine increases, and additional intake can help maintain your natural defenses. Glutamine also has an impact on blood glucose regulation. It can help stabilize sugar levels, which is particularly beneficial for athletes who need to maintain their energy at an optimal level during workouts and competitions.

Your body redistributes glutamine to organs that need it, including muscles, intestines, and the immune system. During recovery, after an injury or workout, the demand for glutamine increases, which may require additional intake to meet your body's needs.

Glutamine is a versatile amino acid that plays an essential role in supporting muscle function, intestinal health, the immune system, and glucose regulation. For an athlete like you, understanding and optimizing your glutamine intake can be a key factor in improving your performance and overall well-being.

The amount of glutamine a person needs per day can vary depending on several factors, such as the intensity of physical activity, overall health, and personal fitness and nutrition goals.

For athletes and highly active individuals like you, recommendations can range between 5 and 10 grams per day. This dose may be increased during intense recovery periods or particularly demanding workouts. However, it's important to note that these recommendations can vary from person to person.

It's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized recommendations, especially if you have specific medical conditions or follow a particular dietary regimen.

They can guide you best by considering your unique profile and personal goals. As an athlete, you probably already know that listening to your body is essential. If you experience fatigue, slow recovery, or other symptoms, it may indicate a need to adjust your glutamine intake.

While the general range is 5 to 10 grams per day for athletes, the ideal intake depends on each individual and their specific needs.

You can find glutamine in foods like meat, fish, eggs, and some dairy products. But to truly harness its benefits, especially if you're an athlete, a glutamine supplement can make all the difference.

At QNT, we offer you the highest quality glutamine supplements. Easy to incorporate into your daily routine, they allow you to maintain optimal levels of this essential amino acid, supporting you on your journey to your ideal form. Clear filters Flavors No choice available on this group.

Conditionnement No choice available on this group. There is 1 product. The animal study was performed according to institutional protocols of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Tzu Chi University IACUC No: Experimental rats, with body weights between and g, were ordered from LASCO animal center Taipei, Taiwan.

The rats were housed in a controlled environment of 22°C ± 1°C with a 12 h light-dark cycle. Food pellets and water were provided ad libitum. Before the beginning of the day experiment, the rats were trained to exercise on a treadmill.

After 14 days, the rats were transitioned to exercising on a treadmill and underwent exhaustive exercise. The rats were randomly grouped into a vehicle group, treatment group, and prevention group. The vehicle group received 0. The actual mean dose of L-glutamine administered was between 0. The prevention group received the same single-dose glutamine 1 hour before the exercise.

During this period, polyethylene catheters PE were inserted into the right femoral artery to collect blood samples Ke et al.

The femoral artery catheter was also connected to an electrophysiological amplifier Gould Instruments, Cleveland, OH, United States to monitor arterial pressure and heart rate. The surgical incision was less than 0. After the surgery, the animals were placed in a metabolic cage and awakened soon thereafter.

The rats were allowed free access to food and water. Maximum running times were attained for each rat, and the maximum running time was 30 min. Exhaustion was defined in accordance per previous studies Ke et al. Specifically, exhaustion was concluded to have occurred when the rat was unable to maintain pace with the treadmill and when the rat lay flat on the treadmill and remained on the grid at the back of the treadmill for a period of 30 s despite being gently pushed with sticks or breathed upon.

The blood samples were collected before exercise, 12 h and 24 h after exercise. These samples were placed into heparinized tubes and measured immediately for blood cell counts Sysmex K, NY, United States. The samples were then centrifuged at 3, × g for 10 min.

After centrifugation, supernatant was collected and the level of CK-MM was measured within 1 hour by using an automatic biochemical analyzer COBAS INTEGRA , Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland.

Euthanasia was conducted 24 h after treatments. The rats were deeply anesthetized using isoflurane inhalation and then blood withdrawal was performed for euthanasia.

The heart, kidneys, and liver were removed immediately. An observer blinded to the group allocations performed the tissue analysis and scored the severity of organ injury. The severity of liver injuries observed in the tissue sections was scored as follows: 0, minimal or no evidence of injury; 1, mild injury consisting of cytoplasmic vacuolation and focal nuclear pyknosis; 2, moderate to severe injury with extensive nuclear pyknosis, cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia, and loss of intercellular borders; and 3, severe necrosis with disintegration of the hepatic cords, hemorrhage, and neutrophil infiltration Ke et al.

All evaluations were performed on five fields per section and five sections per organ by a blinding observer. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows v The continuous variables have been expressed in Mean ± SD, and an independent t -test was employed to analyze and compare the tissue injury score between prevention and treatment group.

The analysis of variance ANOVA was applied to examine the differences of CK-MM and blood cell count between three groups. The significance level for all statistical comparisons was set as α less than or equal to 0. The skeletal muscle damage biomarker CK-MM was analyzed.

The data showed that timing of the oral intake affects the reduction of serum CK-MM level. The CK-MM level of untreated vehicle group was elevated after exhaustive exercise and reached its highest point at 24 h after exercise Figure 1.

The serum CK-MM level of the prevention group was elevated at 12 h. The treatment group exhibited almost no elevation.

FIGURE 1. The comparison of CK-MM levels between groups. The CK-MM levels of treatment group were lower than those in prevention group at 12 and 24 hs. Complete blood count analysis was performed at various time points after exercise treatment. Hematocrit showed a similar trend to RBC.

The average HCT was significantly higher in the treatment group 12 h after exercise and reached a maximum difference at 24 h. We also observed that PLT improved to a similar extent as RBC did.

The average PLT was considerably higher in the treatment group after exercise 12 h and had a maximum improvement at 24 h. The average PLT of the treatment group in p24 was In this part, we found that oral intake of glutamine elevated RBC, HCT, and PLT amounts only in the treatment group.

FIGURE 2. The comparison of blood count levels between groups. Treatment group had higher RBC A , HCT B and PLT C values than those in prevention group at 24 hs. The HE staining results indicated tissue injuries in the cardiac muscles Figure 3A , kidneys Figure 3B , and liver Figure 3C in the prevention group, with average respective scores of 1.

The treatment group had less tissue injury in the cardiac muscles Figure 3D , kidneys Figure 3E , and liver Figure 3F , with average respective scores of 0 Figure 3G , 1. These data of histological examination indicated that the treatment group had a more substantial reduction in damage, especially cardiac and renal damage, compared with the prevention group Figure 3.

FIGURE 3. The histological finding and tissue injury score between prevention and treatment group. The histological examination of prevention A—C and treatment group D—F. The prevention group had higher tissue injury score on the Heart G and kidney H than those in treatment group.

There was no significant difference between groups on the liver I. We found that glutamine can reduce skeletal muscle damage caused by exhaustive exercise, and the treatment group had a greater reduction in damage than the prevention group did Figure 1.

We also found that oral intake of glutamine elevated RBC, HCT, and PLT amounts only in the treatment group Figure 2. A histological examination indicated that the treatment group had a more substantial reduction in damage, especially cardiac and renal damage, compared with the prevention group Figure 3.

The results of this study indicated that the effect of supplementing L-glutamine after exercise was more satisfactory than that before exercise. The tissue section results demonstrated that glutamine not only protected muscles under exhaustive exercise but also prevented damage to specific organs.

After exhaustive exercise, because of the continued contraction of skeleton muscles and enhanced circulation stress, both skeletal and cardiac muscles are damaged. Markers of skeletal and cardiac muscle damage, such as serum biomarker CK-MM, indicated damage after exercise, and the damage could also be found in histopathology examinations Amelink et al.

Studies have demonstrated that supplementation with glutamine has beneficial effects on reducing the parameters of muscle damage and inflammation in exercise rats Bowtell et al. Similarly, in our study, the serum CK-MM level of the untreated vehicle group was elevated after exhaustive exercise and reached its highest point at 24 h after exercise Figure 1.

Decreased glutamine concentrations typically correlate with the severity of the underlying disease process, with large amounts of glutamine catabolized in muscle at the time of damage. Concentrations only gradually recover in the later stage of healing Durkalec-Michalski et al.

During exhaustive exercise, the protein metabolism of muscles increases. At this time, glutamine can assist in gluconeogenesis, generating glucose to be used by the muscles, promoting energy metabolism and antioxidant capacity, reducing organ damage, and contributing to the synthesis and repair of muscle tissue.

Under exhaustive exercise, glutamine in the body is used in substantial quantities, resulting in a decreased glutamine concentrations Afonso et al. We further found that the intake timing will notably affect the beneficial effect of glutamine for exhaustive exercise.

This might cause by a short half-life of glutamine. Glutamine was more effective when taken orally after rather than before exhaustive exercise. We also found that the RBC level increased substantially upon the post-exercise intake of glutamine Figure 2.

Previous researchers have demonstrated that glutamine is an essential source for glutathione synthesis in human erythrocytes Whillier et al. During exhaustive exercise, because of elevated oxidative stress and overloaded cardiac output, RBC becomes oxidative damaged Smith, No study has discussed whether glutamine mitigates oxidative damage on RBC or enhances the regeneration of RBC after exhaustive exercise.

We found that the RBC level increase and accordingly glutamine might enhance the regeneration of RBC upon oral intake after exercise Figure 2. The differences between the prevention and treatment groups were not only with respect to RBC concentration, but also regarding tissue damage for histological examinations.

The treatment group showed more considerable damage reduction in the cardiac muscle and kidneys than the prevention group showed.

Figures 3G, H The primary cause for this difference in damage reduction might be the maldigestion of glutamine during exercise. Eating before exhaustive exercise often causes maldigestion; furthermore, body temperature increases during exercise until rest.

Research has demonstrated that in a hot environment, intestinal permeability is reduced by glutamine supplementation Pugh et al.

Therefore, glutamine intake is more beneficial after rather than before exhaustive exercise. Relative to the prevention group, the treatment group had a more considerable reduction in the damage to their cardiac muscles and kidneys.

Our results revealed that the timing of glutamine oral intake influences outcomes, such as improved organs protection and elevated RBC concentration in blood. Although the conditions of sports practice in humans are far different from those that can be applied in laboratory rats, these results might suggest athletes take supplements at the proper timing after exhaustive exercise.

Daily supplementation of L-glutamine can reduce the skeletal muscle damage caused by exhaustive exercise and that the timing of the oral intake affects the reduction. Glutamine as a treatment more considerably reduced damage than it had as a prophylactic.

We also observed that the oral intake of glutamine could elevate RBC, HCT, and PLT only after exhaustive exercise. It seems like the proper timing for taking glutamine supplements is after exercise. However, the further clinical trial is needed in the future study. The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Tzu Chi University IACUC No: C-CL: Conceptualization, and prepared the original draft.

C-YK: Designed the animal study, analyzed the data, and wrote the original draft. W-TW: Performed the histological examination, supervised the study and data collection. R-PL: Conceptualization, supervised the study, completed the final manuscript.

All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Afonso, J. The effectiveness of post-exercise stretching in short-term and delayed recovery of strength, range of motion and delayed onset muscle soreness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Amelink, G. Exercise-induced muscle damage in the rat: The effect of vitamin E deficiency.

American Dietetic AssociationDietitians of CanadaAmerican College of Sports Medicine Rodriguez, N. American College of Sports Medicine position stand.

Nutrition and athletic performance. Sports Exerc. Amin, M. Exercise-induced downregulation of serum interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in Egyptian handball players. Saudi J. Anz, A. Exercise-mobilized platelet-rich plasma: Short-term exercise increases stem cell and platelet concentrations in platelet-rich plasma.

Arthroscopy 35 1 , — Banfi, G. Metabolic markers in sports medicine. Baumert, P. Genetic variation and exercise-induced muscle damage: Implications for athletic performance, injury and ageing.

Beck, W. Melatonin has an ergogenic effect but does not prevent inflammation and damage in exhaustive exercise. Bowtell, J. Effect of oral glutamine on whole body carbohydrate storage during recovery from exhaustive exercise.

Coqueiro, A. Effects of glutamine and alanine supplementation on muscle fatigue parameters of rats submitted to resistance training. Nutrition 65, — Glutamine as an anti-fatigue amino acid in sports nutrition.

Nutrients 11 4 ,

Frequently bought together Your muscles recover and develop when your body breaks down the proteins in your muscles during exercise. The L-Glutamine offered by Exelis is a vegan glutamine. FIGURE 3. Glutamine is an amino acid. The comparison of CK-MM levels between groups. Can I mix Glutamine with my other supplements? Manufactured with the purest raw ingredients at a manufacturing facility.
Glutamine vs BCAAs: Which one is better for recovery? – NF Sports

Shipping calculated at checkout. Product variants Default Title - CHF Decrease quantity for L-Glutamine - Intestinal health - Muscle recovery Increase quantity for L-Glutamine - Intestinal health - Muscle recovery. Add to cart. Couldn't load pickup availability Refresh.

What is L-Glutamine? Intestinal health The cells of intestinal tissues use this amino acid Glutamine to function properly, thereby contributing to strengthening the health and functioning of the intestine. Muscle recovery Glutamine improves the recovery of muscle cells and contributes to the development of muscle tissues.

Indications Muscle development Recovery, regeneration of muscle tissue Digestive disorders Irritable bowel syndrome IBS Support for chronic inflammatory bowel diseases IBD. Reinforcement Protects and reduces the permeability of the intestinal barrier.

Performance Improves muscle development by participating in protein synthesis. Régénération Regenerates muscle tissue damaged during physical exertion. Natural Pure glutamine, vegan.

The ideal ally for athletes and essential for intestinal health. Take two doses per day with liquid 💧. Pour qui? For adults engaging in regular physical activity. Suitable for vegans, those sensitive or allergic to gluten and lactose.

Allergen: none. Contraindication: none. Informations Composition For a dose of 2. Traçabilité L-Glutamine is distributed in Switzerland by ProFeel Lab Sàrl, a company specializing in the manufacture of dietary supplements.

Précautions Dietary supplement. This is not a medicine. Store at room temperature. Emballage Kraft paper bag of g.

It is the most abundant amino acid found in muscle tissue. Glutamine also helps to diminish catabolism caused by an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which is elevated during exercise.

This study shows that glutamine can provide an anti-catabolic effect. It can minimize the amount of muscle breakdown and can be particularly helpful when consumed after working out, when catabolism is at its peak.

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue and has recently been shown by research to increase the number of HSPs Heat Shock Proteins. Aside from its well-known ability to help exercise recovery and boost immune function, it also helps to create new muscle tissue by increasing HSPs.

It has also been shown to speed post-workout recovery by increasing the absorption of key electrolytes. Manufactured with the purest raw ingredients at a manufacturing facility. ALLMAX Nutrition fermentation derived Glutamine provides recovery after training and enhances the immune system, which can be compromised during intense exercise.

This increases Glutamine suspension time in liquid and speeds absorption into the bloodstream. ALLMAX uses only the purest raw ingredients and is not heated or chemically treated.

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Your cart is empty Start shopping. Home L-Glutamine Powder. In stock Fermentation Derived Helps Repair and Recovery from Intense Training Helps Protect Muscle from Breakdown. Size: g. Quantity: Decrease quantity Increase quantity. Add to cart. Product Type:. L-Glutamine Powder GLUTAMINE can be naturally found in beans, poultry, fish and dairy products.

Glutamine also known as l-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body and is called a conditionally essential amino acid. This means that the body is able to manufacture Glutamine on its own, but during times of extreme stress such as following an intense workout , the body is not able to produce enough and may benefit from supplemental Glutamine.

Glutamine powder benefits are numerous and include promoting protein synthesis and muscle growth. L-Glutamine powder acts as a cell volumizer. It helps muscles hold water, which is also necessary for growth and repair. Although your body stores high levels of this amino acid, it can get depleted from the stress of intense exercise.

Another reason to consume glutamine powder is the impact it has on the GI tract. Glutamine powder benefits also include being a primary source of energy for cells in the lining of the GI tract and it also promotes GI tract healing.

Our pure l-glutamine powder is made from all-natural ingredients and is lab-tested to offer you the best l-glutamine powder in the industry. Share Share. Facebook Pinterest Twitter E-mail. Previous Next. Diminish Muscle Catabolism Glutamine also helps to diminish catabolism caused by an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which is elevated during exercise.

INCREASES Protein Sythesis and Nitrogen Retention.

Actual product packaging and nuscle may contain more muscoe different information Gltamine what is Nuscle on our website. We recommend that Glutamine for muscle recovery do not rely solely on Essential vitamins for aging information kuscle and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. L-Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that plays a multitude of roles throughout the body. It is a crucial building block of skeletal muscle tissue and necessary for replenishing muscle glycogen before, during, and after prolonged exercise. Mix one 1 scoop with ounces of cold water on an empty stomach times daily. Glutamine for muscle recovery

Glutamine for muscle recovery -

Language English Français English Deutsch. Item added to your cart. View cart Check out Continue shopping. Exelis L-Glutamine - Intestinal health - Muscle recovery L-Glutamine - Intestinal health - Muscle recovery.

Regular price CHF Regular price Sale price CHF Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout. Product variants Default Title - CHF Decrease quantity for L-Glutamine - Intestinal health - Muscle recovery Increase quantity for L-Glutamine - Intestinal health - Muscle recovery.

Add to cart. Couldn't load pickup availability Refresh. What is L-Glutamine? Intestinal health The cells of intestinal tissues use this amino acid Glutamine to function properly, thereby contributing to strengthening the health and functioning of the intestine.

Muscle recovery Glutamine improves the recovery of muscle cells and contributes to the development of muscle tissues. Indications Muscle development Recovery, regeneration of muscle tissue Digestive disorders Irritable bowel syndrome IBS Support for chronic inflammatory bowel diseases IBD.

Reinforcement Protects and reduces the permeability of the intestinal barrier. Performance Improves muscle development by participating in protein synthesis.

Régénération Regenerates muscle tissue damaged during physical exertion. Natural Pure glutamine, vegan. The ideal ally for athletes and essential for intestinal health. Take two doses per day with liquid 💧. Pour qui? For adults engaging in regular physical activity.

Suitable for vegans, those sensitive or allergic to gluten and lactose. Allergen: none. The treatment group had less tissue injury in the cardiac muscles Figure 3D , kidneys Figure 3E , and liver Figure 3F , with average respective scores of 0 Figure 3G , 1.

These data of histological examination indicated that the treatment group had a more substantial reduction in damage, especially cardiac and renal damage, compared with the prevention group Figure 3.

FIGURE 3. The histological finding and tissue injury score between prevention and treatment group. The histological examination of prevention A—C and treatment group D—F. The prevention group had higher tissue injury score on the Heart G and kidney H than those in treatment group.

There was no significant difference between groups on the liver I. We found that glutamine can reduce skeletal muscle damage caused by exhaustive exercise, and the treatment group had a greater reduction in damage than the prevention group did Figure 1.

We also found that oral intake of glutamine elevated RBC, HCT, and PLT amounts only in the treatment group Figure 2.

A histological examination indicated that the treatment group had a more substantial reduction in damage, especially cardiac and renal damage, compared with the prevention group Figure 3.

The results of this study indicated that the effect of supplementing L-glutamine after exercise was more satisfactory than that before exercise. The tissue section results demonstrated that glutamine not only protected muscles under exhaustive exercise but also prevented damage to specific organs.

After exhaustive exercise, because of the continued contraction of skeleton muscles and enhanced circulation stress, both skeletal and cardiac muscles are damaged. Markers of skeletal and cardiac muscle damage, such as serum biomarker CK-MM, indicated damage after exercise, and the damage could also be found in histopathology examinations Amelink et al.

Studies have demonstrated that supplementation with glutamine has beneficial effects on reducing the parameters of muscle damage and inflammation in exercise rats Bowtell et al. Similarly, in our study, the serum CK-MM level of the untreated vehicle group was elevated after exhaustive exercise and reached its highest point at 24 h after exercise Figure 1.

Decreased glutamine concentrations typically correlate with the severity of the underlying disease process, with large amounts of glutamine catabolized in muscle at the time of damage. Concentrations only gradually recover in the later stage of healing Durkalec-Michalski et al.

During exhaustive exercise, the protein metabolism of muscles increases. At this time, glutamine can assist in gluconeogenesis, generating glucose to be used by the muscles, promoting energy metabolism and antioxidant capacity, reducing organ damage, and contributing to the synthesis and repair of muscle tissue.

Under exhaustive exercise, glutamine in the body is used in substantial quantities, resulting in a decreased glutamine concentrations Afonso et al.

We further found that the intake timing will notably affect the beneficial effect of glutamine for exhaustive exercise. This might cause by a short half-life of glutamine. Glutamine was more effective when taken orally after rather than before exhaustive exercise.

We also found that the RBC level increased substantially upon the post-exercise intake of glutamine Figure 2. Previous researchers have demonstrated that glutamine is an essential source for glutathione synthesis in human erythrocytes Whillier et al.

During exhaustive exercise, because of elevated oxidative stress and overloaded cardiac output, RBC becomes oxidative damaged Smith, No study has discussed whether glutamine mitigates oxidative damage on RBC or enhances the regeneration of RBC after exhaustive exercise. We found that the RBC level increase and accordingly glutamine might enhance the regeneration of RBC upon oral intake after exercise Figure 2.

The differences between the prevention and treatment groups were not only with respect to RBC concentration, but also regarding tissue damage for histological examinations. The treatment group showed more considerable damage reduction in the cardiac muscle and kidneys than the prevention group showed.

Figures 3G, H The primary cause for this difference in damage reduction might be the maldigestion of glutamine during exercise. Eating before exhaustive exercise often causes maldigestion; furthermore, body temperature increases during exercise until rest.

Research has demonstrated that in a hot environment, intestinal permeability is reduced by glutamine supplementation Pugh et al. Therefore, glutamine intake is more beneficial after rather than before exhaustive exercise.

Relative to the prevention group, the treatment group had a more considerable reduction in the damage to their cardiac muscles and kidneys. Our results revealed that the timing of glutamine oral intake influences outcomes, such as improved organs protection and elevated RBC concentration in blood.

Although the conditions of sports practice in humans are far different from those that can be applied in laboratory rats, these results might suggest athletes take supplements at the proper timing after exhaustive exercise.

Daily supplementation of L-glutamine can reduce the skeletal muscle damage caused by exhaustive exercise and that the timing of the oral intake affects the reduction.

Glutamine as a treatment more considerably reduced damage than it had as a prophylactic. We also observed that the oral intake of glutamine could elevate RBC, HCT, and PLT only after exhaustive exercise. It seems like the proper timing for taking glutamine supplements is after exercise.

However, the further clinical trial is needed in the future study. The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Tzu Chi University IACUC No: C-CL: Conceptualization, and prepared the original draft. C-YK: Designed the animal study, analyzed the data, and wrote the original draft.

W-TW: Performed the histological examination, supervised the study and data collection. R-PL: Conceptualization, supervised the study, completed the final manuscript.

All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Afonso, J. The effectiveness of post-exercise stretching in short-term and delayed recovery of strength, range of motion and delayed onset muscle soreness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Amelink, G. Exercise-induced muscle damage in the rat: The effect of vitamin E deficiency.

American Dietetic AssociationDietitians of CanadaAmerican College of Sports Medicine Rodriguez, N. American College of Sports Medicine position stand.

Nutrition and athletic performance. Sports Exerc. Amin, M. Exercise-induced downregulation of serum interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in Egyptian handball players. Saudi J. Anz, A. Exercise-mobilized platelet-rich plasma: Short-term exercise increases stem cell and platelet concentrations in platelet-rich plasma.

Arthroscopy 35 1 , — Banfi, G. Metabolic markers in sports medicine. Baumert, P. Genetic variation and exercise-induced muscle damage: Implications for athletic performance, injury and ageing.

Beck, W. Melatonin has an ergogenic effect but does not prevent inflammation and damage in exhaustive exercise. Bowtell, J. Effect of oral glutamine on whole body carbohydrate storage during recovery from exhaustive exercise. Coqueiro, A. Effects of glutamine and alanine supplementation on muscle fatigue parameters of rats submitted to resistance training.

Nutrition 65, — Glutamine as an anti-fatigue amino acid in sports nutrition. Nutrients 11 4 , Cruzat, V. Effects of supplementation with free glutamine and the dipeptide alanyl-glutamine on parameters of muscle damage and inflammation in rats submitted to prolonged exercise.

Cell biochem. Dupuy, O. An evidence-based approach for choosing post-exercise recovery techniques to reduce markers of muscle damage, soreness, fatigue, and inflammation: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Durkalec-Michalski, K. The effect of multi-ingredient intra-versus extra-cellular buffering supplementation combined with branched-chain amino acids and creatine on exercise-induced ammonia blood concentration and aerobic capacity in taekwondo athletes.

Sports Nutr. Durmuş, İ. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation has a strong relationship with mean platelet volume reduction. Gleeson, M. Dosing and efficacy of glutamine supplementation in human exercise and sport training.

Grassi, A. Is platelet-rich plasma prp effective in the treatment of acute muscle injuries? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Sports Med. Ke, C. Vitamin D3 reduces tissue damage and oxidative stress caused by exhaustive exercise. Koch, A. The creatine kinase response to resistance exercise.

Neuronal Interact. PubMed Abstract Google Scholar. Lippi, G. Epidemiological, biological and clinical update on exercise-induced hemolysis. Mairbäurl, H. Red blood cells in sports: Effects of exercise and training on oxygen supply by red blood cells. Moghadam-Kia, S. Approach to asymptomatic creatine kinase elevation.

Negro, M. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance athletic performance but affects muscle recovery and the immune system. Peake, J.

Muscle damage and inflammation during recovery from exercise. Pugh, J. Glutamine supplementation reduces markers of intestinal permeability during running in the heat in a dose-dependent manner.

Ra, S. Effect of BCAA supplement timing on exercise-induced muscle soreness and damage: A pilot placebo-controlled double-blind study. Scott, A. Platelet-rich plasma for patellar tendinopathy: A randomized controlled trial of leukocyte-rich prp or leukocyte-poor prp versus saline.

Smith, J. Exercise, training and red blood cell turnover. Sonkodi, B. Post orgasmic illness syndrome POIS and delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS : Do they have anything in common?

Cells 10 8 , Tokinoya, K. Relationship between early-onset muscle soreness and indirect muscle damage markers and their dynamics after a full marathon. Exerc Sci. Trivedi, K. Role of Glutamine as an ergogenic amino acid during fatigue.

CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Vander Doelen, T. Non-surgical treatment of patellar tendinopathy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

Myscle study aimed to examine the Glutamine for muscle recovery that L-glutamine supplementation has on quadriceps muscle strength and soreness ratings following eccentric Glutamnie. It was hypothesized that glutamine tecovery would quicken the recovery rate of peak force production and decrease redovery soreness ratings Glutamine for muscle recovery a hr recovery period. Supplement conditions consisted of isoenergetic placebo maltodextrin, 0. Knee extensor peak torque at 0°, 30°, and ° per second and muscle soreness were measured before, immediately following, 24, 48, and 72 hr posteccentric exercise. In the entire sample, L-glutamine resulted in lower soreness ratings at 24 2. The L-glutamine supplementation resulted in faster recovery of peak torque and diminished muscle soreness following eccentric exercise. The effect of L-glutamine on muscle force recovery may be greater in men than women.

Author: Faesar

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