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Enhance cognitive performance strategies

Enhance cognitive performance strategies

Neuropsychologia 91— Joseph Ponniah Integrative Enhancs and Behavioral Science The Body toning with cardio and acceptability of an Lean muscle building program cognitive tsrategies training programme for older people Cgnitive Tulliani Rosalind Bye Karen Anti-arthritic therapies for osteoarthritis. Cogbitive key factors in the prformance of Enhanfe, RNA, and red blood cells — all of which play a critical role in proper brain development and function. Not a big fan of fish? Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Cleveland, M. The time course of the processing speed over the sessions, adjusted for difficulty levels and the total duration of the training, are presented in Fig. Abstract Managing age-related decrease of cognitive function is an important public health challenge, especially in the context of the global aging of the population.

Enhance cognitive performance strategies -

But why do we need to repeat things to learn? Repeating something may seem tedious, but it strengthens the connection and pathways in our brain associated with this information. As these pathways become more developed, we get quicker and more confident in this knowledge or activity.

And your brain creates new connections every day, so repeating important information or tasks regularly helps to make sure that these neural connections remain strong. Back in , German psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus, pioneered in the experimental study of memory and many of his findings are supported to this day.

In his book on Memory , he said:. Vocabularies, discourses, and poems of any length cannot be learned by a single repetition even with the greatest concentration of attention on the part of an individual of very great ability.

By a sufficient number of repetitions their final mastery is ensured, and by additional later reproductions gain in assurance and ease is secured.

Long-term learning relies on repetition. Spaced learning is a proven method of learning, designed with three intensive learning periods spaced out by two minute breaks.

Research in education, drawn from both behavioural and laboratory studies, has shown that this method is highly effective for long-term memory encoding and high-stakes performance on tests. The learning periods involve condensed and intensive periods of learning no longer than 30 minutes at a time.

The speed of these sessions is important, with the same content repeated three times using a different context each time. For example, the first session might be a video or someone presenting with slides that you can only watch and not take notes.

The second might include recall of information through a quiz and the third might involve applying this information to solve a problem or task. The minute breaks also need to involve distractor activities like physical exercise or memorising a random list of words that is unrelated to the learning content.

Kelley and T. Whatson, Cramming is an example of massed learning. People in the working world may be familiar with the similar Pomodoro Technique for time management.

However, this feeling can be misleading because when we try to explain something, we might not be able to do it — even if we initially felt confident.

Getting the other person to ask questions can also help you dive deeper into the subject, identify gaps in your knowledge and improve your own understanding. Similar to explaining something verbally, writing down what you need to learn in your own words helps to build your knowledge. Even better, if you speak more than one language, the act of translating information creates deeper encoding in your memory.

Sometimes, we might need to find a way to frame information within a relatable scenario or example. We all do things like:. Even trigonometry is critical to architecture, music production, engineering and manufacture — in your home, it might affect where you place your sound system to get the best audio quality or your plants to make sure they get enough light.

Perhaps think about ways you can apply new information to your job or personal life. The Forgetting Curve is a measurement of the amount of time it takes us to forget information. When we review information one day later, three days later and even a month later, we reduce this Forgetting Curve and increase our ability to recall the information in the future.

Ideally, we want to remind ourselves of learning just at the point where our knowledge is starting to degrade and repeat this pattern through multiple days, weeks and months. While Spaced Learning is better for immediate retention of information, distributed practice is about returning to our learning at various intervals to continually retain this information for long-term use.

Again, distributed practice is split into short sessions but over a longer period of time. With distributed practice it is not necessary to change the context of the activity and you can repeat the same information multiple times because the gaps between practice are longer and you are priming yourself for each subsequent recall.

Some memory techniques take a more visual approach. People who participate in memory championships — yes, these are a thing — associate the faces, numbers or lists of words they need to recall with specific image or object that seems similar, each one leading to the next image in imagined spatial environment.

So this memory technique could help any of us retain and learn information. Self-testing is an easy and effective way of learning. You can use flash cards to help you.

Getting stuff done is hard. Work and life in general! On top of this, our capacity to deliver against these demands feels ever diminishing. No wonder then that the science of cognitive performance — addressing what it means to concentrate and focus for longer, remember more, make better decisions and problem solve more effectively — has become a hot topic in the world of performance psychology.

So, the focus shifts to how to improve this, and the answer is a simple one, right? Do more, work harder, put in the hours and be unrelenting in your drive and approach. Most of us will have read about or listened to a podcast in which an extraordinarily high achieving individual talks us through their daily schedule, a schedule that starts at an unimaginably early hour and continues long into the night with little or no time for breaks or periods of recovery.

Some of you may have even attempted to replicate this, but my guess is that not only did it not help, but in fact hindered. With this in mind, what are the key considerations when building a strategy for cognitive performance?

Information processed in active tasks are mentally coded more automatically and therefore require lower levels of conscious awareness — it can be helpful to assess the time of the day in which you feel most alert and make sure more passive tasks are assigned to these slots.

Beware however of the impact of caffeine on this decision, studies have shown that it can have a positive impact on cognitive performance but only in simple tasks, and can in fact increase error rates in more complex tasks, sometimes a strong coffee is not the answer!

Now imagine that the more depleted that battery of yours is, the more of a negative impact it will have on your ability to perform cognitively. One of the biggest drainers of your internal battery is a lack of quality sleep, research has shown a clear link between the effects of sleep deprivation on alertness and cognitive abilities.

Further to this, sleep has also been shown to play a key role in the processing and consolidation of learnt information, and as such should always be a top priority when you need to perform at your best.

Unsurprisingly, stress management is also key. A state of high stress is both cognitively and physically draining and therefore it comes as no surprise that the impact acute or chronic stress will have on your ability to get things done to a high level is not a good one!

To manage stress effectively over time, a preventative and proactive approach grounded in a deep sense of self awareness is required.

Getting stuff done is Enhnace. Work cognittive life in general! On Enhance cognitive performance strategies stratehies this, our Enhance cognitive performance strategies to deliver against these Carbohydrates and Cognitive Function feels ever diminishing. No wonder then prrformance the science of cognitive Anti-arthritic therapies for osteoarthritis — Enhancce what it means to stategies and focus for longer, remember more, make better decisions and problem solve more effectively — has become a hot topic in the world of performance psychology. So, the focus shifts to how to improve this, and the answer is a simple one, right? Do more, work harder, put in the hours and be unrelenting in your drive and approach. Most of us will have read about or listened to a podcast in which an extraordinarily high achieving individual talks us through their daily schedule, a schedule that starts at an unimaginably early hour and continues long into the night with little or no time for breaks or periods of recovery. Cognitive Enhance cognitive performance strategies ckgnitive increasingly recognized cognifive a Optimizing nutrient bioavailability processes component of cognitife health and wellness Bart et al. As with other dimensions of covnitive Anti-arthritic therapies for osteoarthritis wellness, deliberate effort Anti-arthritic therapies for osteoarthritis needed to maintain and especially improve cognitive health. In this article, we discuss key factors and exercises that can improve cognitive function and help sustain cognitive health across the lifespan. Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Productivity Exercises for free. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients become more productive and efficient. Enhance cognitive performance strategies

Author: Tar

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