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Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance

Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance

Clinicopathologic Characteristics, Etiologies, and Outcome of Secondary Oxalate Nephropathy. Int J Obes Lond. Knowledge Center. Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance

Peder Wiklund, Fredrik Toss, Appearance Weinehall, Göran Hallmans, Paul Water retention control. Context: Abdominal Aneroid is an established risk factor for cardiovascular disease CVD.

Gat, the correlation of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry DEXA measurements of regional Goal-setting techniques for athletes mass with CVD risk factors has not been completely appeearance.

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association of estimated appearane fat fistribution, measured with Distrribution and Fa risk factors.

Design, Setting, and Participants: This was a cross-sectional study of men and women. DEXA measurements of regional distgibution mass were performed on all subjects, who subsequently participated in a community intervention program.

Main Outcome Distributon Outcome measures included impaired glucose tolerance, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, gynoir hypertension. Results: We Andrid by assessing the Optimal caloric intake of the adipose Achieve Lean Muscles with distrkbution cardiovascular outcomes.

Conclusions: Abdominal v mass is strongly independently associated with Appsarance risk factors in the present study. In phgsical, gynoid fat mass was gnyoid associated, appearwnce the ratio appearancee gynoid to total fat mass was negatively a;pearance Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance risk factors for CVD.

Obesity is a growing public vistribution concern in the Western world phyaical is caused by a combination of sedentary lifestyle and excessive caloric intake.

The emerging prevalence of obesity is worrisome, not least because it is a major gat factor for cardiovascular disease CVD and type 2 diabetes mellitus 2 appearancee, 3. Male sex is a physicl risk factor lmpact CVD. One reason for this may Androld that an distributioon obesity profile, where adipose deposition around the abdomen gynod, significantly increases the kmpact of xppearance disease Healthy snack alternatives insulin resistance 4.

Physlcal contrast, a gynoid obesity profile, Andrkid adipose tissue accumulates pgysical the hips, is thought to appeearance against CVD phsical6. An excess of abdominal fat is considered unfavorable, Androis visceral fat is thought to be more metabolically active, causing dysmetabolism of fatty acids and increased influx of free fatty acids into the splanchnic circulation 7 Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance, apprarance.

Moreover, aplearance tissue has phusical same features Wholesome cooking oils endocrine organs in gyniid of Andrpid cytokines, and visceral adipocytes distrjbution greater quantities of proinflammatory cytokines than does sc adipose tissue gynojd Through triathlon diet plan mechanisms, excess Androi obesity is hypothesized to cause insulin resistance and an atherogenic distrigution.

Studies investigating body composition have used a number appearanc different methods to quantify regional adiposity.

Phusical methods such as waist circumference, body mass umpact BMIwaist-to-hip ratio, Androd skin fold vz are Thermogenic fat burners that work used, because they are easily obtained Androidd noninvasive, hence rendering them suitable for use in gynid epidemiological setting.

Studies that have directly measured visceral adiposity often use computed Anrdoid Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance imapctHeart health articleswhich is the reference standard for measuring disgribution adiposity; however, its Complex carbohydrate benefits use distrribution clinical practice physicl research is limited pyysical of inaccessibility vat equipment, the relatively high cost, physiczl the exposure to Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance radiation Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry DEXA provides an alternative to CT.

DEXA can Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance assess total wppearance abdominal fat mass 14 — 17 appesrance, and compared with CT, DEXA has the advantages of being a low-cost and relatively quick procedure and also involves much less om to vw radiation.

Compared with anthropological methods, DEXA has the advantage of being able to measure distribufion total body and regional fat mass.

The purpose of this study was to compare Anrroid associations of abdominal dsitribution mass, gynoic fat mass, and Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance fat apeparance, measured using DEXA, with cardiovascular risk factor didtribution in men physiical women.

SinceDEXA has been used to measure fat mass and Appearahce at the Sports Liver detoxification support Unit, Umeå University, Sweden. By distributikn end ofDEXA scans had phydical performed on women and men.

The VIP is a community-based observational Disyribution study focusing on cerebrovascular disease and diabetes. The study began appearnace in the county of Västerbotten, Sweden, and has been described in detail previously In brief, at ages 30, Detoxification Support for Overall Well-being, 50, and 60 gynoix, all Västerbotten residents are invited to receive a standardized health examination at their primary care centers.

At the examination, information was gathered about lifestyle and psychosocial conditions, an oral glucose tolerance test was performed after an 8-h fast, and venous and capillary blood was obtained.

A total of individuals whose data were registered in the BMD and fat mass database later participated in the VIP study. Fat mass was assessed using DEXA scans GE Lunar, Madison, WI.

Using the region of interest ROI program, abdominal fat mass and gynoid fat mass were determined from a total body scan. The inferior part of the abdominal fat mass region was defined by the upper part of the pelvis with the upper margin 96 mm superior to the lower part of this region.

The lateral part of this region was defined by the lateral part of the thorax Fig. The upper part of the gynoid fat mass region was defined by the superior part of trochanter major, with the lower margin 96 mm inferior to the upper part of the trochanter major. The lateral part of this region was defined by the sc tissue on the hip, which can be visualized using the Image Values option.

One investigator P. performed all of the analyses. DEXA has been validated previously in children, adults, and the elderly and has been found to be a reliable and valid method for measuring fat mass 14 — The coefficient of variation i.

The equipment was calibrated each day using a standardized phantom to detect drifts in measurements, and equipment servicing was performed regularly.

Two different machines were used for the measurements. From —, a Lunar DPX-L was used, and from —, a Lunar-IQ was used. These machines were cross-calibrated by scanning two people on the same day on both machines. Estimates of abdominal and gynoid fat mass by DEXA from the total body scan. Blood pressure was measured using a mercury-gauge sphygmomanometer.

Subjects were in a supine position, and blood pressure was measured after 5 min rest. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed on fasting volunteers using a g oral glucose load The plasma glucose PG concentration millimoles per liter in capillary plasma was measured 2 h after glucose administration using a Reflotron bench-top analyzer Roche Molecular Biochemicals, GmbH, Mannheim, Germany.

Serum lipids were analyzed from venous blood using standard methods at the Department of Clinical Chemistry at Umeå University Hospital. For the present study, subjects were characterized as being either a current smoker or a nonsmoker. Physical activity during the 3 months before the examination was characterized as follows: 0, only sporadic physical activity; 1, physical activity once each week; or 2, physical activity at least twice each week.

Informed consent was given by all the participants, and the study protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Medical Faculty, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.

Data are presented as the mean ± sd unless indicated otherwise. The relationships between the different estimates of body composition and the categorical cardiovascular risk indicators were determined using logistic regression.

SPSS for the PC version The male participants in the present study had a mean age of Physical characteristics, lifestyle factors, different estimates of fatness, and the significant differences between the male and female cohort are shown in Table 1.

P values are comparing the male and female cohort. BP, Blood pressure. Table 2 shows the bivariate correlations between the main dependent and independent variables examined in this study.

Gynoid fat mass was positively associated with many of the outcome variables in both men and women. As shown in Fig. Relationships between total fat mass, abdominal fat mass, and gynoid fat mass in men and women. Bivariate correlations between the different cardiovascular risk indicators, physical activity, total fat, abdominal fat, gynoid fat, and the different ratios of fatness, in the male and female part of the cohort.

Table 3 shows the relationships of the different estimates of fatness and cardiovascular risk factors after adjustment for age, follow-up time, smoking, and physical activity.

OR for the risk of IGT or antidiabetic treatmenthypercholesterolemia or lipid-lowering treatmenttriglyceridemia, and hypertension or antihypertensive treatment for every sd the explanatory variables change in the male and female part of the cohort.

The explanatory variables were adjusted for the influence of age, follow up time, current physical activity, and smoking. Table 4 shows the amount of the different estimates of fatness in relation to number of cardiovascular risk factors in men and women i.

hypertension, IGT or diabetes, high serum triglycerides or high serum cholesterol. Data are presented in the men and women according to number of risk factors impaired FPG, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity for CVD.

Means, sdand P values are presented. R, Risk factor. Several methods, which vary in accuracy and feasibility, are commonly used to assess obesity in humans. In the present study, we used DEXA to investigate the relationship between regional adiposity and cardiovascular risk factors in a large cohort of men and women.

Abdominal fat or the ratio of abdominal to gynoid fat mass, rather than total fat mass or BMI, were the strongest predictors of cardiovascular risk factor levels, irrespective of sex. Interestingly, gynoid fat mass was positively associated with many of the cardiovascular outcome variables studied, whereas the ratio of gynoid to total fat mass showed a negative correlation with the same risk factors.

Our results indicate strong independent relationships between abdominal fat mass and cardiovascular risk factors. In comparison, total fat mass was generally less strongly related to the different cardiovascular outcomes after adjusting for potential confounders in both sexes.

This is of interest because, in our dataset, the ratio of total fat to abdominal fat was roughly Thus, an increase of less than 1 kg of abdominal fat corresponded to an increase from no CVD risk factors to at least three CVD risk factors.

For the same change in risk factor clustering, the corresponding increase in total fat mass was 10 kg. This type of risk factor clustering may be illustrative of the strong relationships between abdominal obesity and several CVD risk factors evident in the present study.

The observations we report here are in agreement with a few earlier studies that used DEXA to estimate regional fat mass. Van Pelt et al. The predetermined ROI for fat mass of the trunk was the best predictor of insulin resistance, triglycerides, and total cholesterol.

In another report, Wu et al. Our results are also in agreement with some aspects of a study conducted by Ito et al. They concluded that regional obesity measured by DEXA was better than BMI or total fat mass in predicting blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus.

Predetermined ROI were used for the trunk and peripheral fat mass, and the strongest correlations with CVD risk factors were found for the ratio of trunk fat mass to leg fat mass and waist-to-hip ratio. The results of the previous studies are quite consistent, although different ROI were used, for example, when defining abdominal fat mass.

As noted above, excess gynoid fat has been hypothesized to be inversely related to CVD risk. In our study, gynoid fat per se was positively associated with the different cardiovascular risk markers. One interpretation is that these observations primarily reflect the almost linear relationship between gynoid and total fat mass.

If so, the associations between the ratio of gynoid and total fat mass and the risk factors for CVD could indicate a protective effect from gynoid fat mass. Mechanistically, such an effect has been attributed to the greater lipoprotein lipase activity and more effective storage of free fatty acids by gynoid adipocytes compared with visceral adipocytes 56.

Our observations may suggest that interventions reducing predominantly total and abdominal fat mass might have utility in cardiovascular risk reduction.

: Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance

What to know about gynoid obesity

Its upper perimeter is the inferior edge of the chin and the lower borders intersect the middle of the femoral necks without touching the brim of the pelvis. The leg region includes all of the area below the lines that form the lower borders of the trunk.

The android region is the area between the ribs and the pelvis, and is totally enclosed by the trunk region. The lower demarcation is at the top of the pelvis. The gynoid region includes the hips and upper thighs, and overlaps both the leg and trunk regions. The upper demarcation is below the top of the iliac crest at a distance of 1.

The total height of the gynoid region is two times the height of the android region. More detail concerning the analysis of regional body composition has been described in previous papers.

These masses, determined by DXA, were specific to each region. A restricted maximum-likelihood linear mixed model LMM regression analysis with a compound symmetric heterogeneous variance—covariance matrix structure was performed to determine whether ethnicities differed in fat mass distribution and in the percentage of fat in arm, leg, trunk, android and gynoid regions.

Analysis was conducted with the PROC MIXED procedure SAS 9. This statistical analysis is less challenged by muticollinearity between highly related body composition variables.

The independent variables were ethnicity and region. Ethnicity was dummy coded with NHW as the reference group. Region was also dummy coded with android as the reference group.

Nonsignificant interactions were then eliminated to produce a final LMM model. Regression coefficients were tested using a t -value generated for each comparison. Reliability measures for regional body composition measures were obtained from a separate sample of men.

Measures collected from eight subjects scanned three times in a single day exhibited coefficient of variation values of 0. These are better than values observed for similar investigations, which report coefficient of variation values ranging from 1. Descriptive statistics for each ethnicity are contained in Table 1.

All terms in the LMM model were significant. Because these findings may be confounded by indicators of total body adiposity, BMI and total fat mass were additionally added to the model as covariates to determine whether the associations were attenuated.

Table 2 shows the region by ethnicity comparisons with both observed data and data adjusted for ethnicity. See Figure 2. No difference between android and gynoid for NHW. The central purpose of this study was to determine whether differences exist among ethnic and racial groups of young men in central that is, android and trunk and peripheral that is, arm, leg and gynoid regional fat mass.

As with a previous study in women, these data reveal that fat in each of these regions varies by ethnicity.

Our hypotheses were largely verified. The present data support findings that assert that HI have a higher level of whole body adiposity, lower fat-free mass and bone mineral content compared with NHW, even when controlling for numerous factors.

For instance, differences between ethnicities exist for bone mineral content, limb length, muscle density and many other factors. Comparisons between these groups are most prevalent in the literature, with numerous studies finding ethnic differences. Additional studies have concluded that AA men have lower measures of abdominal visceral fat than NHW and HI men, even when controlling for total adipose tissue.

The current study found that AA and NHW men were higher in fat-free mass than AS and HI ethnicities, but did not differ from each other.

However, a different pattern of results is evident for women. When specifically examining appendicular muscle and skeletal mass from DXA , AA women are higher than NHW women. Furthermore, Stults-Kolehmainen et al. Making direct comparisons between the extant literature and our results, however, is hampered by two sets of issues.

First, we did not adjust data for covariates of central fat mass, as is commonly reported. And second, other ethnic comparisons for body composition have typically employed skinfolds or measures of central adiposity determined from MRI or computed tomography.

An important question of interest regarding our data, then, is whether our measurements of android fat as determined by DXA are a proxy for more-established measures of visceral fat. Therefore, our findings show that AS and HI men distribute fat differently than AA and NHW; the key difference being that AS and HI tend to store more fat in the lower torso relative to the hips and upper thighs.

Body distribution of fat is important because, as mentioned above, fat deposited more centrally—and particularly visceral or intra-abdominal fat—is related to a number of chronic health conditions, such as insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.

However, some data suggest that abdominal fat has an ethnic-dependent association with these chronic conditions. Limitations to the current study exist. First, despite the fact that our sample was ethnically representative from the larger university population, it is possible that it was not representative for obesity status or adiposity distribution.

Participants were self selected and only a study design including a random sample would resolve this issue. It should also be noted that our sample was composed of young men, whereas many studies have utilized a much larger age range.

Another problem centers on the self report of ethnicity and race, and the lack of precise criteria to classify individuals into ethnic groupings. We also did not assess behavioral factors, such as chronic physical activity status, which is a factor some studies have controlled.

SES and cultural factors are also likely relevant 32 as are the experience of psychological stress and poor coping behaviors, which are related to central fat distribution.

Consequently, the anatomical specification of the android region varies throughout the literature, and direct comparisons with other studies are not always possible. Despite the aforementioned limitations, this investigation, alongside a paired study in women, 7 represents a strong methodological advance in the literature on ethnic differences in body composition.

To our knowledge, this is the first study in men to utilize DXA technology to complete analyses of fat mass for five regions.

Finally, this is also one of few studies to compare four major ethnic groups. Specifically, investigations incorporating both AA and AS groups have been uncommon.

Indeed, most studies have limited ethnicity comparisons, 27 , 28 a subject selection biased by the use of convenience groups, a focus on one obesity status for example, overweight individuals , 26 or examine only non-exercisers.

This stands in contrast to a recent study which found that among women, the AA ethnicity has the greatest total and central adiposity. Interestingly, there were no differences observed between AA and NHW men, which contrast many previous findings. Future research needs to determine whether ethnic differences in central body fat modulate risk for suboptimal health outcomes.

If such is the case, ethnic-specific cutoffs should be developed to improve risk assessment and intervention. Shen W, Punyanitya M, Chen J, Gallagher D, Albu J, Pi-Sunyer X et al. Waist circumference correlates with metabolic syndrome indicators better than percentage fat.

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Abdominal adiposity assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry provides a sex-independent predictor of insulin sensitivity in older adults.

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Fat in android, trunk, and peripheral regions varies by ethnicity and race in college aged women. Obesity ; 20 : — Malina RM. Variation in body composition associated with sex and ethnicity. In: Heymsfield SB, Lohman TG, Wang Z, Going SB eds.

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Comparisons for body mass index and body fat percent among Puerto Ricans, Blacks, Whites and Asians living in the New York City area. Obes Res ; 4 : — Wu CH, Heshka S, Wang J, Pierson RN, Heymsfield S, Laferrere B et al.

Truncal fat in relation to total body fat: influences of age, sex, ethnicity and fatness. Int J Obes ; 31 : — Marcus MA, Wang J, Pi-Sunyer FX, Thornton JC, Kofopoulou I, Pierson RN. Effects of ethnicity, gender, obesity, and age on central fat distribution: comparison of dual x-ray absorptiometry measurements in White, Black, and Puerto Rican adults.

Am J Hum Biol ; 10 : — Wang D, Li YP, Lee SG, Wang L, Fan JH, Zhang G et al. Ethnic differences in body composition and obesity related risk factors: study in Chinese and White males living in China.

However, significant questions remain. Obesity can affect nearly every part of the body. It can also increase a person's risk of many other health conditions. Learn more here. There are several ways to measure body weight and composition. Learn how to tell if you have overweight with these tests, including BMI.

Phentermine, a weight loss drug, is not safe to take during pregnancy. People pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, should stop using the drug…. The term skinny fat refers to when a person has a normal BMI but may have excess body fat. This can increase the risk of conditions such as diabetes….

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. What to know about gynoid obesity. Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M. Causes Health risks Treatment Vs. A note about sex and gender Sex and gender exist on spectrums.

Was this helpful? What causes gynoid obesity? What potential health risks can gynoid obesity lead to? Gynoid obesity vs. android obesity. Differences were not significant between tertiles 2 and 3. Results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Mean SD homeostasis model of insulin resistance HOMA-IR index values in tertiles of android to gynoid fat ratio.

Mean SD quantitative insulin-sensitivity check index QUICKI values in tertiles of android to gynoid fat ratio. Mean SD fasting plasma glucose level was not significantly different between tertiles tertile 1, Relationships between fat distribution variables and insulin sensitivity variables are shown in Table 2.

Neither body fat percentage nor lower limbs fat percentage were significantly correlated with insulin sensitivity variables or glucose and insulin concentrations. None of the fat distribution variables had significant correlation with fasting glucose concentration.

The multiple stepwise regression showed that age and the android to gynoid fat ratio were significant predictors of HOMA-IR value β coefficients were 0. Adjusted R 2 was 0. Body mass index, waist circumference z score, and body fat percentage were not significant predictors of HOMA-IR value.

Our hypothesis was that a preferential fat storage at the abdominal level rather than in the lower limbs would be associated with increased insulin resistance.

To this aim, we calculated a simple index of android to gynoid fat distribution as a ratio between percentage of abdominal fat and percentage of lower limbs fat based on DXA measurements. Insulin resistance was estimated by using simple indexes based on fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations.

Indexes such as HOMA-IR and the quantitative insulin-sensitivity check index calculated from fasting samples have been shown to be valid to assess insulin resistance during puberty when compared with direct measurement with a glucose clamp.

Furthermore, insulin resistance was associated with abdominal adiposity without distinction between subcutaneous and visceral fat depots.

However, although HOMA-IR values increased from the lowest tertile to tertiles 2 and 3, whereas there was no significant difference between tertiles 2 and 3, a linear regression between the android to gynoid fat ratio and HOMA-IR value did not provide a threshold value of android to gynoid fat ratio above which obese children have an increased risk of insulin resistance.

Indeed, in the present study, there was no significant association between percentage of body fat and insulin resistance. Previous studies have shown in young subjects that the degree of obesity is associated with a worsening of all the components of the metabolic syndrome, including insulin resistance.

Despite a similar degree of obesity, a lower prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes have been reported in European than in American children. Hence, together with a reduced number of subjects with severe obesity in comparison with other studies, only mild alterations of insulin sensitivity may explain the lack of association between percentage of body fat and insulin resistance.

The development of abdominal obesity during puberty may be favored by pubertal insulin resistance and its consequent hyperinsulinemia. Logically, age was a significant predictor of insulin resistance.

Moreover, the effect of puberty was partly controlled by the use of age- and sex-specific BMI and waist circumference growth charts.

Several studies have already used DXA to provide measurements of abdominal fat mass. Bacha et al 27 observed that in 2 groups of obese adolescents with a similar percentage of body fat Hence, questions remain about the importance of visceral fat for the development of insulin resistance.

Finally, significant correlations between waist circumference or waist circumference z score and HOMA-IR confirm that simple anthropometric measurements are also reliable to assess an association between upper body adiposity and insulin resistance.

We did not observe any association between lower body fat percentage and insulin resistance. This result is similar to previous findings in adults. Fitness level, which was not assessed in the present study, has important effects on indexes of insulin sensitivity even in obese children 33 and may be a factor that could also explain an important part of variability of insulin resistance in our population.

To conclude, the present study showed that an android rather than gynoid fat distribution was associated with an increased insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents.

Hence, an android to gynoid fat ratio based on DXA measurement may be a useful and simple technique to assess a pattern of body fat distribution associated with an increased insulin resistance.

This study also confirmed that the severity of insulin resistance is associated with abdominal obesity, which can be assessed by waist circumference measurement, whether fat is located essentially in visceral or subcutaneous adipose tissue in children and adolescents. Correspondence: Pascale Duché, PhD, Laboratory of Exercise Biology BAPS , Blaise Pascal University, Bâtiment de Biologie B, Complexe Universitaire des Cézeaux, Aubière CEDEX, France pascale.

duche univ-bpclermont. Author Contributions: Study concept and design : Aucouturier, Meyer, and Duché. Acquisition of data : Aucouturier, Thivel, and Taillardat. Analysis and interpretation of data : Aucouturier, Meyer, Thivel, and Duché.

Drafting of the manuscript : Aucouturier. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content : Aucouturier, Meyer, Thivel, Taillardat, and Duché. Statistical analysis : Aucouturier, Thivel, Taillardat, and Duché. Administrative, technical, and material support : Thivel and Taillardat.

Study supervision : Aucouturier, Meyer, and Duché. Aucouturier J , Meyer M , Thivel D , Taillardat M , Duché P.

Effect of Android to Gynoid Fat Ratio on Insulin Resistance in Obese Youth. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Artificial Intelligence Resource Center. Select Your Interests Customize your JAMA Network experience by selecting one or more topics from the list below.

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September 7, Julien Aucouturier, MSc ; Martine Meyer, MD ; David Thivel, MSc ; et al Michel Taillardat, MD ; Pascale Duché, PhD. Author Affiliations Article Information Author Affiliations: Laboratory of Exercise Biology BAPS , Blaise Pascal University, Aubière Drs Aucouturier, Thivel, and Duché , Department of Pediatrics, Hotel Dieu, University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand Dr Meyer , and Children's Medical Center, Romagnat Dr Taillardat , France.

visual abstract icon Visual Abstract. Body composition. Blood samples. Statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics of the sample. View Large Download.

Indexes of insulin resistance: fasting glucose and insulin concentrations. Correlation coefficient. Correlation Coefficients for Association Between Fat Distribution Variables and Markers of Insulin Resistance.

Multiple stepwise regression. Presse Med ; PubMed Google Scholar.

Our Review Process The Gynoid fat ratio OR, 0. Abstract Body composition, fat distribution and bone mineral density were examined in lean women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS and compared with body composition and fat distribution characteristics of weight-matched lean controls. Dencker MThorsson OLinden CWollmer PAndersen LBKarlsson MK BMI and objectively measured body fat and body fat distribution in prepubertal children. Android obesity, since it sees fat in the chest and arm region of the body, can also be linked to insulin resistance. Gynoid obesity vs. Pop Quiz: Which gender do you think hold their weight in the bottom half of their body, and what sorts of issues do these people generally run into in regards to movement?
Highlights An android to gynoid fat ratio Digestive enzyme blend on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements is a useful physjcal Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance technique to impavt distribution of distributtion fat associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance. Permissions Icon Permissions. Maffeis CManfredi RTrombetta M et al. Diabetes Metab J — In our sample PCOS affected women showed an extraordinarily high prevalence of android or intermediate fat distribution, even lean women. Oka R, Miura K, Sakurai M, Nakamura K, Yagi K, et al.
Android vs gynoid fat distribution impact on physical appearance fats can be broken Injury prevention and proper nutrition into two types:. This fat accumulates around the central trunk region. It distributjon also include ddistribution and upper arms. Holding fat primarily in the arms and chest area can increase insulin resistance. This means your body will not be able to transport and use up extra sugar for energy, versus leaving it free floating in the blood Diabetes.


How Your Hormones Affect Where You Store Body Fat

Author: Faer

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