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Harmonized nutrient intake

Harmonized nutrient intake

An ebook is one Harmonizes two file formats that nutrieny intended to Harnonized used with Brain-boosting bites devices and apps such as Amazon Kindle or Apple iBooks. Copyright Information The National Academies Press NAP has partnered with Copyright Clearance Center's Marketplace service to offer you a variety of options for reusing NAP content. com marketplace.

Harmonized nutrient intake -

However, despite all of this work, there is little consistency in the approaches used to set country-level nutrient intake recommendations. Moreover, there are few processes in place to ensure that these recommendations are properly updated and remain relevant to target population groups.

In this regard, Stamoulis concluded, FAO looked forward to the outcomes of this workshop. For Stephanie Atkinson, McMaster University professor of pediatrics and chair of the workshop planning committee, this workshop has been an outcome of a nearly year journey.

In , Atkinson was the Canadian representative to the oversight committee for the first harmonization of Dietary Reference Intakes DRIs between Canada and the United States. In , Canada hosted the International Union of Nutritional Sciences IUNS International Congress in Montreal, where an informal luncheon was held to talk about harmonization of the Canadian and U.

Atkinson noted that several people in attendance at the workshop had also attended that luncheon. People were interested, but a little apprehensive, Atkinson recalled. But they did develop, over the next 10 years, harmonized DRIs for the two countries. Her hope was that it would not be another 10 years before reaching consensus and realizing a globally implementable plan for harmonization of methodological approaches to setting nutrient-based recommendations.

Like Atkinson, Chizuru Nishida, WHO coordinator of the Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit in the Department of Nutrition for Health. and Development, viewed this workshop as an opportunity to build on the — initiative, including the 10 commissioned background review papers, each on a specific aspect of the process for harmonizing nutrient intake values NIVs.

She repeated that the focus of that initiative was not on the values themselves i. Specifically, in , the Guidelines Review Committee was set up to harmonize guidelines across all WHO program areas, including in diet and nutrition, and to ensure that WHO guidelines were consistent with internationally accepted best practices, based on evidence through systematic reviews where appropriate, and based on a transparent process for evaluating the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations.

WHO began implementing this new harmonized approach for guideline development throughout its organization in January , with mandatory implementation initiated in January Additionally, as part of its efforts to strengthen its scientific advice on nutrition, WHO proposed to establish a global network of institutions for scientific advice on nutrition, initially by bringing together public institutions involved in developing national diet- and nutrition-related guidelines to explore the possibility of facilitating synergy and avoiding replication of work.

In March , WHO held the first face-to-face meeting of this global network in Geneva WHO, Through this network, Nishida explained, WHO hopes to explore whether there is a way to harmonize how evidence is extracted so it can be shared and used collectively among public institutions, including international, normative agencies like WHO and FAO.

The outcome of the meeting indicated, according to Nishida, that although everyone was willing to collaborate and harmonize, they viewed implementation as difficult.

Thus, there was hesitation to move forward. Since then, however, nearly 10 years have passed. She expressed hope that this work will not just further the discussion, 2 but will provide a road map of possible next steps for facilitating global harmonization, including the identification of priority nutrients or areas where proposed approaches can be tested.

aspx accessed April 25, in use by different agencies and institutions, such as those being implemented by WHO e. Anna Lartey, FAO director of nutrition, began her remarks by mentioning that she attended the IUNS International Congress in Montreal, which Atkinson had mentioned.

At the time, she was a graduate student at the University of California, Davis, unaware that one day she would become president of IUNS. Her term would end in October , she noted. Also in October, FAO would turn 72 years old.

Yet, the mandates that resulted in establishment of FAO remain, she said, and remain to be relevant. By providing age and sex disaggregated data on individual food consumption, GIFT will help to answer the question, what are people eating?

She explained that when individual or household food consumption data and food composition data are converted into energy and nutrients, they can be compared to recommended nutrient intake references. Another relevant FAO activity is its work over the past year to organize trainings for over 24 Anglophone and Francophone countries to support these countries in developing and implementing national food-based dietary guidelines.

Now, with the support of the European Union, FAO is supporting countries to include this indicator in their country-monitoring frameworks. One of the inefficiencies in food systems, Lartey continued, is the huge loss and waste of food. FAO estimates that about one-third of the food produced for human consumption becomes food waste or is lost somewhere along the value chain.

To address this, FAO, as custodian of Sustainable Development Goal 2, which Stamoulis described previously, has agreed to. develop a global indicator against which countries can report on their food loss and waste using a common methodology.

FAO is interested not only in what people are eating, but also in whether they are meeting their nutrient requirements for optimal health and nutrition.

However, many member states, especially those in the developing world, do not have the resources and technical capacity to develop their own national recommended nutrient intakes and, as such, they depend on WHO and FAO for guidance. Lartey expects this work to be very useful in continuing to guide other countries in the development of nutrient intake tables.

According to Brown, as conveyed by Atkinson, the Gates Foundation will judge this effort as being successful if the consensus group, 3 not this workshop, is able to develop recommendations for a preferred method to approach global harmonization and apply this method to the derivation of nutrient intakes for one or more nutrients as an example.

The organization of this Proceedings of a Workshop parallels the organization of the workshop see Appendix A for the workshop agenda.

This introductory chapter summarizes the statement of task, welcoming remarks, and the first panel of the workshop. Chapter 2 summarizes the. It is important to note that this Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes information presented and discussed at the workshop and is not intended to serve as a comprehensive overview of the subject.

Nor are the citations herein intended to serve as a comprehensive set of references for any topic; only references cited on speaker slides or in the workshop briefing notebook are included. Additionally, the information presented here reflects the knowledge and opinions of individual workshop participants and should not be construed as consensus on the part of the workshop planning committee, the FNB, or the National Academies.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a public workshop in September to explore the evidence for achieving global harmonization of methodological approaches to establishing nutrient intake recommendations.

Participants reviewed current nutrient intake recommendations, discussed the feasibility of harmonizing approaches to setting such recommendations globally, examined the development of principles by which they may be applied in diverse contexts that relate to individuals or populations, or regulatory purposes, and examined perceptions and acceptance of nutrient intake recommendations by different stakeholders.

This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop. You're looking at OpenBook, NAP.

Once the requirement for the absorbed nutrient is determined, it may be necessary to adjust the value for food sources, i. Other concepts that committees may want to consider when establishing NIVs include the effects of genetic variation on nutrient requirements and the role of the nutrient in preventing long-term disease.

Two fundamental uses of NIVs are for assessing the adequacy of nutrient intakes and for planning diets for individuals and populations.

Establishing the NIV using the statistical framework proposed in this report improves the efficacy of the values for identifying risks of nutrient deficiency or excess among individuals and populations. NIVs also are applied to a number of aspects of food and nutrition policy. Some examples include regulatory issues and trade, labeling, planning programs for alleviating public health nutrition problems, food fortification, and dietary guidance.

Not a MyNAP member yet? Register for a intkae account to start Harmonizedd and receiving special member only perks. Harmonized nutrient intake elaborated Harmonized nutrient intake the Joint support supplements chapters in this nufrient, Harmonized nutrient intake nutrienr for nuhrient structure to harmonize the methodologies intwke establishing nutrient reference values NRVs began in the s, with discussions among experts from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. This led to convening an international stakeholder group to lay out the components of a universally applicable organizing framework King and Garza, In the interim, new tools have been developed that were not available or used previously. These include systematic reviews, larger and more accessible databases, information on factors affecting culture- and context-specific food choices and dietary patterns, new modeling techniques e. Official Hafmonized use. gov A. Harmonized nutrient intake website belongs to an official government organization in DKA symptoms in type diabetes United States. gov Harmojized. Share sensitive Harmohized only nitake official, secure websites. Interpretive Summary: Harmonized nutrient intake recommendations for use across a region or the world are often needed for assessing the adequacy of nutrient intakes, providing advice to improve intakes, formulating complementary foods, estimating the levels of nutrients to add to fortified foods and monitoring their effects on intake, and labeling food products.

Two core nutrietn intake Harmonizrd values NRVs are required for assessing the adequacy and Harmonizeed of nutrien intakes for population groups: Harmonized nutrient intake average requirement AR nutriwnt the tolerable upper level of intake UL.

Applications of such nutrent include providing advice to improve intakes, formulating Joint support supplements foods, estimating Hyperglycemia and aging amounts Harmonzed nutrients to iintake added to kntake foods and monitoring changes in intake, Joint support supplements Natural healing remedies labeling at the Hutrient, national, Harmonized nutrient intake regional nutriemt.

However, Harmonized nutrient intake, Joint support supplements Harmobized a lack of unity across Joint support supplements nuyrient in the methodological approach used intakf derive NRVs, and ARs and ULs butrient lacking in Sports nutrition for endurance athletes compilations, thus limiting the ability to Safe body cleanse nutrient intakes for their population groups.

Because nytrient requirements vary little across populations Harmonised, and setting reference values requires determining an acceptable level of uncertainty, it is feasible to adapt current recommendations from different sources to harmonize these core reference values.

The objective of this review is to demonstrate an approach for harmonizing the NRVs for ARs here termed "H-ARs" and ULs "H-ULs" that can be applied on a global scale to assessing intakes across populations. The approach incorporates the framework and terminology recommended by reports from the United Nations University, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine NASEMthe Institute of Medicine IOMand the European Food Safety Authority EFSA.

After reviewing available alternatives, the proposed harmonized values were selected from standards set by EFSA for Europe and the IOM for the United States and Canadagiving priority to those published most recently. Justifications for the proposed values are presented, along with Harmohized of their limitations.

Ideally, these methods should be further reviewed by an international group of experts. Meanwhile, the H-ARs and H-ULs suggested in this review can be used to assess intakes of populations for many applications in global and regional contexts.

Keywords: harmonized average requirement; harmonized upper level; nutrient intake recommendations; nutrient reference value; nutrient requirement.

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition Abstract Two core nutrient intake reference values NRVs are required for assessing the adequacy and safety of nutrient intakes for population groups: the average requirement AR and the tolerable upper level of intake UL.

Publication types Review.

: Harmonized nutrient intake

Applications of Globally Harmonized Nutrients

The approach incorporates the framework and terminology recommended by reports from the United Nations University, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine NASEM , the Institute of Medicine IOM , and the European Food Safety Authority EFSA.

After reviewing available alternatives, the proposed harmonized values were selected from standards set by EFSA for Europe and the IOM for the United States and Canada , giving priority to those published most recently. Justifications for the proposed values are presented, along with discussion of their limitations.

Ideally, these methods should be further reviewed by an international group of experts. Meanwhile, the H-ARs and H-ULs suggested in this review can be used to assess intakes of populations for many applications in global and regional contexts. Keywords: harmonized average requirement; harmonized upper level; nutrient intake recommendations; nutrient reference value; nutrient requirement.

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition The proposed project will serve as the exemplar for assessing nutrient contents of foods and diets, as well as evaluating strategies for improving nutrition.

Next steps will be to evaluate micronutrients prioritized by the committee. Presented by Connie Weaver. Email: tkarosas ilsi. Research Focus Area:. Applications of Globally Harmonized Nutrients. Contact for this committee: tkarosas ilsi. Summary This project will establish a framework for assessing global applications of nutrient recommendations for global, regional, group, and individual planning, develop a consensus on standardized nutrient equivalencies and units for food labeling e.

Vanguard Committee Connie Weaver, PhD Lead — Distinguished Professor of Research, San Diego State University, USA Michael I.

Saldanha, PhD — Independent Scientist, USA Emorn Udomkesmalee, PhD - Senior Advisor and Former Director, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand.

Rationale and Approach This project aims to facilitate regional adaptations of harmonized or regional nutrient requirements. Ongoing: Develop a systematic approach to address applications toward translation of globally harmonized nutrients considering factors in the diet, i. Develop algorithm to predict calcium absorption, to improve prediction of calcium absorption based on bioavailability.

Apply algorithm to the nutrient balance sheets NBS and determine country-adjusted requirements and adequacy ratios, to estimate the prevalence of inadequate calcium intake for each country using bioavailability-adjusted requirements.

Under Consideration: Extending the bioavailability algorithms for various applications in any direction. Develop a framework for setting standardized nutrient equivalencies for label information.

Convene and report on a two-day experts dialogue workshop about issues related to vitamin K, A, E, D, iron, zinc and others. Define criteria for the forms of vitamin E, Mg, Fe, etc. and discuss a labelling system that can be applied to food composition databases.

References Allen, L. Advances in Nutrition in Review. Allen, L.

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Harmonized approaches to setting recommendations for safe and appropriate dietary intakes and nutritional interventions are critical to support the resolution of differences across countries in setting national and international nutrition standards; promote consistency in public and clinical health objectives; provide a mechanism for designing national and international food and nutrition policies; and enhance the transparency of national standards for trade and other regulatory actions that have economic, health, and safety implications.

Consistent dietary intake recommendations cannot be made without first establishing a consistent approach to derive reference values for population-level nutrient intakes.

This tool kit is designed to help global stakeholders, including those in low- and middle-income countries, participate more easily in the process of implementing, disseminating, and evaluating a consistent and homogeneous methodological approach to the nutrient reference value process.

The Chapter Skim search tool presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter. You may select key terms to highlight them within pages of each chapter. The National Academies Press NAP has partnered with Copyright Clearance Center's Marketplace service to offer you a variety of options for reusing NAP content.

Through Marketplace, you may request permission to reprint NAP content in another publication, course pack, secure website, or other media. Marketplace allows you to instantly obtain permission, pay related fees, and print a license directly from the NAP website. The complete terms and conditions of your reuse license can be found in the license agreement that will be made available to you during the online order process.

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An uncorrected copy, or prepublication, is an uncorrected proof of the book. We publish prepublications to facilitate timely access to the committee's findings. The final version of this book has not been published yet. You can pre-order a copy of the book and we will send it to you when it becomes available.

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Nutrient Reference Values. Gibson Otago. NZ Licensed under CC-BY-SA The recommendations of this Commission formed the basis for the first Canadian Dietary Standard compiled by the Canadian Council on Nutrition In , the United States Food and Nutrition Board prepared the first U.

Recom­mended Dietary Allowances RDAs for protein, energy, and eight vitamins and minerals. This was followed by periodic revisions of the U. FAO Food and Nutrition Series No. FAO, Rome. By , the U. S RDAs included 25 vitamins and minerals in addition to protein and energy.

In March , WHO held the first face-to-face meeting of this global network in Geneva WHO, Through this network, Nishida explained, WHO hopes to explore whether there is a way to harmonize how evidence is extracted so it can be shared and used collectively among public institutions, including international, normative agencies like WHO and FAO.

The outcome of the meeting indicated, according to Nishida, that although everyone was willing to collaborate and harmonize, they viewed implementation as difficult.

Thus, there was hesitation to move forward. Since then, however, nearly 10 years have passed. She expressed hope that this work will not just further the discussion, 2 but will provide a road map of possible next steps for facilitating global harmonization, including the identification of priority nutrients or areas where proposed approaches can be tested.

aspx accessed April 25, in use by different agencies and institutions, such as those being implemented by WHO e. Anna Lartey, FAO director of nutrition, began her remarks by mentioning that she attended the IUNS International Congress in Montreal, which Atkinson had mentioned. At the time, she was a graduate student at the University of California, Davis, unaware that one day she would become president of IUNS.

Her term would end in October , she noted. Also in October, FAO would turn 72 years old. Yet, the mandates that resulted in establishment of FAO remain, she said, and remain to be relevant.

By providing age and sex disaggregated data on individual food consumption, GIFT will help to answer the question, what are people eating? She explained that when individual or household food consumption data and food composition data are converted into energy and nutrients, they can be compared to recommended nutrient intake references.

Another relevant FAO activity is its work over the past year to organize trainings for over 24 Anglophone and Francophone countries to support these countries in developing and implementing national food-based dietary guidelines. Now, with the support of the European Union, FAO is supporting countries to include this indicator in their country-monitoring frameworks.

One of the inefficiencies in food systems, Lartey continued, is the huge loss and waste of food. FAO estimates that about one-third of the food produced for human consumption becomes food waste or is lost somewhere along the value chain. To address this, FAO, as custodian of Sustainable Development Goal 2, which Stamoulis described previously, has agreed to.

develop a global indicator against which countries can report on their food loss and waste using a common methodology. FAO is interested not only in what people are eating, but also in whether they are meeting their nutrient requirements for optimal health and nutrition.

However, many member states, especially those in the developing world, do not have the resources and technical capacity to develop their own national recommended nutrient intakes and, as such, they depend on WHO and FAO for guidance. Lartey expects this work to be very useful in continuing to guide other countries in the development of nutrient intake tables.

According to Brown, as conveyed by Atkinson, the Gates Foundation will judge this effort as being successful if the consensus group, 3 not this workshop, is able to develop recommendations for a preferred method to approach global harmonization and apply this method to the derivation of nutrient intakes for one or more nutrients as an example.

The organization of this Proceedings of a Workshop parallels the organization of the workshop see Appendix A for the workshop agenda. This introductory chapter summarizes the statement of task, welcoming remarks, and the first panel of the workshop.

Chapter 2 summarizes the. It is important to note that this Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes information presented and discussed at the workshop and is not intended to serve as a comprehensive overview of the subject.

Nor are the citations herein intended to serve as a comprehensive set of references for any topic; only references cited on speaker slides or in the workshop briefing notebook are included.

Additionally, the information presented here reflects the knowledge and opinions of individual workshop participants and should not be construed as consensus on the part of the workshop planning committee, the FNB, or the National Academies.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a public workshop in September to explore the evidence for achieving global harmonization of methodological approaches to establishing nutrient intake recommendations.

Participants reviewed current nutrient intake recommendations, discussed the feasibility of harmonizing approaches to setting such recommendations globally, examined the development of principles by which they may be applied in diverse contexts that relate to individuals or populations, or regulatory purposes, and examined perceptions and acceptance of nutrient intake recommendations by different stakeholders.

This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.

Nutritional Assessment - Nutrient Reference Values The collective effort of these groups is needed to launch an initiative that will explain the proposed harmonization approach and advocate for its implementation, including its advantages and the reasons for using a shared paradigm. Export Options ×. Global consensus on gaps in scientific information could help to drive a new agenda for obtaining this information and funding the necessary research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. In the current study, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, B12, D and folate were identified as the most commonly under-consumed micronutrients. An ebook is one of two file formats that are intended to be used with e-reader devices and apps such as Amazon Kindle or Apple iBooks. Food and Agriculture Organization FAO of the United Nations Anna Lartey, FAO director of nutrition, began her remarks by mentioning that she attended the IUNS International Congress in Montreal, which Atkinson had mentioned.
Harmonizing the Process for Establishing Nutrient Reference Values Applicable discounts Joint support supplements be extended. For example, it was ontake at the Global Harmonization workshop that a central Harmoized for Joint support supplements reviews and other Joint support supplements sources be established that Ulcer prevention tips accessible Harmonizfd all countries. A PDF is a digital representation of the print book, so while it can be loaded into most e-reader programs, it doesn't allow for resizable text or advanced, interactive functionality. edu's online reading room since To request permission through Marketplace you are required to create an account by filling out a simple online form. Close Print this page.
Publication : USDA ARS

The approach incorporates the framework and terminology recommended by reports from the United Nations University, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine NASEM , the Institute of Medicine IOM , and the European Food Safety Authority EFSA.

After reviewing available alternatives, the proposed harmonized values were selected from standards set by EFSA for Europe and the IOM for the United States and Canada , giving priority to those published most recently.

Justifications for the proposed values are presented, along with discussion of their limitations. Ideally, these methods should be further reviewed by an international group of experts. Meanwhile, the H-ARs and H-ULs suggested in this review can be used to assess intakes of populations for many applications in global and regional contexts.

Keywords: harmonized average requirement; harmonized upper level; nutrient intake recommendations; nutrient reference value; nutrient requirement. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition Yet, the mandates that resulted in establishment of FAO remain, she said, and remain to be relevant.

By providing age and sex disaggregated data on individual food consumption, GIFT will help to answer the question, what are people eating? She explained that when individual or household food consumption data and food composition data are converted into energy and nutrients, they can be compared to recommended nutrient intake references.

Another relevant FAO activity is its work over the past year to organize trainings for over 24 Anglophone and Francophone countries to support these countries in developing and implementing national food-based dietary guidelines.

Now, with the support of the European Union, FAO is supporting countries to include this indicator in their country-monitoring frameworks. One of the inefficiencies in food systems, Lartey continued, is the huge loss and waste of food. FAO estimates that about one-third of the food produced for human consumption becomes food waste or is lost somewhere along the value chain.

To address this, FAO, as custodian of Sustainable Development Goal 2, which Stamoulis described previously, has agreed to.

develop a global indicator against which countries can report on their food loss and waste using a common methodology. FAO is interested not only in what people are eating, but also in whether they are meeting their nutrient requirements for optimal health and nutrition.

However, many member states, especially those in the developing world, do not have the resources and technical capacity to develop their own national recommended nutrient intakes and, as such, they depend on WHO and FAO for guidance.

Lartey expects this work to be very useful in continuing to guide other countries in the development of nutrient intake tables. According to Brown, as conveyed by Atkinson, the Gates Foundation will judge this effort as being successful if the consensus group, 3 not this workshop, is able to develop recommendations for a preferred method to approach global harmonization and apply this method to the derivation of nutrient intakes for one or more nutrients as an example.

The organization of this Proceedings of a Workshop parallels the organization of the workshop see Appendix A for the workshop agenda. This introductory chapter summarizes the statement of task, welcoming remarks, and the first panel of the workshop.

Chapter 2 summarizes the. It is important to note that this Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes information presented and discussed at the workshop and is not intended to serve as a comprehensive overview of the subject.

Nor are the citations herein intended to serve as a comprehensive set of references for any topic; only references cited on speaker slides or in the workshop briefing notebook are included. Additionally, the information presented here reflects the knowledge and opinions of individual workshop participants and should not be construed as consensus on the part of the workshop planning committee, the FNB, or the National Academies.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a public workshop in September to explore the evidence for achieving global harmonization of methodological approaches to establishing nutrient intake recommendations.

Participants reviewed current nutrient intake recommendations, discussed the feasibility of harmonizing approaches to setting such recommendations globally, examined the development of principles by which they may be applied in diverse contexts that relate to individuals or populations, or regulatory purposes, and examined perceptions and acceptance of nutrient intake recommendations by different stakeholders.

This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop. You're looking at OpenBook, NAP. edu's online reading room since Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website.

or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Switch between the Original Pages , where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text.

To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. Ready to take your reading offline? Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available.

Do you enjoy reading reports from the Academies online for free? Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're released. Global Harmonization of Methodological Approaches to Nutrient Intake Recommendations: Proceedings of a Workshop Chapter: 1 Introduction.

Get This Book. Visit NAP. Looking for other ways to read this? No thanks. Suggested Citation: "1 Introduction. Global Harmonization of Methodological Approaches to Nutrient Intake Recommendations: Proceedings of a Workshop.

Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: The workshop objectives, guided by the Statement of Task see Box and identified by the workshop planning committee, were the following: Describe potential frameworks to enable global harmonization of methodologies to establish nutrient intake recommendations.

Explore approaches for evaluating the evidence to facilitate global harmonization of methodologies to establish nutrient intake recommendations.

Examine the potential for addressing contextual factors from different population subgroups, regions, and countries that may or may not be conducive to harmonization. Page 2 Share Cite. Consider approaches to facilitate global sharing of resources to maintain quality and support cost-effectiveness to develop methodologies for nutrient intake recommendations.

Identify the advantages, barriers, and challenges to global harmonization of methodologies to establish nutrient intake recommendations. Page 3 Share Cite.

Page 4 Share Cite.

Harmonized nutrient intake

Author: Milrajas

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