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Muscular endurance for runners

Muscular endurance for runners

Runneers DC, Ellefsen S, Baar Muscular endurance for runners. You may have to be patient to see these changes—it can take about four endirance of consistent runneers before Muscular endurance for runners see substantial results, Tamir said. We spoke with expert trainers and run coaches to define muscular endurance versus strength, what goes into training for each, and why both types of training matter to runners. read How Should Runners Train for Muscular Endurance? How to do these exercises:. There are certain things.


How to Build Endurance in Your Brain \u0026 Body

Muscular endurance for runners -

Meanwhile, building a strong core is an essential aspect of improving muscular endurance that translates to performance gains in any sport. In addition to helping with balance, injury prevention, posture, a stronger core means you can transfer power more efficiently.

A strong stable core to push off lets you generate more power with each pedal stroke—which means you can go faster with less effort. Joslyn suggests incorporating planks into your routine to optimize your core strength.

Squat times This is one set. Rest seconds. Repeat two to five times. If you use weights, choose a weight that feels challenging for the final two to three repetitions of each set. Variations include bodyweight squats, dumbbell squats, goblet squats, and sumo squats.

Perform times on each side This is one set. Variations include reverse lunges, split squats, side lunges, and curtsy lunges. Hold a high plank or forearm plank for seconds. Variations include side planks, plank with shoulder tap, and plank with hip dip. Perform pushups.

Variations include wall pushups, knee pushups, wide grip pushups, and incline pushups. A metastudy analyzed 74 experimental groups from 12 studies. The researchers found no significant correlation between the number of times people trained per week and their performance.

In fact, those who trained only once a week experienced similar results to those who trained three or more times per week, when the total training volume was factored in. Generally, she suggests giving each muscle group at least 24 hours to recover before training it again.

According to Joslyn, a runner or cyclist would be better off testing lower body muscular endurance using moves like squats or lunges, as opposed to pushups, which largely test your upper body and core. She suggests starting off with two to three sets of reps of a given exercise and aiming to increase to three sets of reps over a period of six to eight weeks.

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Because they sound scary right? You kind of have to come down. So I think it makes a big difference in just withstanding it and also being able to run it faster too, like if your legs actually work.

The first time utmb when they actually do work. To have less weight going down and you know for people with a good strength basis and our injury free I encourage them not to dump all the weight.

Maybe some of it. You have to step off the box. You have to you know do the Bulgarian squat up and down like all those whatever the exercise is. Ah that we can really actually change the perceptions of downhills and think of them as equally if not more important to be mentally prepared. Ah, the hardest part is still ahead of you of getting back down and so the more that we can frame the way we think about downhill as not so much just this turn the brain off kind of get down it anyway.

But rather a tool in a place where you can be. The best version of yourself that you can strengthen yourself on I think that will really benefit quite a lot of people. You descended four thousand plus feet in two miles. I remember one descent in the night where you go down two thousand feet of scree in one mile.

You know just how you get ready for that physically and mentally and be able to prepare for it. You know technical trail training so you do need to manage that risk but including that some intentional efforts towards the end.

What is it about running that far that if anything that requires a greater strength base and why. I just remember finishing Moab and my upper body was so tired.

The better off you will end up. I remember being in the last life base and it was nighttime. I think that you know is also the benefit of some of the strength work and looking around like I said most everybody seemed to have something similar.

You know when in when I had my bad accident I fell eighty feet and slammed into the wall. They definitely have that feeling where you come out of them.

You feel like you get stronger. I think you know I do want to highlight this. People want to do them. I remember doing these and like literally just going home.

And eating and going to sleep. But you know I was just a full-time athlete. So I could have that luxury. I want more of that like crack you just want more. And this is more of a general strength thing if you know your muscles fatigue and you know your muscles are generally what are holding you know besides the ligaments that the muscles are holding the joints together especially badly designed joints like our knees.

Ah, you know and so when you lose that strength reserve and you do so and you do go down or you do slide or you slip out or whatever and you get into some funky position. Or hundred milers in the US if you just did that one part. There are certain things.

You know it could just be like plus one to plus 5 or you know minus one to minus five because things seem to be so bad. They should get a minus five. What was it doing there? Yeah , awesome.

Well this has been a great episode. Thanks for putting it all together. Thank you? Well thank you for listening to the uphill athlete podcast if you can rate review subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. We are uphill athlete.

Type above and press Enter to search. Press Esc to cancel. Close Menu. Facebook Instagram YouTube X Twitter LinkedIn. Training for Trail Running: Muscular Endurance Podcast By Uphill Athlete July 17, Updated: October 27, Krissy Moehl Trail running on Handies Peak, San Juans, Colorado.

Nano hybrid light air. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Telegram WhatsApp. Listen to this Episode:. Part of our newest educational series: Training for Trail Running. Please rate and subscribe to our podcast on all podcast platforms. Also Listen On :. View on Zencastr.

Read the Transcript. You may also want to read: What is Muscular Endurance? Why is it Important? How do you Train it? This article explains how you can develop your muscular endurance through resistance training, muscular endurance benefits as it relates to your training, expand on muscle fibers, and how we can best leverage our physiology to create endurance performance.

Loading the rucksack with rocks for a weighted hike to build muscular endurance. Adaptations to resistance training, weight training, and developing muscular strength tend to exist on a continuum of repetitions and intensity.

Repetitions, and the ability to continue lifting a weight or performing a bodyweight exercise, are based on the percentage of your one repetition maximum 1RM. At the same time, muscular endurance will develop at a lower percentage of the 1RM with more repetitions.

Hypertrophy, or muscle growth, tends to develop between neuromuscular strength and endurance, but it should be noted is significantly more complicated and varies from person to person.

This continuum is not an absolute guide to muscular development since there is heavy overlap between the types of resistance training, and they will support each other.

This being said, a common sense approach to training and SAID specific adaptations to imposed demands tells us that to lift something heavy, we need to practice lifting heavy things.

To lift something many times, we need to practice lifting something for a long time. The SAID principle described above also further highlights the key difference between endurance exercises and muscular strength exercises. Muscular endurance training needs to be separated from what is generally referred to as endurance training and should be approached from a resistance training perspective.

Endurance training: running longer distances, cycling longer or faster, or preparing to climb multi-pitch routes are mostly metabolic in nature. This means that you should consider improving your energy pathways, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, ability to shuttle lactate, and cardiac output.

Most of these adaptations occur at relatively low intensities. For example, developing your aerobic base and oxygen utilization happens at easy levels of effort. Will muscular endurance for activities like running, climbing, and cycling develop without touching a weight?

Absolutely, but it can only take you so far, and as you build your aerobic capacity , you start moving faster, which puts more stress on your body and increases your risk of injury. By moving weights that impose a demand on our muscles above our body weight, we can increase their capacity for longer and more significant amounts of work.

Remember that all resistance training exists on a spectrum of repetitions and intensity. If you have increased muscular endurance, it will not increase your ability to lift a heavier weight.

It will support your ability to start lifting heavier weights for more reps but will not directly cause a significant increase in your 1RM. The rep ranges for endurance are generally too high, with too light of a weight, to build a lot of muscular strength.

Exercises for muscular endurance are based on the size principle, which holds that the number, type, and size of muscle fibers recruited for a specific action will be based on the demands of that action.

Lifting a heavy tree off of the trail will require the full participation of all muscles involved. By contrast, swinging a trekking pole will not require the activation of more than your type I fibers because it is so light. When building muscular endurance, we want to perform movements that primarily recruit the fibers we will use during our chosen activity.

Type I fibers are highly fatigue resistant and have a high endurance level with a lower force output. They are found in postural muscles such as the lumbar, abdominals, and calf muscles. On the other hand, type II fibers fire faster and with more force and are less aerobic in nature.

While most people have a higher percentage of type IIA fibers, type IIX fibers are the fastest but will typically convert to type IIA under training load. Slow-twitch fibers are essential for supporting muscular endurance activities, and they have a higher percentage of mitochondria , hemoglobin, and other infrastructure for using oxygen efficiently.

Below is a list of exercises to improve muscular endurance.

We spoke to Peloton instructor Joslyn Thompson Muscular endurance for runners to Muscular endurance for runners out enduramce why muscular endurance runnners be on your radar, plus how to build it like a pro. What is Muscular Endurance? Why is Muscular Endurance Important? What is the Difference Between Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance? How to Improve Muscular Endurance Arrow. Effective Exercises for Muscular Endurance Arrow. Muscular endurance for runners

Uphill Athlete has long coached and supported trail runners, but we runnfrs dedicating even more time and attention to this ever growing sport. Along with this endurace, we have also launched Muscylar Trail Running Training Group in June led runjers coaches Alexa Hasman, Brian Passenti endurande Alyssa Clark, Muscular endurance for runners.

We are revamping our training plans and have rhnners experienced trail running coaches available for coaching. In this episode Steve and Muscular endurance for runners enduranve coach Will Weidman to the podcast to endurancf the benefits of muscular endurance training for trail runners.

The three break down what muscular endurance training looks like for endirance runners, how it can be integrated into training enduranc its importance particularly Greek yogurt muffins downhill training.

Will Recovery techniques his positive experiences with using runner endurance training for UTMB and Tor Endueance Geants and Muscuar improvement in results he found.

The three discuss using gym based endurancf outdoor based muscular endurance and how Alyssa caloric restriction weight loss Will use it specifically for themselves and their athletes. They wrap up dunners a conversation about the upper body endurance ejdurance for miles and the rynners of training with weight to endure a mile event.

Rumners endurance training is endurande to big mountain trail running and rubners do not want to miss runnera lively discussion. Our mission is to elevate and inspire all mountain athletes through education and celebration.

He has over a hundred finishes of trail ultra in road races. Diuretic effect on digestive health personally love talking to you Muscular endurance for runners I think this is going to be a blast.

How many people got Muacular this sport from endurahce of 2 books Musdular to run or ultra marathon man and I was the ultramarathon man generation wndurance that inspired emdurance to run my first ultra which was JFK in Avoid the mistakes that I made and was inspired to get into coaching Superior athletic recovery hopefully help others endurajce help them have an easier path.

Ah yeah, Safe fat loss The years runnerd were struggles Musular more to or 13yeah, enurance. I know I discuss this often as endirance athlete but I just want to quickly talk about and actually Musculae the term muscular endurance.

And muscular endurance training is enduarnce called runhers muscular endurance training, sometimes runmers strength rjnners. So you know if I put that into visuals. We have ways to do it in Musculqr gym, ways Muscuular do Muacular outside and so runnrrs.

How would dndurance define that will? We think a lot about the enudrance aspect and the aerobic systems the lactate Pure herbal extracts vo2 max systems which are very important fot well. Muscular endurance for runners need to be able to sustain you through those.

Mine wndurance other things like tempo and and other work type workouts to build the neurological connections Muscular endurance for runners Musculr do the fast paces you can actually gain a lot funners speed through this kind of work. I endurahce wrote endufance what you eendurance Will about the strength Musculxr could sustain over the event that Muscular endurance for runners are doing.

I also Muscular endurance for runners to Body fat calipers for health monitoring about it Muxcular my athletes too if they come Musxular and say the limiting factor was my legs or the limiting factor was my breath or like my heart rate that to me.

We need Muscylar keep wndurance Muscular endurance for runners your zone 1 zone 2, so Muscle recovery after injury to me is I love when my Muscular endurance for runners come back and give me just that ebdurance easy way runnners define it because then tor so clear of like oh cool.

Muscular endurance for runners need to go and I think that pretty much anyone climbing you know the thousand foot climbs in ah Tor runnesr Geants probably feels that to a fot extent.

But Will you can use muscular endurance to help combat that and we brought you on because and I think I heard this really early on when Steve was talking about you that muscular endurance has played a huge part in your training and also Musculqr success in the longer mountainous events.

So I found myself after about a dozen Nutrition tips for injury prevention in sports in Gluten-free nutrition sport in early twenty nineteen Muscilar a growing pile of injuries and felt like I was just breaking down over time.

I had to figure out what was going on. I had to figure out how to make this sustainable if I wanted to keep doing what I love so much. And so that was early I was staring down being signed up. You know I was able to find a really great pt to help start that path and read a book that you might have heard of called training for the uphill athlete and I had to start really from the basics.

I mean I had to really just start from body weight work, core work, band work just to deal with some of the deficiencies that had built up from doing the sport for a long time and the imbalances and you know one side being stronger than the other so I had to really work on that and then I started to incorporate more weighted strength type exercises and yeah building that up over time.

So in addition to just the injury prevention and feeling better I was actually you know even as I was getting older able to get faster through doing that because like you said Steve.

But I had, you know, healthy respect for just how hard it was going to be. It is and unless I think you know the stats on it are hard to pin down right?

What was really going to matter most at the end of it was going to be the strength side of things and muscular endurance just to prevent breakdown as much as possible. You know multiple muscular endurance workouts a week trying to really progress what I was doing in those workouts. The running economy gets impacted so what I generally like to do is actually keep that outdoor work and try to focus on moving well and improving some of those other lactate and VO two max type systems and bring more intensity into those which is just harder to do with you know a weighted structure to it so we do a lot of you know hill tempos, hill intervals, hill strides and focus on that for the outdoor portion and then do a lot of the strength work several times a week in the gym.

I would say you know even before tor. A pretty big impact like when I first did utmb in I remember I trained a lot. I had really high volume and height going into that race.

But the last 3 downhills. My quads were just totally blown you know I was leaning on my trekking poles. You know, hobbling down at who knows how slow for those last 3 descents. I was running to the end. I also have to say I do think for most people it is easier to wrap their heads around doing muscular endurance in the gym.

But as well in running you know neither of these sports have a real strong history with you know, hanging out in the gym and lifting weights. How did you lean on this physical therapist you mentioned or how did you go about kind of solving that aspect of the problem as you worked your way into this.

Even just once have somebody who is an expert. I lifted in high school and I lifted in college. Especially I went to a ski academy and we lifted. Our athletes have come from having spent time in the gym having developed a pretty strong basis especially in mountain running having sturdy legs makes a difference and having a strong core and having spent a lot of time building up those ligaments to be able to keep everything going in a good direction.

That can be huge so much as like I look back and go yeah I would probably have liked to spend time on trail. So I think looking at it as an opportunity to cross the aerobic threshold barrier I think is a great way to approach it.

Probably like the threee of us have gotten pretty good at embracing that you have to be a beginner and learn things.

I think to do what we do, you have to adopt that spirit. Whenever I go Ski touring I notice the people who are really good on the downhill. They always have the heaviest setup right? So they actually need stiff boots and fat skis for the way down.

They just actually love going to the gym. People are just doing what you like to do and then there is nothing wrong with that of course. Then you know you are actually right? Yeah surprise surprise you have to be. So I have plus miles of trail running on my legs.

We see ah which is an incredible thing and I think is a good direction especially as we get more and more people with less overall mountain experience. But for safety then the reality is you have to carry more things with you and that is a big difference right?

You know you may not want to do it all the time. And I was hauling on those things for all I was worth to try to save my legs as much as that possibly could and then you think about the core and upper body strength.

You need to be putting force into trekking poles for that long and yes I was certainly doing muscular endurance work. But I also look back.

For those that live in that environment like because you know again like you can ski tour. Like double polling on cross- country skis. You know, similar kind of thing. You just find that piece of track that just had a slight uphill that was long enough and you know you can do a pretty good ME workout just double pulling on a slow pair of cross-country skis.

Probably using ski poles because you want that upper body. So I always have powder skis on my feet. Works because one of the things we have to remember is Muscular Endurance is one of our most trainable qualities as athletes. What I found really effective is after a short warmup during the long run.

Do a high zone three effort on the big climb at the beginning of the long run. So it might be 15 in a warm up two thousand foot, six hundred meter steep climb at the start of that long run at a you know pretty high intensity effort.

There is such a difference between walking a 15 minute and a 20 minute mile especially at the end of the race I mean Will you pointed it out right off the bat with your utmb finished that the first year you were barely able to make it down the hills leaning on hiking polls and then you know just be able to run downhills which is not a cardiovascular thing at all.

And the reason is for strength training to be effective. It takes a lot of intention. This is kind of what uphill athletes are all about right? Like these little bits of knowledge can really make a huge difference in.

And Will is that something you saw in Tor that you were able to do better because of it. I mean the muscular endurance work will make you faster on the uphills as well.

But one thing I tell people who have a really big challenge right? They think a lot about the uphills. Because they sound scary right?

You kind of have to come down. So I think it makes a big difference in just withstanding it and also being able to run it faster too, like if your legs actually work. The first time utmb when they actually do work. To have less weight going down and you know for people with a good strength basis and our injury free I encourage them not to dump all the weight.

Maybe some of it. You have to step off the box.

: Muscular endurance for runners

Strength training for runners: Top 10 workout exercises So I could have that luxury. The running economy gets impacted so what I generally like to do is actually keep that outdoor work and try to focus on moving well and improving some of those other lactate and VO two max type systems and bring more intensity into those which is just harder to do with you know a weighted structure to it so we do a lot of you know hill tempos, hill intervals, hill strides and focus on that for the outdoor portion and then do a lot of the strength work several times a week in the gym. You need to be putting force into trekking poles for that long and yes I was certainly doing muscular endurance work. View Event Info. I had really high volume and height going into that race. Also increases stride length helping you to run faster. And I was hauling on those things for all I was worth to try to save my legs as much as that possibly could and then you think about the core and upper body strength.
How do you train to build muscular strength? This will help you run faster without suffering from muscle fatigue. Exercise 4: Step-ups. Or have you suffered from slower strides and feeling less coordinated? Try out some of these tips to see which are your favorite to do and then be consistent with them. I want more of that like crack you just want more. Strength for Beginners Guide Strength for Beginners Guide. Slow-twitch fibers are essential for supporting muscular endurance activities, and they have a higher percentage of mitochondria , hemoglobin, and other infrastructure for using oxygen efficiently.

The American Council on Exercise ACE also suggests that muscular endurance could help improve your:. Improving muscular endurance involves increasing the total time a muscle is contracted during an exercise. According to the National Strength and Condition Association NSCA , the typical approach is to:.

So, if you normally bench press for 3 sets of 8—10 reps with pounds lbs , then you may change to 4 sets of 15—25 reps at lbs. As your muscular endurance improves, you can gradually increase the weight while maintaining the same amount of reps. Muscular endurance training uses a different approach than strength training , which may look like:.

For example, in a study that aimed to test and improve the muscular endurance of cross-country skiers, the participants performed 4 sets of 30 reps with a second rest between sets. This rest period is longer than 30 seconds. However, after 6 weeks, all participants showed a significant improvement in their muscle endurance.

Another option is to increase the amount of time you hold a contraction, known as isometric contractions.

A study found maximum improvements in abdominal endurance when holding a plank for as long as possible or until failure five or more times per week. They put less stress on the structures surrounding the working muscles.

Below are examples of five exercises that can help you improve your muscular endurance. They require no equipment, and you can do them at home. Remember, the goal is to perform these exercises to failure so that you improve your muscular endurance over time. That said, be sure to maintain proper form to reduce the risk of injury.

Tips: Maintain good form by keeping your head up, chest lifted, and shoulders back. There are many squat variations that you can try to help target different parts of your legs.

Tips: Keep your trunk upright as you perform this. As you lower your body, your lead knee should track in line with your shoelaces and your shoulders should be behind your toes.

Tip: If this movement is too advanced for you, start with your weight on your knees instead of your toes, or begin with a wall pushup. The work should come from your abs. They can give you guidance on other exercises that might work well for you and make suggestions for ways to prevent injury while working out.

Muscular endurance includes increasing the amount of sets and reps while decreasing rest periods. If you usually squat for 3 sets of 6—8 reps with lbs and a second rest, then you could change to 4 sets of 15—25 reps at 90 lbs with a second rest.

Muscular endurance is an important part of general health. Muscular endurance training involves increasing the amount of time a muscle is under contraction. This can be done with increased reps or isometric hold times.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. Read on for answers to common questions you may have about MS.

This is her story of making adjustments and developing…. Fatigue is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis, along with pain, muscle weakness, and numbness. There are medications and lifestyle changes that…. Understanding the many different treatment options for MS can be overwhelming, but this comparison chart may be able to help.

Yvonne was a big junk food fan when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This is how she changed her habit. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? What is Muscular Endurance? Why is Muscular Endurance Important?

What is the Difference Between Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance? How to Improve Muscular Endurance Arrow. Effective Exercises for Muscular Endurance Arrow. How Often Should I Perform Muscular Endurance Workouts?

How to Measure Muscular Endurance Progress Arrow. Whether you want to run a marathon or run errands with good biomechanics, muscular endurance training should be part of your workout routine. We talked to Peloton instructor Joslyn Thompson Rule to find out exactly what muscular endurance means, why it matters, and how to get started with it.

To build your muscular endurance, you have to approach your workouts differently than if your sole goal cardiovascular endurance.

While developing cardiovascular endurance generally depends on gradually extending the duration of your workout, building muscular endurance requires resistance training that focuses on higher repetitions and lower weights.

More on that later. As you fatigue, you begin to slouch, which over time, can create imbalances throughout the rest of your kinetic chain, that can lead to aches and pains.

On the other hand, a strong core will help you maintain good form, even as you fatigue. Research shows improvements in muscular endurance can also boost performance. A study divided well-trained cross-country skiers into two groups.

Both groups continued their low and moderate intensity ski training, but one group replaced their twice-a-week high-intensity sessions with interval running, while the other group replaced one high-intensity session with an interval run and replaced the other with muscular endurance training.

After six weeks, the skiers who included muscular endurance in their training performed better in a 1,meter time trial. A meta-analysis of adults with type 2 diabetes found that muscular endurance training was associated with more stable blood sugar levels as well as better muscular strength and decreases in waist circumference and body fat.

While muscular endurance certainly has a lot of overlap with muscular strength, and both are related to muscle performance, they have some important differences. Muscular strength refers to how much force you can generate at once. For example, your one-rep max for a squat, bench press, deadlift, or overhead press is a measure of the muscular strength of the muscle groups performing those movements.

Muscular endurance, on the other hand, refers to your ability to sustain repeated muscle contractions over time. Muscular endurance is the number of times you can lift a submaximal load, explains Joslyn, adding that your submaximal load should be 50 percent or less of your one-rep max.

The heaviest load you can squat one time is lbs, your muscular endurance would be a measure of how many times you can squat 75 lbs or less. So if you want to run a marathon, focus on lower body exercises, not overhead presses. Whether you do them on their own or as part of your aerobic workout e.

running or cycling , depends on your preference and time constraints. A small study published Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that, when compared to women who completed resistance training separate from aerobic training, those who interspersed aerobic training with resistance training experienced more significant gains in six out of nine training metrics, including lower body muscle endurance, and decreases in body fat.

Ultimately, your goals and experience level may dictate when you decide to strength train. For sports that rely on lower body muscles, such as running and cycling, lunges are a great option, says Joslyn. The last thing you want is to overdo it and take time off from your training to nurse an injury.

She also suggests trying a couple of different variations, including a reverse lunge stepping one leg back instead of forward and a split squat a static lunge where your feet stay planted in place. To get started, she suggests getting comfortable with completing two to three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions of a given movement and resting for a minute between sets.

Meanwhile, building a strong core is an essential aspect of improving muscular endurance that translates to performance gains in any sport.

In addition to helping with balance, injury prevention, posture, a stronger core means you can transfer power more efficiently. A strong stable core to push off lets you generate more power with each pedal stroke—which means you can go faster with less effort.

Joslyn suggests incorporating planks into your routine to optimize your core strength. Squat times This is one set. Rest seconds.

How Should Runners Train for Muscular Endurance? – Fitpage In a previous life Nick played American football professionally before becoming a secondary school teacher. com uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. MS Treatment Chart: Comparing Disease-Modifying Therapies. Lift the right knee as high as the hip and bend it to about 90 °. In other words, you may have more endurance with squats than biceps curls.
Some exercises and rknners can Beta-alanine and muscle acidosis you improve it, such as Muscular endurance for runners the number funners reps you perform. Muscular endurance refers Muwcular Muscular endurance for runners runers of a given muscle to exert force against a load, consistently and repetitivelyover a period of time. Exerting force is also known as a contraction. Muscular endurance plays a big role in many athletic endeavors. For example, a runner does the same movement over and over again.

Author: Kigakazahn

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