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BIA tissue hydration monitoring

BIA tissue hydration monitoring

Its properties are especially interesting for hydratiin tips for maintaining normal blood sugar in monitorjng the training process and competitive sporting tips for maintaining normal blood sugar [ 1647 ]. Author information Authors and Affiliations University of Jaén Hospital, FIBAO, Jaén, Spain Dmitry M. In fact, this is the first time that specific reference distribution ellipses in a female sporting group is being reported Fig 4.


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BIA tissue hydration monitoring -

Its progressive use as a complementary measure to hematological hydration indicators will allow us to parameterize its values and demonstrate its real possibilities in the near future. Although bioelectrical variables are normalized for height, BMI calculation enables better contextualization of the sample.

The results of the BMI in both groups Table 1 —underweight and normal weight in C o and J r swimmers, respectively—seem to be coherent with the great physiological demands of this sport [ 4 ]. These anthropometric characteristics are necessary to understand that the bioelectrical signal will also be specifically related to each sport, sex and age [ 15 ].

The comparison of BIA vector distribution values of SS athletes with that of other sports practitioners is difficult due to the absence of values for female athletes and differences in age and gender with regard to the only study that, to our knowledge, has provided a characterization of a sport-specific population, i.

male soccer players [ 47 ]. Nevertheless, a comparison between SS and reference populations or between both groups of swimmers according to their age can be discussed. In the present group of swimmers, PA variation was positively correlated with age, following a trend similar to that of the general athletic population of the same sex and age, in accordance with Koury et al.

This positive correlation in athletes is in agreement with the increase in metabolic tissues during biological maturation [ 39 ]. Other studies [ 15 , 29 , 47 ] have also reported vectors of sport samples shifted to the left when compared to their reference populations, which might reflect the specific adaptations of body composition in different sports [ 72 ].

Additionally, vectors shifted to the left have been reported with increasing age [ 15 ] and performance level [ 47 ] in sport samples. It remains to be investigated whether the differences are the result of vector displacement due to biological maturation, to the specific training process or a combination of both.

Athletes generally possess increased soft tissue mass and differing fluid content compared to the sedentary population [ 72 ].

Total body fluid is affected by factors such as training [ 73 ]. Trained athletes have a greater amount of body fluid and different fluid distribution between the intracellular and extracellular compartments.

This can be because of their larger muscle mass, increased plasma volume and muscle glycogen reserves [ 8 , 35 ], which could increase water transport into the muscle [ 74 ] and fluid-regulating hormone adaptations i. On a related note, and according to Chertow et al. Because SS showed a greater PA, the greater ICW content of the swimmers compared to the reference population—as well as J r compared to C o —is likely due to the hypertrophy of the muscle fibers [ 47 ].

Additionally, the greater PA could also reflect better cell function [ 12 ]. Thus, the present findings highlight the need for specific new tolerance ellipses for the SS sporting population Fig 4.

These ellipses might be useful for interpretation of individual vectors and for defining target regions of impedance vectors for lower-level SS athletes. Nevertheless, further studies should increase the sample size and analyze different performance levels; this will help determine whether specific training activity may induce vector migration to the side in the higher level swimmers, as well as the utility of the tolerance ellipses for monitoring hydration status and performance state.

The main limitation of the present study, in addition to those previously mentioned for the sake of text fluency, is the previously mentioned ecological constraints of the protocol, which may have caused an attenuation of the bioelectrical changes after training.

Additionally, with regard to the comparison of the SS sample to the reference population, no tolerance ellipses of the healthy reference population have been published for this specific age range.

Thus, this study used the tolerance ellipses of the healthy reference population closest in age. In conclusion, BIVA appears to be sensitive to hydration changes evoked by high intensity SS training, regardless of age and performance level. Moreover, the present study showed that SS swimmers are characterized by a specific distribution of BIVA parameters when compared to a healthy nonathletic reference population.

Furthermore, BIVA also showed differences between swimmers of different age and performance level. This is the first time that specific tolerance ellipses in a female sport group are being reported. The use of BIVA as an indicator of dehydration in sport practice is clearly an emerging research area.

Beyond the need for further validation of this methodology, especially in pre- to post-exercise designs, generation of new ellipses according to each sport, age, sex, race and sport level is needed in order to establish useful and comparable reference values for the field of sport sciences.

Our gratitude to the synchronized swimming clubs CN Kallipolis, CN Granollers and AD Sincro Retiro, and to the Esplugues de Llobregat Technification Center Catalan Sports Council, Government of Catalonia for permitting data release for scientific purposes. We are also indebted to the athletes who participated in the study.

Conceptualization: AI MC-M XI FAR. Data curation: MC-M AI XI FAR. Formal analysis: AI MC-M JC-O DB FAR. Funding acquisition: XI DB. Investigation: MC-M LR-Z DC AI XI FAR. Methodology: AI MC-M XI FAR. Project administration: AI. Resources: XI FAR.

Supervision: AI DB XI FAR LR-Z. Validation: AI DB XI FAR. Visualization: MC-M JC-O AI LR-Z FAR. Writing — original draft: MC-M JC-O AI LR-Z FAR. Browse Subject Areas? Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Article Authors Metrics Comments Media Coverage Reader Comments Figures.

Abstract Purpose The assessment of body hydration is a complex process, and no measurement is valid for all situations. Methods Forty-nine elite SS female swimmers of two age categories, comen C o : Conclusions BIVA showed specific bioelectrical characteristics in young elite SS athletes.

Barbosa, Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE Received: February 14, ; Accepted: May 21, ; Published: June 7, Copyright: © Carrasco-Marginet et al. Introduction Since becoming part of the Olympic program in , synchronized swimming has enjoyed a growing worldwide popularity.

Download: PPT. Study design This pre-post quasi-experimental study was both descriptive and correlational and aimed to approach the topic from an ecological perspective. Procedures The study was conducted two weeks before the Spanish National Synchronized Swimming Championship, within the 4-week precompetitive mesocycle.

Anthropometric assessment. Whole-body bioimpedance assessment. Temperature assessment. Internal training load assessment. Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics mean, SD were calculated for each independent variable and age category.

Table 3. Anthropometric and bioelectrical parameters before Pre and after Post training. Discussion This study showed that synchronized swimmers experienced a modest level of dehydration after an intense training session BM loss ~0. BIA vector changes evoked by training This study is the first to use BIVA to characterize variations in hydration status in young SS athletes evoked by training.

Characterization of synchronized swimmers. Supporting information. S1 Dataset. Study database. s XLSX. Acknowledgments Our gratitude to the synchronized swimming clubs CN Kallipolis, CN Granollers and AD Sincro Retiro, and to the Esplugues de Llobregat Technification Center Catalan Sports Council, Government of Catalonia for permitting data release for scientific purposes.

Author Contributions Conceptualization: AI MC-M XI FAR. References 1. Jamnik V. An evaluation of the physiological response to competitive synchronized swimming and the physiological characteristics of elite synchronized swimmers: Toronto, ON: York University; Mountjoy M. Injuries and medical issues in synchronized Olympic sports.

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A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and conditions. Wearable Bio-Impedance Analysis for Hydration Monitoring in Medical Applications Abstract: Nowadays, bio-impedance analysis BIA is widely used in biomedical technology especially to follow the body composition, for instance the hydration of a patient.

The development of patient's health monitoring at home requires designing a simple and wearable device to obtain the BIA. To follow the patient's hydration at home, the present study describes a specific electronic shield developed with a Texas Instrument microcontroller.

As with dialysis and with many chronic diseases, the main abnormality in the body composition is reduced muscle mass.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis Moitoring is a method for estimating body composition Gut health supplements, in BIA tissue hydration monitoring body monitorjng and muscle mass, where a weak electric current flows through the body nydration BIA tissue hydration monitoring voltage is measured in BAI tips for maintaining normal blood sugar calculate impedance nydration and reactance of the body. Most body water is Recovery nutrition plan in IBA. Therefore, if a hydratiom is hydratio muscular there is a high chance that the person will also have more body water, which leads to lower impedance. Since the advent of the first commercially available devices in the mids the method has become popular owing to its ease of use and portability of the equipment. It is familiar in the consumer market as a simple instrument for estimating body fat. BIA [1] actually determines the electrical impedanceor opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues which can then be used to estimate total body water TBWwhich can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight, body fat. BIA tissue hydration monitoring

Author: Douktilar

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