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Bloating reduction tips and tricks

Bloating reduction tips and tricks

Redction Ullman tpis a freelance editor Isotonic drink for rehydration Insider Reviews, focusing on Health Updates. Other medicinal bitters claimed to aid with digestion include dandelion, gentian root, burdock, yellow dock, and Angelica. Though exercise is a proven bloat-buster, we don't blame you if you just can't swing an intense sweat session when your midsection feels like a balloon. Health Information Policy. How we reviewed this article: Sources.

Bloating reduction tips and tricks -

Going counter-clockwise could make your problem worse. Here are some tips to make your massage more effective:. Do the massage at least once a day to see if it reduces your bloating. There are many drugstore medications that could help relieve your gastrointestinal symptoms. They are typically how to reduce bloating overnight.

Medicines containing simethicone—like GasX—are effective at relieving bloating caused by gas. Pepto Bismol contains bismuth subsalicylate. The medicine reduces bloat caused by overindulging in food and lactase aids like Lactaid reduce bloating due to a dairy intolerance.

You can often find these medications in local pharmacies or grocery stores. Ask a pharmacist if you are unsure which one to try. Frequent bloating could mean you need a long-term solution. Here are changes you can make to reduce chronic bloat.

Gas is a common cause of bloating and can be easy to avoid with a change in diet. Try eliminating different greens to reduce bloating from vegetables. The same goes for fruits and grains. You can try a low-FODMAP diet. It reduces the amount of fermentable foods as well as those with oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols you eat.

It is an elimination diet to determine which foods cause your bloating so you know what to avoid to prevent it. The following are examples of foods eliminated throughout the diet. When you discover which foods cause your bloating, you can avoid them to reduce it. Another option is to avoid foods and beverages that cause excess air to gather in your stomach and intestines.

Chewing gum, drinking soda, and sparkling water all encourage air to enter your gastrointestinal tract. It can also happen when you drink through a straw. As air travels through the system, it causes gas and bloating.

A large meal is often the culprit of bloating. You might think that three meals a day is best and you would not be the only one. For years, research indicated that eating three moderately-sized meals was the best way to go.

However, recent research indicates that this likely is not the case. By eating four or five smaller meals, you can stay satisfied and avoid overeating. These effects can lead to more stable blood sugars, weight loss, and more consistent energy throughout the day.

By incorporating complex carbs , protein, healthy fats , fruits, and vegetables, you can get all the nutrients you need throughout the day without feeling bloated. Constipation is a common cause of bloating and increasing the amount of fiber you eat can help relieve it.

Fiber is a carbohydrate that serves as a tool for your body to digest foods. There are two types of fiber and both have positive health impacts. While soluble fiber can help you feel less hungry, insoluble fiber can help with the bloating caused by constipation.

Foods with soluble fiber include black beans, lima beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocados , sweet potatoes, turnips, pears, figs, apricots, apples, and carrots. Adults need fewer than 2, milligrams of sodium per day. However, the U. Food and Drug Administration FDA reports that the average American consumes more than 3, If you feel bloated a lot, it could be because your sodium intake is too high.

It is easy to eat too much sodium because it is abundant in ultra-processed food. Both fast food and packaged grocery store foods tend to contain a lot of it. Grains and meats are the largest culprits but soups, crackers, salad dressing and more can also contribute to increased sodium levels.

Salt causes your body to retain water which is a cause of bloating. By watching the amount of sodium you take in, the bloating should gradually decrease. When you smoke, you take in much more air than the average person. As you breathe in from a cigarette or vape pen, the air can travel into your digestive tract, causing you to bloat.

Trying to quit smoking overnight can lead to dangerous side effects so take it slow. Speak with your healthcare provider or an addiction specialist who can help you safely wean off of nicotine and get you out of the habit of reaching for it. Quitting nicotine can also increase your appetite, providing more opportunities to take in fiber which can also reduce your bloating.

Occasionally, bloating could mean that something more serious is going on in your body. It is a symptom of many health conditions. Your bloating combined with other symptoms could be a sign of IBS, celiac disease , Crohn's disease , ulcerative colitis , gastrointestinal blockage, endometriosis, gastritis, ascites, cancer, and pancreatic insufficiencies.

It is unlikely for bloating to lead to one of these health conditions, but it is important to be aware of them so you know to visit your healthcare provider if something seems off.

For many of these conditions, prompt treatment is the key to a positive outcome. You should see your healthcare provider if you experience the following:. These could be signs that something serious is going on that you can not fix by yourself.

Bloating is a condition that makes your abdomen feel too full or stretched out. There are many causes, ranging from minor to severe. By experimenting with different short-term and long-term remedies, you can help your body avoid bloat.

If other concerning symptoms arise, consult with your healthcare provider. Duffy EY, Hiremath PG, Martinez-Amezcua P, et al. Opportunities to improve cardiovascular health in the new American workplace.

American Journal of Preventive Cardiology. AXA Health. Exercises to improve digestion. Buffey AJ, Herring MP, Langley CK, Donnelly AE, Carson BP.

The acute effects of interrupting prolonged sitting time in adults with standing and light-intensity walking on biomarkers of cardiometabolic health in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Sports Med. University of Michigan Health. The autonomic nervous system and how to control it. Wang G, Zhang Z, Sun J, et al.

The composition varies depending on the type of intestinal gas. Gas is caused by various factors, the most common of which are eating behaviors and the bacterial fermentation of certain foods.

The colon is filled with bacteria, yeasts and fungi, which break down the foods not digested by the small intestine, mostly different forms of carbohydrates.

These bacteria particularly enjoy undigested carbohydrates, and the fermentation leads to gas production, hydrogen and methane expelled as flatus. Lactose is one of the most common sources of gas-causing carbohydrate, affecting people who are "lactose intolerant," meaning they do not have the enzyme lactase needed to digest the carbohydrate.

Typically, lactose is found in dairy products. Beans are the second most common carbohydrate implicated in gas production. The indigestible carbohydrate in beans that typically causes flatus is raffinose. Eating behaviors and other habits such as gum chewing, gulping foods and drinking with eating can cause us to swallow air.

Bulky foods such as lettuce, cabbage, and dense breads not chewed into small enough pieces increase swallowed air.

Typically, swallowed air contains oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It tends to not have a foul smell, but it does contribute to the discomfort associated with gas. People vary widely in how sensitive they are to gas production.

Keeping a food record to document incidences of gas in relation to foods eaten can shed light on whether food or behavior may be aggravating the situation. Bloating is a sensation that makes the abdomen feel larger than normal.

The abdomen doesn't get physically bigger until its volume increases by one quart, so the bloated feeling may occur, but the abdomen is not distended.

Intestinal gas may cause the feeling of bloating. It is important not to completely omit foods from the diet that may cause gas. As we know, a high-fiber diet is important for bowel regularity and colon health, so it is well worth the patience it may take to slowly build up tolerance to these types of carbohydrates.

Start by adding the offending high-fiber food in smaller quantities, such as a half cup or less. Be sure that fluid intake and activity levels are adequate, as they help to move foods through the digestive tract.

Many advertisements tout medications or remedies that reduce gas and bloating. Some have been shown to be of value in clinical studies, others have not yet been proven scientifically but are anecdotally helpful.

Before trying anything, you may want to consult with your physician. Two products on the market can help with food-related gas and bloating. Both products are packaged forms of the enzymes needed to break down the problematic carbohydrates. Lactase, found in products such as Dairy Ease and Lactaid, can be taken with dairy foods to help break down lactose and lessen gas.

Beano helps digest the indigestible carbohydrate in beans and other gas-producing vegetables. In most situations, occasional gas and abdominal discomfort does not require medical attention. Over- the-counter products, or a self-assessment of habits and changes in eating behaviors can help remedy the situation.

However, you should seek medical attention when there is an increase in frequency, location or severity of the symptoms, or if they are accompanied by weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting or heartburn.

Mayo Clinic offers appointments redjction Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Anti-bloat foods Bloating reduction tips and tricks Health System locations. Hricks, gas and bloating can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here's Stress relief through counseling causes these signs and Gips — amd how you can minimize them. Belching or passing gas, also called flatus, is natural and common. Excessive belching or flatus, along with bloating, pain or swelling of the belly, can sometimes interfere with daily activities or cause embarrassment. But these symptoms usually don't point to a serious underlying condition and are often reduced with simple lifestyle changes. When belching, gas or bloating interferes with your daily activities, there may be something wrong.

Bloating reduction tips and tricks -

Exercise, supplements, massage, dietary changes, and other strategies can all help reduce bloating quickly. In this article, we provide techniques for getting rid of bloating quickly and explain how to reduce bloating in the long term. Bloating causes the belly to look larger than usual, and it may also feel tender or painful.

Fluid retention in the body can also lead to bloating. The best way to tackle bloating is to determine its cause. Other common triggers for bloating include:. Learn more about the causes of bloating. Bloating usually happens when excess gas builds up in the stomach or intestines.

When bloating occurs right after a meal, it usually resolves itself, but it is often possible to speed up this process. Many home remedies can help to manage the pain and discomfort of bloating.

The following quick tips may help people get rid of a bloated belly quickly:. Physical activity can get the bowels moving more regularly, which can help to release excess gas and stool. Getting the bowels to move is especially important if a person is feeling constipated.

A walk around the block can provide fast relief from gas pressure. Certain yoga poses can position the muscles in the abdomen in a way that encourages the release of excess gas from the GI tract. This can reduce bloating. Learn more about yoga poses for flatulence. Peppermint oil capsules may also be helpful for indigestion and related gas.

Manufacturers usually market them as a treatment for the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS , but people without IBS can also use them to relieve bloating.

Peppermint works by relaxing the intestinal muscles, which allows gas and stool to move along more effectively. People should always follow the instructions on the packet. Anyone who is prone to heartburn may need to avoid peppermint.

Simethicone pills and liquid are anti-gas medications that can help to move excess air out of the digestive tract. It is essential to always take medication according to the instructions on the label.

Massaging the abdomen can help to get the bowels moving. A massage that follows the path of the large intestine is especially helpful. People can follow the steps below to do this:. A study from tested the effectiveness of supplements containing a combination of fennel and curcumin essential oil in people with mild-to-moderate IBS.

After 30 days, people reported an improvement in their IBS symptoms, including bloating and abdominal pain. People should not consume essential oils without speaking to a doctor first.

This is because some formulations may be toxic or can interfere with medication, and there is no regulation of dosages. The heat of the bath can provide relief for a sore abdomen. Relaxation can reduce stress levels, which may allow the GI tract to function more effectively and help reduce bloating.

Quick fixes are not always effective for some causes of bloating. However, people who have frequent bloating may find that certain lifestyle changes can tackle the causes and reduce bloating over time.

Eating more fiber helps to prevent constipation and bloating. However, it is important to bear in mind that eating too much fiber or increasing fiber intake too quickly can cause even more gas and bloating. Most nutritionists recommend that adults eat about 18—38 grams g of fiber a day.

When increasing fiber intake, it is best to start slowly and increase the intake over several weeks to allow the body to adjust to this change in the diet. Fizzy, carbonated drinks contain gas that can build up in the stomach. The carbon dioxide that makes soda and similar beverages fizzy can also cause bubbling and bloating in the stomach.

The sugar alcohols in gum can cause bloating in some people. Swallowing air while chewing also may lead to bloating and gas pain. People can use ginger mints or peppermints to freshen their breath instead. Exercise helps your body move stool and gas out of the colon and may make bowel movements more regular.

Exercise also releases extra sodium from the body through sweating, which can help to relieve water retention. It is vital to drink plenty of water before and after exercising to stay hydrated, as dehydration can make constipation worse.

Many people experience bloating directly after a big meal. It is possible to avoid this by eating several smaller meals each day, which can help to keep the digestive system moving. Swallowing food quickly can introduce air into the digestive tract.

Drinking from a straw can also lead to people swallowing more air, which in turn leads to gas and bloating. People who have bloating should avoid using straws if possible and try eating slowly to avoid swallowing air during meals. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in the intestines.

Taking a probiotic supplement may help regulate the colon bacteria that can produce gas and cause bloating. An excess of sodium causes the body to retain water. This can cause a swollen and bloated feeling in the belly and other areas of the body, such as the hands and feet.

In some cases, bloating may result from a medical condition. To get rid of this bloating, a person may need help from a doctor to diagnose and manage their condition. Irritable bowel syndrome IBS , can also cause this symptom. Gynecological conditions, such as endometriosis and ovarian cysts , can also cause pain, swelling, and feelings of bloating in the abdominal area.

People with these symptoms should discuss them with a doctor, who will also want to know about any relevant family medical history and other medical conditions. The doctor may order diagnostic tests to look for any problems. These may include an X-ray, ultrasound , colonoscopy, or blood tests.

Trying an elimination diet such as the low FODMAP diet might help a person exclude specific foods that are causing bloating. However, this should be done in consultation with a doctor or a dietician.

FODMAPs are a type of carbohydrate that occurs in many different foods. Spice Up Your Love Life. Navigate All Kinds of Connections. Get Fit. How to Create a Home Gym. Personal Tech. Store Medical Records on Your Phone? Tech Tips.

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A swollen, bloated abdomen can make your whole body feel heavy and weigh down your mood. While there are many smart strategies for preventing bloating, sometimes it happens, and you just want to feel better fast.

You might have noticed that your midsection is blowing up more often. Among the reasons that bloating occurs, one important factor is age. AARP Membership. Get instant access to members-only products and hundreds of discounts, a free second membership, and a subscription to AARP The Magazine.

Join Now. Uncomfortable bloat could come from several issues, or a combination of them, including a lack of fiber in your diet, irritable bowel syndrome IBS , a food intolerance or small intestine bacterial overgrowth SIBO or a serious condition such as colon cancer.

There are also many foods that can trigger bloating. Dairy products, broccoli, beans, lentils and other high-fiber foods, artificial sweeteners and carbonated drinks are just a few examples.

Bloating is a common symptom, says Amy Bragagnini, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It is important to have a few strategies to relieve gas and bloating and improve digestion.

A few minutes of low-impact exercise, like walking, can help your body digest and expel extra air, Torkos explains. Walking helps to strengthen muscles in the gut and stimulates the movement of waste through the colon.

You don't need to exercise for long — a to minute walk is sufficient, Smith adds. A study published in Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench concluded that short-term physical activity could be effective in relieving abdominal bloating symptoms.

Privacy Policy. You can place a hand over your middle to feel the abdomen move up and down, which means you are breathing from the diaphragm, she says. Target Optical. This increases involuntary contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine  peristalsis , relaxes the body and helps damp down the perception of signals from the gut, she says.

The position of your midsection can help or hinder peristalsis. Begin by kneeling on the floor, Next, lean forward, keeping your butt on your heels, and rest your forehead on the floor, with your arms by your sides on the floor, palms facing the ceiling.

Hold the pose for deep breaths. Happy Baby pose is another option: Lie on your back and bend your knees to your chest, with the bottoms of your feet facing the ceiling. Grab the bottom of your left foot, or left ankle, with your left hand, and hold your right foot or ankle with the other.

Hold position for deep breaths. Try placing a hot-water bottle or compress on your belly as you lie on your back. Alternatively, take a warm bath. Relaxation can lead to relief, according to Smith. Lying on your back, give yourself a gentle abdominal massage to help increase peristalsis, suggests Smith.

Trace your colon with your hands. Starting on the right side, massage across, under the ribs, and then down the left side, and over the middle. Slow breathing may enhance the exercise. Certain herbs deliver carminative gas-relieving properties that can help expel gas.

Chamomile is medicinal herb and antioxidant that has long been considered a nerve-calmer as well as a digestive relaxant. Get instant access to members-only products and hundreds of discounts, a free second membership, and a subscription to AARP the Magazine.

If you are nervous because there are people around you, such as coworkers, you may be too tense to allow your body to expel gas. But holding in gas may increase tension and abdominal pain.

Walk away as soon as you can; a change of scenery may help you relax. If you are worried about a foul odor, consider using a flatulence deodorizer pad, Torkos says. These reusable cloth pads made of activated charcoal help to neutralize the smell of gas.

They are inserted into your underwear and stay in place with two-sided tape. Peppermint oil comes in small capsules with coating that helps avoid heartburn and delay their digestion. Peppermint is a natural antispasmodic that can help muscles relax, according to UCLA gastroenterologist Didi Mwengela, M.

And see a doctor if symptoms persist. These products are not long-term solutions. Just started taking a new-to-you medication? The unfamiliar drug may be behind your bloat. Constipation-related gas and bloating is a side effect of many medications.

Work with your doctor to figure out if the medication, the dose or the way you take it is causing constipation, gas or bloating. It may be a temporary side effect. Note: Do not adjust or stop any medication without consulting your doctor. Depending on the cause, and your individual case, a gastroenterologist GI should be able to help you ease the severity of the bloating that you are experiencing.

These doctors specialize in digestive disorders and use prescription medications such as antibiotics, antispasmodics and neuromodulators to help treat symptoms and underlying conditions.

According to Mwengela, there is a very good chance that a GI can help you improve your health and feel much better. The American College of Gastroenterology offers an online tool to help you locate a GI doctor near you. Denise Maher is a reporter, writer and editor who covers integrative medicine, reproductive health, chronic pain, autoimmune disease and other consumer health topics.

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Natalie Tipe, MS, RD, LDN Brigham and Women's Hospital Previously Isotonic drink for rehydration on Intelihealth. Onion in skin and hair care all have gas. Yet, we're deduction to trickd it to Isotonic drink for rehydration providers and friends in social conversation. Ten percent to 20 percent of adults have the digestive complaints of belching or flatulence. Here's the good news: bloating or gas doesn't necessarily mean there is something wrong with digestion. But to minimize gas and its embarrassment, the first areas to focus on are diet and eating habits. The three most common ways of expelling gas are burping, abdominal bloating, and flatus.


Tips to reduce belly bloat

Author: Vosar

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